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To validate the immune protective efficacy of pORF5 DNA vaccine and to analyze potential mechanisms related to this protection. In this study, pORF5 DNA vaccine was constructed and evaluated for its protective immunity in a mouse model of genital chlamydial infection. Groups of BALB/c mice were immunized intranasally with pORF5 DNA vaccine. Humoral and cell mediated immune responses were evaluated. The clearance ability of chlamydial challenge from the genital tract and the chlamydia-induced upper genital tract gross pathology and histopathological characterization were also detected. The results showed that the total and the IgG2a anti-pORF5 antibody levels in serum were significantly elevated after pcDNA3.1-pORF5 vaccination, as were the total antibody and IgA levels in vaginal fluids. pcDNA3.1-pORF5 induced a significantly high level of Th1 response as measured by robust gamma interferon (IFN-γ). Minimal IL-4 was produced by immune T cells in response to the re-stimulation with pORF5 protein or the inactive elementary body in vitro. pcDNA3.1-pORF5-vaccinated mice displayed significantly reduced bacterial shedding upon a chlamydial challenge and an accelerated resolution of infection. 100% of pcDNA3.1-pORF5 vaccinated mice successfully resolved the infection by day 24. pcDNA3.1-pORF5-immunized mice also exhibited protection against pathological consequences of chlamydial infection. The stimulated index was significantly higher than that of mice immunized with pcDNA3.1 and PBS (P<0.05). Together, these results demonstrated that immunization with pORF5 DNA vaccine is a promising approach for eliciting a protective immunity against a genital chlamydial challenge.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨不同免疫途径沙眼衣原体(Chlamydia trachomatis,Ct)分泌性蛋白Pgp3的免疫保护效果,分析其可能的保护机制,以确定Pgp3蛋白疫苗在Ct疫苗研制中的应用价值。【方法】分泌性蛋白Pgp3经滴鼻或肌注途径免疫雌性Balb/c小鼠,免疫60 d后,阴道接种鼠沙眼衣原体(Chlamydia muridarum,Cm)建立生殖道感染动物模型,在该模型中评价Pgp3蛋白疫苗抗Cm感染的保护效果,并探讨其机制。【结果】滴鼻或肌注免疫后,小鼠血清及生殖道中检测到了特异性抗体;小鼠脾淋巴细胞产生IFN-γ、IL-17及IL-5水平均明显高于对照组,且滴鼻免疫组IFN-γ水平升高较肌注组更显著(P<0.05);Pgp3蛋白滴鼻免疫组小鼠经Cm生殖道感染后,阴道带菌时间明显缩短,输卵管病理改变轻而肌注免疫组其保护作用不明显。【结论】Pgp3蛋白经滴鼻免疫可有效诱导小鼠产生明显的抗Cm保护效应。其可能的免疫保护机制与诱导Th1型为主的细胞免疫应答及高效价的特异性抗体有关,提示Pgp3蛋白疫苗具有潜在的疫苗研究与开发价值。  相似文献   

衣原体(Chlamydia)是一类具有独特的两相发育周期、专性细胞内寄生的革兰阴性菌,能引起人类多种疾病。pORF5是衣原体隐蔽性质粒编码的分泌性效应蛋白。近年来研究证实,pORF5质粒编码蛋白是衣原体重要的毒力蛋白,与衣原体致病密切相关。现就衣原体pORF5质粒编码蛋白的生物学特性、致炎性作用、抗凋亡作用及促自噬作用作一概述。  相似文献   

为研究针对结核分枝杆菌潜伏感染的DNA疫苗,基于质粒A39构建了p-VAX1-Ag85B-Rv3425-Rv2029c-PPE26 (V569)质粒DNA,并对其免疫原性及保护性进行初步研究。免疫性评价试验共分6组:PBS、p-VAX1-Ag85B(A)、p-VAX1-Ag85B-Rv3425(A3)、A39、V569和BCG,采用左后腿肌内注射C57BL/6小鼠,用流式细胞术和酶联免疫吸附试验(enzyme linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)分别检测细胞免疫和体液免疫水平;构建斑马鱼-海分枝杆菌潜伏感染模型,将PBS、A、A3、A39、BCG、V569分别通过腹腔注射免疫斑马鱼后,每日注射地塞米松10ug诱导海分枝杆菌复发感染,对斑马鱼肝脏进行菌落计数并绘制生存曲线。结果显示,与BCG组相比,V569能引发实验小鼠强烈的细胞免疫反应(IFN-γ高水平分泌),外周血CD4/CD8 T细胞比例明显增加。在斑马鱼-海分枝杆菌潜伏感染复发模型中,与BCG 免疫组相比,V569免疫斑马鱼后可显著减少其肝脏中海分枝杆菌数量,斑马鱼存活情况得到显著改善,表明V569 DNA疫苗可能是一种抗结核潜伏感染的候选DNA疫苗。  相似文献   

为研制抗血吸虫疫苗提供实验依据,探讨了抗血吸虫SjGST-32核酸疫苗与蛋白疫苗联合免疫的免疫增强效应及免疫应答特征。将日本血吸虫DNA疫苗VR1012-SjGST-32与重组蛋白疫苗rSjGST-32分别在第0、2和4周免疫小鼠,在第6周攻击感染日本血吸虫尾蚴,攻击感染45 d后剖杀小鼠,计算减虫率、检卵率以及检测肝脏病理变化,观察免疫保护效果;检测小鼠血清中特异性IgG抗体滴度,T细胞增殖反应和抗原特异性CD4+IFN-γ+、CD4+IL-4+和CD4+IL-10+的数量,探讨免疫应答特征。结果显示,DNA初免-蛋白加强的联合免疫组的保护作用优于单独免疫组,显著提高了减虫率(42.3%)和减卵率(59.6%),并且能够显著减轻血吸虫虫卵对肝脏的病理损害;进一步发现,DNA疫苗和蛋白疫苗联合应用增强了机体T淋巴细胞增殖反应、抗体IgG滴度以及抗原特异性CD4+IFN-γ+的产生。这些研究为新型血吸虫疫苗的优化设计和合理应用提供了依据。  相似文献   

We evaluated the immunogenicity and efficacy of a candidate vaccine comprising the major outer membrane protein (MOMP) multi-epitope of Chlamydia trachomatis. A short gene of muiti-epitope derived from MOMP containing multiple T- and B-cell epitopes was artificially synthesized. The recombinant plasmid pET32a(+) containing codon optimized MOMP multi-epitope gene was constructed. Expression of the fusion protein Trx-His- MOMP multi-epitope in Escherichia coli was confirmed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and western blot analysis. Balb/c mice were inoculated with the purified fusion protein subcutaneously three times with 2-week intervals. Results showed that the MOMP multiepitope elicited not only strong humoral immune responses to C. trachomatis by generating significantly high levels of specific antibodies (lgG1 and IgG2a), but also a cellular immune response by inducing robust cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses in mice. Furthermore, the MOMP multi- epitope substantially primed secretion of IFN-γ, revealing that this vaccine could induce a strong Thl response. Finally, the mice vaccinated with the MOMP multi-epitope displayed a reduction of C. trachomatis shedding upon a chlamydial challenge and an accelerated clearance of the infected C. trachomatis. In conclusion, the MOMP multi- epitope vaccine may have the potentiality for the development of effective prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines against the C. trachomatis infection.  相似文献   

Dengue virus (DENV) is a mosquito-borne virus with a rapid spread to humans, causing mild to potentially fatal illness in hundreds of millions of people each year. Due to the large number of serotypes of the virus, there remains an unmet need to develop protective vaccines for a broad spectrum of the virus. Here, we constructed a modified mRNA vaccine containing envelope domain III (E-DIII) and non-structural protein 1 (NS1) coated with lipid nanoparticles. This multi-target vaccine induced a robust antiviral immune response and increased neutralizing antibody titers that blocked all four types of DENV infection in vitro without significant antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). In addition, there was more bias for Th1 than Th2 in the exact E-DIII and NS1-specific T cell responses after a single injection. Importantly, intramuscular immunization limited DENV transmission in vivo and eliminated vascular leakage. Our findings highlight that chimeric allogeneic structural and non-structural proteins can be effective targets for DENV vaccine and that they can prevent the further development of congenital DENV syndrome.  相似文献   

Synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides containing unmethylated CpG motifs (CpG-ODN) have been characterized as Th1-promoting immunopotentiators, an adjuvant activity desirable for vaccination against intracellular parasites like Toxoplasma gondii. In an attempt to find new antigen–adjuvant combinations that enhance the immunogenicity of antigen candidates for toxoplasma vaccines, we analyzed the extent of protection in mice immunized with ROP2 and GRA4 recombinant proteins when co-administered with CpG-ODN. Both GRA4 + CpG-ODN and ROP2 + CpG-ODN formulations were shown to induce a strong humoral Th1-biased response characterized by a high IgG2a to IgG1 antibody ratio. Both vaccination regimens led to increased secretion of IFN-γ and IL-10, and negligible amounts of IL-4, upon specific re-stimulation of spleen cells from these groups of mice. After a non-lethal challenge with tissue cysts of a moderately virulent strain, only the brains from mice vaccinated with ROP2 or GRA4 in combination with CpG-ODN showed a significant reduction (63% and 62%, respectively) in their parasite load compared to the controls. The rate of protection obtained with GRA4 + ROP2 + CpG-ODN resulted equivalent (66%) to those achieved with the single antigens plus CpG-ODN. Taken together, these results indicate that CpG-ODN is an important candidate adjuvant for use in potential multicomponent anti-T. gondii vaccines for animals and humans.  相似文献   

Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) causes severe encephalitis in humans. It is endemic in one area of Japan; however no commercial vaccine is available in that country. In this Japan-based study, the efficacy of subviral particles (SPs) of TBEV administered by needle-free injector was evaluated as a vaccine candidate. Inoculation with SP-encoding DNA by needle-free injector induced neutralizing antibodies more efficiently than when administered by needle and syringe, and mice vaccinated with one dose by needle-free injector survived challenge with a lethal dose of TBEV. These results suggest that SP vaccines delivered by needle-free injector can protect against TBEV infection.  相似文献   

近年,内源性蛋白主动免疫预防和治疗阿尔茨海默病(AD)的策略成为AD研究领域的热点,并获得迅猛发展。构建了以β-片层结构的淀粉样蛋白(AB)及其可溶性与病理性突变体为抗原基因的DNA疫苗用于免疫小鼠,经过对免疫方案的探索和调整,结果能够打破其自身耐受,在外周血中诱发出较高滴度的抗-AB抗体。初步探讨了诱导体液免疫学效应的规律。并在原代培养的海马神经元AB毒性模型中验证了免疫后血清的生物学活性。  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii is an important zoonotic parasite infecting about one third of the world population, causing congenital infections and eye disease. T. gondii perforin-like protein 1 (TgPLP1) is believed to be involved in the acute virulence of T. gondii in mice, and is therefore of interest as a vaccine candidate. In this study, we constructed a DNA vaccine expressing TgPLP1, and evaluated the immune response in Kunming mice. The gene sequence encoding TgPLP1 was inserted into the eukaryotic expression vector pVAX I, and Kunming mice were immunized intramuscularly with the plasmid. After immunization, we evaluated the immune response using lymphoproliferative assay, cytokine and antibody measurements, and the survival times of mice challenged lethally with 1 × 103 tachyzoites of the virulent T. gondii RH strain. The results showed that pVAX/TgPLP1 alone or with pVAX/IL-18 developed specific anti-TLA (T. gondii lysate antigen) antibodies and specific lymphocyte proliferative responses. Co-injection of pVAX/IL-18 significantly increased the production of IFN-γ and IL-2. Further, challenge experiments showed that co-immunization of pVAX/TgPLP1 with pVAX/IL-18 significantly (P < 0.05) increased survival time (12.7 ± 1.2 days) of immunized mice, compared with pVAX/TgPLP1 alone (11.3 ± 0.9 days). These results demonstrate that TgPLP1 is a potential vaccine candidate against toxoplasmosis, worth further evaluation in other animal hosts. IL-18 could enhance the immune effect of TgPLP1, prolonging the survival time of immunized mice.  相似文献   

Infection of the host by Toxoplasma gondii leads to an acute systemic dissemination of tachyzoites, followed by a chronic phase, in which bradyzoites, enclosed in cysts, persist in the brain, the heart, and other tissues. Among putative vaccine candidates, the bradyzoite antigens BAG1 and MAG1 look promising since they are preferentially expressed during the chronic stage of the parasite. This work focused on studying the immunogenicity of bradyzoite antigens in a mouse model of chronic toxoplasmosis. A mixture of plasmids directing the cytoplasmic expression of MAG1 and BAG1 in mammalian cells was used to immunize mice. We show here that immunized mice developed, preferentially, specific anti-MAG1 and anti-BAG1 IgG2a subclass antibodies, indicating a shift towards a Th1-like response after DNA immunization. We then demonstrated that DNA immunization followed by challenge infection elicited effective protection in mice, suggesting that bradyzoite antigens should be considered in the design of vaccines against toxoplasmosis.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the immune response elicited by a ubiquitin-fused ESAT-6 DNA vaccine against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. BALB/c mice were vaccinated with plasmid DNA encoding ESAT-6 protein, ubiquitin-fused ESAT-6 DNA vaccine (UbGR-ESAT-6), pcDNA3-ubiquitin and blank vector, respectively. ESAT-6 DNA vaccine immunization induced a Thl-polarized immune response. The production of Thl-type cytokine (IFN-γ) and proliferative T-cell responses was enhanced significantly in mice immunized with UbGR-ESAT-6 fusion DNA vaccine, compared to non-fusion DNA vaccine. This fusion DNA vaccine also resulted in an increased relative ratio of IgG2a to IgGl and the cytotoxicity of T cells. Thus, the present study demonstrated that the UbGR-ESAT-6 fusion DNA vaccine inoculation improved antigen-specific cellular immune responses, which is helpful for protection against tuberculosis infection.  相似文献   

巨细胞病毒(Cytomegalovirus,CMV)在人群中感染普遍,对婴幼儿及免疫低下人群中造成严重疾病,目前还没有针对该病毒的商品化疫苗。本研究以BALB/c小鼠为动物模型,探讨鼠巨细胞病毒(Murine cytomega-lovirus,MCMV)IE-1 DNA疫苗和MCMV灭活疫苗联合免疫抗MCMV感染的免疫保护效果。将编码IE-1基因的DNA疫苗(pIE-1)通过肌肉注射辅以电穿孔的方式对小鼠进行初免,再用全病毒灭活疫苗单独或者辅以MF59佐剂进行加强免疫,分别通过ELISA和ELISPOT方法检测到联合免疫策略在免疫组小鼠体内诱导了MC-MV特异性的抗体应答和CTL应答;免疫两周后用3&#215;LD50致死剂量MCMV感染小鼠,疫苗对小鼠的免疫保护通过检测小鼠存活率、重要器官中的病毒滴度及体重丢失率来评价。结果显示,与单独免疫DNA疫苗或灭活疫苗相比,IE-1 DNA疫苗联合灭活疫苗组能同时在小鼠体内诱导体液免疫和细胞免疫应答,并提供小鼠完全保护;而且MF59辅以灭活疫苗免疫小鼠能增强疫苗的免疫效果。  相似文献   

黏附因子FnbpA(纤连蛋白结合蛋白A,Fibronectin binding protein A)是金黄色葡萄球菌表面的蛋白质成分,是该菌感染早期最重要的致病因子,可促进其对寄主组织的侵入,也是一个有潜力的免疫靶标。将牛乳源金黄色葡萄球菌中FnBPA基因的A功能区克隆至真核表达载体中,分别构建含Kozak序列和不含Kozak序列的FnBPA-A基因真核表达载体,重组质粒经鉴定测序正确后,免疫C57BL/6小鼠检测其抗体水平和淋巴细胞增殖情况,并对各组小鼠进行攻毒实验。检测的结果表明Kozak修饰的重组DNA在血清抗体效价(P<0.05)和免疫保护率方面均优于不含Kozak序列的重组DNA,在刺激淋巴细胞增殖方面Kozak修饰的重组DNA的刺激效果虽然也高于不经修饰的重组DNA,但是差异不显著(P>0.05)。根据总体的免疫效果来看,Kozak序列对增强FnBPA的重组DNA疫苗诱导的免疫应答起了不容忽视的作用。  相似文献   

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