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The role of postpharyngeal gland secretion in nestmate recognition was tested inManica rubida. Behavioral tests comprised two consecutive encounters between five ants and their color-marked nestmate. The first encounter utilized an untreated ant constituting a control, whereas in the second encounter the marked ant was treated with postpharyngeal gland exudate. Scoring was done using an aggression index obtained by direct observation and an agitation index deduced from a frame-by-frame analysis of videotapes of the various tests. When the glandular secretion originated from an alien ant, the ants became very agitated and were aggressive toward their nestmate. When the exudate originated from a nestmate, the ants generally remained calm, although their rates of self-grooming increased.  相似文献   

Summary We tested matureAtta laevigata colonies in the field to see if the ants used queen substances, environmental odours (in this case odours produced by the nest's fungi), an odour produced by each individual, or a gestalt odour (resulting from odours distributed between nestmates) as a discrimination signal for nestmate recognition. We found that nestmate recognition inA. laevigata appears to be largely based on an odour produced by each nestmate which appears to be concentrated in the head, although other odours may also be used. We found no evidence of genetic relatedness influencing the discrimination ability, nor did ants respond differently to neighbors in comparison to non-neighbors.  相似文献   

Summary. Nestmate recognition systems in ants are largely based on chemical signals. The hydrocarbon fraction of the lipid layer which covers the insect cuticle plays a determinant role in this context. Here we report a novel extension of nestmate and alien recognition – nest area marking with faeces containing the same hydrocarbons as the cuticle of workers – in a harvesting ant, Messor capitatus. Workers of M. capitatus deposit large quantities of brown-yellow material from the hindgut (termed spots) in the vicinity of the nest. Behavioural investigation showed that such spotting behaviour has a communicative value in the context of nest area identification. Anal fluids deposited in the nest surroundings contain colony-specific cues which the ants use to recognize their own nest areas, and distinguish them from foreign areas even in the absence of nestmate or alien ants. Chemical analyses by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) of the contents of anal spots, rectal sacs, and cuticular extracts revealed that all contain the same long-chained linear and branched hydrocarbons in varying proportions. Importantly, multivariate analyses showed that the relative proportions of these compounds on the cuticle and in spots are colony-specific. This provides a mechanism by which spot marking could be used by workers to define and recognize their colony area, and would represent a simple extension of the existing nestmate recognition template based on colonial cuticular signatures. The ecological and sociobiological implications of these findings are discussed.Received 3 February 2004; revised 10 June 2004; accepted 14 June 2004.  相似文献   

Argentine ants, Linepithema humile, were attacked by their nestmates following contact with a particular prey item, the brown-banded cockroach, Supella longipalpa. Contact with prey, as brief as 2 min, provoked nestmate aggression. Argentine ants contaminated with hydrocarbons extracted from S. longipalpa also released nestmate aggression behavior similar to that released by the whole prey item, confirming the involvement of hydrocarbons. In contrast to S. longipalpa, little or no nestmate aggression was induced by other ant prey from diverse taxa. A comparison of prey hydrocarbon profiles revealed that all hydrocarbons of S. longipalpa were very long chain components with 33 or more carbons, while other prey had either less, or none, of the very long chain hydrocarbons of 33 carbons or greater. We identified the hydrocarbons of S. longipalpa and some new groups of long chain hydrocarbons of L. humile. The majority of S. longipalpa hydrocarbons were 35 and 37 carbons in length with one to three methyl branches, and closely resembled two previously unidentified groups of compounds from L. humile of similar chain length. The hydrocarbons of S. longipalpa and L. humile were compared and their role in the Argentine ant nestmate recognition is discussed.  相似文献   

The Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, is a widespread invasive species characterized by reduced intraspecific aggression within introduced populations. To illuminate the mechanisms underlying nestmate recognition in Argentine ants, we studied the spatial and temporal fidelity of intraspecific aggression in an introduced population of Argentine ants within which intraspecific aggression does occur. We quantified variation in the presence or absence of intraspecific aggression among nests over time both in the field and under controlled laboratory conditions to gain insight into the role of environmental factors as determinants of nestmate discriminatory ability. In addition, we compared levels of intraspecific aggression between nest pairs to the similarity of their cuticular hydrocarbons to determine the potential role of these compounds as labels for nestmate discrimination. In both field and laboratory comparisons, nest pairs behaved in a consistent manner throughout the course of the experiment: pairs that fought did so for an entire year, and pairs that did not fight remained nonaggressive. Moreover, we found a negative relationship between cuticular hydrocarbon similarity and the degree of aggression between nests, suggesting that these hydrocarbons play a role in nestmate discriminatory ability. In contrast to the prevailing pattern, ants from one site showed a marked change in behaviour during the course of this study. A concomitant change was also seen in the cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of ants from this site. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) in their native South American range, like most other ant species, form spatially restricted colonies that display high levels of aggression toward other such colonies. In their introduced range, Argentine ants are unicolonial and form massive supercolonies composed of numerous nests among which territorial boundaries are absent. Here we examine the role of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) in nestmate recognition of this highly damaging invasive ant using three supercolonies from its introduced range. We conducted behavioral assays to test the response of Argentine ants to workers treated with colonymate or non-colonymate CHCs. Additionally, we quantified the amount of hydrocarbons transferred to individual ants and performed gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) to qualitatively characterize our manipulation of CHC profiles. The GC/MS data revealed marked differences in the hydrocarbon profiles across supercolonies and indicated that our treatment effectively masked the original chemical profile of the treated ants with the profile belonging to the foreign individuals. We found that individual workers treated with foreign CHCs were aggressively rejected by their colonymates and this behavior appears to be concentration-dependent: larger quantities of foreign CHCs triggered higher levels of aggression. Moreover, this response was not simply due to an increase in the amount of CHCs applied to the cuticle since treatment with high concentrations of nestmate CHCs did not trigger aggression.The results of this study bolster the findings of previous studies on social insects that have implicated CHCs as nestmate recognition cues and provide insight into the mechanisms of nestmate recognition in the invasive Argentine ant. Received 6 February 2007; revised 31 May and 27 July 2007; accepted 16 August 2007.  相似文献   

We present evidence indicating that the level of nestmate discrimination in the facultatively polygynous ant Pseudomyrmex pallidus varies predictably with the number of queens in the colony. P. pallidus workers were introduced into observation arenas in either nestmate or non-nestmate pairs. During the 5-min period immediately following the first contact between test ants, all interactions and relative distances were recorded. Aggression between non-nestmates was negatively correlated with the number of queens in the colony and distance between nestmates was positively correlated. These results are consistent with predictions of Reeve's (1989) optimal acceptance threshold model.  相似文献   

In ants, individuals live in tightly integrated units (colonies) and work collectively for its success. In such groups, stable intraspecific variation in behaviour within or across contexts (personality) can occur at two levels: individuals and colonies. This paper examines how colony size and nestmate density influence the collective exploratory behaviour of Formica fusca (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), in the laboratory. The housing conditions of the colonies were manipulated to vary the size of colonies and their densities under a fully factorial design. The results demonstrate the presence of colony behavioural repeatability in this species, and contrary to our expectations, colonies were more explorative on average when they were kept at lower nestmate densities. We also found that experimental colonies created from larger source colonies were more explorative, which conveys that a thorough understanding of the contemporary behaviour of a colony may require knowing its social history and how it was formed. Our results also convey that the colony size and nestmate density can have significant effects on the exploratory behaviour of ant colonies.  相似文献   

Summary Social isolation provides a useful tool to study nestmate recognition in ants. In Camponotus fellah, reintroduction of 10-day isolated (IS) workers to their colony resulted in intensive trophallaxis and grooming, while longer isolation periods generally provoked rejection of the IS ants. In the first experiment the behaviour of queenless (QL) and queenright (QR) workers towards 10-day IS workers was tested. Trophallaxis of QL or QR with IS workers was of similar magnitude, but was significantly higher than that among the QL or QR, or that between QL and QR workers. Allogrooming was mostly initiated by the resident non-isolated ants (QL or QR) possibly because they detected a slight mismatch between the IS ants odour and their own template, which represents the group odour. It appears that the presence/absence of the queen did not affect nestmate recognition cues of workers.The second experiment demonstrated that 20-day IS workers were strongly aggressed by colony guards, irrespective of whether they were QL or QR. However, if they were permitted to exchange trophallaxis and grooming with 5 young nestmates (companion ants) for 5 days before reintroduction to their colony, aggression was greatly reduced, irrespective of the origin of the companion ants (QR or QL). Chemical analysis showed a significant divergence between the hydrocarbon profiles of IS and both QL and QR groups, but a prior contact of the IS workers with companion ants resulted in re-convergence of their profile with that of the colony. These results demonstrate that nestmate recognition cues are exchanged between workers via trophallaxis and grooming and that they are not dominated by queen cues, two conditions that fulfil Gestalt nestmate recognition signals requirements.Received 26 February 2003; revised 24 July 2003; accepted 1 August 2003.  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of social stimulation on nestmate recognition in mature workers of Camponotus fellah. We isolated 4-week-old workers before examining their behaviour in dyadic reunion tests. At the age of 4 weeks, workers are normally intolerant towards both allospecific and homospecific but allocolonial individuals. However, when they were isolated for up to 20 days, allocolonial aggressions decreased while allospecific aggression remained constant. Workers isolated for 20 days also engaged in allocolonial trophallaxis. These results suggest that workers need to be reinforced by social stimulation during their adult life to keep precise nestmate recognition capacities. We discuss our data under the perspective of recent neuroethological data in social insects to propose a mechanism for the formation of the neural template used in the nestmate recognition process.  相似文献   

Most ants live in closed societies from which non-members are excluded through fighting or ritualized displays to protect colony resources. Nestmate recognition is the process by which ants discriminate nestmate from non-nestmate ants. Ants use cues coded in mixtures of long-chain hydrocarbon compounds on the cuticle as nestmate recognition cues. Pavement ants (Tetramorium caespitum) form conspicuous wars between neighboring colonies that are organized after workers meet and make the decision to fight after assessing nestmate recognition cues. These wars involve thousands of individuals. Fighting is ritualized and few ants die in the process. We identified 24 cuticular hydrocarbon compounds, above 1% in relative abundance, in the profile of pavement ants with chain lengths ranging from 15 to 31 carbon atoms. Cuticular lipids contained, in order of abundance: mono-methyl alkanes (45–56%), n-alkanes (range: 16–40% relative abundance), and alkenes (10–20%), with small or trace amounts of di-methyl, tri-methyl alkanes and fatty acids. Results from behavioral tests show that pavement ants assess information in cuticular hydrocarbon profiles to recognize both conspecific and heterospecfic (Pogonomyrmex occidentalis and Camponotus modoc) non-nestmate ants and that the relative abundance of methyl-branched alkanes and alkenes codes for nestmate status, at least for conspecific interactions. Our data add to a growing body of knowledge about how ants use cuticular hydrocarbon based nestmate recognition cues to prevent the intrusion of non-nestmates in to colony space.  相似文献   

The ponerine ant Brachyponera chinensis was introduced to the USA, where it has become invasive. Although various ecological data have been collected for B. chinensis populations in the USA, most aspects concerning the biology and ecology of native populations in Japan, a presumed origin, remain unknown. Here we investigated the social structure and nestmate discrimination in native populations of B. chinensis and a closely related species, B. nakasujii. Both species showed functional polygyny over seasons. Only in B. nakasujii was there a seasonal change in the numbers of queens and workers per nest. In arena tests, workers of neither species showed aggressive behaviors to conspecific non‐nestmates from the same population, and the mean aggression score did not increase with the distance between nests. However, some differences in non‐aggressive responses were detected between nestmate and non‐nestmate pairs in both species. In an experiment to introduce a single worker into a nest, B. chinensis accepted non‐nestmates with a high probability just like nestmates, whereas in B. nakasujii non‐nestmates were less accepted than nestmates. These findings suggest that native populations of B. chinensis already possess some of the key characteristics shared by many invasive exotic ants in introduced ranges, such as stable polygyny, weak internest aggression and acceptance of non‐nestmates. These tendencies are remarkable in comparison to the closely related B. nakasujii.  相似文献   

The possible significance of nestmate recognition in prevention of robbing and parasitism in three species of stingless bees was assessed. Nestmate discrimination abilities vary among them; Melipona quadrifasciataworkers attacked 74% of nonnestmate conspecifics that were encountered, while M. scutellarisand M. rufiventriswere less discriminating, attacking only 14 and 60% of non-nestmates, respectively. In tests of interspecific interactions, M. quadrifasciataand M. scutellariswere the least mutually tolerant of all species pairs tested. Tests with Apis melliferashowed a high degree of intolerance by two of the three Meliponaspecies.  相似文献   

In geographic regions with warm winters, invasive yellowjacket wasp colonies (genus Vespula) often exhibit polygyny (multiple queens) and persist for multiple years, despite these phenomena being rare in the native range. Here, we test the hypothesis that polygyny, caused by foreign queens being accepted into an existing colony, is the result of relaxed nestmate recognition in the invasive range, as has been observed in some supercolonial invasive ants. In bioassays with wild colonies in the field, we found that nestmate discrimination was weak in both invasive (Hawaii) and native (California) populations of Vespula pensylvanica, with significant nestmate discrimination in only ~?30% of trials. We also found that the diversity and variability of cuticular hydrocarbons, chemical compounds that mediate nestmate recognition, were not reduced in introduced populations, unlike several supercolonial invasive ant species. Our findings suggest that ancestral weak nestmate discrimination behavior of V. pensylvanica may make this species pre-adapted to transition to polygyny and extended colony lifespans when introduced into environments with benign winters that facilitate foreign queens joining existing colonies in late season.  相似文献   

Although the majority of social insect colonies are headed by a single queen, some species possess nests that contain numerous reproductive queens (polygyny), a trait that is particularly widespread amongst the ants. Polygyny is often associated with a lack of conspecific inter-nest aggression between workers. This is hypothesised to result from increased nestmate cue diversity within nests, since polygynous nests are more genetically diverse than monogynous nests. Alternatively, it may reflect the common origin of polygynous nests that form polydomous networks. We exploit the recent discovery that the nestmate discrimination system in the ant Formica exsecta is based on cuticular hydrocarbons to investigate cue (Z9-alkenes) diversity in several monogynous and polygynous populations. Contrary to previous predictions, in all polygynous populations, the variation between nests in the Z9-alkene profiles was reduced relative to that found in monogynous populations. However, nest-specific Z9-alkene profiles with little variation amongst nestmate workers were still maintained irrespective of nest type or population. This suggests a very effective gestalt mechanism that homogenises the chemical discrimination cues, despite genetic diversity within colonies. Although the reduction in variation between nests was associated with reduced worker aggression on the population level, it cannot totally explain the weak aggression associated with polygynous populations.  相似文献   

In the primitively eusocial wasp, Ropalidia marginata, low levels of intra-colony genetic relatedness, lack of intra-colony kin discrimination and acceptance of young wasps into alien colonies, prompted us to investigate whether or not there exists a cost of such high genetic variability. Freshly eclosed wasps were paired either with their nestmates or with their non nestmates and their performance in nest building and brood care were compared. There was no demonstrable difference between nestmate and non nestmate pairs in terms of success in raising adult offspring, time required for nest initiation, brood developmental period and productivity. There was also no difference in the efficiency of cooperation and division of labour between the nestmate pairs and non nestmate pairs. These results reinforce the idea that the haplodiploidy hypothesis is insufficient to explain the prevalence of worker behaviour in R. marginata and emphasize the importance of factors other than genetic relatedness in the evolution of eusociality. Received: 27 April 1998 / Accepted: 10 July 1998  相似文献   

Parabiotic ants—ants that share their nest with another ant species—need to tolerate not only conspecific nestmates, but also nestmates of a foreign species. The parabiotic ants Camponotus rufifemur and Crematogaster modiglianii display high interspecific tolerance, which exceeds their respective partner colony and extends to alien colonies of the partner species. The tolerance appears to be related to unusual cuticular substances in both species. Both species possess hydrocarbons of unusually high chain lengths. In addition, Cr. modiglianii carries high quantities of hereto unknown compounds on its cuticle. These unusual features of the cuticular profiles may affect nestmate recognition within both respective species as well. In the present study, we therefore examined inter-colony discrimination within the two parabiotic species in relation to chemical differentiation. Cr. modiglianii was highly aggressive against workers from alien conspecific colonies in experimental confrontations. In spite of high inter-colony variation in the unknown compounds, however, Cr. modiglianii failed to differentiate between intracolonial and allocolonial unknown compounds. Instead, the cuticular hydrocarbons functioned as recognition cues despite low variation across colonies. Moreover, inter-colony aggression within Cr. modiglianii was significantly influenced by the presence of two methylbranched alkenes acquired from its Ca. rufifemur partner. Ca. rufifemur occurs in two varieties (‘red’ and ‘black’) with almost no overlap in their cuticular hydrocarbons. Workers of this species showed low aggression against conspecifics from foreign colonies of the same variety, but attacked workers from the respective other variety. The low inter-colony discrimination within a variety may be related to low chemical differentiation between the colonies. Ca. rufifemur majors elicited significantly more inter-colony aggression than medium-sized workers. This may be explained by the density of recognition cues: majors carried significantly higher quantities of cuticular hydrocarbons per body surface.  相似文献   

The evolution of sociality is facilitated by the recognition of close kin, but if kin recognition is too accurate, nepotistic behaviour within societies can dissolve social cohesion. In social insects, cuticular hydrocarbons act as nestmate recognition cues and are usually mixed among colony members to create a Gestalt odour. Although earlier studies have established that hydrocarbon profiles are influenced by heritable factors, transfer among nestmates and additional environmental factors, no studies have quantified these relative contributions for separate compounds. Here, we use the ant Formica rufibarbis in a cross‐fostering design to test the degree to which hydrocarbons are heritably synthesized by young workers and transferred by their foster workers. Bioassays show that nestmate recognition has a significant heritable component. Multivariate quantitative analyses based on 38 hydrocarbons reveal that a subset of branched alkanes are heritably synthesized, but that these are also extensively transferred among nestmates. In contrast, especially linear alkanes are less heritable and little transferred; these are therefore unlikely to act as cues that allow within‐colony nepotistic discrimination or as nestmate recognition cues. These results indicate that heritable compounds are suitable for establishing a genetic Gestalt for efficient nestmate recognition, but that recognition cues within colonies are insufficiently distinct to allow nepotistic kin discrimination.  相似文献   

Nestmate recognition is a key feature of social insects, as it preserves colony integrity. However, discrimination of non‐nestmates and nestmate recognition mechanisms are highly variable according to species and social systems. Here, we investigated the intraspecific level of aggression in the facultative polygynous and polydomous ant, Ectatomma tuberculatum Olivier (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ectatomminae), in a population with a strong genetic structure. We found that the intraspecific level of aggression was generally low in this population of E. tuberculatum. However, the level of aggression was significantly correlated with the geographical distance, suggesting that both genetic and environmental cues could be involved in nestmate recognition and discrimination mechanisms. Moreover, polydomy was confirmed by the absence of aggression between workers from nests at a distance of 3 m, while the level of aggression was significantly higher between workers from nests separated by a distance of 10 or 1300 m. Field experiments showed that the low level of aggression between neighbouring colonies was associated with shared foraging areas, which could suggest that familiarization processes may occur in this species. We propose that the particular social organization of this species, with secondary polygyny, polydomy, and budding, may have favoured a high acceptance threshold, because of the low probability of interactions with unrelated conspecifics, the high cost of erroneously rejecting nestmates, and the low cost of accepting non‐nestmate workers. The resulting open recognition system can thus allow privileged relationships between neighbouring colonies and promote the ecological dominance of E. tuberculatum in the mosaic of arboreal ants.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by ants (i.e. myrmecochory) is usually considered as a mutualism: ants feed on nutritive bodies, called elaiosomes, before rejecting and dispersing seeds in their nest surroundings. While mechanisms of plant dispersal in the field are well documented, the behaviour of the ant partner was rarely investigated in details. Here, we compared in laboratory conditions the foraging behaviour of two ant species, the omnivorous Lasius niger and the insectivorous Myrmica rubra to which seeds of two European myrmecochorous plants (Chelidonium majus and Viola odorata) were given. Ant colonies were simultaneously presented three types of items: entire seeds with elaiosome (SE), seeds without elaiosome (S) and detached elaiosomes (E). The presence of elaiosomes on seeds did not attract workers from a distance since ants first contact equally each type of items. Although ants are mass-recruiting species, we never observed any recruitment nor trail-laying behaviour towards seeds. For ants having contacted seed items, their antennation, manipulation and seed retrieval behaviour strongly varied depending on the species of each partner. Antennation behaviour, followed by a loss of contact, was the most frequent ant-seed interaction and can be considered as a “hesitation” clue. For both plant species, insectivorous Myrmica ants removed items in larger number and at higher speed than Lasius. This fits with the hypothesis of a convergence between odours of elaiosomes and insect preys. For both ant species, the small Chelidonium seeds were retrieved in higher proportion than Viola ones, confirming the hypothesis that ants prefer the higher elaiosome/diaspore-ratio. Thus, in these crossed experiments, the ant-plant pair Myrmica/Chelidonium was the most effective as ants removed quickly almost all items after a few antennations. The presence of an elaiosome body increased the seed removal by ants excepting for Myrmica which retrieved all Chelidonium seeds, even those deprived of their elaiosome. After 24 h, all the retrieved seeds were rejected out of the nest to the refuse piles. In at least half of these rejected items, the elaiosome was discarded by ants. Species-specific patterns and behavioural differences in the dynamics of myrmecochory are discussed at the light of ant ecology. Received 10 September 2007; revised 5 February 2008; accepted 5 March 2008.  相似文献   

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