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Molecular analyses of the last decades helped solving the major open questions on the external and internal phylogenetic relationships of primates. The present review uses these data for the inference of character evolution along the branches of the primate tree. Altogether, more than 200 evolutionary changes in hard and soft tissue anatomy/morphology, behavior, physiology, and protein constitution are presented in the context of their functional relevance and adaptive value. The compilation focuses on primates as a whole and on the higher-ranked primate subtaxa with living representatives: Strepsirhini: Lorisiformes, Galagidae, Lorisidae, Lemuriformes; Haplorhini: Tarsioidea, Anthropoidea, Platyrrhini, Atelidae + Cebidae, Atelidae, Cebidae, Aotinae, Callithrichinae, Cebinae, Pitheciidae, Pithecinae, Catarrhini, Cercopithecoidea, Cercopithecinae, Colobinae, Colobini, and Hominoidea. Within Hominoidea character evolution is traced down to more peripheral branches: Hylobatidae, Hominidae, Pongo, Homininae, Gorilla, Pan + Homo, Pan, and modern humans. Character states in extinct representatives of Plesiadapiformes, Omomyoidea, Propliopithecidae, Hominini, etc. are always taken into account; they are presented in detail whenever character-state distribution in living species is ambiguous or misleading. The taxonomic sample and the characters included combine to a phylogenetic system that illustrates primate evolution and diversity. The data presented additionally provide a detailed picture of the evolutionary steps and trends involved in hominization. Reflections on the frequently underestimated role of polymorphisms in phylogenetic analyses complete the survey.  相似文献   

Using a combination of modulated and non-modulated light with synchronized detection it has been possible to monitor State 1–State 2 transitions in intact leaves as changes in the yield of modulated chlorophyll fluorescence. In the presence of excess far-red non-modulated light (713 nm) absorbed mainly by Photosystem I (PS I), the modulated fluorescence intensity was taken to represent Fo — the emission yield which occurs when the reaction centres of Photosystem II (PS II) are all open. On the other hand, superimposing saturating non-modulated wide-band, blue-green light resulted in a transitory maximum yield of modulated chlorophyll fluorescence, Fm, due to the total closure of the PS II reaction centres. In the absence of these additional lights the fluorescence level assumed a steady-state value, Fs, between Fo and Fm. All these parameters changed as the leaf slowly adapted to light of a given spectral composition. It was found that both Fo and Fm increased reversibly (by about 15–20%) during the transition from State 2 to State 1 such that the ratio of Fm to Fo remained constant, indicative of changes in absorption cross-section of PS II and PS I rather than alterations in ‘spillover’ which would cause preferential changes in Fm. It was also possible to estimate the fractions of light, β and α, channeled to PS II and PS I, respectively, from the values of Fo, Fm and Fs. In one approach, β was estimated in State 1, using the assumption that α + β = 1, and its variation during the subsequent state transition was assumed to follow proportional changes in Fo (or Fm). It was found that in State 2 there is a small loss (about 4%) of the total utilization of light in both photosystems. However, if such loss is neglected, assuming α + β is always unity, the calculated β was found to vary in the same direction and almost with the same magnitude as Fo (or Fm), indicating independently that a change in absorption cross-section in PS II (and PS I) had occurred. Consistent with these data were the light-saturation curves for the non-modulated far-red light-quenching effect in bringing the fluorescence from Fs to Fo in States 1 and 2. The ratio of the initial slopes of these curves indicates quantitatively both redistribution of light between PS I and PS II during the State 1–State 2 transitions and a partial loss of excitation energy in State 2.  相似文献   

Light and temperature affect state transitions through changes in the plastoquinone (PQ) redox state in photosynthetic organisms. We demonstrated that light and/or heat treatment induced preferential photosystem (PS) I excitation by binding light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) proteins. The photosystem of wheat was in state 1 after dark overnight treatment, wherein PQ was oxidized and most of LHCII was not bound to PSI. At the onset of the light treatment [25 °C in the light (100 µmol photons m?2 s?1)], two major LHCIIs, Lhcb1 and Lhcb2 were phosphorylated, and the PSI–LHCII supercomplex formed within 5 min, which coincided with an increase in the PQ oxidation rate. Heat treatment at 40 °C of light-adapted wheat led to further LHCII protein phosphorylation of, resultant cyclic electron flow promotion, which was accompanied by ultrafast excitation of PSI and structural changes of thylakoid membranes, thereby protecting PSII from heat damage. These results suggest that LHCIIs are required for the functionality of wheat plant PSI, as it keeps PQ oxidized by regulating photochemical electron flow, thereby helping acclimation to environmental changes.  相似文献   

Salinity tolerance of Arabidopsis: a good model for cereals?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Arabidopsis is a glycophyte species that is sensitive to moderate levels of NaCl. Arabidopsis offers unique benefits to genetic and molecular research and has provided much information about both Na(+) transport processes and Na(+) tolerance. A compilation of data available on Na(+) accumulation and Na(+) tolerance in Arabidopsis is presented, and comparisons are made with several crop plant species. The relationship between Na(+) tolerance and Na(+) accumulation is different in Arabidopsis and cereals, with an inverse relationship often found within cereal species that is not as evident in Arabidopsis ecotypes. Results on salinity tolerance obtained in Arabidopsis should therefore be extrapolated to cereals with caution. Arabidopsis remains a useful model to study and discover plant Na(+) transport processes.  相似文献   

Radiation-induced bystander mutagenesis at a relatively low dose range was investigated using low LET β-particles in a three-dimensional cell culture model. CHO cells were labeled with 0, 0.5, 1.0 or 5.0 μCi tritiated thymidine (3HdTTP) for 12 h and subsequently incubated with AL cells for 24 h at 11°C. The cell mixture was centrifuged to produce a spheroid of 4 × 106 cells of which there was five times more AL than CHO cells. The short-range β-particles emitted by 3HdTTP result in self-irradiation of labeled CHO cells, thus biological effects on neighboring AL cells can be attributed to the bystander response. To evaluate such response, non-labeled bystander AL cells were isolated from among labeled CHO cells and studied independently for survival and mutagenesis. Treatment of CHO cells with 3HdTTP resulted in a dose-dependent increase in bystander mutation incidence among neighboring AL cells compared to controls. In addition, multiplex PCR analysis revealed the types of mutants to be significantly different from those of spontaneous origin. These data provide evidence that low dose low LET radiation can induce bystander mutagenesis in a three-dimensional model. The results of this study will address the relevant issues of actual target size and radiation quality, and are likely to have a significant impact on our current understanding of radiation risk assessment.  相似文献   

We have developed a computerized system whereby the fetal heart rate can be recorded telemetrically from patients' homes, transmitted over conventional public telephone lines, and then computer-processed in real time in the obstetric unit.  相似文献   

The efficiency of light harvesting in higher plant photosynthesis is regulated in response to external environmental conditions. Under conditions of excess light, the normally highly efficient light-harvesting system of photosystem II is switched into a state in which unwanted, potentially harmful, energy is dissipated as heat. This process, known as nonphotochemical quenching, occurs by the creation of energy quenchers following conformational change in the light-harvesting complexes, which is initiated by the build up of the thylakoid pH gradient and controlled by the xanthophyll cycle. In the present study, the evidence to support the notion that this regulatory mechanism is dependent upon the organization of the different antenna subunits in the stacked grana membranes is reviewed. We postulate that nonphotochemical quenching occurs within a structural locus comprising the PsbS subunit and components of the light-harvesting antenna, CP26, CP24, CP29 and LHCIIb (the major trimeric light-harvesting complex), formed in response to protonation and controlled by the xanthophyll cycle carotenoids.  相似文献   

We have developed a high-throughput Agrobacterium-mediated transformation model system using both nptII and the 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase gene from Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain CP4 (cp4) based selections in MicroTom, a miniature rapid-cycling cherry tomato variety. With the NPTII selection system, transformation frequency calculated as independent transgenic events per inoculated explant ranged from 24 to 80% with an average of 56%, in industrial production scale transformation experiments. For CP4, with glyphosate selection, the average transformation frequency was 57%. Stable transformation frequency was positively correlated with transient expression (R=0.85), and variable with the genes of interest. DNA integration and germline transformation were confirmed by biological assay, Southern Blot analysis, and R1 phenotype segregation. Transgene expression was observed in leaf, root, stem, flower, and fruit tissues of the transgenic plants. Ninety-five percent of transgenic events coexpressed two introduced genes based on β-glucuronidase (GUS) and neonmycin phosphotransferase II (NPTII) expression. Seventy-five percent of transgenic events contained one to two copies of the introduced uidA (GUS) gene based on Southern analysis. Transgenic plants from the cotyledon explants to the transgenic plants transferred to soil were produced within about 2–3 months depending on the genes of interest. The utility of this MicroTom model transformation system for functional genomic studies, such as identification of genes related to important agricultural traits and gene function, is discussed.  相似文献   

Understanding plant–virus coevolution requires wild systems in which there is no human manipulation of either host or virus. To develop such a system, we analysed virus infection in six wild populations of Arabidopsis thaliana in Central Spain. The incidence of five virus species with different life-styles was monitored during four years, and this was analysed in relation to the demography of the host populations. Total virus incidence reached 70 per cent, which suggests a role of virus infection in the population structure and dynamics of the host, under the assumption of a host fitness cost caused by the infection. Maximum incidence occurred at early growth stages, and co-infection with different viruses was frequent, two factors often resulting in increased virulence. Experimental infections under controlled conditions with two isolates of the most prevalent viruses, cauliflower mosaic virus and cucumber mosaic virus, showed that there is genetic variation for virus accumulation, although this depended on the interaction between host and virus genotypes. Comparison of QST-based genetic differentiations between both host populations with FST genetic differentiation based on putatively neutral markers suggests different selection dynamics for resistance against different virus species or genotypes. Together, these results are compatible with a hypothesis of plant–virus coevolution.  相似文献   

Despite invention of titanium and resorbable screws and plates, still, one of the main challenges in bone fixation is the search for an ideal osteosynthetic material. Biomechanical properties, biocompatibility, and also cost effectiveness and clinical practicability are factors for the selection of a particular material. A promising alternative seems to be screws and plates made of bone. Recently, xenogenic bone pins and screws have been invented for use in joint surgery.In this study, screws made of allogenic sheep and xenogenic human bone were analyzed in a vital and dynamic sheep-model and compared to conventional titanium screws over a standard period of bone healing of 56 days with a constant applied extrusion force. Biomechanical analysis and histomorphological evaluation were performed.After 56 days of insertion xenogenic screws made of human bone showed significantly larger distance of extrusion of on average 173.8 μm compared to allogenic screws made of sheep bone of on average 27.8 and 29.95 μm of the titanium control group. Severe resorption processes with connective tissue interposition were found in the histomorphological analysis of the xenogenic screws in contrast to new bone formation and centripetal vascularization of the allogenic bone screw, as well as in processes of incorporation of the titanium control group.The study showed allogenic cortical bone screws as a substantial alternative to titanium screws with good biomechanical properties. In contrast to other reports a different result was shown for the xenogenic bone screws. They showed insufficient holding strength with confirmative histomorphological signs of degradation and insufficient osseointegration. Before common clinical use of xenogenic osteosynthetic material, further evaluation should be performed.  相似文献   

At present, environmental issues associated with rapid economic development are becoming critical concerns that arouse government's and people's particular attention. A large amount of influencing factors and especially their complicated interactions have always thrown confused insights into assessing the dynamic evolvement and sustainable development of urban economy–resource–environment (ERE) system and programming the developing strategies. A combination of system dynamics (SD) and geographic information system (GIS) is expected to explicitly understand the synergic interaction and feedback among a variety of influencing factors in time and space, since SD model can extend the spatial analysis functions of GIS to realize both dynamic simulation and trend prediction of an ERE system development. According to connotation and framework of sustainable development, this study proposes a dynamic combination method of SD–GIS to model and evaluate the urban development in Chongqing city of China suffering from depletion of resource and degradation of environment. To compare different policy inclinations with regard to potential ERE effects, typical scenarios (current, resource, technology and environment scenarios) are designed by adjusting the parameters in the model and changing the specification of some variables. Integrated assessment results indicate that the current ERE system of Chongqing is not sustainable; environment scenario is more effective to sustainable development of urban ERE system in a long run. Under the considerations of development features and regional differences, as well as regular discipline on urbanization, a coordinated combination of environmental, resource and technology scenarios is anticipated to realize sustainable development of urban ERE system.  相似文献   

Glycosyl inositol phosphorylceramide (GIPC) sphingolipids are a major class of lipids in fungi, protozoans, and plants. GIPCs are abundant in the plasma membrane in plants, comprising around a quarter of the total lipids in these membranes. Plant GIPCs contain unique glycan decorations that include a conserved glucuronic acid (GlcA) residue and various additional sugars; however, no proteins responsible for glycosylating GIPCs have been identified to date. Here, we show that the Arabidopsis thaliana protein INOSITOL PHOSPHORYLCERAMIDE GLUCURONOSYLTRANSFERASE1 (IPUT1) transfers GlcA from UDP-GlcA to GIPCs. To demonstrate IPUT1 activity, we introduced the IPUT1 gene together with genes for a UDP-glucose dehydrogenase from Arabidopsis and a human UDP-GlcA transporter into a yeast mutant deficient in the endogenous inositol phosphorylceramide (IPC) mannosyltransferase. In this engineered yeast strain, IPUT1 transferred GlcA to IPC. Overexpression or silencing of IPUT1 in Nicotiana benthamiana resulted in an increase or a decrease, respectively, in IPC glucuronosyltransferase activity in vitro. Plants in which IPUT1 was silenced accumulated IPC, the immediate precursor, as well as ceramides and glucosylceramides. Plants overexpressing IPUT1 showed an increased content of GIPCs. Mutations in IPUT1 are not transmitted through pollen, indicating that these sphingolipids are essential in plants.  相似文献   

Gravitropism is explained by the Cholodny–Went hypothesis: the basipetal flow of auxin is diverted laterally. The resulting lateral auxin gradient triggers asymmetric growth. However, the Cholodny–Went hypothesis has been questioned repeatedly because the internal auxin gradient is too small to account for the observed growth asymmetry. Therefore, an additional gradient in indolyl-3-acetic acid (IAA) sensitivity has been suggested (Brauner and Hager in Planta 51:115–147, 1958). We challenged the Cholodny–Went hypothesis for gravitropism of rice coleoptiles (Oryza sativa L.) and found it to be essentially true. However, we observed, additionally, that the two halves of gravitropically stimulated coleoptiles responded differentially to the same amount of exogenous auxin: the auxin response is reduced in the upper flank but normal in the lower flank. This indicates that the auxin-gradient is amplified by a gradient of auxin responsiveness. Hormone contents were measured across the coleoptile by a GC-MS/MS technique and a gradient of jasmonate was detected opposing the auxin gradient. Furthermore, the total content of jasmonate increased during the gravitropic response. Jasmonate gradient and increase persist even when the lateral IAA gradient is inhibited by 1-N-naphtylphtalamic acid. Flooding with jasmonate delays the onset of gravitropic bending. Moreover, a jasmonate-deficient rice mutant bends more slowly and later than the wild type. We discuss a role of jasmonate as modulator of auxin responsiveness in gravitropism.  相似文献   

An integrated system of solar light, artificial light and organic carbon supply was developed for cyclic photoautotrophic-heterotrophic cultivation of photosynthetic cells. The energy source for the culture is automatically switched to solar light energy (when the weather is sunny), to artificial light energy (during the cloudy period of the day) or to organic carbon source (at night). Thus minimum amount of artificial light is used while ensuring continuous light supply to the culture during the photoautotrophic phase. The -tocopherol productivity by Euglena gracilis in this system was more than 5 times higher than the value obtained in pure photoautotrophic culture under the same experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Knowledge about protein interaction sites provides detailed information of protein–protein interactions (PPIs). To date, nearly 20,000 of PPIs from Arabidopsis thaliana have been identified. Nevertheless, the interaction site information has been largely missed by previously published PPI databases. Here, AraPPISite, a database that presents fine-grained interaction details for A. thaliana PPIs is established. First, the experimentally determined 3D structures of 27 A. thaliana PPIs are collected from the Protein Data Bank database and the predicted 3D structures of 3023 A. thaliana PPIs are modeled by using two well-established template-based docking methods. For each experimental/predicted complex structure, AraPPISite not only provides an interactive user interface for browsing interaction sites, but also lists detailed evolutionary and physicochemical properties of these sites. Second, AraPPISite assigns domain–domain interactions or domain–motif interactions to 4286 PPIs whose 3D structures cannot be modeled. In this case, users can easily query protein interaction regions at the sequence level. AraPPISite is a free and user-friendly database, which does not require user registration or any configuration on local machines. We anticipate AraPPISite can serve as a helpful database resource for the users with less experience in structural biology or protein bioinformatics to probe the details of PPIs, and thus accelerate the studies of plant genetics and functional genomics. AraPPISite is available at http://systbio.cau.edu.cn/arappisite/index.html.  相似文献   

 We report the cloning and characterization of the gene ABNORMAL FLORAL ORGANS (AFO), which is required for normal flower development in Arabidopsis. afo mutant flowers show defects in all four floral whorls. The number of organs in each whorl varies. Most flowers consist of reduced numbers of petals and stamens, even though supernumerary sepals and carpels may be observed. Abnormal organ structure is evident from an early stage. Mosaic first whorl organs are common, with some sepals taking on petaloid or staminoid characteristics. Stamens are often deformed, having thin filaments and reduced anthers, yet occasionally producing viable pollen. Partial fertility is indicated by some seed setting. The afo-1 mutation is caused by insertion of a gene trap Ds transposable element. The AFO gene was cloned and is predicted to encode a novel protein of 229 amino acids. The expression of AFO mRNA by northern blot analysis in combination with mutant phenotype suggests that the AFO gene product plays an important role in Arabidopsis flower development. We also report that antherless, a previously described male-sterile mutation, is allelic to afo-1. Received: 3 September 1998 / Revision accepted: 15 December 1998  相似文献   

Summary We report the use of a novel hapten system for lectin cytochemistry. Various lectins conjugated to the steroid hapten digoxigenin (DIG) and monospecific anti-digoxigenin antibodies were applied for the light and electron microscopic detection of glycoconjugates in tissue sections. Both IgG and Fab' anti-DIG antibodies were complexed to particles of colloidal gold and compared to commercially available alkaline phosphatase and horseradish peroxidase conjugated Fab' as general second step reagents. The three different markers performed equally well on paraffin sections whereas the gold-labeled antibodies were superior reagents for semithin and ultrathin sections of Lowicryl K4M embedded tissues. In conjunction with the latter marker, no pretreatment to abolish endogenous enzyme activity was necessary. At the light microscope level, gold signal amplification by the photochemical silver reaction was required. DIG, in contrast to biotin, does not occur in animal tissues thus eliminating the need for blocking reactions prior to lectin incubation. Compared to affinity techniques using glycoprotein-gold complexes as second step reagent the DIG hapten system required smaller amounts of lectins. The staining patterns were indistinguishable from those obtained in other lectin-gold techniques and the specificity of the labeling could be demonstrated in sugar inhibition tests.  相似文献   

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