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 Coralline-algal frameworks from Atol das Rocas reefs were sampled along windward and leeward transects, and multivariate statistical analysis was used to investigate the composition and community structure of the encrusting community. The following components of the reefs were identified in slabbed and polished reef blocks sampled along each transect: encrusting coralline algae dominated by Porolithon cf. pachydermum, vermetid gastropods, Homotrema rubrum, acervulinid foraminiferans, molluscs, corals, polychaete tubes, clionid sponge borings, polychaete/sipunculid borings, cemented sediments, and growth cavities. Q-mode cluster analysis correctly classified 78% of all windward samples and 69% of all leeward samples, and R-mode separated reef components adapted to high wave energy environments from those adapted to low wave energy. Separate classification and ordination of samples from each transect indicate that seriation breakdown occurs in the windward reef between 25 and 45 m from the reef front. In the leeward reef between 75 and 90 m from the leeward reef front, seriation breakdown was not found to be significant. These results confirm that seriation (zonation) is best developed in the windward reef, as has been documented in coral-dominated reefs. Accepted: 28 February 2000  相似文献   

Coralline algae from a drill core in Ribbon Reef 5 have been used to interpret changes in the depositional palaeoenvironments in the northern Australian Great Barrier Reef over the last 790 ka. Three main coralline algal assemblages, each dominated by members of a particular subfamily, have been distinguished by quantitative analysis: (1) mastophoroid assemblages, usually occurring as crusts on corals, are typical of the shallowest reef settings; (2) lithophylloid assemblages within algal nodules may represent shallow-water, cooler environments or deeper reef subenvironments; and (3) melobesioid assemblages are characteristic of deeper-water platform areas. The algal assemblages between 96 and 210 m b.s.f. (metre below sea floor) record a fluctuating but progressive shallowing-upwards from deep, outer-platform to shallower, non-reefal depositional environments. Two intervening episodes dominated by mastophoroids represent two phases of reef growth. The section above 96 m b.s.f. comprises several stacked reefs in which mastophoroid crusts similar to the present-day shallow-water assemblages predominate.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at .Communicated by: Geological Editor P.K. Swart  相似文献   

Lemon sharks Negaprion brevirostris were sampled in the Atol das Rocas, a nursery area, on nine occasions from March 1999 to October 2003, during which 157 individuals were tagged and 35 were recaptured. The male : female sex ratio of captured individuals was 1 : 1·12. Mean ±  s . d . growth rates were 24·7 ± 3·4 cm year−1 in total length ( L T), 20·7 ± 3·2 cm year−1 in fork length, and 19·5 ± 2·7 cm year−1 in precaudal length. There was no significant difference in growth rates between males and females. Mean ±  s . d . increase in mass was 2565 ± 762 g year−1. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters estimated by the Fabens method based on L T were: k  = 0·077, L  = 399·9 cm and t 0 = −2·16. Despite the large variation of environmental conditions, particularly of tidal range and currents, and the lack of protective mangrove cover in the nursery area at Atol das Rocas, juvenile lemon sharks grew relatively faster than at other nurseries. Such rapid growth could be a response to abundant food availability or high risk of predation by adults that enter the nursery area.  相似文献   

Eberhard Gischler 《Facies》2010,56(2):173-177
Shallow fore-reef areas worldwide are usually characterized by spurs and grooves. A comparison of examples from the three world oceans suggests that Indo-Pacific spurs and grooves are shaped predominantly by erosion, whereas western Atlantic spur and groove systems are largely a product of constructive processes. I propose that this difference is caused by regional differences in Holocene sea-level change, which controlled exposure to waves and currents, and reef-accretion rates. The transgressive–regressive sea-level curve in the Indo-Pacific realm, i.e., the Mid-to-Late Holocene sea-level fall in these areas has maintained high-energy conditions in the shallow fore reef. Higher exposure to waves and currents favors erosion and leads to a dominance of crustose coralline algae that have relatively slow growth rates. In the western Atlantic, the transgressive Holocene sea level has caused Mid-to-Late Holocene deepening and has maintained accommodation space for reef accretion. Fast-growing acroporid corals thrive under lower exposure and are more common than coralline algae. The fossil record of the spur and groove system is rather poor, which is probably a consequence of the need of excellent, three-dimensional outcrops for identification.  相似文献   

The growth rate hypothesis (GRH) links growth rates with organism elemental stoichiometry. Support for the GRH was found for many animal species, but less so for plants. This is the first study to test the GRH in macroalgae. Tropical coral reef macroalgae from three lineages, Caulerpa serrulata (Chlorophyta), Laurencia intricata (Rhodophyta), and Sargassum polyphyllum (Phaeophyceae) were grown enriched with nitrogen or phosphorous and under control conditions at Heron Island on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Growth rate, photosynthesis, nucleic acid composition, and elemental stoichiometry were measured. Nutrient enrichment had positive effects on photosynthetic rates and on investment in RNA. However, growth rate was not correlated with either photosynthetic rates or RNA content; thus, we did not find support for the GRH in tropical macroalgae. Macroalgae, especially L. intricata, accumulated P to very high levels (>0.6% of dry weight). The growth rate response to tissue P concentrations was unimodal. Above 0.21%, P accumulation had negative effects on growth. Nitrogen was not stored, but evidence of futile cycling was observed. The capacity to store large amounts of P is probably an adaptation to the low and patchy nutrient environment of the tropical oceans.  相似文献   

A fossil primnoid gorgonian skeleton (Octocorallia) was recovered on the eastern Galician Massif in the Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic) from 720 m water depth. The skeleton shows a growth banding of alternating Mg–calcitic and organic (gorgonin) increments in the inner part, surrounded by a ring of massive fibrous calcite. Three calcite-dominated cycles, bounded by thick organic layers, consist of five light-dark couplets of calcite and gorgonin. Two AMS-14C datings of the fossil skeleton give ages of 10,880 and 10,820 ± 45 14C years before present (BP). We arrive at a calibrated age range of 11,829–10,072 cal. years BP (two σ), which comprises the late Younger Dryas to the earliest part of the Holocene. The cyclic calcitic–organic growth banding may be controlled by a constant rate of calcite secretion with a fluctuating rate of gorgonin production, possibly related to productivity cycles. The skeletal fabric change of alternating calcitic–organic increments to massive fibrous calcite may be the result of hydrographic changes during the deglaciation as reflected by preliminary stable isotope data. If this hypothesis proves to be correct, primnoid gorgonians are able to match with varying hydrodynamic conditions by changing their biomineralisation mode.  相似文献   

We present a synthesis of the palaeolimnological and palaeoclimatic reconstructions of four sites in Colombia. The record from Lake El Caimito, the westernmost site on the Pacific Coast, dates from the Late Holocene and shows lacustrine sedimentation frequently interrupted by fluvial pulses. These pulses probably reflect periods of increased precipitation related to La Niña phases. East of El Caimito site is the Patía swamp, situated between the Western and Central Andean Cordilleras. The Patía records the dynamics of forest expansion/reduction and changes in water levels. Although the climatic signal of the Patia core is difficult to reconstruct, there is a clear increase in humidity in the Mid-Holocene. The Fúquene Lake record, on the Eastern Andean Cordillera, records dry and cold conditions during the Late Pleistocene, very humid conditions for the early Mid-Holocene, and dry conditions during the mid-Late Holocene. Las Margaritas site, on the eastern savannas, records dry conditions during the Early Holocene and overall humid conditions for the Mid- and Late Holocene. Climate conditions from the Fuquene and Las Margaritas sites seem to reflect the Holocene movements of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ); the latter site being more affected by humidity coming from the Amazon region.  相似文献   

Summary The roles of Permian colonial corals in forming organic reefs have not been adequately assessed, although they are common fossils in the Permian strata. It is now known that colonial corals were important contributors to reef framework during the middle and late Permian such as those in South China, northeast Japan, Oman and Thailand. A coral reef occurs in Kanjia-ping, Cili County, Hunan, South China. It is formed by erect and unscathed colonies ofWaagenophyllum growing on top of one anotherin situ to form a baffle and framework. Paleontological data of the Cili coral reef indicates a middle to late Changhsing age (Late Permian), corresponding to thePalaeofusulina zone. The coral reef exposure extends along the inner platform margin striking in E-S direction for nearly 4 km laterally and generally 35 to 57 m thick. The Cili coral reef exhibits a lateral differentiation into three main reef facies; reef core facies, fore-reef facies, and marginal slope facies. The major reef-core facies is well exposed in Shenxian-wan and Guanyin-an sections where it rests on the marginal slope facies. Colonial corals are dispersed and preserved in non-living position easward. Sponges become major stabilizing organisms in the eastern part of Changhsing limestone outcrop in Kanjia-ping, but no read sponge reefs were formed. Coral reefs at Cili County in Human are different distinctly from calcisponge reefs in South China in their palaeogeography, lithofacies development, organic constitutuents, palaeoecology and diagenesis. The Cili coral reef also shows differences in age, depositional facies association, reef organisms and diagenesis from coral reefs in South Kitakami of Japan, Khorat Plateau of Thailand, and Saih Hatat of Oman. Although some sponge reefs and mounds can reach up to the unconformable Permian/Triassic boundary, coral reef at Kanjia-ping, Cili County, is the latest Permian reef known. This reef appears to had been formed in a palaeoenvironment that is different from that of the sponge reefs and provides an example of new and unique Permian reef type in South China, and could help us to: 1) understand the significance of colonial corals in Permian carbonate buildups; 2) evaluate the importance of coral community evolution prior to the collapse of reef ecosystems at the Permian/Triassic boundary; 3) better understand the effects of the biotic extinction events in Palaeotethys realm; 4) look for environmental factors that may have controlled reefs through time and space, and 5) provide valuable data for the study of Permian palaeoclimate and global evolutionary changes of Permian reefs and reef community.  相似文献   

Temporal trends in growth of the rusty parrotfish Scarus ferrugineus were studied on a southern Red Sea fringing reef that experiences seasonal changes in environmental conditions and benthic algal resources. Length increment data from tagging and recapture were compared among periods and sexes and modelled using GROTAG, a von Bertalanffy growth model. The growth pattern of S. ferrugineus was highly seasonal with a maximum occurring between April and June and a minimum between December and March. Body condition followed the seasonal variation in growth, increasing from April to June and decreasing from December to March. The season of maximum growth coincided with high irradiation, temperature increases and peak abundance of the primary food source, the epilithic algal community. There was a decline in growth rate during summer (July to October) associated with a combination of extreme temperatures and lowered food availability. There were strong sexual size dimorphism (SSD) and life‐history traits. Terminal‐phase (TP) males achieved larger asymptotic lengths than initial‐phase individuals (IP) (L 34·55 v. 25·12 cm) with growth coefficients (K) of 0·26 and 0·38. The TPs were growing four times as fast as IPs of similar size. Three individuals changed from IP to TP while at liberty and grew eight times faster than IPs of similar size, suggesting that sex change in S. ferrugineus is accompanied by a surge in growth rate. The SSD in S. ferrugineus thus coincided with fast growth that started during sex change and continued into the TP. Faster growth during sex change suggests that the cost associated with sex change is limited.  相似文献   

A branched mid-Holocene bamboo coral skeleton of the isidid gorgonian genus Keratoisis (Octocorallia) recovered at southwestern Chatham Rise (New Zealand) from an average water depth of 680 m is described with respect to sclerochronology and age determination. Growth rates of the Mg-calcitic internodal increments were investigated by the counting of colour bands and radiocarbon dating. Growth banding is produced by varying orientations of crystal fan bundles towards the image plane. The skeleton shows three growth interruptions, which are documented in all branches. AMS 14C ages decrease from base to top of the trunk and from the central axes to the margins of the branches, documenting a simultaneous vertical and lateral growth. The data provide a maximum age of 3,975 ± 35 years BP, and a record spanning 240 ± 35 years. While calculated longitudinal growth rates amount to an average of 5 mm year−1 during a 55-year record, average lateral linear extension rates of 0.4 mm year−1 are an order of magnitude lower, still allowing for a seasonal to annual resolution of colour bands on a macroscopic scale and for a daily to monthly resolution on microscales of individual crystal generations to fascicle bundles. Hence, the isidid skeleton provides a high-resolution archive of paleoceanographic dynamics in deeper water masses. Concentric incremental accretion around the central axis in the early growth stages changed into a unilaterally asymmetric growth during late-stage evolution, probably triggered by the establishment of a stable system of unidirectional currents and nutrient flux. While colour band counts, related to the AMS 14C ages, support a seasonal to annual accretion of macroscopic growth bands in the inner concentric and complete outer parts of the skeleton, incremental growth rates at the condensed side are highly variable, as documented by hiatuses and unconformities. Thus the specimen proves that growth rates of bamboo corals may vary within individual skeletons and strongly deviate from the annual mode, hence showing implications on paleoceanographic proxy analyses.  相似文献   

A 450 cm sediment core from Taperebal, in the mangrove region of northeastern Pará State in northern Brazil has been studied through pollen analysis in order to reconstruct mangrove development and dynamics and to infer relative sea-level (RSL) changes during the Holocene. Six AMS radiocarbon dates, which provide a somewhat limited age control with some uncertainties, suggest early and late Holocene deposits interrupted by a hiatus between them. A patchy vegetation of coastal Amazon rain forest, restinga, salt marsh and some mangrove, which was dominated by Avicennia, covered the study area during the early Holocene period. The occurrence of an early Avicennia dominated mangrove phase has not been reported so far from other sites in northern Brazil. During the mid Holocene mangroves mostly replaced the former coastal Amazon rain forest, restinga and some salt marsh vegetation, reflecting the rise in the RSL. Rhizophora trees expanded markedly and Avicennia became rare. In the sediment core there is apparently a gap between the depths of 115 and 85 cm (possibly starting between 5900 and 5750 b.p.). The deposits above 85 cm are of modern age and were probably deposited during the last decades. This gap can be explained by the lowering of the RSL as is shown for other northern Brazilian coastal sites. The deposition of sediments during the last decades suggests that the modern RSL is high compared to other periods in the Holocene. Pollen data from these deposits show that Rhizophora trees dominate the mangrove forests, also indicating a high RSL.  相似文献   

Juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar subjected to three weeks of cooler temperatures were 8·5% smaller than controls at the end of the temperature manipulation, but had caught up in size 20 weeks later. The behavioural means is examined by which this catch-up or compensatory growth is achieved. While on average compensating fish did not spend more time feeding, dominant fish within each group gained more exclusive access to the feeding area during periods of catch-up growth. Therefore the extent to which compensatory growth could be achieved was dependent on both the social status of the individual and the dominants' ability to monopolize the food patch.  相似文献   

The present study was initiated to ascertain the significance of coccolithophores as a proxy for paleoceanographic and paleoproductivity studies in the equatorial Atlantic. Data from a range of different samples, from the plankton, surface sediments as well as sediment cores are shown and compared with each other.In general, the living coccolithophores in the surface and subsurface waters show considerable variation in cell numbers and distribution patterns. Cell densities reached a maximum of up to 300×103 coccospheres/l in the upwelling area of the equatorial Atlantic. Here, Emiliania huxleyi is the dominant species with relatively high cell numbers, whereas Umbellosphaera irregularis and Umbellosphaera tenuis are characteristic for oligotrophic surface waters. Although they are observed in high relative abundances, these species only occur in low absolute numbers. The lower photic zone is dominated by high abundances and considerable cell numbers of Florisphaera profunda.The geographical distribution pattern of coccoliths in surface sediments reflects the conditions of the overlying surface water masses. However, abundances of the oligotrophic species Umbellosphaera irregularis and Umbellosphaera tenuis are strongly diminished, causing an increase in relative abundance of the lower photic zone taxa Florisphaera profunda and Gladiolithus flabellatus.During the past 140,000 years the surface water circulation of the equatorial Atlantic has changed drastically, as can be seen from changes in the coccolithophore species composition, absolute coccolith numbers, as well as coccolith accumulation rates. Significant increases in coccolith numbers and accumulation rates is observed in the southern equatorial Atlantic during the last glacial interval (oxygen isotope stages 2–4), which we attribute to enhanced upwelling intensities and advection of cool nutrient rich waters at this site. In the western equatorial Atlantic we observe an opposite trend with decreasing numbers of coccoliths during glacial periods, which probably is caused by a deepening of the thermocline.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2004,50(1-2):43-88
Several marine, peridiniphycidean dinoflagellate species produce calcareous cysts during their life cycle, which are relatively resistant to chemical and physical degradation and are therefore often found in large quantities in oceanic bottom sediments. Although the use of these calcareous cysts as proxies for palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic reconstructions has seen many advances over the last decade, until now only relatively patchy and regional information was available on their recent distribution patterns and ecology, especially at the species level. In this paper, comprehensive calcareous cyst diversity and distribution data have been compiled from published and unpublished work for 167 South and equatorial Atlantic Ocean surface sediments, ranging from 20°N to 50°S, and 30°E to 65°W. The main aim has been to focus on the complex, often non-linear, relationships between individual species’ distributions and the physicochemical and trophic conditions of the overlying (sub)surface waters through the use of xy graphs of cyst abundance vs. (sub)surface water environmental parameters, and detrended correspondence analyses. Ten cyst species and the calcareous vegetative coccoid species Thoracosphaera heimii were observed in the bottom sediments, each species showing its own characteristic distribution pattern in relation to the environmental conditions of the upper water masses above them (e.g. sea surface temperature, productivity, stratification). The sensitive reactions of various species to unique combinations of environmental parameters shows that each species has its own specific ecological traits, thus rejecting the bundled use of ‘calcareous cyst accumulation’ as a general proxy for oligotrophy or stratification in future palaeoenvironmental analyses. The acquired ‘reference’ data set of this study is large and diverse enough to allow its future application in quantitative palaeoenvironmental reconstruction models, and shows that there is still an enormous reconstruction potential concealed in many fossil calcareous dinoflagellate cyst assemblages.  相似文献   

The reef fisheries of Pulau (meaning “island” in Malay) Banggi, Sabah are not managed, and lack baseline fisheries data despite forming part of a proposed marine park. Thus, a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches was applied to obtain a baseline picture about the past and present state of the fisheries. Fish landings were monitored, and fisher interviews conducted to investigate seasonal effects and historical changes in Banggi’s reef fisheries. Monsoon winds were a major driver of seasonal differences in catch quantities for the hook and line, but not the gillnet fishery. Spatial distribution of fishing effort and target species also differed by season. Fishers consistently indicated that Banggi’s fisheries were declining, with a suggested three to four times decrease in catch rates over the last 20 years. Interestingly, it appeared that substantial decreases began in the year 2000. The responses of fishers to seasonal changes, and the resultant implications for management are discussed. Importantly, the need for immediate management policies to prevent further declines and to maintain sustainable reef fisheries is stressed. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
L. S. L. TehEmail:

Under common environments, populations of laboratory reared (Grand Banks, GB and Gulf of Maine, GOM) and wild caught (Fortune Bay, FB and Bonavista Bay, BB; Newfoundland) juvenile cod Gadus morhua responded similarly to temperature change in specific growth rates, food conversion efficiencies, condition factors, liver water content, and muscle water content. However, GOM cod had higher condition factors, and showed differences from GB cod in phenotypic plasticity of hepatosomatic index to temperature. These differences were not present in a different population comparison between FB and BB cod. All populations had higher growth rates and food conversion efficiencies at warmer temperatures, and exhibited compensatory growth when temperature was increased. The results suggest relatively larger genetic differences between GB and GOM cod than between FB and BB cod, and indicate that the faster growth of southern populations in the wild is not due to a higher genetic capacity for growth rate.  相似文献   

Late Glacial and Holocene environmental changes were reconstructed using physical, chemical and biological proxies in Lake Myklevatnet, Allmenningen, (5º13′17″E, 61º55′13″N) located at the northern side of Nordfjorden at the coast of western Norway. Myklevatnet (123 m a.s.l.) lies above the Late Glacial marine limit and contains sediments back to approximately 14,300 years before a.d. 2000 (b2k). Because the lake is located ~48 km beyond the margin of the Younger Dryas (YD) fjord and valley glaciers further inland, and did not receive glacier meltwater from local glaciers during the YD, the lake record provides supplementary information to Lake Kråkenes that received glacial meltwater from a local YD glacier. Lake Myklevatnet has a small catchment and is sensitive to Late Glacial and Holocene climate and environmental changes in the coastal region of western Norway. The age-depth relationship was inferred from a radiocarbon- and tephra-based smoothing-spline model with correlated ages from oxygen isotope maxima and minima in the Late Glacial sequence of the NGRIP ice core (in years b2k) to refine the basal chronology in the Myklevatnet record. The results indicate a two-step YD warming, colder early YD temperatures than in the later part of the YD, and considerably more climate and environmental variability during the late Holocene in western Norway than recorded previously in the oxygen isotopes from Greenland ice cores. The Myklevatnet record is also compared with other Late Glacial and Holocene terrestrial and marine proxy reconstructions in the North Atlantic realm.  相似文献   

Abu-Rezq  Tawfiq S.  Yule  A. B.  Teng  S. K. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,347(1-3):109-118
Hydrobiologia - The ingestion, fecundity, growth rates and culture of theharpacticoid copepod, Tisbe furcata, fed different algalspecies at different cell densities were studied. It was foundthat...  相似文献   

Detailed interdisciplinary investigations demonstrate that Geneva Bay (Lake Geneva) sediments clearly record important palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic changes occurred during the Late glacial and early Holocene. Sediments are in fact differentiated by changes in texture, mineralogical and geochemical composition. Distal turbidite and glacial rhythmite deposition associated with wind-transported sediment supply dominate during the Oldest Dryas. These were replaced during the Allerød by detrital settling of sediment from turbid water and by endogenic calcite precipitation. The Younger Dryas climate reversal (for the first time in Lake Geneva well documented by a pollen record) was characterized by an increase in detrital supply owing to increased run-off from the bay slopes surrounding and within the catchment area, caused by thinning of vegetation cover. A brief pause in endogenic precipitation related to decreased productivity also occurs at this time. Endogenic carbonate sedimentation abruptly resumed at the start of the Preboreal biozone in response to the rapid global climatic warming. In the middle Preboreal, renewed detrital sedimentation is interpreted as the sedimentological response to increased erosion in high-altitude regions of the catchment area, caused by a minor early Holocene cooling phase (Preboreal oscillation), and interrupts the trend towards increasing endogenic calcite precipitation. Favourable limnic conditions are reached during the late Preboreal, when diatom–calcite rhythmites begin to form. Stable isotope analysis (δ18O, δ13C) in bulk carbonate highlight the transition from clastic-dominated to endogenic-dominated sedimentation. Endogenic calcite deposition continues during the Boreal biozone, occasionally interrupted by local high-energy sedimentary processes (wave-induced erosion and reworking of littoral deposits) enhanced by progressive lake-level lowering. During the Older Atlantic biozone, sedimentation was mainly dominated by low-energy deposition, creating enhanced conditions for the development of benthic fauna. We will discuss the factors that make Geneva Bay an important site for recording the Late glacial–Holocene climate and environmental changes. The comparison with other Swiss Plateau lacustrine systems allowed us to emphasize the role played by the particular geographical and morphological setting of the site investigated and links with climate-sensitive regions in the catchment area.  相似文献   

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