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The use of local seed sources for revegetation is accepted practice to reduce the potential that propagules will be poorly adapted to site conditions. However, data are often lacking to determine the distance within which seed sources represent local genotypes. Short‐term reciprocal transplant studies represent a class of tools to detect local adaptation of target species. We conducted a reciprocal transplant of Nassella pulchra between two central California locations to test for adaptation to local environmental conditions over a 3‐year period. Experimental plots at one location were split between grazed and ungrazed sites to evaluate the potential influence of livestock grazing on the detection or magnitude of local adaptation. During each year of the study, evidence of a home‐site advantage depended on the location, traits studied, and population. At the end of the 3‐year study period, however, we detected consistent evidence of a home‐site advantage for seedling biomass among grazed sites at one location and ungrazed plots at the other location. In effect, local adaptation was only apparent in the final year of the study. Short‐term reciprocal transplant studies are an effective tool to guide the selection of seed sources most likely to germinate and to become established at a restoration site, but such studies cannot rule out local adaptation, which may not be immediately detectable.  相似文献   

Concerns about the use of genetically appropriate material in restoration often focus on questions of local adaptation. Many reciprocal transplant studies have demonstrated local adaptation in native plant species, but very few have examined how interspecific competition affects the expression of adaptive variation. Our study examined regional scales of adaptation between foothill and coastal populations of two California native bunchgrasses (Elymus glaucus and Nassella pulchra). By combining competitive manipulations with reciprocal transplants, we examined the importance of the vegetation at a site as a selective factor in the process of local adaptation. By monitoring survival and reproduction of reciprocally transplanted populations over the course of 3 years, we also studied the effect of life history stage on the expression of local adaptation. For most of the fitness components we measured, local adaptation was detected and interspecific competition consistently amplified its expression. Expression of local adaptation was especially apparent in the more inbreeding species E. glaucus and suggests that with weaker gene flow, selection may be more effective in creating ecotypes within this species. Local adaptation was detected at all life history stages but was most strongly expressed in traits associated with adult reproduction and the viability of seeds produced by the transplants. Taken together, our results indicate that the importance of local adaptation will become more apparent in the later stages of a restoration project as the plants at a site begin to reproduce and as they experience greater interspecific competition from the maturing vegetation at the site.  相似文献   

Prescribed fire is an important management tool for reducing the dominance of non‐native species in annual grasslands; both annual and perennial native species show strong vegetative responses in the subsequent growing season. However, although the post‐fire contribution of native species to the seed bank is assumed to be larger than in pretreatment years, the effects on seed quality, particularly viability and longevity, are not well understood. In this study, I germinated Nassella pulchra (purple needlegrass) seed that had been stored for 10 years after collection from target plants receiving treatment combinations of summer burning and grazing by sheep. Seeds from burned plants were larger and had higher germinability than seed from unburned plants. Seeds from plants that were both burned and grazed had the highest germination. The strong relationship between long‐term viability and seed size suggests greater maternal provisioning and increased seed quality subsequent to burning and grazing. I conclude that managing for seed quality may be a useful approach for conservation of native species in California's critically endangered grassland habitats.  相似文献   

One common problem encountered when restoring grasslands is the prominence of non-native plant species. It is unclear what effect non-native plants have on habitat quality of grassland passerines, which are among the most imperiled groups of birds. In 2004 and 2005, we compared patterns of avian reproduction and the mechanisms that might influence those patterns across a gradient of 13 grasslands in the Zumwalt Prairie in northeastern Oregon that vary in the degree of non-native plant cover (0.9–53.4%). We monitored the fate of 201 nests of all the breeding species in these pastures and found no association of percent non-native cover with nest densities, clutch size, productivity, nest survival, and nestling size. Regardless of the degree of non-native cover, birds primarily fed on Coleoptera, Orthoptera, and Araneae. But as percent non-native cover in the pastures increased, Orthoptera made up a greater proportion of diet and Coleoptera made up a smaller proportion. These diet switches were not the result of changes in terrestrial invertebrate abundance but may be related to decreases in percent bare ground associated with increasing cover of non-native vegetation. Measures of nest crypticity were not associated with cover of non-native vegetation, suggesting that predation risk may not increase with increased cover of non-native vegetation. Thus, the study results show that increased non-native cover is not associated with reduced food supplies or increased predation risk for nesting birds, supporting the growing body of evidence that grasslands with a mix of native and non-native vegetation can provide suitable habitat for native grassland breeding birds.  相似文献   

The capacity of restored plant populations to adapt to new environmental challenges depends on within‐population genetic variation. We examined how much genetic and environmentally based variation for fitness‐associated traits exists within populations of two native grasses commonly used for restoration in California. We were also interested in understanding how phenotypic expression of genetic variation for these traits varies with growth environment. Thirty maternal families of Elymus glaucus (Blue wild rye) and Nassella pulchra (Purple needlegrass) were sampled from both coastal and interior populations and reciprocally transplanted into three replicated common gardens with and without interspecific competition at each site. Reproductive output of families differed both among years and with competition treatments. Phenotypic expression of genetic variation in culm production differed among populations and was very low when families were grown with interspecific competition. Without interspecific competition, the degree of genetic determination peaked in year two in both species (8.4 and 15.1% in E. glaucus and N. pulchra, respectively). Significant genetic differences in reproduction and phenotypic plasticity were found among N. pulchra subpopulations sampled less than 3 km apart, further highlighting the importance of thoroughly sampling available genetic variation in populations used for restoration. The variable and generally low expression of genetic variation indicates that rates of adaptation in restored populations of these native grasses may vary temporally and may be especially slow within competitive environments.  相似文献   

One of the major challenges confronting grassland restoration of highly invaded communities is increasing the diversity of native species. There is surprisingly little research investigating how reconstructed native grasslands respond to common management techniques and how these techniques influence the relative establishment of both native grasses and forbs. Despite the diversity and wide distribution of native clovers in California, few practitioners incorporate them into grassland restoration plans. Conversely, non‐native clovers have been seeded extensively onto California rangelands. This study addresses the following questions: (1) Using readily available management tools, is there a strategy that can benefit the growth of both planted native bunchgrasses and seeded clovers? (2) Do native bunchgrasses compete with establishing clovers and non‐native grasses? (3) Do native and non‐native clovers differ in their response to management treatments or in their productivity? Plots were established to test three factors in different combinations over 3 years: (1) early spring clipping, (2) initial broadleaf herbicide, and (3) native bunchgrass planting density. Native and non‐native clovers were seeded in years 2 and 3. Early spring clipping did not have a significant effect on native bunchgrass cover, yet it did result in greater growth of native and non‐native clovers. The direction of the response to broadleaf herbicide changed between years for native bunchgrasses and was consistently negative for native clovers. Plots with higher native grass densities did not adversely affect the seeded clovers, yet non‐native grass cover was reduced. Native and non‐native clovers exhibited similar responses to clipping and established at similar densities.  相似文献   

Native perennial grasses were once common in California prairies that are now dominated by annual grasses introduced from Europe. Competition from exotics may be a principal impediment to reestablishment of native perennial grasses. Introduced annual grasses, such as Vulpia myuros (zorro fescue), are often included with native perennial species in revegetation seed mixtures used in California. To examine the potential suppressive effect of this graminoid, we evaluated the growth and performance of a mixture of California native perennial grasses and resident weeds when grown with varying densities of V. myuros. The annual fescue exhibited a strongly plastic growth response to plant density, producing similar amounts of above‐ground biomass at all seeding densities. Perennial grass seedling survival and above‐ ground biomass decreased and individuals became thinner (i.e., reduced weight‐to‐height ratio) with increasing V. myuros seeding density. V. myuros also significantly suppressed above‐ground biomass and densities of weeds and had a more negative effect on weed densities than on native perennial grass densities. Biomass of native grasses and weeds was not differentially affected by increasing densities of V. myuros. Overall, because V. myuros significantly reduced the survival and performance of the mixture of native perennial grasses and this effect increased with increasing V. myuros density, we conclude that including this exotic annual in native seed mixtures is counterproductive to restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Chemical and physical (abiotic) conditions can be determining factors of community assembly and invasibility, but can this observation be used as a practical tool for habitat creation? Serpentine soils, in particular, have three abiotic components thought to confer invasion resistance: a low Ca:Mg ratio, low water‐retention capacity, and high concentrations of heavy metals. Consequently, not only do some serpentine‐adapted native plants persist only on serpentine soils, but also the community members that depend upon those plants become dependent upon serpentine as well. In an effort to provide additional habitat for the threatened and serpentine‐restricted Bay checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha bayensis), we experimentally altered a non‐serpentine site to mimic the abiotic conditions of serpentine. Attempts to lower the Ca:Mg ratio of soils through the addition of MgSO4 were unsuccessful. We then altered soil depth through the addition of gravel beds to determine the effects of water stress on native and non‐native community composition. We found that shallow soils had lower water content and correspondingly had significantly lower non‐native species richness and cover. The results present promising means, but also cautionary information, for habitat creation efforts and demonstrate the possible utility of edaphic manipulation in abating non‐native plant invasions. None of the experimental plots supported communities capable of sustaining E. editha populations, emphasizing that the manipulation of physical conditions is only likely to be successful in coordination with other restoration techniques.  相似文献   

The Central Valley of California is noted for its dearth of remnant native grass populations and for low native grass seedling establishment within grasslands now dominated by non‐native annual species. In contrast, remnant populations are common along the coast, and studies have shown an ability for seedlings and adults to compete with non‐native annual grasses. The invasibility of well‐established populations of native grasses in the Central Valley remains unclear. The objectives of this study were to compare the invasibility of native grasses differing in density and species composition and, given the species in this study, to assess the ability of mixes with greater species richness to resist invasion relative to their abilities in monoculture. In the Sacramento Valley of California, six species of native grasses were planted at three densities in monospecific and mixed‐species plots. Percent cover of native perennial and non‐native annual grasses was measured in years 2 and 3, and biomass was sampled in year 5. Native grass biomass and, to a lesser extent, species composition were important in explaining variation in non‐native grass invasibility in the fifth year. Species‐rich treatments did not experience less invasion than would be expected by the proportional invasibility of each species in monoculture. However, invasibility of plots consisting of slower growing, shorter statured species decreased over time, suggesting a successional benefit to diverse communities. This study demonstrates that established stands of native grasses in the Sacramento Valley can resist invasion by non‐native annual grasses and that stand biomass is a particularly important factor in determining invasibility.  相似文献   

Grasslands dominated by exotic annual grasses have replaced native perennial vegetation types in vast areas of California. Prescribed spring fires can cause a temporary replacement of exotic annual grasses by native and non‐native forbs, but generally do not lead to recovery of native perennials, especially where these have been entirely displaced for many years. Successful reintroduction of perennial species after fire depends on establishment in the postfire environment. We studied the effects of vegetation changes after an April fire on competition for soil moisture, a key factor in exotic annual grass dominance. As an alternative to fire, solarization effectively kills seeds of most plant species but with a high labor investment per area. We compared the burn to solarization in a study of establishment and growth of seeds and transplants of the native perennial grass Purple needlegrass (Nassella pulchra) and coastal sage species California sagebrush (Artemisia californica). After the fire, initial seed bank and seedling densities and regular percent cover and soil moisture (0–20 cm) data were collected in burned and unburned areas. Burned areas had 96% fewer viable seeds of the dominant annual grass, Ripgut brome (Bromus diandrus), leading to replacement by forbs from the seed bank, especially non‐native Black mustard (Brassica nigra). In the early growing season, B. diandrus dominating unburned areas consistently depleted soil moisture to a greater extent between rains than forbs in burned areas. However, B. diandrus senesced early, leaving more moisture available in unburned areas after late‐season rains. Nassella pulchra and A. californica established better on plots treated with fire and/or solarization than on untreated plots. We conclude that both spring burns and solarization can produce conditions where native perennials can establish in annual grasslands. However, the relative contribution of these treatments to restoration appears to depend on the native species being reintroduced, and the long‐term success of these initial restoration experiments remains to be determined.  相似文献   

We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of the gastropod grazer Trochus niloticus in controlling epilithic algae and enhancing coral recruitment on artificial substrata on coral reefs where the biomass of herbivorous fishes was low due to heavy fishing pressure. Hatchery‐reared, subadult trochus were stocked onto pallet balls (small artificial reefs composed of concrete and limestone aggregate) at a density of approximately four individuals per square meter (external surface area). This density was re‐established with releases of new trochus each month for 6 months. At the end of the experiment, there were no significant differences in algal biomass, cover and community composition, or the density of coral recruits on substrata with and without trochus. High monthly attrition of stocked trochus on the pallet balls, apparently due mainly to predation by octopus, did not allow the evaluation of the efficiency of the trochus enhancement, at the desired density, as a restoration tool. However, at the lower trochus densities (circa 1 m?2), which occurred as a result of predation in this study, no apparent enhancement of algal grazing or coral recruitment were observed. The surprisingly high predation of stocked trochus in a heavily fished and gleaned reef site stresses the importance of understanding all the factors affecting the survival of stocked animals. To help mitigate predation of trochus, artificial habitat with refuge spaces that allow the grazers to escape predation could be provided and individuals of a larger size could be released.  相似文献   

Constraints to grassland and open forest restoration (e.g., poor seed sources, yearly variation in establishment, and the persistence of weeds) necessitate the development of innovative methods to restore bunchgrass communities. We assessed the use of two native bunchgrass transplants, Bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata) and Spreading needlegrass (Achnatherum richardsonii), for restoration within thinned montane forest communities of southeastern British Columbia, Canada. Fall and spring plantings were examined, either with or without glyphosate treatments to Pinegrass (Calamagrostis rubescens) neighbors. Calamagrostis rubescens is abundant in grassland affected by tree encroachment and may limit transplant establishment. Bunchgrass survival was positively associated (p < 0.05) with transplant size. Although P. spicata survival was greater (p < 0.01) with fall (81%) than with spring (44%) planting, survival of A. richardsonii was greater (p < 0.01) when planted in the spring (68 vs. 23%). Reduction of C. rubescens led to a relatively small but significant increase (p < 0.05) in bunchgrass survival by 7%. The summer after planting, changes in transplant tiller number varied by bunchgrass species, planting season, and treatment of neighboring C. rubescens. Removal of neighboring C. rubescens generally increased the number of tillers (or reduced tiller loss) but only within fall‐planted A. richardsonii and spring‐planted P. spicata. Both A. richardsonii and P. spicata transplants have potential for understory restoration within thinned montane forests, particularly using larger individuals, although to maximize survival, these species should be planted in the spring and fall, respectively. Reduction of C. rubescens may also enhance transplant survival and in some cases growth.  相似文献   

After removing invasive plants, whether by herbicides or other means, typical restoration design focuses on rebuilding native plant communities while disregarding soil microbial communities. However, microbial–plant interactions are known to influence the relative success of native versus invasive plants. Therefore, the abundance and composition of soil microorganisms may affect restoration efforts. We assessed the effect of herbicide treatment on phytosymbiotic pink‐pigmented facultative methylotrophic (PPFM) bacteria and the potential consequences of native and invasive species establishment post‐herbicide treatment in the lab and in a coastal sage scrub (CSS)/grassland restoration site. Lab tests showed that 4% glyphosate reduced PPFM abundance. PPFM addition to seeds increased seedling length of a native plant (Artemisia californica) but not an invasive plant (Hirschfeldia incana). At the restoration site, methanol addition (a PPFM substrate) improved native bunchgrass (Nassella pulchra) germination and size by 35% over controls. In a separate multispecies field experiment, PPFM addition stimulated the germination of N. pulchra, but not that of three invasive species. Neither PPFM nor methanol addition strongly affected the growth of any plant species. Overall, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that PPFMs have a greater benefit to native than invasive species. Together, these experiments suggest that methanol or PPFM addition could be useful in improving CSS/grassland restorations. Future work should test PPFM effects on additional species and determine how these results vary under different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract Successful control of invasive exotic plants depends to a large degree on the regeneration potential of the target exotic species and other species that might also be influenced by the removal effort. In coastal grasslands of California, exotic French broom (Genista monspessulana) forms both dense stands aboveground and abundant seed banks belowground. Land managers attempt to reduce broom cover and the seed bank through prescribed burning, but before this study, no investigators had examined the effect of repeated burning on French broom and associated grassland species. We found that the soil seed bank of stands that were burned had fewer broom seeds than unburned areas but that repeated burning did not reduce the seed bank beyond what was observed after one fire. Fire also did not have any consistent effect on the seed banks of other grassland species. We also examined the relationship between broom stand age and seed bank size but did not find a strong relationship between them. Our data suggested that the broom seed bank stays constant or declines slightly with stand age. We did, however, find that nonbroom seed numbers decreased as broom stands aged. Our results suggest that fire does reduce the size of the broom seed bank and that control of broom need not be limited to only the youngest stands.  相似文献   

Predicting the response of species to environmental changes is a great and on‐going challenge for ecologists, and this requires a more in‐depth understanding of the importance of biotic interactions and the population structuration in the landscape. Using a reciprocal transplantation experiment, we tested the response of five species to an elevational gradient. This was combined to a neighbour removal treatment to test the importance of local adaptation and biotic interactions. The trait studied was performance measured as survival and biomass. Species response varied along the elevational gradient, but with no consistent pattern. Performance of species was influenced by environmental conditions occurring locally at each site, as well as by positive or negative effects of the surrounding vegetation. Indeed, we observed a shift from competition for biomass to facilitation for survival as a response to the increase in environmental stress occurring in the different sites. Unlike previous studies pointing out an increase of stress along the elevation gradient, our results supported a stress gradient related to water availability, which was not strictly parallel to the elevational gradient. For three of our species, we observed a greater biomass production for the population coming from the site where the species was dominant (central population) compared to population sampled at the limit of the distribution (marginal population). Nevertheless, we did not observe any pattern of local adaptation that could indicate adaptation of populations to a particular habitat. Altogether, our results highlighted the great ability of plant species to cope with environmental changes, with no local adaptation and great variability in response to local conditions. Our study confirms the importance of taking into account biotic interactions and population structure occurring at local scale in the prediction of communities’ responses to global environmental changes.  相似文献   

The effects of tree guards and weed mats on establishment and growth of native tree seedlings, Thick‐leaved oak (Cyclobalanopsis edithiae (Skan) Schott., Fagaceae), planted in an exposed hillside grassland in Hong Kong, were investigated. The natural regeneration of C. edithiae is poor due to a lack of seed dispersal agents and high seed predation, and therefore, this species is often targeted for forest restoration. The experiment lasted for 3.5 years during which the height, basal diameter, and crown diameter of individual seedlings were measured and survivorship recorded. The use of weed mats alone did not have a significant effect, but a combination of tree guards and weed mats led to a significant improvement in establishment, survivorship, and growth of the seedlings during the experimental period. Initially, the guards promoted rapid height growth of the seedlings, although lateral growth and secondary stem thickening were compromised. After the seedlings grew over the tree guards, the basal diameter and crown diameter increased at a notably faster rate. The combined effect of the tree guard and weed mat on the seedling growth pattern was found to be beneficial and contributed to the high survivorship of the seedlings. Comparing the survivorship data and the costs of various treatments, the use of tree guards in combination with the weed mats was demonstrated to be more cost‐effective than planting the seedlings without tree guards or weed mats. The potential for applying the technique in afforestation programs with native tree species for forest restoration in Hong Kong and other tropical regions is discussed.  相似文献   

The traditional view of the species as the fundamental unit of evolution has been challenged by observations that in heterogeneous environments, gene flow may be too restricted to overcome the effects of local selection. Whether a species evolves as a cohesive unit depends critically on the dynamic balance between homogenizing gene flow among populations and potentially disruptive local adaptation. To examine this evolutionary balance between "global" gene flow and local selection, we studied northern Californian populations of Helianthus exilis, the serpentine sunflower, within a mosaic of contrasting serpentine and nonserpentine areas that differ considerably in soil chemistry and water availability. Local adaptation to riparian and serpentine habitats was studied in Helianthus exilis along with an analysis of gene flow patterns among populations within these habitats. Local adaptation was assessed in H. exilis during 2002 and 2003 using reciprocal transplant experiments at multiple locations within serpentine and riparian habitats. Effects of competition and germination date on the expression of local adaptation were also examined within the reciprocal transplant experiments. Local adaptation was detected in both years at the local site level and at the level of habitat. The analysis of the transplanted populations indicated that the patterns of selection differed considerably between riparian and serpentine sites. Differential survivorship occurred in serpentine habitats, whereas selection on reproductive output predominated in riparian habitats. Local adaptation was expressed only in the absence of competition. Local adaptation in terms of survivorship was most strongly expressed in treatments with delayed seed germination. Microsatellite markers were used to quantify population genetic parameters and examine the patterns of gene flow among sampled populations. Analysis of molecular markers revealed a system of population patches that freely exchange genes with each other. Strong selection seems to maintain ecotypic variation within this endemic sunflower species, while extensive gene flow among populations prevents local speciation between serpentine and riparian ecotypes.  相似文献   

Aquatic microcosm studies often increase either chamber height or base diameter (to increase water volume) to test spatial ecology theories such as “scale” effects on ecological processes, but it is unclear whether the increase of chamber height or base diameter have the same effect on the processes, i.e., whether the effect of the shape of three-dimensional spaces is significant. We orthogonally manipulated chamber height and base diameter and determined swimming activity, average swimming velocity and grazing rates of the cladocerans Daphnia magna and Moina micrura (on two algae Scenedesmus quadricauda and Chlorella vulgaris; leading to four aquatic algae-cladoceran systems in total) under different microcosm conditions. Across all the four aquatic systems, increasing chamber height at a given base diameter significantly decreased the duration and velocity of horizontal swimming, and it tended to increase the duration but decrease the velocity of vertical swimming. These collectively led to decreases in both average swimming velocity and grazing rate of the cladocerans in the tall chambers (at a given base diameter), in accordance with the positive relationship between average swimming velocity and grazing rate. In contrast, an increase of base diameter at a given chamber height showed contrasting effects on the above parameters. Consistently, at a given chamber volume increasing ratio of chamber height to base diameter decreased the average swimming velocity and grazing rate across all the aquatic systems. In general, increasing chamber depth and base diameter may exert contrasting effects on zooplankton behavior and thus phytoplankton-zooplankton interactions. We suggest that spatial shape plays an important role in determining ecological process and thus should be considered in a theoretical framework of spatial ecology and also the physical setting of aquatic microcosm experiments.  相似文献   

Extensive degraded short tussock grasslands of New Zealand's eastern South Island were dominated by woody vegetation prior to burning and livestock grazing associated with human settlement starting 800 years ago. There is increasing interest in restoring some of these grasslands back to a woody state. However, because of the long time frames involved in establishing a woody cover, it is difficult to predict the impacts that woody restoration will have on the extant herbaceous flora. Using a factorial trial with artificial shade and grazing exclusion, we assessed the potential impact of woody restoration on the structure and composition of the herbaceous flora over a six‐year period. The imposition of artificial shade resulted in significant increases in total species richness and the total cover of herbaceous vegetation, increases in cover of several individual forb and grass species and decreases in the cover of bare ground, moss and lichen in shade treatments. There were also changes in the overall community composition of shaded treatments reflecting these changes in vegetation cover and species richness. We found no statistically significant effects of grazing exclusion. We suggest that increased soil moisture resulting from shade addition plays an important role in increasing the herbaceous component of the flora. While woody restoration will have a range of effects on the herbaceous understorey, for example through competition and changes in soil conditions, our findings are important for planning future woody restoration in these degraded tussock grasslands. In particular, our results suggest that the best approach to ensure the persistence of herbaceous vegetation in woody restorations might be to ensure that restoration plantings result in a spatially heterogeneous vegetation arrangement.  相似文献   

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