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海南山蛭种群数量动态与气象因素关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭恩光  梁传精 《生态学报》2000,20(4):611-614
在海南岛橡胶林内,每月观测海南山蛭Haemadipsa hainana种群数量Ba,用逐步回归分析方法研究了10个气象因子对海南山6种数量的影响,结果表明,1)每年海南山蛭种群数量不同,6a间影响海南山蛭种群数量的主要气候因素是X1(月雨量)、X3(月雨日)和X5(月有露日数);2)海南岛5~10月份为雨季,海南山蛭这种群数量明显增大,影响山蛭种群数量的主要气候因素是X5和X16(月最大风速和)和  相似文献   

应用多元线性回归方法分析了农抗R—4产生菌的发酵培养基成分;黄豆饼粉X_1,葡萄糖X_2,淀粉X_3,蛋白胨X_4,硫酸铵X5,CaCO_3,X_6,K_2PO_4X_7.得到了代表产素能力强弱的抑菌圈直径Y(mm)与营养成分X(g)的线性回归方程y=11.062+0.969X_1,且此方程达到极显著水平.影响其产素能力的主要元素是黄豆饼粉.  相似文献   

综述中国蛭类研究如下内容:(1)生态学。山蛭生态学,包括山蛭的生态分布,海南山蛭(Hhainana)的种群动态,对温度、土壤湿度和pH值的适应,以及对温、光、湿的综合反应和人类经济活动对其种群数量的影响;山蛭行为生态学,山蛭的运动包括慢缩短、快缩短、身体摆动和转动、洗刷运动、亲吻运动、觅食行为6程序,影响山蛭行为的一些因素以及对环境因素刺激的生态学意义;淡水水蜂生态学,包括浙江水田蛭类生活习性、广州水牛光润金线蛭种群数量动态与水体化学因子关系、广州水田吸血菲牛蛭生活水体化学环境;山蛭和水生吸血菲牛蛭的觅食、生长动态、生命周期和生殖生物学;(2)形态学、分类学和动物地理学。形态学包括山蛭机能组织学、山蛭器官系统解剖;分类学,中国蛭类动物有2亚纲(蛭蚓亚纲、真蛭亚纲)、3目(蛭蚓目、吻蛭目、无吻目)、9科、33属、111种,占世界蛭类物种数约1/6;动物地理学,包括世界山蛭科属动物地理,中国山蛭科动物地理、中国医蛭科动物地理。(3)蛭类的防治和驱避,淡水吸血蛭类防治所用农药种类,不同农药对海南山蛭的毒力(LD50、LD95)及使用,并比较了12种驱避剂对海南山蛭的驱避效果。(4)蛭类的医学利用,蛭素是蛭类唾液腺分泌的一种抗凝物质,蛭素有水蛭素(Hirudin)、山蛭素(Haemadin)和吻蛭素(Hementin)。记述了蛭素的分离、纯化和功能以及有关分子生物学内容。  相似文献   

黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)是我国广大农区的重要野栖害鼠,有关该鼠的种群数量预测预报国内外研究甚少。本文以江西省安义县的黑线姬鼠为例,应用逐步回归分析法对影响该鼠种群数量变动的因素进行筛选,探讨建立鼠类种群数量预测模型,经回报和试报检验,效果尚好,兹报道如下。 影响黑线姬鼠种群数量变动的因素比较多,我们以鼠类生物学和生态学为基础,结合前人的研究结果,初选出16个入选因子,然后将这些因子输入计算机进行筛选。这16个入选因子是:X_1:怀孕率;X_2:平均胎仔数;X_3:繁殖指数;X_4:成体性比;X_5:总性比;X_6:雄性成体百分比;X_7:雌性成体百分比;X_8:雄性成老体百分比;X_9:雌性成老体百分比;X_10:雄性成老体比;X_11:雌性成老体比;X_12:总成老体比;X_13:雌性成体比;X_14:总成体比;X_15:月平均气温;X_16:月降雨量。  相似文献   

【目的】通过对不同品种辣椒叶片内容物和烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)种群数量的相关关系研究,探讨辣椒品种对烟粉虱的抗生性机制。【方法】在不同品种辣椒上饲养烟粉虱,研究烟粉虱的种群趋势指数,同时测定不同辣椒品种叶片中可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、游离脯氨酸、酚类化合物和黄酮类化合物含量,分析烟粉虱种群数量与辣椒内容物的相关关系。【结果】不同品种辣椒上烟粉虱的种群趋势指数存在显著差异;抗虫辣椒品种叶片中可溶性糖、酚类化合物和黄酮类化合物含量显著高于感虫品种,可溶性蛋白、游离脯氨酸含量显著低于感虫品种。烟粉虱种群趋势指数与可溶性糖、酚类化合物和黄酮类化合物含量呈显著负相关,与可溶性蛋白、游离脯氨酸含量呈显著的正相关,其中可溶性糖含量对烟粉虱种群趋势指数影响最大。对可溶性糖(X_1)、可溶性蛋白(X_2)、游离脯氨酸(X_3)、酚类化合物(X_4)、黄酮类化合物(X_5)的含量5个因素与烟粉虱种群趋势指数(Y)进行多元回归分析,其回归方程为:Y=47.801-1.754X_1+1.206X_2+1.108X_3-0.437X_4-0.649X_5(R~2=0.688)。【结论】抗性辣椒品种对烟粉虱具有明显的抗生性。  相似文献   

用二次回归旋转组合设计研究了基本亩数(X_1)、基苗氮肥(X_2)、孕穗期氮肥(X_3)、过磷酸钙(X_4)和氯化钾(X_5)用量对小麦籽粒蛋白质含量的影响.结果表明,X_4、X_1和X_2对蛋白质含量有显著作用,因素之间存在着复杂的互作效应.利用计算机模拟选优,获得了本试验条件下蛋白质含量大于13%的5个农艺因素组合方案,X_1=172.35~186.75万/ha;x_2=116.6~123.6kg/ha;x_3=33.75~39.15kg/ha;x_4=333.9~448.8kg/ha;x_5=190.65~233.10kg/ha.  相似文献   

白背飞虱种群动态关联分析及预测模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕雨土  毛文彬 《昆虫知识》1996,33(4):193-195
根据灰色系统关联分析的基本原理,提出了白背飞虱种群动态的加权关联度预测法。衢县早稻后期白背飞虱发生量与历年6月25~30日平均百丛虫量X_1(t)、同期若虫比例X_2(t)、迟熟品种比例X_3(t)、6月下旬水分积分指数X_4(t)和平均气温X_5(t)等因素的关联序为:X_2(t)>X_1(t)>X_3(t)>X_5(t)>X_4(t)。据此建立的加权关联度预测模型,经12年资料回测和试报验证,结果令人满意。  相似文献   

目的:为制定中国青春期男性肺活量参考值的统一标准提供科学依据.方法:搜集了中国用肺量计法测定72个单位的213881例健康青春期男性肺活量参考值.运用相关分析的方法研究了其与海拔高度(X_1),年日照时数(X_2),年平均相对湿度(X_3),年平均气温(X_4),年降水量(X_5),气温年较差(X_6),年平均风速(X_7)的关系.结果:发现青春期男性肺活量参考值与地理因素之间有显著的相关关系.用偏最小二乘回归分析的方法建立了青春期男性肺活量参考值与地理因素的回归模型:Y=3024.77-0.131640X_1+0.022388X_2+2.381548X_3-1.344117X_4-0.030850X_5+7.881706X_6+39.820870X_7±557.93,并用Arcgis软件中的空间差值内插出中国青春期男性肺活量参考值的空间趋势分布图.结论:知道中国某地的地理因素,就可用此模型估算该地区青春期男性肺活量参考值,同时也可用空间趋势图直观的得到中国任何地方的青春期男性肺活量参考值.  相似文献   

谭恩光 《生态学报》2008,28(12):6272-6281
综述中国蛭类研究如下内容:(1)生态学.山蛭生态学,包括山蛭的生态分布,海南山蛭(H. hainana)的种群动态,对温度、土壤湿度和pH值的适应,以及对温、光、湿的综合反应和人类经济活动对其种群数量的影响;山蛭行为生态学,山蛭的运动包括慢缩短、快缩短、身体摆动和转动、洗刷运动、亲吻运动、觅食行为6程序,影响山蛭行为的一些因素以及对环境因素刺激的生态学意义;淡水水蛭生态学,包括浙江水田蛭类生活习性、广州水生光润金线蛭种群数量动态与水体化学因子关系、广州水田吸血菲牛蛭生活水体化学环境;山蛭和水生吸血菲牛蛭的觅食、生长动态、生命周期和生殖生物学;(2)形态学、分类学和动物地理学.形态学包括山蛭机能组织学、山蛭器官系统解剖;分类学,中国蛭类动物有2亚纲(蛭蚓亚纲、真蛭亚纲)、3目(蛭蚓目、吻蛭目、无吻目)、9科、33属、111种,占世界蛭类物种数约1/6;动物地理学,包括世界山蛭科属动物地理,中国山蛭科动物地理、中国医蛭科动物地理.(3)蛭类的防治和驱避,淡水吸血蛭类防治所用农药种类,不同农药对海南山蛭的毒力( LD50、LD95)及使用,并比较了12种驱避剂对海南山蛭的驱避效果.(4)蛭类的医学利用,蛭素是蛭类唾液腺分泌的一种抗凝物质,蛭素有水蛭素(Hirudin)、山蛭素(Haemadin)和吻蛭素(Hementin).记述了蛭素的分离、纯化和功能以及有关分子生物学内容.  相似文献   

云南六库桔小实蝇成虫种群数量变动及其影响因子分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
陈鹏  叶辉 《昆虫学报》2007,50(1):38-45
应用诱蝇谜引诱剂诱捕法于2003-2005年调查了云南六库桔小实蝇成虫种群动态,系统分析了气候因子及寄主植物对该种群变动的影响。研究结果表明:云南六库桔小实蝇种群发生呈季节性,仅出现于3-12月,成虫消长基本为单峰型,高峰出现在7月。六库桔小实蝇种群数量与气温、降雨量和月雨日数等气象因子有密切关系。决定系数和通径分析结果显示,月降雨量是影响六库桔小实蝇种群动态的主要决策因素;月平均气温和月平均最低气温是影响种群数量变动的主要限制因素,其中,月平均最低温度是间接影响种群数量变动的重要指标。主成分分析筛选出低温条件主成分,其累积方差贡献率达77.65%。逐步回归分析也证实,影响六库桔小实蝇种群月变动的主要气象因子是月平均气温和月平均最低气温。综合分析认为,低温是导致六库桔小实蝇季节性发生的关键因素。  相似文献   

不同农药对海南山蛭毒力测定及其防治研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在室内,利用速灭杀丁,叶蝉散,杀虫双,乐果,三氯杀螨,草甘膦等6种农药对海南山蛭(Haemadipsa hainane)进行毒力测定,比较各种农药LK50表明,速灭杀丁>叶蝉散>三氯杀螨醇>杀虫双>乐果,除草剂草苷膦对海南山蛭完全无毒杀作用,草甘膦+速灭杀丁对海南山蛭仍有很强的毒杀作用,海南山蛭对速灭杀丁的敏感性为,成体>幼体>亚成体,在田间小区试验表明,1.5%速灭杀丁防治效果为95.08%,大面积应用表明“草苷膦药液+0.5%速灭杀丁”防治效果最好,达94.74%,“草甘膦药液+1%叶蝉散乳油”防治效果次之,达90.5%,草甘膦+灭蛭农药是防治山蛭好药剂,达到灭蛭除草的目的。  相似文献   

长爪沙鼠种群数量与气象因子的关系   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
李仲来  张万荣 《兽类学报》1993,13(2):131-135
根据内蒙古自治区伊克昭盟鄂托克旗和鄂托克前旗1975—1989年长爪沙鼠密度监测数据和本地区气象站的7项气象因子资料,给出了气象因子与鼠密度的最优回归子集模型和标准回归模型。得到结论:年降水是影响鼠数量变动的最重要的气象因子。求出了年降水与鼠密度的曲线回归模型。  相似文献   

海南山蛭对土壤湿度和气温的适应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谭恩光 《生态学报》2001,21(3):458-461
在室内以土壤湿度梯度作为海南山蛭Haemadipsa hainana的栖息试验表明,海南山蛭栖息于含水量的15.1%-16.77%水分的土壤表面;野外调查表明,海南岛橡胶林内海南山蛭栖息于16.54%-17.66%含水量的土壤表面;热带雨林者栖息于19.92%-25.73%含水量的土壤,室内实验表明,海南山蛭爬向30-35℃温度范围,占试验蛭数79.15%,在8-9℃不活动,10℃能山蛭活动,随温度升高活动蛭数增加,而15℃试验蛭答部活动,活动蛭数与温度关系为Y-18.6Z-172.3,R-0.976,P=0.01。在橡胶林内8-9℃山蛭不活动;10℃开始有山蛭活动,且随温度升高活动蛭数增加,当17℃时所有山蛭活动,活动蛭数与温度关系Y=4.73X-3.97,R=0.93,P=0.1。首次使用土壤湿度梯度测定山蛭对土壤湿度的要求,这是一个新的有普遍意义的方法,并讨论了海南山蛭对土壤湿度气温的适应。  相似文献   

From 2001 to 2004, 252 fifty-plant samples were collected from commercial soybean, Glycine max L., fields in three townships (93-km2 area) in Illinois. Townships were sampled every 3 wk from late June or early July when aphids (Aphis glycines Matsumura) first invaded the townships to early August. We used linear regression of 18 mean township field densities to calibrate several simple models to predict the change in aphid population density in a township from one sampling date to the next. The best exponential model for the complete data set has an r2 = 0.54, Y2 = Ylexp (0.09659 x DAY), where Y1 and Y2 are the first and second samples of aphids separated by a 3-wk period (the number of days, DAY). Our intrinsic rate of increase for the population is much lower than rates calculated in other studies. The best single-variable linear model has an r2 = 0.88, Y2 = Y1 + 0.1084 x Y1 x DAY. The latter model indicates the value of including monitoring data in the prediction. The best two-variable model has an R2 = 0.98, Y2 = Y1 + 0.08136 x Y1 x DAY + 0.000080 x N1(2) x DAY, where N1(2) x DAY is the interaction term for initial, squared, sample density of the season multiplied by the number of days between samples. The latter two models indicate that the change in the population density is greater for more dense populations. Degree-days were generally inferior to days as the time component in the simple models.  相似文献   

Tan Enguang 《生态学报》2008,(1):6272-6281
Hirudinea in China were reviewed. The ecological distribution of Hirudinea, the population dynamics of H. hainana, the adaptation of H. hainana to temperature, soil humidity and pH, the response of H. hainana to temperature, relative humidity and light, and the effects of human activities on H. hainana populations were discussed. The land-leeches' behavior ecology, including (1) the locomotion of H. hainana such as shortening, oscillating, rotating, sucking cleaning, rubbing and foraging behaviors; (2) the factors influencing these behaviors; (3) the ecological significance, was also discussed. The ecology of freshwater leeches including (1) behavior in paddy fields of Ninghsien, Zhejiang Province, China; (2) relationship between population dynamics of Whitmania laevis and chemical factors in paddy fields of Guangzhou, China; (3) chemical environment of blood-sucking Hirudinaria manillensis in paddy fields of Guangzhou was described. The study also discussed the foraging, growth dynamics, life recycle and biology of reproduction of blood-sucking land-leech H. hainana and freshwater leech Hirudinaria manillensis, the taxonomy and the zoogeography. In addition, the morphology including histology and anatomy of the organic system of H. hainana was described. The Hirudinea can be classified into 2 subclasses (Branchiobdellidea and Euhirudinea), 3 orders (Branchiobdellida, Rhynchobdellida and Arhynchobdellida), 9 families, 33 genera and 111 species. The response of leeches to pesticides, including toxicity (LD50, LD95) of different pesticides to H. hainana, was presented. Medical usage of the leech Hirudin from salivary glands as anticoagulant material was discussed. Hirudin (from Hirudo medicinalis), Haemadin (from land-leech), and hementi (from Hementeria ghilianii) were identified and isolated.  相似文献   

The brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) is a migratory rice pest that periodically erupts across China, and mainly come from Indochina Peninsula in spring. The climate change in Indochina Peninsula has caused obvious impacts on the immigration of BPH. To further understand the influence of climate change on BPH immigration, the light-trap data of BPH in southern China from 1980 to 2016 were collected, and the best performance data of each meteorological factor (temperature, humidity, precipitation and wind) in Indochina Peninsula by simulating eight Global Climate Models (GCMs) were chosen. The key predicting factors were screened out by identifying correlations between the number of BPH and the meteorological factors. The support vector machine (SVM), back propagation (BP) neural network, and stepwise regression were used to establish medium long-term prediction models of immigration amount of BPH, and their advantages and disadvantages were compared, and prediction of the occurrence of BPH in the future was carried out by using three models based on future climate data provided by GCMs (under RCP4.5 or RCP8.5 scenario). The results showed that: (1) BNU-CSM1–1 model was the best in temperature simulation; CESM1-CAM5 model was the best in humidity simulation; HadGEM2-AO model was the best in precipitation and meridional wind simulation; BCC-CSM1–1 model was the best in zonal wind simulation. (2) The accuracies of retrospective testing and forward forecasting of three models indicated the SVM model was more suitable for medium long-term predicting the occurrence of BPH than BP neural networkmodel and stepwise regression model. (3) The immigration of BPH in Guangxi, Jiangxi, Hunan and Hubei would be greater than other provinces in southern China in the next 7 years, and should be taken seriously.  相似文献   

姜世成  周道玮 《生态学报》2005,25(11):2983-2991
研究并分析了松嫩草地牛粪中大型节肢动物种类组成及动态变化.结果表明,在草地牛粪中共调查到大型节肢动物7目20科43种,以鞘翅目、膜翅目和双翅目为主.依其食性不同,分为粪食性型(8科19种)、腐食性型(4科4种)、植食性型(4科6种)、捕食性型(5科11种)、杂食性型(2科5种)、尸食性型(1科1种)和寄生性型(1科1种).根据鞘翅目金龟总科中营粪食性型生活的粪甲虫对牛粪利用方式的不同,分为外生粪甲虫(6种)、内生粪甲虫(5种)、远生粪甲虫(2种)和偷窃寄生粪甲虫(1种).除了双顶嗡蜣螂,牛粪中大型节肢动物数量与鲜牛粪重量具有显著正相关关系(p<0.01).粪食性型种类数和个体数量随鲜牛粪堆置时间的延长而迅速减少,7d后消失,其个体总数量与鲜牛粪堆积时间呈显著的负相关关系(p<0.01),而与牛粪含水量呈显著正相关关系(p<0.01),各种大型节肢动物因其食性不同在鲜牛粪中占据不同的生态位.鲜牛粪中大型节肢动物以粪食性型占绝对优势,而干牛粪中则以捕食性型和杂食性型为主.牛粪中大型节肢动物种群季节动态变化受温度、降水量与牛粪含水量影响,鲜牛粪中大型节肢动物优势种为直蜉金龟(69.25%)和肖秋家蝇与东方角蝇幼虫(25.12%).4、5、6月份和9月份,优势种为直蜉金龟,7月和8月份,优势种为蝇幼虫.  相似文献   

Tan Enguang 《农业工程》2008,28(12):6272-6281
Hirudinea in China were reviewed. The ecological distribution of Hirudinea, the population dynamics of H. hainana, the adaptation of H. hainana to temperature, soil humidity and pH, the response of H. hainana to temperature, relative humidity and light, and the effects of human activities on H. hainana populations were discussed. The land-leeches' behavior ecology, including (1) the locomotion of H. hainana such as shortening, oscillating, rotating, sucking cleaning, rubbing and foraging behaviors; (2) the factors influencing these behaviors; (3) the ecological significance, was also discussed. The ecology of freshwater leeches including (1) behavior in paddy fields of Ninghsien, Zhejiang Province, China; (2) relationship between population dynamics of Whitmania laevis and chemical factors in paddy fields of Guangzhou, China; (3) chemical environment of blood-sucking Hirudinaria manillensis in paddy fields of Guangzhou was described. The study also discussed the foraging, growth dynamics, life recycle and biology of reproduction of blood-sucking land-leech H. hainana and freshwater leech Hirudinaria manillensis, the taxonomy and the zoogeography. In addition, the morphology including histology and anatomy of the organic system of H. hainana was described. The Hirudinea can be classified into 2 subclasses (Branchiobdellidea and Euhirudinea), 3 orders (Branchiobdellida, Rhynchobdellida and Arhynchobdellida), 9 families, 33 genera and 111 species. The response of leeches to pesticides, including toxicity (LD50, LD95) of different pesticides to H. hainana, was presented. Medical usage of the leech Hirudin from salivary glands as anticoagulant material was discussed. Hirudin (from Hirudo medicinalis), Haemadin (from land-leech), and hementi (from Hementeria ghilianii) were identified and isolated.  相似文献   

Cheng C L  Liu S  Liao R S  Wu F P  Li J Q 《农业工程》2008,28(1):69-75
With colorimetric methods, the concentrations of total phenolics, flavonoids and condensed tannins were analyzed in 9 categories of organs in Populus euphratica, including lanceolate leaves, ovate leaves, green branches, branches (D < 5 mm in diameter), branches (5–10 mm in diameter), barks, roots (D < 2 mm in diameter), roots (2–5 mm in diameter) and roots (5–10 mm in diameter). The results showed that phenolic compounds were present throughout the collected organs with the higher total phenolics concentrations in barks (27.93 mg/g), and the mean total phenolics concentrations in two categories of leaves, three classes of roots and three classes of branches were 17.64, 16.72 and 12.19 mg/g, respectively. The higher flavonoids were present in barks (51.30 mg/g), and the mean flavonoid contents in two categories of leaves, three classes of roots and three classes of branches were 28.45, 39.99 and 23.67 mg/g, respectively. The higher condensed tannin contents were found in roots (mean = 22.10 mg/g for three categories of roots), and the average condensed tannin contents in barks, leaves in two categories and branches in three classes were 8.41, 4.03 and 4.47 mg/g, respectively. There was no significant difference between the phenolic compounds of lanceolate leaves and ovate leaves (P > 0.05). Phenolic compounds in branches decreased with the branches maturing, resulting in the following orders: green branches > branches (D < 5 mm) > branches (5–10 mm). Condensed tannins in roots increased with the root diameter decreasing, and the highest condensed tannin contents were found in small roots (D < 2 mm) (25.95 mg/g). By analyzing correlation between phenolic compounds in all collected organs and soil water contents, it was indicated that the phenolic compounds in ovate leaves had negative relation with soil water contents (P < 0.05), and the r values for total phenolics, flavonoids and condensed tannins were –0.949, –0.923 and –0.944, respectively. Data reported here revealed the variation of phenolic compounds in different organs of P. euphratica, and their relationships with the environmental factors in extremely arid areas were discussed.  相似文献   

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