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Regulation of glucose transport was studied in primary cultures of bovine chromaffin cells (BCC) using the glucose analogue 2-deoxyglucose (DOG) as a model substrate. The glucose transporter in freshly isolated and cultured BCC was identified as GLUT1 by Western immunoblots. The level of GLUT1 increased by time in culture and was followed by an enhancement in uptake of DOG. The DOG uptake was stimulated by insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) with an EC50 of 1 nM and a maximal response (∼2-fold) was obtained at 10–100 nM IGF-I. Insulin was at least 100-fold less potent than IGF-I. Exposure to 10−8 M IGF-I also caused a redistribution of GLUT1 from an intracellular compartment to a plasma membrane-enriched fraction. Our results demonstrate a GLUT1-mediated glucose uptake in adrenomedullary cells. An enhanced glucose transport in response to IGF-I appears to be coupled to activation of IGF receptor type 1 and GLUT1 translocation. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In the brain, glucose is transported by GLUT1 across the blood-brain barrier and into astrocytes, and by GLUT3 into neurons. In the present study, the expression of GLUT1 and GLUT3 mRNA and protein was determined in adult neural stem cells cultured from the subventricular zone of rats. Both mRNAs and proteins were coexpressed, GLUT1 protein being 5-fold higher than GLUT3. Stress induced by hypoxia and/or hyperglycemia increased the expression of GLUT1 and GLUT3 mRNA and of GLUT3 protein. It is concluded that adult neural stem cells can transport glucose by GLUT1 and GLUT3 and can regulate their glucose transporter densities.  相似文献   

L6 myoblasts spontaneously undergo differentiation and cell fusion into myotubes. These cells express both GLUT1 and GLUT4 glucose transporters, but their expression varies during myogenesis. We now report that the subcellular distribution and the protein processing by glycosylation of both glucose transporter isoforms also change during myogenesis. Crude plasma membrane and light microsome fractions were isolated from either myoblasts or myotubes and characterized by the presence of two functional proteins, the Na+/K(+)-ATPase and the dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR). Immunoreactive alpha 1 subunit of the Na+/K(+)-ATPase was faint in the crude plasma membrane fraction from myoblasts, but abundant in both membrane fractions from myotubes. In contrast, the alpha 1 subunit of the DHPR, which is expressed only in differentiated muscle, was detected in crude plasma membrane from myotubes but not from myoblasts. Therefore, crude plasma membrane fractions from myoblasts and myotubes contain cell surface markers, and the composition of these membranes appears to be developmentally regulated during myogenesis. GLUT1 protein was more abundant in the crude plasma membrane relative to the light microsome fraction prepared from either myoblasts or myotubes. The molecular size in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the GLUT1 transporters in myotubes was smaller than that in myoblasts (Mr 47,000 and 53,000, respectively). GLUT4 protein (Mr 48,000) was barely detectable in the crude plasma membrane fraction and was almost absent in the light microsome fraction prepared from myoblasts. However, GLUT4 protein was abundant in myotubes and was predominantly located in the light microsome fraction. Treatment with endoglycosidase F reduced the molecular size of the transporters in all fractions to Mr 46,000 for GLUT1 and Mr 47,000 for GLUT4 proteins. In myotubes, acute insulin treatment increased the crude plasma membrane content of GLUT1 marginally and of GLUT4 markedly, with a concomitant decrease in the light microsomal fraction. These results indicate that: (a) the subcellular distribution of glucose transporters is regulated during myogenesis, GLUT4 being preferentially sorted to intracellular membranes; (b) both GLUT1 and GLUT4 transporters are processed by N-linked glycosylation to form the mature transporters in the course of myogenesis; and (c) insulin causes modest recruitment of GLUT1 transporters and marked recruitment of GLUT4 transporters, from light microsomes to plasma membranes in L6 myotubes.  相似文献   

Glucose transport in 3T3L1 adipocytes is mediated by two facilitated diffusion transport systems. We examined the effect of chronic glucose deprivation on transport activity and on the expression of the HepG2 (GLUT 1) and adipocyte/muscle (GLUT 4) glucose transporter gene products in this insulin-sensitive cell line. Glucose deprivation resulted in a maximal increase in 2-deoxyglucose uptake of 3.6-fold by 24 h. Transport activity declined thereafter but was still 2.4-fold greater than the control by 72 h. GLUT 1 mRNA and protein increased progressively during starvation to values respectively 2.4- and 7.0-fold greater than the control by 72 h. Much of the increase in total immunoreactive GLUT 1 protein observed later in starvation was the result of the accumulation of a non-functional or mistargeted 38 kDa polypeptide. Immunofluorescence microscopy indicated that increases in GLUT 1 protein occurred in presumptive plasma membrane (PM) and Golgi-like compartments during prolonged starvation. The steady-state level of GLUT 4 protein did not change during 72 h of glucose deprivation despite a greater than 10-fold decrease in the mRNA. Subcellular fractionation experiments indicated that the increased transport activity observed after 24 h of starvation was principally the result of an increase in the 45-50 kDa GLUT 1 transporter protein in the PM. The level of the GLUT 1 transporter in the PM and low-density microsomes (LDM) was increased by 3.9- and 1.4-fold respectively, and the GLUT 4 transporter content of the PM and LDM was 1.7- and 0.6-fold respectively greater than that of the control after 24 h of glucose deprivation. These data indicate that newly synthesized GLUT 1 transporters are selectively shuttled to the PM and that GLUT 4 transporters undergo translocation from an intracellular compartment to the PM during 24 h of glucose starvation. Thus glucose starvation results in an increase in glucose transport in 3T3L1 adipocytes via a complex series of events involving increased biosynthesis, decreased turnover and subcellular redistribution of transporter proteins.  相似文献   

GLUT4在胰岛素调控葡萄糖转运中作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机体的血糖平衡调节主要依赖于胰岛素,其中一个重要的机制是胰岛素通过调控GLUT4的囊泡运转来调节脂肪细胞和肌细胞对葡萄糖的摄取。由胰岛素受体介导的一系列磷酸化过程能调节一些关键的GLUT4转运相关蛋白质的活性,这些蛋白质包括小GTP酶、拴系复合体和囊泡融合体。而这些蛋白质又反过来通过内膜系统调节GLUT4储存囊泡的生成、滞留,并调控这些囊泡的靶向出胞方式。了解这些过程有助于解释2型糖尿病中胰岛素耐受的机制,并可能为糖尿病提供新的靶向治疗方法。  相似文献   

Glypican 3 (GPC3), a member of heparin sulfate proteoglycans, is attached to the cell surface by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor and is reported to be overexpressed in liver cancers. In order to identify GPC3 binding proteins on the cell surface, we constructed a cDNA containing the C‐terminal cell surface‐attached form of GPC3 (GPC3c) in a baculoviral vector. The GPC3c bait protein was produced by expressing the construct in Sf21 insect cells and double purified using a His column and Flag immunoprecipitation. Purified GPC3c was used to uncover GPC3c‐interacting proteins. Using an LC–MS/MS proteomics strategy, we identified glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1) as a novel GPC3 interacting protein from the HepG2 hepatoma cell lysates. The interaction was confirmed by immunoprecipitation (IP)–WB analysis and surface plasmon resonance (SPR). SPR result showed the interaction of GLUT1 to GPC3c with equilibrium dissociation constants (KD) of 1.61 nM. Moreover, both incubation with GPC3c protein and transfection of Gpc3c cDNA into HepG2 cells resulted in reduced glucose uptake activity. Our results indicate that GPC3 plays a role in glucose transport by interacting with GLUT1. J. Cell. Biochem. 111: 1252–1259, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

PACSIN family members regulate intracellular vesicle trafficking via their ability to regulate cytoskeletal rearrangement. These processes are known to be involved in trafficking of GLUT1 and GLUT4 in adipocytes. In this study, PACSIN3 was observed to be the only PACSIN isoform that increases in expression during 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation. Overexpression of PACSIN3 in 3T3-L1 adipocytes caused an elevation of glucose uptake. Subcellular fractionation revealed that PACSIN3 overexpression elevated GLUT1 plasma membrane localization without effecting GLUT4 distribution. In agreement with this result, examination of GLUT exofacial presentation at the cell surface by photoaffinity labeling revealed significantly increased GLUT1, but not GLUT4, after overexpression of PACSIN3. These results establish a role for PACSIN3 in regulating glucose uptake in adipocytes via its preferential participation in GLUT1 trafficking. They are consistent with the proposal, which is supported by a recent study, that GLUT1, but not GLUT4, is predominantly endocytosed via the coated pit pathway in unstimulated 3T3-L1 adipocytes.  相似文献   

Osteosarcoma is the most common type of malignant bone cancer, accounting for 35% of primary bone malignancies. Because cancer cells utilize glucose as their primary energy substrate, the expression and regulation of glucose transporters (GLUT) may be important in tumor development and progression. GLUT expression has not been studied previously in human osteosarcoma cell lines. Furthermore, although insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) play an important role in cell proliferation and tumor progression, the role of these hormones on GLUT expression and glucose uptake, and their possible relation to osteosarcoma, have also not been studied. We determined the effect of insulin and IGF-I on GLUT expression and glucose transport in three well-characterized human osteosarcoma cell lines (MG-63, SaOs-2, and U2-Os) using immunocytochemical, RT-PCR and functional kinetic analyses. Furthermore we also studied GLUT isoform expression in osteosarcoma primary tumors and metastases by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical analyses. RT-PCR and immunostaining show that GLUT1 is the main isoform expressed in the cell lines and tissues studied, respectively. Immunocytochemical analysis shows that although insulin does not affect levels of GLUT1 expression it does induce a translocation of the transporter to the plasma membrane. This translocation is associated with increased transport of glucose into the cell. GLUT1 is the main glucose transporter expressed in osteosarcoma, furthermore, this transporter is regulated by insulin in human MG-63 cells. One possible mechanism through which insulin is involved in cancer progression is by increasing the amount of glucose available to the cancer cell.  相似文献   

Postmeiotic spermatogenic cells, but not meiotic spermatogenic cells respond differentially with glucose-induced changes in [Ca2+]i indicating a differential transport of glucose via facilitative hexose transporters (GLUTs) specifically distributed in the plasma membrane. Several studies have indicated that plasma membrane in mammalian cells is not homogeneously organized, but contains specific microdomains known as detergent-resistant membrane domains (DRMDs), lipid rafts or caveolae. The association of these domains and GLUTs isoforms has not been characterized in spermatogenic cells. We analyzed the expression and function of GLUT1 and GLUT3 in isolated spermatocytes and spermatids. The results showed that spermatogenic cells express both glucose transporters, with spermatids exhibiting a higher affinity glucose transport system. In addition, spermatogenic cells express caveolin-1, and glucose transporters colocalize with caveolin-1 in caveolin-enriched membrane fractions. Experiments in which the integrity of caveolae was disrupted by pretreatment with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin, indicated that the involvement of cholesterol-enriched plasma membrane microdomains were involved in the localization of GLUTs and uptake of 2-deoxyglucose. We also observed cofractionation of GLUT3 and caveolin-1 in low-buoyant density membranes together with their shift to higher densities after methyl-beta-cyclodextrin treatment. GLUT1 was found in all fractions isolated. Immunofluorescent studies indicated that caveolin-1, GLUT1, and hexokinase I colocalize in spermatocytes while caveolin-1, GLUT3, and hexokinase I colocalize in spermatids. These findings suggest the presence of hexose transporters in DRMDs, and further support a role for intact caveolae or cholesterol-enriched membrane microdomains in relation to glucose uptake and glucose phosphorylation. The results would also explain the different glucose-induced changes in [Ca2+]i in both cells.  相似文献   

Insulin regulation of the two glucose transporters in 3T3-L1 adipocytes   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The amounts of the brain type and muscle type glucose transporters (designated Glut 1 and 4, respectively) in 3T3-L1 adipocytes have been determined by quantitative immunoblotting with antibodies against their carboxyl-terminal peptides. There are about 950,000 and 280,000 copies of Glut 1 and 4, respectively, per cell. Insulin caused the translocation of both types of transporters from an intracellular location to the plasma membrane. The insulin-elicited increase in cell surface transporters was assessed by labeling the surface transporters with a newly developed, membrane-impermeant, photoaffinity labeling reagent for glucose transporters. The increases in Glut 1 and 4 averaged 6.5- and 17-fold, respectively, whereas there was a 21-fold in hexose transport. These results indicate that the translocation of Glut 4 could largely account for the insulin effect on transport rate, but only if the intrinsic activity of Glut 4 is much higher than that of Glut 1. The two transporters are colocalized intracellularly: vesicles (average diameter 72 nm) isolated from the intracellular membranes by immunoadsorption with antibodies against Glut 1 contained 95% of the Glut 4 and, conversely, vesicles isolated with antibodies against Glut 4 contained 85% of the Glut 1.  相似文献   

Glucose plays a major role in mammary gland function during lactation as it is used both as a fuel and as a precursor of milk components. In rats, previous studies have shown that the facilitative glucose transporter GLUT1 is expressed in mammary epithelial cells. We have used confocal immunofluorescence to localise GLUT1 and GLUT12, a recently identified member of the sugar transporter family, in pregnant and lactating rat mammary gland. GLUT12 staining was observed in the cytoplasm of mammary epithelial cells at day 20 of pregnancy, and at 1 and 6 days postpartum. Furthermore, GLUT12 staining was present at the apical plasma membrane of epithelial cells during lactation. In contrast, GLUT1 protein localised to the cytoplasm and basolateral surface of mammary epithelial cells. Forced weaning resulted in decreased cytoplasmic GLUT1 staining intensity, but no change in GLUT12 staining. The results suggest a possible role for GLUT12 in the metabolism of mammary epithelial cells during pregnancy and lactation.  相似文献   

A new method for photoaffinity labeling of glucose transporters has been used to compare the effects of glucose-starvation, acute-insulin, and chronic-insulin treatments on the cell-surface glucose transporters in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Starvation alone increased the cell-surface levels of GLUT1 and GLUT4 by approximately 4- and approximately 2-fold, respectively. As shown by Calderhead, D, M., Kitagawa, K., Tanner, L.T., Holman, G.D., and Lienhard, G.E. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 13800-13808) acute-insulin treatment increased cell-surface GLUT1 and GLUT4 by approximately 5- and approximately 15-fold respectively. In contrast to this, chronic-insulin treatment gave a further 3-4-fold increase in both cell-surface and total cellular GLUT1, but availability of GLUT4 at the cell-surface was down-regulated to half the level found in the acute treatment but with no change in the total cellular level. This effect occurred in starved and non-starved cells and suggests that starvation, acute-insulin, and chronic-insulin treatments regulate glucose transporter availability through independent mechanisms. The down-regulation of GLUT4 reached a maximally reduced cell-surface level in 6 h while the rise in GLUT1 reached a maximum after 24-48 h. The rise in GLUT1 appeared to compensate for the decline in cell-surface GLUT4 as glucose transport activity was further increased during the long term treatment with insulin. The down-regulation of GLUT4 due to the chronic-insulin treatment is associated with a marked resistance of the cells to restimulate glucose transport and particularly to recruit further GLUT4 to the cell-surface following an additional insulin treatment. The defect appears to be in the signaling mechanism that is responsible for translocation.  相似文献   

Munc18c has been shown to bind syntaxin 4 and to play a role in GLUT4 translocation and glucose transport, although this role is as yet poorly defined. In the present study, the effects of modulating the available level of munc18c on glucose transport and GLUT4 translocation were examined. Over-expression of munc18c in 3T3L1 adipocytes inhibited insulin-stimulated glucose transport by approximately 50%. Basal glucose transport rates were also decreased by approximately 25%. In contrast, microinjection of a munc18c polyclonal antibody stimulated GLUT4 translocation by approximately 60% over basal levels without affecting insulin-stimulated GLUT4 levels. Microinjection of a control antibody had no effect. These data are consistent with the likelihood that antibody microinjection sequesters munc18c enabling translocation/fusion of GLUT4 vesicles. Mutagenesis of a potential proline-directed kinase phosphorylation site in munc18c, T569, that in previous studies of its neuronal counterpart munc18a caused its dissociation from its complex with syntaxin 1a, had no effect on munc18c's association with syntaxin 4 or its inhibition of glucose transport, indicative that phosphorylation of this residue is not important for insulin regulation of glucose transport. The over-expression and microinjection sequestration data support an inhibitory role for munc18c on translocation/fusion of GLUT4 vesicles. They further show that altering the level of available munc18c in 3T3L1 cells can modulate glucose transport rates, indicating its potential as a target for therapeutics in diabetes.  相似文献   

The adenosine transport in cultured chromaffin cells was increased by the presence of triiodo-l-thyronine (T3) throughout the prolonged period studied. The Vmax values of this transport obtained in absence and presence of 1 M T3 were 36.21±2.1 and 44.17±3.5 (means±SD) pmol/106cells/min respectively for 26 hours incubation-time with the hormone. The Km values were not significantly modified. The number of adenosine transporters in cultured chromaffin cells, measured by [3H]nitrobenzylthioinosine (NBTI) binding, was increased by 1 M T3 for 26 hours incubation-time. The values of binding sites per cell were 33,500±3,000 and 40,153±3,700 in absence and presence of T3 respectively, without changing the Kd constant. When the transport studies were carried out in presence of cycloheximide, an inhibitor of protein synthesis, the adenosine transport capacity decreased with a half-life values of 23.9±2.8 and 24.3±2.1 hours both in the presence or absence of T3 respectively. When cells were incubated in the presence of both T3 and cycloheximide, not only the activatory effect of T3 was completely abolished but also adenosine transport was decreased to the same extent as with cycloheximide alone. These results indicated that T3 activation of adenosine transport in chromaffin cells required the protein-synthesizing mechanism.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the enhanced metabolic activity of tumor cells is accompanied by an increased expression of facilitative hexose transporters (GLUTs). However, a previous immunohistochemical analysis of GLUT1 expression in 154 malignant human neoplasms failed to detect the GLUT1 isoform in 87 tumors. We used 146 normal human tissues and 215 tumor samples to reassess GLUT1 expression. A similar number of samples were used to compare the expression of GLUT2-6 and 9. The classical expression of GLUT1-5 in different normal human tissues was confirmed, however, we were unable to detect GLUT2 in human pancreatic islet cells. GLUT6 was principally detected in testis germinal cells and GLUT9 was localized in kidney, liver, heart, and adrenal. In tumor samples, GLUT1, 2, and 5 were the main transporters detected. GLUT1 was the most widely expressed transporter, however, 42% of the samples had very low-to-negative expression levels. GLUT2 was detected in 31% of the samples, being mainly expressed in breast, colon, and liver carcinoma. GLUT5 was detected in 27% of breast and colon adenocarcinoma, liver carcinoma, lymphomas, and testis seminoma samples. In situ RT-PCR and ultrastructural immunohistochemistry confirmed GLUT5 expression in breast cancer. GLUT6 and 9 are not clearly over-expressed in human cancer. The extensive expression of GLUT2 and 5 (glucose/fructose and fructose transporters, respectively) in malignant human tissues indicates that fructose may be a good energy substrate in tumor cells. Our functional data obtained in vitro in different tumor cells support this hypothesis. Additionally, these results suggest that fructose uptake could be used for positron emission tomography imaging and, may possibly represent a novel target for the development of therapeutic agents in different human cancers.  相似文献   

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