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The root system of permanent grasslands is of outstanding importance for resource acquisition. Particularly under semi-arid conditions, the acquisition of water and nutrients is highly variable during the vegetation growth period and between years. Additionally, grazing is repeatedly disturbing the functional equilibrium between the root system and the transpiring leaf canopy. However, very few data is available considering grazing effects on belowground net primary productivity (BNPP) and root-shoot dry mass allocation in natural grassland systems. We hypothesise that grazing significantly reduces BNPP due to carbon reallocation to shoot growth. Root biomass and BNPP were estimated by soil coring in 2004, 2005 and 2006 and from ingrowth cores in 2005 and 2006 at one site which has been protected from grazing since 1979 (UG79), at one winter grazing (WG), and one heavily grazed (HG) site. BNPP was estimated from the summation of significant increments of total and live root biomass and from accumulated root biomass of ingrowth cores. Belowground biomass varied from 1,490–2,670 g m?2 and was significantly lower under heavy grazing than at site UG79. Root turnover varied from 0.23 to 0.33 year?1 and was not significantly different between sites. Heavy grazing significantly decreased live root biomass and BNPP compared to site UG79. Taking BNPP estimates from live root biomass dynamics and ingrowth cores as the most reliable values, the portion of dry mass allocated belowground relative to total net primary productivity (BNPP/NPP) varied between 0.50–0.66 and was reduced under heavy grazing in 2005, but not in 2006. The positive correlation between cumulative root length density of ingrowth cores and leaf dry matter suggests that the ingrowth core method is suitable for studying BNPP in this semi-arid steppe system. Grazing effects on BNPP and BNPP/NPP should be considered in regional carbon models and estimates of belowground nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

基于33个样地获取的地上、地下生物量和地下生产力实测数据,结合气候、土壤、空间因子和多样性等多个指标,利用置换检验、回归分析和分类回归树等统计方法,探究了内蒙古草原的地下生产力、生物量和地下/地上生物量比沿环境梯度变化的空间格局及导致形成该格局的关键影响因子。结果表明:由西南向东北方向,地下生产力、地上生物量和地下生物量均呈显著上升趋势,地下/地上生物量比则无任何显著趋势;地下生产力、地上生物量、地下生物量和地下/地上生物量比的分类回归树模型解释率分别为58.3%、53.3%、78.8%和53.8%。模型显示:地下生产力与土壤容重和Pielou均匀度指数关系最为密切,地上生物量则主要受最暖月最高温控制,而地下生物量变异则分别与年均降水量、p H值和土壤含水量等因子有关,地下/地上生物量比与海拔有一定关系;分别以地下生产力、地上生物量、地下生物量和地下/地上生物量比对应分类回归树模型所甄别出的关键因子建立广义可加模型,所有模型的偏差解释率均在50%以上,表明广义可加模型代表了因变量的大部分变异。地下生产力与土壤容重呈分段函数关系,地上生物量与最暖季最高温显示出非线性关系,地下生物量则与年均降水量整体呈正相关关系,地下/地上生物量比与海拔表现出密切但复杂的关系,且受左右两端极值点影响较大。本研究不仅能为较大尺度上生物量、生产力空间格局研究提供了案例支持,同时对于草地生态系统生产力的深入研究、碳循环的长期监测和天然草场的合理利用与管理等均有重要意义。  相似文献   

21世纪上半叶内蒙古草地植被净初级生产力变化趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于中国气象局国家气候中心新发布的中短期适应气候变化的新情景(RCP4.5)和极端情景(RCP8.5)下的气候预估数据,采用空间化后的CENTURY模型模拟探讨2011-2050年内蒙古草地植被净初级生产力(NPP)的时空变化特征.结果表明: 区域尺度上,未来气候变化情景下内蒙古草地NPP年下降速率分别为0.57 g C·m-2·a-1(RCP4.5)、0.89 g C·m-2·a-1(RCP8.5);相对于基准时段,RCP4.5情景下内蒙古草地NPP在2020s、2030s、2040s分别下降11.6%、12.0%、18.0%,而RCP8.5情景下降幅分别为23.8%、21.2%、30.1%.不同气候情景下内蒙古草地NPP时空变化特征差异较大,但即使在RCP4.5下未来40年绝大部分草地NPP也将呈现下降趋势,15.6%的草地减产超过20%.这表明未来气候变化情景下内蒙古草地降水略增的态势不足以补偿因温度升高对草地植被初级生产力所产生的负面作用,草地资源的可持续发展将面临更大挑战.  相似文献   

温度和湿度对我国内蒙古羊草草原土壤净氮矿化的影响   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
王常慧  邢雪荣  韩兴国 《生态学报》2004,24(11):2472-2476
土壤氮素的矿化是反映土壤供氮能力的重要因素之一 ,也是目前国内外研究的热点。通过测定内蒙古典型羊草草原自由放牧地土壤净氮矿化量和净氮矿化速率 ,揭示影响草地生态系统土壤氮循环过程的有关机理 ,为草地生态系统建模提供理论依据。在实验室条件下 ,运用恒温恒湿培养箱控制土壤的温度与湿度 ,测定羊草草原长期自由放牧地土壤氮素矿化量的积累。将不同水分含量的土柱分别放在温度为 - 10℃、0℃、5℃、15℃、2 5℃和 35℃的恒温恒湿培养箱中培养 ,培养 1、2、3、5周后取出 ,分析培养前后的 NH 4- N和 NO- 3- N含量 ,以确定土壤净氮矿化 (NH 4- N NO- 3- N)的累积和不同时间段内的矿化速率。结果表明 :不同处理温度和水分之间的差异均达到显著水平 (p<0 .0 0 0 1)。温度和水分之间具有显著的交互作用 (p<0 .0 0 0 1)。随着培养时间的延长 ,矿化氮累积量增加 ,但是矿化速率下降  相似文献   

In grazed semiarid steppe ecosystems, much attention has been paid to aspects of growth limitation by water. So far, potential limitation of primary production by plant nutrients was rarely considered. This knowledge is essential for identification of sustainable land-use practices in these large and important ecosystems on the background of over-exploitation and climate change. In the present study plant nutrient concentrations and ratios were investigated with factorial additions of water and N fertilizer at two sites with contrasting soil nutrient availability. Combined analysis of nutrient concentrations, contents, biomass production, and plant N:P ratios consistently confirmed primary growth limitation by water and a strong N limitation when sufficient amounts of water were supplied. P limitation only occurred at the site with low P availability when in addition to the natural supply, water and N fertilizer were given. According to reported thresholds of N:K and K:P ratios, K was not limiting in any plot. The observed nutritional patterns in the plant community were related to the dynamics of species composition and their specific nutrient status. Stipa grandis had the highest N:P ratio whereas Artemisia frigida showed lowest N:P. These nutrient characteristics were related to growth strategies of dominant species. Accordingly, the relative biomass contribution of S. grandis and A. frigida strongly affected the nutrient status of the plant community. Plant N:P ratios indicate the relative limitation by N or P in the semiarid grasslands under sufficient water supply, but other methods of nutritional diagnosis should be used when plant N:P ratios remain below critical values.  相似文献   

内蒙古草原凋落物分解对生物多样性变化的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物多样性与生态系统功能紧密相关。凋落物分解作为生态系统重要功能之一, 对植物群落的物种组成和多样性具有反馈作用。本研究在内蒙古草原通过功能群去除产生不同的多样性梯度, 应用分解网袋法, 研究了草原生态系统的生物多样性变化对凋落物分解过程的影响。实验分为相互补充的三个部分, (1)分解微生境实验: 研究了由于功能群多样性改变引起的分解微生境变化对凋落物分解的影响; (2)凋落物组成实验: 研究了4个功能群的优势物种羊草(Leymus chinensis)、大针茅(Stipa grandis)、细叶葱(Allium tenuissimum)、刺穗藜(Chenopodium aristatum)的单种及不同组合的混合凋落物在相同的分解微生境下物种间的相互作用对凋落物分解过程的影响; (3)综合分解微生境和凋落物组成两种影响因素, 将收集的凋落物的单种及其混合物放回原样方进行分解。结果表明, 功能群多样性高的样方中, 其微生境有利于凋落物的分解; 混合凋落物的分解具有非加和性效应。混合凋落物的分解速率与其初始碳含量呈负相关, 与其初始氮、磷含量呈正相关; 当混合凋落物在功能群多样性不同的微生境中分解时, 重量降解速率与微生境中的功能群多样性没有显著的相关关系, 氮流失与功能群多样性呈正相关。我们的研究表明, 群落中凋落物组成和凋落物的功能群多样性相比, 前者是影响凋落物分解的决定性因素; 与地上存活植株所参与的生物学过程相比, 凋落物分解受生物多样性的影响较小; 在生物多样性更高的区域, 氮的循环加速, 有利于提高群落的生产力。  相似文献   

不同坡位大针茅生长与生殖分配特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
比较了内蒙古锡林郭勒草原坡地地形中坡底和坡顶大针茅的营养生物量与生殖生物量,并采用关联度法与因子分析法分析了影响种子生物量的因子.结果表明:坡底与坡顶大针茅营养生长和生殖生长之间差异均显著.与坡顶相比,坡底大针茅种群未结实子株高和数目分别增加24.69%和35.37%,已结实子株数增加102.97%,其营养生物量、生殖生物量和总生物量分别增加44.14%、95.59%和47.45%,种子百粒重增加25.00%.坡顶大针茅种子生物量受土壤含水量的影响较大,而坡底受土壤pH的影响较大.坡地地形使土壤水分和土壤氮含量发生分异,坡底大针茅将更多的能量分配给有性生殖.  相似文献   

内蒙古东部草地是该区域的主体生态系统类型,属于脆弱的生态系统,对气候和人类活动反应敏感。基于土地覆被数据和改进CACS模型,估算得到的草地NPP,分析2000-2015年内蒙古东部草地和NPP时空格局与年际动态。进而,定义相对退化指数(RDI),确定草地生产力变化过程中人类活动因素的贡献率,分析内蒙古东部地区2000-2015年RDI空间格局与年际动态。同时,分析16年间NPP和气候因子相关关系。结果表明:1)2000-2015年间,损失草地面积4743.80 km2,新增草地面积2705.57 km2。2)2000-2015年内蒙古东部地区草地植被平均NPP位于166.56-248.14 gC m-2 a-1之间,NPP在波动中呈现明显的上升趋势(3.65 gC m-2 a-1/a,R2=0.47)。3)2000-2015年RDI在16.64%-30.54%之间波动,RDI值呈缓慢下降趋势,表明人类活动对草地植被净初级生产力的干扰程度在下降。4)草地NPP变化主要是因为草地本身生产力下降。整体来看相关草地保护工作取得了阶段性进展,草地生境质量得到有效缓解,草地生态环境得到转变。  相似文献   

While water availability determines grassland productivity in semiarid regions, nutrient availability is the main limiting factor under wet conditions. An experiment was conducted in 2008 at two sites in Inner Mongolia with histories of heavy grazing (HG) and moderate grazing (MG) to study the interactive effects of water and nitrogen on above- and belowground net primary productivity (ANPP and BNPP), biomass partitioning, and plant species composition. The study comprises two water treatments (no irrigation and irrigated when soil water content was below 70% of the field capacity), and two nitrogen (N) levels (0 and 100 kg N ha?1). Mean values of ANPP at the peak biomass time reached 1,028?±?95 SD g m?2 at the HG site and 568?±?32 SD g m?2 at the MG site in irrigated and fertilized treatment. Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) was significantly higher at irrigated plots compared to rain-fed plots at both HG and MG sites. Water use efficiency (WUEt) based on total water input and ANPP decreased with irrigation at the HG site. Meanwhile, N application significantly increased WUEt, WUEp (based on precipitation), and WUEi (based on irrigation water) at both sites. BNPP was significantly higher at irrigated plots compared to rain-fed plots at both HG and MG sites, and it tended to decrease with N addition. However, the fraction of belowground to total biomass (f BNPP = BNPP/(ANPP+BNPP) decreased with the addition of supplemental resources and exhibited a negative correlation with ANPP. Species diversity remained lower at the HG site compared to the MG site; it decreased with the addition of supplemental resources at the latter site. The annual Salsola collina contributed the most to the total biomass under irrigation. Based on global climate models, more frequent extreme climates are predicted in the future, which can result in changes in resource availabilities. Therefore, our research results have important implications for predicting the production and other properties of grassland ecosystems.  相似文献   

Livestock grazing represents a major human disturbance to grasslands throughout the world. We evaluated the effects of long-term grazing (>20 years) on a dominant perennial grass species, Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel., in the semiarid grassland of Inner Mongolia, China, in terms of its morphological and functional responses. L. chinensis, one of the most abundant species in semiarid grassland, had significantly smaller leaf area, fewer vegetative tillers and shorter shoot internodes length, but significantly greater specific leaf area for the individuals in the grazing plot than those in the exclosure (grazing-free) plot. Long-term grazing also altered the relative distribution of biomass to leaves, roots and rhizomes. The biomass, coverage and the number of species were lower in the grazing plot by 50–70% in comparison with those in the grazing-free plot. In addition, the long-term grazing substantively decreased the physiological capacities of this grass species, including significantly lower net photosynthetic rate, apparent quantum efficiency, photochemical efficiency of PSII and water use efficiency. Significantly higher stable oxygen isotope ratios (δ 18O) of the soil water in the grazing plot than those in the grazing-free plot indicated a much higher soil evaporation in the grazing plot because of less litter coverage. Seasonal patterns in the δ 18O values of the stem water of L. chinensis and three other common species in the grazing and grazing-free plots indicated that plants in the grazing and grazing-free plots might shift their water sources differently from a dry month (June) to a wet month (August). This study illustrated the importance of using different approaches to study the possible responses of grass species in arid regions to human disturbances, such as long-term grazing.  相似文献   

坚韧胶衣Collema tenax和分指地卷Peltigera didactyla是分布于我国北方干旱和半干旱草原中的两种固氮地衣,对生态系统氮素循环具有重要影响,其生理活性对土壤水分条件比较敏感。目前,干旱持续时间对该区域中地衣固氮活性的影响尚不清楚。本文调查了一个克氏针茅Stipa krylovii草原生态系统中坚韧胶衣和分指地卷的盖度,采用乙炔还原法研究了不同干旱持续时间(分别为0、1、2、4、8和16d)对两种地衣固氮活性的影响。结果表明,坚韧胶衣盖度(3.26±1.24%)显著高于分指地卷(0.02±0.07%)(p<0.01);在绝大多数干旱持续时间处理下,两种地衣之间的固氮活性差异并不显著,且均随干旱持续时间延长而呈S形下降。不超过2d的干旱时间并不引起地衣固氮活性的显著变化,4d的干旱时间导致坚韧胶衣和分指地卷固氮活性分别下降了34%和54%,干旱持续8d导致两种地衣固氮活性降幅达90%,16d的干旱使二者降幅均超过99%。表明干旱对坚韧胶衣和分指地卷固氮活性的抑制作用随干旱持续时间的延长而增强。干旱对地衣固氮作用的负效应可能与地衣体内光合产物和能量水平、复水至表达固氮活性之间的延迟时间和达到最高固氮活性的延迟时间有关。  相似文献   

刘辉  宋孝玉  贾琼  祝德名 《应用生态学报》2022,33(12):3253-3262
降水利用效率(PUE)是评价干旱半干旱地区草地生产力与降水关系的有效指标。为进一步探究气候变化和人类活动对草地PUE的驱动机理,本研究采用改进的CASA模型估算了2001—2020年鄂托克旗草地净初级生产力(NPP),结合同期降水量的空间插值数据获取了研究区草地PUE,利用简单线性回归和分段线性回归分析了PUE的时空演变特征及其空间格局对6类气候因子的响应,并引入基于偏导数的量化分析方法定量评估了气候变化和人类活动对PUE动态的相对贡献。结果表明: 鄂托克旗草地PUE多年均值为0.748 g C·m-2·mm-1,年际波动呈显著下降趋势,下降速率为0.014 g C·m-2·mm-1·a-1;PUE在空间上西低东高,沿气温、降水、相对湿度、日照时数和ET0的增长梯度呈显著的单峰分段线性模式,而沿风速梯度表现为先快后慢的持续显著增长模式;研究区94.3%的草地表现为PUE衰减态势,且有43.6%为严重衰减,这一突出问题是气候变化和人类活动共同作用导致的,二者的贡献分别为-1.162×10-2和-0.240×10-2 g C·m-2·mm-1·a-1,而气候变化是首要驱动力,其中降水是关键气候驱动因子。  相似文献   

Productivity of semiarid grasslands is primarily limited by seasonal rainfall amount and becomes increasingly limited by nutrient availability under wet conditions. Interactive effects of water and N availability on grassland productivity and parameters related to water use were studied on a grassland site in Inner Mongolia, China, in a 2-factorial experiment with two levels of water (rainfed: 158 mm; irrigated: 839 (N0) and 972 (N1) mm) and N supply (0 or 180 kg N ha?1). RUE was calculated from ANPP and cumulative water supply. Bare soil evaporation (E) was calculated from climatic data and leaf area dynamics, and percolation (D) and transpiration (T) were estimated with HYDRUS-1D. Water-use efficiency (WUE, ANPP / (T + D)) and transpiration efficiency (TE, ANPP / T) were calculated. Resource availability had pronounced effects on the water-use efficiency of semiarid grassland. RUE, WUE, and TE all decreased under irrigated compared to rainfed conditions and were significantly increased with N fertilizer application at both levels of water supply. While the irrigation effect on parameters of water-use efficiency were accordingly reflected in stable carbon isotope signatures, N supply resulted in significantly less negative δ13C-values under rainfed but not irrigated conditions. It is concluded, that spatial or temporal gradients in resource availability have pronounced effects on the water-use efficiency of semiarid grassland. The decrease of water use-efficiency under high water supply was related to differences in TE and not to a relative increase of unproductive water loss. Carbon isotope discrimination was highly correlated with WUE and TE, but can be a poor predictor of RUE.  相似文献   

内蒙古草原植被覆盖度遥感估算   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
以内蒙古锡林浩特市南部中国科学院草原生态系统定位研究站周围的草场为研究对象, 分析比较了统计模型和亚像元分解模型进行草地植被覆盖度(vegetation coverage, VC)遥感估算的适用性。结果表明, 根据Landsat-5 TM影像数据计算的比值植被指数(simple ratio vegetation index, SR)与观测的VC的相关性最高(R2 = 0.761); 统计模型和亚像元分解模型生成的VC空间分布特征相似, 但亚像元分解模型得到的VC平均值比统计模型的结果高0.091; 在VC的低值和高值区, 两种方法得到的VC结果相似; 但在VC的中值区, 亚像元模型得到的结果较统计模型的结果偏高。  相似文献   

呼伦贝尔草原生物量变化及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
根据呼伦贝尔草原大范围草地生物量的调查和实验数据,分析了该地区草地生物量的动态变化规律及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明,沿着环境梯度,不同区域草地生物量差异显著,其变化与水分、温度变化关系不显著,与0~20cm土层的土壤有机碳含量呈正相关,而与土壤容重呈负相关。逐步多元回归表明,土壤有机碳是制约生物量变化的主要因素,可能是当地草地利用方式使土壤养分成为制约草地植物生长的限制因子,从而影响草地生物量。  相似文献   

运用伊金霍洛旗40年的气象与农业统计资料,分析了气候与化肥使用量对于粮食产量的综合影响.选取综合模型为基础,将化肥对粮食气候生产潜力的影响考虑为调节因子,建立了基于气候和化肥使用量的粮食产量评估模型.同时,基于伊金霍洛旗地区人口、气候以及化肥的未来变化情景,预测了未来30年的粮食需求增长量,指出在满足当地人民对粮食作物基本需求的基础上,从目前到2010年期间退耕面积达622~5948hm^2,相当于原有耕地的3%~31%;从2010年到2020年期间退耕面积最大,达3263~8164hm^2,相当于原有耕地的17%42%;随后10年由于土地单位面积的增产是有限度的,而人口继续增长,将导致耕地面积有所回升,但变动幅度不会太大,基本维持在2020年的水平。  相似文献   

王海青  田育红  黄薇霖  肖随丽 《生态学报》2015,35(10):3225-3232
人工草地建设是缓解内蒙古地区草地生存压力的必要途径,而水分短缺是该区人工草地建设中牧草生长的主要限制因素,适量的人工补水以实现牧草的高产节水是解决这一问题的关键。以当地主要牧草冰草和紫花苜蓿为研究对象,开展单播和混播条件下不同灌溉量对牧草产量、光合性能和水分利用效率影响的对比试验。研究结果表明:(1)豆禾混播有利于提高冰草和紫花苜蓿的产量;(2)8月初现蕾期是冰草和紫花苜蓿收割的最佳季节,此时牧草产量最高;(3)灌溉量达到田间持水量的45%(包含降雨量在内的单位面积灌溉量在7月初达到903.8 m3/hm2,在8月初达到1812.4 m3/hm2)是牧草高产节水的最佳补水选择;(4)6—8月水分胁迫更有利于提高牧草的长期水分利用效率(long-term water use efficiency,WUEL),开花期后补水对提高牧草WUEL的作用开始显著;(5)在牧草产量最高的8月初水分胁迫更有利于提高牧草的瞬时水分利用效率(instantaneous water use efficiency,WUEI),而在7月初光照强烈、水分蒸发量大时,较多地补水更有利于提高牧草的WUEI。  相似文献   

黄土高原草地净初级生产力时空趋势及其驱动因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
草地净初级生产力是生态系统碳循环的关键环节和重要组成部分.本研究使用分段线性回归分析和Pearson相关分析,分析了黄土高原2000-2015年间土地利用类型未改变的草地净初级生产力(NPP)的变化趋势及气候核心因子(年降水量、年强降水量、年有效降水日数、年平均温度、年最高温度、年最低温度)对NPP变化的影响,并借助增...  相似文献   

生物多样性与生产力的关系是当前生态学中研究的重点之一,以呼伦贝尔草原为研究对象,通过连续两个生长季的野外监测,从草地植物功能型的角度探讨了在不同利用方式下草地物种丰富度与地上生物量的关系,结果表明:(1)不同草地利用方式显著影响草地生物多样性和生产力,在3种不同利用方式中,生物多样性总体的趋势是割草〉围封〉放牧,其中Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数和物种丰富度均差异显著;割草草地地上生物量最高,围封草地次之,放牧草地最少。(2)将草地植物按照植物功能型分类,放牧草地1、2年生植物占优势,随着物种丰富度的增加,1、2年生植物生物量没有明显的变化趋势;割草草地以禾本科植物和非禾本科植物为主,随着物种丰富度的增加,禾本科植物生物量呈下降趋势,而非禾本科植物变化不明显;围封草地中禾本科植物占优势,其他功能型植物分布较均匀,多度、频度和生物量等差异不显著。(3)3种草地利用方式中只有围封草地物种丰富度和地上生物量存在显著的正相关,即随着物种丰富度的增加,生物量也随之升高。其他两种利用方式下,物种丰富度对地上生物量没有显著影响。  相似文献   

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