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Metamorphosis is a complex, highly conserved and strictly regulated development process that involves the programmed cell death of obsolete larval organs. Here we show a novel functional role for the aspartic proteinase cathepsin D during insect metamorphosis.


Cathepsin D of the silkworm Bombyx mori (BmCatD) was ecdysone-induced, differentially and spatially expressed in the larval fat body of the final instar and in the larval gut of pupal stage, and its expression led to programmed cell death. Furthermore, BmCatD was highly induced in the fat body of baculovirus-infected B. mori larvae, suggesting that this gene is involved in the induction of metamorphosis of host insects infected with baculovirus. RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated BmCatD knock-down inhibited programmed cell death of the larval fat body, resulting in the arrest of larval-pupal transformation. BmCatD RNAi also inhibited the programmed cell death of larval gut during pupal stage.


Based on these results, we concluded that BmCatD is critically involved in the programmed cell death of the larval fat body and larval gut in silkworm metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Abstract: The regulation of microvessel formation and the expression of CNS-specific endothelial properties are attributed to perivascular astroglia. Specific proteolytic pathways mediate processes such as tissue remodeling, differentiation, invasion, and metastasis. We used a coculture system in which C6 glial cells induce CNS microvascular endothelial cells to form capillary-like structures to examine the role of plasminogen activators and collagenases in CNS microvessel morphogenesis. Fibrin zymography revealed the presence of high-molecular weight urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), low-molecular weight uPA, and uPA/inhibitor complexes within endothelial cultures and cocultures. Gelatin zymography revealed the presence of 92-, 72-, and 62-kDa type IV collagenases within endothelial cultures and cocultures. uPA activity was confirmed by incubating the extracts with amiloride, an inhibitor of uPA. Collagenase activity was confirmed by incubating the gels with EDTA, an inhibitor of metalloproteinases. Quantitative densitometry showed a six- to eightfold decrease in coculture uPA during capillary-like structure formation. Substantially less change in type IV 72-kDa procollagenase activity was seen in cocultures during capillary-like structure formation, but active type IV 62-kDa collagenase activity was significantly increased during capillary-like structure formation. These findings establish that uPA and activated type IV collagenase activity specifically regulates morphogenic endothelial responses to glial interactions and suggest mechanisms by which microvessels respond within the CNS.  相似文献   

Microbiology - A comparative study of the expression of B. pumilus extracellular serine proteinases (subtilisin-like proteinase and glutamyl endopeptidase) under the control of different promoters...  相似文献   

Comparative analysis is presented of our own and literature data on activity, isoform composition, and molecular mass of enzymes of the trypsin and chymotrypsin types in pancreatic tissue of several species of marine echinodermates, molluscs, crustaceans, fish, and mammals. Specific activities of the enzymes vary widely inside classes, depend on the pancreatic tissue structure, and can be correlated with alimentary needs of individual species. Substrate specificity, isoform composition, and molecular mass are the most stable parameters in the studied taxonomic groups. The scheme is proposed of distribution of the species according to the enzyme properties and the pancreas structure.  相似文献   

The Erythrina variegata Kunitz family trypsin inhibitors, ETIa and ETIb, prolonged the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) and also the prothrombin time (PT) of human plasma, but the Kunitz family chymotrypsin inhibitor, ECI, and Bowman–Birk family inhibitor, EBI, from E. variegata hardly prolonged these times. Trypsin inhibitors ETIa and ETIb inhibited the amidolytic activity of factor Xa, and ETIb but not ETIa inhibited plasma kallikrein. Neither ETIa nor ETIb exhibited any inhibitory activity toward β-factor XIIa and thrombin. Furthermore, trypsin inhibitors ETIa and ETIb inhibited plasmin, a serine proteinase in the fibrinolytic system, whereas ECI and EBI did not. These results indicate that Erythrina Kunitz proteinase inhibitors possess different potency toward serine proteinases in the blood coagulation and fibrinolytic systems, in spite of their high similarity in amino acid sequence.  相似文献   

Many sea turtle populations are below 10% of their pre-Columbian numbers [1-4]. Though historic and systematic over-exploitation is the principal cause of these declines, sea turtles face similar threats today. Adults and juveniles are actively hunted and commercial fisheries catch them incidentally. Nesting suffers from beach development, egg poaching and the poaching of nesting females. Accompanying these familiar hazards is the largely unknown consequences of recent climate change. Here we report monitoring surveys from the Dry Tortugas National Park (DTNP, 24.64N 82.86W), Florida, and show that hurricanes and other storm events are an additional and increasing threat to loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) and green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) nesting. Both species are listed by the US Endangered Species Act and the IUCN considers them 'endangered'.  相似文献   

d-Serine, a co-agonist at the NMDA receptor (NMDAR), is synthesized from l-serine by the enzyme serine racemase (SR), which is heavily expressed in the forebrain. Although SR was originally reported to be localized exclusively to astrocytes, recent conditional knock out results demonstrate that little SR is expressed in forebrain astrocytes. As a consequence, the cellular location of its product, d-serine, in the brain is also uncertain. Immunocytochemistry now indicates that SR is expressed primarily in forebrain glutamatergic neurons with the remainder in GABAergic interneurons. We utilized SR deficient (SR?/?) mice, which have <15 % of normal d-serine levels, to validate and optimize a d-serine immunohistochemical method. Nearly all of the d-serine in neocortex and hippocampus (HP) is found in neurons, with virtually no d-serine co-localizing with two astrocyte markers. Interestingly, only a subset of the d-serine positive neurons contained SR in the neocortex and HP. Greater than half of the d-serine positive neurons were GABAergic interneurons, with a majority of these neurons containing parvalbumin and/or somatostatin. Only ~25–40 % of interneurons expressed SR in the neocortex and HP. Finally, we demonstrate in human post-mortem neocortex that SR is found in both excitatory and inhibitory neurons, but not in S100β-containing astrocytes. In sum, these findings conclusively demonstrate that the majority of d-serine is both synthesized and stored in neurons. It will be important to determine the functional significance for the separation of synthesis and storage of d-serine in neurons, as well as the presence of this NMDAR co-agonist in GABAergic interneurons.  相似文献   

A large body of evidence has been assembled to indicate the substantial importance of proteolytic processes in various physiological functions. It has recently become clear too that endo-acting peptide bond hydrolases provisionally characterized and classified at present as serine, cysteine, aspartic and metallo together with unknown catalytic mechanism proteinases sometimes act in cascades. They are controlled by natural proteinase inhibitors present in cells and body fluids. In the first part of the present monograph the author was concerned to present an overview on the morphological and physiological approach to localization, surveying reaction principles and methods suitable for visualization of proteolytic enzymes and their natural and synthetic inhibitors. In the second part the roles played by proteinases have been summarized from the point of view of cell biology. The selection of earlier and recent data reviewed on the involvement of proteolysis in the behavior of individual cells reveals that enzymes, whether they be exogeneous or intrinsic, can be effective and sensitive modulators of cellular growth and morphology. There exists a close correlation between malignant growth and degradation of cells. It appears likely that as yet unknown or at least so far inadequately characterized factors that influence the survival or the death of cells may turn out to be proteinases. The causal role of extracellular proteolysis in cancer cell metastases, in stopping cancer cell growth and in cytolysis remains for further investigated. Ovulation, fertilization and implantation are basic biological functions in which proteolytic enzymes play a key role. The emergence of new approaches in reproductive biology and a growing factual basis will inevitably necessitate a reevaluation of present knowledge of proteolytic processes involved. The molecular aspects of intracellular protein catabolism have been discussed in terms of the inhibition of lysosomal and/or non-lysosomal protein breakdown. Peptide and protein hormone biosynthesis and inactivation are still at the centre of interest in cell biology, and a number of proteinases have been implicated in both processes. A number of conjectures partly based on the author's own work have been discussed which suggest the possibility of the involvement of proteolysis in exocytosis and endocytosis. The author's optimistic conclusion is that through the common action of biochemists, cell biologists, cytochemists, and pharmacologists the mystery of cellular proteolysis is beginning to be solved.  相似文献   

. We have investigated the diversity of serine esterases in pollen and stigma tissues of Brassica napus and the role of these enzymes in pollen germination and pollen tube penetration of the stigma. The serine esterase-specific inhibitor diisopropyl fluorophosphate was used as a probe in a tritiated form, [3H]-DIPF, to determine the number and diversity of serine esterases in crude protein extracts from pollen and stigma. Seven serine esterases were identified in pollen and at least seven serine esterases were identified in stigma. The most abundant enzymes had molecular weights of 30-50 kDa. In the pollen extract a serine esterase was detected with the same molecular weight, 22 kDa, as an esterase previously shown to be a cutinase. Only one serine esterase (40 kDa) appeared to be shared between pollen and stigma extracts. Butyrate esterase activity in pollen and stigma extracts was assayed using p-nitrophenyl butyrate (PNB), an ester substrate frequently used in 'cutinase' assays. Total PNBase activity in pollen and stigma extracts was shown to be significantly reduced by the serine esterase inhibitors DIPF and ebelactone B. When DIPF and ebelactone B were applied to stigmas prior to pollination, pollen germination was not significantly affected but, at the highest inhibitor concentrations, up to 70% of germinating pollen tubes failed to penetrate the stigma surface. These data demonstrate that serine esterases, most probably cutinase(s), are required for pollen tube penetration of the dry cuticularised Brassica stigma.  相似文献   

Polyglutamine-induced neurodegeneration in transgenic mice carrying the spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1) gene is modulated by subcellular distribution of ataxin-1 and by components of the protein folding/degradation machinery. Since phosphorylation is a prominent mechanism by which these processes are regulated, we examined phosphorylation of ataxin-1 and found that serine 776 (S776) was phosphorylated. Residue 776 appeared to affect cellular deposition of ataxin-1[82Q] in that ataxin-1[82Q]-A776 failed to form nuclear inclusions in tissue culture cells. The importance of S776 for polyglutamine-induced pathogenesis was examined by generating ataxin-1[82Q]-A776 transgenic mice. These mice expressed ataxin-1[82Q]-A776 within Purkinje cell nuclei, yet the ability of ataxin-1[82Q]-A776 to induce disease was substantially reduced. These studies demonstrate that polyglutamine tract expansion and localization of ataxin-1 to the nucleus of Purkinje cells are not sufficient to induce disease. We suggest that S776 of ataxin-1 also has a critical role in SCA1 pathogenesis.  相似文献   

d -Serine, the endogenous ligand for the glycine modulatory binding site of the NMDA receptor, and serine racemase, the enzyme that converts l -serine to d -serine, have been reported in vertebrate retina; initial reports suggested that localization was restricted to Müller glial cells. Recent reports, in which d -serine and serine racemase were detected in neurons of the brain, prompted the present investigation of neuronal expression of d -serine and serine racemase in retina and whether expression patterns were developmentally regulated. RT-PCR, in situ hybridization, western blotting, immunohistochemistry, and immunocytochemical methods were used to localize d -serine and serine racemase in intact retina obtained from 1 to 3 day, 3 week, and 18 week mouse retinas and in primary ganglion cells harvested by immunopanning from neonatal mouse retina. Results of these analyses revealed robust expression of d -serine and serine racemase in ganglion cells, both in intact retina and in cultured cells. The levels appear to be developmentally regulated with d -serine levels being quite high in ganglion cells of neonatal retinas and decreasing rapidly postnatally. Serine racemase levels are also developmentally regulated, with high levels detected during the early postnatal period, but diminishing considerably in the mature retina. This represents the first report of neuronal expression of d -serine and serine racemase in the vertebrate retina and suggests an important contribution of neuronal d -serine during retinal development.  相似文献   

The reversible phosphorylation of proteins controlled by protein kinases and protein phosphatases is a major mechanism that regulates a wide variety of cellular processes. In contrast to C. elegans, recent studies in mammalian cells have highlighted a major role of serine/threonine protein phosphorylation in apoptosis. To illustrate the importance of dephosphorylation processes in apoptosis, this review will focus on recent studies suggesting that the interaction of the serine/threonine protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) and protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) with certain regulators of the Bcl-2 family is critically involved in the control of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Extracellular serine protease neuropsin (NP) is expressed in the forebrain limbic area of adult brain and is implicated in synaptic plasticity. We screened for endogenous NP inhibitors with recombinant NP (r-NP) from extracts of the hippocampus and the cerebral cortex in adult mouse brain. Two SDS-stable complexes were detected, and after their purification, peptide sequences were determined by amino acid sequencing and mass spectrometry, revealing that target molecules were serine proteinase inhibitor-3 (SPI3) and murinoglobulin I (MUG I). The addition of the recombinant SPI3 to r-NP resulted in an SDS-stable complex, and the complex formation followed bimolecular kinetics with an association rate constant of 3.4 +/- 0.22 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1), showing that SPI3 was a slow, tight binding inhibitor of NP. In situ hybridization histochemistry showed that SPI3 mRNA was expressed in pyramidal neurons in the hippocampal CA1-CA3 subfields, as was NP mRNA. Alternatively, the addition of purified plasma MUG I to r-NP resulted in an SDS-stable complex, and MUG I inhibited degradation of fibronectin by r-NP to 24% at a r-NP/MUG I molar ratio of 1:2. Immunofluorescence histochemistry showed that MUG I localized in the hippocampal neurons. These findings indicate that SPI3 and MUG I serve to inactivate NP and control the level of NP in adult brain, respectively.  相似文献   

Here, we reveal that the regulation of Drosophila odorant receptor (OR) expression during the pupal stage is permissive and imprecise. We found that directly after hatching an OR feedback mechanism both directs and refines OR expression. We demonstrate that, as in mice, dLsd1 and Su(var)3-9 balance heterochromatin formation to direct OR expression. We show that the expressed OR induces dLsd1 and Su(var)3-9 expression, linking OR level and possibly function to OR expression. OR expression refinement shows a restricted duration, suggesting that a gene regulatory critical period brings olfactory sensory neuron differentiation to an end. Consistent with a change in differentiation, stress during the critical period represses dLsd1 and Su(var)3-9 expression and makes the early permissive OR expression permanent. This induced permissive gene regulatory state makes OR expression resilient to stress later in life. Hence, during a critical period OR feedback, similar to in mouse OR selection, defines adult OR expression in Drosophila.

This study reveals that the regulation of odorant receptor expression during the Drosophila pupal stage is permissive and imprecise; olfactory sensory neuron activity directly after hatching both directs and refines odorant receptor expression. Hence, during a critical period, activity feedback defines adult odorant expression in Drosophila, as happens in mouse.  相似文献   

Biophysics - Abstract—Variants of miniplasminogen with an altered primary structure have been designed to study previously described changes in tryptophan fluorescence during plasminogen...  相似文献   

Embryo hatching and outgrowth are the first critical steps on the way to a successful pregnancy. It is generally held that serine proteases are responsible for this process, although the exact mechanisms of action are not clearly understood. Recently, we described two novel implantation serine proteinase (ISP) genes that are expressed during the implantation period. The ISP1 gene encodes the embryo-derived enzyme strypsin, which is necessary for blastocyst hatching in vitro and the initiation of invasion. The ISP2 gene, which encodes a related tryptase, is expressed in endometrial glands and is regulated by progesterone during the peri-implantation period. Based on similarities between ISP2 gene expression and that of a progesterone-regulated lumenal serine proteinase activity associated with lysis of the zona pellucida, we have suggested that the strypsin related protein, ISP2, may encode a zona lysin proteinase. As tryptases naturally assemble to form tetrameric structures, we have hypothesized that ISP1 and ISP2 tetramerize to form strypsin and lysin, respectively. In this study, we demonstrate that like ISP2, the ISP1 gene is also expressed in endometrial glands and is positively regulated by progesterone during implantation. Using in situ hybridization of adjacent tissue sections, we show that the ISP1 and ISP2 genes are co-expressed within the endometrial gland. Following evidence that ISP1 and 2 can efficiently form homotetramers and heterotetramers in silico, we suggest that ISP heterotetramers may be also be secreted into the uterine lumen during the implantation period. That the embryonic hatching enzyme, may also be secreted into the uterine lumen from uterus, may provide insight into the mechanisms of hatching and implantation initiation.  相似文献   

Activins betaA and betaB (encoded by Inhba and Inhbb genes, respectively) are related members of the TGF-beta superfamily. Previously, we generated mice with an Inhba knock-in allele (InhbaBK) that directs the expression of activin betaB protein in the spatiotemporal pattern of activin betaA. These mice were small and had shortened life spans, both influenced by the dose of the hypomorphic InhbaBK allele. To understand the mechanism(s) underlying these abnormalities, we now examine growth plates, liver, and kidney and analyze IGF-I, GH, and major urinary proteins. Our studies show that activins modulate the biological effects of IGF-I without substantial effects on GH, and that activin signaling deficiency also has modest effects on hepatic and renal function. To assess the relative influences of activin betaA and activin betaB, we produced mice that express activin betaB from the InhbaBK allele, and not from its endogenous Inhbb locus. InhbaBK/BK, Inhbb-/- mice have failure of eyelid fusion at birth and demonstrate more severe effects on somatic growth and survival than either of the corresponding single homozygous mutants, showing that somatic growth and life span are supported by both activins betaA and betaB, although activin betaA plays a more substantial role.  相似文献   

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