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Statistically significant regressions are presented between the maximum observed age, maximum gross weight, mean total length, mean gross weight, and mean weighted back-calculated total length at ages 3 and 4 years for red bandfish, Cepola macrophthalma , and the total nitrogen in three Aegean gulfs. In contrast, the regressions of all the above mentioned biological variables on phosphates in the three gulfs were not significant, a fact consistent with the view that nitrogen, as opposed to phosphorus, is the limiting factor in eastern Mediterranean marine ecosystems. After discussing possible genetic discontinuities between the three populations, being inferred from the paleoceanography of the study area, it is suggested that the three populations form a single gene pool expressing phenotypic plasticity shaped by the contrasting environmental conditions experienced.  相似文献   

Age, growth and mortality of red bandfish, Cepola macrophrhalma (L.), from the western Aegean Sea were studied using the otoliths from 1113 fish and the length and weight of 3351 fish. Two regions were established (north and south of the Euripos Strait). The red bandfish grows allometrically (slope of length-weight regressions ≤2) and relatively rapidly until age 4 or 5 years. It is proposed that this rapid linear growth represents an adaptation which evolved to reduce the vulnerability of red bandfish to whole-fish swallowers. Back-calculated lengths-at-age showed significant differences between regions and between sexes. Males were larger than females after age 2 years. Maximum age of northern fish was also higher than southern fish (8 and 5 years respectively). Southern fish grow at a faster rate (K=0.379) but to a significantly smaller size (Lx=424.8mm t.l. , Wx=25.1 g) than northern fish (K=0.214, Lx=676.1 mm t.l. , Wx=90.9 g). Mortality rates (total and natural instantaneous mortalities) of southern fish were also higher than northern fish. We suggest that these variations represent responses to the different conditions of temperature and food availability prevailing in the two regions.  相似文献   

The red bandfish Cepola rubescens is characterized by a normal gonochoristic sexual organization. The overall male: female ratio did not differ significantly ( x 2=4.57, P <0.05) from the theoretical 1: 1. However, the male: female ratio differed with season and length class and these differences are most probably related to sexual differences in growth rate, natural mortality rate and energetic cost of reproduction. Red bandfish spawns over an extended period, from late spring to mid autumn, with larger females spawning earlier than smaller ones. Males reach maturity at a larger total length, 299 mm, and age, 2.6 years, than females, 219 mm and 1.9 years respectively, a fact most probably indicating the existence of social structure in red bandfish. Finally, red bandfish matures at a comparatively smaller length and age than other fish species.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variations in size- and age-at-maturity were studied in red bandfish, Cepola macrophthalma, in two adjacent gulfs of the western Aegean Sea, in the southern of which the population of red bandfish is stunted. Samples were collected with a commercial trawler over a grid of 34 stations at depths ranging from 22 to 222m. The hypothesis tested was that length and age at 50% maturity, Lm50 and tm50 respectively, for males and females do not differ in the two regions. The results showed that the Lm50 of both males and females in the northern area was by 3.5cm larger than that in the southern area and the 95% confidence intervals of Lm50 in the two areas did not overlap. Although the tm50 of males was larger in the northern area, the 95% confidence intervals of tm50 overlapped in the two areas whereas for females, the tm50 was larger by 0.4 years in the northern area and the 95% confidence intervals of tm50 in the two areas did not overlap. Stunting of the red bandfish growth in the southern area is the result of the combination of an extremely low food availability with higher temperatures prevailing in that area. Implications of these fine spatial scale intraspecific differences for the fisheries management of the highly oligotrophic eastern Mediterranean Sea are also discussed.  相似文献   

Dark-adapted coleoptiles of maize (Zea mays L.) were treated with red light (3min at 10.5 μmol m?2S?1) and were Stimulated, after a dark interval, with a pulse of unilateral blue light to induce phototropism. Phototropic fluence-response curves were obtained in this way for different dark intervals. It was confirmed that the bell-shaped fluence-response curve for the first pulse-induced positive phototropism (FPIPP) shifts to higher fluences following the red-light treatment, the maximal shift being achieved at a dark interval of 2h. We found, however, that the two arms of the Fluence-response curve do not shift synchronously. The shift of the descending arm to higher fluences began at 15 min. The ascending arm showed a slight shift to lower fluences before a greater shift to higher flucnces. the change of the shift direction occurring at 30–40min. Accordingly, the fluence-response curve obtained for a 30 min dark interval was comparatively wide. Although dark-adapted coleoptiles showed only fPIPP, another bell-shaped fluence-response curve, representing the second pulse-induced positive phototropism (sPIPP), appeared gradually after the red-light treatment. These changes of the phototropic fluence– respnse curve following exposure to red light are likely to have adaptive values because they favour phototropism under brighter light.  相似文献   

Habitat‐related heterogeneity of striped red mullet Mullus surmuletus heterospecific foraging assemblages was examined off the coast of Spain. Video‐based focal‐follows conducted on 122 M. surmuletus assemblages (446 total individuals) revealed an array of attendant species (n = 7) with composition linked to benthic habitat complexity; bare sandy substrata were characterized by homospecific groups of M. surmuletus, while habitats with rock and vegetation attracted a variety of scrounging labrids and sparids. Although the nature of the relationship between M. surmuletus and attendants requires further exploration, the present study indicates that substratum composition can be a driving factor explaining the dynamics of this heterospecific assemblage.  相似文献   

In this discussion, I evaluate our understanding of fallback foods in primate and hominin ecology and evolution with reference to the challenges of nomenclature, scale, and of linking individual responses to food availability and properties (process) to species traits (pattern). I use these challenges to form the framework of my discussion and ultimately conclude that we situate the discussion of primate fallback strategy into a broader, “synthetic” framework of animal form and the evolutionary significance of phenotypic plasticity. Am J Phys Anthropol 140:759–766, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Results from the operant laboratory suggest that short-termbenefits guide animal feeding decisions. These results appearto contradict evolutionarily-motivated models of foraging thatemphasize long-term benefits. Because of this contradiction,some behavioral ecologists argue that natural selection mustfavor short-term benefits in some unknown way. This study addressesthe contradiction by testing the feeding preferences of captiveblue jays in two economically equivalent situations. The firstsituation follows the operant literature's "self-control" paradigm;jays make a binary choice between small-immediate and large-delayedoptions. The second situation is modeled on patch-use problems;the jays make a leave-stay decision in which "leaving" leadsto small amount in a short time, and "staying" leads to largeramount in a longer time. In the self-control situations, theobserved outcome agrees with short-term rate maximizing, asother investigators have reported. In the patch situation, the results agree more closely with long-term rate maximizing. Thetext explains how a rule of preference based on short-termrate comparisons can account for both situations. It is arguedthat natural selection may have favored short-term rules becausethey have long-term consequences in many natural foraging situations.  相似文献   

Investigations were made on the length-weight relationship and condition factor of Esomu danricus (Ham) from ponds and flowing water channels. These relationships could be represented by the regression equations, log W = -2.6252 + 3.2451 log L (for channel fishes) and log W = -1.5390 + 2.6318 log L (for pond fishes). The correlations were significantly high (P < 0.001). The mean values of condition factors were 0.529 and 0.713 for pond and channel fishes, respectively. The additive action of various factors in stagnant ponds, such as oxygen deficiency, stratification of indispensahle nutrients at the bottom, accumulation of body wastes of fishes, and unoxidized chemical compounds, competition for many necessities of life as space, food, shelter, seemed to adversely affect the growth rate and condition factor of pond dwelling fishes. Contrary to this the circulation of water induced by currents in the channels appeared to cause mixing of water at all depths to even out differences in dissolved oxygen concentration, temperature, nutrients, besides minimizing the effect of repressive factor. Such conditions invariably offered more opportunities to fishes to conserve almost all the available space and other resources in the habitat. This ensured rapid growth as evidenced by higher condition factor of the flowing-water fishes as compared to their counterparts occurring in ponds.  相似文献   

Post-settlement ecology, ontogenesis of morphology and behaviour were studied in juvenile Pempheris vanicolensis (Pempheridae, Teleostei) in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Postflexion larvae of 5.6-6.0 mm total length settled around breakwater heads and natural rocky outcrops of the subtidal zone, widely separated from adults dwelling in groups in coral reef crevices and caves. Settling juveniles formed groups of uniform age and foraged on zooplankton around their habitats. Their circadian behaviour was regulated by levels of illumination in the water, differing slightly in the various age groups. At sunset, juvenile P. vanicolensis migrated and dispersed in deeper water, returning before sunrise to their rocky habitats. Their patterns of foraging and migration behaviours were analysed. At 28.0-32.0 mm total length and 500 mg body weight, the increase in height and length ( H/L ratio) of the juvenile changed from monoto heterochronous, after which a rhomboid body shape, typical for this species, was formed. Concomitantly, the retina of the juvenile changed from a photopic to a scotopic one, the body became heavily pigmented, and the fish left the subtidal rocks, migrating to crevices in coral formations where they settled in close proximity to groups of adult P. vanicolensis .  相似文献   

Foraging mode is an important aspect of life history, often associated with traits such as locomotor mode, energy budget, risk of predation and reproductive effort. Because of these life-history associations, classification of foraging mode can be conceptually useful. Lizards figured prominently in the historical development of foraging mode concepts, yet our current understanding is dominated by only two lizard families which are good examples of the two extreme modes, sit-and-wait vs. active foraging. A great deal of lizard phylogenetic diversity remains unrepresented. Chameleons are a highly derived lizard taxon for which we have very little behavioural or ecological data, and no foraging mode data. Because chameleons are so unusual, it is not possible to predict where they will fit within the bimodal paradigm. I studied time budget and foraging mode in the Cape dwarf chameleon, Bradypodion pumilum , in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Several approaches were taken to assess foraging behaviour. First, lag-sequential analysis was applied to compare rates behaviours associated with observed eating events, which did not support a sit-and-wait foraging mode. Second, the number of moves per minute (MPM) and per cent time moving (%TM) were compared with those of other lizard taxa from the literature. Foraging in B. pumilum was found to be most consistent with an active foraging mode, although the MPM is unusually low. Thus I propose classification of B. pumilum as a cruise forager. Sufficient data are available to define a discriminant function for active vs. sit-and-wait modes among lizard speries, which classifys B. pumilum as active and additionally lends statistical support for good separation between foraging modes. These findings are discussed in relation to the evolution of foraging modes in chameleons and other lizard families.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 797–808.  相似文献   

Recent mass mortalities of bats, birds and even humans highlight the substantial threats that rising global temperatures pose for endotherms. Although less dramatic, sublethal fitness costs of high temperatures may be considerable and result in changing population demographics. Endothermic animals exposed to high environmental temperatures can adjust their behaviour (e.g. reducing activity) or physiology (e.g. elevating rates of evaporative water loss) to maintain body temperatures within tolerable limits. The fitness consequences of these adjustments, in terms of the ability to balance water and energy budgets and therefore maintain body condition, are poorly known. We investigated the effects of daily maximum temperature on foraging and thermoregulatory behaviour as well as maintenance of body condition in a wild, habituated population of Southern Pied Babblers Turdoides bicolor. These birds inhabit a hot, arid area of southern Africa where they commonly experience environmental temperatures exceeding optimal body temperatures. Repeated measurements of individual behaviour and body mass were taken across days varying in maximum air temperature. Contrary to expectations, foraging effort was unaffected by daily maximum temperature. Foraging efficiency, however, was lower on hotter days and this was reflected in a drop in body mass on hotter days. When maximum air temperatures exceeded 35.5 °C, individuals no longer gained sufficient weight to counter typical overnight weight loss. This reduction in foraging efficiency is likely driven, in part, by a trade‐off with the need to engage in heat‐dissipation behaviours. When we controlled for temperature, individuals that actively dissipated heat while continuing to forage experienced a dramatic decrease in their foraging efficiency. This study demonstrates the value of investigations of temperature‐dependent behaviour in the context of impacts on body condition, and suggests that increasingly high temperatures will have negative implications for the fitness of these arid‐zone birds.  相似文献   

The sources of variations in the weight-length relationship parameters, and in the Fulton's, allometric, and relative condition factors (K) of the characiform fish Triportheus guentheri were investigated. The use of these indices as indicators of condition were also discussed. The 2899 females and 2491 males were captured with gill nets from January 1986 to March 1988 in Três Marias Reservoir (18° 15′ and 45° 15′ W), Brazil. Weight-length relationship parameters varied monthly in both sexes mainly due to the skewness of the relative frequency of the number of fish per body length. This suggests that a selective sample and/or the population length structure may strongly influence the estimate of those parameters. The K showed high correlations (r ≥ 0.99) among themselves. Their variations were ascribed to carcass weight in both sexes when analyzed by month, or to the ovary weights when analyzed by female gonad development intervals. The monthly weight-length relationship parameters of T. guentheri presented low or null correlation with K, except for the female's coefficient of regression. Problems using these parameters as indicators of condition suggested that they are not good indices to express condition. Some restrictions regarding the use of K are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Evolutionary adaptation concerns a relative concept and the study of adaptations is directed to structures of individuals. The concept is devoid of any meaning when it is applied to species or populations. Adaptation is not synonymous with fitness or survival but does contribute to both of them. The term adaptation has a dual meaning since it refers both to the process of adaptation and to the state of being adapted. In the process of adaptation the mechanism of natural selection takes a prominent position. But the operation and effectiveness of natural selection are constrained by various limiting factors. Besides that, features may also be the result of nonadaptive evolution and only attain their present adaptive function at a later point in time. Another possibility is that features have at present a function different from the one for which they were initially designed. With respect to the state of being, the study of adaptation attempts to examine whether a particular feature indeed forms an adequate response to selection forces from the environment. Five methods or approaches generally are used to assess the adaptive significance of features, viz. the comparative, correlation, optimization, cladistic, and synthetic approach. Only the last-mentioned approach forms an adequate method since it attempts to establish, by direct analysis, which well-defined selection force exerts its influence on a certain character. The practicing taxonomist is faced with the problem that the data necessary to apply the synthetic method, generally require detailed field studies. Not all evolutionary changes are under the influence of natural selection. The presence of some features may be based on entirely different mechanisms, such as genetic drift, mutational pressure, pleiotropic gene action, allometric growth, or ecophenotypic responses. Various problems inherent to the optimization approach, and several others of practical and theoretical nature, make the morphocline method of the functional and evolutionary morphologists unsuitable as a method for phylogenetic reconstruction.  相似文献   

We tested for adaptive population structure in the frog Rana temporaria by rearing tadpoles from 23 populations in a common garden experiment, with and without larval dragonfly predators. The goal was to compare tadpole phenotypes with the habitats of their source ponds. The choice of traits and habitat variables was guided by prior information about phenotypic function. There were large differences among populations in life history, behaviour, morphological shape, and the predator-induced plasticities in most of these. Body size and behaviour were correlated with predation risk in the source pond, in agreement with adaptive population divergence. Tadpoles from large sunny ponds were morphologically distinct from those inhabiting small woodland ponds, although here an adaptive explanation was unclear. There was no evidence that plasticity evolves in populations exposed to more variable environments. Much among-population variation in phenotype and plasticity was not associated with habitat, perhaps reflecting rapid changes in wetland habitats.  相似文献   

Monthly samples of Abra ovata were collected during February 1983-January 1984 in the Evros Delta (N. Aegean Sea). Population density (mean annual value = 2407.5 ind · m−2) was characterized by seasonal variation. An analysis of the length frequency distributions shows that one annual recruitment of juveniles (> 2 mm) occurred in October-January; and also that, throughout the year, two age groups existed in the population. One growth ring was formed on the shells of the oldest age group during July-August. Mean growth in shell length can be described by Bertalanffy function. A positive correlation existed between shell length and decalcified dry weight. Secondary production in A. ovata, calculated by the instantaneous growth method, showed a mean biomass of 29.221 g dry weight m−2yr−1, a productivity of 17.086 g dry weight m−2yr−1 and an annual turnover ratio of 0.59.  相似文献   

博斯腾湖为西北高原地区湖泊,1958年开始商业化渔业生产,1962年开始鱼类引种工作,半个多世纪以来湖区鱼类资源组成处于不断的变动当中。本文围绕湖区鱼类群落组成动态、当前鱼类的体长与体重关系及种群生长状况开展研究,于2019年春季(4月)、夏季(8月)、秋季(10月),通过渔具采样和渔获物调查相结合的方法,在博斯腾湖共发现鱼类17种,隶属于4目8科,其中?(Hemiculter leucisculus)、池沼公鱼(Hypomesus olidus)、鲫(Carassius auratus)为优势种,鱼类资源结构小型化问题严重。描述了15种鱼类体长-体重关系与生长情况,其中12种鱼类为正异速生长,3种鱼类为负异速生长,优势鱼类的体长-体重关系式参数b值范围2. 95~3. 56,决定系数r2值范围0. 874~0. 997。本研究所得结果可为博斯腾湖鱼类资源保护与可持续利用提供基础资料和科学支撑。  相似文献   

Oxpeckers (Buphagus sp.) are two bird species closely associated to large mammals, including giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis). We tested whether oxpeckers distributed themselves at random across individuals or aggregated on individual giraffes, and whether birds select the host's body parts with the expected greatest amount of ticks. By counting oxpeckers on giraffe's body from photographs, we quantified the distribution of birds per hosts and over predefined zones on the giraffe body. Oxpeckers displayed a strong aggregation behaviour with few hosts carrying many birds while many carried a limited number or no bird, a pattern that was most exaggerated for males. Oxpeckers were disproportionately found on the mane and back, where the density of ticks is presumably the highest. This high aggregation level of birds is typical of parasitic species and could suggest that oxpecker distribution may mirror the distribution of ticks, their primary food resource, on giraffes. Abundance of ticks appears as a major driver of the oxpecker foraging behaviour, and the oxpecker–large herbivores system proves to be highly relevant for the study of host–parasite dynamics.  相似文献   

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