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The acute cytogenetic effects of potassium bromate (KBrO3) on rat bone marrow cells in vivo were studied. The incidence of chromosome aberrations in bone marrow cells increased rapidly, reaching a maximum level 12 h after intraperitoneal injection and decreased within 24 h. Dose-response relationships were obtained for both intraperitoneal and oral administrations.  相似文献   

Genotoxic effects of bitumen fumes in Big Blue transgenic rat lung   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Road paving workers are exposed to bitumen fumes (CAS No. 8052-42-4), a complex mixture of volatile compounds and particles containing carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. However, epidemiological and experimental animal studies failed to draw unambiguous conclusions concerning their toxicity. In order to gain better insights on their genotoxic potential, we used an experimental design able to generate bitumen fumes at road paving temperature (temperature: 170 degrees C, total particulate matter: 100mg/m3) and perform a nose-only exposure of Big Blue transgenic rodents 6h/day for five consecutive days. The mutagenic properties of bitumen fumes were determined by analyzing the mutation frequency and spectrum of the neutral reporter gene cII inserted into the rodent genome. We previously observed in mouse lung, that bitumen fumes did not induce an increase of cII mutants, a modification of the mutation spectrum, nor the formation of DNA adducts. Since DNA adducts were found in the lungs of rats exposed to asphalt fumes in similar conditions, we decided to carry out an analogous experiment with Big Blue rats. A DNA adduct was detected 3 and 30 days after the end of treatment suggesting that these genetic alterations were quite steady. Thirty days after exposure, the cII mutant frequency was similar in control and exposed rats. In addition, a slight but not significant modification of the mutation spectrum associated with an increase of G:C to T:A and A:T to C:G transversions was noticeable in the treated animals. Then, these data failed to demonstrate a pulmonary mutagenic potential for bitumen fumes generated at road paving temperature in our experimental conditions despite the presence of a DNA adduct. These results may provide information concerning the pulmonary mechanism of action of this aerosol and may contribute to the occupational health hazard assessment.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the genotoxic effects of potassium bromate, which is used as a bleaching agent in flour, on human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro by sister chromatid exchange (SCE), chromosomal aberrations (CA) and micronucleus (MN) tests, and also to determine whether it has any genotoxic potential for humans. Cells were treated with 400, 450, 500, 550 microg/ml concentrations of potassium bromate for 24 and 48 h. The SCE frequencies showed an increase after both treatment periods, however, the differences between the treated cells and the control groups were found to be statistically significant only for the 48-h treatment. In addition, potassium bromate statistically significantly induced CA after the 24-h and 48-h treatment periods. Strikingly, potassium bromate induced CA as much as the positive control, mitomycin-C (MMC). Furthermore, potassium bromate decreased both the cell proliferation index (PI) and the mitotic index (MI). Although micronucleus formation was induced by potassium bromate during the 24-h treatment period in a dose-dependent manner, only the doses 500 and 550 microg/ml yielded statistically significant results. In contrast, MN formation was significantly induced at all doses during the 48-h treatment period. These in vitro results provide important evidence about genotoxicity of potassium bromate on a human cell culture system.  相似文献   

The mammalian inner ear is located deep within the temporal bone. The organ of Corti, the delicate sensory system for sound, is surrounded by two fluid systems; the potassium-rich endolymph and the sodium-rich perilymph. The pathogenesis of inner ear deafness is thought to be largely due to an imbalance of potassium and sodium ions in the inner ear fluids. Dynamic changes in K+ in the endolymph and perilymph were studied in the guinea-pig following cetrimide (cetrimonium bromide, a powerful cationic detergent which shows ototoxicity) applications on the round window membrane, intramuscular injection of potassium bromate (bread whitener, known to cause renal damage and permanent deafness in animals and man). Maximum fall in K+ concentration in the endolymoh (mM/min) and maximum K+ conductance (mM/min/mV) were 3.54 +/- 1.65 and 0.036 +/- 0.02 in cetrimide, and 1.85 +/- 0.35 and 0.021 +/- 0.009 in potassium bromate, respectively. In view of these findings, the influence of the active transport mechanism to K+ concentrations are discussed in comparison with dynamic changes in endolymph K+ induced by asphyxia and ethacrynic acid.  相似文献   

Studies of renal and other tissues suggest that chronic elevation or reduction of dietary potassium intake could affect vascular smooth muscle sodium pump (Na-pump) activity. To examine this possibility, the effects of 3 weeks of low (LK: 4 mmole KCl/kg chow), normal (NK; 162 mmole/kg), and high (HK; 1350 mmole/kg) dietary potassium intake on Na-pump activity, the Na-pump activity response to changes in extracellular potassium concentration, and Na-pump site density were determined in tail arteries of rats. Plasma potassium concentration was elevated by 21% in HK rats and reduced by 45% in LK rats. When incubated in autologous plasma, compared to arteries from NK rats, Na-pump activity was decreased in the tail arteries from LK rats but not altered in those from HK rats. When arteries from NK and LK rats were incubated in autologous plasma with the potassium concentration increased to equal that of the HK rats, Na-pump activity exceeded that of HK rat arteries: Na-pump activity of arteries incubated in autologous plasma did not differ from that of arteries incubated in Krebs-Henseleit buffer with the potassium concentration adjusted to equal that of the plasma. Tail artery Na-pump activity for all three dietary potassium groups increased as potassium concentration of the incubation medium was increased from 1 to 12 mM; Na-pump activity was similar for the NK and LK rats at all potassium concentrations, but Na-pump activity of HK rat arteries was less than that of NK arteries at high extracellular potassium concentrations. Na-pump site density was not altered by either HK or LK diet. It is concluded that in tail arteries of rats fed the LK diet, chronically decreased extracellular potassium results in chronically decreased Na-pump activity. In contrast, an adaptive change occurs in tail arteries of rats fed HK diet, such that Na-pump activity remains at normal levels despite elevated extracellular potassium; this adaptive response to chronically increased dietary potassium does not appear to be the result of decreased Na-pump site density.  相似文献   

Potassium bromate (KBrO(3)) is classified as a carcinogenic agent. KBrO(3) induces tumors and pro-oxidative effects in kidneys. Melatonin is a well known antioxidant and free radical scavenger. Indole-3-propionic acid (IPA), an indole substance, also reveals antioxidative properties. Recently, some antioxidative effects of propylthiouracil (PTU)-an antithyroid drug-have been found. The aim of the study was to compare protective effects of melatonin, IPA, and PTU against lipid peroxidation in the kidneys and blood serum and, additionally, in the livers and the lungs, collected from rats, pretreated with KBrO(3). Male Wistar rats were administered KBrO(3) (110 mg/kg b.w., i.p., on the 10th day of the experiment) and/or melatonin, or IPA (0.0645 mmol/kg b.w., i.p., twice daily, for 10 days), or PTU (0.025% solution in drinking water, for 10 days). The level of lipid peroxidation products-malondialdehyde + 4-hydroxyalkenals (MDA + 4-HDA)-was measured spectrophotometrically in thyroid homogenates. KBrO(3), when injected to rats, significantly increased lipid peroxidation in the kidney homogenates and blood serum, but not in the liver and the lung homogenates. Co-treatment with either melatonin or with IPA, but not with PTU, decreased KBrO(3)-induced oxidative damage to lipids in the rat kidneys and serum. In conclusion, melatonin and IPA, which prevent KBrO(3)-induced lipid peroxidation in rat kidneys, may be of great value as protective agents under conditions of exposure to KBrO(3).  相似文献   

Potassium bromate (KBrO3) is widely used as a food additive and is a major water disinfection by-product. The present study reports the side effects of KBrO3 administration in Swiss mice. Animals were randomly divided into three groups: control, low dose KBrO3 (100 mg/kg/day) and high dose KBrO3 (200 mg/kg/day) groups. Administration of KBrO3 led to decreased white blood corpuscles (WBCs), red blood corpuscles (RBCs) and platelets count in the animals of both the high and the low dose groups. Altered lipid profile represented as low density lipoprotein (LDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL) and cholesterol levels were observed in plasma samples of both KBrO3 treated groups of mice. Also, an increased plasma level of LDH was detected in both KBrO3 treated groups. Histological investigations showed impaired renal and hepatic histology that was concomitant with increased plasma Creatinine level in both of KBrO3-treated groups. Nevertheless, decreased glutathione (GSH) level in both renal and hepatic tissue of mice after KBrO3 intake was detected. These results show that KBrO3 has serious damaging effects and therefore, its use should be avoided.  相似文献   

Micronucleus induction in male F344 rat peripheral blood by potassium bromate (KBrO3), a rat renal carcinogen, and its inhibition by several antioxidants were studied using the acridine orange supravital staining method. The frequency of micronucleated reticulocytes (MNRETs) peaked 32 h after a single i.p. treatment of rats with KBrO3 at a dose of 60 mg/kg. Co-treatment with glutathione (GSH) or cysteine (Cys) i.p. at doses of 800 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg, respectively, 30 min before and 30 min after the KBrO3 treatment significantly inhibited the micronucleus induction by KBrO3. Daily i.g. administration of vitamin C for 5 days at a dose of 200 mg/kg/day was also effective in protecting against micronucleus induction by KBrO3 given on the 4th day. However, co-treatment with superoxide dismutase in liposome-encapsulated form by i.p. injection at a dose of 18,000 U/kg 30 min before and 30 min after the KBrO3 application exerted no effect. The results indicate that antioxidants, especially sulfhydryl compounds, have protective potential against the clastogenicity of KBrO3, also suggesting that active oxygen species may play an important role in its clastogenicity.  相似文献   

Potassium bromate (KBrO3) is known to be an oxidizing agent that is used not only as a food additive, mainly in the bread-making process, but also as a neutralizer in thioglycolate containing hair curling set. Although it has been shown that bromate poisoning could cause severe and irreversible sensorineural hearing loss as well as renal failure, the action mechanism of bromate-induced otoneurotoxicity especially its combination with thioglycolate remains to be studied. In this study, we attempted to investigate the toxic effects of KBrO3 in combination with or without thioglycolate on the auditory brainstem response (ABR) system in the guinea-pigs which was claimed to be very susceptible to the xenobiotics. In a preliminary test, we have found that after consecutive 2 weeks administration, KBrO3 caused a significant prolongation of wave I-III and the interwave latencies of ABR as well as significantly elevated the threshold of hearing, suggesting that the conduction velocity of the peripheral auditory nerve was delayed. By contrast, the absolute latency of wave IV/V and the interwave latency of wave III-V were not significantly prolonged, suggesting that KBrO3 had no effect on the brainstem. This oto-neurotoxic effect of KBrO3 was markedly enhanced by combining with thioglycolate. Our data also indicated that KBrO3 combined with thioglycolate but not KBrO3 alone prominantly caused a decrease of body weight. However, enzymatic activities (including Na+/K+-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase) and the level of nitric oxide (NO) was significantly affected in the brainstem. Based on these findings, we tentatively conclude that whether KBrO3 alone or KBrO3 combined with thioglycolate induced oto-neurotoxicity majorly through the peripheral auditory nerve rather than via the central brainstem intoxication.  相似文献   

The genetic effect of the cytostatic trichlormethine hydrochloride (TS-160 Spofa) was assessed after a 1-week administration using the dominant lethal mutation test (DLM) and the sperm abnormality test. The dosage was 0.5 mg/kg for 7 consecutive days, an equivalent of the human therapeutic dosage. Simultaneously, the cytostatic's direct toxic effect on male sex organs was assessed. TS-160 carries a genetic risk for the postmeiotic stages of spermatogenesis (DLM) and is responsible for interference in the morphology of sperm heads through its action on spermatocytes. The toxic effects of TS-160 were found to influence the body weight of mice (days 4-25 after administration), to reduce the relative weight of the testes (days 18-25 after administration), to damage spermatogenesis in the seminiferous tubules (spermatids), to be responsible for an appearance of multinucleate cells in the epididymides, and for an increased rate of abnormality of the heads of fully mature spermatozoa. Our findings stress the need to separate the cytotoxic effects from genetic effects so as to avoid false positives, especially in the test for head abnormalities, and also in the assessment of the fertility of male animals or fertilization of females mated with treated males.  相似文献   

We have reported that low doses of endothelin-3 (ET-3) elicited continuous vasodilation of rat mesenteric arteries, which is possibly related to endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF). In order to clarify whether or not the vasodilating effects of ET-3 are associated with EDRF, we examined the effects of L-NG-monomethyl arginine (L-NMMA), an analog of L-arginine, on low-dose ET-3 induced vasodilation of rat mesente-Hc arteries. Infusion of 50 microM L-NMMA inhibited the vasodilation induced by 10(-13) M ET-3 and rather elicited an increase in perfusion pressure, which itself was decreased by infusion of 150 microM L-arginine. In the presence of 50 microM L-NMMA, 10(-13) M ET-3 did not elicit any vasodilation of the mesenteric arteries preconstricted with NE, in which 150 microM L-arginine, but not D-arginine, caused considerable vasodilation. These data suggest that the vasodilating effects of low doses of ET-3 are associated with EDRF as an endothelium-derived nitric oxide.  相似文献   

L E Sal'nikova  Iu V Pashin 《Genetika》1988,24(11):2088-2090
Using mammalian somatic cells (CHO-AT3-2) we have demonstrated a synergistic effect of ethyl methane sulfonate and a carbamoylating agent, potassium cyanate. Potassium cyanate aggravated the toxic action of EMS and the induction of predominantly micro- and macroaberrational mutation, whereas the rate of point mutations of the base substitution type was not affected. No synergistic effect was observed when potassium cyanate was used in combination with heavy metal salts, regardless of the test employed.  相似文献   

Karyotypes were determined in 1064 embryos of aged C57/BL mothers. The virgin female mice were irradiated with 0, 4, 8 or 16 R of X-rays, respectively, and placed with young untreated males 5 days after irradiation. 10.5-days old embryos were recovered from the uterus. Aneuploid embryos classified as alive (heart beats observed at the dissection) were 1 monosomic in the control group (496 embryos) and 2 trisomics in the irradiated group (568 embryos). The number of aneuploid embryos classified as dead was 4 trisomic cases in the control group and 3 trisomics in the irradiated group. The data indicate that trisomic embryos are not uncommon in the mouse but are eliminated in post-implantation death. In contrast to the results of Yamamoto et al. the present data do not demonstrate an increased frequency of chromosome abnormalities in embryos of aged mice X-irradiated before mating as compared to non-irradiated ones.  相似文献   

In experiments with CHO-AT3-2 cell culture, a study was made of the effect of potassium cyanate (KNCO) on the effect of gamma radiation and benzo(a)pyrene (BP) by the following tests: cell viability, induction of cells with micronuclei and fragmented nuclei and mutations by thymidine kinase (TK) and Na+/K+-ATPase loci. Some tests have revealed the increase in the effect of gamma radiation and BP produced by potassium cyanate. It is suggested that the sensitizing effects are related to repair system inhibition and/or changes in the cell chromatin structure produced by KNCO.  相似文献   

Cocaine administration can be disruptive to sleep. In compulsive cocaine users, sleep disruption may be a factor contributing to relapse. The effects of cocaine on sleep, particularly those produced by low doses, have not been extensively studied. Low dose cocaine may stimulate brain reward systems that are linked to the liability of abusing of this drug. This study was designed to assess the effects of the acute administration of low to moderate cocaine doses on sleep in the rat. Polygraphic recordings were obtained from freely moving, chronically instrumented rats over a 6-h period after the administration of either cocaine (as a 2.5-10 mg/kg intraperitoneal dose) or saline. Following cocaine administration, time spent by the rats in wakefulness increased and slow wave sleep decreased in a dose-dependent manner, compared to controls. These changes lasted between 1 to 3 h following the cocaine administration. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep was decreased during a 2- to 3-h period following the injection of 5 and 10 mg/kg doses of cocaine. In contrast, REM sleep increased during the periods 2-4 h after the administration of 2.5 and 5 mg/kg doses of cocaine. These results indicate that sleep can be significantly altered by low doses of cocaine when administered subacutely.  相似文献   

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