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Tuberculosis (TB) is often diagnosed by observation of reddish pink fuchsin-stained Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) in Ziehl-Neelsen (Z-N) stained smears by transmitted light microscopy. MTB too faintly stained with fuchsin to be seen by transmitted light may be detected by their green-excited orange-red fluorescence; this finding may be clinically relevant.  相似文献   

Stress causes a rise in body temperature in laboratory animals (stress-induced hyperthermia). However, the direct effect of common stressors in animal research, i.e. transportation between holding and test rooms or isolation of animals, on body temperature has not been investigated to its full extent. To address this question, it is important to have a reliable and simple monitoring technique, which does not induce stress itself. In the present study, we investigated stress-related changes in body temperature of F344/Hw rats after (1) moving the cage within the holding room, (2) moving the cage from the holding room to another test room and (3) social deprivation (isolation). A combination of two different body temperature recording methods was used to clarify their accuracy and stress-inductive character: rectal temperature recording and peritoneal implanted temperature sensors (Thermochron iButtons).The results demonstrate that (1) different stressors induce a significant rise in body temperature, (2) which is detectable for more than 60 min and (3) it is of importance to standardize temperature recording methods in order to avoid confounding effects of the recording method itself. Furthermore, Thermochron iButtons are more accurate and reliable for body temperature studies than rectal recordings.  相似文献   

A simplified polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assay was used for detection and typing of Leishmania parasites in clinical specimens from patients suspected of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Using cultures as the reference standard, our PCR detection method was more sensitive (92%) than classical diagnostic techniques, including microscopy (42% sensitivity), histologic staining (33%), and IgG enzyme-linked immunosorbent (20%). The PCR assay was also 100% specific. Parasites in both lesion biopsies and isolates cultured from lesion aspirates were identified as Leishmania braziliensis by PCR. In this study, we have demonstrated the suitability of simplified PCR assays for the simultaneous diagnosis and typing of parasites causing cutaneous leishmaniasis in a developing country where leishmaniasis is endemic.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the utility of Papanicolaou stain-induced fluorescence (PIF) in the detection of tubercle bacilli and to compare its diagnostic efficacy with that of the conventional Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) method. STUDY DESIGN: This prospective study was carried out at a tertiary health care center, over a period of 2 years between January 2001 and December 2002. A total of 500 cases offine needle aspiration cytology from lymph nodes and other extrapulmonary sites were studied. Only cases that were clinically and cytologically suggestive of tuberculosis were included in the study. The smears were stained with ZN and Papanicolaou stain and examined under light and fluorescence microscopes, respectively for detection of acid-fast bacilli (AFB). Mycobacterial culture was used as the gold standard to compare the results. RESULTS: Cytologic smears were categorized into 4 distinct cytomorphologic patterns: epithelioid granulomas without caseous necrosis (101 cases), epithelioid granulomas with caseous necrosis (268 cases), caseation or acute inflammatory exudate only (114 cases), and occasional epithelioid cells without necrosis or giant cells (17 cases). The overall AFB positivity was 30.8% with the ZN method, while it was 40.6% with PIF. Moreover, PIF was more effective in detecting bacilli in group I lesions (18.8% vs. 6.9% with ZN method), in which the bacillary load is very low. CONCLUSION: PIF is superior to the conventional ZN method in detecting tubercle bacilli, particularly when the bacillary load is low. It is a relatively inexpensive and fast technique.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of the use of fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology to confirm a clinical suspicion of tuberculosis in tissue enlargements was performed, using 70 cases. The criteria required to make an FNA cytodiagnosis of tuberculosis were reassessed, and the sensitivity and predictive value of cytology for diagnosing such aspirates was determined. All but 2 of the 70 aspirates contained adequate cellularity. The adequate samples were diagnosed as 40 cases of caseating tuberculosis, 11 cases of noncaseating tuberculosis and 17 cases of acute necrotizing granulomatous inflammation suspicious for tuberculosis. Subsequent histologic study verified the cytologic diagnosis in 27 of 27 biopsied caseating lesions, 4 of 7 biopsied noncaseating cases and 5 of 8 necrotizing cases. The six cases with a false-positive cytodiagnosis of tuberculosis were histologically diagnosed as one Lennert's lymphoma, two reactive lymph nodes and three necrotizing metastatic carcinomas. The sensitivity of FNA cytology for the diagnosis of tuberculosis was 100%, with the predictive value of a positive result being 88%. The findings in this study emphasize that all criteria for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in FNA samples must be utilized and that particular caution should be exercised in making a diagnosis of acute necrotizing tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Spore walls ofBackusella lamprospora (Mucorales) were stained with ten fluorescent brighteners (FB) and the intensity of their fluorescence was determined. The fluorescence was most intense with Uvitex 2B (100%), other brighteners yielding lower fluorescence intensities: Blankophor BA 267% and BA 200% about 75%, Rylux BSU about 50%, other Rylux agents 10–30%. The agents most suitable for microscopic diagnostics of human and animal mycoses are Uvitex 2B, Blankophor BA 267% and BA 200%, Rylux BSU, and also Rylux BS and PRS. The regulation of excessive fluorescence of fungal cells during microscopic observation is discussed. For the purposes of microscopic diagnosis of human and animal mycosis Uvitex 2B, Blankophor BA 267% and BA 200%, Rylux BSU and, possibly, Rylux BS and PRS are recommended.  相似文献   

Tubercle bacillus-infected macrophage monolayer cultures, after fixation in glutaraldehyde or without fixation, are stained by a Gomori method to show acid phosphatase activity. The method includes H,S to convert lead phosphate to sulphide. Only a minority of the mycobacteria is outlined by the black or brown stain; the similarity to the surrounding stained cytoplasmic particles makes identification difficult. The Gomori staining procedure is followed by a Ziehl-Neelsen method to stain acid-fast microorganisms; the temperature of the carbol fuchsin is just high enough to produce steaming, and the time of decolorisation is short. To avoid loss of the Gomori stain from the acid-fast procedure it is essential to repeat the exposure to H2S between the decolorisation and the light counterstaining. This combined method preserves the Gomori stain, against which the red acid-fast bacilli stand out sharply, so that acid phosphatase activity and bacteria can be located easily in the cell.  相似文献   

Methods are described for measuring the colonisation of a radish (Raphanus sativus) root system by seedlings with rifampicin resistant fluorescent pseudomonads by dilution plating, and which would take account of differences in root morphology. Differences in the levels of pseudomonad colonisation was highly dependent on the units in which surface areas was expressed. Population levels are expressed using estimates of surface area based on root length, tap-root length and root weight. The best estimate of surface area was root length, but the most practical method was surface area calculated as a function of dry weight. This method could differentiate differences in the levels of root colonisation independent of differences in root morphology and was efficient enough to allow the routine processing of a large number of replicate root samples.  相似文献   



The WHO has recommended the implementation of rapid diagnostic tests to detect and help combat M/XDR tuberculosis (TB). There are limited data on the performance and impact of these tests in field settings.


The performance of the commercially available Genotype MTBDRplus molecular assay was compared to conventional methods including AFB smear, culture and drug susceptibility testing (DST) using both an absolute concentration method on Löwenstein-Jensen media and broth-based method using the MGIT 960 system. Sputum specimens were obtained from TB suspects in the country of Georgia who received care through the National TB Program.


Among 500 AFB smear-positive sputum specimens, 458 (91.6%) had both a positive sputum culture for Mycobacterium tuberculosis and a valid MTBDRplus assay result. The MTBDRplus assay detected isoniazid (INH) resistance directly from the sputum specimen in 159 (89.8%) of 177 specimens and MDR-TB in 109 (95.6%) of 114 specimens compared to conventional methods. There was high agreement between the MTBDRplus assay and conventional DST results in detecting MDR-TB (kappa = 0.95, p<0.01). The most prevalent INH resistance mutation was S315T (78%) in the katG codon and the most common rifampicin resistance mutation was S531L (68%) in the rpoB codon. Among 13 specimens from TB suspects with negative sputum cultures, 7 had a positive MTBDRplus assay (3 with MDR-TB). The time to detection of MDR-TB was significantly less using the MTBDRplus assay (4.2 days) compared to the use of standard phenotypic tests (67.3 days with solid media and 21.6 days with broth-based media).


Compared to conventional methods, the MTBDRplus assay had high accuracy and significantly reduced time to detection of MDR-TB in an area with high MDR-TB prevalence. The use of rapid molecular diagnostic tests for TB and drug resistance should increase the proportion of patients promptly placed on appropriate therapy.  相似文献   

The quality of microwave adaptations of three classical neuroanatomical staining methods (the Nissl, Klüver-Barrera and H?ggqvist stains) was tested on frozen serial sections from human brain specimens which has been stored for up to 10 years in 10% formalin. The conclusion was that the use of microwave irradiation reduces processing time and/or concentrations of the chemicals used, whereas the light microscopical quality of the stains considered is equal or improved as compared to their original counterparts. Next, a comparison was made between microwave adapted stains and classical procedures, which, except for the use of a conventional oven as heat source together with pre-heated solutions, were entirely identical. It appeared, that at light microscopical level no difference can be appreciated between the effect of internally (using microwave irradiation) and externally (using a conventional oven) supplied heat on the staining result.  相似文献   

Patients attending the ear, nose and throat (ENT) department at St James's University Hospital, Leeds, UK, for evaluation of palpable head and neck lesions have a fine needle cytology (FNC) specimen taken and receive the result at the same out-patient visit. This study was designed to discover if there is a significant difference in the efficiency of the methods with and without suction. The method was chosen randomly on each occasion and the adequacy or otherwise of the specimen was determined taking into account the site and nature of the lesion and the total cellularity of the sample. The level of blood contamination was also compared by each method. When benign and malignant lesions from all sites were analysed together the method with suction produced a significantly higher number of adequate samples than the method without suction. The exception was in the case of samples from lymph node lesions measuring < 1 cm, where adequate specimens were only obtained without suction. The non-suction technique was particularly poor at sampling salivary gland lesions in the 1–1.5 cm category. There was no significant difference in the level of blood contamination between the two methods at any site. These results are at variance with most other similar studies and possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

We describe a simple and sensitive method for staining of the carbohydrate moiety of glycoproteins in polyacrylamide or agarose electrophoretic gels. Gels are incubated in a solution of fluorescein-labeled concanavalin A. Following destaining with a neutral buffer, glycoproteins exhibit fluorescence under long-range ultraviolet light. Thus, the glucose/mannose containing β- and γ-chains of human fibrinogen give fluorescent bands, whereas the carbohydrate-free α-chain does not react. Less than 100 ng of hexose bound to fibrinogen β- or γ-chains could be detected. The procedure is suitable for staining of other carbohydrate residues in glycoproteins, which can be recognised by specific agglutinins, as shown by binding of fluorescein-labeled lectins from Ricinus communis to galactose residues of fibrinogen.  相似文献   

The use of camera traps to estimate population size when animals are not individually recognizable is gaining traction in the ecological literature, because of its applicability in population conservation and management.We estimated population size of synthetic animals with four camera trap sampling-based statistical models that do not rely on individual recognition. Using a realistic model of animal movement to generate synthetic data, we compared the random encounter model, the random encounter and staying time model, the association model and the time-to-event-model and we investigated the impact of violation of assumptions on the population size estimates.While under ideal conditions these models provide reliable population estimates, when synthetic animal movements were characterised by differences in speed (due to diverse behaviours such as locomotion, grazing and resting) none of the model provided both unbiased and precise density estimates. The random encounter model and the time-to-event-model provided precise results but tended to overestimate population size, while the random encounter and staying time model was less precise and tended to underestimate population size. Lastly, the association model was unable to provide precise results. We found that each tested model was very sensitive to the method used to estimate the range of the field-of-view of camera traps. Density estimates from both random encounter model and time-to-event-model were also very sensitive to biases in the estimate of animals’ speed. We provide guidelines on how to use these statistical models to get population size estimates that could be useful to wildlife managers and practitioners.  相似文献   

Two approaches to the synthesis of biotinylated derivatives of the stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK) pathway activator anisomycin have been investigated. Attachment of the biotin moiety to the central core was achieved either through the use of a classical displacement reaction on alpha-halo carbonyl derivatives of biotin or through a copper(I)-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar Huisgen cycloaddition ("click") coupling of biotinylated azides to propargyl-marked analogues of anisomycin. In each case, the resultant N-linked molecular probes were found to be active in SAPK pathway immunoblot assays, while their O-linked counterparts were inactive. However, in sharp contrast to the classical coupling approach which results in low coupling yields, the aqueous "click" coupling process was found to deliver high yields of biotinylated probes, making it the conjugation method of choice. A survey of the available methods for the addition of a propargyl marker onto a range of chemical functionalities strongly suggests that this copper(I)-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar Huisgen cycloaddition approach to biotinylation may be generally applied.  相似文献   

Abstract. A major objection to the convenient sampling of Chenopodiacean bladders by brushing in aqueous solutions is the suspected leakage of ions from the leaf blade. To overcome this problem, a new method of sampling bladder hair is described, which also achieves rapid and quantitative separation and, at the same time, yields bladder samples of undoubtedly high purity. Leakage is stopped by the aid of liquid nitrogen. Comparison of this method to removal of bladders by brushing in aquenous solutions effectively confirm the validity of the customary method beyond dispute.  相似文献   

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