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The Ussing chamber technique was used for studying unidirectional fluxes of 14C-butyrate across the bovine rumen epithelium in vitro. Significant amounts of butyrate were absorbed across the bovine rumen epithelium in vitro, without any external driving force. The paracellular pathway was quantitatively insignificant. The transcellular pathway was predominately voltage-insensitive. The serosal to mucosal (SM) pathway was regulated by mass action, whereas the mucosal to serosal (MS) pathway further includes a saturable process, which accounted for 30 to 55% of the MS flux. The studied transport process for 14C-butyrate across the epithelium could include metabolic processes and transport of 14C-labelled butyrate metabolites. The transport of butyrate interacted with Na+, Cl and HCO3, and there was a linear relationship between butyrate and sodium net transport. Lowering the sodium concentration from 140 to 10 mmol l−1 decreased the butyrate MS flux significantly. Amiloride (1 mmol l−1) did, however, not reduce the butyrate flux significantly. Chloride concentration in itself did not seem to influence the transport of butyrate, but chloride-free conditions tended to increase the MS and SM flux of butyrate by a DIDS-sensitive pathway. DIDS (bilateral 0.5 mmol l−1) did further decrease the butyrate SM flux significantly at all chloride concentrations. Removing bicarbonate from the experimental solutions decreased the MS and increased the SM flux of butyrate significantly, and abolished net butyrate flux. There were no significant effects of the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor Acetazolamide (bilateral 1.0 mmol l−1). The results can be explained by a model where butyrate and butyrate metabolites are transported both by passive diffusion and by an electroneutral anion-exchange with bicarbonate. The model couples sodium and butyrate via CO2 from metabolism of butyrate, and intracellular pH.  相似文献   

The effects of luminal hyperosmolarity on Na and Cl transport were studied in rumen epithelium of sheep. An increase of luminal osmotic pressure with mannitol (350 and 450 mosm/l) caused a significant increase of tissue conductance, G T, which is linearly correlated with flux rates of 51Cr-EDTA and indicates an increase of passive permeability. Studies with microelectrodes revealed, that an increase of the osmotic pressure caused a significant increase of the conductance of the shunt pathway from 1.23±0.10 (control) to 1.92±0.14 mS cm−2 (450 mosm/l) without a change of fractional resistance. Hyperosmolarity significantly increased J sm and reduced J net Na. The effect of hyperosmolarity on J ms Na is explained by two independent and opposed effects: increase of passive permeability and inhibition of the Na+/H+ exchanger. Hypertonic buffer solution induced a decrease of the intracellular pH (pHi) of isolated ruminal cells, which is consistent with an inhibition of Na+/H+ exchange, probably isoform NHE-3, because NHE-3-mRNA was detectable in rumen epithelium. These data are in contrast to previous reports and reveal a disturbed Na transport and an impaired barrier function of the rumen epithelium, which predisposes translocation of rumen endotoxins and penetration of bacteria.  相似文献   

The strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae W303-1a, able to grow in a medium containing acetic acid as the sole carbon and energy source, was subjected to mutagenesis in order to obtain mutants deficient in monocarboxylate permeases. Two mutant clones exhibiting growth in ethanol, but unable to grow in a medium with acetic acid as the sole carbon and energy source, were isolated (mutants Ace12 and Ace8). In both mutants, the activity for the acetate carrier was strongly affected. The mutant Ace8 revealed not to be affected in the transport of lactate, while the mutant Ace12 did not display activity for that carrier. These results reinforced those previously found in the strain IGC 4072, where two distinct transport systems for monocarboxylates have been described, depending on the growth carbon source. It is tempting to postulate that the Ace8 mutant seems to be affected in the gene coding for an acetate permease. In contrast, the absence of activity for both monocarboxylate permeases in mutant Ace12 could be attributed to a mutation in a gene coding for a regulatory protein not detected before.  相似文献   

The seasonal reproductive cycle in rams was monitored in Mouflon (wild-type), Soay (feral type) and a variety of domesticated breeds of sheep (Shetland, Blackface, Herdwick, Norfolk, Wiltshire, Portland and Merino) by measuring the changes in the diameter of the testes (first three years of life in all breeds) and the blood plasma concentrations of FSH and testosterone (first four to six years of life in Mouflon and Soay rams). In the Mouflon rams there was a pronounced seasonal cycle in all the reproductive parameters from one to six years of age. The plasma concentrations of FSH increased from June to September associated with redevelopment of the testes; maximum testicular size and plasma concentrations of testosterone occurred in October at the onset of the rut. In the Soay and domesticated breeds the seasonal maximum in testicular size occurred in late September or October except in two of the southern breeds (Portland and Merino) which showed an earlier peak to the sexual cycle in August. The change in size of the testes from the minimum to the maximum was less in the domesticated breeds (135–157%) compared to the Soay (171%) and Mouflon (160%). Crossbred rams produced by mating Soay ewes (highly seasonal breed) with Portland or Merino rams (less seasonal breed) had a seasonal testicular cycle intermediate in timing compared to the pattern characteristics of the parent breeds; this is consistent with the involvement of multiple genes in the mechanism controlling the sexual cycle in the ram. The earlier seasonal onset of full testicular activity in the southern breeds is assumed to be the result of selection for a prolongation of the breeding season for early lambing.  相似文献   

Background:Clostridium difficile has been shown to be a nosocomial infection associated with diarrhoea and pseudomembranous colitis in hospitalized patients especially old patients. In my previous studies, it was shown the occurrence of C. difficile in animals feces and vegetables which may act as a source of infection to humans.The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of C. difficile in retail raw cow, sheep, and goat, meat in Jazan, Saudi Arabia.Method: A total of 600 raw meat samples from cow, sheep, and goat were collected during June–December 2015, and tested for the presence of C. difficile. The method used to check for the presence of C. difficile was by choosing selective enrichment media in C. difficile broth, followed by alcohol shock-treatment and plating onto C. difficile selective medium. C. difficile isolates were typed using PCR ribotyping and also analyzed for antibiotic susceptibility.Results: It was shown that, 9 of 600 meat samples (1.5%) were contaminated with C. difficile. The prevalence of C. difficile was as follow: 7 out of 600 (1.17%) were found in cow, 2 out of 600 (0.3%) were found in sheep, while was no C. difficile was isolated from goat. Eleven out of 18 C. difficile isolates were positive for tcdA, tcdB and cdtB toxin genes and were classified as ribotype 078. Three strains were positive tcdA, and tcdB, and two strains possessed only tcdB. C. difficile strains showed high resistance to ampicillin, gentamycin, erythromycin and nalidixic acid.Conclusions: The present work shows the potential risk of raw meet in transmitting C. difficile to humans.  相似文献   

1. The omasal dry matter contents constituted 0.6, 1.2 and 3.3% of the body weight in the sheep, goats and cows, respectively. 2. A large part of the fluid leaving the reticulo-rumen passed quickly through or along the omasum to the abomasum in sheep (43%). The proportion was much less in goats (17%). 3. The absorption of water from the fluid delayed in the omasum was low: 15, 18 and 19% in sheep, goats and cows, respectively. 4. Little or no acid detergent fibre was degraded in the omasum.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to define different terminal sire flock environments, based on a range of environmental factors, and then investigate the presence of genotype by environment interactions (G×E) between the environments identified. Data from 79 different terminal sire flocks (40 Texel, 21 Charollais and 18 Suffolk), were analysed using principal coordinate and non-hierarchical cluster analyses, the results of which identified three distinct environmental cluster groups. The type of grazing, climatic conditions and the use of vitamins and mineral supplements were found to be the most important factors in the clustering of flocks. The presence of G×E was then investigated using data from the Charollais flocks only. Performance data were collected for 12 181 lambs, between 1990 and 2010, sired by 515 different sires. Fifty six of the sires had offspring in at least two of the three different cluster groups and pedigree information was available for a total of 161 431 animals. Traits studied were the 21-week old weight (21WT), ultrasound muscle depth (UMD) and log transformed backfat depth (LogUFD). Heritabilities estimated for each cluster, for each trait, ranged from 0.32 to 0.45. Genetic correlations estimated between Cluster 1 and Cluster 2 were all found to be significantly lower than unity, indicating the presence of G×E. They were 0.31 (±0.17), 0.68 (±0.14) and 0.18 (±0.21) for 21WT, UMD and LogUFD, respectively. Evidence of sires re-ranking across clusters was also observed. Providing a suitable strategy can be identified, there is potential for the optimisation of future breeding programmes, by taking into account the G×E observed. This would enable farmers to identify and select animals with an increased knowledge as to how they will perform in their specific farm environment thus reducing any unexpected differences in performance.  相似文献   

The study was performed to survey the Sarcoptic mange in sheep and the effect of infection on the local strains during a specific period in different regions of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. A total of 1745 sheep were examined clinically and were selected from the suspected cases for laboratory investigation of skin scrapings for disease diagnosis. The examined animals included (509) Naimi, (396) Najdi, (518) Hurri, and (322) Rufidi native sheep.The results showed that the infestation rate was (12.77%) in all sheep. The highest strain was recorded (17.2%, 14.3%, 9.6%, and 8.6%), respectively. The infestation was highest in sheep over two years of age (15.2%) while it was lowest in sheep under two years of age (11.2 %). In addition, the infection rate in females was higher than in males. The prevalence of mange mites in females was (14%) compared to (11.2%) in males. The highest percentage of infestation was recorded in the head region at 67.2%, followed by that in the neck (4.4%), back (16.5%), tail (11.6%), and legs (0%).The presence of mange mites was discovered by microscopic examination of deep skin scrapings of infected animals that were identified morphologically. The infection was assured by histological investigations. This study revealed that mange mite is one of the most significant sheep health constraints in Riyadh. Therefore, proper prevention measures must be implemented to take into consideration other non-host-related risk factors.  相似文献   

本文对育肥屠宰的牛、羊胆囊进行了细菌学调查,其胆囊内细菌的污染情况是:被检的79例牛羊胆囊,有31例带菌,带菌率为31/79。在32例牛胆囊,有12例带菌,带菌率为12/32;47例羊胆囊,有19例带菌,带菌率为19/47。共分离出菌37株(牛2例、羊4例同时检出2株菌,其余均为1株)。按照Bergey氏《细菌鉴定手册》第8版的分类系统,经鉴定这些菌分别属5科8属中的10种菌(内含1株酵母菌及1株未定菌):大肠埃希氏菌、肠球菌、产气肠杆菌、普通变形杆菌、柠檬酸细菌,粪产硷杆菌、乳酸杆菌、表皮葡萄球菌。调查结果表明:正常情况下牛、羊胆囊内是无菌的。胆囊内检出的细菌是属污染菌,且均为肠道菌。  相似文献   

Hydatidosis is considered to be one of the important zoonotic diseases and has a significant public health importance due to the difficulties of the diagnosis. Domestic animals act as intermediate hosts and the main reservoir for the disease in humans. The main purpose of this work therefore was to determine the prevalence of hydatidosis in Najdi sheep slaughtered in Riyadh city, Saudi Arabia. Cyst location and cyst fertility and viability were also estimated, together with effect of seasons, age and sex on the prevalence of the infection. The prevalence of hydatidosis was evaluated by post-mortem examination, with intensive inspection of the visceral organs of 2785 Najdi sheep. The infection was found to prevail throughout the year in both sex, with an overall prevalence of 2.33%. The highest prevalence was recorded in winter (6.48%) while the lowest was encountered in summer (1.36%). Females were proved to be more prone to infection (70.7%) than males (29.3%). In the present study, younger sheep tended to have a higher prevalence of infection than older ones. The most commonly infected organ was the liver, with a prevalence of 81.5%. The recorded cysts showed a fertility rate of 75.4%, and a high viability rate of 61.2%. Hepatic cysts were the most fertile and viable ones (46%), while calcified cysts were not recorded during the study. Measurements of recorded cysts in all organs ranged from 2 to 6?cm in diameter.In conclusion, the high fertility and viability rate of the recorded cysts suggest that sheep are a potential source of hydatidosis transmission to dogs and the continuation of its life cycle in this region. Consequently, authorities are recommended to instigate stricter regulation of the slaughtering process, including the secure disposal of infected offal so as to minimise the transmission of cysts from slaughter houses, along with treatment of stray dogs.  相似文献   

Consistent, individual differences in the expression of maternal behaviour have been described in several species including the sheep. The neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying the onset of maternal behaviour in the sheep have been described, although the relationship between hormonal events and individual differences in behaviour has yet to be determined. In this study, we examined whether the individual differences in plasma estradiol, progesterone, oxytocin and cortisol concentrations were related to observed individual and breed differences in maternal behaviours in two breeds of sheep (Scottish Blackface and Suffolk) known to differ in maternal behavioural expression. Maternal estradiol concentration increased rapidly before parturition and was higher in Blackface ewes than Suffolk ewes. Plasma progesterone declined before parturition and was higher in Suffolk than Blackface ewes. Prepartum estradiol, but not progesterone, was related to individual differences in maternal grooming of the lamb. Plasma oxytocin did not differ between breeds in late gestation. There was a tendency for oxytocin to be higher in Blackface than Suffolk ewes immediately after birth. However, there were no significant relationships between prepartum or postpartum oxytocin and any maternal behaviours. Plasma cortisol was higher in Blackface than Suffolk ewes in the last days of pregnancy but rose in both breeds over the last 24 h before parturition and did not differ at delivery. Cortisol peripartum was negatively related to individual differences in maternal affiliative behaviours. These data suggest that estradiol, and potentially cortisol, may mediate individual differences in maternal behaviour in sheep.  相似文献   

Intravenous administration of equimolar doses of CRF (30 μg) and AVP (6 μg) to mature female sheep resulted in elevated plasma concentrations of ACTH and cortisol. Simultaneous administration of equimolar amounts of CRF and AVP resulted in a greater ACTH response compared with the sum of the responses to CRF or AVP given independently. Intravenous bolus administration of the endogenous opioid, Met-enkephalin (2.5 mg), and its potent and long-acting analogue, [D-Ala2,N-Phe4,Met(O)ol5]-enkephalin [FK33–824 (250 μg)], did not alter ACTH or cortisol secretion. Furthermore, naloxone, an opioid receptor antagonist given alone or concurrently with Met-enkephalin or FK33–824, was without effect. Pituitary-adrenal responses to CRF were unaltered by simultaneous administration of Met-enkephalin, FK33–824 or naloxone. These results suggest that in the sheep, opioid involvement in the tonic regulation of pituitary-adrenal function is absent. However, CRF and AVP may act alone or in synergy to control the release of biologically active ACTH from the sheep pituitary gland.  相似文献   

Abstract Two enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) using highly purified elementary bodies (EB) of Chlamydia psittaci A/22 strain (ovine) or 6BC strain (psittacine) were set up for the detection of antichlamydial antibodies in sheep. No significant differences were observed between the two ELISAs, whereas these tests proved to be more sensitive than complement fixation test and showed a good correlation ( r = 0.75) with immunofluorescence assay. The periodate treatment of chlamydial antigens modified the results of serological responses studied by ELISA, depending on the sera. The average reduction of ELISA values by periodate was 28%, ranging between 5% and 65%. The immunoblot analysis of sheep sera showed high cross reactivity between the polypeptides of A/22 and 6BC strains. However, some differences were observed. The major outer membrane protein (MOMP) of 6BC strain was recognized at different molecular weight position (40 000 kDa) in comparison with the MOMP of A/22 strain (38 000 kDa). In addition, a clear band of 97 000 kDa was detected by all sheep sera tested with A/22 strain. This band was undetectable in the blots performed with 6BC strain.  相似文献   

Sperm sexing in sheep and cattle: the exception and the rule   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flow cytometric sorting for the preselection of sex has progressed considerably in the 20 years since its inception. This technique has allowed the production of pre-sexed offspring in a multitude of species and become a commercial success in cattle around the world. However, due to the stress inherent to the sex-sorting process, sex-sorted spermatozoa are widely recognized as functionally compromised in terms of their fertilizing lifespan within the female reproductive tract as a result of reduced motility and viability and changed functional state. These characteristics, when compared to non-sorted controls, are manifest in vivo as lower fertility. However, improvements to the technology and a greater understanding of its biological impact have facilitated recent developments in sheep, showing sex-sorting is capable of selecting a functionally superior population in terms of both in vitro and in vivo function. These results are reviewed in the context of recent developments in other species and the reasons for success after artificial insemination with sex-sorted ram spermatozoa are discussed.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe current study aimed to perform whole-genome resequencing of Chinese indigenous Mongolian sheep breeds including Ujimqin, Sunit, and Wu Ranke sheep breeds (UJMQ, SNT, WRK) and deeply analyze genetic variation, population structure, domestication, and selection for domestication traits among these Mongolian sheep breeds.MethodsBlood samples were collected from a total of 60 individuals comprising 20 WRK, 20 UJMQ, and 20 SNT. For genome sequencing, about 1.5 μg of genomic DNA was used for library construction with an insert size of about 350 bp. Pair-end sequencing were performed on Illumina NovaSeq platform, with the read length of 150 bp at each end. We then investigated the domestication and signatures of selection in these sheep breeds.ResultsAccording to the population and demographic analyses, WRK and SNT populations were very similar, which were different from UJMQ populations. Genome wide association study identified 468 and 779 significant loci from SNT vs UJMQ, and UJMQ vs WRK, respectively. However, only 3 loci were identified from SNT vs WRK. Genomic comparison and selective sweep analysis among these sheep breeds suggested that genes associated with regulation of secretion, metabolic pathways including estrogen metabolism and amino acid metabolism, and neuron development have undergone strong selection during domestication.ConclusionOur findings will facilitate the understanding of Chinese indigenous Mongolian sheep breeds domestication and selection for complex traits and provide a valuable genomic resource for future studies of sheep and other domestic animal breeding.  相似文献   

Intravenously administered synthetic ovine CRF at doses of 0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 micrograms/kg increased plasma ACTH and cortisol concentrations in a dose-dependent fashion in unanesthetized sheep. In two unanesthetized sheep, aortic blood pressure remained relatively unaffected after the intravenous administration of CRF at 5 and 20 micrograms/kg. These results suggest that peripherally administered ovine synthetic CRF specifically stimulates the sheep pituitary-adrenal axis. Unlike other species receiving intravenous synthetic ovine CRF, sheep did not show hypotensive effects.  相似文献   

Lymph node cannulation allows the collection of lymph draining from a defined anatomical region. Proteomic analysis of that lymph offers a potentially valuable insight into the immunoinflammatory response of that particular region. In this study, ovine gastric lymph has been used to monitor the proteomic changes occurring in the tissue fluid of the abomasum, in response to infection with the parasitic nematode, Teladorsagia circumcincta. Lymph, collected temporally over an experimental infection period, was analysed by means of 2-DE and subsequent gel analysis using densitometry software. In addition, the composition of the lymphatic proteome was further explored by means of MALDI-TOF and MS/MS analyses. The concentration of gelsolin, alpha-1 beta glycoprotein and haemopexin were altered significantly (p<0.05) with infection.  相似文献   

In order to establish if the urea found in foetal fluids in sheep could be of foetal origin and whether there are changes in the ability of ovine liver to synthesise urea during foetal and postnatal development, the rates of urea production from ammonium and bicarbonate ions have been measured in liver and kidney slices from animals aged from 50 days conceptual age to 16 weeks after birth, and in pregnant and non-pregnant ewes. The activities of five enzymes directly involved in the biosynthesis of urea have also been determined.Urea was found to be synthesised by foetal liver from at least 50 days conceptual age at rates similar to those observed in adult ewes. Highest rates of urea synthesis per unit weight of liver were found immediately after birth. In the liver there were significant positive correlations between the rates of urea synthesis by slices and the activities of carbomoyl phosphate synthase (ammonia) (EC, argininosuccinate synthetase (EC and argininosuccinate lyase EC Ornithine carbomoyl transferase (EC activity was highest in the livers of ruminating animals. Hepatic arginase activity (EC was highest during the late foetal life and in the mature foetuses the activity was ten-fold greated than that in maternal liver.Urea was not synthesised from ammonia and bicarbonate in kidney slices and neither ornithine carbomoyl transferase activity nor argininosuccinate synthetase activity could be detected. The activity of renal arginase was at least 70 times less than that found in the liver and the highest activity was found in ruminating lambs.The changes observed in the activities of the urea cycle enzymes during development have been contrasted with those reported to occur in other species. It is concluded that there is no single factor regulating the activities of the five enzymes directly concerned with urea synthesis during development. The results support the hypothesis that in mammals the ability of the liver to synthesise urea in foetal life is related to renal development.  相似文献   

FXYD proteins are a family of seven small regulatory proteins, expressed in a tissue-specific manner, that associate with Na,K-ATPase as subsidiary subunits and modulate kinetic properties. This study describes an additional property of FXYD proteins as stabilizers of Na,K-ATPase. FXYD1 (phospholemman), FXYD2 (γ subunit), and FXYD4 (CHIF) have been expressed in Escherichia coli and purified. These FXYD proteins associate spontaneously in vitro with detergent-soluble purified recombinant human Na,K-ATPase (α1β1) to form α1β1FXYD complexes. Compared with the control (α1β1), all three FXYD proteins strongly protect Na,K-ATPase activity against inactivation by heating or excess detergent (C12E8), with effectiveness FXYD1 > FXYD2 ≥ FXYD4. Heating also inactivates E1 ↔ E2 conformational changes and cation occlusion, and FXYD1 protects strongly. Incubation of α1β1 or α1β1FXYD complexes with guanidinium chloride (up to 6 m) causes protein unfolding, detected by changes in protein fluorescence, but FXYD proteins do not protect. Thus, general protein denaturation is not the cause of thermally mediated or detergent-mediated inactivation. By contrast, the experiments show that displacement of specifically bound phosphatidylserine is the primary cause of thermally mediated or detergent-mediated inactivation, and FXYD proteins stabilize phosphatidylserine-Na,K-ATPase interactions. Phosphatidylserine probably binds near trans-membrane segments M9 of the α subunit and the FXYD protein, which are in proximity. FXYD1, FXYD2, and FXYD4 co-expressed in HeLa cells with rat α1 protect strongly against thermal inactivation. Stabilization of Na,K-ATPase by three FXYD proteins in a mammalian cell membrane, as well the purified recombinant Na,K-ATPase, suggests that stabilization is a general property of FXYD proteins, consistent with a significant biological function.  相似文献   

Economic weights of production and functional traits were estimated for the dual-purpose sheep breeds Romney (RY), Merinolandschaf (ML), Romanov (RV) and Sumavska (SA). A bio-economic computer model simulating the profit function for production systems with one lambing per year was used for the calculations. First, marginal economic values were calculated which were defined as partial derivatives of the profit function with respect to the average level for each trait. Applying gene-flow methodology, absolute and relative economic weights for direct and maternal components of the traits were then estimated for pure-bred production systems and systems which included partial terminal cross-breeding. The following traits were evaluated: birth weight, daily gain till weaning and during rearing, mature weight, dressing percentage, fleece weight, conception rate of ewe lambs and ewes, litter size at lambing (total number of lambs born per ewe lambing), survival rate of lambs at birth and till weaning and productive lifetime of ewes. Standardized economic weights were calculated as the product of the economic weight and the genetic standard deviation of each trait or trait component. The total economic importance was defined as the sum of the absolute (not taking into account the sign) standardized economic weights over all traits and trait components, and relative economic weights were then computed as the standardized economic weights expressed as percentages of total economic importance. The direct components of survival rate at birth and till weaning, the direct component of daily gain till weaning and litter size had the highest relative economic weights (greater than 10%) in pure-bred systems in all four breeds. In ML and RV, the maternal component of lamb survival rate till weaning also had a relative economic weight exceeding 10%. In systems with partial terminal cross-breeding for all four breeds, relative economic weights of maternal traits and trait components were slightly larger than in pure-bred production systems, particularly for litter size. Based upon comparison of relative economic weights of traits among breeds, separate breeding goals for RY and RV are recommended, whereas a common breeding goal is deemed appropriate for ML and SA.  相似文献   

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