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水稻核基因组DNA的YAC克隆和鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将EcoRI部分消化的水稻(Oryza sativa L.)细胞核高分子量DNA电泳分部,回收大于200kb的片段,与内切酶消化过的酵母人工染色体(YAC)双质粒载体pJs97。pJS98DNA连接,转化酵母YPH252感受态原生质球,用ura-,TrP-双选择培养基直接筛选转化子,已获得2 000多个克隆。转化子DNA的southern杂交显示插入片段在200~820kb范围。  相似文献   

从植物细胞核分离大分子量核DNA   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
邱芳  王斌 《Acta Botanica Sinica》1999,41(11):1204-1207
研究了从植物中分离百万碱基对级大分子量核DNA的方法。该方法利用差速离心分离植物细胞核,经低熔点琼脂糖块或低熔点琼脂糖微珠包埋,蛋白酶K原位裂解后制备大分子量核DNA。结果表明,选择不同生长时期的材料和不同的包埋细胞核方式对大分子量核DNA的制备有很大的影响,由黄化苗或幼嫩的绿叶为材料分离细胞核,进行胶块包埋是制备大分子量核DNA的最佳条件。利用该法获得的DNA分子量在200kb-5.7Mb之间,主要集中在2.2~5.7Mb之间;每一胶块DNAE量为18~20μg。与包埋原生质体制备大分子量核DNA的方法相比,该方法获得的DNA纯度较高,去除了大部分细胞器DNA的污染;易于被限制性内切酶部分和完全消化,其消化结果具可重复性。该方法操作简单、适用植物种类广泛,用该方法从水稻(OryzasativaL.)、苹果(MaluspumilaMill.)、大豆(Glycinemax(L.)Merr.)、玉米(ZeamaysL.)等多种植物材料中成功地制备了大分子量核DNA。该方法制备的核DNA适用于植物的脉冲交变电泳基因组分析和构建人工细菌染色体文库和人工酵母染色体文库。  相似文献   

从水稻细胞核中制备分子量达到Mb级的DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用水稻黄化苗作实验材料,经蔗糖不连续梯度纯化细胞核、琼脂糖包埋、蛋白酶消化释放DNA,脉冲交变电泳显示所得DNA样品分子量在200kb至3Mb之间,其中大量集中在2.2Mb处.所得DNA容易被多种内切酶消化和连接,可用于构建水稻YAC文库和大尺度物理图的研究.  相似文献   

The Schwartz and Cantor technique for releasing and fractionating megabase-sized DNA from agarose-embedded cells is beginning to bridge the gap in resoluation between classical genetics and current molecular DNA techniques, particularly in mammalian systems. As yet no conditions have been described for preparing plant DNA that is of sufficient length to allow similar long-range restriction mapping experiments in plant systems. In this report, we describe the application of the Schwartz and Cantor technique for preparing high molecular weight DNA from embedded tomato leaf protoplasts, as well as conditions for generating and fractionating large restriction fragments, by field inversion gel electrophoresis (FIGE). The bulk of DNA released from lysed protoplasts was at least 2 Mb in size and amenable to restriction digestion as shown by hybridizing Southern blots with, among others, a probe for the Adh-2 gene of tomato. Restriction fragments as large as 700 kb were detected. Chloroplast DNA is isolated intact, amenable to restriction analysis and, in its native form, not mobile in FIGE.  相似文献   

流式细胞术分析和分拣植物染色体   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李立家  宋运淳 《遗传》2005,27(3):461-465
流式细胞术是当染色体、细胞核和细胞等颗粒随着流动的液体(水或缓冲液)通过一个测量点时,被探测器探测到,这样根据颗粒的物理和化学特征而将不同的颗粒分开并计数分拣的技术。流式细胞分析在人类基因组计划中发挥了重要作用,流式细胞技术的应用也适用于植物,目前这个技术应用范围包括流式核型分析,分拣纯化染色体,定位基因,构建文库等。文章综述了流式细胞术在植物基因组分析方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

A procedure for quick and simple elution of DNA from agarose gels is presented. After electrophoresis, bands of interest are cut out of the gel and the slices are equilibrated in a neutral salt buffer. The slices are then frozen and centrifuged through a filtration assembly whereby the DNA-containing buffer is squeezed out. The method is simple, quick, and suitable for the safe handling of small amounts of DNA (less than 1 microgram). The isolated DNA is susceptible to any enzymatic reaction and also to chemical sequencing. The method is most useful for rapid preparation of specifically end-labeled DNA fragments (e.g., for sequencing), but may also be utilized for any other preparative applications.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial (mt) DNA structure in higher plants is still unclear as to the circularity or linearity of the genome. We have developed a system to electrophoretically separate distinct populations of mtDNA, with some populations enriched for networked linear and circular DNA molecules. Using field inversion gel electrophoresis (FIGE) and electron microscopy (EM), we have identified four distinct populations of mtDNA from two Brassica species. Using FIGE, two slow migrating mtDNA populations ran faster than a 66 kbp Escherichia coli circular plasmid marker, while these same populations comigrated in the compression zone in contour-clamped homogeneous electrophoretic field (CHEF) gels. A fast-migrating mtDNA population was also resolved by FIGE as a diffuse band between 20 to 70 kbp when compared with linear lambda () markers. FIGE resolved the 66 kbp circular marker into several multimers, while CHEF resolved only open-circular monomers and linears. In agreement with FIGE results, EM analysis indicated the two slow migrating mtDNA populations contained circular (both supercoiled and relaxed circles) and free linear molecules of 10-60 kbp, and networked linear molecules of 45–140 kbp total size that may represent recombination intermediates. The fast migrating population consisted of 10–50 kbp linear molecules. Well-bound mtDNA showed only long linear molecules of 40–150 kbp with no detection of circles or complex/rosette molecules. This report shows that FIGE has clear advantages over CHEF for separating large DNA molecules with different conformations, and may be very useful for studies to characterize genome structure in complex systems such as plant mitochondria.  相似文献   

从水稻完整的细胞核中释放出来的染色体DNA在交变脉冲电泳申表现为一种“240kb单位”的形式。这种单位,经限制性内切酶消化,可产生连续分布的大至1500kb的染色体DNA片段。文章讨论了“240kb单位”作为水稻染色体DNA基本结构单位的可能性。  相似文献   

Pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) was applied to analyze the molecular karyotype of the ciliate Didinium nasutum. The data obtained indicate that D. nasutum belongs to the ciliate species with subchromosomal macronuclear genome organization. No short “gene‐sized” DNA molecules were detected. Macronuclear DNAs formed a continuous spectrum from 50 kbp to approximately 1,000 kbp in size with a peak plateau between 250 and 400 kbp. The macronuclear DNA molecules were packed into chromatin bodies of 80–265 nm in size. Comparison of the PFGE and electron microscopic data shows that most if not all chromatin bodies contain more than one DNA molecule.  相似文献   

Quantitation of UV-induced DNA damages in nanogram quantities of non-radiactive DNA from irradiated plants by gel electrophoresis requires a prompt, efficient, high-yield method of isolating DNA yielding high-molecular-weight, enzymatically digestible DNA. To meet these criteria we devised a high-yield method for isolating from plant tissue, DNA whose single-strand molecular length is greater than about 170 kb. Leaf tissue is embedded in agarose plugs, digested with Proteinase K in the presence of detergent, and treated with phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF). The agarose plugs are then soaked with buffer appropriate to the desired enzyme treatment. Evaluation of the DNA on neutral and alkaline gels indicates its high molecular length and low frequency of single-strand breaks. The DNA can be digested with damage-specific and other endonucleases. The method is especially suitable for DNA damage quantitation, as tissue processing is carried out immediately after harvesting (allowing DNA lesion measurement at precisely known times after irradiation), and many samples can be easily handled at once. It should also be useful for molecular analysis of large numbers of plant samples available only in small quantities. We here use this method to quantitate DNA damage induced by 297 and 365 nm radiation, and calculate the relative damaging effects of these wavebands in today's solar spectrum.  相似文献   

We isolated Bartonella henselae from an inguinal lymph node of a 36-year-old male patient with cat-scratch disease. The patient had many areas of erythema on his body, swelling of the left inguinal lymph nodes with pain and slight fever. The diagnosis was made on the basis of polymerase chain reaction for B. henselae DNA from the lymph node biopsies and blood sample, and isolation of the organism, histology of the lymph node and serology with an indirect immunofluorescent antibody test. We also analyzed the genome profiles for five strains of 90 isolates from the lymph node by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis after Not I endonuclease digestion. We found two different genomic profiles. These results suggest that the patient had been either co-infected or re-infected with two genetically different strains of B. henselae.  相似文献   

We have employed a pulsed field gel electrophoresis and Alu hybridization approach for identification of large restriction fragments on chromosome 6 and 22. This technique allows large portions of selected human chromosomes to be visualized as discrete hybridization signals. Somatic cell hybrid DNA which contains chromosome 6 or chromosome 22 was restricted with either Notl or Mlul. The restriction fragments were separated by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and hybridized against an Alu repetitive sequence (Blur 8). The hybridization signals result in a fingerprint-like pattern which is unique for each chromosome and each restriction enzyme. In addition, a continuous pattern of restriction fragments was demonstrated by gradually increasing puls times. This approach will also be suitable to analyze aberrant human chromosomes retained in somatic cell hybrids and can be used to analyze flow sorted human chromosomes. To this end, our method provides a valuable alternative to standard cytogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

The degree to which conspecific populations are interconnected via ongoing gene flow remains an important focus of evolutionary biology. One major difficulty in distinguishing ongoing gene flow from historical subdivision is that either process can generate similar estimates of apparent gene flow. Thus, gene flow estimates themselves are insufficient to distinguish between these alternatives. However, genetic data coupled with additional information about demography and distribution do allow a distinction to be made. Here we address the specific question, does gene flow link populations of Aquilegia? In a survey of a 525 B.P. chloroplast DNA fragment sampled from 251 individual plants from 18 populations of three taxa, five haplotypes were identified. No significant relationship between geographic distance and apparent gene flow between population pairs existed. Further, the estimated level of gene flow was entirely compatible with a historical subdivision of Aquilegia populations during the late Pleistocene or early Holocene. Therefore, these patterns of variation are due not to ongoing gene flow, but rather to historical association among populations. Thus Aquilegia populations may be considered as distinct evolutionary entities with regard to seed-mediated processes. As a result, comparative analysis of ecological traits undergoing potentially rapid evolution (e.g., life histories, mating systems, inbreeding depression) should be possible in these taxa.  相似文献   

Thirty-two Borrelia isolates were obtained from the adult stage of ixodid ticks, Ixodes ovatus, collected in various localities in Japan. Borrelial isolates were cultivated and analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, with monoclonal antibodies, by pulsed field gel electrophoresis, and by genomic Southern hybridization. All borrelial isolates showed similar protein profiles and monoclonal antibody reactivities, while plasmid profiles were rather diverse. Genomic hybridization using rRNA gene probes demonstrated the genetic similarities of those isolates. We found no significant differences among the borrelial isolates tested, and the restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns of I. ovatus isolates were quite distinct from those of borrelial strains associated with Lyme disease. Therefore, the isolates of Borrelia obtained from I. ovatus were thought to fall into different genospecies.  相似文献   

Three stocks of Blastocystis hominis were adapted to monophasic culture in minimal essential medium (MEM) and the chromosomes of these stocks separated by field inversion gel electrophoresis (FIGE). Ten-twelve chromosomes were distinguished in the electrophoretic karyotype of these three stocks over the range 200 kilobase pairs to> 1 megabase pairs. The karyotype of each stock was different. Three DNA probes, B10, B30 and B31, derived from the Netsky stock isolated in America were used as chromosome markers. Probe B10 hybridized to chromosomes of the same size in two of the stocks, one of which was isolated in the U.S.A. and the other in Queensland. B30 and B31 hybridized to a similar number of chromosomes of different sizes in these two stocks. The third stock, from Australia, did not hybridize at all with probes B10 and B30 and only weakly with probe B31.  相似文献   

Aims: The aim of this study was to develop a simple protocol for a PCR‐based fingerprinting of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (SmrepPCR) that utilizes primers complementary to repetitive extragenic palindromic elements (REPs) of this micro‐organism. Methods and Results: The relatedness of 34 isolates of environmental and clinical origin was investigated by two SmrepPCRs with two different primers, gyrB sequencing and XbaI macrorestriction followed by pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis. While SmrepPCR (with primer DIR) results matched data obtained from the analysis of gyrB nucleotide sequences and identified several clonal complexes, XbaI macrorestriction showed high level of heterogeneity between isolates. The macrorestriction‐based clustering of isolates did not correspond to both gyrB and DIR‐SmrepPCR grouping. Conclusions: Our results show that SmrepPCR‐inferred relationship of isolates is in a good agreement with sequence‐based methods. The combined information from all methods used suggests that rapid evolution of S. maltophilia genomes might be predominantly due to high rate of rearrangements caused by mobile genetic elements. Significance and Impact of the Study: The presented method is an inexpensive and easy to perform alternative to genotype S. maltophilia isolates and to study their population genetics. SmrepPCR demonstrates the usefulness of species‐specific repetitive elements in genomic analyses.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The degree of strain and/or species diversity among Pneumocystis carinii isolates is unknown. As a first approach to the study of P. carinii genetic relatedness, we compared the pulsed field gel electrophoretic karyotypes of P. carinii derived from lung homogenates of three immunosuppressed host animals: rats transtracheally inoculated with P. carinii -infected rat lung; mice transtracheally inoculated with P. carinii -infected mouse lung; and ferrets which developed reactivated latent P. carinii pneumonia. Rat P. carinii propagated on HEL299 cells was also examined. Karyotypes of P. carinii DNA from both rat lung homogenate and cell culture were identical (14 bands, 315–680 kb). In contrast, mouse and ferret P. carinii DNA karyotypes were each distinctly different from the rat P. carinii samples (mouse P. carinii 15 bands, 315–610 kb; ferret P. carinii nine bands, 410–760 kb). Three distinct rat P. carinii gene probes reacted with both Southern-transferred rat and mouse P. carinii DNA but not with ferret P. carinii DNA. Thus, P. carinii from rat, mouse, and ferret are genetically diverse. The results are consistent with recently reported antigenic and nucleic acid sequence differences among P. carinii isolates recovered from different hosts.  相似文献   

三种粪便总DNA提取方法的比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的比较不同粪便总DNA提取方法对肠道菌群多样性研究的影响。方法采用Bead beating法、化学裂解法和QIAamp DNA Stool Mini Kit提取同一份人粪便样品的总DNA,对比3种方法的DNA得率和16S rRNA基因V3区的变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)图谱。结果Bead beating法的DNA得率约是其他2种方法的2倍;3种方法得到的DGGE图谱的Dice相似性为60%~70%,2条优势条带只出现在Bead beating法图谱中。在2~5min的Bead beating法击打时间里,DNA得率随击打时间的延长有一定的增加,但DGGE图谱无显著变化。结论不同的DNA提取方法会影响菌群的多样性分析。比较其他2种方法,Bead beating的裂解效率更高,能够检测到更多种类的细菌,更合适肠道菌群组成的分子研究。  相似文献   

Ethidium bromide (EtBr) is used to stain DNA in agarose gel electrophoresis, but this dye is mutagenic and carcinogenic. We investigated N-719, which is a visible, reliable and organic Ruthenium-based dye, and five fluorescent alternatives for staining plant DNA. For prestaining and poststaining, N-719, GelRed, and SYBR Safe stained both DNA and PCR product bands as clearly as EtBr. SYBR Green I, methylene blue, and crystal violet were effective for poststaining only. The organic dye N-719 stained DNA bands as sensitively and as clearly as EtBr. Consequently, organic dyes can be used as alternatives to EtBr in plant biotechnology studies.  相似文献   

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