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Characterization of cloned murine cytolytic T cell lines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Murine cytolytic T lymphocytes can be kept in continuous culture apparently indefinitely by repeated passage in a concanavalin A-induced growth promoting medium. Some of these long-term cell lines maintain their cytolytic activity. Starting from three such populations, several cloned cytolytic T cell lines were derived and subsequently subcloned one or more times. Considerable variation in the levels of cytolytic activity was observed between different subclones; some initially active subclones lost activity with prolonged culture. In addition, one of the clones appeared to progressively lose the relative specificity demonstrated during the earlier passages of the parent cell line.  相似文献   

A panel of antigen-specific mouse helper T cell clones was characterized according to patterns of lymphokine activity production, and two types of T cell were distinguished. Type 1 T helper cells (TH1) produced IL 2, interferon-gamma, GM-CSF, and IL 3 in response to antigen + presenting cells or to Con A, whereas type 2 helper T cells (TH2) produced IL 3, BSF1, and two other activities unique to the TH2 subset, a mast cell growth factor distinct from IL 3 and a T cell growth factor distinct from IL 2. Clones representing each type of T cell were characterized, and the pattern of lymphokine activities was consistent within each set. The secreted proteins induced by Con A were analyzed by biosynthetic labeling and SDS gel electrophoresis, and significant differences were seen between the two groups of T cell line. Both types of T cell grew in response to alternating cycles of antigen stimulation, followed by growth in IL 2-containing medium. Examples of both types of T cell were also specific for or restricted by the I region of the MHC, and the surface marker phenotype of the majority of both types was Ly-1+, Lyt-2-, L3T4+, Both types of helper T cell could provide help for B cells, but the nature of the help differed. TH1 cells were found among examples of T cell clones specific for chicken RBC and mouse alloantigens. TH2 cells were found among clones specific for mouse alloantigens, fowl gamma-globulin, and KLH. The relationship between these two types of T cells and previously described subsets of T helper cells is discussed.  相似文献   

The Mls-reactive murine helper T cell clone L2 produces at least 10 lymphokine activities affecting at least five distinct target cells. Culture conditions can be optimized to enable production of high levels of colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) by lectin stimulation of L2 cells under serum-free conditions. Selective enrichment of three lymphokine activities--interleukin 2, CSF, and interferon--can be achieved by using a combination of phenyl-Sepharose and hydroxyapatite chromatography. At least two types of CSF can be separated by concanavalin A-Sepharose chromatography. The CSF that does not bind to concanavalin A-Sepharose can be enriched to a specific activity of at least 5 X 10(8) U/mg of protein by using ion exchange high-pressure liquid chromatography.  相似文献   

A helper factor termed cytolytic T lymphocyte helper factor (CHF) that is needed for the generation of allospecific mouse cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) in vitro was produced by mouse spleen cells 3 to 4 days after the time when interleukin 2 (IL 2) had reached its maximal production. These kinetics were observed by stimulation of immune spleen cells with allogeneic tumor or spleen cells, with Sendai or influenza viral peptides, with virus infected cells, or with concanavalin A (Con A). CHF produced by rat spleen cells was able to help in the generation of mouse CTL, indicating that this cytokine was not restricted genetically. CHF could also be made by WEHI-3 and EL4 cell lines, as well as cloned cytolytic and helper T cells. The production of CHF by WEHI-3 cells argues that CHF is not IL 2. In addition, if CHF was not present early in the in vitro stimulation no CTL were generated, suggesting that CHF participated in the activation of CTL precursors. The addition of IL 2-containing conditioned medium to the CHF assay resulted in no substantial CTL generation, although significant cellular proliferation was observed. In contrast, CHF-containing conditioned medium allowed the generation of CTL in the absence of the same level of proliferation.  相似文献   

We had previously shown that the signal of activation delivered via CD2 varies according to the mitogenic pair of CD2 mAb used. We had selected two typical mAb pairs, D66 + T11(1) and GT2 + T11(1), the former delivering the "richest" signal, the latter the poorest. Here we analyzed the cytolytic activities generated within PBL-stimulated by these two pairs. When purified CD2+,3- cells were cultured with either one of these two pairs, no significant lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) activity--namely the activity exerted on NK-resistant malignant cell lines or fresh tumor cells--was detected, thereby demonstrating the inability of CD2 mAb pairs to directly trigger the LAK precursors. By contrast, when purified CD2+,3+ cells were cultured, only D66 + T11(1) was able to trigger a potent CTL activity, as judged by targeting their activity, at the effector phase, with a bridging CD3 mAb on a FcR+ target cell or by using heteroaggregates on FcR- malignant cells. When whole PBL were used, a similar and moderate LAK activity was generated after culture with either one of the 2 CD2 mAb pairs. This, in fact, masked quite different events. The amounts of endogeneous IL-2 released in PBL cultures with GT2 + T11(1) was rather low, although it was sufficiently high in PBL cultures with D66 + T11(1) to generate a potent LAK activity. Yet, PBL stimulated with D66 + T11(1) released concomitantly a high amount of IL-4 which inhibited the development of the LAK activity, as demonstrated by unmasking this activity with an anti-IL4 antiserum and which did not inhibit the T CTL activity; this IL-4 secretion was not seen with GT2 + T11(1). Therefore, stimulation by these two typical CD2 mAb pairs induce a striking different pattern of IL synthesis.  相似文献   

Immunotherapy of cancer could be possible in cases in which competent effector T cells can be induced. Such an approach depends on expression of tumour-specific antigens by the tumour cells and on the availability of sufficient costimulatory support for activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Here, a strategy for helper T cell recruitment for induction of tumour-specific cytotoxic immune responses is presented. Allogenic MHC class II molecules were introduced into tumour cells by cell fusion. These hybrid cells, when injected into mice, induced rejection of an established tumour. The contribution of CD4-expressing helper T cells in the induction phase and of CD8-expressing T cells in the effector phase of the immune response was demonstrated. The approach described could be applicable to cases in which a suitable tumour antigen is present but not identified; it employs regulatory interactions that govern physiological immune responses and is designed to be minimally invasive.  相似文献   

Injection of poly(Glu50Tyr50)(GT) into B10.BR (H-2k) mice induces GT-specific suppressor T cells and a T cell-derived suppressor factor (TsF1), which in turn induces a second-order suppressor T cell (TS2). In the present study, we show that B10.BR GT-TSF1 is composed of separate I-Jk and idiotype-bearing chains linked by disulfide bond(s). Functional suppressive activity requires both chains to be in association. Neither chain alone can induce TS2, indicating that both chains must be seen in association and suggesting a single cellular target for the two chains. Experiments designed to interchange I-J-bearing chains of GT-TSF1 derived from different H-2 haplotypes indicate that only the homologous I-J and idiotype-bearing chains can reassociate into a suppressive moiety. These experiments may imply heterogeneity of I-J region gene products.  相似文献   

We describe the purification of a T cell specific serine proteinase derived from a cloned murine cytolytic T lymphocyte line. Analysis of the enzyme by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed a mol. wt of approximately 60 kd under non-reducing conditions and of approximately 30 kd under reducing conditions. The proteinase cleaves the model peptide substrate H-D-Pro-Phe-Arg-NA, at the 4 nitroanilide (NA) group with high efficiency. Much lower or no activity of the enzyme is found against synthetic peptide substrates carrying other amino acid (AA) sequences at position P2, P3 adjacent to L-arginine or against substrates in which AA other than L-arginine are bound to the NA group. Optimal pH for the cleavage of H-D-Pro-Phe-Arg-NA is in the range of 8.0-8.5. The enzyme is strongly inhibited by inhibitors of serine proteinases, diisopropylfluorophosphate, phenylmethane-sulfonyl fluoride, m-aminobenzamidine, aprotinin, and leupeptin but not by inhibitors of either thiol-, metallo- or carboxyl-proteinases. We propose the designation TSP-1 (T-cell derived serine proteinase 1) for this enzyme. TSP-1 has the capacity to stimulate B lymphocytes for proliferation in the absence of antigen.  相似文献   

Mls-specific T cell clones derived by limiting dilution were tested for cytotoxic activity in a lectin-dependent 51Cr-release assay. All the T cell clones tested were cytotoxic in such an assay in apparent contrast to previous reports. However, only those target cells sensitive to cytolysis by other L3T4a+ cytolytic T cells were killed by Mls-specific T cell clones in short term 51Cr-release assays, possibly explaining this discrepancy. All the T cell clones tested were L3T4a+, Lyt-2- and stimulated B cells from Mlsa,d strains of mice to proliferate and secrete immunoglobulin. Furthermore, lysis of innocent bystander targets was observed when the T cells were stimulated with Mls-disparate stimulator cells. These results are consistent with those obtained with L3T4a+ T cells specific for protein antigen:self Ia and that express cytotoxic potential.  相似文献   

We have previously reported the establishment and preliminary characterization of polyclonal hepatitis B virus (HBV) nucleoprotein (HBcAg)-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell lines derived from the hepatic lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate of several patients with chronic active hepatitis B. The isolated subsets from these lines were specifically activated by HBcAg and displayed antigen-specific help and suppression with respect to proliferation of the alternate subset. One of these lines was recently cloned by limiting dilution, and four HBcAg-specific CD3+ CD4+ CD8-DR+ T cell lines were produced that had a 95.3% likelihood of monoclonality. Antigenic specificity was confirmed by dose-dependent, HLA class II (DR)-restricted proliferation in response to recombinant and human serum-derived HBcAg and the lack of proliferation to HBV envelope antigens (HBsAg and pre-S(2)Ag). All cloned lines were interleukin 2 dependent, produced interferon-gamma in an antigen-specific manner, and provided antigen-specific help to autologous B cells with respect to anti-HBc production. We conclude that HBcAg-specific, HLA-class II restricted helper T cells capable of inducing antigen-specific functional responses by autologous B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes are present at the site of viral antigen synthesis and hepatocellular injury in HBV infection.  相似文献   

Mice immunized with soluble proteins such as human serum albumin (HSA) or ovalbumin (OA) develop in their spleens antigen-specific T and B lymphocytes. These populations of lymphocytes can be separated from each other by different means; e.g. treatment with anti-theta-antiserum and complement removes selectively T lymphocytes, whereas passage through glass bead columns coated with mouse immunoglobulin (Ig): anti-Ig complexes creates a relatively pure population of T lymphocytes. During the course of such separation studies it was observed that the helper capacity of HSA (or OA) immune mouse spleen cells after Ig:anti-Ig column passage frequently was higher than expected from the enrichment in theta-positive cells. In addition, after adsorption onto antigen coated Bio-Gel beads this effect was even more pronounced, i.e., and increase in the relative helper capacity of about 3 or 4 times compared with an increase in the content of theta-positive cells from about 30% to 40 to 50% after adsorption. The present results will demonstrate that the increased helper capacity was a specific phenomenon which was regulated by theta-positive cells. The regulatory cells specifically adsorbed onto antigen-coated Bio-Gel beads have not been successfully eluted by EDTA or excess-free antigen so far, and they were still adsorbed after pre-incubation with anti-Ig antibodies under conditions where specific B lymphocyte adsorption was almost prevented.  相似文献   

Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes from mice bearing minor histoincompatible tumor cells in the anterior chamber (AC) or subconjunctival (SCon) space of the eye have been shown to contain large numbers of tumor-specific precursor cytotoxic T cells. Because SCon tumors eventually acquire directly cytotoxic, tumor-specific T cells and are rejected by their hosts and because AC tumors never acquire cytotoxic effector cells and are not rejected, we have examined tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes from both types of ocular tumors for the capacity to secrete lymphokines in response to in vitro stimulation with tumor cells. The results indicate that T "helper" cells were able to infiltrate both SCon and AC tumors. In the former, T cells capable of secreting IL-2 and IL-4 were found whereas in the latter only IL-2-secreting T cells were detected. These findings implicate a defect in local delivery of appropriate T cell help as the reason why AC tumors are not rejected. The failure of AC tumor-bearing mice to destroy their tumors correlates not only with defective delivery of local help but with a systemic inability to produce tumor-specific T cells that can secrete IL-2 and IL-4. Because these mice also generate down-regulatory T cells that suppress the expression of tumor-specific delayed hypersensitivity, they appear to have an immunologically mediated block in T helper cell differentiation which renders them unable to generate either T helper 1 or T helper 2 cells. This immunologic abnormality is discussed in terms of tumor rejection and the phenomenon of immunologic privilege.  相似文献   

H-Y-specific and H-2Db-restricted, Lyt-1-2+ T-cell clones ( CTLL ) with graded specific cytotoxic activities on male C57BL/6 (B6) target cells ( 1E3 , ; 2C5 , ++; 2A5 , +, 3E6 , +/-) were tested for their capacity to inhibit the generation of H-Y-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in vitro. Addition of irradiated lymphocytes of CTLL 1E3 and CTLL 3E6 but not those of CTLL 2A5 or CTLL 2C5 abolished the generation of CTL from in vivo primed H-Y-specific precursor cells (CTLP) when added to fresh mixed-lymphocyte cultures (MLC). Exogenous sources of T-cell growth factors (TCGF) did not overcome suppression. Rather the presence of TCGF resulted in a further enhancement of suppressive activities in CTLL 1E3 and 3E6 and the induction of similar activities in cells from CTLL 2A5 and 2C5 , which by themselves were not inhibitory. Moreover when added to similar MLC on Day 1 instead of Day 0, only irradiated cells of CTLL 3E6 but not those of the other three CTLL were suppressive. Induction of suppressive activities in H-Y-specific CTLL was independent of the appropriate male stimulator cells since it was also observed in MLC induced by irrelevant antigens (H-2, trinitrophenol). Furthermore at low cell numbers, irradiated lymphocytes from any of the CTLL consistently enhanced CTL activities generated from H-Y-specific CTLP. This augmenting activity, which was not TCGF, could be transferred by soluble mediators present in antigen-sensitized CTLL cultures. Thus, these data indicate (i) that cytotoxic effector cells can function as suppressor cells in the generation of CTL, (ii) that the cytotoxic activity of cloned CTL does not correlate with their capacity to suppress CTL responses, (iii) that the inhibition of CTL responses by CTLL is not due to simple consumption of T-cell growth factors produced in MLC, and (iv) that different CTL clones may interfere with the generation of CTL at different stages of their maturation. Moreover, the experiments suggest an antigen-independent enhancement of suppression by the interaction of CTL with lymphokines. Together with the augmenting activity evoked by cloned CTL the data provide strong evidence for the expression of multiple immunological functions by one particular subset of T cells and suggest that cytotoxic effector cells can differentially regulate the maturation and/or clonal expression of their precursor cells.  相似文献   

Cloned murine helper T lymphocytes (HTL) reactive to alloantigen or to ovalbumin (OVA) become unresponsive to antigenic restimulation after exposure to antigen or to culture supernatant fluids (SF) containing multiple lymphokine activities. Unresponsiveness is manifest by a failure of antigen-stimulated cells to incorporate thymidine or to produce lymphokines after antigenic challenge. Antigen-unresponsive HTL, however, will incorporate thymidine when exposed to an exogenous source of interleukin 2 (IL 2). The duration of unresponsiveness to antigen is correlated with the concentration of IL 2 in SF to which the cloned HTL had been exposed. Chromatographic fractionation of IL 2-containing supernatant from EL-4 thymoma cells (EL-4 SF) yielded a pool of SF that was enriched for IL 2 activity. Exposure of HTL to lymphokines contained in this pool induced unresponsiveness to antigen that was comparable to that observed when HTL were exposed to unfractionated EL-4 SF. Unresponsiveness to antigen also developed after cloned HTL were stimulated with concanavalin A (Con A) or with OVA and syngeneic splenic filler cells. We have used monoclonal antibody (mAb) GK1.5 (anti-L3T4) to investigate the role of lymphokine production in the induction of unresponsiveness. This antibody did not inhibit IL 2-induced thymidine incorporation by cloned HTL, and did not inhibit the induction of unresponsiveness after exposure of cloned HTL to EL-4 SF. In the presence of mAb GK1.5, however, HTL that were stimulated with Con A or OVA did not become unresponsive to antigenic restimulation, an effect that was overcome by the addition of EL-4 SF. These results suggest that HTL become unresponsive to antigen after exposure to IL 2-containing SF, and that stimulation by antigen or Con A can induce the unresponsive state by virtue of stimulating lymphokine production.  相似文献   

《Cellular immunology》1986,99(1):182-195
We evaluated the role of molecules of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) involved in the cellular interactions of two T-cell clones by testing the effect of monoclonal antibodies on the responses of the clones in vitro. The two T-cell clones used in the study are specific for minor histocompatibility antigens and restricted to the H-2Kk. In the absence of exogenous IL-2 the clones require the presence of Ia+, Thy-1 accessory cells and of Thy-1+, Lyt-1+2 cells in the irradiated spleen cell suspension used as stimulator. It is also necessary that both the accessory cells and the T cells in the stimulator cell populations are recognized specifically by the clones. Monoclonal antibodies specific for the H-2K product inhibited the lytic effector function of the cytolytic clone. These antibodies when added to cultures of stimulator cells and clones inhibited also the proliferation of this clone and of a nonlytic clone. When antigen recognition was measured by the increase in sensitivity of the clones to IL-2 while confronted with uv-irradiated stimulator cells, both clones were blocked efficiently by anti-H-2K antibodies. Thus, these results suggest that the interaction of monoclonal antibodies with the restricting H-2K molecule is sufficient to block the recognition signal, a prerequisite for proliferation. In contrast, monoclonal antibodies specific for AαAβ and/or EαEβ had no effect on cytolysis or on restricted recognition. However, they inhibited the proliferative responses as efficiently as the H-2K specific antibodies. Inhibition by class II-specific antibodies was not abolished when stimulator cell populations were depleted of Lyt-2+ cells. The blocking effect, however, was reversed by the addition of IL-2. No inhibition was obtained with antibody specific for EαEβ when B10.A(4R) spleen cells, which do not express EαEβ, or when B10.A(4R) accessory cells, which were reconstituted with (BALB/c X B10.A(4R)) F1 T cells, were used as stimulators. Stimulator cells heterozygous for H-2 could be inhibited by antibodies to the parental haplotype not encoded in the clones (H-2Kd). These and previous results suggest that H-2K-restricted minor histocompatibility antigen-specific recognition transmits an activating signal to the clones and to the stimulator cells. The clones probably are induced to express more IL-2 receptors. The stimulator T cells seem to interact through AαAβ and EαEβ molecules with syngeneic accessory cells. This interaction results in IL-2 production by the stimulator T cells and thus in the proliferation of the clones.  相似文献   

A system is presented that may simplify the study of accessory cell requirements for CTL generation. Cortisone resistant (CR) thymocytes containing alloreactive CTL precursors do not respond to allogeneic tumor cells unless non-T accessory cells are added to culture. In addition, splenic T cells do not respond to allogeneic tumor cells in the absence of non-T accessory cells. These accessory cells share several properties of macrophages.  相似文献   

Recent evidence has shown that cloned, murine CTL cell lines are resistant to the cytotoxic components of the toxic granules they release upon specific interaction with their target cells. Inasmuch as the resistance might be due to selection in culture over many months by repeated exposure to these cytolytic components (which are released repeatedly as a result of the cultured CTL being periodically stimulated by target cells), we asked whether primary CTL are also resistant. The primary CTL were elicited in vivo by i.p. injection of allogeneic tumor cells or in vitro by 5- to 6-day MLC or by 48-h exposure to the lectin Con A. The responding cells were separated into purified CD8+ (i.e., CD4-, CD8+) and purified CD4+ (i.e., CD4+, CD8-) T cell populations that were analyzed for cytolytic activity and for resistance to lysis by toxic secretory granules derived from cloned CTL cell lines. The CD8+ T cells were highly cytolytic and relatively resistant; they retained their cytolytic activity and were lysed to a minimal extent (0 to 10%) by quantities of isolated granules that lysed 80 to 90% of the P815 tumor cell line (tested as a representative standard cell line). The CD4+ T cells, in contrast, had only minimal cytolytic activity and were far more susceptible to granule-mediated lysis. Although the resistance of primary CD8+ T cells is impressive, it is not as pronounced as the resistance of the cloned CTL cell lines, indicating that during long-term culture there is some selection for increased resistance to granule-mediated lysis. In contrast to T cells (especially CD8+ T cells), Ia+ macrophages, isolated from primary immune peritoneal exudates, were highly susceptible to granule-mediated lysis.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that CTL-mediated cytotoxicity may involve multiple lytic mechanisms. We have examined both the antibody-redirected cytolytic potential and the direct cytotoxicity of purified human peripheral blood high buoyant density CD4+ and CD8+ T cells activated with IL-2 and anti-CD3 mAb. TNF-sensitive and TNF-resistant targets and various metabolic inhibitors were used to compare the antibody-redirected cytotoxicity of T cell subsets and discern the role of potential lytic mediators. In a 4-h assay against several different nitrophenyl-modified targets, the heteroconjugated antibody (anti-CD3-anti-nitrophenyl) redirected cytolytic potential of 72-h activated CD4+ T cells was inhibited by the continuous presence of actinomycin D, cycloheximide, and EGTA, but not mitomycin C, cyclosporin A, or cholera toxin (CT). Conversely, only CT and EGTA inhibited the antibody-redirected cytolytic potential of activated CD8+ T cells. Despite both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets expressing granzymes, pore-forming protein, TNF-beta, and TNF-alpha, these T cell subsets displayed distinct pathways of antibody-redirected lysis against TNF-sensitive and TNF-resistant targets, even in the presence of anti-TNF antibodies. In addition, these same effector T cell subsets were also directly cytotoxic (in the absence of heteroconjugated antibody) against TNF-sensitive targets in an 18-h assay. Indeed, this direct cytotoxicity was completely abrogated by anti-TNF-alpha antibody and was sensitive to the metabolic inhibitors (cyclosporin A, CT, cycloheximide, and actinomycin D), all of which blocked CD4+/CD8+ T cell TNF-alpha production. Therefore, both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were demonstrated to utilize antibody and lymphokine-mediated lytic mechanisms. CD4+ and CD8+ effector subsets were demonstrated to lyse the same TNF-sensitive target by these two different mechanisms. Although it cannot be excluded that the redirected lytic mechanisms of both CD4+ and CD8+ effectors share common elements, it is likely that other important events in this cytolytic process are fundamentally distinct between these subsets of T cells.  相似文献   

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