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屏边半蒴苣苔 新种 图1 Hemiboea pingbianensis Z.Y.Li,sp.nov. Ex affinitate H.subcapitatae D.B.Clarke,a qua caulibus multinodibus,medio ramosis,glabris,nodis tumidis,folioram laminis supra dense albo-pube-rulis,subtus subgJabris,nervis lateralibus pluribus untrinsecrs 7—11,sclereidisnullis,bracteis extus et pedicellis pilosis,disco humiliore differt.  相似文献   

Ophioglossum yongrenense Ching ex Z. R. He et W. M. Chu, sp. nov.Species nova aspectu inter O. kawamuram Tagawa et O. parvum Nishida et Kurita Japonicae, differt a priore frondibus pro parte laminis sterilibus praeditis (in illa frondibus omnino laminis sterilibus non praeditis), a posteriore frondibus pro parte laminis sterilibus non praeditis (in O. parvo Nishida et Kurita frondibus omino laminis sterilibus praeditis).……  相似文献   

粗穗大节竹苦竹(云南马关)新种图1lndosasa ingens Hsueh et Yi,sp.nov.Species I.crassiflorae McClure affinis,sed foliis in ramusculis(4-)5—9 (-10),laminis foliorum basi cuneatis vel late cuneatis,spiculis et rhachillisarticulorum dense farinosis,lemmis14—18mm longis,nervillis transversis nonevolutis,intra glabris,paleis lemmis brevioribus,lodiculis distinctis,antheris6—8 mm longis differ.  相似文献   

永仁瓶尔小草 新种 图1Ophioglossum yongrenense Ching ex Z. R. He et W. M. Chu, sp. nov.Species nova aspectu inter O. kawamuram Tagawa et O. parvum Nishida et Kurita Japonicae, differt a priore frondibus pro parte laminis sterilibus praeditis (in illa frondibus omnino laminis sterilibus non praeditis), a posteriore frondibus pro parte laminis sterilibus non praeditis (in O. parvo Nishida et Kurita frondibus omino laminis sterilibus praeditis).Planta minor, gracilis, 2-9 cm alta, petiolo co…  相似文献   

黄燮才   《广西植物》1986,(3):179-181
<正> 广西马蓝 假马蓝(柳江) 新种 图 Strobilanthes guangxiensis S. Z. Huang, sp. nov. Similis S. yunnanensi Diels, sed foliis ellipticis, margine integris vel leviter undulatis, supra glabris, cystolithis densis; spices 4—8 cm longis, calycis segmentis brevioribus, corollis extus glabris differt.  相似文献   

西藏酸蔹藤 新种 图1 Ampelocissus xizangensis C.L.Li,sp.nov. A.latifolia auct.non.(Roxb.) Planch.1887:W.T.Wang in Act.Phytotax.Sin.17(3):91.1979,in clavi et in C.Y.Wu,Fl.Xizang.3;225,fig.95:1~2.1986. Affinis A.latifoliae(Roxb.)Planch,a qua foliorum laminis non lobatis,margine regu-latim acute serrulatis,supra subtusque pubescentibus differt. Frutex scandens.Ramuli teretes,striati,glabri vel parce arachnoidei;cirrhi 2-furcati.Folia simplicia,late ovata,c.23 cm longa,c.24 cm lata,apice obtusa,basi cordata,sinubasali arcto,margine acute serrulata,supra viridia,pubescentia,subtus viridula,parce  相似文献   

滇南竹子四新种(英文)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
美丽箭竹 白竹(云南景东)新种 图1 Fargesia concinna Yi, sp. nov. Species haec F. praecipuae mihi affinis, a qua culmis juvenalibus cinereo-viridibus, tenuiter farinosis, super internodiis cinereeo-vel lutcolo-strigosis; ligulis vaginarum 1—6 mm altis; laminis 2—3 mm latis; vaginis foliorum persistenter fimbriatis; laminis usque 12 cm longis et 2.2 cm latis differt.  相似文献   

峨眉开口箭 竹节蓝(峨眉)新种 图1 Tupistra emeiensis Z.Y.Zhu,sp.nov.Fig.1——T.officinalis Z.Y.Zhu,sp.nov.m.s.ined. Species T.wattii(C.B.Clarke)Hook.f.affinis sed tubo perianthiiintus prope aperturam laminis tenuibus carnosis margine repando-dentatis prae-dito;lobis perianthii clliptico-lanceolatis vel elliptico-ovatis,apice acuminatis vel  相似文献   

1.豹斑石豆兰 新种 图1:5—6Bulbophyllum colomaculosum Tsi et S. C. Chen, sp. nov.Species nova B. obrieniano Rolfe proxima, a quo differt petalis margine dentatis.Herba epiphytica. pseudobulbi aggregati ovati, ca. 4 cm longi, medio 1.5—1.8 cm lati,  相似文献   

光轴狼尾草 新变种 Pennisetum longissimum S. L. Chen et Y. X. Jin var. axiglabrum B. S. Sum et X. Yang, var. nov. Atypo recedit rhachidibus paniculae glabris v puberulis in angulis necnon glabris interangulos. Yullnan(云南):Yongsheng(永胜),2130m,77 class Exped. (77)级金江队77256(模式!存云南大学标本室,Typus! YUNU); Baoshan(保山), 77 class Exped. (77级分类组) 77304  相似文献   

This paper presents a system of the genus Saxifraga L. from China, recognizes 2 subgenera, 8 sections, 7 subsections (including 1 new subsection), 31 series (including 23 new series), 4 subseries (new subseries) and 203 species (including 2 new species and 4 new varieties). The new taxa, statuses, combinations and names in this paper are as follows: Sect. Biro- stres (Gornall) C. Y. Wu et J. T. Pan, stat. nov.,; Sect. Punctatae (Engl.) J. T. Pan, stat. nov.; Ser. Rufescentes J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Saxifraga lonshengensis J. T. Pan, sp. nov.; S. rufescens Balf. f. var. uninervata J. T. Pan, var. nov.; S. rufescens Balf. f. var. flabellifolia C. Y. Wu et J. T. Pan, nom. nov.; Ser. Stonoliferae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Stellariifoliae (Engl. et Irmsch.) J. T. Pan, stat. nov.; Subser. Aristulatae J. T. Pan, subser. nov.; Subser. Montanae J. T. Pan, subser, nov.; Saxifraga ciliatopetata (Engl. et Irmsch.) J. T. Pan var. ciliata J. T. Pan, var. nov.; Subser. Gonggashanenses J. T. Pan, subser, nov.; Subser. Car- diophyllae J. T. Pan, subser. nov.; Saxifraga egregia Engl. var. xiaojinensis J. T. Pan, var. nov.; Ser. Caveanae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Heterocladoideae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Chumbienses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Bulleyanae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Brachypodae C. Y. Wu et J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Erinaceae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Saxifraga substrigosa J. T. Pan var. gemmifera J. T. Pan, var. nov.; Ser. Umbellulatae J. T. Pan, ser. nov; Ser. Yu- shuenses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Ungviculatae J. T. Pan, Ser. nov.; Ser. Punctu- latae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Candelabriformes J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Tanguti- cae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Saxifraga tangutica Engl. var. platyphylla (H. Smith) J. T. Pan, comb. nov.; Ser. Yaluzangbuenses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Jainzhuglaenses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Saxifraga jainzhulaensis J. T. Pan, sp. nov.; Ser. Jacquemontianae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Nanae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Subsect. Microgynae J. T. Pan, subsect. nov.; Ser. Nangxi- anenses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Mucronulatae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Parkaenses J.T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Deqenenses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Saxifraga mucronulatoides J. T. Pan, nom. nov.  相似文献   

Fifteen new taxa of the genus Saxifraga (Saxifragaceae) are described from China. They are Saxifraga erectisepala J. T. Pan, S. sublinearifolia J. T. Pan, S. rizhaoshanensis J. T. Pan, S. gedangensis J. T. Pan, S. sheqilaensis J. T. Pan, S. egregioides J. T. Pan, S. caveana W. W. Smith var. lanceolata J. T. Pan, S. subtsangchanensis J. T. Pan, S. brachypodoidea J. T. Pan, S. oreophila Franch. var. depaoshanensis J. T. Pan, S. subsediformis J. T. Pan, S. nangqenica J. T. Pan, S. medogensis J. T. Pan, S. paiquensis J. T. Pan and S. daochengensisJ. T. Pan.  相似文献   

Some new taxa of the genus Saxifraga (Saxifragaceae) are described from the Hengduan Mountains of China. They are Saxifraga yezhiensis C. Y. Wu, S. subomphalodifolia J. T. Pan, S. gonggashanensis J. T. Pan, S. setulosa C. Y. Wu, S. maxionggouensis J. T. Pan, S. yunlingensis C. Y. Wu, S. pellucida C. Y. Wu, S. baimashanensis C. Y. Wu, S. nanelloides C. Y. Wu, S. draboides C. Y. Wu, S. deqenensis C. Y. Wu, S. implicans var. weixiensis C. Y. Wu, S. omphalodifolia var. callosa C. Y. Wu, S. omphalodifolia var. retusopetala J. T. Pan, S. diversifolia var. angustibracteata (Engl. et Irmsch.) J. T. Pan, In addition, one newname (S. dianxibeiensis J. T. Pan) is included.  相似文献   

A new status, Rodgersia aesculifolia var. henricii (Franch.) C.Y.Wu, is proposed, and two new varieties, i. e. R. sambucifolia var. estrigosa J.T. Pan, and R. pinnata var. strigosa J. T. Pan are described in this paper.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the taxonomy and geographic distribution of the genus Chrysosplenium L. in China. Based on the characters and evolution of the seed, capsule, disk, ovary and leaf, the species of this genus can be grouped into 2 subgenera, 5 sections and 16 series. There are 2 subgenera, 5 sections and 11 series in China. They are as follows: I. Subgen. Gamosplenium Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan Leaves alternate. Lectotype: Chrysosplenium carnosum Hook. f. et Thoms. 1. Sect. Alternifolia Franch. emend. J. T. Pan Seeds smooth and glabrous. Type: Chrysosplenium alternifolium L. (1) Ser. Nudicaulia Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan Disk obscure or absent; ovary nearly half-inferior, sometimes mostly inferior; capsule generally subtruncate and emarginate at top and bilobed with equal and horizontally divaricate or suberect lobes; seeds smooth and glabrous. Type: Chrysosplenium nudicaule Maxim. (2) Ser. Alternifolia Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan Disk 8-lobed; ovary nearly half-inferior; capsule generally subtruncate and emarginate at top, and bilobed with equal and horizontally divaricate lobes; seeds smooth and glabrous. Type: Chrysosplenium alternifolia L. 2. Sect. Nephrophylloides Turcz. Seeds minutely papillose or pilose. Type: Chrysosplenium sedakowii Turcz. (1) Ser. Macrophylla Franch. emend. J. T. Pan Disk obscure or absent; ovary nearly half-inferior; capsule nearly truncate and emarginate at top, and bilobed with equal lobes; seeds minutely papillose. Type: Chrysosplenium macrophyllum Oliv. (2) Ser. Ovalifolia Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan Disk generally 8-, rarely 4-, lobed, papillae absent around disk; ovary mostly inferior; capsule subtruncate and emarginate at top; seeds minutely papillose or pilose. Type: Chrysosplenium ovalifolium M. Bieb. ex Bunge (3) Ser. Lanuginosa Hara, emend. J. T. Pan Papillae numerous, brown around reduced disk; ovary mostly inferior; capsule nearly truncate and emarginate at top; seeds minutely papillose. Type: Chrysosplenium lanuginosum Hook. f. et Thoms. II. Subgen. Chrysosplenium Leaves opposite. Type: Chrysosplenium oppositifolium L. 1. Sect. Trichosperma J. T. Pan, sect. nov. Capsule not truncate at top, and bilobed with subequal, suberect or divergent lobes. Type: Chrysosplenium trichospermum Edgew. ex Hook. f. et Thoms. This section is divided into 4 series in the world, with only 1 in China. (1) Ser. Nepalensia Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan Disk obscure or absent; ovary generally mostly inferior; cassule not truncate at top, and bilobed with subequal and suberect or divergent lobes; seeds smooth and glabrous. Type: Chrysosplenium nepalense D. Don 2. Sect. Grayana J. T. Pan, sect. nov. Capsule bilobed with distinctly unequal and ascending lobes. Type: Chrysosplenium grayanum Maxim. This section consists of 4 series in the world, with 3 series in China. (1) Ser. Sinica Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan Disk obscure or absent; ovary nearly half-superior; capsule bilobed with distinctly unequal and ascending lobes; seeds minutely papillose. Type: Chrysosplenium sinicum Maxim. (2) Ser. Esulcata Franch. emend. J. T. Pan Disk (4)-8-lobed; ovary generally half-inferior; capsule bilobed with unequal and ascending lobes; seeds minutely papillose or pilose. Lectotype: Chrysosplenium dubium J. Gayex DC. (3) Ser. pilosa maxim. emend. J. T. Pan Disk obscure or absent; ovary nearly half-inferior; capsule bilobed with distinctly unequal and ascending lobes; seeds distinctly longitudinally ll-18-costate and minutely papillose or tuberculate on the ridge. Type: Chrysosplenium pilosum Maxim. 3. Sect. Chrysosplenium Capsule nearly truncate and emarginate at top, and bilobed with equal and horizontally divaricate lobes. Type: Chrysosplenium oppositifolium L. (1) Ser. Romosa J. T. Pan, ser. nov. Disk distinctly 8-lobed, papillae sparse, brown around disk; ovary mostly inferior; capsule nearly truncate and emarginate at top, and bilobed with equal and horizontally divaricate lobes; seeds smooth and glabrous. Type: Chrysosplenium ramosum Maxim. This series is monospecific one, also occurring in China, namely C. ramosum Maxim. (2) Ser. Delavayi Hara Disk distinctly 8-lobed, Papillae sparse, brown around the disk; ovary mostly inferior; capsule nearly truncate and emarginate at top, and bilobed with equal and horizontally divaricate lobes; seeds distinctly longitudinally 10-16-costate and transversely striate on the ridge. Type: Chrysosplenium delavayi Franch. This series can be considered as the most advanced one in the Chrysaspleninm L. So far, the Chrysosplenium L. comprises 64 species in the world, among which 1 species is found in North Africa, 2 in South America, 4 in Europe, 5 in North America, 56 in Asia, of which 3 occur in Sikkim, 5 Bhutan, 5 Mongolia, 6 north Burma, 6 Korea, 7 north India, 8 Nepal, 12 Japan, 17 U.S.S.R. (of which 3 also in Europe), 34 China (including 22 endemic species and 3 new species). In China, Fujian and Guangdong Provinces and Zhuang Autonomous Region of Guangxi each has only 1 species, Taiwan, Zhejiang, Shanxi and Hebei Provinces and Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang each has 2, Anhui, Jiangxi and Hunan Provinces each has 3, Qinghai Province 4, Heilongjiang, Liaoning and Guizhou Provinces each has 5, Jilin and Hubei Provinces each has 6, Gausu Province 8, Shaanxi Province and Xizang (Tibet) Autonomous Region each has 10, Yunnan Province has 11, Sichuan Province has 14. Thus the distribution centre of this genus should be in the north temperate zone of Asia, and the region covering Shaanxi Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan and Xizang may be regarded as an important part of this centre. The 7 species of Ser. Nudicaula Maxim. emend. J. T. Pan can be considered as the most primitive ones in this genus. They are mostly distributed in Shaanxi (Qin Ling), south Gansu, southeast Qinghai, southwest Sichuan and nothwest Yunnan of China. This region may be considered as the centre of the origin (or at least differentiation) of this genus. The new species and the new varieties described in this paper are as follows: C. hydrocotylifolium Levl. et Vant. var. emeiense J. T. Pan, C. taibaishanense J. T. Pan, C. lixianense Jien ex J. T. Pan, C. qinlingense Jien ex J. T. Pan.  相似文献   

记载了中国虎耳草属Saxifraga二新种, 即班玛虎耳草S. banmaensis J. T. Pan和丁青虎耳草S. dingqingensis J. T. Pan。其中, 班玛虎耳草仅见于青海班玛, 与小伞虎耳草S. umbellulata Hook. f. &; Thoms.近缘, 但其萼片先端具软骨质短尖头, 花瓣线形, 非提琴状长圆形至提琴形, 基部无爪, 可资区别。丁青虎耳草见于西藏丁青, 与近加拉虎耳草S. llonakhensis W. W. Smith相似, 但其萼片3脉, 于先端汇合成1疣点, 花瓣具8痂体和4-5脉, 基部截形或近耳形, 可以区别。此两种均系中国特有种, 隶属于莲座状亚组subsect. Rosulares Gornall。  相似文献   

In this paper the classification of the genus Bergenia Moench is provided, its geographic distribution analysed, and the phylogeny also traced. Based on an analysis of morphological characters such as leaves, ocreas, branches of inflorescences, Pedicels, hypanthium, sepals, and glandular indumentum, thi genus is divided into 3 sections: 1. Sect. Scopulosae J. T. Pan, sect. nov., 2. Sect. Bergnia, 3. Sect. Ciliatae (A. Boriss.) J. T. Pan, stat. nov. The Sect. Scopulosae J. T. Pan may be considered as the primitive one, while Sect. Ciliatae (A. Boriss.) J. T. Pan may be regarded as the advanced one, with Sect. Bergenia in between. So far, the genus Bergenia Moench comprises 9 species in the total. Southeast Asia and North Asia (south and east Siberia, USSR) each have only 1 species, West Asia (Afghanistan) has 2, Central Asia (Kirghizia-Tajikistan-Uzbekstan area, USSR) 3, South Asia 4 (Nepal has 4, India, Pakistan and Kashmir area each has 3, Bhutan and Sikkim each has 2), East Asia 6. In East Asia, Mongolia and Korea each have only 1 species, but China has 6 (including endemic species 2 and new species 1). Sichuan Province and Xizang Autonomous Region each have 3, Yunnan Province 2, Shaanxi Province (Qinling Mountains) and Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang each have only 1. Thus the distribution centre of this genus should be in the region covering Sichuan, Yunnan and Xizang. Moreover, it is noteworthy that Bergenia scopulosa T. P. Wang in Sect. Scopulosae seems to have retained primitive characters, for example, non-ciliate leaves and ocreas, glabrous pedicels, hypanthium and sepals, and this primitive species is found in Qinling Mountains and Sichuan. According to the distribution of the primitive species, the author suggests that the centre of origin of this genus be in the region covering Qinling Mountains and Sichuan.  相似文献   

湖南的新记录植物(四)   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
报道了湖南植物分布新记录,其中新记录科1个,即无叶莲科Petrosaviaceae;新记录属2个,即无叶莲属Petrosavia Becc.和鸢尾兰属Oberonia Lindl.;新记录种11个,即小药八旦子Corydalis caudata(Lam.) Pers、韫珍金腰Chrysosplenium wuwenchenii Jien、桂林乌桕Sapium chihsinianum S.K.Lee、蛛毛苣苔Paraboea sinensis(Oliv.) Burtt、扁穗牛鞭草Hemarthria compressa(Linn.f.) R.Br.、曲轴黑三棱Sparganium fallax Graebn、无叶莲Petrosavia sakuraii(Makino) J.J.Smith ex Steenis、北重楼Paris verticillata M.-Bieb.、大叶仙茅Curculigo capitulata(Lour.) O.Kuntze、狭叶鸢尾兰Oberonia caulescens Lindl.、无距虾脊兰Calanthe tsoongiana T.Tang et F.T.Wang;新记录变种1个,即峨嵋金腰Chrysosplenium hydrocotylifolium Lévl.et Vant.var.emeiense J.T.Pan。  相似文献   

Ten new species, three new varieties and a new section of the family Gesneriaceae are described from China in the present paper. They are Tremacron urceolatum K. Y. Pan from Muli of SW Sichuan, T. obliquifolium K. Y. Pan from Miyi and Yanyuan of SW Sichuan, T. aurantiacum K. Y. Pan from Mabian and Pinshan of S Sichuan, lsometrum Sect. Chorianthera W. T. Wang et K. Y. Pan (with I. eximium Chun as the section type), Isometrum eximium Chun ex K. Y. Pan from Jiulong, Muli and Jinyang of SW Sichuan; Ancylostemon mairei (Levl.) Craib var. emeiensis K. Y. Pan from Mt. Emei of Sichuan, A. aureus (Franch.) Burtt var. angustifolius K. Y. Pan from Zhenkang of SW Yunnan, A. gamosepalus K. Y. Pan from Hanyuan, Yanyuan and Yuexi of SW Sichuan, A. rhombifolius K. Y. Pan from Meigu of SW Sichuan, A. ronganensis K. Y. Pan from Rong an of Guangxi; Corallodiscus flabellatus) (Craib) Burtt var. puberulus K.Y. Pan from Zhongdian and Deqin of NW Yunnan, Nanchuan of S Sichuan and Zayü of Xizang (Tibet), Beccarinda minima K. Y. Pan from Jinxiu and Xiangzhou of Guangxi, Boeica stolonifera K. Y. Pan from Fangcheng, Shiwandashan, Pingnan and Dongxing of S Guangxi, B. multinervia K. Y. Pan from Yingjiang of W Yunnan, and Paraboea barbatipes K. Y. Pan from Napo of W Guangxi and Xichou of SE Yunnan.  相似文献   

Summary.  Bergenia emeiensis C.Y. Wu ex J.T. Pan is illustrated and described. Its relationship to other Himalayan species is discussed, and instructions for its cultivation are given.  相似文献   

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