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当归属及近缘小属的核型演化及地理分布研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
本文报道了当归属Angelica及3个近缘小属12种植物的核型,其中10种为首次报道。带岭当归A.dailingensis 2n=22=20m+2sm(SAT);丽江当属A.likiangensis 2n=22=18m+4sm; 青海当归A.nitida 2n=22=14m+4sm+4sm(SAT);林当归A.silvestris 2n=22=16m+4sm(SAT)+2st(SAT);紫花前胡A.decursiva 2n=22=16m+4sm+2sm(SAT);秦岭当归A.tsinlingensis 2n=22=18m+4sm; 阿坝当归A.apaensis 2n=22=14m+6sm+2st(SAT);隆萼当归A.oncosepala2n=4x=44=28m+12sm+4st,三小叶当归A.ternata 2n=22=10m+8sm(SAT)+4st(SAT);柳叶芹Czernaevialaevigata 2n=22=14m+6sm+2sm(SAT);短茎古当归Archangelica brevicaulis 2n=22=8m+2m(SAT)+4sm+4sm(SAT)+4st;高山芹Coelopleurum saxatile 2n=28=12m+6sm+10st。除带岭当归核型为1A型和高山芹为2B型外,其余种类均为2A型。根据染色体长度比和平均臂比绘制了本次和我们过去已报道的当归属及近缘属23种植物的核型散点图。据核型类型和近端着丝点的有无,把当归属20个种的核型分3组。并结合外部形态、花粉类型和地理分布,探讨了各近缘属的系统演化关系。  相似文献   

对分布于我国的木来木属Cornus L.(广义)4个主要类群的5种植物进行了细胞学研究。结果表明,这5种植物的染色体数目和核型分别为:灯台树 C.controversa Hemsl.2n=20=2m+8sm+10st;红瑞木 C.alba L.2n=22=8sm+12st+2t;毛木来C.walteri Wanger.2n=22=8sm+14st(0-2SAT);山茱萸C.officinalis Seid. et Zucc. 2n=18=8m+l0sm(0-2SAT);四照花(变种)C.kousa var. chinensis Osborn 2n=22=2sm+6st(0-2SAT)十14t。  相似文献   

六种国产兰属植物的核型研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
首次研究了6种国产兰届植物的染色体形态和核型。果香兰(Cymbidium suavissimum)核型为2n=40=30m 10sm;碧玉兰(C.lowianum)为2n=40=26m 12sm 2st;文山红柱兰(C.wenshanense)为2n=40=28m 10sm 2st;虎头兰(C.hookerianum)为2n=40=30m 8sm 2st;独占春(C.eburneum)为2n=40=36m 4sm莎草兰(C.elegans)为2n=40=28m 8sm 4st。结合形态学特征和已有的核型资料,对兰属植物的核型进化进行了初步的讨论。  相似文献   

国产十五种翠雀族植物的核型研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
本文报道了国产乌头属Aconitum L.12种和翠雀属Delphinium L.3种植物的染色体数目和核型。花葶乌头A.scaposum var.scaposum和聚叶花葶乌头A.scaposum var.vaginatum的核型公式为2n=2m+6sm+8st;两色乌头A.alboviolaceum为2n=16=2m+6sm(2sat)十8st;高乌头A.sinomontanum var.sinomontanum为2n=16=4m+4sm+8st,而狭盔高乌头A.sinomontanum var.angustius为2n=32=6m+6sm+20st(1sat);褐紫乌头A.brunneum为2n=16=2m(1sat)+14sm 松潘乌头A.sungpanense为2n=16=6m(2sat)+10sm(2sat);弯枝乌头A.arcuatum为2n=16=4m+12sm;乌头A.carmichaeli为2n=32=10m+22sm;北乌头A.kusnezoffii为2n=32=10m十22sm;鸭绿乌头A.jaluense为2n=32=10m+22st;伏毛铁棒锤A.flavum为2n=16=2m+14sm; 铁棒锤A.pendulum为2n=16=4m+12sm;缩梗乌头A.sessiliflorum为2n=16=2m+10sm+4st;展毛翠雀花D.kamaoense var.glabrescens 为2n=16=2m+6sm+8st;蓝翠雀花D.caeruleum为2n=16=2m+6sm+8st;多枝翠雀花D.maximowiczii为2n=16=2m+6sm+8st。其中花葶乌头、狭盔高乌头、褐紫乌头、松潘乌头、鸭绿乌头、伏毛铁棒锤、缩梗乌头、展毛翠雀花、蓝翠雀花、多枝翠雀花的染色体数目和核型为首次报道。  相似文献   

黄精属八种植物的染色体研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
本文研究了四川黄精属Polygonatum 8个种的染色体数目和结构,玉竹n=10, 2n=20=4st十6sm十10m; 多花黄精2n=20=6sm十14m; 点花黄精n=16,2n= 32=2t十8st+2sm十20m;滇黄精n=13,2n=26=8st (2SAT)+14sm+4m;互卷黄 精2n=32=6st+8sm+18m (2SAT); 湖北黄精n=15, 2n=30=2t+6st十6sm+ 16m(2SAT);黄精2n=24=2t十14st(2SAT)+6sm十2m;卷叶黄精n=28,2n=56= 18st+10sm十28m。 黄精属植物染色体数目和结构的变异类型多样,8种黄精的核型可以区分为3种类型:2 B、3B、2C。核型不对称性的加强与染色体数目的递增有相关性。本文就染色体方面的资料对前人关于该属分类群的亲缘关系的论述进行了讨论。  相似文献   

国产七种和一变种兰属植物的核型研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
对国产7种和1变种兰属植物,即邱北冬蕙兰Cymbidium qiubeiense、春兰C. goeringii、春剑 C.longibracteatum、线叶春兰C.serratum、蕙兰C.faberi、送春C.fabri var.szechuanicum、寒兰C.kanran、莎 叶兰C.cyperifolium 的核型进行了研究。具体结果如下:邱北冬蕙兰为2n=40=24m+12sm+4st;蕙兰为2n=40=30m+8sm+2st;送春为2n=40=26m+l0sm+4st;寒兰为2n=40=26m+12sm+2st;莎叶兰为2n=40=24m+12sm+4st;春兰为2n=40=24m+l0sm+4st+2t;春剑为2n=40=24m+l0sm+6st。线叶春兰为2n=40=28m+l0sm+2st。线叶春兰中偶尔发现染色体数有2n=41,43,60,80。  相似文献   

黄精属5种植物的核型研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文报道了安徽省黄精属Polygonatum Mill.5种植物的染色体数目和核型。玉竹P. odoratum (Mill.)Druce黄山材料2n=16=10m(3sc)+6sm,滁县琅琊山材料2n=18=10m(1sc) +2sm+6st(2sc),二者均属2B核型. 长梗黄精P.filipes Mirr. 黄山材料2n=22=8m+8sm(2sc)+6st,属3B核型,安徽繁昌材料2n=14=10m+4sm和2n=16=8m +4sm+4st,二者均属2B核型。多花黄精(P.cyrtonema Hua)安徽黄山材料2n=20=8m+6sm+6st和2n=22=6m+8sm +4st+4t,二者均属3B核型,安徽滁县琅琊山材料2n=18=8m(2sc)+6sm+4st,属2B核型。长苞黄精(P.desoulayi kom.) 2n=22=10m(2sc)+6sm(1sc)+6st,属3B核型;轮叶黄精(P.verticillatum(L.)All.)2n=18=2m+2sm+10st+2t+2T和2n=24=6m+4sm+12st+2T,二者均属3B核型。其中玉竹2n=16,长梗黄精2n=14和2n=22,长苞黄精2n=22,轮叶黄精2n=18的染色体数目和核型均为首次报道。  相似文献   

四川当归属八种植物的核型及地理分布研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
本文首次报道四川八种当归属植物的染色体数目和核型。染色体基数x=11,除青海当归为四倍 体植物外,其余种类均为二倍体植物。金山当归 2n=22=20m+2sm;城口当归 2n=22=18m+2smsat+2sm;疏叶当归在不同地区有2种核型:2n=22=18m+4sm和 2n=22=16m+6sm;四川当归2n=22=16m+2smsat+4sm;茂汶当归2n=22=16m+6sm;青海当归 2n=4x=44=36m+8sm;当归2n= 22=14m+8sm;峨眉当归2n=22=10m+2sm+10st。除金山当归和 疏叶当归的部分居群核型为1A型外,其余种类均为2A型。根据核型的不对称性程度和外部形态分析 了各种类的演化水平,结合四川当归属植物的种类及地理分布,提出四川可能是当归属植物的原始中心和演化中心之一。  相似文献   

国产8种蜘蛛抱蛋属植物的核型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首次报道了8种蜘蛛抱蛋属植物的核型,其中6种的染色体数目为首次报道。结果如下:峨边蜘蛛抱蛋A.ebianensis,2n=2x=36=18m+2sm(2sat)十16st;盈江蜘蛛抱蛋A.yingjiangensis,2n=2x=36=14m+6sm(2sat)十16st;海南蜘蛛抱蛋A.hainanensis,2n=2x=36=20m(2sat)十14st十2t;石山蜘蛛抱蛋A.saxicola,2n=2x=36=16m十4sm(2sat)十16st;糙果蜘蛛抱蛋A.muricata,2n=2x=36=18m+2sm(2sat)十16st;啮边蜘蛛抱蛋A.marginella,2n=2x=38=22m+4sm(2sat)十12st;西林蜘蛛抱蛋A.xilin-ensis,2n=4x=76=48m(4sat)十2sm+26st;十字蜘蛛抱蛋A.cruciformis,2n=4x=76=46m(4sat)十12sm十18st。核型类型都为2C型。首次在中国发现了A.cruciformis和A.xilinensis的野生四倍体。根据外部形态性状及已有的38种植物的核型资料分析,认为该属染色体的原始基数可能为x=18,核型向对称性增强的方向演化,其主要表现在中部着丝粒染色体数目的增多,这种演化趋势似与其花部结构的进化密切相关。关键词 蜘蛛抱蛋属;染色体数目;核型;进化  相似文献   

贵州产蜘蛛抱蛋属植物的细胞分类学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了6种贵州产蜘蛛抱蛋属植物的染色体数目和核型,并与其相应近缘种对比,联系植物的外部形态特征,探讨核型结构与形态特征的相关性.发现1个种的染色体数目为2n =36,5个种的染色体数目为2n =38,核型公式分别为:平塘蜘蛛抱蛋(Aspidistra pingtangensis),2n =38 =20m +4sm(2sat) +14st;荔波蜘蛛抱蛋(A.liboensis),2n =38 =22m(2sat)+4sm+ 12st;赤水蜘蛛抱蛋(A.chishuiensis),2n =38 =22m(2sat)+8sm +8st;伞柱蜘蛛抱蛋(A.fungilliformis),2n =36=18m (2sat) +4sm+ 14st;四川蜘蛛抱蛋(A.sichuanensis),2n =38 =22m (2sat) +4sm +12st;丛生蜘蛛抱蛋(A caespitosa),2n =38 =20m +6sm(2sat) +12st.核型类型都为2C型.其中平塘蜘蛛抱蛋、荔波蜘蛛抱蛋和赤水蜘蛛抱蛋的染色体数目和核型均为首次报道.研究结果表明,该属植物的核型结构与外部形态特征具有一定的相关性,细胞分类学研究可以为该属植物起源进化研究以及自然分类鉴定提供一定的依据.  相似文献   

Karyotypes of seven species, one variety and 11 forms of Sect. Thea occurring in Guizhou Province, were investigated by the wall degradation hypotonic method. The micrographs of their somatic metaphase are shown in plates 1-2 and the parameters of chromosomes according to Li and Chen (1985) are given in Table 1 and the idiograms in Fig. 1. The karyotype formulae are as follows: Camellia quinquelocularis 22=30=24m+6sm; C. tetracocca 2n=30=22m+8sm; C. taliensis 2n=30=22m+8sm; C. gymnogyna 2n=30=22m +6sm+2st and 2n=30=20m=8sm+2st; C. gymnogynoides 2n=30=22m +6sm+2st and 2n=30=20m+8sm+2st; C. jungkiangensis 2n=30=20m+8sm+2st; C. sinensis 2n =30+20m+8sm+2st, and C. sinensis var. ruoella 2n=30=20m+8sm+2st. All the karyotypes belong to Stebbins “2A”. The following main aspects are discussed. 1. Chromosome numbers: All these species are found to have 2n=30. Based on the previous and present reports, It clearly indicates that evolution of this group has taken place mainly on diploid level, but not on polyploid one. 2. The karyotype variation: Generally, all the karyotypes examined are similar, but according to symmetry of karyotype, they may be grouped into two types. One is characterized by metacentric (m)and submetacentric (sm)chromosomes, involving C. quinquelochlaris, C. tetracocca, C. taliensis, while the other is characterized by a pair of subtelocentric (st) chromosome besides m and sm chromosomes, involving C. gymnogyna, C. gymnogynoides, C. jungkiangensis, C. sinensis and C. sinensis var. ruoella. It is suggested that the mechanism for karyotype variation and speciation in Sect. Thea be pericentric inversion or reciprocal translocation. The first type is more symmetrical than the second one, and is thus relatively primitive. 3. The orginal center of Sect. Thea: Based on the analysis of karyotypes, morphological characters, geographical distribution and biochemical features, the authors consider that the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau including the contiguous area in Yunnan, Guangxi and Guizhou is the original center, from where it radiated, resulting in the present distribution pattern of Sect. Thea.4. Taxonomic treatment of Sect. Thea: The taxonomic treatment of Sect. Thea is complicated and still confused up to now. The number of species is more than 40 according to Zhang’s taxonomic system (1984), but, recently, most of them are reduced by Min (1992). Further work should be based on the concept of morphological discontinuity and in formation from other branches of sciences. Whether two types of karyotype are two biological species remains questionable.  相似文献   

中国山茶属4种2变种核型研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
李光涛  梁涛   《广西植物》1990,10(3):189-197
本文采用去壁低渗法研究了我国山茶属植物4种2变种的核型。根据Levan等的命名系统,各个种的核型可简式为大理茶2n=20m+2m(SAT)+8sm;勐腊茶2n=20m+2m(SAT)+6sm+2sm(SAT);德宏茶2n=20m+8sm+2sm(SAT);苦茶2n=20m+9sm+1sm(SAT);茶2n=18m+2m(SAT)+12sm;白毛茶2n=18m十2m(SAT)+9sm+1sm(SAT)。这些种都是二倍体种(2n=2x=30),未发现多倍体。在勐腊茶核型中发现2个超数染色体(B-chromosome)。核型的不对称性表明,这些种均属于Stebbins核型分类的2A型核型。这些种在“随体数目和位置,最长染色体与最短染色体之比,臂比大于2:1的染色体比例,着丝点端化值,染色体绝对长度”方面的变异是清楚易见的。核型的变异表明,这些种的染色体进化顺序为大理茶—→勐腊茶—→德宏茶—→普洱茶—→白毛茶—→苦茶—→茶。这一结果与张宏达提出的山茶属植物的分类系统基木吻合。本文还讨论了山茶属植物核型的杂合性和多态性。本文中勐腊茶、德宏茶、苦茶的染色体数目和核型及大理茶的核型为首次报道。  相似文献   

五种珍珠菜的核型研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
本文对5种珍珠菜亚属植物进行了染色体数目及核型研究。其中瓣珍珠菜2n=24=12m+8sm+4st(2SAT)、黑腺珍珠菜2n=22=2m+4sm+6st+10t、泽珍珠菜2n=24=14m+6sm(2SAT)+4st和小叶珍珠菜2n=48=34m+10sm+4st的染色体数目及核型为首次报道。中国九江产的红根草核型2n=24=20m+4sm(2SAT)与日本产的核型2n=24=18m(1SAT)  相似文献   

横断山区伞形科4种7个居群植物的核型研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对横断山区伞形科棱子芹属2种植物(松潘棱子芹Pleurospermum franchetianumHemsl.和西藏棱子芹Pleurospermum hookeriC.B.Clarke var.thomsoniiC.B.Clarke)和茴芹属2种植物(异叶茴芹Pimpinella diversi-foliaDC.和锐叶茴芹Pimpinella argutaDiels)共7个居群进行体细胞染色体数目观察和核型比较分析,结果表明,棱子芹属和茴芹属植物属内种间染色体基数存在差异,其中松潘棱子芹为2n=2x=18=16sm 2st,西藏棱子芹为2n=2x=22=16m 6sm;茴芹属光果组中锐叶茴芹为2n=2x=22=22m,毛果组中异叶茴芹为2n=18=18st或2n=18=2sm 16st.松潘棱子芹、西藏棱子芹、锐叶茴芹的染色体数目和核型均为首次报道,从而为棱子芹属和茴芹属的分类和演化研究提供细胞学依据.  相似文献   

鹅观草属五个类群的核型与进化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
蔡联炳  冯海生   《广西植物》1998,18(1):35-40
报道了鹅观草属5个类群的核型,即长芒鹅观草,核型2n=4x=28=22m+6sm(2SAT);短颖鹅观草,核型2n=4x=28=20m(2SAT)+8sm(2SAT);短柄鹅观草,核型2n=4x=28=22m(2SAT)+6sm;纤毛鹅观草,核型2n=4x=28=20m+8sm(4SAT);毛盘鹅观草,核型2n=4x=28=18m+6sm(4SAT)+4st。同时,通过核型重要性状的递变分析,揭示了鹅观草属5个类群的相对进化程度以及宏观分类中4个组的系统发育关系,表明鹅观草属的半颖组在系统发育中可能既派生了颖体短小的小颖组,又派生了颖体长大的大颖组和长颖组。  相似文献   

长毛红山茶和长尾红山茶的核型分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
<正> 长毛红山茶(Camelliav uillosa Chang et S.Y.Liang)和长尾红山茶(C.longicaudata Chang et S.Y.Liang)均为张宏达教授定的新种,分别隶属于山茶属(Camellia)红山茶组(Sect.Camellia)的滇山茶亚组(Subsect.Reficulala)和光果红山茶亚组(Subsect.Lucidissima),前者分布在我国的湖南、广西和贵州,后者分布在广东和广西。 红山茶组共有33个种、1个亚种,7个变种。根据文献资料统计,该组作过染色体计数的有10个种,1个亚种和6个变种,作过核型分析的有4个种、1个亚种和2个变种。本文对该组的长毛红山茶和长尾红山茶的核型作首次报道,并与该组的10个种,1个亚种和6个变种的染色体数目或核型作了比较。  相似文献   

五种苏铁属植物的核形态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
报道了苏铁属(Cycas L.)5种植物的染色体数目和核型,除多歧苏铁外,其他种均为首次报道。5个种的体细胞中期染色体核型公式分别为:滇南苏铁C.diannanensis K(2n)=2x=22=2m 4sm 4st 12T;潭清苏铁C.tanqingii K(2n)=2x=22=2m 8sm 2st 10T;多歧苏的Cmultipinnata K(2n)=2x=22=4m 8st 2st 8T;巴兰萨苏铁C.balansae K(2n)=2x=xx=2m 4sm 6st 10T。石山苏铁C.miquelii K(2n)=22=2m 6sm(1SAT) 4st 10T;核型均属于3B型。本研究结果支持苏铁属植物的核型从不对称进化的观点;同时,支持将巴兰萨苏铁和石山苏铁归入攀枝花苏铁组的台湾苏铁亚组的观点。  相似文献   

广西茶六个品种的核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邹琦丽  覃秀菊  覃松林   《广西植物》1992,12(4):340-344
广西5个农家栽培茶和1个野生茶品种的染色体观察,它们的核型分别为:龙胜单株茶2n=30=18m+2m(SAT)+10 sm;开山茶2n=30=20m+4m(SAT)+6 sm;桂青茶2n=30=20m+2m(SAT)+8 sm;凌云茶2n=30=18m+2m(SAT)+10 sm;排旗茶2n=30=22 m+2m(SAT)+6 sm;扶绥茶(野生品种)2n=30=22 m+8 sm;它们的核型均属“2A”型。并且都为二倍体种。  相似文献   

五种国产梾木属(广义)植物的核型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对分布于我国的木来木属CornusL .(广义 ) 4个主要类群的 5种植物进行了细胞学研究。结果表明 ,这 5种植物的染色体数目和核型分别为 :灯台树C .controversaHemsl.2n=2 0 =2m 8sm 1 0st;红瑞木C .albaL .2n =2 2 =8sm 1 2st 2t;毛木来C .walteriWanger.2n =2 2 =8sm 1 4st(0_2SAT) ;山茱萸C .officinalisSeib .etZucc .2n =1 8=8m 1 0sm (0_2SAT) ;四照花 (变种 )C .kousavar.chinensisOsborn 2n =2 2=2sm 6st (0_2SAT) 1 4t  相似文献   

The chromosome numbers and karyotypes of 7 species of Smilax L. in Liliaceae (s. 1.) are cytotaxonomically studied in this work. Their karyotypic characters, distinction between the species and the chromosomal basis of sexual differentiation are discussed. The karyotypes of most species are first reported. The results are shown as follows (see Tables 1-4 for the chromosome parameters and the karyotype constitution; Fig. 1 for their idiograms): 1. Smilax nipponica Miq. The species is one of the herbaceous species distributed in East Asia. Two karyotypes, 2n = 26(type A) and 2n = 32 (type B), are found in the species (Plate 1: 1-7). The karyotype of No. 88032 (uncertain of -L--M--S- sexuality) is 2n = 26 = 2m + 6st + 6m + 4sm + 6sm + 2st. The karyotype has 4 pairs of L chromosomes, of which the first three pairs are subterminal, and the 4th is median. The karyotype belongs to 3B. No. 88045 (the male) and No. 88046 (the female) have 2n = 32. Their karyotypes are basically uniform, and both are -L--M-- S 2n=32= 2m+4sm+ 2st+ 2m+4sm+ 6m+ 10sm + 2st, also with 4 pairs of L chromosomes, but the 2nd pair is median, and thus different from the type A. The karyotype belongs to 3B. The first pair of chromosomes of the male are distinctly unequal in length, with the D. V. (0.93) of relative length between them obviously greater than that of the female (0.1). The pair seems to be of sex-chromosomes. Sixteen bivalents (n= 16) were observed at PMCs MI of No. 88045 (Plate 1: 4). The major difference between the karyotypes A and B are greater relative length of L chromosomes in the type A than in the type B, and the increase of chromosome number in the karyotype B mainly due to the increase of st chromosomes. Nakajima (1937)reports 2n= 30 for S. hederacea var. nipponica (=S. nipponica, Wang and Tang, 1980). 2. S. riparia A. DC. This species is also herbaceous, distributed in East Asia. Thirty chromosomes were found in root-tip cells (uncertain of sexuality). The kar -L--M--S-yotype is 2n = 30 = 8st + 6sm + 2st + 6m + 6sm + 2st (Plate 3: 1, 5), consisting mainly of sm and st chromosomes. There are 4 pairs of L chromosomes which are all subterminal and the m chromosomes appear to fall all into S category. Though the karyotype belongs to 3B, it is less symmetrical than that of S. nipponica. The species is karyologically rather different from S. nipponica, therefore. The first pair of chromosomes of this material are unequal in length, and it may be a male. The karyotype of this species is first reported. 3. S. sieboldii Miq. The species is a thorny climbing shrub, distributed in East Asia. At PMCs All, 16 chromosomes (n= 16) were found (Plate 2: 6), in accordance with Nakajima's (1933) report for a Japanese material. 4. S. china L. This species, a thorny climbing shrub, is of a wide distribution range mainly in East Asia and Southeast Asia. Two karyotypes were observed in different populations. (1) The population from Xikou has 2n = 96(6x) = 20st+L- -M- 6t + 6sm + 12st + 52(S) (Plate 3:7), of which the first three pairs of chromosomes are terminal, different from those in the other species. The arm ratios of both L and M chromosomes are larger than 2.0, which resembles those of S. davidiana. (2) PMCs MI of the population from Shangyu shew 15 chromosomes (n 15). The hexaploid of the species is recorded for the first time. Hsu (1967,1971) reported 2n = 30 from Taiwai and Nakajima (1937) recorded n = 30 from Japan, which indicates that the karyotype of the species varies not only in ploidy, but also in number. 5. S. davidiana A. DC. The somatic cells were found to have 32 chromosomes, and PMCs MI shew 16 bivalents (Plate 2: 1-5). The karyotype is 2n = 32=-L- -M- -S 8st + 4sm + 4st + 8sm + 8st. The karyotype belongs to 3B, and is less symmetrical than those in herbaceous species. The D. V. (0.20) of relative length between the two homologues of the first pair is slightly larger in the male than in the female (0.14), and it is thus difficult to determine whether they are sexual chromosomes or not. 6. S. glabra Roxb. The species is a non-thorny climbing shrub, distributed in East Asia and Southeast Asia. 32 chromosomes were found in somatic cells. The -L- -M- - Skaryotype is 2n= 32= 8st + 10st+6sm+8st (Plate 3: 2, 6),with only 3 pairs of sm chromosomes (12, 13 and 16th). The karyotype is more asymmetric than that of S. davidiana, although it is also of 3B (Table 1). The karyotype is first reported for the species. 7. S. nervo-marginata Hay. var. liukiuensis (Hay.) Wang et Tang The variety has a relatively narrow distribution range, mainly occurring in eastern China. The chromosomal number of somatic cells is 2n= 32 (Plate 3: 3-4). The karyotype is -L- -M- -S 2n = 32 = 2sm + 6st + 2sm + 2st + 2m + 6sm + 12st, evidently different from that of S. glabra. The first pair of chromosomes are submedian, and much longer than the 2nd to 4th pairs. The ratio in length of the largest chromosome to the smallest one is 4.3. The symmetric degree is of 3C, a unique type. The karyotype of the species is reported for the first time. In Smilax, the known basic numbers are 13, 15, 16 and 17. The two herbaceous species distributed in East Asia have three basic numbers: 13, 15 and 16, while the woody species studied mainly have 16, with no 13 recorded. Mangaly (1968) studied 8 herbaceous species in North America and reported 2n=26 for them except S. pseudo-china with 2n=30. Mangaly considered that a probably ancestral home of Smilax, both the herbaceous and woody, is in Southeast Asia and the eastern Himalayas, and speculated that the ancestral type of Sect. Coprosmanthus is possibly an Asian species, S. riparia. The karyotypes of the two herbaceous species in East Asia consist mostly of sm and m chromosomes, whereas those for the North American species are all of st chromosomes. Based on the general rule of karyotypic evolution, i.e. from symmetry to asymmetry, his speculation seems reasonable. Researches on sex-chromosomes of Smilax have been carried out since 1930 (Lindsay, 1930; Jensen, 1937; Nakajima, 1937; Mangaly, 1968), and they are generally considered to be the largest pair, but there is still no adequate evidence. The result of our observation on S. nipponica may confirm that the first pair of chromosomes of this species is XY type of sex-chromosomes. Chromosomes of the genus are small and medium-sized, varying between 1-6 μm, slightly larger in herbaceous species than in woody ones, larger in the karyotype of 2n=26 than in that of 2n=32. Based on karyotype constitution of the above 5 species, the karyotype in the genus is characterized by 4 pairs of L chromosomes and 2-5 pairs of M chromosomes, and mostly st and sm chromosomes, and by rather asymmetrical 3B type. The degree of symmetry in the above 5 species is from Sect. Coprosmanthus to Sect. Coilanthus, and herbaceous species towoody ones.  相似文献   

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