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Summary The lithologic associations within the Lower Ordovician Mungok Formation in Korea define four depositional facies that formed across a continental margin fringing the Sino-Korean block: these facies represent lagoonal/restricted marine, shoal, inner shelf, and outer shelf environments. The stacking pattern of these facies reveals two systems tracts composed of five depositional sequences. The lower highstand systems tract consists of the lagoonal/restricted marine and shoal facies, whereas the upper lowstand systems tract comprises, in ascending order, inner shelf, outer shelf, and inner shelf facies. Three trilobite biofacies are recognized in the Mungok Formation: i.e.,Yosimuraspis, Kainella, andShumardia biofacies in ascending order. TheYosimuraspis Biofacies is dominated byYosimuraspis but also containsJujuyaspis andElkanaspis. The predominance of the endemic eponymous taxon suggests a lagoonal/restricted marine environment. The nearly monotaxicKainella Biofacies, which comprises pandemic genera such asKainella and occasionallyLeiostegium, may represent a less restricted environment than theYosimuraspis Biofacies. TheShumardia Biofacies occurs in the marlstone/shale lithofacies through relatively thick stratigraphic interval and is dominated by cosmopolitan trilobite taxa with some endemic species. The lithofacies and cosmopolitan trilobite assemblage of theShumardia Biofacies indicate that it occupied an outer shelf environment. The vertical succession of lithofacies and trilobite biofacies in the Mungok Formation records in general a shift from a restricted, shallow water environment to deeper-water environment.  相似文献   

Q-mode factor analysis of total foraminiferal abundance data (living plus dead) from 250 grab samples taken from the continental margin off Nova Scotia allows the determination of eight factor assemblages. On the northeastern shelf, an exclusively agglutinated assemblage dominated byAdercotryma glomerata occupies both banks and basins. Central shelf basins contain a predominantly calcareous assemblage dominated byGlobobulimina auriculata andNonionellina labradorica. Transitional between these two factor assemblages is an agglutinated assemblage dominated bySaccammina atlantica. Consistently present along the shelf edge is aTrifarina angulosa assemblage. In northeastern bays and a few samples near Sable Island, an agglutinatedEggerella advena assemblage is found. A relict and transport affected assemblage dominated byElphidium excavatum occurs in the southwestern approaches to Emerald Basin. Sandy/gravelly areas of the inner shelf and outer bank regions are characterized by aCibicides lobatulus assemblage.The statistical relationships of these defined assemblages to various aspects of the marine environment (depth, temperature, salinity, percent gravel, sand and mud) were investigated through multiple regression techniques. Results indicate that the present foraminiferal distribution patterns off Nova Scotia are influenced by the prevailing watermass characters and substrate. TheAdercotryma glomerata assemblage is influenced by the presence of cold, (0–4°C) low salinity waters (32–33‰) of arctic, Labrador Current origin. The central basin assemblage (G. auriculata) is related to warmer (8–12°C) more saline waters (35‰) of slope origin. The transition between these two bottom waters is marked by the opportunisticSaccammina atlantica assemblage. Preferred substrate character possibly determines the occurrence of theCibicides lobatulus, Islandiella islandica andEggerella advena assemblages.Trifarina angulosa shows a significant relationship to salinity and depth.Although the surficial sediments on the Nova Scotian Shelf are largely the product of reworking of glacial deposits during late glacial and early Holocene times, all but theE. excavatum factor assemblage appear to be in equilibrium with the modern oceanographic regime.  相似文献   

The ecology of ostracods in the northern Japan Sea is well documented. These ostracods can be grouped in two assemblages: (1) the Tsushima Warm Current Surface Water Assemblage (TWSA, northern), which lives in an environment where summer temperatures reach up to about 20 °C, winter temperatures up to about 5 °C. Several species in this assemblage, e.g., Loxoconcha optima and Pontocythere subjaponica tolerate seasonally low temperatures, and lived in the region since the early Pleistocene; (2) the Japan Sea Intermediate Proper Water Assemblage (JSI-PA), which lives at greater depths (lower shelf to upper slope). This assemblage lives under stable conditions, with a small annual range in temperature (0–5 °C). The assemblage has a relatively low diversity, contains species such as Acanthocythereis dunelmensis and Robertsonites spp., and has been present in the area since the Pliocene. These data indicate that the presently living species either tolerate seasonally low temperatures (TWSA, northern) or tolerate stable, but very low temperatures (near 0 °C), and therefore, they could survive the Pleistocene environmental fluctuations in the Japan Sea caused by glacio-eustatic changes in sea level. Our data document the survival of ostracod species during past climate change, and thus can be used to speculate on the effect of possible future climate change on the faunas. We predict that some of the cryophilic species in the Japan Sea cannot be expected to survive global warming for more than 2 centuries.  相似文献   

The Kongsfjord (west Spitsbergen) hosts the most active glacier on the island. Therefore the glacial impact on the marine ecosystem is very pronounced and easily recognisable. The study examines the influence of the steep glacier-derived environmental gradients on dominant macrofaunal species distributions and faunal associations in the fjord. The macrobenthic fauna was sampled by van Veen grab at 30 stations situated throughout the fjord (at depths 38–380 m). Two major communities were recognised. An inner basin receives the outflows from three glaciers and is occupied by a Glacial Bay Community dominated by small, surface detritus-feeders, with Chone paucibranchiata and a set of thyasirid and nuculanid bivalves (Thyasira dunbari, Yoldiella solidula, Y. lenticula) as characteristic species. An outer basin of the fjord is characterised by a common set of dominant species, including Heteromastus filiformis, Maldane sarsi, Levinsenia gracilis, Lumbrineris sp. and Leitoscoloplos sp. Three associations may be distinguished within the Outer Basin Community. Association TRANS is of transitional character, with Nuculoma tenuis and Terebellides stroemi. Association CENTR is the most typical for the community. It is dominated by tube-dwelling Prionospio sp., Clymenura polaris, Galathowenia oculata and Spiochaetopterus typicus. Association ENTR contains shelf benthos elements, e.g. Ophiura robusta and Lepeta caeca. An opportunistic eurytopic Chaetozone group is present throughout the fjord and its density and dominance increase with proximity to the glaciers. Dominant species distribution is discussed in relation to environmental factors, of which sediment stability, inorganic particle concentration, sedimentation rate and amount of organic matter in sediments are considered to be most important in structuring the communities.  相似文献   

This study investigates the present geographical boundaries and environmental limits of the diatom flora in the Baffin Bay and Davis Strait area. Seventy-four sea floor surface samples were examined. The raw data were analyzed with the CABFAC factor analysis program. Five factor assemblages, explaining 87% of the observed variance, emerged from this test. The statistically most important assemblage is the “Baffin Current assemblage”, composed ofThalassiosira gravida spores. The second assemblage is the “summer pack ice assemblage”, consisting ofActinocyclus curvatulus, with a lesser contribution ofThalassiosira trifulta. A third assemblage, dominated byThalassiosira hyalina, is located along the southwest coast of Greenland, indicating low ice concentration. The fourth assemblage consists ofPorosira sp. spores and indicates fast ice conditions. The fifth assemblage is dominated byThalassionema nitzschioides andPorosira glacialis (vegetative cells), and indicates the coastal environment. Diatoms found in the sediment belong to discrete assemblages which reflect differences in water masses, such as salinity and ice conditions. These findings should assist in the interpretation of paleoceanographic conditions in the region when diatom assemblages are studied in piston core sediments.  相似文献   

Marine geology and physical oceanographic data collected during two field projects (∼4 months) on the Caribbean shelf of Nicaragua indicate a surprising dominance of carbonate deposition and reef growth on a shelf that is receiving an abnormally large volume of terrigenous sediments. High rainfall rates (∼400–500 cm/year), coupled with a warm tropical climate, encourage rapid denudation of the country’s central volcanic highland and transport of large volumes of terrigenous sediment and fresh water to the coast. Estimates suggest that three times more fresh water and fifteen times more sediment are introduced per unit length of coastline than on the east coast of the United States. Distribution of the terrigenous facies, development of carbonate sediment suites, and the location and quality of viable reefs are strongly controlled by the dynamic interaction near the coasts of highly turbid fresh to brackish water effluents from thirteen rivers with clear marine waters of the shelf. Oceanic water from the central Caribbean drift current intersects the shelf and moves slowely in a dominant northwest direction toward the Yucatan Channel. A sluggish secondary gyre moves to the south toward Costa Rica. In contrast, the turbid coastal water is deflected to the south in response to density gradients, surface water slopes, and momentum supplied by the steady northeast trade winds. A distinct two-layered flow is commonly present in the sediment-rich coastal boundary zone, which is typically 10–20 km wide. The low-salinity upper layer is frictionally uncoupled from the ambient shelf water and therefore can expand out of the normally coherent coastal boundary zone during periods of abnormal flooding or times when instability is introduced into the northeast trades. Reef distribution, abruptness of the terrigenous-carbonate interface, and general shelf morphology reflect the long-term dynamic structure of the shelf waters. A smooth-bottomed ramp of siliciclastic sands to silts and clays mantles the inner shelf floor in a linear belt paralleling the coast. This belt generally corresponds to the western flank of the coastal boundary zone. Occurrence of reefs is generally confined to areas outside this zone. Terrigenous clays and silts of the inner shelf are abruptly (<20 km from the coast) replaced byHalimeda-rich sediment of the middle and outer shelf. Within the carbonate facies belt, reef complexes thrive as small, isolated masses; large, reef-capped platforms; reef fringes around islands; and shelfedge structures with vertical relief that can exceed 25 m. In general, the frequency and proliferation of reefs increase away from the turbid coastal boundary layer and toward the cooler and saltier water that upwells at the shelf margin.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine surface sediment samples from Effingham Inlet, a small fjord on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, were analyzed for diatoms. This fjord has been selected for paleoceanographic investigation due to the presence of laminated sediments resulting from the dysoxic to anoxic bottom water conditions in the inner and outer basins of the inlet. Distributional patterns of the diatom microflora reflected proximity to littoral regions, phytoplankton production, and marine influence from outside the fjord. Principal components and cluster analyses of the microflora established four diatom assemblages with a clear separation between the inner and outer basin diatom floras. Inner basin stations were characterized by elevated absolute abundance with assemblages dominated by spring–early summer bloom taxa including Skeletonema costatum, Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii, and Thalassiosira pacifica. Chaetoceros spp. resting spores were abundant throughout Effingham Inlet, with the exception of the stations closest to the fjord head. Stations located in the outer basin and towards the fjord mouth had relatively lower absolute abundance yet showed a higher relative and absolute abundance of Thalassionema nitzschioides, Rhizosolenia setigera, Coscinodiscus radiatus, Ditylum brightwellii, Odontella longicruris, and Paralia sulcata in relation to the inner basin. Many of these latter taxa are often associated with late summer and autumn conditions in fjords along coastal British Columbia. Oceanographic data for Effingham Inlet suggest that increased offshore penetration is more likely to occur from summer to early fall, with a more restricted offshore influence in the inner basin. Diatom surface sediment assemblages in Effingham Inlet appear to reflect incursions of offshore waters into the fjord. Absolute abundance estimates and the preservation of lightly silicified taxa suggest excellent preservation of fossil material in the sediments of the predominantly anoxic inner basin. Preservation in the outer basin is reduced, reflecting more frequent recharge by oxygenated waters spilling over the outer sill into the basin. Our findings suggest the inner basin should be an optimal site for reconstruction of diatom production, with records from the outer basin providing more consistent information about offshore influence and coastal upwelling conditions over the Holocene. Estimates of diatom abundance within the inner basin sediment may serve as a good proxy of production, although proxy tracers of bottom water conditions and sedimentological analyses must be coupled to the diatom record to ensure depositional conditions were not influencing valve preservation or abundance. Our results suggest that fjords can serve as good environments for paleoceanographic reconstructions of both inshore and offshore conditions although careful site selection and understanding of processes affecting the microfossil record are essential.  相似文献   

Brachiopod fauna from central Iran, recorded in the upper part of the Shemshak Group and attributed to the upper Toarcian (Pseudoradiosa-Aalensis zones), are reported for the first time in Iran. The assemblage recognized includes six different taxa: Homoeorhynchia sepahanensis nov. sp., formally described in this paper, Globirhynchia subobsoleta, Pseudogibbirhynchia sp., Tetrarhynchiidae sp. indet., Monsardithyris? aff. haresfieldensis, and Zeilleria cf. leckenbyi. Analysis of faunal affinities with other paleobiogeographical regions shows a free connection of the central Iranian brachiopod fauna and wide areas of the northern shelf margin of the Tethys Ocean. This is due to an apparent disruption of bioprovinciality inferred for the late Toarcian-earliest Aalenian, congruent with a connection through the northern seaway across the peri-Laurasian epicontinental platforms.  相似文献   

The depth-related patterns in the benthic megafauna of the NE Weddell Sea shelf at the edge of the Fimbul Ice Shelf were investigated at seven sites using towed camera platform photographs. Megafaunal density decreased with depth from 77,939 ha−1 at 245 m to 8,895 ha−1 at 510 m. While diversity was variable, with H′ ranging between 1.34 and 2.28, there were no depth related patterns. Multivariate analyses revealed two distinct assemblages; a shallow assemblage with dense patches of suspension feeders in undisturbed areas and a deep assemblage where these were not present. Disturbance from icebergs explained many observed patterns in faunal distribution. In shallow waters probable effects of disturbance were observed as changes in successional stages; in deeper waters changes in habitat as a result of past disturbance explained faunal distributions. In deeper areas ice ploughing created a mosaic landscape of fine and coarse sediments. Total megafaunal density was highest in areas of coarse sediment (up to 2.9 higher than in finer sediment areas) but diversity was highest in intermediate areas (H′ = 2.35).  相似文献   

Benthic foraminifera in surface sediments from northeastern Canada and the Beaufort Shelf were studied to determine the quantitative relationship between recent assemblage distributions and modern water depth, temperature and salinity. Factor analysis shows that 7 factor assemblages account for 92% of the variance between samples. Multiple linear regression shows that different factors are significantly related to water depth, August bottom water temperature or salinity. Multiple correlation coefficients for depth, temperature and salinity are 0.94, 0.72 and 0.92, respectively. Labrador fjords contain arenaceous faunas dominated by eitherSaccammina atlantica andReophax fusiformis or byEggerella advena. Regression analysis shows that theSaccammina-Reophax factor is most strongly related to salinity. TheEggerella factor is related to depth and temperature. A fauna dominated byTrochammina nana andBuliminella elegantissima is correlated with warm, deep water in Davis Strait. Calcareous assemblages dominated byElphidium excavatum orCassidulina reniforme are found in Arctic bays and shelf areas. These factor assemblages are strongly related to temperature and depth;Cassidulina is also related to salinity. AnIslandiella helenae fauna on the inner Labrador Shelf is strongly correlated with depth and salinity. ANonionellina labradorica fauna in deep shelf basins is closely related to salinity.The multiple regression model for the sea-bed data estimates water depth, August bottom water temperature and salinity within confidence limits of ± 67 m, 1.3°C and 1.0‰. Paleoecological transfer functions were used to quantify environmental changes recorded by the foraminifera in two piston cores on a transect across the Labrador Shelf. Paleo-depth estimates obtained from the core data produce relative sea-level curves which are similar in shape to theoretical curves for this region. Paleo-salinity and -temperature estimates for offshore Core 12 show that the change from a postglacialNonionellina fauna to a late glacialE. excavatum fauna is accompanied by a decrease of about 2‰ in salinity and 4°C in temperature. Paleoecological estimates for fjord Core 111 show that the change from a modernSaccammina-Reophax fauna to a mid-HoloceneI. helenae fauna corresponds to a salinity increase of 3–5‰ and temperature increase of 1–2°C.  相似文献   

Three mass accumulations of sea urchins from the Miocene of Sardinia show a number of taphonomic features which set them apart from previously described echinoid assemblages from the Cenozoic in which they represent: (1) monotypic assemblages; (2) include very well‐preserved remains of either regular or spatangoid echinoids; and (3) originate in deeper water environments. These accumulations are compared using a detailed sedimentological and taphonomic analysis including preservational fabrics, taphonomic signatures, size frequency distributions, density of occurrences and preferred orientations. The possible role of gregarious behaviour contributing to mass occurrences and the specific sedimentary events leading to the excellent preservation are discussed. The interpreted depositional environment of all three deposits is that of a storm‐dominated, siliciclastic shelf environment. A phymosomatid assemblage represents rapid burial through obrution of a highly dense, freshly dead community. A Brissopsis‐dominated spatangoid assemblage represents a mixed accumulation of parautochthonous and transported skeletons. The third assemblage consisting of regular echinoid spines and rare tests represents a composite tempestite. Differences in the depositional environments are related to their position along onshore–offshore gradient with the first two beds originated in a deeper setting than that of the spine accumulation. This study shows that the preservation of assemblages containing complete regular echinoids and spatangoids is higher in deeper water settings than in shallow water environments.  相似文献   

One- and two-dimensional1H- and13C-NMR spectra of lipid extracts fromUlva rigida, Gracilaria longa, Fucus virsoides andCodium tomentosum collected in the northern Adriatic Sea allowed screening of the content of fatty acid chains, carotenoids, free and acylated cholesterol and chlorophylls. The carotenoid-to-polyunsaturated fatty acid molar ratio was taken as a comparison parameter in samples ofUlva rigida collected in differentloci and seasons; the value was markedly higher in samples from the Lagoon of Venice than from marine coastal waters. The total cholesterol concentration was evaluated by1H-NMR spectroscopy and similar values were found for all species. Two-dimensional heterocorrelated NMR spectroscopy was shown to give characteristic fingerprints of the lipid extracts from algal samples as regards the content in chlorophylls, unsaturated fatty acids and carotenoids.author for correspondence  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2007,64(3-4):111-142
Recent ostracod assemblages were investigated from coretop sediment samples collected in the eastern Kara Sea from water depths down to 300 m. A total of 45 species were identified, 27 of them were reported for the Kara Sea for the first time. The Kara Sea data were compared with our results on the distribution of ostracods in the eastern Laptev Sea. The spatial distribution of recent taxa and the ecological groupings demonstrate a clear relation to dominant environmental factors which range from estuarine to full-marine conditions. Four assemblages related to average summer bottom water salinities were established: (1) a freshwater assemblage from the inner estuaries of the Ob' and Yenisei rivers with salinities less than 2 and from thermokarst lagoons of the southern Laptev Sea coast with strong salinization in winter; (2) a brackishwater assemblage of the outer estuaries of the Ob' and Yenisei rivers with salinities up to 26; (3) a mixed euryhaline–marine assemblage dominated by euryhaline species Paracyprideis pseudopunctillata and Heterocyprideis sorbyana from the inner shelf river-affected zone of the Kara and Laptev seas, where salinities range between 26 and 32; (4) a taxonomically diverse marine assemblage dominated by shallow-water marine taxa from the northern parts of the Kara and Laptev shelves and upper continental slope with stable bottom environments and a salinity higher than 32. Abundant euryhaline species found at greater water depths are identified as part of an ice-rafted assemblage. They are possibly entrained into the newly formed fast ice during autumn storms and freeze-up period and then transported to the distal open-sea areas during summer.  相似文献   

Ostracods from ten Late Miocene coral reef complexes built by Siderastrea, Tarbellastrea and Porites, cropping out in the Messara Plain (southern Iraklion basin, central Crete), have been investigated and five assemblages have been recognised, which point to different marine environments: (1) assemblage from the basal sandy silts, dominated by very shallow inner-infralittoral species, such as Cyamocytheridea meniscus, Cyamocytheridea obstipa, Cyamocytheridea dertonensis, Cytheretta semiornata and Nonurocythereis seminulum; (2) assemblage from the coral reef complexes within which Grinioneis haidingeri, Aurila cicatricosa, Cimbaurila diecii, Tenedocythere cruciata, Pokornyella italica and Callistocythere quadrangula are dominant and point to a stable inner-infralittoral environment characterised by warm, quiet and well-oxygenated waters; (3) assemblage from the silts intercalated among the coral reef complexes, mainly characterised by Neomonoceratina laskarevi, Cytheridea acuminata, Phlyctenophora farkasi and Aurila albicans together with Callistocythere spp., Xestoleberis communis and Xestoleberis dispar, which points to a very shallow marine environment rich in aquatic vegetation; (4) assemblage from the upper silts, which records the absolute dominance of Xestoleberis species, reflecting a very shallow and highly-vegetated environment and (5) assemblage from the uppermost silty clays, dominated by Hemicytherura defiorei, Xestoleberis spp. and Palmoconcha dertobrevis, accompanied by Acanthocythereis hystrix, Cytherella scutulum, Bairdoppilata conformis, Semicytherura spp., Krithe sp., Cytheropteron alatum, Bythocypris sp. and Pseudocythere caudata, which suggest deeper marine environments probably located in the outer infralittoral/inner-circalittoral zones. The studied section has been dated by means of calcareous nannoplankton to be not younger than Zone MNN9 (Early Tortonian), which is the biostratigraphical datum recorded in the fine-grained deposits that overlie the coral reef complexes. An age not older than Tortonian can be inferred by the stratigraphical distribution of the recognized ostracods. Thus, the coral reef complexes have been tentatively referred to the Early Tortonian.  相似文献   

Summary Microbial reefs, together with stromatolitic mounds and ooid shoals, constitute massive limestones in Famennian platform marginal strata in Guilin, in sharp contrast to the well-known coral-stromatoporoid reefs in the Givetian and Frasnian. Microbes played a significant and important role as stabilizers in the Famennian carbonate deposits of Guilin. A reef at Zhaijiang was constructed byEpiphyton andRenalcis, and is representative of such carbonate buildups. The reef is situated 10 km west of Guilin and corresponds to a microbe-dominated platform margin carbonate complex. Organisms in the Zhaijiang microbial reef are low diversity and dominated by ostracods and two genera of microbes,Epiphyton andRenalcis. Other microbial genera such asSphaerocodium andWetheredella occur in most of reef facies in Guilin, but their role as reef builder is doubtful because they occur only in minor amounts. The same four genera occur in volumetrically significant amounts in the upper Devonian carbonate complexes of Alberta. Canada and Western Australia. However.Epiphyton is more abundant in the Guilin reefs. The Zhaijiang microbial reef developed above Famennian proximal slope faices, as suggested by reef architecture and paleogeographic setting. The facies sequence of the microbial reef can be divided into three parts. The lower part is composed of medium-bedded bioclastic grainstones with a few microbial framestone lithoclasts, representing a proximal slope facies. The middle part consists of thin-bedded mudstone and shale with limestone lenses that are thought to be low stand deposits. In some cross sections, mudstone and shale infilled tidal channels that developed in the bioclastic grainstones.Renalcis-Epiphyton framestone constitutes the upper part with massive stacking patterns. The reef is 35 m thick and over 50 m in width. Nine litho- and biofacies are recognized. Zhaijiang reef provides an example of a binder guild-dominated buildup in the almost vacant reef ecosystem of the Famennian and represents a characteristic kind of reef after the Frasnian/Famennian extinction.  相似文献   

The terrestrial small mammal community of the Zakouma National Park (Chad) was assessed by live trapping in various habitats during the dry season. Nearly 3000 trap-nights yielded 505 captures of nine rodent and two shrew species, making up a representative small mammal community for the Sudanian savanna biotic zone. Murine rodents of the genusMastomys dominated, withM. erythroleucus andM. cf.kollmannspergeri occuring at similar abundances. The former was widespread and especially abundant in habitats with high tree cover. The latter was more localized, predominantly in annually flooded habitats characterized by a clay-rich soil, often withAcacia seyal as the main vegetation. Population structure differed between the two species, suggesting distinct reproductive strategies possibly linked with habitat preferences: theM. erythroleucus population comprised mainly young, immature individuals, whereasM. cf.kollmannspergeri was represented by older individuals, a significant fraction of which had already reproduced.Taterillus congicus andTatera kempi (gerbilline rodents), together withLemniscomys zebra, were mainly found in more open habitats with sand-rich soils.Arvicanthis niloticus, Acomys cf.johannis, Mus mattheyi andXerus erythropus were the other rodents captured, whereas shrews were represented byCrocidura fulvastra andSuncus sp.  相似文献   

As food of planktivorous fish and likely good predictors of natural perturbations, members of the family Calanidae are recognised to be key species in ecosystems worldwide. The distribution and seasonal relative abundance of the Calanidae species occurring in the Argentine Sea were reviewed from published and unpublished data collected over the last three decades. Species are also figured in order to elucidate any possible taxonomic uncertainty. Calanoides cf. carinatus, Calanus australis and Calanus simillimus are the most abundant calanids in the region. The former two species typically inhabit inner and middle shelf waters decreasing offshore, while Calanus simillimus is distributed in the middle and outer shelf, its abundance increasing towards the shelf-break. The southern limit of the distribution of Calanoides cf. carinatus appears to be 46° S. Calanus australis is the most common large copepod in coastal and inner shelf waters off southern Patagonia. Neocalanus tonsus and Calanoides patagoniensis are a much rarer species. The latter is recorded in the southwestern Atlantic, for the first time, immediately east of Magallanes Strait and the Beagle Channel. The taxonomic status and worldwide biogeographic distribution of the region's calanids are briefly described and the patterns identified off Argentina are discussed in relation to the major hydrographic characteristics.  相似文献   

Summary Diverse and abundant trace fossils of the deep-waterNereites ichnofacies have been found in well-dated Early Permian deep-water turbidites (Lercara Formation) of western Sicily (Italy). Conodonts indicate a latest Artinskian to Cathedralian (late Early Permian) age. Microfossils (pelagic conodonts, albaillellid Radiolaria, paleopsychrospheric ostracods, foraminiferal associations dominated byBathysiphon), trace fossils (deep-bathyal to abyssalNereites ichnofacies) and sedimentologic data collectively indicate a deep-water environment for the Early Permian turbidites of the Lercara Formation. The dominance ofAgrichnium and of thePaleodictyon subichnogeneraSquamodictyon andMegadictyon suggests that this icnofauna is closely related in ichnotaxonomic composition to other late Paleozoic deep-water ichnofaunas. The occurrence ofAcanthorhaphe. Dendrotichnium andHelicoraphe, to date only reported from Cretaceous or Tertiary flysch deposits, suggests that the entire ichnofauna corresponds well to previously documented Silurian-Tertiary flysch ichnofaunas. Eight new ichnospecies and a new ichnosubgenus,Megadictyon, are described.  相似文献   

Abstract Have the warm tropical waters and currents of the southern Gulf of California, Mexico (also known as the Sea of Cortez), formed a barrier to gene flow, resulting in disjunct populations in the upper gulf that are isolated from the outer Pacific Coast? Phylogeographic and genetic divergences of the spotted sand bass, Paralabrax maculatofasciatus, from three Gulf of California and two outer Pacific coastal locations were tested using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences. Sequence data from two congeners that are sympatrically distributed along the outer Pacific Coast, the barred sand bass, P. nebulifer, and the kelp bass, P. clathratus, were used to gauge the levels of genetic divergences. Differences among the three species and between the northern gulf and outer Pacific coastal populations of P. maculatofasciatus also were analyzed using 40 allozymic presumptive gene loci. Allozyme and mtDNA analyses each revealed many fixed differences among the species. Three significant allozymic frequency differences and two fixed mtDNA substitutions differentiated the gulf and outer Pacific coastal populations of P. maculatofasciatus. Three unique mtDNA haplotypes and three unique allozyme alleles were identified from the outer Pacific coastal population. The gulf sites contained four unique mtDNA haplotypes and six unique allozyme alleles. Partitioning of the mtDNA variation revealed that 72% of the variance occurred between the gulf and outer Pacific Coast, 20% between sampling sites in the two regions, and 8% within the sites. There appears to be little gene flow across the waters of the southern Baja Penninsula, producing divergence estimated as 120,000 to 600,000 years between the outer Pacific coastal and the Gulf of California populations. This separation level may date to a hypothesized seaway closure near La Paz, Mexico, during the mid‐Pleistocene, and characterizes other fish populations. A second pattern of deeper allopatric species‐level divergences in some other fishes may date to a Pliocene closure of a mid‐Baja Penninsular seaway. Significant differences also were discerned in P. maculatofasciatus between the San Diego and central Baja California coastal sites and between the upper/central and the lower gulf locations. Variation between locations in the two regions may be indicative of larval retention and low adult migration, which needs to be tested further.  相似文献   

Summary Coral assemblages in northern Safaga Bay, Red Sea, Egypt, are qualitatively described. Nine distinct assemblages were found, which correspond to quantitatively defined community types previously described from the area off Hurghada, northern Red Sea. Their distribution within northern Safaga Bay was mapped. Strong gradient and/or steep relief assemblages were:Acropora assemblage on windward (exposed) reefs,Porites assemblage on leeward (sheltered) reefs,Millepora assemblage on current exposed reefs,Stylophora assemblage on reef flats. Low gradient and/or low relief assemblages were:Acropora dominated coral patches in areas of good circulation to a depth of 15 m,Stylophora/Acropora coral patch assemblages in shallow sheltered environments, faviid carpet in low relief areas between 10 and 25 m which with increasing turbidity turns into a depauperate faviid carpet,Porites carpet in low relief areas between 5 and 15 m with clearest water,Sarcophyton carpet in low relief areas with high suspension load, platy scleractinian assemblage in deeper water (>25 m) with low light intensity. The distribution of coral assemblages depends basically on 1) topography 2) hydrodynamics 3) light and 4) suspension load.  相似文献   

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