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Suspensions of Nitrosomonas europaea are shown to cause the complete disappearance of 10 microM trichloroethylene at rates of 1 microM mg protein-1. The reaction continues at nearly this rate for many hours. Fresh cells catalyze the reaction in the absence of added ammonium (presumably utilizing endogenous ammonia or stored reductant). In older cells, trichloroethylene degradation depends on the addition of ammonia. Acetylene, 2-chloro 6-trichloromethylpyridine and alpha alpha'dipyridyl, which inhibit the oxidation of ammonia by cells, inhibit the degradation of trichloroethylene. Thus degradation of trichloroethylene is dependent on- and possibly catalyzed by the ammonia oxidizing enzyme.  相似文献   

Nitrosomonas europaea (ATCC 19718) is a gram-negative obligate chemolithoautotroph that can derive all its energy and reductant for growth from the oxidation of ammonia to nitrite. Nitrosomonas europaea participates in the biogeochemical N cycle in the process of nitrification. Its genome consists of a single circular chromosome of 2,812,094 bp. The GC skew analysis indicates that the genome is divided into two unequal replichores. Genes are distributed evenly around the genome, with approximately 47% transcribed from one strand and approximately 53% transcribed from the complementary strand. A total of 2,460 protein-encoding genes emerged from the modeling effort, averaging 1,011 bp in length, with intergenic regions averaging 117 bp. Genes necessary for the catabolism of ammonia, energy and reductant generation, biosynthesis, and CO(2) and NH(3) assimilation were identified. In contrast, genes for catabolism of organic compounds are limited. Genes encoding transporters for inorganic ions were plentiful, whereas genes encoding transporters for organic molecules were scant. Complex repetitive elements constitute ca. 5% of the genome. Among these are 85 predicted insertion sequence elements in eight different families. The strategy of N. europaea to accumulate Fe from the environment involves several classes of Fe receptors with more than 20 genes devoted to these receptors. However, genes for the synthesis of only one siderophore, citrate, were identified in the genome. This genome has provided new insights into the growth and metabolism of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria.  相似文献   

Suspensions of Nitrosomonas europaea catalyzed the reductive dehalogenation of the commercial nitrification inhibitor nitrapyrin (2-chloro-6-trichloromethylpyridine). The product of the reaction was identified as 2-chloro-6-dichloromethylpyridine by its mass fragmentation and nuclear magnetic resonance spectra. A small amount of 2-chloro-6-dichloromethylpyridine accumulated during the conversion of nitrapyrin to 6-chloropicolinic acid in an aerated solution in the presence of ammonia (T. Vannelli and A.B. Hooper, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 58:2321-2325, 1992). Nearly stoichiometric conversion of nitrapyrin to 2-chloro-6-dichloromethylpyridine occurred at very low oxygen concentrations and in the presence of hydrazine as a source of electrons. Under these conditions the turnover rate was 0.37 nmol of nitrapyrin per min per mg of protein. Two specific inhibitors of ammonia oxidation, acetylene and allylthiourea, inhibited the rate of the dehalogenation reaction by 80 and 84%, respectively. In the presence of D2O, all 2-chloro-6-dichloromethylpyridine produced in the reaction was deuterated at the methyl position. In an oxygenated solution and in the presence of ammonia or hydrazine, cells did not catalyze the oxidation of exogenously added 2-chloro-6-dichloromethylpyridine to 6-chloropicolinic acid. Thus, 2-chloro-6-dichloromethylpyridine is apparently not an intermediate in the aerobic production of 6-chloropicolinic acid from nitrapyrin.  相似文献   

Little information exists on the potential of NH(3)-oxidizing bacteria to cooxidize halogenated hydrocarbons in soil. A study was conducted to examine the cooxidation of methyl bromide (MeBr) by an NH(3)-oxidizing bacterium, Nitrosomonas europaea, under soil conditions. Soil and its water content modified the availability of NH(4)(+) and MeBr and influenced the relative rates of substrate (NH(3)) and cosubstrate (MeBr) oxidations. These observations highlight the complexity associated with characterizing soil cooxidative activities when soil and water interact to differentially affect substrate and cosubstrate availabilities.  相似文献   

Nitrosomonas europaea oxidizes ammonia to nitrite, thereby deriving energy for growth. Glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP+) (EC is the main route for the incorporation of ammonia into glutamic acid, because glutamate synthase (NADPH)(EC was not detected in cell-free extracts of N. europaea. Some properties of a partially purified glutamine synthetase (EC have been determined, namely the effects of pH and metal ions, substrate requirements, Km and Ki values, based on biosynthetic and gamma-glutamyltransferase (EC assays. The molecular weight of the enzyme preparation was approximately 440 000. The gamma-glutamyltransferase activity was markedly inhibited by alanine, lysine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid and serine and to a lesser extent by glycine, asparagine, arginine and histidine. Except for tryptophan and cystine, the gamma-glutamyltransferase activity was inhibited to a greater extent by these amino acids than was the biosynthetic activity. Different pairs of amino acids in various combinations resulted in a cumulative inhibition of enzyme activity determined by either method. Of the various nucleotides tested, the gamma-glutamlytransferase activity of the enzyme was inhibited to a greater extent by di- and triphosphate nucleotides--IDP, CDP, UDP, ITP, CTP, TTP and ATP (except GDP and GTP) than by monophosphate nucleotides except AMP. Saturating concentrations of pyruvate, oxalate, oxaloacetate and alpha-ketoglutarate depressed enzyme activity. Various combinations of amino acids with adenine nucleotides exerted cumulative inhibitory effects on the transferase activity.  相似文献   

The ammonia-oxidizing bacterium Nitrosomonas europaea has been widely recognized as an important player in the nitrogen cycle as well as one of the most abundant members in microbial communities for the treatment of industrial or sewage wastewater. Its natural metabolic versatility and extraordinary ability to degrade environmental pollutants (e.g., aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene and toluene) enable it to thrive under various harsh environmental conditions. Constraint-based metabolic models constructed from genome sequences enable quantitative insight into the central and specialized metabolism within a target organism. These genome-scale models have been utilized to understand, optimize, and design new strategies for improved bioprocesses. Reduced modeling approaches have been used to elucidate Nitrosomonas europaea metabolism at a pathway level. However, genome-scale knowledge about the simultaneous oxidation of ammonia and pollutant metabolism of N. europaea remains limited. Here, we describe the reconstruction, manual curation, and validation of the genome-scale metabolic model for N. europaea, iGC535. This reconstruction is the most accurate metabolic model for a nitrifying organism to date, reaching an average prediction accuracy of over 90% under several growth conditions. The manually curated model can predict phenotypes under chemolithotrophic and chemolithoorganotrophic conditions while oxidating methane and wastewater pollutants. Calculated flux distributions under different trophic conditions show that several key pathways are affected by the type of carbon source available, including central carbon metabolism and energy production.  相似文献   

Suspensions of Nitrosomonas europaea catalyzed the ammonia-stimulated aerobic transformation of the halogenated aliphatic compounds dichloromethane, dibromomethane, trichloromethane (chloroform), bromoethane, 1,2-dibromoethane (ethylene dibromide), 1,1,2-trichloroethane, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, monochloroethylene (vinyl chloride), gem-dichloroethylene, cis- and trans-dichloroethylene, cis-dibromoethylene, trichloroethylene, and 1,2,3-trichloropropane, Tetrachloromethane (carbon tetrachloride), tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene), and trans-dibromoethylene were not degraded.  相似文献   

The combined action of ammonia monooxygenase, AMO, (NH(3)+2e(-)+O(2)-->NH(2)OH) and hydroxylamine oxidoreductase, HAO, (NH(2)OH+H(2)O-->HNO(2)+4e(-)+4H(+)) accounts for ammonia oxidation in Nitrosomonas europaea. Pathways for electrons from HAO to O(2), nitrite, NO, H(2)O(2) or AMO are reviewed and some recent advances described. The membrane cytochrome c(M)552 is proposed to participate in the path between HAO and ubiquinone. A bc(1) complex is shown to mediate between ubiquinol and the terminal oxidase and is shown to be downstream of HAO. A novel, red, low-potential, periplasmic copper protein, nitrosocyanin, is introduced. Possible mechanisms for the inhibition of ammonia oxidation in cells by protonophores are summarized. Genes for nitrite- and NO-reductase but not N(2)O or nitrate reductase are present in the genome of Nitrosomonas. Nitrite reductase is not repressed by growth on O(2); the flux of nitrite reduction is controlled at the substrate level.  相似文献   

Nitrite reductase has been separated from cell-free extracts of Nitrosomonas and partially purified from hydroxylamine oxidase by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. In its oxidized state the enzyme, which did not contain haem, had an extinction maximum at 590nm, which was abolished on reduction. Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate was a potent inhibitor of nitrite reductase. Enzyme activity was stimulated 2.5-fold when remixed with hydroxylamine oxidase, but was unaffected by mammalian cytochrome c. The enzyme also exhibited a low hydroxylamine-dependent nitrite reductase activity. The results suggest that this enzyme is similar to the copper-containing ;denitrifying enzyme' of Pseudomonas denitrificans. A dithionite-reduced, 465nm-absorbing haemoprotein was associated with homogeneous preparations of hydroxylamine oxidase. The band at 465nm maximum was not reduced during the oxidation of hydroxylamine although the extinction was abolished on addition of hydroxylamine, NO(2) (-) or CO. These last-named compounds when added to the oxidized enzyme precluded the appearance of the 465nm-absorption band on addition of dithionite. Several properties of 465nm-absorbing haemoprotein are described.  相似文献   

Suspensions of Nitrosomonas europaea catalyzed the ammonia-stimulated aerobic transformation of the halogenated aliphatic compounds dichloromethane, dibromomethane, trichloromethane (chloroform), bromoethane, 1,2-dibromoethane (ethylene dibromide), 1,1,2-trichloroethane, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, monochloroethylene (vinyl chloride), gem-dichloroethylene, cis- and trans-dichloroethylene, cis-dibromoethylene, trichloroethylene, and 1,2,3-trichloropropane, Tetrachloromethane (carbon tetrachloride), tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene), and trans-dibromoethylene were not degraded.  相似文献   

Peroxidase from the obligate chemosynthetic bacterium Nitrosomonas europaea was purified 1,500-fold, and its properties were examined. The enzyme had a molecular weight of 53,000 and exhibited characteristic absorption maxima at 410, 524, and 558 mmu. The optimal pH and temperature were 7.5 and 44 C, respectively. The peroxidase reaction had an energy of activation of 5,850 cal/mole and required a primary substrate (H(2)O(2)) concentration of 7 x 10(-6)m to proceed at half maximal velocity (K(m)). Reduced cytochrome, c,p-phenylenediamine and pyrogallol acted as hydrogen donors to the purified peroxidase-H(2)O(2) complex. Conditions most suitable for the chemical oxidation of ammonium by H(2)O(2) were determined. The reaction was rapid and produced nitrite but no nitrate. Hydroxylamine was not detected as an intermediate, but it could substitute for ammonium in the system. Neither the rate nor the extent of these reactions was influenced by purified peroxidase, and no evidence was obtained to support a conclusion that the enzyme performs a vital role in the transformation of ammonium to nitrite by N. europaea.  相似文献   

The cell-free ammonia-oxidizing system of Nitrosomonas europaea was resolved into three major fractions: a membrane fraction containing cytochrome a1 and c-type cytochromes, a fraction with hydroxylamine-cytochrome c reductase and a cytochrome c fraction. The ammonia-oxidizing activity was reconstituted by the combination of these three fractions. The activity was more consistently reconstituted by adding Nitrosomonas cytochrome c554 to the membrane fraction. The hydroxylamine-cytochrome c reductase activity of the membrane fraction increased with the addition of cytochrome c554, but the oxidation of hydroxylamine to nitrite required a further addition of cytochrome c552. The ammonia oxidation by the membrane plus cytochrome c554 was affected by the concentration of phosphate and the addition of bovine serum albumin, spermine, or MgCl2.  相似文献   

The hydroxylamine oxidoreductase from Nitrosomonas europaea was prepared to apparent electrophoretic homogeneity. Electron microscopy of negatively stained preparations of the sample revealed an overall diameter of about 8.8 nm of the enzyme particle. The native structure was determined as a tetrahedron-like assembly of identical subunits exhibiting four protein masses.Abbreviations ESI Electron spectroscopic imaging - HAO Hydroxylamine oxidoreductase  相似文献   

The soil nitrifying bacterium Nitrosomonas europaea has shown the ability to transform cometabolically naphthalene as well as other 2- and 3-ringed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to more oxidized products. All of the observed enzymatic reactions were inhibited by acetylene, a selective inhibitor of ammonia monooxygenase (AMO). A strong inhibitory effect of naphthalene on ammonia oxidation by N. europaea was observed. Naphthalene was readily oxidized by N. europaea and 2-naphthol was detected as a major product (85%) of naphthalene oxidation. The maximum naphthol production rate was 1.65 nmole/mg protein-min in the presence of 240 M naphthalene and 10 mM NH4 +. Our results demonstrate that the oxidation between ammonia and naphthalene showed a partial competitive inhibition. The relative ratio of naphthalene and ammonia oxidation, depending on naphthalene concentrations, demonstrated that the naphthalene was oxidized 2200-fold slower than ammonia at lower concentration of naphthalene (15 M) whereas naphthalene was oxidized only 100-fold slower than ammonia oxidation. NH4 +- and N2H4-dependent O2 uptake measurement demonstrated irreversible inhibitory effects of the naphthalene and subsequent oxidation products on AMO and HAO activity.  相似文献   

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