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试谈我国鹅膏菌的分类研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
杨祝良 《菌物系统》2000,19(3):435-440
在过去的一百余年中,国内外菌物学家对我国鹅膏菌属(Amanita)真菌进行了大量采集和分类研究,迄今为止在菌物学文献中已为我国记载了近100年(含亚种、变种和变型)鹅膏菌,然而,其中许我是原描述于欧洲或北美的种类,它们在我国是否确有分布尚需开展深入研究。近几年来,作者在对采自我国的部分鹅膏菌标标本与欧美相似种的标本进行了比较研究,发现两者虽在外貌上有相似之处,但在内部结构上却有较大差别,在分子生物  相似文献   

试谈我国鹅膏菌的分类研究*   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨祝良 《菌物学报》2000,19(3):435-440
在过去的一百余年中,国内外菌物学家对我国鹅膏菌属(Amanita)真菌进行了大量采集和分类研究。迄今为止,在菌物学文献中已为我国记载了近100种(含亚种、变种和变型)鹅膏菌,然而,其中许多是原描述于欧洲或北美的种类,它们在我国是否确有分布尚需开展深入研究。近几年来,作者对采自我国的部分鹅膏菌标本与欧美相似种的标本进行了比较研究,发现两者虽在外貌上有相似之处,但在内部结构上却有较大差别,在分子生物学方面也同样存在差异。若把它们作为同一分类单元处理似不恰当。我国幅员辽阔,森林、植被类型多样,众多与鹅膏菌形成外生菌根的树种为我国、东亚或东南亚的特有种,在它们长期的协同进化中,可能形成了不少特殊或亚洲的特有鹅膏菌。为能如实反映我国鹅膏菌的生物多样性,首先必须加强野外调查,在野外对子实体的形态及各部位的颜色进行仔细而准确的描述、拍照和绘图;其次对干燥良好的标本进行可靠的形态学、解剖学研究;此外,比较研究欧美相似种的标本也是十分必要的。本文所讨论的问题,在我国蘑菇目(Agaricales)其它类群的分类研究中可能也是值得注意的。  相似文献   

我国28种鹅膏菌主要肽类毒素的检测分析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
利用高效液相色谱(HPLC)技术对产于我国的28种鹅膏菌的主要肽类毒素(鹅膏毒肽和鬼笔毒肽)进行了检测分析,并和采于欧洲(德国)的毒鹅膏。Amanita phalloides作对照,结果表明,3种东亚所特有的鹅膏菌(灰花纹鹅膏、致命鹅膏和黄盖鹅膏白色变种)和欧洲毒鹅膏所含毒素种类多、含量高,其子实体菌盖部位主要毒素总量分别达到12583.7μg/g、8152.6μg/g、1058.2μg/g、7456.2μg/g干重子实体,这4种鹅膏菌可称之为剧毒鹅膏菌。其它25种鹅膏菌中有10种检测出含有微量鹅膏毒肽,含量在19.5μg/g—151.2μg/g之间。在4种剧毒鹅膏菌中,子实体组织部位不同,毒素含量以及鹅膏毒肽和鬼笔毒肽在其中的分布也不一样,菌盖中的毒素含量最高,菌柄的毒素含量次之,菌托中的毒素含量最低;对于灰花纹鹅膏、致命鹅膏和黄盖鹅膏白色变种,无论在菌盖、菌柄和菌托中,鹅膏毒肽类毒素的含量都高于鬼笔毒肽类毒素,尤其以α-amanitin的相对含量最高;而在欧洲毒鹅膏中,菌盖、菌柄和菌托中都以鬼笔毒肽为主,尤其以phallacidin的相对含量最高,并且从菌盖至菌柄到菌托,鬼笔毒肽的相对含量依次增加。  相似文献   

我国28种鹅膏菌主要肽类毒素的检测分析*   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
利用高效液相色谱(HPLC)技术对产于我国的28种鹅膏菌的主要肽类毒素(鹅膏毒肽和鬼笔毒肽)进行了检测分析,并和采于欧洲(德国)的毒鹅膏Amanita phalloides作对照,结果表明,3种东亚所特有的鹅膏菌(灰花纹鹅膏、致命鹅膏和黄盖鹅膏白色变种)和欧洲毒鹅膏所含毒素种类多、含量高,其子实体菌盖部位主要毒素总量分别达到12583.7μg/g、8152.6μg/g、1058.2μg/g、7456.2μg/g干重子实体,这4种鹅膏菌可称之为剧毒鹅膏菌。其它25种鹅膏菌中有10种检测出含有微量鹅膏毒肽,含量在19.5μg/g-151.2μg/g之间。在4种剧毒鹅膏菌中,子实体组织部位不同,毒素含量以及鹅膏毒肽和鬼笔毒肽在其中的分布也不一样,菌盖中的毒素含量最高,菌柄的毒素含量次之,菌托中的毒素含量最低;对于灰花纹鹅膏、致命鹅膏和黄盖鹅膏白色变种,无论在菌盖、菌柄和菌托中,鹅膏毒肽类毒素的含量都高于鬼笔毒肽类毒素,尤其以α-amanitin的相对含量最高;而在欧洲毒鹅膏中,菌盖、菌柄和菌托中都以鬼笔毒肽为主,尤其以phallacidin的相对含量最高,并且从菌盖至菌柄到菌托,鬼笔毒肽的相对含量依次增加。  相似文献   

基于形态特征和ITS序列对7个鹅膏菌属菌株的分类鉴定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以采自浙江省丽水地区的7个鹅膏菌属菌株作为研究材料,在基于形态特征进行初步鉴定的基础上,对7种鹅膏菌的rDNAITS区段进行克隆测序和序列特征比较分析。进一步对ITS序列进行核酸序列数据库GenBank同源性检索比对,将从GenBank检索获得的9个最相似物种的ITS序列连同7种鹅膏菌的ITS序列一起作系统发育分析。结果表明:基于ITS序列对f6、f9和f493个菌株的分子鉴定支持了基于形态特征的鉴定结果,对f5的分子鉴定不支持形态鉴定的结果,f8为鹅膏菌属内某种,f66为鹅膏菌属内某种,并与Amanitafulva,A.atrofusca,A.orientifulva3种鹅膏菌的亲缘关系较近,f7与另外6种鹅膏菌的亲缘关系相差甚远。研究结果提示基于分子水平上的ITS序列分析不能单方面作为大型真菌分类鉴定的可靠依据,可以作为基于传统形态学分类鉴定的辅助参考依据。  相似文献   

本文报告了西藏地区鹅膏菌属(Amanita)的真菌26种。其中灰鳞鹅膏菌(Amanita griseofarinosa Hongo),红鹅膏菌[A.parcivolvata(Peck)Glib.],浅杏黄鹅膏菌[A.Crocca(Quél.)Kühn.& Romagn.],黄赭毒鹅膏菌(A.flavorubescens Atk.),黄毒蝇鹅膏菌(A.flavoconia Atk.),史米斯鹅膏菌(A.smithiana Bas),褐黄鹅膏菌:(A.umbrinoluteaSeer.)等是我国新纪录种。西藏地区的首次新纪录13种。该属真菌均是树木的外生菌根真菌,有毒种多,具有重要的经济价值。  相似文献   

曾昭清  庄文颖 《菌物学报》2016,(9):1048-1055
对采自我国不同地区的菌寄生属标本进行分类研究,发现了该属的3个新种。鹅膏菌寄生Hypomyces amaniticola生长于鹅膏属真菌的子实体上,子囊壳埋生或半埋生于菌丝层中,橘黄色至黄褐色,卵圆形至梨形;子囊圆柱形,具8个孢子;子囊孢子长椭圆形至椭圆形,两端钝圆,无分隔,表面光滑。拟完整菌寄生H.completiopsis以牛肝菌为寄主,子囊壳橘黄色至黑褐色,梨形至近球形;子囊圆柱形,具8个孢子;子囊孢子纺锤形至披针形,两端具细尖,表面具疣。云南菌寄生H.yunnanensis子囊壳半埋生或近表生,黄褐色至褐色,梨形至近球形;子囊孢子近纺锤形,两端具细尖,1个分隔,表面具疣。提供了新种的详细宏观和微观特征描述及图示。此外,发现该属的2个中国新记录种,即小孢菌寄生H.microspermus和盘菌菌寄生H.stephanomatis,对我国材料的形态特征与原始描述进行了比较。  相似文献   

白鳞粗柄鹅膏菌丝的固态发酵   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来 ,因鹅膏菌肽类毒素可用于分子生物学、医学、农学等领域而具广阔的开发前景[1] 。但由于鹅膏菌资源有限 ,而人工合成的毒素又不具活性 ,所以目前尚难以开发利用。加之鹅膏菌大多属于外生菌根真菌 ,虽然已在少数种的菌根合成方面取得了一些进展[2~ 4 ] ,但至今该属中绝大部份种仍属于自然界中难培养或未能培养的微生物 ,难以人工、半人工栽培。因此 ,目前国内还没有一种能规模化开发的毒素产品。而现在作为生化试剂的肽类毒素全部来源于欧美的毒鹅膏子实体 ,售价在每克 1 0万美元以上。所以 ,研究如何开发利用我国的鹅膏菌及其毒素具…  相似文献   

对采于湖南现存湖南师范大学真菌标本室(MHHNU)和中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室(HMAS)的鹅膏属标本进行了研究,发现有不少标本鉴定有误,需要订正.本文对16种鹅膏的分类问题进行了讨论,对鲜为人知的湖南鹅膏A.hunanensis进行了详细描述.湖南鹅膏隶属于橙盖鹅膏组sect.Caesareae,其主要特点是担子果中等至大型;菌盖灰色至褐色,具深色花斑,边缘有较长的沟纹;菌褶白色,褶缘灰褐色;菌柄有菌环、被蛇皮状灰褐色鳞片;菌托白色,其中含有丰富的膨大细胞;担子基部有锁状联合;担孢子椭圆形,非淀粉质,(8.0) 9.5~12.5 (15.5)×6.5~8.5 (10.0)μm.  相似文献   

低浓度(5-10ngml-1)的鹅膏毒肽(amatoxins) 能专一性抑制RNA聚合酶Ⅱ的活性,高浓度(为RNA聚合酶Ⅱ103-104倍的浓度)也能抑制RNA聚合酶Ⅲ的活性,因而影响细胞mRNA的转录和蛋白质的合成,抑制种子的萌发和生长。根据此原理我们建立了一种以植物种子萌发试验检测鹅膏毒肽的方法,称之为“抑芽法”(bud-inhibited assay)。该方法简便、实用、准确。操作流程:45℃干燥至恒重的鹅膏菌等子实体菌盖;水提法提取毒素并用氯仿沉淀蛋白质等;粗毒液浓度为0.025-0.05gml-1干子实体;萝卜或绿豆种子培养温度为28℃,培养时间为24-72h。绿豆芽下胚轴生长被抑制率在95%以上,可能为鹅膏毒肽含量高的剧毒鹅膏菌;当被抑制率在60-80%,可能为鹅膏肽含量较低的微毒鹅膏菌;当被抑制率在30%以下时,可能是不含鹅膏菌肽的鹅膏菌。  相似文献   

鹅膏属(Amanita)部分物种为重要食用真菌,而另外部分物种则是剧毒的,在我国及其他许多国家,每年都有因误食剧毒鹅膏而导致中毒甚至死亡的事件发生。DNA条形码是用一段或几段短的DNA序列来对物种进行快速、准确鉴定的方法。本研究选取三个候选片段,即核糖体大亚基(nLSU)、内转录间隔区(ITS)和翻译延长因子1-α(tef1-α),使用真核生物通用引物,测试我国已知的7种剧毒鹅膏及2种易混的可食鹅膏,并将欧美分布的但与黄盖鹅膏(A.subjunquillea)亲缘关系密切的绿盖鹅膏(A.phalloides)纳入分析中。nLSU的PCR扩增和测序成功率均为100%,但种内和种间遗传变异偶有重叠。ITS的PCR扩增和测序成功率分别达到100%和85.7%,且具有高的种间变异和低的种内变异。tef1-α的PCR扩增和测序成功率分别达到85.7%和100%,种间和种内遗传分化均高于ITS和nLSU。三个片段的物种分辨率均较高,但与nLSU相比,ITS和tef1-α具有更为明显的barcode gap。鉴于ITS可能会成为真菌界的通用条码,故建议将ITS作为鹅膏属的核心条形码,tef1 α和nLSU作为该属的辅助条形码。  相似文献   

Some species of the genus Amanita are economically important gourmet mushrooms, while others cause dramatic poisonings or even deaths every year in China and in many other countries. A DNA barcode is a short segment or a combination of short segments of DNA sequences that can distinguish species rapidly and accurately. To establish a standard DNA barcode for poisonous species of Amanita in China, three candidate markers, the large subunit nuclear ribosomal RNA (nLSU), the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), and the translation elongation factor 1 alpha (tef1 α) were tested using the eukaryotic general primers for their feasibility as barcodes to identify seven species of lethal fungi and two species of edible ones which can easily be confused with the lethal ones known from China. In addition, A.phalloides—a European and North American species closely related to one of the seven taxa, A.subjunquillea was also included. PCR amplification and sequencing success rate, intra and inter specific variation and rate of species identification were considered as main criteria for evaluation of the candidate DNA barcodes. Although the nLSU had high PCR and sequencing success rates (100% and 100% respectively), occasional overlapping occurred between the intra and inter specific variations. The PCR amplification and sequencing success rates of ITS were 100% and 85.7% respectively. ITS showed high sequence variation among species group and low variation within a given species. There was a relatively high PCR amplification and sequencing success rate for tef1 α (85.7% and 100% respectively), and its intra and inter specific variation was higher than that of ITS or nLSU. All three candidate markers showed hight species resolution. ITS and tef1 α had a more clearly defined barcode gap than nLSU. Our study showed that the tef1 α and nLSU can be proposed as supplementary barcodes for the genus Amanita, while ITS can be used as a primary barcode marker considering that the ITS region may become a universal barcode marker for the fungal kingdom.  相似文献   

Abstract. Using comprehensive range information of northern Hemisphere birds and mammals, we assessed the taxonomic diversity of these two groups in four different regions: Europe, east Asia, and western and eastern North America. East Asia is the richest region in the number of bird and mammal species, genera, families and orders, except that mammal species richness is highest in western North America. Eastern North America is taxonomically the poorest region, but when only forest-associated taxa were considered in mammals taxonomic diversity is equally low in Europe and in eastern North America, and in birds, Europe is the least diverse region. Patterns in endemic taxa follow overall taxonomic diversity. The proportion of shared taxa between regions is higher among boreal species and genera than among all taxa. A comparison with tree species diversity underpins the role of east Asia as the most diverse of all northern biota. Largely congruent patterns at different taxonomic levels emphasizes the role of historical processes, such as differential extinction rate in response to paleoenvironmental fluctuations, in producing these patterns, but we stress the need for more research on the coevolution of species diversity and habitat diversity.  相似文献   

椴树属的地理分布   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
椴树属Tilia是椴树科一个形态特殊且唯一的北温带分布属,分布于亚洲、欧洲和北美,构成典型的北温带分布格局,三个分离的分布区之间缺乏共有种。本文对各分布区的种类进行重新评价,确认全属25种。其中东亚17种,占68%,包含了现存种类各个演化阶段的类群,是现代分布中心;欧洲-西西伯利亚6种,属于木果组及壳果组;北美2种,均为木果组成员。化石分布与现代地理分布格局基本相似,但分布纬度较现代分布偏北,达到北纬80°附近,且还出现于现今无椴树分布的亚洲大陆腹地,北美西部椴树至第三纪末完全绝迹,而东部到第四纪才有化石记录。根据现代地理分布,结合化石证据、地质历史、气候变迁及形态演化推测,椴树属可能在白垩纪晚期起源于中国东部亚热带山地,至少到始新世之前已散布至欧洲和北美西部。渐新世之后的全球降温和更新世大冰期对椴树属现代地理分布格局的形成起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

A cladistic biogeographic analysis for the Holarctic and Indo-Chinese regions was undertaken based on seven genera of the tribe Cidariini: Cidaria Treitschke, Thera Stephens, Pennithera Viidalepp, Heterothera Inoue, Callabraxas Butler, Gandaritis Moore and Eulithis Httbner. Smallest coincident ranges of two species recognized 11 endemic areas. The study has two aims: to construct a hierarchical structure of those areas, and to recognize dispersal events. Under two assumptions [widespread taxa mapped (identical as assumption 0) and widespread taxa not mapped (identical as assumption 1)] the 11 endemic areas were mapped with 72 taxa. The best resolved area cladograms under the two assumptions differ in the placement of one endemic area, northern Europe. Area relationships found in this present analysis are congruent with the current landmass configurations: (North America, (Europe, (northern India, (southwestern Asia, (Baikal area, (south China, (Taiwan, (Russian Far East, Japan)))))))). These area cladograms postulate at least three vicariance events: (1) between North America and the Palaearctic; (2) western-eastern Palaearctic; (3) northern India–the rest of Asia. The approach to recognize dispersed taxa by pruning each taxon suggests that most dispersal events occurred in East Asia: from the Baikal area or south China to the Russian Far East; and from the Russian Far East to Japan. Relationships among endemic areas are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

鹅观草属的几个新组合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡联炳 《植物研究》1996,16(1):48-50
本文报道了禾本科鹅观草属的三个种级新组合和四个变种级新组合。即大丛鹅观草Roegneria magnicaespis (D.F.Cui)L.B.Cai;新疆鹅观草Roegneria sinkiangensis(D.F.Cui)L.B.Cai;阿尔泰鹅观草Roegneria altaica(D.F.Cui)L.B.Cai;短芒鹅观草Roegneria glaberrima var.breviarista (D.F.Cui)L.B.Cai;林缘鹅观草Roegneria mutabilis var.nemoralis (D.F.Cui)L.B.Cai;多花鹅观草Roegneria abolinii var.pluriflora (D.F.Cui)L.B.Cai和曲芒鹅观草Roegneria tschimganica var.glabrispicula (D.F.Cui)L.B.Cai。  相似文献   

1. The distribution of Salix species among the continents. There are about 526 species of Salix in the world, most of which are distributed in the Northern Hemisphere with only a few species in the Southern Hemisphere. In Asia, there are about 375 species, making up 71.29 percent of the total in the world, including 328 endemics; in Europe, about 114 species, 21.67 percent with 73 endemics; in North America, about 91 species, 17.3 percent with 71 endemics; in Africa, about 8 species, 1.5 percent, with 6 endemics. Only one species occurs in South America. Asia, Europe and North America have 8 species in common (excluding 4 cultivated species). There are 34 common species between Asia and Europe, 14 both between Europe and North America and between Asia and North America, 2 between Asia and Africa. Acording to the Continental Drift Theory, the natural circumstances which promoted speciation and protected newly originated and old species were created by the orogenic movement of the Himalayas in the middle and late Tertiary. Besides, the air temperature was a little higher in Asia than in Europe and North America (except its west part) and the dominant glaciers were mountainous in Asia during the glacial epoch in the Quaternary Period. Then willows of Europe moved southwards to Asia. During the interglacial period they moved in opposite direction. Such a to-and-fro willow migration between Asia and Europe and between and North America occurred so often that it resulted in the diversity of willow species in Asia. Those species of willows common among the continents belong to the Arctic flora. 2. The multistaminal willows are of the primitive group in Salix. Asia has 28 species of multistaminal willows, but Europe has only one which is also found in Asia. These 28 species are divided into two groups, “northern type” and “southern type”, according to morphology of the ovary. The boundary between the two forms in distribution is at 40°N. The multistaminal willows from south Asia, Africa and South America are very similar to each other and may have mutually communicated between these continents in the Middle or Late Cretaceous Period. The southern type willows in south Asia are similar to the North American multistaminal willows but a few species. The Asian southern type willows spreaded all over the continents of Europe, Asia and North America through the communication between them before the Quaternany Period. Nevertheless, it is possible that the willows growing in North America immigranted through the middle America from South America. The Asian northern type multistaminal willows may have originated during the ice period. The multistaminal willows are more closed to populars in features of sexual organs. They are more primitive than the willows with 1-3 stamens and the most primitive ones in the genus. 3. The center of origin and development of willows Based on the above discussion it is reasonable to say that the region between 20°-40°N in East Asia is the center of the origin and differentiation of multistaminal willows. It covers Southern and Southwestern China and northern Indo-China Pennisula.  相似文献   

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