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Nitrogenase of Klebsiella pneumoniae nifV mutants.   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The MoFe protein of nitrogenase from Klebsiella pneumoniae nifV mutants, NifV- Kp1 protein, in combination with the Fe protein from wild-type cells, catalysed CO-sensitive H2 evolution, in contrast with the CO-insensitive reaction catalysed by the wild-type enzyme. The decrease in H2 production was accompanied by a stoicheiometric decrease in dithionite (reductant) utilization, implying that CO was not reduced. However, CO did not affect the rate of phosphate release from ATP. Therefore the ATP/2e ratio increased, indicating futile cycling of electrons between the Fe protein and the MoFe protein. The inhibition of H2 evolution by CO was partial; it increased from 40% at pH6.3 to 82% at pH 8.6. Inhibition at pH7.4 (maximum 73%) was half-maximal at 3.1 Pa (0.031 matm) CO. The pH optimum of the mutant enzyme was lower in the presence of CO. Steady-state kinetic analysis of acetylene reduction indicated that CO was a linear, intersecting, non-competitive inhibitor of acetylene reduction with Kii = 2.5 Pa and Kis = 9.5 Pa. This may indicate that a single high-affinity CO-binding site in the NifV- Kp1 protein can cause both partial inhibition of H2 evolution and total elimination of acetylene reduction. Various models to explain the data are discussed.  相似文献   

Regulation of Nitrogenase Synthesis by Oxygen in Klebsiella pneumoniae   总被引:14,自引:12,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Klebsiella pneumoniae does not fix N2 under aerobic conditions. The two protein components required for nitrogenase activity were studied during aeration of cells in nitrogen-free media. Component II of nitrogenase was inactivated more slowly in vivo than component I during aeration. The rate of loss of component II was less than the rate of component II synthesis during derepression. No inactive components were detected in cells that had been growing on NH4+ and then aerated in nitrogen-free medium. This supports the hypothesis that O2 somehow represses the formation of nitrogenase.  相似文献   

1. Nitrogenase from the facultative anaerobe Klebsiella pneumoniae was resolved into two protein components resembling those obtained from other nitrogen-fixing bacteria. 2. Both proteins were purified to homogeneity as shown by the criteria of disc electrophoresis and ultracentrifugal analysis. 3. The larger component had a mol.wt. of 218000 and contained one Mo atom, 17Fe atoms and 17 acid-labile sulphide groups/mol; it contained two types of subunit, present in equal amounts, of mol.wts. 50000 and 60000. All the common amino acids were present, with a predominance of acidic residues. The apparent partial specific volume was 0.73; ultracentrifugal analysis gave s020,w=11.0S and D020,w=4.94×10−7cm2/s. The specific activities (nmol of product formed/min per mg of protein) when assayed with the second nitrogenase component were 1500 for H2 evolution, 380 for N2 reduction, 1200 for acetylene reduction and 5400 for ATP hydrolysis. The reduced protein showed electron-paramagnetic-resonance signals at g=4.3, 3.7 and 2.015; the Mössbauer spectrum of the reduced protein consisted of at least three doublets. The u.v. spectra of the oxidized and reduced proteins were identical. On oxidation the absorbance increased generally throughout the visible region and a shoulder at 430nm appeared. The circular-dichroism spectra of both the oxidized and reduced proteins were the same, consisting mainly of a negative trough at 220nm. 4. The smaller component had mol.wt. 66800 and contained four Fe atoms and four acid-labile sulphide groups in a molecule comprising two subunits each of mol.wt. 34600. All common amino acids except tryptophan were present, with a predominance of acidic residues. The apparent partial specific volume calculated from the amino acid analysis was 0.732, which was significantly higher than that obtained from density measurements (0.69); ultracentrifugal analysis gave s020,w=4.8S and D020,w=5.55×10−7cm2/s. The specific activities (nmol of product formed/min per mg of protein) were 1050 for H2 evolution, 275 for N2 reduction, 980 for acetylene reduction and 4350 for ATP hydrolysis. The protein was not cold-labile. The reduced protein showed electron-paramagnetic-resonance signals in the g=1.94 region. The Mössbauer spectrum of the reduced protein consisted of a doublet at 77°K. The u.v. spectra of reduced and O2-inactivated proteins were identical, and inactivation by O2 generally increased the absorbance in the visible region and resulted in a shoulder at 460nm. The circular-dichroism spectra exhibited a negative trough at 220nm and inactivation by O2 decreased the depth of the trough. 5. The reduction of N2 and acetylene, and H2 evolution, were maximal at a 1:1 molar ratio of the Fe-containing protein to the Mo–Fe-containing protein; excess of the Mo–Fe-containing protein was inhibitory. All reductions were accompanied by H2 evolution. The combined proteins had no ATP-independent hydrogenase activity.  相似文献   

Extracellular pullulanase of Klebsiella pneumoniae is a lipoprotein.   总被引:40,自引:12,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
Pullulanase is a starch-debranching enzyme produced by the gram-negative bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae. In this organism, the enzyme is first exported to the outer membrane and is subsequently released into the growth medium. Evidence reported here indicates that pullulanase is a lipoprotein. It is apparently synthesized as a precursor with a 19-residue-long signal sequence and modified by the covalent attachment of palmitate to the cysteine residue which becomes the amino terminus after cleavage of the signal sequence. In this respect, pullulanase is similar to some penicillinases produced by gram-positive bacteria which are initially exported to the cell surface and subsequently released into the medium. However, pullulanase and the penicillinases differ in one important aspect, namely, that the extracellular pullulanase still carries the covalently attached fatty acyls, whereas extracellular penicillinases lack the modified amino-terminal cysteine together with a limited number of other residues from the amino terminus.  相似文献   

Sedimentation-velocity analyses of mixtures of the component proteins of nitrogenase of Klebsiella pneumoniae at a 1:1 molar ratio, showed a single peak of sedimentation coefficient (12.4S) considerably greater than that obtained for the larger (Fe+Mo-containing) protein centrifuged alone (10.4S). When the ratio exceeded 1:1 (the smaller Fe-containing protein in excess) an additional peak corresponding in sedimentation coefficient (about 4.5S) to free Fe-containing protein appeared. When proteins, which had been inactivated by exposure to air were used, no interaction occurred. Na(2)S(2)O(4) at 2mm both reversed and prevented interaction between the two proteins; sedimentation coefficients corresponded to those of the proteins when centrifuged alone. These results demonstrate the formation of a complex between the nitrogenase proteins, and, together with data of activity titration curves, are consistent with the formulation of the nitrogenase complex of K. pneumoniae as (Fe-containing protein)-(Fe+Mo-containing protein).  相似文献   

Rates of nitrogenase synthesis by Klebsiella pneumoniae were measured by pulse-labelling organisms with a mixture of 14C-labelled amino acids followed by sodium dodecyl sulphate gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. Populations from an NH4+-repressed, SO42--limited chemostat (0.46 mg dry wt ml-1), when released from NH4+ repression, simultaneously synthesized detectable quantities of the three nitrogenase polypeptides 45 min before acetylene-reducing activity was observed. Exposure of populations synthesizing nitrogenase to air or NH4+ (200 microgram N ml-1) repressed synthesis of both component proteins simultaneously, the rate initially decreasing by half in 11 to 12 min; in the presence of NH4+ a second slower phase with an approximate half-life of 30 min was observed. With 5% O2 in N2 the half-lives for the decreases in the rates of synthesis were 30 min for the Fe protein and 33 min for the Mo-Fe protein. Oxygen also repressed nitrogenase in a glutamine synthetase constitutive derivative of K. pneumoniae (strain SK24) which escapes NH4+ repression. Regulation of nitrogenase by O2 may therefore be independent of glutamine synthetase.  相似文献   

The expression of selected nitrogen fixation (nif) genes from Klebsiella pneumoniae in foreign hosts provides an approach to determine the pathway, minimal genetic requirements, and host dependence of nitrogenase assembly. In this study, we investigated the assembly of the alpha 2 beta 2 MoFe protein, responsible for substrate binding and reduction, by introducing nifD and nifK (encoding respectively, the alpha and beta subunits) into Escherichia coli and the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In E. coli, both genes were expressed from the nifHDKY operon; in yeast, the genes, separately fused to the yeast ADH1 promoter, were introduced on two different plasmids. Denaturing immunoblot analyses demonstrated the presence of significant amounts of NifD and NifK in both hosts. In E. coli, the level or perhaps modification of NifD depended on the growth medium of the bacteria. Nondenaturing, anaerobic immunoblot assays revealed in E. coli, nif-specific antigens of lower electrophoretic mobility than Kp1, which may represent assembly intermediates. In yeast, no putative assembled products were evident, and the predominant antigens corresponded to the monomeric forms of the polypeptides. These results indicate that, unlike NifH, the Fe protein subunit (Berman, J., Gershoni, J. M., and Zamir, A. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 5240-5243), NifD and NifK are insufficient for the assembly of an electrophoretically Kp1-like structure. Homodimerization of nifK and probably of nifD primary gene products does not appear to occur spontaneously and hence is unlikely to represent the initial step in the assembly. The difference between the two hosts suggests that the cellular environment or mode of expression could affect the interaction between the two subunits.  相似文献   

When the iron-molybdenum cofactor (FeMoco) was extracted from the MoFe protein of nitrogenase from a nifV mutant of Klebsiella pneumoniae and combined with the FeMoco-deficient MoFe protein from a nifB mutant, the resultant MoFe protein exhibited the NifV phenotype, i.e. in combination with wild-type Fe protein it exhibited poor N2-fixation activity and its H2-evolution activity was inhibited by CO. These data provide strong evidence that FeMoco contains the active site of nitrogenase. The metal contents and e.p.r. properties of FeMoco from wild-type and nifV mutants of K. pneumoniae are very similar.  相似文献   

Stopped-flow kinetic data have been obtained for a rapid electron-transfer reaction between the component proteins of nitrogenase from Klebsiella pneumoniae, which was induced by MgATP. Up to three equivalents of the Fe-containing protein were rapidly oxidized by one equivalent of the Fe-Mo-containing protein in a unimolecular reaction, k2 = 2 x 10(2)S-1. Evidence for a tight complex between the component proteins, KD(complex) less than 0.5 muM, which was formed with a rate k1 greater than 1 x 10(7)M-1-S-1, has been obtained. MgATP bound to either the Fe-containing protein or to the two-protein complex with a rate k3 greater than 2.5 x 10(6)M-1-S-1 and with KD(MgATP) = 0.4mM, before the electron-transfer reaction.  相似文献   

Acetylene-reducing activity of purified nitrogenase from Klebsiella pneumoniae was studied over a range of ATP and Mg(2+) concentrations at 15 degrees C, pH7.8. Inhibition at Mg(2+) concentrations of 2.5-30mm was due to the formation of the inactive complex, Mg(2)ATP. At higher Mg(2+) concentrations an additional inhibitory effect was observed. The results were consistent with a MgATP complex being the active substrate with an apparent K(m)(MgATP)=0.4mm.  相似文献   

Stopped-flow spectrophotometry and e.p.r. spectroscopy were used to study the kinetics of reduction by dithionite of the oxidized Fe protein of nitrogenase from Klebsiella pneumoniae (Kp2ox.) in the presence of MgADP at 23 degrees C at pH 7.4. The active reductant, SO2.-, produced by the predissociation of S2O4(2-) in equilibrium 2SO2.-, reacts with Kp2ox. (MgADP)2, with k4 = 3.0 X 10(6) +/- 0.4 X 10(6) M-1 X s-1. The inhibition of this reaction by the Mo-Fe protein (Kp1) has enabled the rate of dissociation of Kp2ox. (MgADP)2 from Kp1+ (the Kp2-binding site on Kp1) to be measured (k-3 = 6.4 +/- 0.8 s-1). Comparison with the steady-state rate of substrate reduction shows that the dissociation (k-3) of the complex Kp2ox. (MgADP)2-Kp1+, which is formed after MgATP-induced electron transfer from Kp2 to Kp1+, is the rate-limiting step in the catalytic cycle for substrate reduction.  相似文献   

During turnover at 10 degrees C at pH 7.4 in the presence of ethylene, the MoFe protein of Klebsiella pneumoniae nitrogenase (Kp 1) exhibited an electron-paramagnetic-resonance signal with g-values at 2.12, 1.998 and 1.987. 57Fe isotopic substitution demonstrated that this signal arose from the Kp 1 FeMo-cofactor in an S = 1/2 spin state.  相似文献   

Klebsiella pneumoniae M5a1 grows well in the presence or absence of molybdenum in media containing excess NH(4) (+). However, growth on N(2) is completely dependent on the presence of molybdenum in the medium. Tungstate competes with the molybdate requirement during growth on N(2). In molybdenum-depleted medium, neither protein component of nitrogenase is active and neither component can be detected antigenically. These data provide evidence that molybdenum is an inducer of nitrogenase synthesis.  相似文献   

Apodinitrogenase, which lacks the iron-molybdenum cofactor at its active site, is an oligomer that contains an additional protein not found in the active dinitrogenase tetramer. This associated protein in Klebsiella pneumoniae is shown to be the product of the nifY gene. When apodinitrogenase is activated by the addition of the iron-molybdenum cofactor, NifY dissociates from the apodinitrogenase complex. The conditions for this dissociation are described. Finally, there are aspects of the dissociation and insertion process in K. pneumoniae that are different from that in Azotobacter vinelandii.  相似文献   

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