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Ostrowski MF David J Santoni S McKhann H Reboud X Le Corre V Camilleri C Brunel D Bouchez D Faure B Bataillon T 《Molecular ecology》2006,15(6):1507-1517
The existence of a large-scale population structure was investigated in Arabidopsis thaliana by studying patterns of polymorphism in a set of 71 European accessions. We used sequence polymorphism surveyed in 10 fragments of approximately 600 nucleotides and a set of nine microsatellite markers. Population structure was investigated using a model-based inference framework. Among the accessions studied, the presence of four groups was inferred using genetic data, without using prior information on the geographical origin of the accessions. Significant genetic isolation by geographical distance was detected at the group level, together with a geographical gradient in allelic richness across groups. These results are discussed with respect to the previously proposed scenario of postglacial colonization of Europe from putative glacial refugia. Finally, the contribution of the inferred structure to linkage disequilibrium among 171 pairs of essentially unlinked markers was also investigated. Linkage disequilibrium analysis revealed that significant associations detected in the whole sample were mainly due to genetic differentiation among the inferred groups. We discuss the implication of this finding for future association studies in A. thaliana. 相似文献
C. T. SMITH L. PARK D. VANDOORNIK L. W. SEEB J. E. SEEB 《Molecular ecology resources》2006,6(3):715-720
We report 39 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) observed in 23 nuclear DNA sequences in coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch. High‐throughput genotyping assays based on the 5′‐nuclease reaction were developed for 17 of these nuclear SNPs and for two previously published mitochondrial DNA SNPs. Minor allele frequency differences (Δq) among collections were between 5.2% and 51.2%, resulting in per locus FST estimates of 0.00–0.24 with an average of 0.09. 相似文献
A multilocus sequence survey in Arabidopsis thaliana reveals a genome-wide departure from a neutral model of DNA sequence polymorphism 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5

Schmid KJ Ramos-Onsins S Ringys-Beckstein H Weisshaar B Mitchell-Olds T 《Genetics》2005,169(3):1601-1615
The simultaneous analysis of multiple genomic loci is a powerful approach to studying the effects of population history and natural selection on patterns of genetic variation of a species. By surveying nucleotide sequence polymorphism at 334 randomly distributed genomic regions in 12 accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana, we examined whether a standard neutral model of nucleotide sequence polymorphism is consistent with observed data. The average nucleotide diversity was 0.0071 for total sites and 0.0083 for silent sites. Although levels of diversity are variable among loci, no correlation with local recombination rate was observed, but polymorphism levels were correlated for physically linked loci (<250 kb). We found that observed distributions of Tajima's D- and D/D(min)- and of Fu and Li's D-, D*- and F-, F*-statistics differed significantly from the expected distributions under a standard neutral model due to an excess of rare polymorphisms and high variances. Observed and expected distributions of Fay and Wu's H were not different, suggesting that demographic processes and not selection at multiple loci are responsible for the deviation from a neutral model. Maximum-likelihood comparisons of alternative demographic models like logistic population growth, glacial refugia, or past bottlenecks did not produce parameter estimates that were more consistent with observed patterns. However, exclusion of highly polymorphic "outlier loci" resulted in a fit to the logistic growth model. Various tests of neutrality revealed a set of candidate loci that may evolve under selection. 相似文献
Usefulness of single nucleotide polymorphism data for estimating population parameters 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data can be used for parameter estimation via maximum likelihood methods as long as the way in which the SNPs were determined is known, so that an appropriate likelihood formula can be constructed. We present such likelihoods for several sampling methods. As a test of these approaches, we consider use of SNPs to estimate the parameter Theta = 4N(e)micro (the scaled product of effective population size and per-site mutation rate), which is related to the branch lengths of the reconstructed genealogy. With infinite amounts of data, ML models using SNP data are expected to produce consistent estimates of Theta. With finite amounts of data the estimates are accurate when Theta is high, but tend to be biased upward when Theta is low. If recombination is present and not allowed for in the analysis, the results are additionally biased upward, but this effect can be removed by incorporating recombination into the analysis. SNPs defined as sites that are polymorphic in the actual sample under consideration (sample SNPs) are somewhat more accurate for estimation of Theta than SNPs defined by their polymorphism in a panel chosen from the same population (panel SNPs). Misrepresenting panel SNPs as sample SNPs leads to large errors in the maximum likelihood estimate of Theta. Researchers collecting SNPs should collect and preserve information about the method of ascertainment so that the data can be accurately analyzed. 相似文献
We developed algorithms that find a set of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers based on interval regularity, given either the number of SNPs to choose (m) or the desired interval (I), subject to minimum variance or minimum sum of squared deviations from I. In both cases, the number of all possible sets increases exponentially with respect to the number of input SNPs (n), but our algorithms find the minima only with O(n(2)) calculations and comparisons by elimination of redundancy. 相似文献
Susanne Barth Albrecht E. Melchinger Beate Devezi-Savula Thomas Lübberstedt 《Functional & integrative genomics》2000,1(3):200-206
A high-throughput system for the measurement of recombination frequencies in the genetic model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, is described. It is based on 21 mono-transgenic isogenic lines harboring antibiotic resistance genes on all five chromosomes.
Recombination between pairs of gene insertions in repulsion phase that confer resistance against kanamycin (kan) and hygromycin
(hyg) is determined by a phenotypic assay of progeny (DART: Double Antibiotic Resistance Technique). DART allows testing for
the influence of numerous environmental and genetic factors, including candidate genes, on recombination frequencies in specific
genomic regions as well as the entire genome. Its usefulness is demonstrated by investigating the effects of UV treatment,
different temperature and phosphorus supply regimes, and sex on recombination frequencies for all five chromosomes of A. thaliana.
Electronic Publication 相似文献
We characterized 37 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) makers for eelgrass Zostera marina. SNP markers were developed using existing EST (expressed sequence tag)-libraries to locate polymorphic loci and develop primers from the functional expressed genes that are deposited in The ZOSTERA database (V1.2.1). SNP loci were genotyped using a single-base-extension approach which facilitated high-throughput genotyping with minimal optimization time. These markers show a wide range of variability among 25 eelgrass populations and will be useful for population genetic studies including evaluation of population structure, historical demography, and phylogeography. Potential applications include haplotype inference of physically linked SNPs and identification of genes under selection for temperature and desiccation stress. 相似文献
Sequencing of part of seven genes from Aedes aegypti collected in 16 Brazilian cities revealed the existence of 53 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), representing one SNP every 52 base pairs. From these 53 SNPs, we selected eight that are independent and highly polymorphic. We describe the use of these markers for differentiation of Brazilian populations of A. aegypti. These are the first SNPs developed for delineating population structure in A. aegypti, and will be a useful complement to epidemiological studies. 相似文献
A modified mutation detection method for large-scale cloning of the possible single nucleotide polymorphism sequences 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Although the human genome has been nearly completely sequenced, the functions and the roles of the vast majority of the genes, and the influences of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in these genes are not entirely known. A modified mutation detection method was developed for large-scale cloning of the possible SNPs between tumor and normal cells for facilitating the identification of genetic factors that associated with cancer formation and progression. The method involves hybridization of restriction enzyme-cut chromosomal DNA, cleavage and modification of the sites of differences by enzymes, and differential cloning of sequence variations with a designed vector. Experimental validations of the presence and location of sequence variations in the isolated clones by PCR and DNA sequencing support the capability of this method in identifying sequence differences between tumor cells and normal cells. 相似文献
Kuo HC Yang KD Juo SH Liang CD Chen WC Wang YS Lee CH Hsi E Yu HR Woon PY Lin IC Huang CF Hwang DY Lee CP Lin LY Chang WP Chang WC 《PloS one》2011,6(4):e17370
Kawasaki disease (KD) is characterized by systemic vasculitis with unknown etiology. Previous studies from Japan indicated that a gene polymorphism of ITPKC (rs28493229) is responsible for susceptibility to KD. We collected DNA samples from 1,531 Taiwanese subjects (341 KD patients and 1,190 controls) for genotyping ITPKC. In this study, no significant association was noted for the ITPKC polymorphism (rs28493229) between the controls and KD patients, although the CC genotype was overrepresented. We further combined our data with previously published case/control KD studies in the Taiwanese population and performed a meta-analysis. A significant association between rs28493229 and KD was found (Odds Ratio:1.36, 95% Confidence Interval 1.12–1.66). Importantly, a significant association was obtained between rs28493229 and KD patients with aneurysm formation (P = 0.001, under the recessive model). Taken together, our results indicated that C-allele of ITPKC SNP rs28493229 is associated with the susceptibility and aneurysm formation in KD patients in a Taiwanese population. 相似文献
Assessment of linkage disequilibrium in potato genome with single nucleotide polymorphism markers 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6

The extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD) is an important factor in designing association mapping experiments. Unlike other plant species that have been analyzed so far for the extent of LD, cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), an outcrossing species, is a highly heterozygous autotetraploid. The favored genotypes of modern cultivars are maintained by vegetative propagation through tubers. As a first step in the LD analysis, we surveyed both coding and noncoding regions of 66 DNA fragments from 47 accessions for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). In the process, we combined information from the potato SNP database with experimental SNP detection. The total length of all analyzed fragments was >25 kb, and the number of screened sequence bases reached almost 1.4 million. Average nucleotide polymorphism (=11.5x10(-3)) and diversity (pi=14.6x10(-3)) was high compared to the other plant species. The overall Tajima's D value (0.5) was not significant, but indicates a deficit of low-frequency alleles relative to expectation. To eliminate the possibility that an elevated D value occurs due to population subdivision, we assessed the population structure with probabilistic statistics. The analysis did not reveal any significant subdivision, indicating a relatively homogenous population structure. However, the analysis of individual fragments revealed the presence of subgroups in the fragment closely linked to the R1 resistance gene. Data pooled from all fragments show relatively fast decay of LD in the short range (r2=0.208 at 1 kb) but slow decay afterward (r2=0.137 at approximately 70 kb). The estimate from our data indicates that LD in potato declines below 0.10 at a distance of approximately 10 cM. We speculate that two conflicting factors play a vital role in shaping LD in potato: the outcrossing mating type and the very limited number of meiotic generations. 相似文献
Ashutosh Bhavana Sharma Tomotaka Shinada Yasuko Kifuji Hiroyasu Kitashiba Takeshi Nishio 《Molecular breeding : new strategies in plant improvement》2012,30(4):1781-1792
An F2 population was developed from a cross between a mur-cytoplasmic male sterile broccoli line and a restorer Chinese kale line. Phenotypic analysis of F2 plants indicated that the pollen fertility is controlled by two genes and segregated in a duplicate gene interaction mode with a ratio of 15:1. A total of 236 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers were developed utilizing 1,448 primers designed for production of expressed sequence tag (EST)-SNP markers of Raphanus sativus and analyzed by the dot-blot technique in 205 F2 individuals. A linkage map was constructed with a total of 142 markers and these markers were assigned to nine linkage groups together with simple sequence repeat markers mapped previously on the published linkage maps of Brassica oleracea. The linkage map spanned 909 cM with an average marker distance of 6.4 cM. A fertility restorer locus (Rfm1) was mapped on LG1, corresponding to chromosome 3, along with a flower color locus at a distance of 25 cM. SNP markers flanking the Rfm1 locus were BoCL2642s at a distance of 2.5 cM on one side and BoCL2901s at a distance of 7.5 cM on the other side. All the SNP markers showed homology with Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica rapa genome sequences. Three pentatricopeptide repeat genes of the P-subfamily, particularly expressed in buds of the restorer line, were identified and these genes could be potential candidate fertility restorer genes. 相似文献
Avian wing length is an important trait that covaries with the ecology and migratory behaviour of a species and tends to change rapidly when the conditions are altered. Long-distance migrants typically have longer wings than short-distance migrants and sedentary species, and long-winged species also tend to be more dispersive. Although the substantial heritability of avian wing length is well established, the identification of causal genes has remained elusive. Based on large-scale genotyping of 1404 informative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in a captive population of 1067 zebra finches, we here show that the within-population variation of relative wing length (h(2) = 0.74 ± 0.05) is associated with standing genetic variation in at least six genomic regions (one genome-wide significant and five suggestive). The variance explained by these six quantitative trait loci (QTL) sums to 36.8% of the phenotypic variance (half of the additive genetic variance), although this likely is an overestimate attributable to the Beavis effect. As avian wing length is primarily determined by the length of the primary feathers, we then searched for candidate genes that are related to feather growth. Interestingly, all of the QTL signals co-locate with Wnt growth factors and closely interacting genes (Wnt3a, Wnt5a, Wnt6, Wnt7a, Wnt9a, RhoU and RhoV). Our findings therefore suggest that standing genetic variation in the Wnt genes might be linked to avian wing morphology, although there are many other genes that also fall within the confidence regions. 相似文献
Ten primer pairs were screened to develop single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) TaqMan assays that will distinguish California golden trout and some rainbow trouts (Oncorhynchus mykiss sspp., O. m. aguabonita) from the Paiute and Lahontan cutthroat trouts (Oncorhynchus clarkii seleniris, O. c. henshawi). From these 10 primer pairs, one mitochondrial and five nuclear fixed SNP differences were discovered and developed into TaqMan assays. These six assays will be useful for characterizing and monitoring hybridization between these groups. Additional Oncorhynchus clarkii sspp. and Oncorhynchus mykiss sspp. were assayed to determine if these assays are useful in closely related species. 相似文献
Nordborg M Hu TT Ishino Y Jhaveri J Toomajian C Zheng H Bakker E Calabrese P Gladstone J Goyal R Jakobsson M Kim S Morozov Y Padhukasahasram B Plagnol V Rosenberg NA Shah C Wall JD Wang J Zhao K Kalbfleisch T Schulz V Kreitman M Bergelson J 《PLoS biology》2005,3(7):e196
We resequenced 876 short fragments in a sample of 96 individuals of Arabidopsis thaliana that included stock center accessions as well as a hierarchical sample from natural populations. Although A. thaliana is a selfing weed, the pattern of polymorphism in general agrees with what is expected for a widely distributed, sexually reproducing species. Linkage disequilibrium decays rapidly, within 50 kb. Variation is shared worldwide, although population structure and isolation by distance are evident. The data fail to fit standard neutral models in several ways. There is a genome-wide excess of rare alleles, at least partially due to selection. There is too much variation between genomic regions in the level of polymorphism. The local level of polymorphism is negatively correlated with gene density and positively correlated with segmental duplications. Because the data do not fit theoretical null distributions, attempts to infer natural selection from polymorphism data will require genome-wide surveys of polymorphism in order to identify anomalous regions. Despite this, our data support the utility of A. thaliana as a model for evolutionary functional genomics. 相似文献
Characterization of single nucleotide polymorphism markers for the green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas)
We present data on 29 new single nucleotide polymorphism assays for the green sea turtle, Chelonia mydas. DNA extracts from 39 green turtles were used for two methods of single nucleotide polymorphism discovery. The first approach employed an amplified fragment length polymorphism technique. The second technique screened a microsatellite library. Allele-specific amplification assays were developed for high-throughput single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping and tested on two Pacific C. mydas nesting populations. Observed heterozygosities ranged from 0 to 0.95 for a Hawaiian population and from 0 to 0.85 for a Galapagos population. Each of the populations had one locus out of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, SSCM2b and SSCM5 for Hawaii and Galapagos, respectively. No loci showed significant genotypic linkage disequilibrium across an expanded set of four Pacific nesting populations. However, two loci, SSCM4 and SSCM10b showed linkage disequilibrium across three populations indicating possible association. 相似文献
EST-derived single nucleotide polymorphism markers for assembling genetic and physical maps of the barley genome 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Kota R Varshney RK Prasad M Zhang H Stein N Graner A 《Functional & integrative genomics》2008,8(3):223-233
In a panel of seven genotypes, 437 expressed sequence tag (EST)-derived DNA fragments were sequenced. Single nucleotide polymorphisms
(SNPs) that were polymorphic between the parents of three mapping populations were mapped by heteroduplex analysis and a genome-wide
consensus map comprising 216 EST-derived SNPs and 4 InDel (insertion/deletion) markers was constructed. The average frequency of SNPs amounted to 1/130 bp and 1/107.8 bp for a set of randomly selected
and a set of mapped ESTs, respectively. The calculated nucleotide diversities (π) ranged from 0 to 40.0 × 10−3 (average 3.1 × 10−3) and 0.52 × 10−3 to 39.51 × 10–3 (average 4.37 × 10−3) for random and mapped ESTs, respectively. The polymorphism information content value for mapped SNPs ranged from 0.24 to
0.50 with an average of 0.34. As expected, combination of SNPs present in an amplicon (haplotype) exhibited a higher information
content ranging from 0.24 to 0.85 with an average of 0.50. Cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence assays (including InDels) were designed for a total of 87 (39.5%) SNP markers. The high abundance of SNPs in the barley genome provides avenues for
the systematic development of saturated genetic maps and their integration with physical maps.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Both R. Kota and R.K. Varshney contributed equally to this work. 相似文献
The plant pathogenic fungus, Cercospora beticola, causes the most important foliage disease of sugar beet. A previous study has shown that isolates of opposite mating types are present in equal proportions in natural populations; therefore, the aim of this study was to develop highly reproducible polymorphic markers for analysing populations of C. beticola. Five microsatellite and four single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers were developed that allow rapid screening of genetic diversity in C. beticola. Six populations were screened with these markers and all were found to be in gametic equilibrium, indicating random mating in C. beticola. 相似文献
dCAPS, a simple technique for the genetic analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms: experimental applications in Arabidopsis thaliana genetics 总被引:10,自引:9,他引:10
Michael M. Neff Joseph D. Neff Joanne Chory Alan E. Pepper 《The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology》1998,14(3):387-392
PCR-based detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms is a powerful tool for the plant geneticist. Cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence analysis is the most widely used approach for the detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms. However, this technique is limited to mutations which create or disrupt a restriction enzyme recognition site. This paper presents a modification of this technique where mismatches in a PCR primer are used to create a polymorphism based on the target mutation. This technique is useful for following known mutations in segregating populations and genetic mapping of isolated DNAs used for positional based cloning of new genes. In addition, a computer program has been developed that facilitates the design of these PCR primers. 相似文献