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1992—1994年的5—9月,在山西庞泉沟自然保护区对黄眉姬的繁殖生态作了观察。结果表明,该鸟的迁徙期为5月中旬和9月上旬;种群密度为6.6只/km2。窝卵数4—6枚,孵卵期12-13d,孵化率为89.5%,育雏期12d。  相似文献   

2005年4月7日在广州中山大学康乐园校区竹园内观测到一只黄眉姬鹟琉球亚种Ficedula narcissina owstoni的first-spring雄性个体,并以照片记录了该种,是中国大陆的鸟类亚种新纪录.本文对比了该亚种与指名亚种first-spring雄鸟的外形特征,并对该亚种的分布进行了简要讨论.  相似文献   

2003—2006年,在北京小龙门林场共发现黄眉姬鹟(Ficedula narcissina elisae)巢43个。其中34巢筑于天然巢址:开放巢占29.4%,位于树枝间(10巢);洞巢占70.6%,位于树桩顶端凹坑中(10巢)和树洞中(14巢)。开放巢距地高度高于洞巢。黄眉姬鹟的主要营巢树种是棘皮桦(Betula dahurica)。在研究区内共悬挂了100个大洞口巢箱和130个小洞口巢箱,结果发现黄眉姬只利用大洞口巢箱(9巢),不利用小洞口巢箱。以巢为中心,取半径6m的样方测量巢址的植被特征。对海拔、坡向、林冠郁闭度、乔木数量、乔木高、乔木胸径、枯树数量、树桩数量和林下郁闭度等变量进行主成分分析。结果表明,黄眉姬鹟的巢址具有乔木高大、林冠郁闭度高、多枯树和树桩等特征。黄眉姬鹟的繁殖成功率为51.2%,天敌破坏是造成繁殖失败的主要原因。  相似文献   

2006、2007年和2008年5月,在河南嵩山、四川老君山和陕西厚畛子采集到8只淡尾鹟莺的鸣声样本.在河南嵩山首次发现了淡尾鹟莺的分布点.对淡尾鹟莺的声谱分析表明,其组成音节的音素数平均为(4.87±1.54)个(n=27),频率在(6.76±0.53) kHz~(2.94±0.39) kHz(n=27)之间,鸣唱音节的持续时间和间隔时间分别为1.03 s±0.27 s和6.79 s±1.54 s(n=27);从8只淡尾鹟莺鸣声个体198个音节中总结出了33种音节类型,其中13个音节为两只不同个体所共享,2个音节为3个不同个体所共享.  相似文献   

近年来,随着观鸟活动和鸟类科研工作在辽宁的持续开展(Baietal.2015,汤姆·滨客2016),辽宁各地不断发现鸟种分布新记录种(白清泉等2019)。2012至2020年间,在丹东、大连、抚顺等市先后发现小鸦鹃(Centropus bengalensis)、雪鹀(Plectrophenax nivalis)、红翅凤头鹃(Clamator coromandus)、宝兴歌鸫(Turdus mupinensis)和黄眉姬鹟(Ficedula narcissina)5种,经查阅相关资料(邱英杰等2006,郑光美2017),确定为辽宁省鸟类分布新记录种。  相似文献   

白清泉  左凌仁 《动物学杂志》2022,57(5):667,677,688-156
近年来,随着观鸟活动和鸟类科研工作在辽宁的持续开展(Baietal.2015,汤姆·滨客2016),辽宁各地不断发现鸟种分布新记录种(白清泉等2019)。2012至2020年间,在丹东、大连、抚顺等市先后发现小鸦鹃(Centropus bengalensis)、雪鹀(Plectrophenax nivalis)、红翅凤头鹃(Clamator coromandus)、宝兴歌鸫(Turdus mupinensis)和黄眉姬鹟(Ficedula narcissina)5种,经查阅相关资料(邱英杰等2006,郑光美2017),确定为辽宁省鸟类分布新记录种。  相似文献   

2007年4-5月间,笔者在中国河北省乐亭县祥云岛林场及香港特别行政区蒲台岛分别记录到红胸姬鹟(Ficedula parva),为中国鸟类物种新记录。红胸姬鹟和F.albicilla原为红喉姬鹟(F.parva)的两个亚种,近年来很多著者依据形态、鸣声、分子等证据,认为两者应为在古北界异域分布(allopatric)的对种(semispecies)。本文亦就两者的鉴定特征和野外辨识要点进行了讨论。  相似文献   

2007年4-5月间,笔者在中国河北省乐亭县祥云岛林场及香港特别行政区蒲台岛分别记录到红胸姬鹟(Ficedula parva),为中国鸟类物种新记录。红胸姬鹟和F. albicilla原为红喉姬鹟(F. parva)的两个亚种,近年来很多著者依据形态、鸣声、分子等证据,认为两者应为在古北界异域分布(allopatric)的对种(semispecies)。本文亦就两者的鉴定特征和野外辨识要点进行了讨论。  相似文献   

池塘浮游植物生态种组的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨国亭  周瑞昌 《植物研究》1990,10(3):107-111
本文在对池塘浮游植物生物量研究的基础上发现:池塘浮游植物根据它们对环境的适应方式可划分为四个生态种组,生态种组A是一个环境适应能力强,但竞争力弱的类群;生态种组B的动态变化过程与水体中无机氮的含量密切相关;而生态种组C的动态变化过程受水体无机氮含量影响较小;生态种组D是与生态种组A和B相抗衡的一个类群。  相似文献   

Taxa classified as subspecies may in fact be cryptic species. We assessed the taxonomic status of the Blue-throated Flycatcher Cyornis rubeculoides complex in India, which consists of several forms with similar plumages and song. We used mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, plumage traits, and detailed song analysis to ascertain the taxonomic status of the different forms. The molecular data identified three primary clades: (1) in the west Himalayan foothills, (2) at higher elevations in the northeast hill states of Meghalaya, Nagaland and Mizoram, and (3) at lower elevations in the northeastern hills of Meghalaya and the east Himalayas of Arunachal Pradesh. The western clade represents nominate C. rubeculoides rubeculoides. The high-elevation eastern clade was considered to be C. rubeculoides rogersi, because it included a sample from this subspecies from near the type locality in southwest Myanmar. These two sister clades had an estimated divergence time of 1.5 million years (my). The low-elevation east clade has previously been assigned to C. rubeculoides, but we showed it is closely related to the Hainan Blue Flycatcher Cyornis hainanus, formerly thought to breed only further east, with an estimated divergence time of only ~0.8 my. This clade may represent a subspecies of C. hainanus or, given reports of widespread sympatry with C. hainanus in Thailand, a distinct species, Cyornis dialilaemus. However, more research is advocated, including molecular data, from the area of overlap. Songs were remarkably similar across all taxa. In playback experiments, C. rrubeculoides in the west responded to all taxa. This is in agreement with recent work demonstrating that song differences and responses to songs are not always a good indicator of the progress of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Stress may have consequences for the evolution of condition-dependentsexual traits. For example, stress may be related to sexualtraits through immune function, and sexual traits can reflecthow individuals bear the costs of stress-mediated immunosuppression.However, male traits may be directly associated with stress,and such traits would then indicate stress tolerance. Here,we present initial results for the relationship between physiologicalstress estimated by the levels of heat shock proteins (HSP60and HSP70) and heterophil/lymphocyte ratio and the elaborationof sexual traits, such as forehead and wing patch size and songfeatures in the collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis. Malesproducing longer and more versatile songs had significantlyhigher levels of HSP70, but other traits were unrelated to stress.In general, effect sizes for the relationship between stressand sexual traits had broad confidence intervals and variedbetween being small and medium effects. Immunoglobulin levels,leukocyte abundance, haemoparasite prevalence, male age, anddate and time effects did not affect the relationship betweenstress and sexual traits. These preliminary results, servinga basis for further experimental studies indicate that the relationshipbetween sexual traits and stress does not seem to be strong,but stress may partially constrain the expression of some sexualtraits.  相似文献   

The indirect effect of tree defense on bird foraging habitat via lepidopterous larvae was studied by focusing on phenological changes in each component. The seasonal changes in foraging habitat of the narcissus flycatcher (Ficedula narcissina), the distribution pattern of arthropod populations, and the leaf characteristics related to the defense system against insect herbivores were studied in a cool-temperate deciduous forest in northern Japan. Narcissus flycatchers foraged in the canopy from late May to mid June, on the ground from late June, with lepidopterous larvae being the most preferred prey (about 80% of total prey items), and again in the canopy in July. The biomass of lepidopterous larvae was much more abundant within 3 weeks after budbreak in the canopy in late May, and thereafter decreased rapidly in mid June. By contrast, the larvae were abundant on the forest floor from early to late June. These were mainly caused by their downward migration in early to mid June. After budbreak, the leaf toughness and tannin content of two deciduous tree species (maple and oak) increased, while nitrogen and water content decreased. The strengthening of defense traits of canopy leaves caused changes in the abundance and distribution of the lepidopterous larvae. The foraging habitat of the flycatcher subsequently shifted in response to the changes in abundance and distribution of the lepidopterous larvae. In this study, the evidence of the indirect effects of trees on bird foraging habitat was presented by focusing on the phenological changes in relationships among each component in this three-trophic system.  相似文献   

在中国水仙(Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis)嫩叶、花和贮藏鳞茎上发现一种蓟马,经鉴定为细角带蓟马[Taeniothrips eucharii (Whetzel)]。本文对细角带蓟马的形态特征作了描述。首次记述福建有细角带蓟马分布,并首次记述中国水仙为细角带蓟马的寄主植物。  相似文献   

The development of plumage polymorphism in male Madagascar paradise flycatcher Terpsiphone mutata (Linnaeus, 1766) was investigated in north‐western Madagascar. Four distinct morphs were observed, namely, white‐coloured with long tails (WL), rufous‐coloured with long tails (RL), rufous‐coloured with tails of middle length (RM), and rufous‐coloured with short tails (RS). Females were rufous and had short tails. Indivudual males were marked and re‐observed during 1994–98. RS males changed to RM in the following seasons. Among RM males, some individuals retained RM, others changed to RL or WL. RM males which changed to WL in the next season had possessed white patches on their belly, whereas RM males which changed to RL had not had such patches. Neither WL nor RL males changed their morphs. Nestlings were rufous regardless of their father's morph. One nestling changed to RS in the next season. From these results and the difference of body size among four morphs, it is deduced that RS males are one year old, and change to RM males in the next season. RM males change to RL or WL males after one or two years. RL and WL are two stable terminal plumages, and they may be genetically determined morphs.  相似文献   

Revealing the genetic basis of reproductive isolation is fundamental for understanding the speciation process. Chromosome speciation models propose a role for chromosomal rearrangements in promoting the build up of reproductive isolation between diverging populations and empirical data from several animal and plant taxa support these models. The pied flycatcher and the collared flycatcher are two closely related species that probably evolved reproductive isolation during geographical separation in Pleistocene glaciation refugia. Despite the short divergence time and current hybridization, these two species demonstrate a high degree of intrinsic post‐zygotic isolation and previous studies have shown that traits involved in mate choice and hybrid viability map to the Z‐chromosome. Could rearrangements of the Z‐chromosome between the species explain their reproductive isolation? We developed high coverage Z‐chromosome linkage maps for both species, using gene‐based markers and large‐scale SNP genotyping. Best order maps contained 57–62 gene markers with an estimated average density of one every 1–1.5 Mb. We estimated the recombination rates in flycatcher Z‐chromosomes to 1.1–1.3 cM/Mb. A comparison of the maps of the two species revealed extensive co‐linearity with no strong evidence for chromosomal rearrangements. This study does therefore not provide support the idea that sex chromosome rearrangements have caused the relatively strong post‐zygotic reproductive isolation between these two Ficedula species.  相似文献   

Mobbing signals advertise the location of a stalking predatorto all prey in an area and recruit them into the inspectionaggregation. Such behavior usually causes the predator to moveto another area. However, mobbing calls could be eavesdroppedby other predators. Because the predation cost of mobbing callsis poorly known, we investigated whether the vocalizations ofthe mobbing pied flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca, a small holenesting passerine, increase the risk of nest predation. We usedmobbing calls of pied flycatchers to examine if they could lurepredators such as the marten, Martes martes. This predator usuallyhunts by night and may locate its mobbing prey while restingnearby during the day. Within each of 56 experimental plots,from the top of one nest-box we played back mobbing sounds ofpied flycatchers, whereas blank tapes were played from the topof another nest-box. The trials with mobbing calls were carriedout before sunset. We put pieces of recently abandoned nestsof pied flycatchers and a quail, Coturnix coturnix, egg intoeach of the nest-boxes. Nest-boxes with playbacks of mobbingcalls were depredated by martens significantly more than werenest-boxes with blank tapes. The results of the present studyindicate that repeated conspicuous mobbing calls may carry asignificant cost for birds during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Cryptic species of passerine birds lack notable morphological differentiation and can best be identified by molecular and bioacoustic markers. Here we investigate seven cryptic species of the golden-spectacled warbler (Seicercus burkii complex) with respect to territorial song and cytochrome-b (cyt-b) sequences. Their phylogenetic relations to other Seicercus species and to members of the genus Phylloscopus are inferred by the same methods. Three separate lineages of Seicercus are nested within different branches of the molecular Phylloscopus tree. The S. burkii complex is a monophyletic unit comprising seven species (S. burkii s. str., S. whistleri, S. valentini, S. soror, S. omeiensis, S. tephrocephalus and S. affinis). S. xanthoschistos turned out to be a close relative of Phylloscopus davisoni within the P. reguloides group. Two isolated sister taxa, S. grammiceps and S. castaniceps, also branch together with the P. reguloides group. Within the S. burkii complex the overall haplotype and nucleotide diversity is highest in taxa from the Chinese middle and upper mountain belt (S. valentini, S. omeiensis and S. soror), indicating at least partially restricted gene flow in these species. This is explained by the fragmentation of high-altitude habitats in China while in the Himalayas the vicariant species S. whistleri inhabits a more continuous mountain belt at the same altitude. For the Chinese species from medium and high altitudes, past range expansion is indicated by significantly negative Tajima Ds. According to pairwise genetic distances, most species of the S. burkii complex have diverged 5 myr ago, the most recent split between S. burkii and S. tephrocephalus is dated 2 myr ago. Coalescence times for haplotype lineages of the different species range from 9 up to 12 myr, and between 5 and 6 myr for S. burkii and S. tephrocephalus.

Within Seicercus divergence of song features such as frequency parameters and syntax structures correlate with genetic distances between taxa. The three cyt-b lineages of Seicercus correspond to different clusters in a discriminant analysis by acoustic parameters. Common syntax structures of territorial song in the Phylloscopus/Seicercus assemblage are: (1) an introductory element derived from specific calls and (2) a syntax of trills and repeated element groups or a combination of both. There are clear indications that these song structures have repeatedly emerged, were lost or were altered in different branches of the phylogenetic tree at different times. Absolute differences between taxa in frequency parameters or in an acoustic divergence index increase significantly with growing genetic distances. However, due to multiple parallel evolution phylogenetic information provided by single acoustic traits decreases with increasing numbers of taxa involved in the investigation.  相似文献   

Mobbing behavior may provide real benefits because mobbing preyindividuals often cause a predator to leave the vicinity. However,mobbing calls of prey can attract acoustically oriented predatorsthus increasing nest predation. Therefore, a real value of mobbingas a type of adaptive behavior may depend on its duration. Inthis experimental study, we tested whether mobbing durationby the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca, a small hole-nestingpasserine, increases the risk of nest predation. From the topof one nest-box within each of 78 experimental plots, we playedback long calls of pied flycatchers, whereas recordings of shortmobbing calls were played back from the top of another nearbynest-box. The nest-boxes were arranged in pairs, and each ofthem contained a quail Coturnix coturnix egg. Long-call nest-boxeswere depredated by martens Martes martes significantly moreoften than short-call nest-boxes. This predator usually huntsby night and may eavesdrop on the calls of their mobbing preywhile resting nearby during the day. The results of the presentstudy show that long-lasting conspicuous mobbing calls may carrya significant cost for the breeding birds.  相似文献   

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