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To investigate early stages of B lymphocytopoiesis in rat bone marrow (BM) before the expression of surface IgM (s mu), the populations of cytoplasmic mu-chain-positive (c mu+) pre-B cells and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-positive (TdT+) cells were studied by double immunofluorescence microscopy. B lymphocytes that were s mu+ constituted 5%, c mu+s mu- pre-B cells 23%, and TdT+ cells 4% of nucleated cells in the BM of juvenile rats. TdT+ and pre-B cells ranged between 7 and 17 microns in diameter. TdT+ cells were slightly larger, with a modal diameter of 10.5 microns against 9 microns for pre-B cells. mu-Chains were absent from nearly all TdT+ cells. Their surface antigenic phenotype was studied by using a panel of mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAb) to rat B lymphocyte-associated antigens (Ig, Ia, and others) and T lymphocyte-associated antigens. Both pre-B cells and TdT+ lacked surface Ig and Ia but carried most of the other B lymphocyte-associated antigens analyzed. TdT+ and pre-B cells lacked those antigens found only on the T lineage. By using MAb HIS24 (detecting a non-Ig/Ia B lymphocyte-associated antigen) and fluorescence-activated cell sorting, TdT+ and pre-B cells were highly enriched. The results show that most TdT+ cells in rat BM are mu- but demonstrate strong similarity with pre-B cells in surface antigenic phenotype. Therefore, as suggested for man, a major proportion of rat BM TdT+ cells may be B lineage-cells before mu heavy chain gene expression.  相似文献   

Human bone marrow was treated with cytolytic monoclonal antibodies BA-1, BA-2 and BA-3 and examined for terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-positive (TdT+) cells during culture in the mixed colony assay. The kinetics of TdT+ cells was compared with untreated bone marrow controls over a 14-day culture period. In control cultures a progressive decline in the number of TdT+ cells occurred during the first three days and by day 4 no TdT+ cells were observed. In antibody-treated cell cultures in which all or the majority of TdT+ cells were removed, no TdT+ cells were detectable after 24 h. Both control and antibody-treated cultures showed comparable colony formation from myeloid, erythroid and multipotential progenitor cells by day 14. The results therefore suggest that the mixed colony assay does not support the growth of TdT+ cells or the production of TdT+ cells from TdT- precursors.  相似文献   

To understand bone marrow (BM) as a site of B-lymphocytopoiesis, insight into the topographical arrangement of developing B cells and their relationships to the microenvironment in vivo is required. To study the spatial distribution of B lymphocyte progenitors defined by intracellular markers (cytoplasmic mu H chain and nuclear terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT], we developed a technique to cut frozen femurs of rat, yielding cross-sections with intact subendosteal and central marrow. By using (double) immunofluorescence staining techniques we located pre-B and TdT+ cells, and IgM+ B cells in those sections. Of the B cells present in BM, one-third was accumulated in the lumen of blood sinuses. The rest were in the BM parenchyma, as were virtually all pre-B and TdT+ cells. The subendosteal area was twice as rich in pre-B and TdT+ cells as the central area, and within the subendosteal area a profound positive gradient toward the bone was evident. B cells showed an equal distribution over the center and the periphery of the BM. The distribution patterns of B lineage cells in the BM parenchyma were analyzed and shown in part to deviate from random distribution. Additional study of clonal development and microenvironmental factors in hematopoiesis will have to clarify the underlying mechanisms for the observed distribution patterns of B cell precursors in BM.  相似文献   

The enzyme TdT is the earliest known marker of lymphocytic differentiation in rodents. Cells containing this enzyme were demonstrated in suspension cultures of mouse bone marrow cells that had been maintained in vitro for periods of 7 to 45 days. The cells were detected by immunofluorescence using purified antibodies to homogeneous TdT. Between 0.04 and 2.0% of cultured bone marrow cells from a variety of mouse strains were positive. More than 40% of the TdT-positive cells incorporated 3H-thymidine during a 20-min pulse. Surface Ig and Thy-1 antigens were not detected on the TdT-positive cells. The prevalence of TdT-positive cells was decreased 10-fold in cultures that had been treated with 10(-6) M hydrocortisone 24 hr before harvesting. The results indicate that lymphoid progenitor cells can be generated in vitro.  相似文献   

Lymphohemopoietic precursor cells in rat bone marrow are members of a subset of lymphocyte-like cells that bears the bone marrow lymphocyte antigen (BMLA) and that lacks antigens present on peripheral B and T cells. This was demonstrated by two experimental approaches. In the first, bone marrow cells with the potential to form hemopoietic colonies in spleen (CFU-S), to repopulate lumphoid tissues and blood, and to rescue lethally irradiated recipients were enriched approximately 10-fold by a fractionation procedure designed to isolate a "null" population of bone marro lymphocytes. In the second approach, the lymphohemopoietic precursor cell activity in bone marrow was completely abrogated by opsonization with rabbit antiserum (ALSBM) raised against this "null" population of bone marrow cells. Precursor cell activity was not affected by treatment with antiserum to T and B cells. Quantitative cross-absorption studies showed that the antigen detected by ALSBM on lymphohemopoietic precursor cells had the same cellular distribution as did the previously described bone marrow lymphocyte antigen. It is likely that this antigen is present both on pluripotent stem cells and on committed progenitors of the myelocytic, erythrocytic and lymphocytic series.  相似文献   

A new form of TdT mRNA has been identified by screening a mouse thymus cDNA library. It contains an open reading frame of 1527 base pairs corresponding to a protein containing 509 aminoacids, whereas the previously identified mouse TdT mRNA is composed of 1587 base pairs and encodes a protein of 529 aminoacids. Analysis of a mouse genomic clone containing the 3' portion of the TdT gene shows that these twenty additional aminoacids are encoded by an additional exon located between exons X and XI. Both forms of TdT mRNA are present in the thymus and could be generated by alternative splicing. The cDNA reported here corresponds to the major form of TdT mRNA in Balb/c mice and closely resembles human and bovine TdT cDNA. Expression of this cDNA in mammalian cells shows that it encodes a functional protein capable of catalysing N region insertions at the recombination junction of an episomic recombination substrate.  相似文献   

Mouse embryonic tissues were tested for their ability to form rosettes with EA and EAC. It was found that as early as the day after implantation (day 6) a small percentage of cells was able to bind both. After the 8th day of gestation the development of rosette-forming cells paralleled that of the immune system. However, the detection of Fc and C'3 receptors on cells at least 2 days prior to the earliest known demonstration of lymphoid stem cells suggests that they may be expressed on cells other than those of the immune and phagocytic series.  相似文献   

ECL cells produce histamine and chromogranin A, and are restricted to the oxyntic mucosa of the stomach. ECL cell ontogeny has been studied in some detail in the rat. Using histidine decarboxylase immunostaining, the first ECL cells can be demonstrated at embryonic day 17. Immunoreactive histamine and chromogranin A appear one day later. At embryonic day 20, the vesicular monoamine transporter type 2 is also present in the ECL cells. Neonatally the ECL cell proliferation is slow; however, one to three weeks postnatally there is a rapid growth of ECL cells to populate the basal half of the glands. Gastrin is known to be an important stimulator of ECL cell activity and growth in the adult rat. As revealed in recent mouse gene knock out models gastrin does not seem to play a role in the early ECL cell differentiation and development.  相似文献   

Human Molt3 cDNA library was constructed using pcD vector system which permits the expression of cDNA inserts in mammalian cells. Nearly full-length human terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase (TdT) cDNA was cloned using a fragment of bovine TdT cDNA as a probe. The human TdT cDNA contains an open reading frame of 1,557 bp coding for 519 amino acids, including 31 bp and 341 bp from 5' and 3' untranslated regions, respectively. The TdT cDNA was transfected into COS7 monkey fibroblasts directed the synthesis of enzymatically active protein of Mr 59,495. The cloned TdT cDNA hybridized with poly A+ RNAs of 2,100 b and 3,300 b from stable T-cell leukemia Molt3 and Molt4 cells.  相似文献   

Prolyl endopeptidase and pyroglutamyl peptidase I are enzymes which participate in the degradation of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), a hormone which is thought to play an important role in the development of organs and tissues. Here, we have characterized the ontogeny of TRH degrading enzyme activity in the brain cortex, lung, heart, kidney and liver. Overall, prolyl endopeptidase activity was found to be 2 to 5 fold higher in newborn vs. adult rat tissues, with the exception of the soluble form in the liver and the particulate form in the lung. In contrast, the developmental profile of pyroglutamyl peptidase I activity was found to be more variable and tissue dependent. These results corroborate the idea that both enzymes play important, tissue-specific roles during the development and maturation of rat organs.  相似文献   

1. The activities of adenine phosphoribosyltransferase and hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase in extracts of rat and mouse liver, brain, spleen, heart and kidney, of rat bone marrow and of Ehrlich ascites-tumour cells have been measured. The specific activity of adenine phosphoribosyltransferase in tumour cells (3mμ-moles of nucleotide formed/min./mg. of protein) was between 15 and 60 times the activity of any mouse tissue examined. Hypoxanthine-phosphoribosyltransferase activity was greater in extracts of tumour cells than in mouse tissues, but the difference was not great. 2. The specific activities of both adenine phosphoribosyltransferase and hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase in ascites-tumour cells decreased respectively by 57% and 36% 2 days after the cells had been inoculated into mice. After 4 days of tumour growth the specific activities of both enzymes increased, reaching a maximum at 10 days. 3. The activity of adenine phosphoribosyltransferase in rat-liver extracts increased steadily up to 4 days after partial hepatectomy, and was still above the control value after 14 days. Hypoxanthine-phosphoribosyltransferase activity in extracts of regenerating rat liver did not increase until the second day after operation and had begun to decrease by the fourth day. 4. From the results it was concluded that adenine phosphoribosyltransferase and hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase may be physiologically important enzymes in rapidly growing tissues, and that inhibitors of the former enzyme have potential value in chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT), a unique DNA-polymerizing enzyme,has been shown to be present in a moderately dense subpopulation of rat thymocytes separated on discontinuous Ficoll density gradients. This subpopulation has been characterized by using antigenic and functional markers to identify directly and quantify cortical and medullary thymocytes. The TdT-positive thymocytes are depleted by cortisone administration, lack responsiveness to phytohemagglutinin, concanavalin-A, and histocompatibility alloantigens, bear surface antigens characteristic of cortical thymocytes (bone marrow lymphocyte antigen) and lack surface antigens characteristic of medullary thymocytes (rat-masked thymocyte antigen and histocompatibility antigens). The results indicate that TdT is present exclusively (or in markedly higher concentrations) in a subset of cells which comprised about 65% of cortical thymocytes. Two other major subsets of cortical thymocytes were identified which appeared to be TdT-negative. A minor subset of very low density cortical thymocytes was also defined. These observations have provided insight into the possible pathways of thymocyte ontogeny.  相似文献   

Summary An antiserum against hemocyanin-conjugated histamine was used to study the cellular stores of histamine in the stomach, especially the oxyntic mucosa, of fetal and early postnatal rats. Tissues were fixed in 4% 1-ethyl-3(3-dimethyl-aminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC-DI) and standard immunofluorescence technique was used. Histamine was first detected on the 16th embryonic (E16) day when a few histamine-immunoreactive (HA-ir) cells and nerve fibers were observed in the muscular layer of the stomach wall. On day E18, HA-ir cells were visualized for the first time in the oxyntic mucosa of the stomach, and from that day on the number of such cells increased slowly initially and after day E20 more rapidly. At birth many of the HA-ir cells in the oxyntic mucosa possessed processes giving them a paracrine-like appearance typical of enterochromaffin-like cells (ECL cells). Only a very small number of the HA-ir cells represented metachromatically stained mast cells and were located in the submucosa. After birth, the number of HA-ir ECL cells increased steadily, until day 21 when the distribution and number was very similar to that of the adult. The results suggest that histamine-containing neurons and ECL cells appear in the stomach wall before birth, and that there are histamine-containing ECL cells in the mucosa and mast cells in the submucosa of the stomach wall at birth.  相似文献   

Summary Indirect and peroxidase anti-peroxidase (PAP) immunoenzymatic methods were used to detect terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) in imprints and formalin-fixed paraffin sections of normal rat thymus. TdT is found in the nuclei of small lymphocytes in imprint samples from neonatal and adult rat thymus, showing granular or circular patterns of peroxidase reaction products. Diffuse brown reaction products of peroxidase are located in both the nuclei and cytoplasm of medium and large lymphocytes. Indirect measurements show that, as age progresses, the percentage of peroxidase-positive cells decreases in all types of lymphocytes, from 72.4% on the 11th day to 54.8% in the 5th month, whereas that of negative cells increases from 14.4% to 39.4%. In formalin-fixed paraffin sections, peroxidase-positive lymphocytes are found mainly in the cortex and cortico-medullary boundary, and only rarely in the medulla.  相似文献   

Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) binding to ocular tissues has been studied by autoradiographical and biochemical approaches directly performed on sections during mouse embryonic and postnatal development. Frozen sections of embryos (9 to 18 days), newborns, and adults (1 day to 6 months) were incubated with iodinated bFGF. One specific FGF binding site (KD = 2.5 nM) is colocalized with heparan sulfate proteoglycans of the basement membranes and is heparitinase sensitive. It first appears at Day 9 around the neural tube, the optic vesicles, and below the head ectoderm and by Day 14 of embryonic development is found in all basement membranes of the eye. At Day 16, very intensely labeled patches appear, corresponding to mast cells which have been characterized by metachromatic staining of their heparin-rich granulations with toluidine blue. In addition to the latter binding, we have also observed a general diffuse distribution of silver grains on all tissues and preferentially in the ecto- and neuroectodermic tissues. From Days 17-18, there is heterogeneous labeling inside the retina, localized in the pigmented epithelium and in three different layers colocalized with the inner and outer plexiform layers and with the inner segments of the photoreceptors. This binding is heparitinase resistant but N-glycanase sensitive and may represent a second specific binding site corresponding to cellular FGF receptors (KD = 280 pM). Both types of binding patterns observed suggest a significant role for bFGF in eye development and physiology.  相似文献   

Major polypeptides in the plasma membrane of human erythrocytes appear to undergo few if any spatial or conformational changes relative to each other during storage of blood under blood bank conditions. Membrane-bound glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase is an exception. It ceases to undergo cross-linking reactions mediated by low levels of gluteraldehyde after 21 days of storage.  相似文献   

Antibody to purified terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (nucleosidetriphosphate : DNA deoxy-nucleotidylexotransferase, E.C. from calf thymus was prepared in rabbits using terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase crosslinked to bovine serum albumin. These antibodies, partially purified by 60% ammonium sulfate precipitation and Sephadex G-200 column chromatography, produced one precipitation band with calf thymus terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase on immunodiffusion. This antibody preparation also inhibited the in vitro activity of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase from calf thymus, acute leukemic lymphoblasts and Molt-4 cells but not that of DNA polymerases alpha, beta and psi from these cells  相似文献   

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