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–Adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic AMP) levels increase about 5-fold in the cerebral cortex and 2-fold in the cerebellum following electroconvulsive shock (ECS). The peak levels of cyclic AMP occur at 45 s after ECS in the cerebral cortex, and at 15 s in the cerebellum. In the cerebral cortex, ECS produces twice the cyclic AMP accumulation as does decapitation in a comparable time period; however, the relative effect of a number of neurotropic agents on the cyclic AMP accumulation is essentially the same, whether stimulated by decapitation or by ECS. In the cerebellum, the levels of guanosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic GMP) also increase following ECS. The cyclic GMP levels are greatest at 60 s after ECS during the postictal depression. An association between elevated cerebellar cyclic GMP and depression seems unlikely, since CNS depressants either lowered or had no effect on cyclic GMP levels. From these results, cyclic nucleotide profiles following treatments such as ECS or decapitation may be useful in elucidating the molecular events involved in seizures, brain injury and ischemia.  相似文献   

Swiss 3T3 cells exhibit contact-regulated cell growth and have a lower ability to transport 2-deoxyglucose than polyoma (Py)-transformed 3T3 cells. Py3T3 cells treated with dibutyryl cyclic adenosine 3'5' monophosphate (dBcAMP) and theophylline have reduced cell growth and transport 2-deoxyglucose at the same rate as normal 3T3 cells. Evidence that the cessation of cell growth and reduced transport abilities in Py3T3 cells does not represent a return to contact-regulated growth comes from the following observations. First, treating high density Py3T3 cells with dBcAMP allows more than two doublings of cell number, even though ability to transport 2-deoxyglucose is returned to levels equal to those of normal 3T3 cells. Second, dBcAMP prevents serum-stimulated increases in 2-deoxyglucose transport in Py3T3 but not in 3T3 cells.  相似文献   

我们用建系的小鼠胚胎干细胞ES-5细胞为材料,研究了维生素A酸(RA)和双丁酰基环腺苷单磷酸(dBcAMP)对该胚胎干细胞的体外诱导分化。在ES-5细胞单层培养的条件下,RA单独作用或RA与dBcAMP共同作用,都产生神经元样和成纤维样两种细胞;在后一种作用情况下分化细胞可达90—95%,通过对细胞形态特征表型标志(GFAP,层粘蛋白等)的分析,初步证明绝大部分细胞为神经胶质细胞。除单层培养外,我们还研究了RA对ES-5细胞聚集体贴壁培养的诱导分化,在这种条件下,分化细胞类型较多,其是最突出的是有节律收缩的心肌样细胞。本文讨论了ES-5细胞单层培养与细胞聚集体贴壁培养两种条件下,RA诱导的差异及其可能原因。  相似文献   

Abstract— Norepinephrine, epinephrine, isoproterenol, and adenosine elicit enhanced accumulations of cyclic AMP in incubated slices of rat cerebral cortex. Combinations of norepinephrine, epinephrine, isoproterenol, or histamine with adenosine have a greater than additive effect on cyclic AMP levels. The effects of isoproterenol appear to be mediated via a classical β-adrenergic receptor whereas the effects of norepinephrine appear due to interactions with both α- and β-adrenergic receptors. The presence of the phosphodiesterase inhibitor, isobutylmethylxanthine, potentiates the effects of the catecholamines and reveals a histamine-mediated increase in cyclic AMP levels. After an initial stimulation of cyclic AMP formation with norepinephrine, followed by washing of the slices, the cyclic AMP-generating system is unresponsive to norepinephrine but does respond to an adenosine-norepinephrine combination. In mouse cerebral cortical slices, catecholamines appear to elicit an accumulation of cyclic AMP primarily via interaction with a β-adrenergic receptor.  相似文献   

Cyclic adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) accumulates in guinea pig cerebral cortical slices during incubation with histamine, histamine + noradrenaline and adenosine. Noradrenaline does not enhance cyclic AMP formation. In the absence of Ca2+ ions and presence of 1 mM-EGTA in the Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate medium the effects of histamine, histamine + noradrenaline and adenosine are significantly enhanced and noradrenaline elicits an increase in cyclic AMP over control levels. When histamine is used as stimulant, cyclic AMP levels start to decline after only 5 min. However, in the absence of calcium and in the presence of EGTA in the medium this decline is not observed and cyclic AMP levels continue to rise for a considerable period of time. In normal medium, responses to restimulation by histamine or histamine + noradrenaline are greatly reduced in magnitude after a prior stimulation by these putative neurotransmitters. In contrast, when calcium is omitted from the incubation medium and 1 mM-EGTA is included, cyclic AMP levels increase to normal values at a second stimulation with histamine or histamine + noradrenaline. When slices are preincubated for various periods of time with histamine before addition of noradrenaline, the accumulation of cyclic AMP is significantly reduced as compared to levels obtained when histamine + noradrenaline were added simultanously. This decline in the overall response to histamine + noradrenaline is not observed when preincubation with histamine and subsequent incubations with histamine + noradrenaline are performed in Ca2+-free, 1 mM-EGTA containing buffer. Also preincubation with noradrenaline in normal, calcium-containing medium does not affect the total amount of cyclic AMP accumulating in the brain slices. The results are discussed in terms of an activation of phosphodiesterase within the cerebral cortical slices by increased levels of intracellular, freely available calcium which is mediated by the elevation of cyclic AMP concentration following hormonal stimulation.  相似文献   

Small segments of tail of Bufo bufo japonicus tadpoles were cultured in medium containing thyroxine (T4) and dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dbcAMP). Like prolactin, the cyclic nucleotide blocked T4-induced shrinkage or tail pieces. Histological study of the segments after 4-days culture revealed that dbcAMP suppressed degenerative changes induced by T4. The inhibitory effect of prolactin on T4-induced tail regression was promoted by caffeine, an inhibitor of adenosine 3', 5'-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic AMP)-phosphodiesterase.
The effect of prolactin on the level of cyclic AMP in the tail was also studied in vivo . Sixty min after prolactin injection, the cyclic AMP level was 2–3 times the control value. Possible involvement of cyclic AMP in the action of prolactin, which blocks tail resorption induced by T4, was discussed.  相似文献   

Incorporation of tritiated thymidine into acid-precipitable material was used to measure the rate of DNA synthesis in secondary cultures of human diploid fibroblasts. Confluent cultures of human diploid fibroblasts, which are synchronized in the G1 phase due to contact inhibition, were released from growth inhibition either by the addition of fresh medium to the cultures or by trypsinization and replating at nonconfluent densities. Either treatment resulted in a synchronous wave of DNA synthesis beginning 10–15 h after treatment and peaking at 20–25 h. In confluent cultures stimulated by fresh medium, either the addition of 0.25 mM N6, O2-dibutyryl-adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (db-cAMP) to the medium in the interval 4–8 h after stimulation or the replacement of the fresh medium in that same 4 h interval with the depleted medium present on the cells for the 2 day period before stimulation delayed the synchronous onset of DNA synthesis in the cultures by about 4 h. In nonconfluent cultures freshly seeded from trypsinized confluent cultures, this same depleted medium obtained after a 2 day incubation of fresh medium on confluent cultures is shown to support the progress of the cells into S phase; however, the addition of 0.25 mM db-cAMP to the medium 3½ h after replating still partially prevented the initiation of DNA synthesis in the cultures. The results are discussed in terms of the role of serum and cAMP in the control of cell growth in fibroblast cultures.  相似文献   

Dopamine (DA), L-isópropylnorepinepherine (IPNE), 2-chloroadenosine (2-Cl-Ado), 3-isobutyl, I-methylxanthine (IBMX) and N6,O2′-dibutyryl cyclic AMP have been investigated for their effects on glycogen levels in rat caudate nucleus slices. Incubation of slices with 1 mM-dibutyryl cyclic AMP, or with 50 μM-IPNE in the presence of 1mM-IBMX, or with 5-500 μM-2-Cl-Ado reduced glycogen levels to about 50% of control. Incubation of slices with 1 mM-IBMX alone, or with 50μM-IPNE alone, or with 50μM-DA either alone or in the presence of 1 mM-IBMX was without significant effect on glycogen levels. The effect of IPNE + IBMX was completely abolished by the prior addition of 10 μM-propranolol. The effect of 10 μM-2-Cl-Ado was not effectively prevented by either 100 μM-theophylline or 100 μM-cordycepin. The results indicate that the β-adrenergic adenylate cyclase in the rat caudate nucleus plays a role in the regulation of glycogen metabolism, while the DA-stimulated adenylate cyclase is not significantly involved. The 2-Cl-Ado-stimulated adenylate cyclase may be involved in the control of glycogen metabolism, but other mechanisms for the 2-CI-Ado action, such as interference with allosteric regulatory sites on glycogen phosphorylase, have not been ruled out.  相似文献   

Abstract— l -Isopropylnorepinepherine (IPNE), 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) and N6,O2'-dibutyryl cyclic AMP have been found to stimulate the conversion of glycogen phosphorylase (GPase) from b to a forms in rat caudate nucleus slices. The average percentage of total GPase in the a form in control incubations was 32%. The percentage of total GPase in the a form was increased to 1.5 times the control value in the presence of 1 mM-IBMX, to twice the control value in the presence of 0.05 mM-IPINE and to 2.5 times the control in the presence of 0.05 mM-IPNE and 1 mM-IBMX in combination. The increase in GPase activation correlated well with the elevation of cyclic AMP levels by these agents in caudate slices. The percentage of total GPase in the a form was also increased to 2.5 times the control by 1 mM dibutyryl cyclic AMP. Dopamine (DA) and 2-chloroadenosine (2-CI-Ado), which also elevate cyclic AMP levels in rat caudate slices, were without significant effect on GPase. The results indicate that the β-adrenergc adenylate cyclase in the rat caudate nucleus plays a role in the regulation of glycogen metabolism, while the DA-stimulated adenylate cyclase is not significantly involved. 2-CI-Ado does have effects on glycogen metabolism in the caudate, but these effects do not appear to be mediated by GPase activation.  相似文献   

Abstract— In guinea-pig cerebral cortical slices levels of cyclic AMP increase in response to adenosine to about 200pmol/mg protein within 10 min and stay at that level up to 30 min. In the absence of calcium ions and the presence of 1mm -EGTA in the Krebs-Ringer-bicarbonate medium the effect of adenosine is enhanced, cyclic AMP levels rise to about 600 pmol/mg protein within 30 min. In normal and calcium deficient media restimulation of cyclic AMP formation with adenosine is possible after a prior stimulation with adenosine. When slices are preincubated for various periods of time with histamine or adenosine before addition of the complementary agent i.e. adenosine or histamine cyclic AMP levels obtained are unaltered compared to levels seen when adenosine and histamine are added together. Slices which are rendered unresponsive to stimulation with histamine + noradrenaline by a prior incubation with these agents do not regain any response during a 100 min period of incubation in medium. The PDE inhibitors diazepam, SQ 66007 and isobutylmethylxanthine are capable of restoring the sensitivity of the slices to histamine + noradrenaline. This suggests an involvement of PDE in the unresponsive phase of the slices. Addition of adenosine to slices not affected by histamine + noradrenaline does reestablish the response of these slices to the neurohormones. A dose-response curve of adenosine for the interaction with histamine + noradrenaline yields an ED50 of 16 μM using sensitive or desensitized slices. An adenosine concentration of only 7 μM is necessary to restore the original increase of cyclic AMP in response to histamine + noradrenaline to slices insensitive to the biogenic amines. The data are discussed in terms of a possible activation of PDE within cerebral cortical slices from guinea-pig. Adenosine may reverse this activation. The possibility of inactivation of adenylate cyclase during stimulation of cyclic AMP formation and the role of adenosine and PDE inhibitors in this process is being considered.  相似文献   

Secondary cultures of human diploid fibroblasts, which demonstrate density-dependent inhibition of cell growth, were used to study the effect of adenosine 3'-5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) on cell proliferation. DNA synthesis in nonconfluent cultures and in contact-inhibited cultures stimulated to grow by refeeding with fresh medium was found to be inhibited by exogenous cAMP. The properties of this inhibition of DNA synthesis, together with the alterations in cAMP metabolism observed in confluent cultures of cells stimulated with fresh medium to resume growth, strongly suggest that cAMP is involved in contact-inhibition of cell proliferation.  相似文献   

—The intravenous injection of adrenaline, isoprenaline and histamine to 4-6-day-old chicks resulted in a rapid increase in the cyclic AMP content of cerebral hemispheres that had been removed and frozen within 0·5 s using a freeze-blowing technique. Noradrenaline, dopamine, adenosine, 5-HT and acetylcholine did not significantly alter the nucleotide concentration in vivo. Addition of adrenaline, isoprenaline and histamine to incubated chick cerebral cortex slices also increased the cyclic AMP content of the tissue. Noradrenaline was considerably less potent than these amines and adenosine was ineffective. Low phosphorylase a levels (16 per cent of total activity) were observed in instantaneously frozen cerebral hemispheres of untreated chicks. The injection of adrenaline, isoprenaline and histamine resulted in a rapid conversion of phosphorylase b to a and a significant fall in tissue glycogen. Administration of noradrenaline was without effect on the relative forms of phosphorylase and also failed to influence cerebral glycogen. Phosphorylase activation was not observed in chick cerebral slices under conditions producing large increases in cyclic AMP. It is suggested that in vivo phosphorylase activation and subsequent glycogenolysis may occur, at least in part, in glia and that these cells may be damaged during preparation of cerebral slices. The results provide evidence of a metabolic role for cyclic AMP in cerebral tissue.  相似文献   

Abstract— Investigations have been carried out into developmental aspects of cyclic AMP metabolism and responsiveness to neurohormones in chick cerebral hemispheres. The in vivo cyclic AMP concentration, measured after freeze-blowing, was found to be highest in the embryonic brain, and changes in the cyclic nucleotide content produced by ischaemia increased with age. The magnitude of the in vivo increases in cyclic AMP produced by isoprenaline and by histamine decreased throughout the first postnatal month. The onset of isoprenaline- and histamine-induced cyclic AMP accumulation in brain slices occurred around 17 days embryonic age, reached a maximum at about 3 days post-hatch and fell to approx 50% of this response at 28 days of age. Adenosine stimulated cyclic AMP formation to a similar extent at all ages studied.
The activities of adenylate cyclase and cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase of hemisphere homogenates were found to reach maximum near the time of hatching. Since the overall pattern of responsiveness of the cerebral cyclic AMP system to neurohormones does not correlate with these variations in enzyme activities, it is suggested that changes occurring at the synaptic receptor level may explain the developmental variations observed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Four catecholamines injected into the cerebral ventricles increased the content of cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) in vivo in the whole brain of rats. The highest rise (2.6-fold) was measured 2 min after an injection of 100 μg epinephrine. Isoproterenol and norepinephrine were less active and dopamine hardly increased the cAMP level. These results are compatible with the view that physiological actions of catecholamines in the nervous system may be mediated by an increase of CAMP.  相似文献   

The isolated urinary bladder of the toad responds to neurohypophyseal hormone with a net increase of water transport from the mucosal to the serosal solution in the presence of an osmotic gradient. This response is mediated intracellularly by cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate (AMP). The present study demonstrates that hydroosmotically active substances such as oxytocin, dibutyryl cyclic 3',5'-AMP, and theophylline, but not hydroosmotically inactive substances, induce the uptake of horseradish peroxidase from the mucosal solution. Peroxidase taken up by the mucosal cells is demonstrable in small tubules and vesicles, and eventually accumulates in lysosomes. The uptake of peroxidase from the serosal solution into similar bodies in the mucosal cells is not hormone-dependent. It is also shown that peroxidase does not penetrate the tight junction from either the mucosal or serosal solution. These results extend previous findings which implicated the apical membrane of the mucosal epithelium as the site affected by neurohypophyseal hormones. A mechanism based on secretory phenomena is proposed as a framework for future investigations of apical membrane permeability changes and pinocytosis.  相似文献   

目的:应用双哌达莫(DPM)、腺苷(ADO)与ADO拮抗剂茶碱(TH)治疗博莱霉素(BLE)肺纤维化小鼠,观察肺、脾等病理变化,探讨肺纤维化发病机理,方法:实验第1天100只小鼠经气管注入BLE8.5mg.kg^-1,随机分BLE,DPM,ADO和TH四组,第2天起分别给予NS(100μl.d^-1)、DPM、ADO和TH,剂量为50mg.kg^-1.d^-1,共7天,第4-30天内处死动物,组织化学法观察肺内纤维变化与脾、胸腺、骨髓病理学改变。结果:BLE组和TH组第4-6生脾。胸腺须质与骨髓中许多基质细胞坏死导致组织严重疏松,BLE组第20天后脾与胸腺逐渐萎缩,肺与脾内网状纤维大量增加。DPM组与ADO组第4-6天脾、骨髓增死基质细胞较少。第30天肺未发生纤维化,淋巴器官未萎缩。结论:BLE能致脾、,骨髓等基质细胞大量坏死与严重组织疏松,内、外源性ADO能轻度减少基质细胞坏死,促进淋巴组织与造血组织增生,抑制BLE诱导的肺纤维化与淋巴器官萎缩。  相似文献   

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