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In this study we examine the ecological responses of aquatic macrophytes and benthic macroinvertebrates to a trout farm effluent located in the upper Tajuña River (Guadalajara province, Central Spain), comparing the suitability of biological metrics and indices based on these two communities to assess trout farm pollution in the upper reaches of fluvial ecosystems. Sampling surveys were carried out in winter and summer 2006, and in spring 2007. Four sampling sites were selected along the study reach: S-1, placed upstream from the trout farm, was used as a reference station; S-2, S-3 and S-4 were placed about 10, 100 and 1000 m downstream from the trout farm outlet, respectively. The stream bottom was mainly stony with cobbles and pebbles at all sampling sites, except at S-2 where it was covered by a thick layer of organic sediment. Aquatic macrophytes and benthic macroinvertebrates significantly increased in abundance downstream from the trout farm effluent, particularly at S-3 and S-4. However, while the diversity of aquatic macrophytes increased downstream (at S-3 and S-4, but not at S-2), the diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates significantly decreased, particularly at S-2. Regarding aquatic macrophytes, moss coverage values, as well as values of the Index of Macrophytes (IM) and the Macroscopic Aquatic Vegetation Index (MAVI), were higher at S-1 than at S-2. In contrast, values of moss coverage and IM were significantly lower at S-1 than at S-3 and S-4. MAVI values were similar at S-1, S-3 and S-4. Regarding benthic macroinvertebrates, the abundance percentage of oligochaetes and chironomids (expressed as OC%) was significantly higher at downstream polluted sites (particularly at S-2) than at S-1. Conversely, the abundance percentage of ephemeropterans, plecopterans and trichopterans (expressed as EPT%), and scores of the total Biological Monitoring Water Quality (t-BMWQ) index and the average Biological Monitoring Water Quality (a-BMWQ) index were much lower at S-2 than at S-1, with a clear tendency to increase with increasing downstream distance from the trout farm. Correlation analyses showed that changes in physicochemical parameters (inorganic nutrients, dissolved oxygen and turbidity) along the study reach were better correlated with changes in metrics and indices based on benthic macroinvertebrates. Overall it is concluded that metrics and indices based on benthic macroinvertebrates (such as OC% and EPT% metrics and t-BMWQ and a-BMWQ indices) can be more suitable than those based on aquatic macrophytes for the biological monitoring of trout farm pollution in the upper reaches of fluvial ecosystems, since the higher diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates inhabiting the river bottom would permit this community to exhibit a better indicator performance regarding the environmental stress caused by trout farm effluents. However, further studies are needed in order to generalize this conclusion.  相似文献   

Trout farming is constantly increasing and poses a serious threat to water quality of clean highland streams. In the present work, we investigated the influence of the farm with the highest trout production in Serbia on water quality and macrozoobenthos communities of the receiving stream, the Trešnjica River. Our study revealed that changes of water chemistry parameters downstream from the trout farm were moderate and mainly confined to the part of the watercourse closest to the wastewater outlet. Moreover, use of food with 0.8% phosphorus content was sufficient to completely eliminate soluble phosphates from water samples of the Trešnjica River. However, the changes in water chemistry were sufficient to cause significant changes in the macrozoobenthos community. These changes remained statistically significant even 500 m downstream and were lost about 3.5 km from the trout farm wastewater effluent. The trout biomass on the farm is a parameter that adequately defines the magnitude of its impact, above all the intensity of its influence on the zoobenthos community structure. The most informative parameters for estimating that influence were the Baetidae/Ephemeroptera ratio, Margelef's index and the Modified biotic index. (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Although dam removal has become an increasingly popular tool for river restoration, there is limited knowledge regarding the ecological effects of dam removal. The purpose of our study was to document feeding habits of coexisting brook charr, brown trout, and rainbow trout above and below a dam that is in the process of a staged removal. Modification of sediment transport caused by Stronach Dam since 1912 has affected stream channel configuration, fish habitat, and many other physical and biological processes. In order to document salmonine feeding habits above and below the dam, we selected zones to represent downstream conditions and areas of river upstream of the dam that encompassed the original reservoir and a stretch of river further upstream that was not hydraulically influenced by the dam. Because physical habitat largely governs aquatic community composition in streams, we expected these effects to be reflected in the fish and macroinvertebrate communities. In particular, we expected limited prey availability and salmonine feeding in the impacted upstream and downstream zones characterized by fine substrate composition and greater macroinvertebrate diversity and salmonine feeding opportunities in the non-impacted zone characterized by coarse substrate. We also expected mean percent wet stomach content weights to be higher downstream, as other studies have documented an increase in piscivory on blocked migratory prey species downstream of dams. Contrary to expectations, the downstream zone of the river contained the highest abundance of drifting invertebrate taxa and, although differences in habitat occurred among the zones, the diversity of drifting macroinvertebrates and stomach contents of salmonines were similar throughout the river. Thus, in this case, the presence of altered habitat caused by a dam did not appear to negatively affect salmonine food habits. Consequently, we expect no major changes in salmonine food habits after the dam removal is completed.  相似文献   

In this research, structural and functional responses of benthic macroinvertebrates to mitigation measures (carried out in the dammed and polluted Duraton River, Central Spain, during the 1990s and 2000s) were examined by comparing physicochemical and biological data from the summer of 1987 with data from the summer of 2014. Mitigation measures resulted in significant increases in dissolved oxygen concentrations, as well as in significant reductions of fluoride (F) pollution and short-term flow fluctuations. The macrobenthic community responded positively to improvements in river environmental conditions, exhibiting significant increases in abundance (total density, total biomass and EPT density) and diversity (total family richness and EPT richness) at impacted sampling sites. Furthermore, the presence of relatively sensitive benthic macroinvertebrates after mitigation measures (as indicated by increased values of BMWQ biotic indices) also was the main cause for observed reductions in the environmental impact caused by disturbance points (as indicated by decreased values of the EI index), and for the observed recovering of the trophic structure of the macrobenthic community, with macroinvertebrate scrapers as the functional feeding group most favored. These macroinvertebrate responses to mitigation measures were more marked at sampling sites that initially were more impacted (i.e., nearest to disturbance points), and less apparent at the sampling site that initially was less impacted (i.e., farthest to disturbance points). Within the hydropsychid assemblage, improvements in river environmental conditions clearly favored the presence of Hydropsyche pellucidula and Cheumatopsyche lepida at the expense of the other hydropsychid species. In spite of all monitored environmental improvements and macroinvertebrate positive responses, the need for additional mitigation measures was evident, particularly to reduce high turbidity levels and sedimentation of fine inorganic matter negatively affecting benthic macroinvertebrates downstream from the industrial effluent. Overall, it is concluded that the multimetric approach is an effective technique to assess macroinvertebrate responses to mitigation measures in river ecosystems.  相似文献   

Egg-to-fry development and survival of brown trout Salmo trutta were compared in two rivers of the Pyrenean piedmont, the Nive d'Arnéguy, with few human activities, and the Nive des Aldudes, with many anthropogenic activities including 11 fish farms and two sewage treatment plants (STPs). Survival was estimated between spawning (early December) and emergence time (early March) by means of capsules, 7 cm3 in volume, filled with green eggs then inserted into the gravel of artificial redds at spawning sites. In the Nive des Aldudes, three sets of conditions were studied: a fish farm near the springs, a fish farm and an STP in a village, and a series of fish farms and an STP in a village. In each situation, two artificial redds were created upstream and two others downstream from the fish farms. In the Nive d'Arnéguy, four sites were equipped: each of the two downstream sites with two artificial redds, and the two upstream sites with one redd. Substratum characteristics (proportion of fine particles) and the quality of surface and interstitial water (oxygen content, ammonia and nitrite nitrogen) were periodically measured. There was no redd substratum difference between sites upstream and downstream of fish farms. Survival to fry emergence was higher in the Nive d'Arnéguy (63·5%) than in the Nive des Aldudes (47·7%). In this latter river, the nitrogen released from the STPs was 0·5% that from fish farms. Fish farming impaired survival close to fish farm effluents (31·6%), as compared to survival upstream (63·6%), and induced a development delay during the yolk-sac fry stage. These differences were mainly linked to a drop in the dissolved oxygen content in interstitial water induced by the nitrogen flow in surface and interstitial waters.  相似文献   

Sewage pollutants may impair growth or survival of the freshwater biota, though animals might benefit from the extra food availability as production increases. We examined biochemical (muscle glycogen), morphological (condition factor and hepatosomatic index), and diet biomarkers in brown trout for evaluating the effects of chronic exposure to organic pollution. Trout were collected at three locations: ST1 downstream of a trout farm, ST2 affected by the effluents of a wastewater treatment plant and ST3, the reference site. Individuals at polluted sites showed high hepatosomatic index, although no differences were found between ST2 and ST3 for the condition factor. A significant reduction was detected in the levels of muscle glycogen of individuals captured at polluted sites. Moreover, trout diet in these rivers was dominated quantitatively by Chironomidae and Simuliidae, in contrast with the diverse diet of individuals at ST3. Remarkably, individuals at polluted sites showed high stomach fullness and energy gut values, which might be considered as a case of hyperphagia. Our findings suggest that food surplus in organic enriched sites, in the form of high densities of macroinvertebrates, provide an environment similar to that of domesticated animals, where individuals might adopt less energetically costly behavioural strategies to ingest more food.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Hexamita salmonis Moore, 1922 and Loma salmonae Putz, Hoffman and Dunbar, 1965 was investigated at 10 sites on the R. Itchen (five for brown trout only, three for rainbow trout only, and two for both brown trout and rainbow trout) and at three of its nine fish farms (two for rainbow trout, one for brown trout). Hexamita salmonis was recorded in brown trout from three river sites and the farm, and in rainbow trout from both farms and four river sites. Prevalence of Hexamita salmonis in farmed rainbow trout was higher than in farmed brown trout and was consistent with the former species being more susceptible to infection. H. salmonis was at significantly higher prevalence in rainbow trout from farm no. 5 than farm no. 2 for three size classes of fish. In wild brown trout and feral rainbow trout, the highest prevalences of H. salmonis were recorded at sites in the vicinity of farm no. 2. This distribution was consistent with an area of naturally high infection levels, and with infected fish unintentionally released from farm no. 2 serving as a source of infection, the infection subsequently becoming established in the river fish. Loma salmonae was recorded in wild brown trout and in rainbow trout from both farms. This appears to be the first recording of this parasite from British salmonids and also the first recording of the parasite from brown trout. The distribution of the parasite (particularly the prevalence being higher at farm no. 2 than farm no. 5) was consistent with it being introduced into the R. Itchen via rainbow trout from farm no. 2 (and probably no. 3) much of whose stock derived from imported Californian 'Shasta' rainbow trout.  相似文献   

The fate and interactions with river organisms of zooplankton as they drift downriver from a reservoir on a fourth-order mountain stream (Hiji River, Japan) were investigated. Monthly samples were collected at the reservoir and six river sites, simultaneously, from May 2005 to May 2006. Aquatic macroinvertebrates and fish were colleted, and their stomach contents were analyzed in April and May, 2006, respectively. Drift from the reservoir was the primary source for the river plankton community; the abundance of zooplankton, particularly those of cladocerans and large rotifer, rapidly decreased within several kilometers of the dam. Analysis of the contents of fish stomachs showed that drifting zooplankton was the main food for fish, with strong food selectivity for cladocerans and large rotifers. However, fish and insect planktivores showed longitudinally different stomach contents, with progressively fewer zooplankton found in the stomachs at the downriver sites. The results suggest that the outflow of zooplankton from the reservoir is an important food source for the downstream predators, especially fish, but the drift of zooplankton and consequent food availability for the predators at lower sites are strongly limited by concentrated fish predation just below the reservoir dam.  相似文献   

Instream limestone sand application is used at many sites in Pennsylvania to neutralize acidic stream water resulting from acid deposition. However, questions remain about the effectiveness of limestone sand in the treatment of acid waters, such as reduced contact time at high flow, remobilization of aluminum, and adverse effects on macroinvertebrates. A 1‐year evaluation of limestone sand application to Bear Run, an acidic stream in southwestern Pennsylvania, was begun in 1999. Another nearby acid stream, Linn Run, served as a control. Water quality during baseflow and episodic acidification events, along with fish and macroinvertebrates, were monitored to evaluate impacts of the sand application. Hydrogen ion (H + ) concentration and total dissolved aluminum (TDA) were significantly reduced, and acid neutralizing capacity was significantly increased downstream of the limestone sand application compared with the upstream site on Bear Run. These parameters at the downstream sites were also different (∝ 0.10) from the comparable sites on the control stream. TDA and hydrogen ion concentrations were significantly decreased (∝ 0.10) compared with concentrations before the sand application to Bear Run but not on the control stream. No fish were present upstream of the sand application site, and only a few fish were found downstream at the mouth of Bear Run. Standing crop, number of taxa, and Shannon‐Weaver diversity index values indicated that macroinvertebrate populations were negatively impacted 300 m downstream from the sand application and improved at the site 1,600 m downstream. Although water quality was improved on Bear Run, benefits to macroinvertebrates depended on downstream location, and fish populations did not show improvement.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of sedimentloadings from an abandoned hydraulic miningsite on potential trout spawning gravels, largeaquatic macroinvertebrates, and fish growth,survival and reproduction in the South YubaRiver (Nevada County) California. Effects ofsediment loadings, which are transported to theSouth Yuba River via Humbug Creek, wereinvestigated by comparing data from sites onthe South Yuba River upstream and downstream ofHumbug Creek. The study did not find anydeleterious effects of sediment loadings onfish survival and reproduction (based onsnorkel survey data), or large aquaticmacroinvertebrate populations. In addition,the lack of a significant difference in thepercentage of 0.30 to 3.35 mm material insubstrate samples suggests that sediment loadsare not affecting trout spawning gravels. Incontrast, Sacramento pikeminnow(Ptychocheilus grandis) growth appears to beaffected by both water temperatures andsediment loadings. Downstream of Humbug Creek,growth during the first year was significantlyfaster, based on calculated standard lengths atthe age 1 annulus, but condition factor wassignificantly lower than above Humbug Creek.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) in a small desert stream were influenced by environmental changes caused by recharge of water supply storage basins and an aquaculture operation. Simulium virgatum was the most abundant benthic insect collected in Whitewater Canyon (Riverside County, CA) after April; however, it was never found in trout farm effluent where the ammonium‐nitrogen concentration was > 0.25 mg/liter. S. virgatum densities downstream of the input of water from the Colorado River aqueduct were lower than at other sampling sites in the Whitewater River. Simulium tescorum, an especially anthropophilic black fly, was most abundant during February and March, was not collected from late spring through early autumn, and was found only in the highly enriched, less variable flow of trout farm effluent. The mean concentrations of ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen in the trout farm effluent nearly 1 km from the fish holding ponds were ten and two times, respectively, the ambient levels in the Whitewater River upstream of the effluent discharge point. A combination of factors probably contributed to the presence of S. tescorum in the trout farm effluent including homogenization of the flow regime, enrichment of larval resources, and the development of riparian vegetation that provided oviposition and attachment sites.  相似文献   

The River Luzou flows through a sandy substrate in the South West of France. According to the results of two assessment surveys, the Water Agency appraised that this river may not achieve the good ecological status by 2015 as required by the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC). This ecosystem is impacted by industrial effluents (organic matter, metals and aromatic compounds). In order to assess and characterize the impact, this study aimed to combine a set of taxonomic and non-taxonomic metrics for diatoms, macrophytes, macroinvertebrates and fish along the up- to downstream gradient of the river. Diversity metrics, biological indices, biological and ecological traits were determined for the four biological quality elements (BQE). Various quantitative metrics (biomass estimates) were also calculated for diatom communities. The results were compared to physicochemical analysis. Biological measurements were more informative than physicochemical analysis, in the context of the study. Biological responses indicated both the contamination of water and its intensity. Diversity metrics and biological indices strongly decreased with pollution for all BQE but diatoms. Convergent trait selection with pollution was observed among BQE: reproduction, colonization strategies, or trophic regime were clearly modified at impaired sites. Taxon size and relation to the substrate diverged among biological compartments. Multiple anthropogenic pollution calls for alternate assessment methods of rivers'' health. Our study exemplifies the fact that, in the case of complex contaminations, biological indicators can be more informative for environmental risk, than a wide screening of contaminants by chemical analysis alone. The combination of diverse biological compartments provided a refined diagnostic about the nature (general mode of action) and intensity of the contamination.  相似文献   

A comparative study of relationships between stream acidity and bacteria, macroinvertebrates, and fish in the Adirondack Mountains of upper New York state and in the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains of eastern Tennessee, USA, was conducted. Although the study sites in both regions spanned a pH range from approximately 4.5 to 6.4, considerably greater seasonal variability in pH and higher monomeric Al concentrations characterized the Adirondack sites. Relationships between several biological characteristics and stream water acidity were similar in both regions, including lower production of epilithic bacteria and bacteria on decomposing leaves, lower leaf decomposition rates, lower density and generic richness of scraper/grazer macroinvertebrates, particularly Ephemeroptera, and lower fish abundance and survival in more acidic streams. Densities of total macroinvertebrates and densities of macroinvertebrates and bacteria inhabiting or closely associated with stream sediments were generally not related to stream water acidity.Regional differences occur in some of the relationships between biological characteristics and stream water acidity. Negative correlations between bacterial production on rocks and pH, between bacterial production on decomposing leaves and pH, and between densities of Ephemeroptera and scrapers and pH were stronger in the Adirondacks than in the Southern Blue Ridge. Higher Al concentrations in the Adirondacks may be responsible for the stronger relationships with pH there. The steeper slopes of the relationships between Ephemeroptera density and all forms of Al in the Adirondacks compared with the Southern Blue Ridge suggests that there may be some adaptation among a few acid/aluminum-tolerant species in the seasonally more constant acidic Southern Blue Ridge streams. Fish bioassays indicated longer survival times in acidic streams in the Adirondacks compared with the Southern Blue Ridge, but these results may be an artifact associated with the use in the Southern Blue Ridge of rainbow trout as the test species which is known to be more acid sensitive compared with brook trout, the test species used in the Adirondacks.  相似文献   

We exposed 9 wk old rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss to ambient levels of Myxobolus cerebralis infectious stages at 4 sites of suspected differing infectivity in the Colorado River. Exposure was estimated by periodic filtration of river water at each exposure location. After a 32 d exposure, the fish were held in the Colorado River at a common site for over a year. Resulting infection was evaluated by the presence of clinical signs (whirling behavior, cranial deformity/exophthalmia, and black tail), severity of microscopic lesions, and myxospore counts (8, 10, 12, and 14 mo post-exposure). Two exposure sites that were immediately downstream of Windy Gap Reservoir were much higher in infectivity than the site above the reservoir or the site 26 km downstream of the reservoir. Rainbow trout exposed at those locations showed higher prevalence of clinical signs of whirling disease, more severe histological evidence of infection and higher average myxospore concentrations than those exposed above the reservoir or 26 km below the reservoir. Many more M. cerebralis actinospores were observed from water filtration at the 2 sites immediately below the reservoir compared to the other sites.  相似文献   

During spring and summer 2003, we measured a variety of chemical and biological parameters in five medium-sized, Mediterranean cage farms that exploit semi-offshore conditions, and controlled the supply of fodder. The objective was to assess whether modern cage farms proliferating at semi-offshore sites exert environmental impact levels equivalent to the levels described from more traditional cage farms located in shallow, sheltered sites. In the water column, we examined the concentration of dissolved inorganic nutrients and heterotrophic bacteria in both surface and near-bottom water. At the bottom, we examined the concentrations of benthic chlorophyll a, phaeophytin and organic matter in sediments, the granulometric structure of the sediment, and the taxonomic (at the family level) abundance of benthic macroinvertebrates. For most parameters, we found no substantial differences between farm and control sites. Rather, most variation was explained as a function of depth (surface versus bottom water) or season (spring versus summer conditions). Deviations of farm values from control values, when they occurred, were small and did not indicate any significant impact on either bacterioplankton or benthic chlorophyll. Only one of the five farms studied exerted a detectable impact on the benthic macroinvertebrate community immediately under the cages. These results suggest that medium-sized fish farms located on semi-exposed western Mediterranean coasts have fewer environmental impacts than traditional fish farms located in shallow, sheltered sites. Impact characterization in these new farms may require refinement of the standard approach to deal with rapid dispersal of effluents and sub-lethal levels of environmental disturbance.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns in the combinations of biological traits of fish communities were studied in the Garonne River system (57 000 km2, south‐west France). Fish species assemblages were recorded at 554 sampling sites, and the biological traits of species were described using a fuzzy‐coding method. A co‐inertia analysis of species distributions and biological traits identified some spatial patterns of species trait combinations. Fish species richness progressively increased from up‐ to downstream sections, and the longitudinal patterns of fish assemblages partitioned the river into clear biogeographic areas, such as the brown trout Salmo trutta (headwater streams), the grayling Thymallus thymallus , the barbel Barbus barbus and the bream Abramis brama zones (most downstream sections), which fitted with Huet's well‐known zonation for western European rivers. Only a few biological traits, chiefly related to life‐history attributes, significantly influenced the observed fish distributions. Fecundity, potential size, maximum age and reproductive factor increased from headwater to plain reaches. As a theoretical framework for assessing and predicting the functional organization of stream fish communities, spatial variations in species traits can be related to habitat conditions, thus providing explicit spatial schemes that may be useful to the design of both scientific studies and river management.  相似文献   

The site specific impact on the benthic fauna was assessed within a 4.64 km2 area of intensive aquaculture situated on the eastern side of Hios island (Aegean Sea, Greece) at 11 stations seasonally between November 2000 and October 2001. The benthic fauna showed marked changes in species numbers, diversity and faunal abundance between farm and control sites. The polychaetes Nereis diversicolor, Scolelepis fuliginosa and Capitella capitata were the most dominant species at the farm sites (35% of the total abundance), whilst the most dominant species at the control sites were the polychaete Hyalinoecia brementi and the sipunculid Aspidosiphon muelleri (23% of the total abundance). Species richness, diversity and evenness were higher at the control sites whereas numerical abundance was higher at the farm sites. K-dominance curves suggest a minor impact on the benthic community at the farm sites and temporal changes on macrobenthic assemblages.  相似文献   

We assessed the impacts of damming on the biological quality of Estonian streams. A total of 24 dammed sites on 22 streams were sampled. Standard samples were taken during two consecutive springs, 2009 and 2010 in three habitat locations: above dam (reservoir), immediately below dam, and at an undisturbed (reference) site nearby. To estimate biological quality, the national multimetric index (based on five pollution‐sensitive and/or general quality metrics) was used. To estimate direct hydromorphological effects on macroinvertebrates, the locally adapted index, Macroinvertebrates in Estonia: Score of Hydromorphology (MESH) was employed. We found a significant decrease in the biological quality of the above‐dam sites compared to the undisturbed sites (probably due to accumulation of fine sediments and lower flow velocity). Of the five ordinary quality indicators tested, only one (ASPT index) was significantly different between the below‐dam sites and the undisturbed sites. However, the MESH indicated significant stress of macroinvertebrates both at the above‐dam and below‐dam sites, even when flow velocity and bottom type at the below‐dam sites was similar to that at the undisturbed sites. At the same time, hydrochemical parameters were constant among the three habitats. (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

《Ecological Engineering》2005,24(1-2):101-119
This study shows that metal-contaminated sediments cause adverse biological effects at all levels of biological organization, from cellular to ecosystem-level responses, even where the corresponding surface water meets water-quality-based criteria. We studied the effects of contamination from the abandoned Alder Mine, Alder Mill, and Red Shirt Mill located near the town of Twisp on the eastern slopes of the north Cascade Mountains in Okanogan County, Washington (U.S.A.) on fish and wildlife habitat in the Methow River. Ore deposits in the area were mined for gold, silver, copper and zinc until the early 1950s. An up-gradient and down-gradient approach was used to compare impacted sites to control sites. Although the dissolved metal concentrations in the Methow River were below the limits of detection, eight elements were identified as contaminants of potential environmental concern (COPECs) in sediments. Results revealed contamination impacts at ecosystem, community, population, individual, cellular, subcellular, and molecular levels. Metal contaminants in forest soils around the mines were present at concentrations toxic to soil bacteria suggesting that functional properties related to nutrient cycling and energy flow have been effected. Exposed trout in the Methow River showed reduced growth compared to controls. Histopathological evidence is consistent with copper-induced metabolic disease. Glycogen bodies were present in trout hepatocyte cytosol and nuclei and the presence of glycogen inclusions was pathognomic of Type IV glycogen storage disease (GSD IV). This condition suggests food is being converted into glycogen and stored in the liver and that the glycogen is not being converted back normally into glucose for distribution to other tissues in the body, which is a likely cause for the poor growth and development observed in fish and macroinvertebrates. Glycogen storage disease is caused by either a deficiency or inactivation of the glycogen branching enzyme, which results in the synthesis of an abnormal glycogen molecule that is insoluble due to a decreased number of branch points and increased chain length. Further examination of hepatocytes by transmission electron microscopy also revealed the accumulation of electron-dense metal-granules in the mitochondrial matrix.  相似文献   

European beaver dams impeded movements of anadromous salmonids as it was established by fishing survey, fish tagging and redd counts in two lowland streams in Lithuania. Significant differences in abundancies of other litophilic fish species and evenness of representation by species in the community were detected upstream and downstream of the beaver dams. Sea trout parr marked with RFID tags passed through several successive beaver dams in upstream direction, but no tagged fish were detected above the uppermost dam. Increase in abundances of salmonid parr in the stream between the beaver dams and decrease below the dams were recorded in November, at the time of spawning of Atlantic salmon and sea trout, but no significant changes were detected in the sections upstream of the dams. After construction of several additional beaver dams in the downstream sections of the studied streams, abundance of Atlantic salmon parr downstream of the dams decreased considerably in comparison with that estimated before construction.  相似文献   

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