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Multiunit activity and slow local field potentials show Omitted Stimulus Potentials (OSP) in the electrosensory system in rays (Platyrhinoidis triseriata, Urolophus halleri) after a missing stimulus in a 3 to >20 Hz train of V pulses in the bath, at levels from the primary medullary nucleus to the telencephalon. A precursor can be seen in the afferent nerve. The OSP follows the due-time of the first omitted stimulus with a, usually, constant main peak latency, 30–50 ms in medullary dorsal nucleus, 60–100 ms in midbrain, 120–190 ms in telencephalon — as though the brain has an expectation specific to the interstimulus interval (ISI). The latency, form and components vary between nerve, medulla, mid-brain and forebrain. They include early fast waves, later slow waves and labile induced rhythms. Responsive loci are quite local. Besides ISI, which exerts a strong influence, many factors affect the OSP slightly, including train parameters and intensity, duration and polarity of the single stimulus pulses. Jitter of ISI does not reduce the OSP substantially, if the last interval equals the mean; the mean and the last interval have the main effect on both amplitude and latency.Taken together with our recent findings on visually evoked OSPs, we conclude that OSPs do not require higher brain levels or even the complexities of the retina. They appear in primary sensory nuclei and are then modified at midbrain and telencephalic levels. We propose that the initial processes are partly in the receptors and partly in the first central relay including a rapid increase of some depressing influence contributed by each stimulus. This influence comes to an ISI-specific equilibrium with the excitatory influence; withholding a stimulus and hence its depressing influence causes a rebound excitation with a specific latency.Abbreviations DN dorsal nucleus of medullary lateral line lobe - EEG electroencephalogram - EP evoked potential - ERP event related potential - IR induced rhythm - ISI interstimulus interval - OSP omitted stimulus potential - MLN mesencephalic lateral nucleus - P75 positive peak at 75 ms  相似文献   

We studied correlations of the parameters of evoked EEG potentials (EPs) with the indices of attention in 30 children (12 years old). The EP were recorded in a two-stimulus go/no-go paradigm; the time of reaction was also measured. The indices of attention were measured using a Burdone test (correction trial) and Schulte’s tables. Optimum characteristics of attention were found in children with high amplitudes of the P2 component, P300 wave, and contingent negative deviation, low amplitudes of the N2 component, and small values of the latencies of the P1-N1-P2 complex. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 37, Nos. 5/6, pp. 452–458, September–December, 2005.  相似文献   

Background Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) constitute a useful neurophysiologic tool commonly used to assess the functionality and developmental degree of the nervous system. Objective To analyze somatosensory pathways of the Macaca mulatta species throughout different ontogenetic statuses. Methods Twenty non‐human primates were divided into five age‐dependant groups. Recording of SEPs was executed by stimulation of lower limb at the tibial nerve and upper limb and recorded at the median nerve. Results Two wave series were observed for all groups for both limbs studied. Significant differences were found at the upper right limb at C4, C7 and also for the antecubital fossa site. The lower limbs showed a single significant right‐wing deflection. Conclusions Differences found in signals generated by the nervous system in response to somatosensory stimuli among the studied groups are thought to be developmental in origin, as the most remarkable deviations were seen in younger monkeys.  相似文献   

Laser microsurgery: a versatile tool in plant (electro) physiology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary In plant cells the cell wall is a formidable obstacle in many physiological studies such as patch-clamp measurements and cell labelling with antibodies. Enzymatic digestion of the cell wall, in order to release a protoplast, has a number of disadvantages; therefore we worked out an alternative method to gain access to the plasma membrane. The wall of specialized cells from three higher plant species and one unicellular alga were perforated using the focussed UV light of a nitrogen laser. In order to enhance the absorption of the UV light by the walls, a dye was used that binds specifically to cell wall components. Extrusion of the protoplast or parts thereof was controlled by a regulated gradual decrease of the osmolarity of the solution surrounding the cells. Cytoplasmic streaming and chloroplast circulation were maintained in the protoplasts, demonstrating their viability after the wall perforation with the laser. Continuous deposition of new cell wall material by the polar tip of pollen tubes after surgical removal of the wall at the tip is another demonstration of the viability of the cells. Formation of high resistance seals between the plasma membrane and a patch pipet was surprisingly difficult. The role of Hechtian strands and continuing synthesis of cell wall material in seal formation is further investigated. Other applications for the surgical laser are: fusion of two cells or vacuoles, analysis of the composition of specific parts of the cell wall, and release of the vacuole from an identified cell type for patchclamp studies.Abbreviations CFW calcofluor white - PM plasma membrane  相似文献   

An increase in brain size is a hallmark of human evolution. Questions regarding the evolution of brain development and obstetric constraints in the human lineage can be addressed with accurate estimates of the size of the brain at birth in hominins. Previous estimates of brain size at birth in fossil hominins have been calculated from regressions of neonatal body or brain mass to adult body mass, but this approach is problematic for two reasons: modern humans are outliers for these regressions, and hominin adult body masses are difficult to estimate. To accurately estimate the brain size at birth in extinct human ancestors, an equation is needed for which modern humans fit the anthropoid regression and one in which the hominin variable entered into the regression equation has limited error. Using phylogenetically sensitive statistics, a resampling approach, and brain-mass data from the literature and from National Primate Research Centers on 362 neonates and 2802 adults from eight different anthropoid species, we found that the size of the adult brain can strongly predict the size of the neonatal brain (r2 = 0.97). This regression predicts human brain size, indicating that humans have precisely the brain size expected as an adult given the size of the brain at birth. We estimated the size of the neonatal brain in fossil hominins from a reduced major axis regression equation using published cranial capacities of 89 adult fossil crania. We suggest that australopiths gave birth to infants with cranial capacities that were on average 180 cc (95% CI: 158–205 cc), slightly larger than the average neonatal brain size of chimpanzees. Neonatal brain size increased in early Homo to 225 cc (95% CI: 198–257 cc) and in Homo erectus to approximately 270 cc (95% CI: 237–310 cc). These results have implications for interpreting the evolution of the birth process and brain development in all hominins from the australopiths and early Homo, through H. erectus, to Homo sapiens.  相似文献   

Dissecting the function of neural circuits requires the capability to stimulate and record from the component neurones. Optimally, the methods employed should enable precise activation of distinct elements within the circuit and high-fidelity readout of the neuronal response. Here we compare two methods for neural stimulation in the pharyngeal system of Caenorhabditis elegans by evoking postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) either by electrical stimulation or by expression of the channelrhodopsin [ChR2(gf)] in cholinergic neurones of the pharyngeal circuit. Using a dissection that isolates the pharynx and its embedded neural system of 20 neurones permits analysis of the neurotransmitter pathways within this microcircuit. We describe protocols for selective electrically evoked or ChR2-mediated cholinergic synaptic events in this circuit. The latter was achieved by generating strains, punc-17::ChR2(gf);yfp, that express ChR2(gf) in cholinergic neurones. PSPs evoked by both electrical and light stimulation exhibited a rapid time-course and were blocked by cholinergic receptor antagonists and rapidly reversed on cessation of the stimulus. Electrically evoked PSPs were also reduced in a hypomorphic mutant for the synaptic vesicle acetylcholine transporter, unc-17, further indicating they are nicotinic cholinergic PSPs. The pharyngeal nervous system is exquisitely sensitive to both electrical and light activation. For the latter, short light pulses of 200 μs delivered to punc-17::ChR2(gf);yfp are capable of generating full muscle action potentials. We conclude that the application of optogenetic approaches to the C. elegans isolated pharynx preparation opens the way for a precise molecular dissection of synaptic events in the pharyngeal microcircuit by providing a molecular and system level analysis of the synapses that control the feeding behaviour of C. elegans.  相似文献   

Retrograde and orthograde labeling of neurons projecting to the corpus allatum was performed in locust, grasshopper, cricket, and cockroach species in order to identify brain neurons that may be involved in the regulation of juvenile hormone production. In the acridid grasshopper Gomphocerus rufus L., and the locusts Locusta migratoria (R.&F.) and Schistocerca gregaria Forskal, the corpora allata are innervated by two morphologically distinguishable types of brain neurons. One group of 9–13 neurons (depending on species) with somata in the pars lateralis extend axons via the nervus corporis cardiaci 2 and nervus corporis allati 1 to the ipsilateral corpus allatum, whereas two cells in each pars lateralis have bilateral projections and innervate both glands. No direct connection between the pars intercerebralis and corpus allatum has been found. In contrast, neurons with paired axons innervating both glands are not present in Periplaneta americana (L.) and Gryllus bimaculatus de Geer. Instead, two cells in each pars lateralis project only to the gland contralateral to their somata. Electrophysiological experiments on acridid grasshoppers have confirmed the existence of a direct conduction pathway between the two glands via the paired axons of four cells that have been identified by neuroanatomy. These cells are not spontaneously active under experimental conditions. Ongoing discharges in the left and right nerves are unrelated, suggesting that the corpora allata receive independent neuronal inputs from the brain.  相似文献   

James L. Luteyn 《Brittonia》1992,44(2):240-243
Plutarchia, a shrubby páramo genus, is here reported for the first time in Ecuador where two species are recognized: P. angulata A. C. Smith and the new P. ecuadorensis Luteyn. These two species are keyed, described, and the new species illustrated.  相似文献   

The surface ornamentation of ascospores ofPreussia globosa was compared in an isolate from paddy soil in Japan and a culture derived from the holotype. The ascospores of two cultures were characterized by the surface ornamentation of a single, semicircular spiral ridge. This new finding strongly suggested that the fungus should be transferred to the genusWesterdykella. Therefore, the morphological and cultural characters of the fungus were re-examined, and the new combinationWesterdykella globosa is herein proposed.  相似文献   

Rhizoctonia oryzae-sativae, the anamorph of Ceratobasidium setariae, is transferred to Ceratorhiza. A discussion of teleomorph and anamorph taxonomy and nomenclature is also given and it is concluded that, for the present, there is only one holomorph species.  相似文献   

Pair formation in the bushcricket Gampsocleis gratiosa is achieved through acoustic signalling by the male and phonotactic approaches of the female towards the calling song. On a walking belt in the free sound field, females tracked the position of the speaker broadcasting the male calling song with a remarkable precision, deviating by no more than 10 cm in either direction from the ideal course. Starting with stimulus angles of 6–10° the females significantly turned to the correct side, and with stimulus angles greater than 25° no incorrect turns were made. Using neurophysiological data on the directionality of the ear we calculated that with such stimulus angles the available binaural intensity difference is in the order of 1–2 dB. We developed a dichotic ear stimulation device for freely moving females with a cross-talk barrier of about 50 dB, which allowed to precisely apply small binaural intensity differences. In such a dichotic stimulation paradigm, females on average turned to the tronger stimulated side starting with a 1 dB difference between both ears. The significance of such a reliable lateralization behaviour with small interaural intensity differences for phonotactic behaviour under natural conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

Using a plasmid pBsr2 which carries a blasticidin S-resistant gene, we have improved the method of REMI (restriction enzyme-mediated integration) provided for insertional mutagenesis inDictyostelium discoideum (bsr-REMI). To confirm usefulness of thebsr-REMI, transformation efficiency, copy number of integrated DNA, and randomness of integration into genome were examined.  相似文献   

Caffeine (1,3,7–trimethylxanthine) is one of the most widely used plant secondary metabolites, primarily as a stimulant and an ingredient in drugs. In nature, caffeine is believed to function in chemical defense, acting as an antiherbivory and allelopathic agent, and therefore it might be employed to protect agriculturally important crop plants. In coffee plants, caffeine is synthesized from the precursor xanthosine in four steps, three N-methylations and removal of ribose. We had previously isolated genes encoding three distinct N-methyltransferases, and we demonstrated production of recombinant enzymes that yielded caffeine in in vitro reconstitution experiments. When these caffeine biosynthetic pathway genes were simultaneously expressed in tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum), caffeine was successfully produced up to 5 μg/g fresh weight in leaves. The leaves were unpalatable to tobacco cutworms (Spodoptera litura). This repellent action appeared to be more widely␣applicable to lepidopteran caterpillars as observed with small white (Pieris rapae) fed on Chinese cabbages that had been top-treated with caffeine. Our recent results suggest a novel approach to strengthen anti-herbivore traits by producing caffeine in crop plants.  相似文献   

The year 2010 marks the sixtieth anniversary for the publication of Science in China series journals,and meanwhile the Science in China Series C: Life Sciences took a new name as Science China Life Sciences(SCLS in short).Simultaneously,it has been reformed to make a new start for this journal in its long history.The journal has appeared with a new face to the readers and authors in both the novel publishing style and the highly qualified articles.An extensive review was given to the journal’s specific progress in the year 2010 by highlighting some of the representative publications.  相似文献   

Summary   Vanda longitepala, a new species of orchid from northern Burma is described and discussed.  相似文献   

Field research on grassland fungi in Slovakia resulted in collection of several rare fungi, including also geoglossaceous taxa, such as Microglossum viride (5 sites), Trichoglossum hirsutum (13 sites), Trichoglossum walteri (5 sites), Trichoglossum variabile (1 site), Microglossum olivaceum (2 sites), Thuemenidium atropurpureum (1 site). Last three species are new for Slovakia.  相似文献   

The presence of Acartia tonsa in Black Sea waters (South Crimean coast, Ukraine) is reported for the first time. A. tonsa may be a recently introduced species in the Black Sea. Morphological features of the adults have been shown by S.E.M.  相似文献   

Takahashi  Haruki 《Mycoscience》1999,40(1):73-80
Two lignicolous species ofMycena (Agaricales, Basidiomycetes) are described and illustrated from eastern, Japan:Mycena auricoma sp. nov., forming ephemeral coprinoid basidiomata and belonging to sectionRadiatae, was found on a dead fallen twig ofQuercus serrata. It appears to close to a Malaysian species,“Trogia” crinipelliformis. Mycena spinosissima in sectionSacchariferae, new to Japan, was collected from dead bark ofAphananthe aspera, a dead fallen inflorescence ofCryptomeria japonica, and a dead fallen twig ofQuercus serrata.  相似文献   

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