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An unidentified filamentous purple bacterium, probably belonging to a new genus or even a new family, is found in close association with the filamentous, mat-forming cyanobacterium Microcoleus chthonoplastes in a hypersaline pond at Guerrero Negro, Baja California Sur, Mexico, and in Solar Lake, Sinai, Egypt. This organism is a gliding, segmented trichome, 0.8–0.9 m wide. It contains intracytoplasmic stacked lamellae which are perpendicular and obliquely oriented to the cell wall, similar to those described for the purple sulfur bacteria Ectothiorhodospira. These bacteria are found inside the cyanobacterial bundle, enclosed by the cyanobacterial sheath. Detailed transmission electron microscopical analyses carried out in horizontal sections of the upper 1.5 mm of the cyanobacterial mat show this cyanobacterial-purple bacterial association at depths of 300–1200 m, corresponding to the zone below that of maximal oxygenic photosynthesis. Sharp gradients of oxygen and sulfide are established during the day at this microzone in the two cyanobacterial mats studied. The close association, the distribution pattern of this association and preliminary physiological experiments suggest a co-metabolism of sulfur by the two-membered community. This probable new genus of purple bacteria may also grow photoheterotrophically using organic carbon excreted by the cyanobacterium. Since the chemical gradients in the entire photic zone fluctuate widely in a diurnal cycle, both types of metabolism probably take place. During the morning and afternoon, sulfide migrates up to the photic zone allowing photoautotrophic metabolism with sulfide as the electron donor. During the day the photic zone is highly oxygenated and the purple bacteria may either use oxidized species of sulfur such as elemental sulfur and thiosulfate in the photoautotrophic mode or grow photoheterotrophically using organic carbon excreted by M. chthonoplastes. The new type of filamentous purple sulfur bacteria is not available yet in pure culture, and its taxonomical position cannot be fully established. This organism is suggested to be a new type of gliding, filamentous, purple phototroph.  相似文献   

Microbial communities of stratified phototrophic bacteria in laminated intertidal sediments north of Estuary El Puente, near San Carlos, Baja California Sur, Mexico,‐were studied. This study describes the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of the mats, including their annual growth. The mats were located in and along meandering mangrove‐lined tidal channels. Their thickness ranged from 0.5 to 25 cm. Square‐meter areas of polygonal mats were detected in several ponds infiltrated by sea water. The principal microbial community of the upper surface of various morphotypes of microbial mats was identified as cyanobacteria belonging to the genera Microcoleus, Lyngbya, Phormidium, and Oscillatoria. Other cyanobacte‐rial genera such as Pseudanabaena, Spirulina, Synechococcus, and Gloeocapsa, as well as many unidentified diatoms, were also present but at lower population densities. The second inward reddish layers of the microbial mats contained similar cyano‐bacterial genera plus anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria belonging to the genera Chloroflexus, Thiocapsa, Chromatium, Prosthecochloris, Rhodopseudomonas, and Chlorobium, as well as several unidentified bacteria. In situ measurements on the growth of the mats, from intermittent tide sites, showed an annual buildup of two layers: green and reddish. These layers corresponded to a vertical growth of 1.4 ± 0.27 mm/year. Permanently submerged mats did not show vertical growth during the same period of time.  相似文献   

Studies on coccolithophorids in Mexico are rather scarce, probably due to the use of traditional methods for studying marine phytoplankton (e.g. collection, preservation and analysis). This is the first study of the coccolithophorid flora from west coast of Baja California, Mexico. Bottle samples (4 l) were taken at various depths (5, 25 and 50 m), at fixed stations located on perpendicular transects along the west coast of Baja California, considering three different zones: North, Central and South. A total of 32 samples were studied by optical and scanning electron microscopy, yielding 24 taxa identified (17 species and 5 nominal varieties, plus 2 different varieties). The coccolithophorid assemblages are considered subtropical and coastal (with many cosmopolitan taxa). Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica were the most abundant (relative abundance) and widespread species in the study area. We report 15 new records for the Mexican Pacific. The zonal and vertical distribution of some taxa are briefly discussed, as well as the taxonomy of Rhabdosphaera claviger, Helicosphaera carteri, H. hyalina and related taxa.  相似文献   

Infrared analyses of the carrageenan in ten species (representing four genera) of Gigartinaceae and one species of Hypneaceae in different reproductive phases from the northwestern coast of Baja California were studied. Cystocarpic samples of the Gigartinaceae presented varying degrees of a / hybrid. The degree of hybridization was determined based on the ratio between the peak absorbances at 805/845 cm–1. A high correlation was observed between the 805/845 cm–1 and 805/970 cm–1 ratios. Tetrasporic samples of Gigartina leptorhynchos, Iridaea splendens, Rhodoglossum affine and R. roseum, presented a -carrageenan profile, whereas Gigartina tepida, G. exasperata, G. harveyana, G. canaliculata and G. spinosa presented a -carrageenan. The tetrasporic sample of Hypnea valentiae showed a -carrageenan with a very low degree of hybridization.  相似文献   

A new anaerobic spirochete was isolated from anaerobic muds beneath the laminated sediment in the evaporite flat at Laguna Figueroa, Baja California Norte, Mexico. The organism is a member of the stratified microbial community involved in the deposition of the laminated sediments in the lagoon. The size of the spirochete is 0.3 by 30 m, with a wave amplitude of 0.5 m and a wavelength of 1.25 m. The periplasmic flagella have a 1-2-1 arrangement. The outer membrane of the modified Gramnegative cell wall (the sheath) is irregularly crenulated and has a sillon. The growth medium contained yeast extract, trypticase, cellobiose, sodium thioglycolate and at least 20% natural seawater. Chemically defined artificial seawater media did not support growth. Optimal growth occurred with a seawater concentration of 80% at 36° C and a pH of 7.5. Glucose was fermented to acetate, ethanol, carbon dioxide and hydrogen. The guanine+cytosine content of the DNA was 50 mol %. the spirochete body reacts positively to antibodies raised against eukaryotic brain tubulin protein. On the basis of its free-living anaerobic habitat, its unique morphological and physiological characteristics and G+C ratio, it is proposed that this isolate be considered a new species and named Spirochaeta bajacaliforniensis.  相似文献   

Microbial mats from two ponds with different salinities from the saltern of Guerrero Negro (Mexico) points toward millimeter‐scale coherent variations in trace metal (Me) concentrations (Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn). Total, HCl‐leachable and pyrite‐associated Me showed a trend of increasing concentrations with increasing depth suggesting gradual addition of reactive Me probably as a result of metal sulfide precipitation at depth. The trends in Me profiles can be ascribed to the establishment and maintenance of microzones that promote geochemical processes, bacterial population distributions, and differential mass transport within the mats. Degrees of trace metal pyritization (1 ± 1% for Zn to 24 ± 7% for Cd) as well as metals associated with the pyrite fraction (<1.4–36 ± 18 nmol g?1 for Zn and Mn, respectively) were low, as expected from a reactive Fe‐limited system like Guerrero Negro. Calculated enrichment factors showed that Ni (2.6 ± 2.1), Co (5.5 ± 4.0), Pb (9.4 ± 7.4), and Cd (57 ± 39) were, on average, enriched in the microbial mats of Guerrero Negro. Natural enrichments of Cd, Pb, and Co in sediments along the coast of Baja California and metabolical requirements of Co and Ni by the predominant cyanobacteria in the Guerrero Negro mats may explain these enrichments. Metal characteristics in microbial mats could be advantageously used as biosignatures to identify their presence in the geological record or in other planetary systems.  相似文献   

Solar salterns are extreme hypersaline environments that are five to ten times saltier than seawater (150–300 g L−1 salt concentration) and typically contain high numbers of halophiles adapted to tolerate such extreme hypersalinity. Thirty-five halophile cultures of both Bacteria and Archaea were isolated from the Exportadora de Sal saltworks in Guerrero Negro, Baja California, Mexico. 16S rRNA sequence analysis showed that these cultured isolates included members belonging to the Halorubrum, Haloarcula, Halomonas, Halovibrio, Salicola, and Salinibacter genera and what may represent a new archaeal genus. For the first time, metabolic substrate usage of halophile isolates was evaluated using the non-colorimetric BIOLOG Phenotype MicroArray™ plates. Unique carbon substrate usage profiles were observed, even for closely related Halorubrum species, with bacterial isolates using more substrates than archaeal cultures. Characterization of these isolates also included morphology and pigmentation analyses, as well as salinity tolerance over a range of 50–300 g L−1 salt concentration. Salinity optima varied between 50 and 250 g L−1 and doubling times varied between 1 and 12 h. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Vaejovis littoralis Williams is an intertidal scorpion inhabiting chiefly the drift zone in the high intertidal of beaches in Baja California, Mexico. Density within the drift zone averages approximately 2–4/m2 (island sites) to 12/m2 (mainland sites). Populations are aggregated into patches. Primarily, juveniles exhibit diurnal activity. Nocturnally active juveniles tend to be spatially segregated from nocturnally active adults within the drift zone.
Diet of V. littoralis includes the isopod Ligia, V. littoralis , spiders, pseudoscorpions, centipedes and beetles. Prey size is not a function of predator size. Centruroides exilicauda, V. littoralis and Ligia were observed as predators on V. littoralis .
The adult sex ratio is skewed toward females (1 male : 2.1 females). Adult females are usually larger than adult males. Litter size ranges from 1–8. Limited data suggest that offspring size and litter size increase with maternal size.
Vaejovis littoralis exhibits cryptic coloration, small size and lithophilic tarsal claws, all of which favour intertidal existence. Although V. littoralis is able to withstand up to 12 hours of submergence, it does not survive submergence significantly better than a comparable desert species. Field data suggest that V. littoralis does not exhibit an endogenous tidal rhythm.  相似文献   

Abstract. We analysed the biogeographic patterns of woody legumes in the Baja California peninsula, NW Mexico. From the specimen labels of eight herbaria, we digitized 4205 records from 78 species, and projected them onto a grid of 205 cartographic cells (20’ longitude × 15’ latitude). Most species followed distribution patterns that coincide with floristic subdivisions of the peninsula. Endemism is high, reaching 60–70% in the centre of the peninsula, where the driest deserts are found and where significant floristic changes took place during Pleistocene glacial events. The number of cartographic cells (i.e. their geographic ranges) were log‐normally distributed, as has been reported for many other taxa. Floristic richness was found to be clumped around some cells where the observed richness is significantly higher than could be expected from chance variation. We tested the hypothesis that these ‘hotspots’ could be attributable to great collection efforts or to large land surfaces, but we still found 16 cells where richness is significantly high once these two factors are accounted for. Species richness and micro‐endemism increase towards the south, conforming to Rapoport's rule that predicts that species ranges become smaller towards the equator while richness increases. The floristic hotspots for woody legumes in Baja California occur in the Cape Region and along the Sierra de la Giganta in the southern Gulf Coast, where 77% of the total peninsular legume flora can be found. These hotspots are mostly unprotected, and should be considered priority areas for future conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Heavy metals were assessed in four species of sea turtles from the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico, representing the first report of heavy metal concentrations in tissues of post-yearling sea turtles from the Eastern Pacific. Concentrations of Cd measured in C. mydas kidney (653 μg/g dry wt) were the highest ever reported for any sea turtle species. Cd accumulated preferentially in kidney and the ratios of kidney to liver Cd in Baja California turtles were among the highest reported for sea turtles globally. Zn, Ni, and Mn concentrations were also significantly higher in kidney than other tissues, while Cu and Fe were greatest in liver, and all metals were lowest in muscle. With the exception of one value (69.9 μg/g in kidney of C. caretta), Pb was low in all tissues from Baja California. In comparisons across species, kidney of C. mydas had greater Zn and Ni concentrations as compared to other species, although there was no difference in liver metal levels among the species. Positive correlations were detected in the concentrations of Cd, Cu and Ni with the straight carapace length of C. caretta.  相似文献   

This is the first record of the copepod Pseudomyicola spinosus in the scallop Argopecten ventricosus in northwestern Mexico, and describes: (1) the known annual prevalence and intensity of this copepod on scallops from culture sites (Gulf of California) and natural populations (Pacific coast), (2) the histopathological effects caused on the soft tissues of scallops, and (3) the relationship between prevalence and intensity records and environmental parameters. The copepod was present throughout the period of investigation, showing similar prevalence and ratio of copepod to scallop patterns in both cultured scallops and wild specimens from natural habitats. Highest prevalence and ratio values were detected in summer-autumn at both sites, probably because scallops showed a weak condition from the combined effects of spawning, reabsorption of residual gametes, and high temperature. The condition index of A. ventricosus showed a significant correlation with the presence of the copepod in Magdalena Bay (-0.67). P. spinosus was observed in the gills of scallops, producing alterations or rupture of filaments, and in the stomach, causing detachment and loss of the epithelium. No relationship between copepod infestation with temperature, salinity, chlorophyll, and seston were found during the investigation. Although P. spinosus was present year-round at both sites, no association between infestation and scallop mortalities was detected.  相似文献   

The taxonomy, osteology, phylogenetic position, and historical biogeography of the lambeosaurine hadrosaurid Magnapaulia laticaudus (new combination) are revised. The diagnosis of this species is amended on the basis on two autapomorphies (i.e., longest haemal arches of proximal caudal vertebrae being at least four times longer than the height of their respective centra; base of prezygapophyses in caudal vertebrae merging to form a bowl-shaped surface) and a unique combination of characters (i.e., downturned cranioventral process of the maxilla; tear-shaped external naris with length/width ratio between 1.85 and 2.85; neural spines of dorsal, sacral, and proximal caudal vertebrae being at least four times the height of their respective centra). A maximum parsimony analysis supports a sister taxon relationship between M. laticaudus and Velafrons coahuilensis. Both taxa constitute a clade of southern North American lambeosaurines, which forms a sister relationship with the diverse clade of helmet-crested lambeosaurines from northern North America that includes well-known genera like Corythosaurus, Lambeosaurus, and Hypacrosaurus. According to the results of a Dispersal-Vicariance analysis, southern North American lambeosaurines split from the northern forms via vicariance from a common ancestor that lived in both the northern and southern regions of the continent.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2008,77(3):166-176
Botanical composition of diets of range goats was studied to determine seasonal preference indices of forage species and nutritional quality of selected diets on a sarcocaulescent shrubland from the Sonoran desert in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Extrusas from five esophageal cannulated adult female goats (40 kg of BW) were collected at the beginning and at the end of each season from April of 2001 to March of 2002. At the end of spring, goats selected higher amounts of browse legumes and cacti species, but during late summer, autumn and winter goats mainly preferred browse non-legumes followed by forb species. Goats selected a constant diet in truly digestible crude protein (annual mean = 11 ± 0.4% DM) and metabolizable energy (2.4 ± 0.1 Mcal kg−1) throughout the year. However, during late spring and early summer, goats selected diets higher in non-structural carbohydrates (NSC), truly IVDOM and truly digestible NSC. Dietary Ca, Mg, K, Mn, Fe were in substantial amounts to meet requirements of a range goat weighing 40.0 kg BW consuming 76.3 g DM kg0.75 d−1 in all seasons. It is concluded that range goats may require supplementary protein and energy to overcome pregnancy and lactation requirements throughout the year. Copper content appeared marginally deficient almost the entire year and Zn during late summer and autumn.  相似文献   

Approximately four-fifths of the land area of Baja California (BC) in Mexico are occupied by arid and semiarid soils, the mycobiota of which is virtually uncharacterized. In the first culture-independent study of the mycobiota of BC, we collected soil from five different locations in the region and constructed a Dikarya-specific gene library for the ITS region of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Clones were analyzed by RFLP, were sequenced for phylogenetic analyses, and diversity and similarity indices were calculated. The ascomycete Penicillium dipodomyicola was the most frequent fungus found in soil at the most arid location studied, and the basidiomycete Coprinellus radians was the most frequent at the location receiving the highest rainfall. Other frequent members of the soil mycobiota were identified as Alternaria spp., Ceratobasidium sp., Coniozyma leucospermi, Nematoctonus robustus, Penicillium griseofulvum, Tulostoma kotlabae and uncultured members of the Dikarya. Several sequences were identified as those of uncultured fungi, one of which was previously reported from other hot deserts. Arid soils and the transitional zones between arid and semiarid soils had the most similar fungal diversity, with the former soils having a community from which basidiomycetes were absent, and the soil receiving the highest precipitation having a community dominated by basidiomycetes.  相似文献   

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