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Material of the paederine genus Domene Fauvel, 1873 from China is examined. Nine species were identified, four of them described previously, one unnamed (represented exclusively by females), and four are newly described: Domene cultrata sp. n. (Gansu, Hubei, Shaanxi); Domene cuspidata sp. n. (Gansu, Shaanxi, Sichuan); Domene chenae sp. n. (Guangxi); Domene reducta sp. n. (Sichuan). A lectotype is designated for Domene reitteri Koch, 1939; a neotype is designated for Domene chenpengi Li, 1990. Domene dersuuzalai Gusarov, 1992 is placed in synonymy with Domene chenpengi. Previous records of two Japanese species from China are most likely based on misidentifications and considered erroneous. Thus, the Domene fauna of China is currently composed of twelve described species. A key to the Domene species of China is provided. The distributions of eleven species are mapped.  相似文献   

A systematic account of a collection of polvchaete annelids from four Kuwaitian islands, Arabian Gulf, is given together with ecological notes. The whole collection comprises 45 species, in 22 families. Of these, four species are named as new and ten are recorded as new to the fauna of the Arabian Gulf. The new species and records are: Anastrosyllis rigida, Brania balani new combination, Perinereis nigropunctata, Perinereis vancaurica, Onuphis eremita, Pkyh kubbarensis sp. nov., Scolelepis indica, Poecilochaetus serpens, Mesochaetopterus minutus, Parasclerocheilus branchiatus, Scyphoproctus aciculatus sp. nov., Clymenura annulata sp. nov., Pista unibranchiata and Telothelepus macrothoracicus sp. nov.  相似文献   

Examination of teleost and elasmobranch fishes for cestodes from the Pacific Ocean off the Hawaiian Islands resulted in the recovery of 7 species of trypanorhynchs, 4 of which are new. The new species are Pseudogrillotia basipunctata, Pterobothrium hawaiiensis, Prochristianella micracantha, and Nybelinia basimegacantha. Tentacularia coryphaena Bosc 1797, Dasyrhynchus giganteus (Diesing 1859), and Parachristianella monomegacantha Kruse 1959 represent new host and distribution records. The family Pseudogrillotidae Dollfus 1969 is emended.  相似文献   

A total of 117 agromyzid leafminers are known to occur in Turkey, among which Agromyza phylloposthia, Pseudonapomyza pyriformis, Liriomyza cardariae and Phytomyza geminata are described as new to science. A faunistic account of the Agromyzidae in Turkey is given.  相似文献   

Paranastatus Masi, 1917 (Eupelmidae, Eupelminae) was originally described based on two species from Seychelles: Paranastatus egregius and Paranastatus violaceus. Eady (1956) subsequently described Paranastatus nigriscutellatus and Paranastatus verticalis from Fiji. Here, four new species of Paranastatus are described: Paranastatus bellus Scallion, sp. n. and Paranastatus pilosus Scallion, sp. n. from Indonesia, and Paranastatus halko Scallion, sp. n. and Paranastatus parkeri Scallion, sp. n. from Fiji. A key to all Paranastatus species based on females is included and lectotypes are designated for Paranastatus egregius and Paranastatus violaceus. Finally, previously unobserved colour variation from newly collected material of Paranastatus verticalis, distribution patterns of species, and possibilities for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. The genus Deinopteroloma Jansson 1946 is transferred from the family Silphidae to the family Staphylinidae and assigned to the subfamily Omaliinae, tribe Anthophagini. The genus Mathrilaeum Moore 1966 is shown to be congeneric with Deinopteroloma and considered a junior synonym. The genus Deinopteroloma is redescribed and its position in the Anthobium group of genera is discussed. Nine species are recognized, five in the Nepal Himalayas, two in northeastern Burma and two on the Pacific coast of North America. A key for identification is given. Each species is described and illustrated and all available bionomic and distributional data are presented. Deinopteroloma crenatum, D.spectabile, D.egregium and D.insigne , all from the Nepal Himalayas, are described as new and Lathrimaeum subcostatum Maklin, L.pictum Fauvel and L.notabile Cameron are transferred in Deinopteroloma (comb.nov.). Lectotypes are designated for D.subcostatum (Mäklin), D.humerale (Casey), D.pictum (Fauvel) and D.notabile (Cameron).  相似文献   

Species of the genus Colocasiomyia de Meijere feed/breed on inflorescences/infructescences of the plants from the families Araceae, Arecaceae and Magnoliaceae. Although most of them utilize plants from the subfamily Aroideae of Araceae, three species of the recently established C. gigantea species group make use of plants of the subfamily Monsteroideae. We describe four new species of the gigantea group found from Yunnan, China: Colocasiomyia longifilamentata Li & Gao, sp. n., C. longivalva Li & Gao, sp. n., C. hailini Li & Gao, sp. n., and C. yini Li & Gao, sp. n. The species delimitation is proved in virtue of not only morphology but also DNA barcodes, i.e., sequences of the partial mitochondrial COI (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) gene. Some nucleotide sites with fixed status in the alignment of the COI sequences (658 sites in length) are used as “pure” molecular diagnostic characters to delineate species in the gigantea group.  相似文献   

Wang YP  Chen XX  Wu H  He JH 《ZooKeys》2010,(61):47-62
Two genera, namely Dolabraulax Quicke and Scutibracon Quicke of Braconinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from China are studied for the first time, and four new species, namely Dolabraulax jigongshanus Wang & Chen, sp. n., Dolabraulax flavus Wang & Chen, sp. n., Dolabraulax brevivena Wang & Chen, sp. n. and Scutibracon fujianensis Wang & Chen, sp. n. are fully described and illustrated. The examined specimens are deposited in the Parasitic Hymenoptera Collection, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China (ZJUH).  相似文献   

Characters used un specific identification of Zoraptera are briefly discussed. A list of Neotropical species is given, and the difficulties of associating sexes of some species outlined. Two new species are described and figured (Zorotypus weidneri sp.n., ♂, ♀, Brazil; Z.hamiltoni sp.n., ♂, ♀, Colombia) and additional records and information given on Z.shannoni Gurney (♂, Brazil) and Z.huxleyi Bolivar y Pieltain & Coronado G (♂, ♀, recorded from Brazil for the first time).  相似文献   

A revision of the species of the Proischioscia‐Ischioscia‐group revealed the necessity to synony‐mize the genus Proischioscia Vandel, 1968 with Ischioscia Verhoeff, 1928. The following previously described species are accepted and included in the genus Ischioscia: Ischioscia lobifera Verhoeff, 1928,Ischioscia amazónica Lemos de Castro, 1955, Proischioscia andina Vandel, 1968, Ischioscia bolivari Vandel, 1968, and Proischioscia sturmi Vandel, 1972. Four new species are described: I. stenocarpa, I. hanagarthi and I. longicauda from Peru, and I. irmleri from Brazil. An analysis of the generic and specific characters is given from a viewpoint of phylogenetic systematics.  相似文献   

The fresh waters of the Mekong basin are inhabited by five species of the pufferfish genusTetraodon Linnaeus, 1758 (sensu lato): the widely distributedT. leiurus Bleeker, 1851; two previously described species endemic to the Mekong,T. baileyi Sontirat, 1989 andT. suvattii Sontirat & Soonthornsathit, 1985; one new species endemic to the Mekong basins.Tetraodon baileyi has now been collected numerous times but only in or near rapids;T. abei, T. barbatus andT. suvattii are often but not exclusively associated with rapids or at least swift flowing streams; whileT. leiurus is found in almost all habitats except rapids.Tetraodon abei andT. barbatus are closely related toT. leiurus, from which they differ most strikingly in coloration.Tetraodon survattii differs from all of the others in having a strongly upturned mouth and light and dark stripes or spots radiating outwards from the eye.Tetraodon baileyi, the most distinctive Mekong pufferfish, has head and body more or less extensively covered with dermal cirri and is entirely scaleless.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the morphology and molecular phylogeny of four marine or brackish spirotrichean ciliates found in China, namely: Caryotricha sinica sp. nov., Prodiscocephalus orientalis sp. nov., P. cf. borrori, and Certesia quadrinucleata. Caryotricha sinica is characterized by its small size, seven cirral rows extending posteriorly to about 65% of the cell length, and four transverse cirri. Prodiscocephalus orientalis differs from its congeners mainly by the number of cirri in the “head” region and on the ventral side. The SSU rDNA sequence of P. cf. borrori differs from that of other population of P. borrori by ca. 40 bp. Consequently, the nominal species P. borrori is considered to be a species-complex. New data are provided for Certesia quadrinucleata. The Chinese population of C. quadrinucleata, for example, has fewer left marginal cirri than the other populations for which such data are available. Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rDNA sequence data show that the genus Caryotricha is monophyletic. All typical “discocephalids” with a discoid “head” form a strongly supported clade that is sister to the unstable uronychiids + pseudoamphisiellids clade within the Euplotia. The genus Certesia forms a sister group to the Euplotes clade, also within the Euplotia assemblage.  相似文献   

We describe four new species of Ruellia from Costa Rica; three from the Osa Peninsula, Puntarenas province (R. exilis, R. mira, R. odorata), and one from the southwestern corner of San José province (R. norvegigratiosa). Ruellia matagalpae is reported as a new record for the country. New combinations are made in Ruellia for the two Costa Rican species of Blechum (R. blechum and R. costaricensis). Three species are reduced to synonymy, and another species is considered doubtfully worthy of recognition. Notable range extensions are reported for two species. Corollas and fruits of all 22 Costa Rican species of Ruellia are shown and compared as easily used identification aids. An informal guide to species groups and a dichotomous key to the 22 species are presented.  相似文献   

The Chinese species of the genus Omalus Panzer, 1801 are revised and keyed for the first time. Eight species are recorded, of which four are new to science and one is new to China: Omalus aeneus (Fabricius, 1787), Omalus berezovskii (Semenov-Tian-Shanskij, 1932), Omalus potanini (Semenov-Tian-Shanskij, 1932), Omalus imbecillus (Mocsáry, 1889) (new to China), Omalus helanshanus sp. n., Omalus probiaccinctus sp. n., Omalus pseudoimbecillus sp. n., and Omalus tibetanus sp. n.  相似文献   

The subgenus Orthoscymnus Canepari, 1997 of Scymnus Kugelann, 1794 is herein revised. Seven species of the Orthoscymnus fauna are recognized, of which four species, Scymnus (Orthoscymnus) jilongicus sp. n., Scymnus (Orthoscymnus) paradoxus sp. n., Scymnus (Orthoscymnus) crispatus sp. n. and Scymnus (Orthoscymnus) duomaculatus sp. n., are described as new to science. Scymnus (Orthoscymnus) rhododendri Canepari is recorded from China for the first time. Scymnus (Pullus) robustibasalis Yu is transferred to the subgenus Orthoscymnus (comb. n.). All species are diagnosed, described and illustrated, and distributions are provided for each species. A key to the species is included.  相似文献   

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