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Crude synaptosome (P2) fractions prepared from rat striatum and hypothalamus, preloaded with 3H-dopamine (DA) or 3H-norepinephrine (NE), were incubated at 37 degrees C for 5 min. The addition of reserpine at a concentration of 0.1 microM to the striatal synaptosomes substantially depleted 3H-DA to about 45% of control values, but had no effect on 3H-NE. An analogous difference in sensitivity to reserpine, though less pronounced, was observed between 3H-DA and 3H-NE loaded into hypothalamic synaptosomes. Preloaded synaptosome fractions prepared from striatum and hypothalamus were also lysed under hypoosmotic conditions, filtered, and then washed with 130 mM KH2PO4 buffer, pH 7.4, maintained at 0 degrees or 37 degrees C. Washing with 0 degrees C buffer produced no appreciable change in the amount of 3H-DA or 3H-NE retained by the hypoosmotic-resistant subsynaptosomal fractions. Increasing the temperature of the wash buffer to 37 degrees C, however, elicited a volume-dependent depletion of 3H-DA about 2.5-fold higher than that obtained for 3H-NE. Consistent with this finding, the retention of 3H-DA by a crude vesicle fraction prepared from striatum was found to be significantly less than the retention of 3H-NE following 4.5 and 6 min of incubation at 20 degrees C. Thus, in intact synaptosomes, 3H-DA appears to be stored in a form that is more susceptible than 3H-NE to depletion by reserpine, and this effect may be related to differences between the intravesicular storage stability of DA and NE.  相似文献   

Endogenously formed prostaglandins (PGs) D2, E2 and F2 alpha were determined in homogenates of brain regions from rat, guinea-pig, rabbit and cat, using gas-chromatography-mass spectrometry. The main PGs formed in the brain regions of the rat were PGD2, in the guinea-pig PGD2 and PGF2 alpha, in the rabbit PGF2 alpha and in the cat PGE2. Brain regions from the same animal species showed the same pattern of PG formation. They varied, however, in the amount of total PGs formed, the limbic system and the cerebral cortex being highest and cerebellum lowest.  相似文献   

Endogenously formed prostaglandins (PGs) D2, E2 and F were determined in homogenates of brain regions from rat, guinea-pig, rabbit and cat, using gas-chromatography-mass spectrometry. The main PGs formed in the brain regions of the rat were PGD2, in the guinea-pig PGD2 and PGF, in the rabbit PGF and in the cat PGE2. Brain regions from the same animal species showed the same pattern of PG formation. They varied, however, in the amount of total PGs formed, the limbic system and the cerebral cortex being highest and cerebellum lowest.  相似文献   

T C Westfall 《Life sciences》1974,14(9):1641-1652
The effect of acetylcholine (ACh) on the release of 3H-norepinephrine (NE) from the cerebellum and 3H-dopamine (DA) from the striatum following the administration of potassium chloride or electrical field stimulation was studied in superfused brain slices. ACh in conc. of 10?6 and 10?5M significantly inhibited the release of 3H-NE from cerebellar slices and 3H-DA from striatal slices following 2 min infusion of 50mM potassium chloride. In addition ACh produced a dose-dependent inhibition of the release of 3H-DA from striatal slices following electrical stimulation. The results obtained in the present study are quite consistent with the concept that a muscarinic inhibitory mechanism may be operative on noradrenergic and dopaminergic neurons in the brain.  相似文献   

The in vitro uptake of 3H-Dopamine (3H-DA) into nuclei-free homogenates from brain parts was studied during each phase of the rat estrous cycle. Across four time points (12:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 6:00 p.m.) each phase exhibits a unique pattern of uptake in the diencephalon. Differences in the level of uptake between phases are most marked at 2:00 p.m. with diestrus animals displaying the highest rate of uptake. Metestrus animals show the lowest rate of uptake (less than 50% of the diestrus rate), while estrus and proestrus show intermediate rates. At 12:00, 2:00 and 4:00 p.m. during proestrus, the average rate of uptake is significantly less than the average uptake rate of any other phase. At 6:00 p.m. proestrus, the rate of uptake is significantly elevated over the values found at the previous three time points. Kinetic analysis of the diencephalic uptake system reveals hourly changes in the kinetic properties of the uptake system (Km and Vmax) during all phases. In non-diencephalic regions (“brain minus diencephalon”), few variations in uptake are observed. The variations in the rate of uptake in the diencephalon are thought to reflect changes in the functional activity of the DA neurons. Thus, during proestrus the reduction of 3H-DA uptake at 12:00, 2:00 and 4:00 p.m. suggests an increase in DA receptor activation.  相似文献   

The rates of 3H-norepinephrine (3H-NE) uptake into isolated nuclei-free homogenates from diencephalon were examined in freely cycling female rats of all phases of the estrous cycle. Four time points were investigated in each phase: 12:00, 14:00, 16:00 and 18:00 h. The proestrus and estrus animals displayed no change in uptake rates across the four time points. However, the metestrus and diestrus groups were found to undergo hour to hour variations in uptake rates. In the diestrus group, a significant rise in uptake of 22% was observed from 12:00 to 16:00 h. This increase was followed by a decrease of 21% by 18:00 h as compared to 16:00 h levels. Similarly, a slight increase in uptake was observed in the metustrus animals from 12:00 to 16:00 h. At 18:00 h a 40% decrease from the 16:00 h value was observed. An average of the mean levels of uptake of all phases was calculated for each time point. At 16:00 h an increase in the mean uptake of about 20% was observed when compared to either the 12:00 or the 18:00 h values. Since transmitter reuotake is the major means of terminating receptor activation or inhibition, it is suggested that the above variations in NE uptake may modulate synaptic activity and play a role in the regulation of behavioral and physiological aspects of the estrous cycle.  相似文献   

Effects in vivo of cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg) and methylmercury (CH3Hg) on Na(+)-K+ ATPase and uptake of 3H-dopamine (DA) in rat brain synaptosomes were studied. These heavy metals significantly inhibited the Na(+)-K+ ATPase activity in a dose-dependent manner. Similarly, inhibition of DA uptake by synaptosomes was also observed in rats treated with these metals. Intraperitoneal route of metal administration was found to be more effective than per os treatment. Mercuric compounds compared to Cd elicited a higher inhibition of Na(+)-K+ ATPase and DA uptake in rat brain synaptosomes.  相似文献   

Topography of synaptosomal high affinity uptake systems.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have tested the hypothesis that the glycoproteins in the cell membrane of axonal terminals are involved in high affinity uptake of neurotransmitters by studying the effects of lectin binding and trypsin treatment on this process in synaptosomes. Binding of two lectins, Concanavalin A and a lectin isolated from the lentil Lens culinaris, to synaptosomes does not change the uptake of six putative transmitters: L-glutamate, norepinephrine (NE), 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), dopamine, choline (Ch), and γ-aminobutyrate (GABA). While trypsin digestion of surface proteins of synaptosomes has no effect on the uptake of NE, 5-HT, dopamine, Ch and GABA, it reduces the rate of uptake of L-glutamate. This reduction is not due to synaptosomal lysis or a profound conformational change of the synaptic plasma membrane since the maximal velocity of high affinity uptake is reduced drastically with little attendant change in Km.  相似文献   

The levels of PGD2, PGE2, PGF and 6-keto-PGF (6KF) produced from endogenous archidonic acid (AA) were quantitated in cat cerebral cortical homogenates and microvessels isolated from cat cerebral cortex using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). There was a six-fold enrichment of 6KF levels in isolated microvessels, compared to homogenates, suggesting that 6KF is of vascular, rather than neuronal origin. In order to further understand any possible role that norepinephrine (NE)_might have on modulation of PG synthesis, we studied the effects of 0.5 mM NE on PG synthesis from endogenous AA and from 3H-PGG2, the endoperoxide precursor of PGs. In cat cortical homogenates NE induced a 74% increase in PGD2 and PGF, a 62% increase in PGE2, and a 36% increase in 6KF, as measured by GC/MS. NE caused a twofold increase in the conversion of 3H-PGG2 to 3h-PGG, with a concomitant decrease in 3H-PGE2 and 3H-6KF formation, and no change in 3H-PGD2 synthesis. NE had no effect on the total conversiob of 3H-PGG2 to 3H-PGs, nor on the breakdown of 3H-PGG2 in the absence of brain tissue. We conclude that NE stimulates extravascular synthesis of PGD2, PGE2 and PGF by stimulation of the prostaglandin synthetase complex, in addition to NE's stimulatory effect on the conversion of PGG2 to PGF, and that the lack of effect of NE on 6KF synthesis reflects either a failure to achieve an adequate concentration at the vascular tissue, or an absence of the mechanism whereby NE stimulates PG synthetase.  相似文献   

The regional distribution of serotonin (5-HT) in the brain of the cat is poorly understood. In this work, serotonin was analyzed fluorometrically along the brain stem and prosencephalon of the cat. The hypothalamus had the highest concentration of serotonin. Serotonin decreased gradually at the mesencephalon, preoptic area, medulla oblongata, hippocampus, pons, visual cortex, spinal cord and frontal cortex. Significant differences were found between the raphe (3 mm thick) and the lateral blocks of the brain stem. The concentration of serotonin is higher in the raphe blocks, though it decreases caudally. There is no significant difference between the raphe (4 mm thick) and the lateral block of the brain stem. The results demonstrate the regional concentration of serotonin in the CNS of a normal cat, the relationships between serotoninergic neuron groups and serotonin concentration,and the probable significance of nerve terminals and varicosities in storing serotonin.  相似文献   

It has previously been reported that in the isolated cat superior cervical ganglion (SCG) labeled with tritiated norepinephrine (3H-NE), the stimulation of the preganglionic trunk at 10 Hz as well as the exposure to 100 microM exogenous acetylcholine (ACh), produced a Ca++-dependent release of 3H-NE. The present results show that a Ca++-dependent release of 3H-NE was produced also by exposure to either 50 microM veratridine or 60 mM KCl. Tetrodotoxin (0.5 microM) abolished the release of 3H-NE induced by preganglionic stimulation, ACh and veratridine but did not modify the release evoked by KCl. The metabolic distribution of the radioactivity released by the different depolarizing stimuli showed that the 3H-NE was collected mainly unmetabolized. In the cat SCG neither the release of 3H-NE evoked by KCl nor the endogenous content of NE was modified by pretreatment with 6-OH-dopamine (6-OH-DA). On the other hand, this chemical sympathectomy depleted the endogenous content of NE in the cat nictitating membrane, whose nerve terminals arise from the SCG. The data presented suggest that the depolarization-coupled release of NE from the cat SCG involves structures that are different to nerve terminals and that contain Na+ channels as well as Ca++ channels.  相似文献   

High affinity [3H]imipramine binding, endogenous levels of serotonin and noradrenaline, and serotonin uptake were determined in brain regions of rats with selective destruction of serotonergic neurons by 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT), of adrenergic neurons by 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), and of rats treated with reserpine. Neonatal treatment with 5,7-DHT resulted in a significant decrease of both serotonin levels and density (Bmax) of high affinity [3H]imipramine binding sites in the hippocampus. In contrast, an elevation of serotonin levels and an increase in Bmax of [3H]imipramine binding were noted in the pons--medulla region. No changes were observed in the noradrenaline content in either of these regions. Intracerebral 6-OHDA lesion produced a drastic suppression of noradrenaline levels in cerebral cortex but failed to alter the binding affinity (KD) or density (Bmax) of [3H]imipramine recognition sites. A single injection of reserpine (2.5 mg/kg) resulted in marked depletion of both serotonin (by 57%) and noradrenaline (by 86%) content and serotonin uptake (by 87%) in the cerebral cortex but had no significant influence of the parameters of high affinity [3H]imipramine binding in this brain region. The results suggest that high affinity [3H]imipramine binding in the brain is directly related to the integrity of serotonergic neurons but not to the magnitude of the uptake or the endogenous levels of the transmitter, and is not affected by damage to noradrenergic neurons or by low levels of noradrenaline.  相似文献   

Binding studies of the tritium labeled α-adrenergic antagonist WB-4101 to mouse brain homogenate at equilibrium, reveal two binding sites: a super high affinity site (0.25 nM, 0.070 pmole/mg. protein) and a high affinity site (3.0 nM, 0.19 pmole/ mg. protein). Kinetic experiments, which measure the rates of association and dissociation of 3H-WB-4101 further confirm the existence of two binding sites. Differences in the distribution of the two sites in five regions of mouse brain are described. In addition, we present evidence suggestive of a postsynaptic localization of both binding sites.  相似文献   

Mustard derivatives of ethyl-choline and hemicholinium-3 have been suggested as possible specific cholinergic neurotoxins. In this study a structural analog of hemicholinium-3, a,a'-bis[di(2-chloroethyl)amino]-4,4'-2-biacetophenone (toxin 7), was added to synaptosomes prepared from the cortex, striatum or hippocampus of rat brain. Synaptosomal high affinity choline uptake (HACU) was significantly decreased in a dose-dependent manner by addition of toxin 7, while synaptosomal uptake of GABA or dopamine was not changed. Incubation of cortical synaptosomes with the monosialoganglioside GM1 prevented the decrease in HACU seen following administration of toxin 7. This preventative effect of GM1 was greater if GM1 was added prior to or concomitant with toxin 7, than if GM1 was added following toxin 7. Two newly synthesized hemicholinium-3 analogs, 4-[3'-di(2-chloroethyl)aminopropionyl]biphenyl (toxin 5) and 4-[3'-di(2-bromoethyl)aminopropionyl]biphenyl (toxin 6) caused a large decrease in HACU when added to cortical synaptosomes, this decrease was significantly greater than that seen with the same dose of toxin 7 or ethyl-choline aziridinium (AF64A). Ultrastructural changes in the synaptosomal membrane following incubation with toxin 7 or toxin 7 with GM1 were examined by electron microscopy. Development of a compound which is both a potent neurotoxin, and is specific for cholinergic neurons will allow new insights into the normal function of the cholinergic system in the CNS and provide animal models of disease states in which cholinergic degeneration is an important element.  相似文献   

After incubation of rat brain homogenates with S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (10 microM), norepinephrine uptake was modified according to the norepinephrine concentration. For low-range concentrations, uptake was lowered, whereas for high-range concentrations, uptake was increased.  相似文献   

Summary Since sodium diethyldithiocarbamate (SDEDTC) is known to increase the tissue uptake of copper, we have examined its effect on copper accumulation in the rat cerebellum, hypothalamus, parietal cortex and hippocampus by means of atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Acute SDEDTC (1000 mg/kg i.p.) administration alone did not alter the regional concentration of copper in the cerebellum, hypothalamus and parietal cortex, but significantly increased it in the hippocampus, 5 h after treatment. Copper acetate (5 mg/kg) given i.p. has a stimulatory effect on copper uptake only in the hypothalamus and hippocampus. When copper acetate was administered to rats which were pretreated with SDEDTC, an especially high significant increase in the hippocampal copper level could be observed (approximately 70%), while the enhancement in cerebellar copper concentration was much more lower (approximately 20%), but yet significant. These data suggest that SDEDTC enhances the uptake of exogenous copper in all brain regions examined since the lipophilic SDEDTC-copper complexes easily penetrate the cell membranes. Furthermore, our histochemical findings indicate that — under normal conditions — copper is stored predominantly in glial cells, while following an excessive uptake this metal is also accumulated in neurons (e.g. pyramidal cells of the hippocampus and cortex).  相似文献   

In order to reveal excitatory amino acid-ergic neuronal connections in the rat olfactory bulb, uptake sites for the tritiated D-aspartic acid were analyzed by high resolution autoradiography. Light microscopy revealed both cellular and terminal-like uptake. Based on electron microscopy, overwhelming majority of the cellular uptake was assigned to glial cells. A fairly high number of labelled terminals appeared in the surroundings of the mitral cell somata, within the deepest portion of the external plexiform layer, in the internal plexiform layer and in the outer half of the granule cell layer. Labelled terminals synapsed onto likely granule cell dendrites or spines, at asymmetric membrane thickenings. These results suggest that, although the output neurons may not utilize glutamic or aspartic acid as their transmitters, these amino acids may, however, contribute to the bulbar neurotransmission, as mediator substances of a subgroup of centrifugal fibers to the olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

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