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The electric-field induced absorption changes (Stark effect) of reconstituted light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) in different oligomerisation states-monomers and trimers-with different xanthophyll content have been probed at 77 K. The Stark spectra of the reconstituted control samples, containing the xanthophylls lutein and neoxanthin, are very similar to previously reported spectra of native LHCII. Reconstituted LHCII, containing lutein but no neoxanthin, shows a similar electrooptical response in the Chl a region, but the Stark signal of Chl b around 650 nm amounts to at most approximately 25% of that of the control samples. We conclude that neoxanthin strongly modifies the electronic states of the nearby Chl b molecules causing a large electrooptical response at 650 nm stemming from one or more Chls b in the control samples. Ambiguities about the assignment of several bands in the Soret region [Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1605 (2003) 83] are resolved and the striking difference in electric field response between the two lutein molecules is confirmed. The Stark effect in the carotenoid spectral region in both control and neoxanthin-deficient samples is almost identical, showing that the neoxanthin Stark signal is small and much less intense than the lutein Stark signal.  相似文献   

Many factors trigger the degradation of proteins, including changes in environmental conditions, genetic mutations, and limitations in the availability of cofactors. Despite the importance for viability, still very little is known about protein degradation and its regulation. The degradation of the most abundant membrane protein on Earth, the light-harvesting complex of Photosystem II (LHC II), is highly regulated under different environmental conditions, e.g. light stress, to prevent photochemical damage of the reaction center. However, despite major effort to identify the protease/proteases involved in the degradation of the apoproteins of LHC II the molecular details of this important process remain obscure. LHC II belongs to the family of chlorophyll a/b binding proteins (CAB proteins) and is located in the thylakoid membrane of the plant chloroplast. The results of biochemical experiments to isolate and characterize the protease degrading LHC II are summarized here and compared to our own recent finding indicating that a metalloprotease of the FtsH family is involved in this process.  相似文献   

The light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) is the main energy absorber for photosynthesis in green plants, and its translocation between photosystems I and II is the primary means of energy redistribution between them. Using single-particle tracking, we performed the first measurement of the mobility of LHCII in the photosynthetic membranes in both the nonphosphorylated and the phosphorylated (P-LHCII) conformations. These are part of an important, reversible, energy re-equilibration process called the state transition. We found that the population of P-LHCII in unappressed membranes is more mobile than the population of non-P-LHCII from the same regions.  相似文献   

Self-aggregation of isolated plant light-harvesting complexes (LHCs) upon detergent extraction is associated with fluorescence quenching and is used as an in vitro model to study the photophysical processes of nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ). In the NPQ state, in vivo induced under excess solar light conditions, harmful excitation energy is safely dissipated as heat. To prevent self-aggregation and probe the conformations of LHCs in a lipid environment devoid from detergent interactions, we assembled LHCII trimer complexes into lipid nanodiscs consisting of a bilayer lipid matrix surrounded by a membrane scaffold protein (MSP). The LHCII nanodiscs were characterized by fluorescence spectroscopy and found to be in an unquenched, fluorescent state. Remarkably, the absorbance spectra of LHCII in lipid nanodiscs show fine structure in the carotenoid and Qy region that is different from unquenched, detergent-solubilized LHCII but similar to that of self-aggregated, quenched LHCII in low-detergent buffer without magnesium ions. The nanodisc data presented here suggest that 1), LHCII pigment-protein complexes undergo conformational changes upon assembly in nanodiscs that are not correlated with downregulation of its light-harvesting function; and 2), these effects can be separated from quenching and aggregation-related phenomena. This will expand our present view of the conformational flexibility of LHCII in different microenvironments.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic and polarization properties of single light-harvesting complexes of higher plants (LHC-II) were studied at both room temperature and T < 5 K. Monomeric complexes emit roughly linearly polarized fluorescence light thus indicating the existence of only one emitting state. Most probably this observation is explained by efficient triplet quenching restricted to one chlorophyll a (Chl a) molecule or by rather irreversible energy transfer within the pool of Chl a molecules. LHC-II complexes in the trimeric (native) arrangement bleach in a number of steps, suggesting localization of excitations within the monomeric subunits. Interpretation of the fluorescence polarization properties of trimers requires the assumption of transition dipole moments tilted out of the symmetry plane of the complex. Low-temperature fluorescence emission of trimers is characterized by several narrow spectral lines. Even at lowest excitation intensities, we observed considerable spectral diffusion most probably due to low temperature protein dynamics. These results also indicate weak interaction between Chls belonging to different monomeric subunits within the trimer thus leading to a localization of excitations within the monomer. The experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of polarization sensitive studies on single LHC-II complexes and suggest an application for determination of the Chl transition-dipole moment orientations, a key issue in understanding the structure-function relationships.  相似文献   

Aqueous assemblies of zinc chlorins possessing a nonionic (oligo)oxyethylene, a cationic quaternary ammonium or an anionic sulfonate group were prepared in the presence of a synthetic surfactant. The nonionic zinc chlorin formed aggregates when admixed with a nonionic surfactant such as Triton X-100 to give a highly ordered oligomeric J-aggregate similarly as natural bacteriochlorophyll-c or d does in a chlorosome. In addition, the coassemblies of the cationic zinc chlorin with an anionic surfactant and of the anionic zinc chlorin with a cationic surfactant gave large oligomers of these chlorophyllous pigments. The structures of hydrophilic groups in both the zinc chlorin and surfactant molecules controlled their aqueous coassemblies.  相似文献   

The electric field-induced absorption changes (Stark effect) of light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) in different oligomerisation states-monomeric, trimeric and aggregated-have been probed at 77 K. All the chlorophyll (Chl) a molecules exhibit electro-optic properties in the Q(y) absorption region characterized by a change in dipole moment /Deltamu-->/ =0.6+/-0.06D/f and polarizability, Tr(Deltaalpha;) approximately 55+/-5 A(3)/f(2) upon electronic excitation, which are similar to those of unbound monomeric Chl a, indicating the absence of strong delocalization of the excitations which would be expected in the presence of strong excitonic interactions. The Stark effect in the Chl b absorption region is significantly bigger with /Deltamu-->/ values of the order of 2.0+/-0.2 D/f and it is attributed to strong interactions with neoxanthin molecules. Clear oligomerisation-dependent differences are observed in the carotenoid region, mainly due to the appearance of a new xanthophyll absorption band at 509 in the spectra of trimers and oligomers. It is ascribed to some lutein molecules, in agreement with previous experimental observations. The electro-optic properties of these lutein molecules are significantly different from those of the other xanthophylls in LHCII, which do not exhibit such a big change in dipole moment upon electronic excitation (/Deltamu-->/ =14.6+/-2.0 D/f). Upon aggregation of LHCII some extra absorption appears on the red side of the main Chl a Q(y) absorption band. In contrast to an earlier suggestion [J. Phys. Chem., A 103 (1999) 2422], no indications are found for the charge-transfer character of the corresponding band. The assignments of the S(2) electronic transitions of neoxanthin and lutein in LHCII and possible origins of the Stark effect are discussed.  相似文献   

We have investigated the structure of the photosynthetic membrane in a mutant of barley known to lack a chlorophyll-binding protein. This protein is thought to channel excitation energy to photosystem II, and is known as the "light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex." Extensive stacking of thylakoids into grana occurs in both mutant and wild-type chloroplasts. Examination of membrane internal structure by freeze-fracturing indicates that only slight differences exist between the fracture faces of mutant and wild-type membranes. These differences are slight reductions in the size of particles visible on the EFs fracture face, and in the number of particles seen on the PFs fracture face. No differences can be detected between mutant and wild-type on the etched out surface of the membrane. In contrast, tetrameric particles visible on the etched inner surface of wild-type thylakoids are extremely difficult to recognize on similar surfaces of the mutant. These particles can be recognized on inner surfaces of the mutant membranes when they are organized into regular lattices, but these lattices show a much closer particle-to-particle spacing than similar lattices in wild-type membranes. Although several interpretations of these data are possible, these observations are consistent with the proposal that the light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex of photosystem II is bound to the tetramer (which is visible on the EFs face as a single particle) near the inner surface of the membrane. The large tetramer, which other studies have shown to span the thylakoid membrane, may represent an assembly of protein, lipid, and pigment comprising all the elements of the photosystem II reaction. A scheme is presented which illustrates one possibility for the light reaction across the photosynthetic membrane.  相似文献   

Light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) from the marine green macroalga Bryopsis corticulans is spectroscopically characterized to understand the structural and functional changes resulting from adaptation to intertidal environment. LHCII is homologous to its counterpart in land plants but has a different carotenoid and chlorophyll (Chl) composition. This is reflected in the steady-state absorption, fluorescence, linear dichroism, circular dichroism and anisotropic circular dichroism spectra. Time-resolved fluorescence and two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy were used to investigate the consequences of this adaptive change in the pigment composition on the excited-state dynamics. The complex contains additional Chl b spectral forms – absorbing at around 650 nm and 658 nm – and lacks the red-most Chl a forms compared with higher-plant LHCII. Similar to plant LHCII, energy transfer between Chls occurs on timescales from under hundred fs (mainly from Chl b to Chl a) to several picoseconds (mainly between Chl a pools). However, the presence of long-lived, weakly coupled Chl b and Chl a states leads to slower exciton equilibration in LHCII from B. corticulans. The finding demonstrates a trade-off between the enhanced absorption of blue-green light and the excitation migration time. However, the adaptive change does not result in a significant drop in the overall photochemical efficiency of Photosystem II. These results show that LHCII is a robust adaptable system whose spectral properties can be tuned to the environment for optimal light harvesting.  相似文献   

Light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) prepared from isolated thylakoids of either broken or intact chloroplasts by three independent methods, exhibits proteolytic activity against LHCII. This activity is readily detectable upon incubation of these preparations at 37 °C (without addition of any chemicals or prior pre-treatment), and can be monitored either by the LHCII immunostain reduction on Western blots or by the Coomassie blue stain reduction in substrate-containing “activity gels”. Upon SDS-sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation of SDS-solubilized thylakoids, a method which succeeds in the separation of the pigment-protein complexes in their trimeric and monomeric forms, the protease activity copurifies with the LHCII trimer, its monomer exhibiting no activity. This LHCII trimer, apart from being “self-digested”, also degrades the Photosystem II (PSII) core proteins (D1, D2) when added to an isolated PSII core protein preparation containing the D1/D2 heterodimer. Under our experimental conditions, 50% of LHCII or the D1, D2 proteins are degraded by the LHCII-protease complex within 30 min at 37 °C and specific degradation products are observed. The protease is light-inducible during chloroplast biogenesis, stable in low concentrations of SDS, activated by Mg2+, and inhibited by Zn2+, Cd2+, EDTA and p-hydroxy-mercury benzoate (pOHMB), suggesting that it may belong to the cysteine family of proteases. Upon electrophoresis of the LHCII trimer on substrate-containing “activity gels” or normal Laemmli gels, the protease is released from the complex and runs in the upper part of the gel, above the LHCII trimer. A polypeptide of 140 kDa that exhibits proteolytic activity against LHCII, D1 and D2 has been identified as the protease. We believe that this membrane-bound protease is closely associated to the LHCII complex in vivo, as an LHCII-protease complex, its function being the regulation of the PSII unit assembly and/or adaptation.  相似文献   

Light-harvesting pigment-protein complexes arrayed in the thylakoid membrane serve as antenna to capture light energy and deliver it to photosynthetic reaction centers. The antenna complex of photosystem II (LHC II) is the most abundant pigment-protein complex in green plants. LHC II contains a set of polypeptides encoded by nuclear genes belonging to Lhcb family, of which, LHCB1, LHCB2 and LHCB3, encoded by Lhcb13, assemble to form heterotrimer on thylakoid membrane. The LHC II tr…  相似文献   

We attempted to predict through computer modeling the structure of the light-harvesting complex II (LH-II) of Rhodospirillum molischianum, before the impending publication of the structure of a homologous protein solved by means of X-ray diffraction. The protein studied is an integral membrane protein of 16 independent polypeptides, 8 alpha-apoproteins and 8 beta-apoproteins, which aggregate and bind to 24 bacteriochlorophyll-a's and 12 lycopenes. Available diffraction data of a crystal of the protein, which could not be phased due to a lack of heavy metal derivatives, served to test the predicted structure, guiding the search. In order to determine the secondary structure, hydropathy analysis was performed to identify the putative transmembrane segments and multiple sequence alignment propensity analyses were used to pinpoint the exact sites of the 20-residue-long transmembrane segment and the 4-residue-long terminal sequence at both ends, which were independently verified and improved by homology modeling. A consensus assignment for the secondary structure was derived from a combination of all the prediction methods used. Three-dimensional structures for the alpha- and the beta-apoprotein were built by comparative modeling. The resulting tertiary structures are combined, using X-PLOR, into an alpha beta dimer pair with bacteriochlorophyll-a's attached under constraints provided by site-directed mutagenesis and spectral data. The alpha beta dimer pairs were then aggregated into a quaternary structure through further molecular dynamics simulations and energy minimization. The structure of LH-II so determined is an octamer of alpha beta heterodimers forming a ring with a diameter of 70 A.  相似文献   

Light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) prepared from isolated thylakoids of either broken or intact chloroplasts by three independent methods, exhibits proteolytic activity against LHCII. This activity is readily detectable upon incubation of these preparations at 37 degrees C (without addition of any chemicals or prior pre-treatment), and can be monitored either by the LHCII immunostain reduction on Western blots or by the Coomassie blue stain reduction in substrate-containing "activity gels". Upon SDS-sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation of SDS-solubilized thylakoids, a method which succeeds in the separation of the pigment-protein complexes in their trimeric and monomeric forms, the protease activity copurifies with the LHCII trimer, its monomer exhibiting no activity. This LHCII trimer, apart from being "self-digested", also degrades the Photosystem II (PSII) core proteins (D1, D2) when added to an isolated PSII core protein preparation containing the D1/D2 heterodimer. Under our experimental conditions, 50% of LHCII or the D1, D2 proteins are degraded by the LHCII-protease complex within 30 min at 37 degrees C and specific degradation products are observed. The protease is light-inducible during chloroplast biogenesis, stable in low concentrations of SDS, activated by Mg(2+), and inhibited by Zn(2+), Cd(2+), EDTA and p-hydroxy-mercury benzoate (pOHMB), suggesting that it may belong to the cysteine family of proteases. Upon electrophoresis of the LHCII trimer on substrate-containing "activity gels" or normal Laemmli gels, the protease is released from the complex and runs in the upper part of the gel, above the LHCII trimer. A polypeptide of 140 kDa that exhibits proteolytic activity against LHCII, D1 and D2 has been identified as the protease. We believe that this membrane-bound protease is closely associated to the LHCII complex in vivo, as an LHCII-protease complex, its function being the regulation of the PSII unit assembly and/or adaptation.  相似文献   

Different aggregates of LHC II play a very important role in regulating the light absorption and excitation energy transfer of plant. Trimeric LHC II was purified from spinach thylakoid membrane. In order to obtain the dimeric and monomeric LHC II, the trimer was treated with the mixture of 2% OGP and 10 μg/mL PLA2, then loaded onto the sucrose density gradient in the presence of 0.06% triton X-100. The LHC II trimer, dimer and monomer isolated by sucrose density gradient all contained three polypeptides with molecular weight of 29, 28 and 26 kd respectively. The pigment composition showed much difference in the content of Chl b and xanthophyll among three forms of LHC II. To study the light capture and excitation energy transfer in different forms of LHC II, the absorption and fluorescence spectra were analyzed. The results clearly showed that the efficiency of energy absorption and transfer was different in the three kinds of LHC II, the highest for trimeric LHC II, intermediate for dimeric LHC II, and the lowest for monomeric LHC II. It was suggested that there might be a physiological homeostasis of different aggregates of LHC II in plants, which is significant for the plant self-regulating upon exposure to variable light environment.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1989,109(4):1725-1731
The photosynthetic membranes of green plants are organized into stacked regions interconnected by nonstacked regions that have been shown to be biochemically and structurally distinct. Because the stacking process occludes the surfaces of appressed membranes, it has been impossible to conduct structural or biochemical studies of the outer surfaces of the photosynthetic membrane in regions of membrane stacking. Although stacking is mediated at this surface, it has not been possible to determine whether membrane components implicated in the stacking process, including a major light-harvesting complex (LHC-II), are in fact exposed at the membrane surface. We have been able to expose this surface for study in the electron microscope and directly label it with antibodies to determine protein exposure. The appearance of the newly exposed outer stacked surface highlights the extreme lateral heterogeneity of the photosynthetic membrane. The surface is smooth in contrast to the neighboring nonstacked surface that is covered with distinct particles. Although some investigators have suggested the existence of a cytochrome b6/f-rich boundary region between stacked and nonstacked membranes, our results provide no structural support for this concept. To explore the biochemical nature of the occluded membrane surface, we have used an mAb against the amino terminal region of the LHC-II. This mAb clearly labels the newly exposed outer stacked surface but does not label the inner surface or the outer nonstacked surface. These experimental results confirm the presence of the amino terminal region of this complex at the outer surface of the membrane in stacked regions, and also show that this complex is largely absent from nonstacked membranes.  相似文献   

Electronic spectroscopy of a single biological molecule is demonstrated with approximately 4 A spatial resolution. The light-harvesting complex II (LHC II), in the ground and photo-excited states, was studied using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of intact Photosystem II complexes. Analysis of the spectra indicates that the main mechanisms of tunneling between the STM tip and the surface involve delocalized electronic states of the LHC II and local vibronic states associated with C=C, C=O, C-H, N-H, and O-H groups near the LHC II surface. Conduction within the bulk LHC II is then due to ohmic and hopping conduction as well as tunneling between amino acid residues. Light activation of LHC II occurs via a photoconductive rather than a photovoltaic mechanism. There is a dramatic light-induced increase in the electronic density of states indicating a light-induced enhancement of energy and electron delocalization which is important for the efficient and rapid transfer of excitation energy from LHC II to the Photosystem II reaction center.  相似文献   

Recombinant light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) proteins with modified carotenoid composition have been obtained by in vitro reconstitution of the Lhcb1 protein overexpressed in bacteria. The monomeric protein possesses three xanthophyll-binding sites. The L1 and L2 sites, localized by electron crystallography in the helix A/helix B cross, have the highest affinity for lutein, but also bind violaxanthin and zeaxanthin with lower affinity. The latter xanthophyll causes disruption of excitation energy transfer. The occupancy of at least one of these sites, probably L1, is essential for protein folding. Neoxanthin is bound to a distinct site (N1) that is highly selective for this species and whose occupancy is not essential for protein folding. Whereas xanthophylls in the L1 and L2 sites interact mainly with chlorophyll a, neoxanthin shows strong interaction with chlorophyll b, inducing the hyperchromic effect of the 652 nm absorption band. This observation explains the recent results of energy transfer from carotenoids to chlorophyll b obtained by femtosecond absorption spectroscopy. Whereas xanthophylls in the L1 and L2 sites are active in photoprotection through chlorophyll-triplet quenching, neoxanthin seems to act mainly in (1)O(2)(*) scavenging.  相似文献   

Light-induced fluorescence quenching of chlorophyll a in light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) incorporated into liposomes was examined. The rate of fluorescence quenching was found to depend on the incubation temperature. The effect was almost not observed at liquid nitrogen temperature, demonstrated a lag phase after onset of light at temperatures below 25 °C and was most distinctly pronounced at temperatures above 25 °C. Energetic uncoupling of accessory xanthophylls and chlorophyll a, and energetic uncoupling of chlorophyll b and chlorophyll a were observed as accompanying the excitation quenching. The observed changes were reversible during dark incubation. Similar energetic uncoupling was also observed in darkness, induced by the increase in temperature. Additionally, the temperature characteristics of fluorescence measurements displayed a pronounced transition in the region of 22–25 °C. The experiments carried out with the monomolecular layer technique in dicated a structural transition of LHC II in the same temperature region as demonstrated by an increase in the mean molecular area of LHC II at the argon-water interface. Alterations in surface topography induced by temperature changes could also be observed with scanning force microscopy of LHC II monolayers deposited as Langmuir-Blodgett films onto glass slides. The transition was found to be associated with the enhanced excitation energy consumption by the protein, monitored by calorimetric measurements. It is proposed that the observed transition efficiently protects LHC II against overexcitation-related damage and is therefore of physiological importance.  相似文献   

Aggregation of photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes strongly influences their spectroscopic properties. Fluorescence yield and excited state lifetimes of the main light-harvesting complex (LHC II) of higher plants strongly depend on its aggregation state. Detergents are commonly used to solubilize membrane proteins and/or to circumvent their aggregation in aqueous environments. Nonlinear polarization spectroscopy in the frequency domain (NLPF) was performed with LHC II over a wide concentration range of the mild detergent n-dodecyl β-d-maltoside (β-DM). Additionally, conventional absorption-, fluorescence- and circular dichroism-spectra were measured. The results indicate that: (i) conventional spectroscopic techniques are not well suited to investigate aggregation effects. NLPF provides a novel approach to overcome this problem: NLPF spectra display dramatic alterations upon even minor β-DM concentration changes. (ii) Commonly used detergent concentrations (around or slightly above the critical micellar concentration) apparently do not lead to complete trimerization of LHC II. A long-wavelength species in the NLPF spectra (peaking at about 685 nm), indicative of residual aggregation, persists up to DM-concentrations of 0.06%. (iii) High-resolution NLPF spectra indicate the existence of a species with a considerably shortened excited state lifetime. (iv) No indication of denaturation was found even at the highest β-DM concentrations used. (v) A specific change in interaction between certain chlorophyll(s) b and a xanthophyll molecule, probably neoxanthin, was detected upon aggregation as well as at higher β-DM concentrations. The results are discussed with respect to the still elusive mechanism of nonradiative dissipation of excess excitation energy in the antenna system.  相似文献   

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