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Several achlorophyllous orchids associate with ectomycorrhizal hymenomycetes deriving carbon from surrounding trees for the plant. However, this has not been shown for achlorophyllous orchids associating with species of Rhizoctonia, a complex of basal lineages of hymenomycetes that are the most common orchid partners. We analysed Neottia nidus-avis, an achlorophyllous orchid symbiotic with a Rhizoctonia, to identify its symbionts by internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequencing. Analysis of 61 root systems from 23 French populations showed that N. nidus-avis associates highly specifically with a group of species of Sebacinaceae. Their diversity emphasizes the need for further investigations in the Sebacinaceae systematics. Sebacinoid ITS sequences were often identical within orchid populations and a trend to regional variation in symbionts was observed. Using ITS and intergenic spacer (IGS) polymorphism, we showed that each root system harboured a single species, but that several genets colonized it. However, no polymorphism of these markers was found among portions of each root: this is consistent with the putative mode of entry of the fungus, i.e. from the rhizome into roots but not repeatedly from the soil. In addition, ectomycorrhizae were always found within the N. nidus-avis root systems: 120 of the 144 ectomycorrhizae typed by ITS sequencing were colonized by a sebacinoid fungus identical in ITS sequence to the respective orchid symbiont (even for the IGS polymorphism in some cases). Because sebacinoids were demonstrated recently to be ectomycorrhizal, the orchid is likely to derive its resources from surrounding trees, a mycorrhizal cheating strategy similar to other myco-heterotrophic plants studied to date.  相似文献   

Between the siblings of a family of greylag geese (Anser anser L.) a rank order is established by fighting during the first days after hatching, and also by other, more complex interactions. The position of each goose in the rank order can be defined by three groups of behaviour patterns (aggressive behaviour, “greetings”, escape responses). A clear-cut ranking relation between two individuals is a prerequisite for their close cohesion. The survival function of rank order lies in diminishing the intensity and frequency of agonistic interactions, in diminishing social stress situations and in guaranteeing the close family cohesion.  相似文献   

The suitability of acrylic colours for marking stone loach (Noemacheilus barbatulus L.) Acrylic colours were tested in the stone loach Noemacheilus barbatulus and were found to be useful for long term marking of small benthic fishes. No negative influences on condition or growth of the fishes were observed. The colours green and white produced best results in durability, still being visible in 90 % of the specimens after one year.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungMit 4 TextabbildungenHerrn Professor Dr. Karl v. Frisch zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet. — Ausgeführt mit Unterstützung der Karl-Hescheler-Stiftung.  相似文献   

The patterns of terminal DNA synthesis of the autosomes and sex chromosomes of Cricetus cricetus were studied. Characteristic late replicating segments are found on all chromosomes allowing identification of most autosomes. The sex chromosomes of both sexes behave similarly; in the male, half of the X and the entire Y are late replicating and heteropycnotic, in the female, half of one X and the whole of the other X. The isopycnotic part of the X-chromosome comprises about 5% of the haploid female complement.

Wesentliche Teile der vorliegenden Arbeit werden von Fräulein Dorothee Hepp als Dissertation der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Freiburg i. Br. vorgelegt.

Wir danken Dr. Susumu Ohno für kristiche des Munuskriptes und Fräulein Elke Faisst für ihre bei den experimentellen Arbeiten.  相似文献   

Edgar Wagner  Hans Mohr 《Planta》1966,70(1):34-41
Zusammenfassung In einer früheren Arbeit (Bertsch und Mohr, 1965) haben wir bei der lichtinduzierten Anthocyansynthese des Senfkeimlings gefunden, daß eine Vorbestrahlung mit Dunkelrot die Wirkung einer nachfolgenden Bestrahlung mit Hellrot steigert. Eine Vorbestrahlung mit Hellrot hingegen reduziert die Wirksamkeit einer nachfolgenden Bestrahlung mit Dunkelrot (Tabelle 1). Die 48 St nach Beginn des Bestrahlungsprogramms vorhandene Menge an Anthocyan wurde als ein Maß für die Wirksamkeit der Sukzedanbestrahlungen angesehen. — In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde mit Hilfe kinetischer Studien gezeigt, daß ein spezifischer Effekt der Dunkelrot-Vorbestrahlung nicht existiert. Der apparente Effekt ist darauf zurückzuführen, daß das zuerst gegebene Dunkelrot die lag-Phase für das nachfolgende Hellrot eliminiert. — Der Effekt, daß eine Hellrot-Vorbestrahlung die Wirkung von nachfolgendem Dunkelrot stark reduziert, ist hingegen real. Dieser Effekt muß auf einen Verlust an Phytochrom zurückgeführt werden.
Kinetical studies to interpret the effects of succedaneous irradiations with red and far-red on photomorphogenesis (anthocyanin synthesis in mustard seedlings, Sinapis alba L.)
Summary In a previous paper (Bertsch and Mohr, 1965) we reported that in light-induced anthocyanin synthesis of the mustard seedling (Sinapis alba L.) a preirradiation with far-red light increases the effectiveness of a following irradiation with red light, whereas a preirradiation with red reduces the effectiveness of a following irradiation with far-red (Table 1). The amount of anthocyanin present 48 hours after the onset of the irradiation programme was taken as a gauge for the effectiveness of the irradiation with succedaneous red and far-red (and vice versa).In the present paper it is shown—using detailed kinetical studies (Fig. 1 and 2) —that a specific potentiating effect of the preceding far-red is not involved. The apparent effect is due to the fact that the preceding far-red eliminates the lag-phase for the following red (Fig. 1). — On the other hand, the depressing effect of red light preceding far-red is very real. This latter effect must be attributed to a loss of phytochrome.We demonstrate in the present paper that the effects of succedaneous red and far-red irradiations can be attributed altogether to phytochrome if several assumptions concerning the stability of phytochrome 730 (Hartmann, 1966; Wagner and Mohr, 1966) are made. These assumptions seem to be well justified. — In any case our kinetical studies have revealed no data which indicate that in red or far-red light we have to deal with anything else except phytochrome.

DNA clones representing two subfamilies A and B of legum in genes and a recombinant phage containing a complete legumin B gene have been isolated and characterized by DNA sequencing. A DNA fragment harbouring the legumin B gene and adjacent sequences was used for Ti-mediated transfer into tobacco cells.  相似文献   

Summary Using the in vivo density labeling technique with deuterium oxide it is confirmed that during phytochrome mediated photomorphogenesis in mustard seedlings a true de novo synthesis of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase is induced by active phytochrome (P fr).  相似文献   

Dr. Helmut Rost 《Genetica》1959,30(1):412-416
Zusammenfassung Aus der Kreuzung eines Gelbspinnerstammes und eines Weißspinnerstammes entstand ein Fall einer bilateralen Mosaikbildung bei einer weiblichen Seidenraupe. Das Tier besaß eine normale rechte und eine gemischt opak und translucent ausgefärbte linke Körperseite. Die Trennungslinie verlief genau, in der Medianlinie der Abdominalsegmente; Kopf und Thorax waren normal. In dem Gelege des Falters wurden 2×5 Eier von abweichender Färbung gefunden. Es besteht die Möglichkeit einer experimentellen Induktion des Phänomens durch Rückkühlung der schlupfreifen Eier.  相似文献   

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