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KirBac3.1 belongs to a family of transmembrane potassium (K+) channels that permit the selective flow of K-ions across biological membranes and thereby regulate cell excitability. They are crucial for a wide range of biological processes and mutations in their genes cause multiple human diseases. Opening and closing (gating) of Kir channels may occur spontaneously but is modulated by numerous intracellular ligands that bind to the channel itself. These include lipids (such as PIP2), G-proteins, nucleotides (such as ATP) and ions (e.g. H+, Mg2+, Ca2+). We have used high-resolution atomic force microscopy (AFM) to examine KirBac3.1 in two different configurations. AFM imaging of the cytoplasmic surface of KirBac3.1 embedded in a lipid bilayer has allowed visualization of the tetrameric assembly of the ligand-binding domain. In the absence of Mg2+, the four subunits appeared as four protrusions surrounding a central depression corresponding to the cytoplasmic pore. They did not display 4-fold symmetry, but formed a dimer-of-dimers with 2-fold symmetry. Upon addition of Mg2+, a marked rearrangement of the intracellular ligand-binding domains was observed: the four protrusions condensed into a single protrusion per tetramer, and there was an accompanying increase in protrusion height. The central cavity within the four intracellular domains also disappeared on addition of Mg2+, indicating constriction of the cytoplasmic pore. These structural changes are likely transduced to the transmembrane helices, which gate the K+ channel. This is the first time AFM has been used as an interactive tool to study K+ channels. It has enabled us to directly measure the conformational changes in the protein surface produced by ligand binding.  相似文献   

The polypeptide shell of the ferritin molecule has been imaged in water by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The central dip and the quaternary structure could be observed on the surface of the ferritin molecule anchored inhomogeneously in two dimensions. These structures observed in the AFM images are quite similar to the electron density map near the top of the apoferritin viewed down from a 4-fold axis structure reported previously (S. H. Banyard, D. K. Stammers, and P. M. Harrison, 1978. Nature (Lond.). 271:282-284). It has been achieved by introducing a "self-screening effect" of the surface charges of the AFM sample (S. Ohnishi, M. Hara, T. Furuno, and H. Sasabe. 1992. Biophys. J. 63:1425-1431) and the specially sharpened stylus of AFM cantilever.  相似文献   

In skeletal muscle the activation of phosphorylase b is catalyzed by phosphorylase kinase. Both enzymes occur in vivo as part of a multienzyme complex. The two enzymes have been imaged by atomic force microscopy and the results compared to those previously found by scanning tunneling microscopy. Scanning tunneling microscopy and atomic force microscopy have been used to view complexes between the activating enzyme phosphorylase kinase and its substrate phosphorylase b. Changes in the size and shape of phosphorylase kinase were observed when it bound phosphorylase b.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was applied to study the RecA protein and its complexes with DNA in air and in aqueous solution. RecA and DNA were reacted under several conditions, and deposited onto a mica substrate pre-treated in various ways. We found that the structure of the RecA and RecA-DNA complexes, especially the height of the molecules, was affected by the sample preparation method such as gel filtration, and environment during imaging.  相似文献   



Metalloproteins myeloperoxidase (MPO), ceruloplasmin (CP) and lactoferrin (LF) play an important role in regulation of inflammation and oxidative stress in vertebrates. It was previously shown that these proteins may work synergetically as antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents by forming complexes, such as MPO-CP and LF-CP. However, interaction of metalloprotein molecules with each other has never been characterized at a single-molecule level.


In this study, the pairwise interactions of MPO, CP and LF molecules were investigated at a single-molecule level using high-resolution atomic force microscopy (AFM). Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite surface (HOPG) modified with oligoglycine-hydrocarbon graphite modifier (GM) was used as a substrate for protein deposition.


The procedure for reliable AFM investigation of metalloproteins and their complexes has been developed. Using this procedure, we have visualized, for the first time, single MPO, CP and LF molecules, characterized the morphology of MPO-CP and LF-CP complexes and confirmed the absence of direct contacts between MPO and LF molecules. Moreover, we have revealed the novel chainlike shape of MPO-CP conjugates.


GM-HOPG was shown to be a convenient substrate for AFM investigation of metalloproteins and their complexes. Direct AFM visualization of MPO-CP and LF-CP complexes, on the one hand, complements previous data obtained from the “bulk techniques” and, on the other hand, provides new insight into the ultrastructure of MPO-CP complexes.

General significance

The obtained results contribute to the better understanding of regulation of inflammation and oxidation stress mediated by collaborative action of the metalloproteins such as MPO, CP and LF.  相似文献   

BackgroundHemagglutinin (HA) of influenza A is one of the key virulence factors that mediates the release of viral components in host cells. HA is initially synthesized as a trimeric precursor (HA0) and then it is cleaved by proteases to become a functional HA. Low pH induces irreversible conformational changes in both HA0 and HA but only HA is fusion compatible. Here, we used high-speed atomic force microscopy (HS-AFM) to record conformational changes in HA0 trimers (H5N1) from neutral to acidic conditions at a millisecond scale.MethodsPurified HA0 protein was diluted with either neutral Tris-HCl (pH 7.4) or acetic acid-titrated Tris-HCl (pH 5.0) and then loaded onto bare mica. Neutral or acidic Tris-HCl was used as the scanning buffer. HS-AFM movies were recorded and processed using Image J software.ResultsThe conformation of HA0neutral visualized using HS-AFM was comparable to the HA trimer structures depicted in the PDB data and the AFM simulator. HA0 underwent rapid conformational changes under low pH condition. The circularity and area of HA0acid were significantly higher than in HA0neutral. In contrast, the height of HA0acid was significantly lower than in HA0neutral.ConclusionsWe have captured real-time images of the native HA0 trimer structure under physiological conditions using HS-AFM. By analyzing the images, we confirm that HA0 trimer is sensitive to acidic conditions.General significanceThe dynamic nature of the HA structure, particularly in the host endosome, is essential for H5N1 infectivity. Understanding this acidic behavior is imperative for designing therapeutic strategies against H5N1. This article reports a sophisticated new tool for studying the spatiotemporal dynamics of the HA precursor protein.  相似文献   

Sattin BD  Goh MC 《Biophysical journal》2004,87(5):3430-3436
The formation of the RecA/DNA nucleofilament on nicked circular double stranded (ds) DNA in the presence of ATPgammaS was studied using the atomic force microscope (AFM) at nanometer resolution. The AFM allowed simultaneous observation of both dsDNA substrate and RecA protein-coated sections such that they are highly distinguishable. Using a time series of images, the complex formation was monitored. AFM imaging provided direct evidence that assembly of the nucleofilaments occurs via a nucleation and growth mechanism. The nucleation step is much slower than the growth phase, as demonstrated by the predominance of naked dsDNA at early and middle time points, followed by the rapid appearance of partially then fully formed complexes. Observation of the formation of nucleation sites without accompanying growth on unnicked dsDNA enabled an estimate of the nucleation rate, of 5 x 10(-5) RecA min(-1) bp(-1). The published model for the analysis of RecA assembly on dsDNA deduces a single kinetic parameter that prevents the separate determination of nucleation rate and growth rate. By directly measuring the nucleation rate with the AFM, this model is employed to determine a growth rate of 202 min(-1). These AFM results provide the first direct evidence of previous results on complex formation obtained only by indirect means.  相似文献   

Biological complexes are typically multisubunit in nature and the processes in which they participate often involve protein compositional changes in themselves and/or their target substrates. Being able to identify more than one type of protein in complex samples and to track compositional changes during processes would thus be very useful. Toward this goal, we describe here a single-molecule technique that can simultaneously identify two types of proteins in compositionally complex samples. It is an adaptation of the recently developed atomic force microscopy (AFM) recognition imaging technique but involves the tethering of two different types of antibodies to the AFM tip and sequential blocking with appropriate antigenic peptides to distinguish the recognition from each antibody. The approach is shown to be capable of simultaneously identifying in a single AFM image two specific components, BRG1 and beta-actin, of the human Swi-Snf ATP-dependent nucleosome remodeling complex and two types of histones, H2A and H3, in chromatin samples.  相似文献   

Techniques have been developed for the routine reliable imaging of polysaccharides by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The polysaccharides are deposited from aqueous solution onto the surface of freshly cleaved mica, air dried, and then imaged under alcohols. The rationale behind the development of the methodology is described and data is presented for the bacterial polysaccharides xanthan, acetan, and the plant polysaccharides 1-carrageenan and pectin. Studies on uncoated polysaccharides have demonstrated the improved resolution achievable when compared to more traditional metal-coated samples or replicas. For acetan the present methodology has permitted imaging of the helical structure. Finally, in addition to data obtained on individual polysaccharides, AFM images have also been obtained of the network structures formed by κ-carrageenan and gellan gum. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

We report an atomic force microscopy (AFM) study of fibrinogen molecules and fibrin fibers with resolution previously achieved only in few electron microscopy images. Not only are all objects triads, but the peripheral D regions are resolved into the two subdomains, apparently corresponding to the βC and γC domains. The conformational analysis of a large population of fibrinogen molecules on mica revealed the two most energetically favorable conformations characterized by bending angles of ~100 and 160 degrees. Computer modeling of the experimental images of fibrinogen molecules showed that the AFM patterns are in good agreement with the molecular dimensions and shapes detected by other methods. Imaging in different environments supports the expected hydration of the fibrinogen molecules in buffer, whereas imaging in humid air suggests the 2D spreading of fibrinogen on mica induced by an adsorbed water layer. Visualization of intact hydrated fibrin fibers showed cross-striations with an axial period of 24.0 ± 1.6 nm, in agreement with a pattern detected earlier with electron microscopy and small-angle X-ray diffraction. However, this order is clearly detected on the surface of thin fibers and becomes less discernible with the fiber's growth. This structural change is consistent with the proposal that thinner fibers are denser than thicker ones, that is, that the molecule packing decreases with the increasing of the fibers' diameter.  相似文献   

Reverse gyrase is a hyperthermophilic enzyme that can introduce positive supercoiling in substrate DNA. It is showed in our studies that positive DNA supercoils were induced in both pBR322 vector and an artificially synthesized mini-plasmid DNA by reverse gyrase. The left-handed structures adopted by positively supercoiled DNA molecules could be identified from their right-handed topoisomers through atomic force microscopic examination. Additional structural comparisons revealed that positively supercoiled DNA molecule AFM images exhibited increased contour lengths. Moreover, enzymatic assays showed that the positively supercoiled DNA could not be cleaved by T7 endonuclease. Together, this suggests that the overwound structure of positive supercoils could prevent genomic duplex DNA from randomly forming single-stranded DNA regions and intra-stranded secondary structures.  相似文献   

Our understanding of how antimicrobial and cell-penetrating peptides exert their action at cell membranes would benefit greatly from direct visualization of their modes of action and possible targets within the cell membrane. We previously described how the cationic antimicrobial peptide, indolicidin, interacted with mixed zwitterionic planar lipid bilayers as a function of both peptide concentration and lipid composition [Shaw, J.E. et al., 2006. J. Struct. Biol. 154 (1), 42-58]. In the present report, in situ atomic force microscopy was used to characterize the interactions between three families of cationic peptides: (1) tryptophan-rich antimicrobial peptides--indolicidin and two of its analogues, (2) an amphiphilic alpha-helical membranolytic peptide--melittin, and (3) an arginine-rich cell-penetrating peptide--Tat with phase-separated planar bilayers containing 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphocholine (DOPC)/1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphocholine (DSPC) or DOPC/N-stearoyl-D-erythro-sphingosylphosphorylcholine (SM)/cholesterol. We found that these cationic peptides all induced remodelling of the model membranes in a concentration, and family-dependent manner. At low peptide concentration, these cationic peptides, despite their different biological roles, all appeared to reduce the interfacial line tension at the domain boundary between the liquid-ordered and liquid-disordered domains. Only at high peptide concentration was the membrane remodelling induced by these peptides morphologically distinct among the three families. While the transformation caused by indolicidin and its analogues were structurally similar, the concentration required to initiate the transformation was strongly dependent on the hydrophobicity of the peptide. Our use of lipid compositions with no net charge minimized the electrostatic interactions between the cationic peptides and the model supported bilayers. These results suggest that peptides within the same functional family have a common mechanism of action, and that membrane insertion of short cationic peptides at low peptide concentration may also alter membrane structure through a common mechanism regardless of the peptide's origin.  相似文献   

Estradiol-displayed bioaffinity beads binding to the anti-estradiol antibody attached via the protein A-coated mica surface were examined by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The amount of specifically bound beads on the surface was directly proportional to the concentration of free estradiol in solution. Estradiol from 10 ng ml–1 to 10 g ml–1 could be determined. This suggested that direct counting of bioaffnity beads by AFM can be used to detect specific ligand for the target protein.  相似文献   

The protein that forms the gas vesicle in the cyanobacterium Anabaena flos-aquae has been imaged by atomic force microscopy (AFM) under liquid at room temperature. The protein constitutes "ribs" which, stacked together, form the hollow cylindrical tube and conical end caps of the gas vesicle. By operating the microscope in deflection mode, it has been possible to achieve sub-nanometer resolution of the rib structure. The lateral spacing of the ribs was found to be 4.6 +/- 0.1 nm. At higher resolution the ribs are observed to consist of pairs of lines at an angle of approximately 55 degrees to the rib axis, with a repeat distance between each line of 0.57 +/- 0.05 nm along the rib axis. These observed dimensions and periodicities are consistent with those determined from previous x-ray diffraction studies, indicating that the protein is arranged in beta-chains crossing the rib at an angle of 55 degrees to the rib axis. The AFM results confirm the x-ray data and represent the first direct images of a beta-sheet protein secondary structure using this technique. The orientation of the GvpA protein component of the structure and the extent of this protein across the ribs have been established for the first time.  相似文献   

The selective interactions between DNA and miniature (39 residues) engineered peptide were directly measured at the single‐molecule level by using atomic force microscopy. This peptide (p007) contains an α‐helical recognition site similar to leucine zipper GCN4 and specifically recognizes the ATGAC sequence in the DNA with nanomolar affinity. The average rupture force was 42.1 pN, which is similar to the unbinding forces of the digoxigenin–antidigoxigenin complex, one of the strongest interactions in biological systems. The single linear fit of the rupture forces versus the logarithm of pulling rates showed a single energy barrier with a transition state located at 0.74 nm from the bound state. The smaller koff compared with that of other similar systems was presumably due to the increased stability of the helical structure by putative folding residues in p007. This strong sequence‐specific DNA–peptide interaction has a potential to be utilized to prepare well‐defined mechanically stable DNA–protein hybrid nanostructures. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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