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于2004年8月--2005年1月,采用焦点取样和连续记录方法,对甘肃兴隆山自然保护区马麝(Moschus sifanicus)繁育中心的雄性马麝进行了行为取样.按照动物来源,将样本动物区分为野捕雄麝(17头)和圈养繁殖雄麝(6头),记录了静卧及站立凝视等12种行为的发生频次,并分别对其在交配季节和非交配季节的行为发生频率进行比较.结果表明,由于圈养环境和管理模式相同,甘肃兴隆山繁育中心的野捕和圈养繁殖马麝的总体行为格局类似,但由于幼年期人工哺乳等因素对其行为发育的影响,野捕雄麝在非交配季节和交配季节的冲突行为的表达频次显著多于圈养繁殖雄麝(P<0.05),而圈养繁殖雄麝在交配季节的亲和行为极显著地多于野捕雄麝(P<0.01).此外,雄麝在非交配季节的静卧行为发生频次极显著地多于交配季节(P<0.01),而在交配季节的站立凝视、运动和环境探究及冲突的发生频次均极显著地比非交配季节多(P<0.01).  相似文献   

2000年6月至2001年2月,采用焦点取样连续记录方法,对甘肃兴隆山自然保护区马麝(Moschus sifanicus)繁育中心的雄性马麝进行了行为取样。按马麝爬胯结果,将样本动物区分为爬胯成功雄麝和爬胯失败雄麝,并对两类群雄麝在非交配季节(6—10月)和交配季节(11月—翌年1月)的行为格局分别进行了比较分析。结果表明,在单位取样时间(5min)内,爬胯成功雄麝在非交配季节的摄食行为持续时间显著少于爬胯失败雄麝,而静卧和蹭尾行为的持续时间显著多于爬胯失败雄麝。爬胯成功雄麝在交配季节的静卧时间显著少于爬胯失败雄麝,而攻击行为、蹭尾及粪尿标记的持续时间显著多于爬胯失败雄麝。根据以上结果,在麝类迁地保护和驯养实践中,雄性马麝的静卧和蹭尾行为(尤其是蹭尾)可以作为其爬胯成功度及繁殖性能的行为判别指标。这为马麝驯养实践,尤其是在提高配种雄麝选取的直观性及可操作性方面提供了量化行为参数。  相似文献   

2000年6月至2001年2月,采用焦点取样连续记录方法,对甘肃兴隆山自然保护区马麝(Moschus sifanicus)繁育中心的雄性马麝进行了行为取样。按马麝爬胯结果,将样本动物区分为爬胯成功雄麝和爬胯失败雄麝,并对两类群雄麝在非交配季节(6—10月)和交配季节(11月—翌年1月)的行为格局分别进行了比较分析。结果表明,在单位取样时间(5 min)内,爬胯成功雄麝在非交配季节的摄食行为持续时间显著少于爬胯失败雄麝,而静卧和蹭尾行为的持续时间显著多于爬胯失败雄麝。爬胯成功雄麝在交配季节的静卧时间显著少于爬胯失败雄麝,而攻击行为、蹭尾及粪尿标记的持续时间显著多于爬胯失败雄麝。根据以上结果,在麝类迁地保护和驯养实践中,雄性马麝的静卧和蹭尾行为(尤其是蹭尾)可以作为其爬胯成功度及繁殖性能的行为判别指标。这为马麝驯养实践,尤其是在提高配种雄麝选取的直观性及可操作性方面提供了量化行为参数。  相似文献   

周杨  孙太福  黎勇  周密  孟秀祥 《生态学报》2018,38(21):7530-7538
采用焦点取样和扫描取样方法,对甘肃兴隆山麝场圈养马麝(Moschus sifanicus)交配季节及非交配季节进行行为取样。通过行为样本,对个体个性特征(活跃性、领域性、刻板性、探索性、行为冗余性)进行标准化处理,分析了年龄及性别对个性特征的效应,以及交配季节与非交配季节之间个性特征的差异,同时分析了马麝个性特征与泌香量的相互关系。结果表明:年龄增加对活跃性具有降低的效应(P0.05),并对非交配季节领域性具有降低效应(P0.05);非交配季节里雌性活跃性高于雄性(P0.05);不同季节间个性特征存在差异,交配季节活跃性与领域性均有高于非交配季节的趋势,并且活跃性与领域性在两季节间呈正相关关系(P0.05);雄麝泌香量与活跃性存在正相关关系(交配季节:r=0.518,P0.05;非交配季节:r=0.397,P0.05),与交配季节领域性同样具有正相关关系(r=0.406,P0.05)。本研究通过行为取样方法首次对马麝个性特征进行定量分析,探讨了将个性特征,特别是活跃性和领域性,作为泌香量预测指标的方法,对圈养动物个性研究的理论创新具有指导作用,同时对麝香及麝类资源的发展具有实践意义。  相似文献   

于2008年6月至2009年1月期间,采用焦点动物取样法,记录了甘肃兴隆山马麝驯养场的54头圈养马麝的刻板行为发生频次,按性别、年龄及年龄组、繁殖季节、动物来源和繁殖成效等变量区分样本动物,比较各类别间的刻板行为表达强度.结果表明,圈养马麝在单位取样时间(5 min)内平均表达(0.084±0.025)次刻板行为(n=54).圈舍活动场面积对马麝刻板行为表达强度的效应不显著,在面积较小圈舍中的马麝刻板行为的表达有较多的趋势.因雌麝的哺乳及育幼等原因,雌麝的刻板行为发生频次((0.07±0.03)次,n=31)显著低于雄麝((0.11±0.04)次,n=23,P<0.05),但雌雄马麝的刻板行为频次均无显著月间差异,呈连续变化趋势,从8月开始,雌麝的刻板行为频次逐月攀升至1月的最大值( (0.020±0.012)次),而雄麝的刻板行为频次升至12月即急剧下降.马麝非交配季节的刻板行为频次( (0.037±0.017)次,n=47)显著少于交配季节((0.140±0.05)次,n=32).虽年龄较大的马麝的刻板行为有表达较强的趋势,但年龄及年龄组对马麝的刻板行为频次的效应均不显著.自繁圈养个体的刻板行为发生频次((0.10±0.06)次,n=15)有高于野捕圈养个体((0.07±0.02)次,n=30)的趋势,但差异不显著(P>0.05).性不活跃雌麝的刻板行为频次((0.17±0.12)次,n=10)显著地多于性活跃雌麝((0.05±0.02)次,n=15,P<0.05),性不活跃雄麝的刻板行为频次((0.10±0.04)次,n=13)高于性活跃雄麝((0.06±0.02)次,n=9),但差异不显著(P>0.05).  相似文献   

于2001年3月—2002年1月,采用焦点取样法对甘肃兴隆山自然保护区麝场圈养马麝的刻板行为进行了研究。结果表明:该麝场的圈养马麝有刻板行为的发育,雌麝的刻板行为持续时间少于雄麝,但二者间的差异不显著。野捕马麝幼年期的人工哺乳经历使其刻板行为表达强度相对小于麝场圈养下繁殖马麝。年龄对雌雄麝的刻板行为表达强度的效应相似,亚成体马麝的刻板行为表达较多,成体马麝体的刻板行为表达相对较少,老年马麝刻板行为持续时间最长,2.5和4.5岁是圈养马麝刻板行为发育的关键时期。此外,能顺利繁殖的个体,其刻板行为表达的持续时间少于繁殖失败的个体。  相似文献   

兴隆山圈养马麝的行为多样性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综合焦点取样、扫描取样和连续记录等方法,对甘肃兴隆山麝场圈养马麝(Moschus sifanicus)的行为进行了长期的行为取样。应用行为多样性分析方法提取样本行为流的综合信息,采用行为多样性指数和矫正行为多样性指数作为检测指标,分析了圈舍面积和环境丰富性等圈养环境特征对马麝行为多样性的影响,以及性别、年龄、性活跃度和幼年经历等个体特征对其行为多样性格局的效应。结果表明:圈养设施的物理特征可影响马麝的行为多样性,圈养面积较大、环境丰富性较高的圈舍内的马麝行为多样性有相对较高的趋势(但差异不显著,P=0.934);雌麝的行为多样性明显低于雄麝(P=0.019);个体年龄(亦直接反映圈养时间)对雌麝行为多样性的降低效应极显著(P:0.001),但对雄麝没有影响(P=0.548)。马麝的行为多样性没有月间差异(雌:P=0.10;雄:P=0.109),可能与圈养环境及饲养管理等因子对行为多样性的影响有关。马麝的行为多样性格局同其性活跃度相关。繁殖失败的雌麝的行为多样性有比繁殖成功的雌麝有降低的趋势,但差异不显著(P=0.96)。幼年受到的哺育方式差异对野外捕获和麝场自繁的马麝的行为多样性未产生显著影响(雌:P=0.173;雄:P=0.306)。  相似文献   

于2004年8月~2005年1月,采用焦点取样连续记录法,对甘肃兴隆山自然保护区马麝繁育中心的雌性马麝Moschus sifanicus进行了行为取样.按雌麝的发情格局,将样本动物区分为正常发情和不发情个体,并对两类雌麝在非交配季节(6~10月)和交配季节(11 月~翌年1月)的行为格局分别进行了比较分析.结果 表明,正常发情和不发情雌麝的总体行为格局并无大的差异,但在非交配季节,正常发情雌麝的运动频次显著多于不发情雌麝,后者的摄食频次较多,此外,雌麝(仅为正常发情)在交配季节有蹭尾行为的表达,正常发情雌麝的蹭尾行为频次显著多于不发情雌麝(无此行为表达,频次为0值).本研究结果可为圈养雌麝的发情格局的预测及区分提供参考.  相似文献   

采用新异物刺激的方式,建立马麝惊扰反应强度指数,通过马麝惊扰后的状态量化其胆量水平,对甘肃兴隆山麝场圈养马麝交配季节和非交配季节胆量(Boldness)进行行为学研究。结合泌香量和产仔量数据,分析胆量对麝香分泌、繁殖成效的效应;同时分析了圈区环境、性别、年龄与马麝胆量之间的关系,以及交配季节与非交配季节间胆量的相关性。结果表明:圈区环境对个体胆量无显著影响(交配季节P = 0.799;非交配季节P =0.152),性别对个体胆量也无显著影响(交配季节P = 0.144;非交配季节P = 0.733),而年龄对个体胆量存在显著影响(交配季节P = 0.012;非交配季节P =0.009),个体年龄越大,胆量越大;交配季节与非交配季节之间胆量呈显著正相关(r =0.592,P < 0.001),但并无明显差异(P =0.095);雄麝泌香量与非交配季节胆量之间存在显著负相关(r = - 0.607,P = 0.016),雌麝繁殖成效与交配季节胆量之间存在显著正相关(r =0.362,P = 0.045)。圈养马麝胆量个性受年龄因素的影响,并在交配季节与非交配季节之间存在一致性,非交配季节胆量更高的雄麝泌香量趋于更少,交配季节胆量更高的雌麝产仔数趋于更多。  相似文献   

2017年7月1日至8月31日,采用焦点取样和连续记录法,对甘肃兴隆山自然保护区马麝保育中心29头圈养马麝进行了行为取样,记录其行为发生持续时间及发生位点,根据动物在各位点对人为胁迫的应激程度定义其胆量水平,结合个体在各位点所占时间比例确定马麝个体的胆量值,分析性别、年龄等因素对其胆量的影响及胆量与麝香分泌和繁殖成效的关系.结果表明: 上等体况马麝胆量(1.731±0.347)显著大于下等体况(0.915±0.789);雄麝胆量(1.035±0.120)显著小于雌麝(1.901±0.391);亚成体马麝组的胆量(1.450±0.463)有高于成体组(1.093±0.321)和老龄组(1.430±0.189)的趋势,但差异未达显著水平.区分性别后,年龄组对马麝的胆量值仍无显著影响.独居马麝胆量(0.853±0.326)小于群居马麝(1.397±0.179),但差异不显著,群居个体胆量随密度增加而趋于降低.雄麝胆量与其麝香分泌呈负相关;雌麝胆量与年均产仔数略呈正相关,与空怀率呈显著负相关,即雌麝胆量越高,其空怀率越低.研究结果可为预测圈养马麝的麝香分泌及繁殖成效提供参考,也可为圈养动物个体胆量研究提供思路.  相似文献   

完全的竞争者不能共存,物种间生态位分化是同域物种长期稳定共存的基础。不同物种在同一分布区时间生态位的分化对其共存至关重要。为研究同域分布物种的共存机制,在2018年11月到2021年7月利用远红外相机监测技术对穆棱东北红豆杉国家级自然保护区同域分布的野猪(Sus scrofa)和狍(Capreolus pygargus)进行了野外监测研究,并利用核密度估计方法和雅各布斯选择指数(JSI)对日活动节律和一段时间内的活动周期选择进行了评估,同时还利用非参数检验评估了2个物种的活动与月光周期的关系。研究结果表明,狍不管在全年还是在不同的季节,日活动节律均为双峰模式,而野猪的活动模式表现出明显的可塑性,在全年和冷季为单峰型,暖季为双峰型,二者在日活动节律上的重叠程度较高(Dhat>0.59),在暖季的重叠系数最高(Dhat=0.65)。此外,在时间段的选择上,狍在全年和冷季更喜欢在黎明和黄昏活动(0.170.32),而野猪活动在全年和冷季对白天和黄昏的选择更多(JSI>0.3),暖季则更喜欢在白天活动(J...  相似文献   

Alpine musk deer (Moschus sifanicus), well-known for their musk production, are endemic to western China. Due to historical unrestricted illegal hunting and habitat loss, captive farming has been employed as a means of conserving this endangered species and developing sustainable musk harvesting techniques. For captive animals, an understanding of behavioral characteristics is vital to improve management practices. This study addressed a lack of information regarding the behavioral characteristics of alpine musk deer; specifically daily activity patterns in respect to gender and reproductive season. From August 2002 to January 2003, focal sampling was employed to observe 32 adult captive alpine musk deer (13 females and 19 males), at Xinglongshan Musk Deer Farm (XMDF), located at Xinglongshan National Nature Reserve, Gansu Province, China. Results indicated that the general behavioral patterns were similar between female and male captive alpine musk deer throughout both reproductive and non-reproductive seasons (rut and pre-rut season). Both male and female alpine musk deer demonstrated tail-pasting behavior during rut season, a previously male-only behavior trait. Female musk deer also rested comparatively more than males during pre-rut season.  相似文献   

This study was conducted at the Xinglongshan Musk Deer Farm, Gansu Province, northwestern China, between June 2004 and January 2005. Focal sampling and all occurrence surveying was used to record the behavior of 42 female captive Alpine musk deer (Moschus sifanicus) in the lead up to the 2005 breeding season. The frequencies of 12 behavior categories were recorded and the behavioral patterns were compared between successful breeding females (n = 28) and barren females (n = 14). Results indicated that, during nonmating season (August to October), the females who were barren in the following season, demonstrated more affinitive and self-directed behavior as compared with successful breeding females. Tail pasting behaviour was expressed only by successful breeding females, and was observed only within the mating season (from November to March). These findings have important implications in captive breeding programs and improving musk deer farming throughout China.  相似文献   

湖北石首麋鹿昼间活动时间分配   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为探讨性别、年龄和季节对麋鹿(Elaphurus davidianus)行为的影响,2006年9月-2007年10月,作者采用焦点取样法和瞬时记录法,将麋鹿昼间活动归为采食、饮水、运动、休息、警觉、其他行为等六大类型,每月6-8 d对湖北石首麋鹿国家级自然保护区麋鹿种群的昼间活动时间分配进行了跟踪观察.结果表明:麋鹿有晨、昏两个采食高峰和一个午间休息期,各种行为类型所占比例依次是:休息53.40%(±5.59%)、采食22.36(±8.34%)、运动11.23%(±0.63%)、警觉5.03%(±1.76%)、其他行为4.42%(±2.06%),饮水2.65%(±0.74%).不同季节,时间分配变化明显.非参数Kruskal Wallis H检验结果显示(n=120),季节、年龄和性别显著影响麋鹿的活动时间分配.除运动行为(x2=16.856,df=3,P>0.05)和饮水行为(x2=7.667,df=3,P>0.05)无显著差异外,采食(x2=15.657,df=3,P<0.01)、休息(x2=13.173,df=3,P<0.01)、警觉(x2 =13.887,df=3,P<0.01)和其他行为(x2=16.317,df=3,P<0.01)在不同季节所占时间百分比均有极显著差异.对不同性别年龄组的活动时间分配采用两个独立样本的Mann-Whitney U检验,各性别-年龄组间的运动行为所占时间比例有极显著差异(P<0.01),雄鹿与雌鹿之间的警觉行为有极显著差异(P<0.01),雄鹿花较多时间用于警觉.幼鹿与成年鹿及亚成年鹿之间的采食行为时间有极显著差异(P<0.01).不同性别、年龄组在不同季节的昼间活动时间分配的差异采用方差(ANOVA)分析后发现:所有年龄组,夏季与冬季饮水、春季与夏季警觉均存在显著性差异(P<0.01);成体和亚成体麋鹿,春季与冬季警觉、夏季与冬季运动均存在显著性差异(P<0.01).  相似文献   

This study compared the onset and duration of the breeding season of female red deer (Cervus elaphus scoticus) and its hybrids with either wapiti (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) or Père David's (PD) deer (Elaphurus davidianus). In Trial 1 (1995), adult red deer (n=9), F1 hybrid wapiti x red deer (n=6) and maternal backcross hybrid PD deer x red deer (i.e., 14 PD; n=9) were maintained together in the presence of a vasectomised red deer stag for 12 months. They were blood-sampled daily or three times weekly so that concentration profiles of plasma progesterone could be used to identify the initiation, duration and cessation of luteal events. There was clear evidence of luteal cyclicity between April and September, with the transition into breeding associated with an apparent silent ovulation and short-lived corpus luteum (i.e., 6-12 days) in every hind. A significant genotype effect occurred in the mean time to first oestrus (P<0.05), with wapiti hybrids and 14 PD hybrids being 9 and 5 days earlier than red deer. Between six and nine oestrous cycles were exhibited by each hind, with no difference in mean cycle length (19.5-19.6 days) between genotypes (P0.10). The overall length of the breeding season was significantly longer for wapiti hybrids (143 days) than for either red deer (130 days) and 14 PD hybrids (132 days, P<0.05).In Trial 2 (1998), adult red deer (n=5), 14 PD hybrids (n=5) and F(1) PD x red deer hybrid (n=5) hinds were maintained together from mid-February (late anoestrus) to early May, in the presence of a fertile red deer stag from 1 April. Thrice-weekly blood sampling yielded plasma progesterone profiles indicative of the onset of the breeding season. Again, there was a significant genotype effect on the mean time to first oestrus (P<0. 05), with F(1) PD hybrids and 14 PD hybrids being 13 and 5 days earlier than red deer. However, conception dates were influenced by the timing of stag joining, and were not significantly different between genotypes. The results indicate genetic effects on reproductive seasonality. However, seasonality observed for PD x red deer hybrids more closely approximated that of red deer than PD deer.  相似文献   

Female gray short-tailed opossums (Monodelphis domestica) lack an estrous cycle and are induced into estrus by exposure to a pheromone in male scent marks. Behavioral and physiological responses of females to the volatile and nonvolatile components of scent marks were examined in two experiments. Young females (n = 9) were tested prior to and during their first estrus for behavioral responses to scent marks, collected on a 7-ml glass vial rubbed over the suprasternal gland of a mature male. The response to volatile components of the scent mark, recorded when marked and unmarked vials were covered with a perforated shield, was compared to the response to these vials when unshielded. Estrous females nuzzled the shields over marked vials (55.8 ± 8.5 nuzzles/10 min) more than the shielded clean vial (10.9 ± 2.4) (P < 0.05); a similar response was observed in anestrous females. Nuzzling of unshielded, scent-marked vials was higher (P < 0.05) during anestrus than in the same females when in estrus. The role of nonvolatile pheromones in reproductive activation was tested in adult females (n = 11) exposed for up to 14 days to a shielded, marked vial or to an unshielded, marked vial in a crossover design. All females exposed to unshielded vials expressed estrus, and 10 copulated. Only 2 females expressed estrus (significantly fewer, P < 0.05), when exposed to shielded marked vials, and neither copulated. These results demonstrate that females detect and respond behaviorally to both volatile and nonvolatile components of male suprasternal gland secretion, but the estrus-inducing pheromone in these secretions is nonvolatile.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to assess preference by sheep for endophyte-infected tall fescue growing in monoculture at least 5 m away from alfalfa (fescue-middle (FM)) over endophyte-infected tall fescue growing adjacent (0.2 to 1 m; fescue–alfalfa (FA)) to alfalfa (FA), and the effect of legume scent on preference for endophyte-infected tall fescue. In Experiment 1, 10 six-month-old lambs were offered for 12 days a choice of freshly harvested FA and FM. On days 13 and 14, lambs were offered the same choice, except cages (to allow access only to scent) containing freshly harvested alfalfa were put in the feeders containing FA, whereas cages containing freshly harvested FM were included with the feeders containing FM. Forage intake was measured 1 h after feeding and at three consecutive 2-h intervals thereafter. FA contained greater (P<0.002) concentrations of the alkaloid ergovaline (360±27 ppm) and CP (8±0.4%) than FM (219±27 ppm and 6±0.4%, respectively). Lambs preferred (P<0.05) FA to FM during the 1st hour of feeding, but the differences became smaller and disappeared in later feeding periods (P<0.005). Lambs offered FA with alfalfa scent or FM with FM scent preferred (P<0.05) FA but only on the 2nd day. In Experiment 2, 10 six-month-old lambs were offered a choice of FM with cages (to allow access only to scent) containing freshly harvested alfalfa or FM for 8 days. During the following 4 days, FM in the cages was replaced with freshly harvested sainfoin. Preference was greater (P<0.05) for FM offered with alfalfa scent than for FM offered with FM scent only on days 4 and 8. When lambs were offered FM with alfalfa or sainfoin in cages, they preferred (P<0.05) tall fescue with sainfoin scent over fescue with alfalfa scent, but intake was variable across hours and days (P<0.001). It is concluded that (1) lambs adjusted their intake of and preference for FA and FM over successive feeding bouts within each day, likely owing to an attempt to balance intakes of nutrients and alkaloids and (2) olfactory cues influenced preference, but to a lesser extent than nutrients and alkaloids in endophyte-infected tall fescue.  相似文献   

In this study total lipid (TL) content and the fatty acid composition changes in the liver of red deer stags (n=35) and fallow deer bucks (n=19) were examined at various reproductive stages. Samples were taken from mature red deer stags in the rut (September), in the post-rut (October), at the end of the rut (November) and after sexual activity had ceased (January). Sampling from mature fallow bucks was performed in the pre-rut (early October), in the rut (November) and after the reproduction period (January). The results obtained indicated significant (P<0.001) fatty degeneration of the liver in the males at the rutting season. At that time the TL concentration (x+/-S.D. in wet weight) was 156+/-40 g/kg in the red deer stags and 405+/-46 g/kg in the fallow bucks. Subsequent to the rutting season this value decreased to 47+/-15 g/kg by November in the red deer stags and to 51+/-3 g/kg by January in the fallow bucks. Significant changes were also observed in the fatty acid composition of the liver lipids, determined by gas chromatography. Liver samples collected during the rutting season from both red deer stags and fallow bucks showed higher (P<0.001) total proportions of monounsaturated fatty acids and lower (P<0.001) weight percentages of polyunsaturated fatty acids than those taken in January. In comparison with January the liver samples taken in September from red deer stags showed significantly higher (P<0.001) proportions of fatty acids C14:0, C15:0 and C:16:1, and significantly lower (P<0. 001) proportions of C18:0, C20:4 (n-6) and C22:5 (n-3). The proportions of C14:0, C15:1, C17:1 and C18:3 (n-3) in the liver samples taken in November from fallow bucks were higher (P<0.001), while the proportions of C18:0 and C20:4 (n-6) were lower (P<0.001) than those measured prior to rutting (in October) or after the rut (in January).  相似文献   

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