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Two strains of Fusarium sporotrichioides and one strain of F. culmorum were shown to produce the mycotoxin moniliformin in rice culture. Identification was by reverse-phase liquid chromatography, thin-layer chromatography, and mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Contamination of small-grain cereals with the fungal species Fusarium graminearum, F. culmorum, F. poae, F. sporotrichioides and F. equiseti is an important source of trichothecenes, Zearalenone and other mycotoxins which cause serious diseases in human and animals. Additionally, these species contribute to Fusarium Head Blight, a disease which produces important losses in cereal yield. Early detection and control of these Fusarium species is crucial to prevent toxins entering the food chain and a useful tool in disease management practices. We describe the development of specific PCR assays to F. graminearum, F. culmorum, F. poae, F. sporotrichioides and F. equiseti using DNA from pure fungal cultures as well as from naturally infected wheat seeds, using in this case a rapid and easy protocol for DNA isolation. The specific primers were designed on the basis of IGS sequences (Intergenic Spacer of rDNA), a multicopy region in the genome that permits to enhance the sensitivity of the assay in comparison with PCR assays based on single-copy sequences.  相似文献   

Production of moniliformin by Canadian isolates of Fusarium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty-eight Canadian isolates of Fusarium were tested for their ability to produce moniliformin in corn. Both F. moniliforme (2/6 isolates) and F. subglutinans (11/15 isolates) produced the mycotoxin, while F. graminearum did not. Field-corn inoculated with F. moniliforme M3783 was able to support production of both moniliformin and fusarin C.  相似文献   

The course of transformations of the pharmacological steroids: testosterone propionate, 4-chlorotestosterone acetate, 17beta-estradiol diacetate and their parent alcohols in Fusarium culmorum AM282 culture was compared. The results show that this microorganism is capable of regioselective hydrolysis of ester bonds. Only 4-ene-3-oxo steroid esters were hydrolyzed at C-17. 17beta-Estradiol diacetate underwent regioselective hydrolysis at C-3 and as a result, estrone--the main metabolite of estradiol--was absent in the reaction mixture. The alcohols resulting from the hydrolysis underwent oxidation at C-17 and hydroxylation. The same products (6beta- and 15alpha-hydroxy derivatives) as from testosterone were formed by transformation of testosterone propionate, but the quantitative composition of the mixtures obtained after transformations of both substrates showed differences. The 15alpha-hydroxy derivatives were obtained from the ester in considerably higher yield than from the parent alcohol. The presence of the chlorine atom at C-4 markedly reduced 17beta-saponification in 4-chlorotestosterone acetate. Only 3beta,15alpha-dihydroxy-4alpha-chloro-5alpha-androstan-17-one (the main product of transformation of 4-chlorotestosterone) was identified in the reaction mixture. 6beta-Hydroxy-4-chloroandrostenedione, which was formed from 4-chlorotestosterone, was not detected in the extract obtained after conversion of its ester.  相似文献   

Production of trichothecenes as with all secondary metabolites, will vary from one producing strain to another. If a particular metabolite is produced at all it may be assumed that the part of the genome involved is intact and it would seem most likely that the quantitative variation observed from strain to strain might arise from modifications in metabolic control. An opportunity to study this phenomenon is presented by the existence of cultures of Fusarium sporotrichioides descended from the original T-2 toxin producing strain isolated in 1965 from French corn by W.C. Snyder and originally referred to as F. tricinctum and since then maintained independently by different culture collections. These strains continue to be T-2 toxin producers but are now morphologically distinct on media such as potato sucrose agar.Preliminary results are reported in studies designed to detail the differences in toxigenicity between these strains.  相似文献   

Fusarium culmorum F1 was found to produce and secrete into the culture medium several of 5-n-alkylresorcinols. The amount of resorcinolic lipids was 5.3 microg/g and 0.9 microg/l in mycelium and in post-culture liquid, respectively. First of all F. culmorum F1 produces saturated homologues with C15 to C25 side chains. The extract from the medium contained only homologues with shorter carbon chains (C13 to C17).  相似文献   

F. acuminatum and F. culmorum strains were compared by means of tandemcrossed immunoelectrophoresis in order to estimate the possiblities of serological classification in Fusarium sections Gibbosum and Discolor. On the basis of qualitative similarity the two species could be distinguished well. By the use of anti-F. acuminatum serum a similarity of SSM=0.52 was found between F. acuminatum and F. culmorum, but the SSM coefficient reached a value of 0.67 when the anti-F. culmorum serum was tested. This asymmetric nature of the qualitative similarity is discussed. In the majority of cases the quantitative differences of the common antigens did not allow differentiation between the species.  相似文献   

Fusarium oxysporum isolated from roots of and soil around Baccharis species from Brazil produced the trichothecenes T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, diacetoxyscirpenol, and 3'-OH T-2 (TC-1), whereas Fusarium sporotrichioides from the same source produced T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, acetyl T-2, neosolaniol, TC-1, 3'-OH HT-2 (TC-3), iso-T-2, T-2 triol, T-2 tetraol, and the nontrichothecenes moniliformin and fusarin C. Several unknown toxins were found but not identified. Not found were macrocyclic trichothecenes, zearalenone, wortmannin, and fusarochromanone (TDP-1).  相似文献   

Heterokaryosis in Fusarium tricinctum and F. sporotrichioides   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Heterokaryons were formed in intra- and interspecific crosses between Fusarium sporotrichioides and F. tricinctum auxotrophs. Segregant homokaryons were evaluated for trichothecene toxin production in culture. Results were consistent with nuclear control of toxin synthesis. The sexual compatibility of auxotrophs and 30 additional F. tricinctum sensu Snyder & Hansen strains was tested. Perithecial production was restricted to crosses between Florida isolates pathogenic to English ivy (Hedera helix). The linkage of several auxotrophic markers was determined by analysis of progeny of certain crosses. No T-2 toxin was produced by sexually compatible F. tricinctum isolates.  相似文献   

Fusarium oxysporum isolated from roots of and soil around Baccharis species from Brazil produced the trichothecenes T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, diacetoxyscirpenol, and 3'-OH T-2 (TC-1), whereas Fusarium sporotrichioides from the same source produced T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, acetyl T-2, neosolaniol, TC-1, 3'-OH HT-2 (TC-3), iso-T-2, T-2 triol, T-2 tetraol, and the nontrichothecenes moniliformin and fusarin C. Several unknown toxins were found but not identified. Not found were macrocyclic trichothecenes, zearalenone, wortmannin, and fusarochromanone (TDP-1).  相似文献   

Spherical protoplast-like structures can be liberated from hyphae ofFusarium culmorum by the action of an enzyme preparation obtained from the cell-free supernatant of the growth medium ofStreptomyces RA. In a previous publication this lytic system was named strepzyme. Treatment was carried out in a citrate phosphate buffer containing 0.8m mannitol or KCl as a stabilizing agent. If the concentration of the stabilizer was lowered to less than 0.2m the protoplasts lysed. These osmotically sensitive structures vary largely in size, are resistant to high speed centrifugation, and stable when kept in the cold. Protoplasts from other molds could also be obtained. The protoplasts could be observed to emerge through pores in the hyphal wall leaving behind delicate but rigid empty cell walls resistant to enzymic digestion and recognizable under the phase-contrast microscope. After sudden and complete lysis of protoplasts some membrane structures were observed. Attempts to obtain electron micrographs of the latter have failed. It was concluded that in the strain ofFusarium studied the strepzyme removes some constituent of the cell wall facilitating the extrusion of the protoplasts.  相似文献   

Fine Structure and Spore Germination in Fusarium culmorum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MARCHANT  R. 《Annals of botany》1966,30(3):441-445
The fine structure of the macroconidium of Fusarium culmorum(W. G. Smith) Sacc. is described. The presence of a mucilaginouscoat around the conidium and its expansion during germinationare confirmed. Studies of germinating conidia have shown changesin the numbers of organelles. The germ tube is shown to be formedfrom an entirely new wall laid down in the conidium, and theemergence of the germ tube is brought about by lysis of theoriginal condial wall.  相似文献   

MARCHANT  R. 《Annals of botany》1966,30(4):821-830
The conidial and germ-tube walls of Fusarium culmorum (W. G.Smith) Sacc. have been examined by various chemical and electron-microscopetechniques. On the basis of these results and hypothesis isproposed for the organization of these walls. Microchemicaltests indicate the presence of chitin in the walls and suggestthat the mucilaginous layer around the conidium is mainly composedof xylan. Chemical analyses of isolated wall material confirmthe presence of chitin constituents in the wall, and a rylanlayer around the conidium. Furthermore, the wall contains apolypeptide moiety which has a different amino acid compositionfrom the rest of the protein of the cell. Electron microscopestudies of replicas and sections of conidia, germ tubes, andhyphae reveal a layered structure for the wall. The centrallayer is non-microfibrillar and is overlaid on both sides witha layer of randomly orientated microfibrils. The mucilaginouslayer of the conidium obscures the microfibrillar structurebeneath it unless the mucilage is removed by hydrolysis. Theproblem of hyphal growth is discussed on the basis of the structureof germ-tube tips and mature hyphae observed.  相似文献   

The regulation of trichodiene synthase (TS) and its relationship to trichothecene biosynthesis was investigated in Fusarium sporotrichioides NRRL 3299 and Gibberella pulicaris R-6380. Cultures were analyzed for the presence of TS activity, trichothecenes, and immunodetectable TS polypeptide over a time period of 144 h. Enzyme activity increased from barely detectable to maximum levels over a period of 3 h for F. sporotrichioides, while in G. pulicaris, a steady increase was observed over 144 h. Increases in TS activity of 50-fold for F. sporotrichioides and 10-fold for G. pulicaris R-6380 preceded by several hours the detection of trichothecenes. Immunoblot analysis employing polyclonal serum specific for the enzyme from F. sporotrichioides showed that increases in the levels of TS polypeptide corresponded to the observed changes in enzyme activity for both organisms. These data indicate that the regulation of TS activity is accomplished through increases in its cellular concentration and that TS may serve as a useful indicator of trichothecene biosynthetic activity.  相似文献   

Winter (37), spring (8) wheat accessions and additionally, 7 double haploid (DH) lines were examined for susceptibility to Fusarium seedling blight after inoculation with F. culmorum and F. avenaceum. Winter accessions exhibited lower susceptibility of about 30% to both pathogens than spring cultivars. Susceptibility of winter cultivars varied from low (22%) to high (97%). Evaluation of the root was found to be more reliable than evaluation of coleoptile necrosis.
F. avenaceum infected mostly root and, to a lesser extent, coleoptile and leaves, with about a three times lower disease score of coleoptile against root. F. culmorum caused a 1.5 higher disease score on root than on coleoptile. Susceptibility of DH lines was different from susceptibility of parental forms. Reaction of individual accessions to F. culmorum and F. avenaceum was different.  相似文献   

Isolates of the type-A trichothecene producing Fusarium sporotrichioides and Fusarium langsethiae were grouped and differentiated in a phylogenetic tree using ITS sequence dissimilarity. An attempt was made to develop a PCR-based assay for the detection and differentiation of Fusarium sporotrichiodes from other Fusarium species using the 5'-region of the tri5 gene as a template. However, this assay was unable to differentiate, to a satisfactory level, between isolates of Fusarium sporotrichioides and Fusarium langsethiae, providing further genetic evidence for their close genetic relationship. A robust and repeatable PCR-assay was developed for the detection and differentiation of both species based on sequence determined from differentially amplified RAPD-PCR products. These assays were able to detect both species in samples of grain taken from the field.  相似文献   

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