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Six different expression cassettes of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) were used to transform tobacco cell suspension cultures. The transgenic nature of the cells was confirmed by PCR. The secreted HBsAg was assayed by ELISA and analyzed by Western blotting. A maximum of 31 μg antigen/l was obtained in the spent medium from the transformed cells. The use of an ethylene-forming enzyme promoter and incorporation of C-terminal endoplasmic-reticulum-retention signal enhanced the secretion of HBsAg. Salicylic or jasmonic acid at 10 μM increased secretion of HBsAg by six fold.  相似文献   

The tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L.) carrying the HBsAg gene controlled by (Aocs)3AmasPmas, the hybrid promoter that includes regulatory elements of the agrobacterial octopine and mannopine synthase genes, as well as plants controlled by the same promoter and adh1, maize alcohol dehydrogenase gene intron were obtained. The presence of the adh1 gene intron did not significantly change the level of expression of the HBsAg gene in plants. The analysis of expression of hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBs-antigen) in transformed plants expressing the HBsAg under the control of different promoters was made. The level of HBs-antigen in plants carrying the HBsAg gene controlled by (Aocs)3AmasPmas, the hybrid agrobacterium-derived promoter, was the highest in roots and made up to 0.01% of total amount of soluble protein. The level of HBs-antigen in plants carrying the HBsAg gene controlled by the dual 35S RNA cauliflower mosaic virus promoter was the same in all organs of the plant and made up to 0.06% of the total amount of soluble protein. Hairy root and callus cultures of plants carrying the HBsAg gene and expressing the HBs-antigen were obtained.  相似文献   

The effect of auxin on stamen and pistil development in tobacco flowers was investigated by means of the localized expression of rolB (root loci B), an Agrobacterium oncogene that increases auxin sensitivity in a cell-autonomous fashion. When rolB is driven by the promoter of the meiosis-specific Arabidopsis gene DMC1 (disrupted meiotic cDNA 1), expression occurs earlier in male than in female developing organs, resulting in a delay in anther dehiscence with respect to normal timing of pistil development. As a consequence of this developmental uncoupling, self-pollination is prevented in pDMC1:rolB plants. Histological analysis of pDMC1:GFP plants indicates that in tobacco, this promoter is active not only in meiocytes but also in somatic tissues of the anther. In contrast, simultaneous expression of rolB in anther and pistil somatic tissues, achieved by expressing a construct containing rolB under the control of the promoter of the petunia gene FBP7 (floral binding protein 7), results in a concomitant delay of both anther dehiscence and pistil development without affecting self-pollination of the plants. Analysis of plants harboring the pFBP7:GUS construct shows that in tobacco, this promoter is active not only in the ovules, as described for petunia, but also in pistil and anther somatic tissues involved in the dehiscence program. The delay in anther dehiscence and pistil development could be phenocopied by exogenous application of auxin. Jasmonic acid (JA) could not rescue the delay in anther dehiscence. These results suggest that auxin plays a key role in the timing of anther dehiscence, the dehiscence program is controlled by the somatic tissues of the anther, and auxin also regulates pistil development.  相似文献   

The in vitro development of flower buds was studied on tissue explants of epidermis and subepidermal cortex from the flower stalks of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun. The number of flower buds formed depended mainly on cytokinin concentration. Auxin acted as a modifier in a complex way. In early development, NAA at 1 μ M decreased the number of buds initiated and delayed bud emergence. At a later stage, auxin promoted bud outgrowth at the same concentration. Optimal results were obtained when explants were first incubated at low auxin concentration for 3–5 days and subsequently transferred to an elevated auxin level. Physiological processes that lead to flower bud initiation start very soon after the onset of incubation. This was inferred from experiments whereby explants were first cultured at an inductive cytokinin concentration and then transferred to a non-inductive hormone level.  相似文献   

 In the tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Appendix mutant, anthers are tipped by a miniature style and stigma. The outgrowth appears on the anther when it is already differentiating and follows the developmental timing of the central carpel. The Appendix mutation thus represents a late homeotic transformation suggesting that the APPENDIX (APX) gene either could be a misregulated organ identity gene or could be involved in regulating the expression of such genes. RFLP analysis with two class B (TM6 and NTGLO) and a class C (NAG) probes revealed that the Appendix phenotype is not caused by a mutation in one of these genes. However, in situ hybridization showed important changes in the expression of NTGLO and NAG in the mutant when compared with wild-type tobacco. Surprisingly, although no phenotypic alteration other than the style and stigma outgrowth is observed in the Appendix mutant, changes in class B and class C gene expession were not restricted to the anther tip cells from which the outgrowth originates. As expected, NAG was expressed in the Appendix outgrowth but it was also overexpressed in the normal third and fourth whorl organs at the time the outgrowth, as well as the central styles and stigmas, differentiated. Overexpression of a class C gene is probably responsible for the Appendix phenotype. In normal and mutant flowers, NTGLO was expressed in the second, third and fourth whorls up to the time of carpel fusion. Expression of this class B gene then ceased in the fourth whorl organs but was reactivated at later stages only in the styles and stigmas as well as in the outgrowths of the mutant. It thus seems that the function of the APX gene is either to regulate the late expression of organ identity genes or to control cell proliferation in such a way that, in the mutant, some cells are in a state where they respond in an unusual way to developmental signals. Received: 17 October 1997 / Revision accepted: 24 March 1998  相似文献   

NT-1 cells of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) were transformed with pGBSSHBS and pGBSSHER expression cassettes wherein expression of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) was driven by potato granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS) promoter. The transformed nature of the cells was confirmed by PCR analysis. Expression of HBsAg was confirmed by RT-PCR and Western blotting and levels of expression were assayed by ELISA. Transformed cell lines exhibited a sucrose-inducible pattern of HBsAg expression. NT-1 medium supplemented with 175 mmol L−1 sucrose gave the highest HBsAg expression of 198 ng g−1 FW after 8 days of induction. Different sugars, for example glucose, fructose, and palatinose, were also tested to study the inducible nature of GBSS promoter. The results demonstrate that potato GBSS promoter can be used in heterologous host systems like tobacco NT-1 cell suspension cultures for sucrose-inducible expression of recombinant proteins.  相似文献   

In plants, the mobile signal needed for wound-induced systemic acquired resistance (WSR) has been elusive. The signal compound involved in WSR is supposed to be JA or its derivatives. On the basis of kinetic study of the accumulation of JA or its derivatives, it was discovered that JA, JA-Ile, tuberonic acid (TA, 12-OH epi-JA), and tuberonic acid glucoside (TAG) accumulated in systemic tissues in response to mechanical wounding stress in the tobacco plant (Nicotiana tabacum). Attempts to recover deuterium-labeled JA in systemic leaves after feeding the wounded leaves with deuterium-labeled JA were successfully done. It was also found that the translocated deuterium-labeled JA was metabolized to TA in systemic leaves under feeding of deuterium-labeled JA to the wounding leaves.  相似文献   

Rhamnogalacturonan II (RG-II) is a region of pectin macromolecules that is present in plant primary cell walls. The RG-II region serves as the site of borate cross-linking within pectin, via which pectin macromolecules link together to form a gel. In this study, we examined whether RG-II is present in the cell plate, the precursor of primary cell walls that forms during cytokinesis. A structure inside dividing cells was labeled with a rabbit polyclonal anti-RG-II antibody and detected by immunofluorescence microscopy. An antibody against callose, a marker polysaccharide for the cell plate, also labeled the structure. In immunoelectron microscopy analyses using the anti-RG-II antibody, gold particles were distributed in electron-lucent vesicular structures that appeared to correspond to the forming cell plates in late anaphase cells. Together, these results suggest that RG-II is present in cell plates from the early phase of their assembly.  相似文献   

The effects of ethylene and auxin on polyamine levels were studied in suspension-cultured cells of tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum . L). Treatment of 4-day-cultured cells with ethylene increased the levels of spermidine and spermine. The activities of arginine decarboxylase (ADC; EC, ornithine decarboxylase (ODC: EC, and S -adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (SAMDC: EC rapidly increased between 3 and 12 h. An auxin, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), increased polyamine levels and activities of ADC, ODC and SAMDC. The spermine level continued to increase significantly during a 24-h incubation with IAA. The increases in polyamine accumulation induced by ethylene were partially offset by an inhibitor of ethylene action, 2,5-norbornadiene. It is suggested that the auxin-induced polyamine accumulation occurred directly, without metabolic competition between ethylene and polyamine biosynthesis, and indirectly, through auxin-induced ethylene formation.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium rhizogenes strains of the agropine type harbor on their Ri-plasmid two T-DNAs, a left TL-DNA and a right TR-DNA. The rolB gene of the TL-DNA is the major factor in the pathogenesis of the hairy-root disease and its constitutive expression interferes profoundly with plant morphogenesis. We have tested whether the expression of its sequence related putative homologue from the TR-DNA (rolBTR) may cause also bacterial virulence or affect plant development. Unlike rolB, rolBTR is unable to induce root formation on tobacco leaf discs. Tobacco plants expressing a chimeric 35S::rolBTR gene have reduced stature, off-shoots at the stem base and bent and wrinkled leaves with epinastic growth. 14 N-terminal amino acids which are absent in the rolB protein are indispensable to rolBTR protein activity. The characteristic tyrosine phosphatase super family motif CX5R is absent in the rolBTR protein. For rolB this motif is possibly functionally relevant. We conclude that the rolBTR gene product has morphogenic activity but is not a functional homologue of the rolB protein.  相似文献   

A cDNA of tobacco BY-2 cells corresponding to an mRNA species which was rapidly induced by methyl jasmonate (MeJA) in the presence of cycloheximide (CHX) was found to encode ornithine decarboxylase (ODC). Another cDNA from a MeJA-inducible mRNA encoded S-adenosylmethionine synthase (SAMS). Although these enzymes could be involved in the biosynthesis of polyamines, the level of putrescine, a reaction product of ODC, increased slowly and while the levels of spermidine and spermine did not change following treatment of cells with MeJA. However, N-methylputrescine, which is a precursor of pyrrolidine ring of nicotine, started to increase shortly after MeJA-treatment of cells and the production of nicotine occured thereafter. The levels of mRNA for arginine decarboxylase (ADC), an alternative enzyme for putrescine synthesis, and that for S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (SAMDC), required for polyamine synthesis, were not affected by MeJA. In addition to mRNAs for ODC and SAMS, mRNA for putrescine N-methyltransferase (PMT) was also induced by MeJA. Unlike the MeJA-induction of ODC mRNA, MeJA-induction of SAMS and PMT mRNAs were blocked by CHX. The level of ODC mRNA declined after 1 to 4 h following MeJA treatment, while the levels of mRNAs for SAMS and PMT continued to increase. Auxin significantly reduced the MeJA-inducible accumulation of mRNAs for ODC, SAMS and PMT. These results indicate that MeJA sequentially induces expression of a series of genes involved in nicotine biosynthesis by multiple regulatory mechanisms.p>  相似文献   

Heat-stable mycelial extracts of the nonpathogenic fungus Trichoderma longibrachiatum induced resistance in tobacco seedlings ( Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Wisconsin 38) to the pathogen Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae (race 0), which did not involve a hypersensitive response. Resistance could not be induced with mycelial extract prepared in the same manner from P. parasitica . The nonpathogenic mycelial extract induced expression of PR-1b and osmotin (PR-5) genes to a higher level than did mycelial extract from the pathogenic fungus. The tissue-specific pattern of PR gene induction by the nonpathogenic mycelial extract was different from that of the pathogenic mycelial extract and was consistent with the ability of the former to cause disease resistance. The expression patterns of these two PR genes and the accumulations of their encoded proteins also were affected by salicylic acid (SA), methyl jasmonate (MeJA), ethylene (E) and combinations of these plant signal messengers. However, only combined SA and MeJA treatment mimicked the pattern of PR gene mRNA and protein accumulation induced by the nonpathogenic mycelial extract. E inhibitors blocked both mycelial extract-induced and SA/MeJA-induced PR gene expression, and the cis pattern of responsiveness on the osmotin promoter was the same for the mycelial extract, SA, E, or E/MeJA. Seedlings treated with P. parasitica spores in the presence of SA/MeJA were protected from pathogen colonization. However, these seedlings exhibited symptoms of cell death (disease symptoms) both in the absence and presence of P. parasitica spores, in contrast to seedlings treated with nonpathogenic mycelial extract, which remained healthy. These results suggest that the signal transduction pathways for elicitation of defense responses by exogenously applied heat-stable nonpathogenic mycelial extract and SA/MeJA overlap at the point of PR protein induction but are not identical.  相似文献   

Suspension cultures of tobacco cells were grown in B5 media supplemented with sucrose, glucose, mannitol and sorbitol as exogenous sugars to examine culture-induced changes in the osmolality of the medium. Osmolality decreases were greatest in sucrose and glucose media during the 14 days in culture, and in glucose media were essentially linear, presumably reflecting the use of this sugar as a food source. Osmolality decreases occurred during the first week of culture in mannitol- and sorbitol-supplemented media, but later stabilized. Fresh weight of cultured cells in sucrose- and glucose-supplemented media increased by <200% during 14 days in culture, whereas cultured cells in mannitol- and sorbitol-supplemented media increased by only 39 and 48%, respectively. Cells transferred to the original liquid medium (B5 medium with 3% sucrose and 3% glucose) grew vigorously if they had been cultured in sucrose- and glucose-supplemented media; however, cells grown in mannitol- and sorbitol-supplemented media needed to be subcultured several times to recover their normal growth rate. By subculturing cells into increasingly higher conditions of sugars, cells tolerant to 560 mOsmol kg-1 H2O were obtained. The high osmolality-adapted cells increased by 140% in fresh weight in 8% glucose-supplemented medium. Glucose was best suited for producing the high osmolality required because sucrose concentrations at 10% sucrose and above resulted in cell death. To limit the decrease of osmolality in these suspension cultures requires changing the medium every 3 days to maintain osmolality above the 530 mOsmol kg-1 H2O needed to co-culture these as feeder cells with gametic and zygotic cells. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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