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Summary Using a promoter expression vector system based on the tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, we have studied the molecular structure of the nopaline synthase (nos) promoter which is active constitutively in transformed plant tissues. The system uses the sensitive and reliable chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) assay for the analysis of promoter strength in plant cells. Two sets of mutants were generated by sequential deletion of the nos promoter region from both 5 and 3 ends. These promoter fragments were linked to the cat coding sequence within the expression vector. The strength of the mutant promoters was measured in transformed tobacco calli as CAT activity. 3 deletions up to-17 bp did not significantly affect the promoter strength. Further deletions into the TATA box region reduced the promoter strength by about ten-fold. Analysis of the 5 deletion mutants showed that an upstream region is required for the nos promoter activity in addition to the TATA box and CCAAT box regions.  相似文献   

TATA box, the core promoter element, exists in a broad range of eukaryotes, and the expression of TATA-containing genes usually responds to various environmental stresses. Hence, the evolution of TATA-box in duplicate genes may provide some clues for the interrelationship among environmental stress, expression differentiation, and duplicate gene preservation. In the present study, we observed that the TATA box is significantly overrepresented in duplicate genes compared with singletons in human, worm, Arabidopsis, and yeast genomes. We then conducted an extensive functional genomic analysis to investigate the evolution of TATA box along over 700 yeast gene family phylogenies. After reconstructing the ancestral TATA-box states (presence or absence), we found that significantly higher numbers of TATA box gain events than loss events had occurred after yeast gene duplications-the overall gain-loss ratio is about 3-4 to 1. Interestingly, these TATA-gain duplicate genes on average have experienced greater expression divergence from the ancestral expression states than their most closely related TATA-less duplicate partners, but only under environmental stress conditions (asymmetric evolution); indeed, under normal physiological conditions, they have similar expression divergence (symmetric evolution). Moreover, we showed that TATA-gain duplicates are enriched in stress-associated functional categories but that is not the case for TATA-ancestral duplicates (those inherited from their ancestors prior to duplication). Together, we conclude that after the gene duplication, gain of the TATA box in duplicate promoters may have played an important role in yeast duplicate preservation by accelerating expression divergence that may facilitate the adaptive evolution of the organism in response to environmental changes.  相似文献   

We have constructed deletion and point mutations within the Simian virus 40 (SV40) early promoter region which contains two tandemly repeated 21 bp sequences and a related 22 bp sequence (the "upstream" 21 bp repeat region). After transfection into permissive CV-1 cells and non-permissive mouse 3T3-4E cells, the effect of the mutations on early gene expression was studied by measuring T-antigen production, using indirect immunofluoresence. Our results demonstrate that the 21 bp repeat region, and in particular the six GC-rich motifs 5'-CCGCCC-3' which are repeated in this region constitute an important element of the SV40 early promoter. Surprisingly, we found that the requirement for the 21 bp repeat region for early gene expression was partially fulfilled even when it was in the inverted orientation.  相似文献   

It is known that a 16-base pair palindrome (ACGTAAGCGCTTACGT) located upstream of the ocs gene can activate a maize adh1 promoter in a transient expression system [Ellis et al. (1987). EMBO J. 6, 11-16; Ellis et al. (1987). EMBO J. 6, 3203-3208]. We have determined that this palindrome is also essential for ocs promoter activity in tobacco calli. In addition, sequences immediately adjacent to this palindrome, both 5' and 3', modulate its activity. The palindrome is sensitive to the differentiated state of the plant cells in which it resides; it is active in calli and the leaves of small shoots but is inactive in the leaves of rooted plants. We have tested upstream sequences from two other T-DNA genes that have homology to this palindrome for their ability to activate the octopine synthase promoter in tobacco calli. The upstream region from the mannopine synthase gene can activate the octopine synthase promoter, but an upstream region from the gene implicated in octopine and nopaline secretion cannot activate the promoter.  相似文献   

Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) is a specific inhibitor of the serine proteases tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA). To systematically investigate the roles of the reactive center P1 and P1' residues in PAI-1 function, saturation mutagenesis was utilized to construct a library of PAI-1 variants. Examination of 177 unique recombinant proteins indicated that a basic residue was required at P1 for significant inhibitory activity toward uPA, whereas all substitutions except proline were tolerated at P1'. P1Lys variants exhibited lower inhibition rate constants and greater sensitivity to P1' substitutions than P1Arg variants. Alterations at either P1 or P1' generally had a larger effect on the inhibition of tPA. A number of variants that were relatively specific for either uPA or tPA were identified. P1Lys-P1'Ala reacted 40-fold more rapidly with uPA than tPA, whereas P1Lys-P1'Trp showed a 6.5-fold preference for tPA. P1-P1' variants containing additional mutations near the reactive center demonstrated only minor changes in activity, suggesting that specific amino acids in this region do not contribute significantly to PAI-1 function. These findings have important implications for the role of reactive center residues in determining serine protease inhibitor (serpin) function and target specificity.  相似文献   

徐旸  王锦鸿  徐桐  向华  韩静 《微生物学报》2023,63(2):523-539
嗜盐古菌是古菌域的一个重要代表类群,在遗传与代谢、进化与适应、前沿生物技术及合成生物学领域都显示了其重要的研究价值。嗜盐古菌启动子的认识和利用,可以为嗜盐古菌的基础和应用研究提供必要的条件。本文从古菌启动子的结构与功能出发,就启动子的研究方法、嗜盐古菌启动子的特征及嗜盐古菌启动子的应用3个方面综述了嗜盐古菌启动子的研究现状,并对嗜盐古菌启动子未来研究的重点和方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

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