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江耀明 《四川动物》1993,12(3):38-39
雪山蝮Agkistrodon monticola Werner在分类上隶蝰科Viperidae。是产于我国云南省西北高原的一种特产动物,由Werner于1922年根据云南丽江大雪山的蝮蛇标本描述为日本蝮的一亚种Agkistrodon blomhoffii monticola Pope于1935年将它升为种级Agkistrodon monticola  相似文献   

周圣博  房以好  关萍 《四川动物》2021,40(3):312-313
高原蝮类群隶属于亚洲蝮属Gloydius Hoge and Roma-no-Hoge, 1981,分布海拔较高,数量较少,基础生物学资料较少.我国学者曾对高原蝮 G. strauchii、雪山蝮G. monticola、若尔盖蝮G. angusticeps的卵胎生繁殖进行过报道(赵尔宓,2006;杨典成,黄松,2014...  相似文献   

正莽山原矛头蝮(Protobothrops mangshanensis)旧称莽山烙铁头蛇,属蝰科(Viperidae)原矛头蝮属。该种蛇为我国特有的珍稀濒危大型毒蛇,全长可达2m,头部呈三角形,形如一块烙铁,尾部呈白色。初蜕皮时为通身黑褐色间杂极小黄绿色或铁锈色点,至下次蜕皮前通身逐渐转变为呈灰白。目前已知仅分布在湖南省郴州市宜章县莽山东部林区至溶家洞(陈远辉等2003)以及毗邻的广东省韶关市乐昌八宝山和沙坪一带(谢和平等2013)海拔700~1 200 m的局部林区,野生数量稀少。  相似文献   

正图为六盘山蝮(Gloydius liupanensis)的雌性成体照片,体长约548 mm,尾长约60 mm,头部窄长而不明显,呈三角形,吻端较圆,吻棱不显,尾短。背部呈土棕色,具黑色波状横斑;黑褐色。背腹相交鳞片白色,构成体侧一条白线。通体被覆鳞片,背鳞表面呈网络状。六盘山蝮(Gloydius liupanensis)隶属于爬行纲有鳞目蝰科亚洲蝮属,  相似文献   

正2007年7月10日19:00时左右,在安徽省黄山市祁门县闪里镇文堂村山边农舍旁(29°54'35″N,117°22'30″E,海拔149 m)捕获1条已怀卵颈棱蛇(Macropisthodon rudis),全长1 200 mm,尾长175 mm,体重950 g。在实验室蛇笼内饲养,饲喂活体蛙、蟾蜍,定期换水,观察繁殖情况。  相似文献   

王湘君  赵尔宓 《四川动物》2006,25(2):210-213
秦岭蝮(Gloydius qinlingensis)和六盘山蝮(G.liupanensis)的鼻间鳞形状和斑纹与高原蝮(G.strauchii)相似,鳞片变化范围也有很大重合,但它们的分类地位尚有争议.作者对六盘山蝮和秦岭蝮的鳞片(背鳞、腹鳞和尾下鳞)数据做了统计学分析,并和高原蝮的数据比较.运用75%法则,秦岭蝮和高原蝮之间背鳞和尾下鳞多数数据的差异系数大于1.28,而六盘山蝮和高原蝮之间小于1.28.作者初步认为秦岭蝮应该是高原蝮的一个亚种,而六盘山蝮是高原蝮的一个北方居群.  相似文献   

赵尔宓 《四川动物》2004,23(3):211-212
“Vipers“ is the English common name for more than 200 species of the family Viperidae. The so called “pit vipers“ is also the English common name for more than 150 species of the subfamily Crotalinae which have a “faclal pit“, an organ on each side of head which functions as a heat receptor. Of course, in countries where the people use English as the mother language there are English names for most snakes found in their own country. For example, the pit-viper species Agkistrodon contortrix is called “copperhead“, and Agkistrodon piscivorus is called “cottonmouth“ or “water moccasin“ in the USA. Also, another pit-viper, Agkistrodon bilineatus, is called “cantil“ by the people in Mexico and South America. In Japan, there has only one species belonging to the genus Glo3dius, i.e., Gloydius blornhoffii. According to its Japanese pronunciation, it has an English name by spelling of English alphabets as “mamushi“. Up to date, there are more than ten species recognized in the genus Gloydius. Among them , most are found in China. But there is no English common name especially for those species. After my detail studying, I certainly believe that there a Chinese word, “腹“ (according to Chinese pronunciation, it may be spelled by English alphabets as “Fu“) especially for the pit-viper species since 500 to 300 years B.C. During the following 2500 years, the snake name “Fu“ appeared in many ancient Chinese boaks dealing about dictionary (the “Ya“ course), drug boaks (Ben Cao), and even literature boaks or papers. So, the author of this paper used “腹“ as Chinese name for all the Gloydius species as well as for Deinagkistrodon acutus, because the latter was never included in the same genus. In this paper the author would suggest to use the English alphabet spelling “Fu“ plus “s“ (Fus) as an English name for the genus Gloydius, and “Fu “ as the English name of all the Gloydius species found in China and other places (excluding Gloydius blomhoffii found only in Japan, which still would keep its Japanese name “mamushi“). Besides, using “Sharp-snouted Fu“ as an English name of the genus Deinagkistrodon as well as species name of Deinagkistrodon acutus.  相似文献   

我们在取成年猫甲状腺制作组织切片(石蜡切片,HE染色)时,无意中发现在猫的甲状腺组织中除包含有甲状旁腺组织外,还包含有另一组织结构。经镜检为淋巴组织,进一步认定为胸腺。在一个切面上可见到2—3个胸腺小叶,并可分出皮质及髓质,在髓质内可看到1—2个胸腺小体,和正常胸腺结构一样(见图1和2)。  相似文献   

正墨脱弯脚虎(Cyrtopodion medogensis)隶属壁虎科(Gekkonidae)弯脚虎属,为中国特有种(赵尔宓等1999)。目前已知该种分布于西藏林芝地区墨脱县、林芝县、工布江达县、米林县及朗县东部。墨脱弯脚虎夜间活动,白天藏匿于石下,属夜行性动物。截至目前,有关墨脱弯脚虎的生物学资料极少,有关繁殖生物学方面的数据缺失(赵尔宓等1987,1999,李丕鹏等2010)。2015年5月30日在西藏林芝地区林芝县八一镇(29°36′14.72″N,94°24′35.17″E,海拔2 970 m)采得墨脱弯脚虎数尾,解剖其中2只雌性个体,腹内分别有卵1枚和2枚。2015年8月29日,在米林县卧龙镇(29°8′17.2″N,  相似文献   

2015年7月,于四川省若尔盖县采集到亚洲蝮属蛇类标本2号,雌雄各1号,经形态学比对和基于线粒体基因ND4片段的单倍型网络分析,证实该蛇为阿拉善蝮(Gloydius cognatus),系四川省蛇类新纪录。  相似文献   

Darwinian theory predicts that organisms will display traits that benefit themselves rather than other individuals; exceptions to this rule usually are explicable by kin selection. Our studies on an insular population of venomous snakes in north-eastern China reveal a different situation. Only one species of snake (Gloydius shedaoensis, Viperidae) occurs on the island of Shedao, and displays altruism between size (age) classes. First, small snakes frequently kill prey items larger than they can swallow themselves. This behaviour enhances rates of feeding of larger conspecifics, which scavenge the birds' carcasses. Second, large snakes kill raptorial birds (sparrowhawks Accipiter nisus) that pose little or no threat to themselves. This behaviour reduces predation risk for smaller snakes. These effects are presumably accidental consequences of the high venom toxicity of the pit-vipers, which enable them to kill inedible prey and non-threatening predators at little cost. Nonetheless, this accidental altruism may have significant ecological consequences. For example, these behaviours may contribute to the remarkably high population densities of snakes on Shedao.  相似文献   

报道了中国担子菌纲一新记录属——哈宁管菌属Henningsomyces,并对采集于云南省迪庆州香格里拉县千湖山冷杉倒木上的一新记录种雪白哈宁管菌Henningsomyces candidus进行了详细描述。该菌最典型的形态特征是担子果由许多白色小管直立排列而成,菌丝体为一体系,同时具有简单分隔和锁状联合,担孢子薄壁、光滑、近椭圆形,菌管口的菌丝呈明显的树状分枝。  相似文献   

The holotype of Chitinotylenchus paragracilis (Micoletzky, 1922) is redescribed and illustrated. Chitinotylenchus is proposed as a synonym of Ditylenchus Filipjev, 1936 and C. paragracilis as Ditylenchus paragracilis (Micoletzky, 1922) new comb. The four other species in the genus Chitinotylenchus are considered species inquirendae.  相似文献   

  • 1.Do thermal factors influence foraging-site selection by ectothermic predators? Snake species that obtain their prey from ambush must remain immobile for long periods, precluding overt behavioural thermoregulation; and some “ambush” snakes use thermal cues to detect endothermic prey. Plausibly, alternative ambush sites might differ either in equilibrial body temperatures available to snakes, or in the thermal “background” against which prey items must be detected.
  • 2.We examined this topic with field data on pit-vipers (Gloydius shedaoensis) on a small island in northeastern China. Adult snakes feed only on migrating passerine birds. The snakes ambush birds both from arboreal perches (branches of small trees) and from the ground.
  • 3.Arboreal versus terrestrial ambush sites differed both in operative temperatures and thermal “backgrounds” available to the snakes. Operative temperatures inside copper models were lower in trees than on the ground (because of wind), and snakes in arboreal ambush sites were cooler than those in terrestrial sites. Thermal backgrounds from arboreal perches were cooler (and thus, provided more contrast against prey items) than did backgrounds available from terrestrial ambush-sites.
  • 4.Thermal factors thus modify the suitability of alternative ambush locations for these pit-vipers, but with a trade-off: a snake in a tree can “see” its prey more clearly, but may not be warm enough (and hence, able to strike fast enough) to capture it. Further work is required to determine whether or not snakes actually use such thermal differences as criteria for the selection of ambush sites.

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