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段妍  孙明  董婧  柴雨  王爱勇  王小林  刘修泽  王彬  吉光 《生态学报》2020,40(13):4404-4412
采用了实验生态学方法,研究温度对海月水母螅状体生长及繁殖的影响。实验设6个温度梯度(12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27℃),共持续56d。测定了螅状体的柄径生长,繁殖数量;观察了螅状体的无性繁殖方式;分析了温度影响下的螅状体的能量分配及繁殖策略。结果表明,温度显著影响螅状体的生长及繁殖,在较高温度组,匍匐茎生殖是螅状体无性繁殖的主要方式,随着温度降低,出芽生殖比例增加。较高温度组螅状体繁殖速率较快,新生螅状体个体较小,分布较分散;而较低温度组,新生螅状体个体较大,数量较少,均较紧密的分布在亲代螅状体周围。在培养56d的周期内,除27℃处理组外,其他各处理组螅状体柄径均有所增加,但其增加的速率随着温度的升高而降低。而27℃处理组,螅状体整体状态不好,基本不摄食,培养35d时全部死亡。综上,较低温度条件下,螅状体倾向于选择增加自身个体大小以应对不良环境,而当环境条件适宜时,螅状体倾向于选择通过无性繁殖产生更多子代的方式以扩大种群数量。温度显著影响螅状体的繁殖策略,进而显著影响螅状体的种群数量。  相似文献   

海月水母是黄渤海沿岸海域的爆发水母之一, 具有复杂的生活史, 目前关于其浮浪幼虫生活史阶段的研究相对较少。研究了24 ℃(夏末)和19 ℃(秋初)两种温度对海月水母浮浪幼虫的存活时间、附着和形态的影响。研究结果表明: (1)两种温度条件下海月水母的浮浪幼虫的最大浮游存活时间为21-28 天。(2)温度对海月水母浮浪幼虫的死亡率有显著影响(F = 4.238; P < 0.05), 24 ℃下的死亡率显著高于19 ℃。(3)两种温度条件下海月水母浮浪幼虫的附着率无显著差异(P > 0.05)。(4)温度对海月水母浮浪幼虫的长度有显著影响(F = 7.153; P < 0.05), 对海月水母浮浪幼虫的宽度影响不显著(P > 0.05)。上述研究结果为海月水母早期浮浪幼虫生活史阶段种群动态研究提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

段妍  孙明  李楠  徐湘  王爱勇  董婧 《生态学报》2022,42(15):6356-6367
海月水母为我国近海主要大型灾害水母种类之一,当自然环境适宜其生长与繁殖时,易出现暴发性的增殖现象,严重破坏了我国近岸海洋生态系统的稳点与平衡。采用实验生态学方法,研究了温度(2.5、5、7.5、10、15、20、25、27.5、30℃)和盐度(15、20、25、30、35、40)对海月水母碟状体存活与生长的影响,实验共进行30d。结果显示,在实验设置的温盐范围内,温度、盐度均显著影响碟状体的存活与生长。在盐度15-35条件下,海月水母碟状体可以在温度2.5-25℃存活,在15-25℃范围内可正常生长;在温度20-25℃和盐度20-30条件下适宜海月水母碟状体生长,其中温度20℃和盐度25条件下海月水母碟状体特定生长率达到最大。与盐度相比,温度对碟状体的影响较大,在盐度15-35条件下,随着温度的升高,碟状体的伞径逐渐增大,其碟状体形态向水母体形态的转变速度加快。在达到临界点25℃时,若继续升高温度,碟状体的生存率与生长率显著下降。温度与盐度对海月水母碟状体的生存与生长具有明显的交互效应,碟状体在实验过程中表现出在较低温度条件下提高了对较高盐度的适应性。研究表明,温度、盐度的变化显著影响碟状体的生长与存活,直接导致碟状体种群数量变动,进而影响成熟水母体种群数量。结论为进一步探索大型水母暴发的生态环境机理提供重要科学依据。  相似文献   

海月水母精巢发育及排精过程的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用实验生态学及显微观察的方法研究了海月水母(Aurelia sp.)的精巢发育及其排精过程,并对其精子活力进行了测定。结果表明:在水温20~22℃的条件下,海月水母碟状体经过40 d生长,达到伞径(7.50±0.71)cm、体重(28.70±6.60)g时,精巢出现并生长发育;经过60 d生长,达到伞径(11.77±0.51)cm、体重(83.54±10.36)g时,精巢发育成熟并开始排精;生长90 d后,精巢开始出现退化,当生长110 d时,精巢退化完全。在精巢发育过程中,其宽度和长度分别伴随海月水母伞径的增长而增宽和伸长,并出现折叠现象。海月水母的排精路线为:精子先粘附于精子细丝上,从精巢排出,继而经过胃循环沟、胃口腕沟,最后由口腕基沟排出体外。在水温22℃、盐度30、p H 8.0的条件下,海月水母精子活力随时间延长而降低,其快速运动时间和寿命分别为4 h 30 min和10 h。本研究结果显示,在适宜的环境条件下,海月水母精巢发育迅速,排精路线与过程相对简单,其精子活力强、寿命长,这种高效的生殖策略为其暴发奠定了基础,这或许也是海月水母能在地球上存活年代久远的原因之一。  相似文献   

 引种研究表明,秃杉幼苗生长缓慢,苗期生长为双峰倒“W”形,春秋两季速生,盛夏趋于停滞。幼树造林初期生长缓慢,3年后加快;5—10年速生,生长量已接近或超过原产地。季节生长:春末夏初(5—6月)速生,6月出现峰值,盛夏遇高温减缓,生长呈单峰倒“V”形。树高昼夜生长:夜间>白天;阴雨天>阴天>晴天。引种地气温,相对湿度,净日照时数是影响幼龄秃杉生长的重要气象因子。秃杉幼树年生长与观察年树龄的关系可用数学模型y= a+bt表示;季节生长与观察月份的关系可用数学模型y=a+blnt表示。  相似文献   

秃杉引种幼龄生长规律初步研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

本文研究了自然生长的小麦幼叶在伸展过程中,光系统和光合强度的变化。发现PSI的发育早于PSⅡ,在两个光系统的发育中,反应中心优先合成之后,捕光色素才逐步形成。Z形链的活性除受PSⅠ与PSⅡ匹配的调节外,还受着其它因素的调控。光合强度随叶片的发育而增强,光合产物向外运输增加。  相似文献   

乌兰布和沙区紫花苜蓿根系生长及吸水规律的研究   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
研究了不同水分处理下,乌兰布和沙区紫花苜蓿系生长发育规律及根系吸水速度,结果表明:不同水分处理的根系生长规律最基本一致的,在生长季风均呈增加的趋势;但适度干旱可促进根系的伸长生长。在当地土壤类型条件下,根系主要分布在0-30cm土层;根重密度在土壤剖面上的分布遵循对数规律,并随深度的增加呈降低趋势。运用一维土壤水分运动方程,计算得到了不同水分处理根系吸水速度在土壤剖面上的分布状况;根系吸水速率与土壤含水量和根密度密切相关。  相似文献   

在3种处理条件下对猴面包树Adansonia digitata种子进行播种育苗,观察记录种子萌发特性、苗高和地径,以及连续观察两年物候。结果表明:(1)70 ℃热水浸种发芽率和发芽势最高,分别为18.72%、6.20%。(2)苗高和地径增长呈“S”型,苗木生长分为缓慢期、速生期和停滞期;苗高和地径的速生期起点均为7月上旬,一直持续至9月上旬,在8月中旬出现苗高和地径速生点。1年生猴面包树苗高和地径可达81.9 cm和12.6 mm,苗木整齐度较好,苗木质量较高,苗木移栽成活率高达90%以上。(3)在云南元阳县干热河谷地区,2年内猴面包树苗期的物候无显著差异,生长发育正常,证明该地区是猴面包树理想的引种栽培区域之一。  相似文献   

切花月季花枝生长规律及GA3及其生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用Logistic方程[y=K/(1 e^A Bt)]来表示切花枝生长量与生长时间的关系,并得出花枝生长最快的时期是现蕾期,以100mg/L GA3溶液喷施生长期花枝,可改变其原有生长规律,快速生长期延长,生长速度明显加,从而使其长度比对照增加22.5%-63.1%,其中以现蕾时处理效果最优。  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on germination, radial growth and pathogenic activity of two strains of Beauveria bassiana and four strains of Metarhizium anisopliae on the legume flower thrips, Megalurothrips sjostedti , was studied in the laboratory. Germination, radial growth and pathogenic activity was low for all strains at 15 C. Optimum temperature for germination, radial growth and pathogenic activity ranged between 25-30 C. The fastest growing strain at 25-30 C was M. anisopliae strain ICIPE 69. Compared to other strains, ICIPE 69 also appeared to have a broad temperature range of pathogenic activity against the pest. The significance of these findings in relation to control of M. sjostedti is discussed.  相似文献   

Survival of 4 cowpea Rhizobium strains, IRC291, MI-50A, JRW3 and JRC29, in two soil types (bauxitic silt loam and sandy clay loam) undergoing drying at 30°C and 37°C was examined. While all strains except JRW3 showed a general pattern of increase in their numbers during the first 3 weeks in sterile soils, none of the strains showed any increase in their population in non-sterile soils. Cowpea rhizobia showed better survival in non-sterile bauxitic silt loam than in clay loam soils at 30°C. However, the long-term survival (examined up to 6 months) of rhizobia in both soils was poor at 37°C as compared to 30°C. We also found that cowpea rhizobia survived better in soils undergoing drying than in moist soils at 30°C. Our results suggest that (a) cowpea rhizobia survived better in bauxitic silt loam than in clay loam soil and (b) the low indigenous cowpea rhizobial population in Jamaican soils may be due to their poor long-term survival and weak saprophytic competence.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature regimes on conidia germination, radial growth and virulence of Beauveriabassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae against the spotted stalk borer Chilo partellus was investigated with Ethiopian isolates. Conidia germination, radial growth and sporulation of all isolates were retarded at 15 and 35°C. A suitable temperature range for the isolates was between 20 to 30°C. Conidia germination was less tolerant of low temperature (15°C) than radial growth. Radial growth and sporulation reacted differently to temperature. At both 25 and 30°C, all isolates induced 100% mortality to C. partellus larvae in six days. The LT50 decreased for the isolates with increasing temperature.  相似文献   

Canals provide aquatic organisms with an excellent thoroughfare to disperse, expand their range, and gain access to new drainages. The evidence used to support this contention is vast and dates to at least the early nineteenth century. In most cases however, the evidence used to defend the contention is not a direct observation of fish dispersing through a canal. Instead, the transfer is generally inferred after the new species is observed in a new watershed, one connected by a canal to the watershed in which the fish was already established. Often, these inferences are developed without considering aspects of the life history and behavior of the fishes involved, or the structure of the canal. I explore the historic transfer of sea lamprey, alewife and other fishes from one watershed to another in the inland waters of eastern North America, primarily New York. New York is an ideal area for examining this phenomenon as a canal has connected each of the five major drainages in the state during part of the previous 200 years. These twelve major canals, and the Welland Canal that connects lakes Ontario and Erie, bypassed major obstructions and created a continuous water route among drainages. Also, many of the 167 freshwater and diadromous fishes of New York exhibited distribution patterns historically limited to a watershed or set of neighboring watersheds. When several important cases are re-examined, dispersal through a canal is not the most parsimonious explanation for the presence of the species in a new drainage. To argue fish dispersal through navigation canals, researchers must consider the natural history and ecological requirements of the species, the characteristics and environmental conditions of the canal, and alternative explanations. The mere presence of a canal does not demonstrate that fish used the canal for dispersal.  相似文献   

一株产异淀粉酶栖热菌的生长和产酶初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
异淀粉酶是一类在工业中有重要应用价值的淀粉酶,从云南梁河温泉水样中分离筛选到1株产异淀粉酶的菌株,初步鉴定为栖热菌(Thermus)。该菌在8~19 h为对数生长期,17 h生长最快,20 h后进入稳定期,产酶伴随菌体生长同时发生,进入稳定期后产酶迅速提高,39 h产酶量达最高,初始酶活达4.14 u/mL。  相似文献   

已有报道:强磁埸(HSMF)可改变离体细胞的结构和功能;而未见其对于动物生长发育影响的报道。本研究分别取10和20日龄大鼠(雌雄各半),作10THSMF处理,定期称体重、量体长(Table1),取部分器官和组织称重(Table2),取静脉血计数红细胞和白细胞(Table3)。结果表明:与对照组比较,实验组的肾上腺增重13.2%,白细胞数增加15.8%,而其它各项数据无显著差异。可能是因为脱离磁埸后,各种调节机大制使机体恢复正常功能,HSMF处理不能对大鼠生长发育产生障碍性影响,但能引起机体产生较强的应激反应。因而有必要从肾上腺皮质激素和髓质激素水平上深入了解其应激程度。由HSMF处理引起白细胞增加的现象与一些临床表现相吻合,可以认为:磁埸处理缩小大鼠乳腺癌肿是由于白细胞数增加提高了机体免疫力的缘故;而白细胞增加过多,又可以是长期接触磁埸的人白血病或其它肿瘤发病率较高的原因。  相似文献   

为了掌握三角帆蚌幼蚌贝壳形态及体重的生长规律,采用模型拟合的方法研究了三角帆蚌(Hyriopsis cumingii)幼蚌一个生长周期内4个贝壳性状形态及体重性状的生长规律。结果显示,三角帆蚌幼蚌的贝壳形态与体重的增长过程均遵循Logistic生长模型。运用Levenberg-Marquardt迭代法估计出生长模型中的3个生长参数,得到在观测周期内各性状的生长极限值分别为,壳长9.216 cm、壳高4.985 cm、壳宽2.212 cm、全高8.262 cm、体重75.240 g;各性状的快速生长区间分别为壳长2.211 ~ 5.181月龄、壳高2.107 ~ 5.363月龄、壳宽2.712 ~ 5.470月龄、全高2.294 ~ 5.026月龄、体重4.247 ~ 8.065月龄,可见体重具有明显的生长延缓现象。各性状的瞬时增长率曲线均呈钟型,先增大到达生长拐点后又逐渐减小;瞬时增长加速度曲线为倒S型曲线,有最高和最低点;相对增长率在养殖初期最大,然后随着生长逐渐下降。上述结果可为三角帆蚌的养殖生态及选择育种提供参考。  相似文献   

Plant growth retardants were evaluated for their ability to reduce the growth rate of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) in vitro. Nodal sections of cv. Jewel were cultured for 30 days on medium containing NDA, ancymidol, phosfon, TIBA, difenzoquat, chlormequat, ACC, mepiquat chloride, or daminozide at 0, 10−4, 10−5, 10−6, 10−7, or 10−8 m. Difenzoquat, NDA, phosfon, and TIBA, at 10−4 m, were lethal to axillary bud explants. A low concentration (10−8 m) of chlorflurenol or NDA stimulated shoot elongation. The effective concentration range for most growth retardants was 10−5 to 10−6 m. Small (2- to 4-mm diameter) storage root-like swellings were observed on roots in cultures containing TIBA or ancymidol. The growth-inhibiting effects of ancymidol and NDA were transitory and did not persist through a 180-day culture period. Shoots cultured on medium containing 10−5 m phosfon, TIBA, or difenzoquat were significantly shorter than control plants after a 180-day culture period. Culture on medium containing TIBA, NDA, ancymidol, or ACC resulted in abnormal leaf and stem development. Plants derived from nodal explants cultured on medium containing either phosfon or chlormequat were near normal in appearance but with some plants exhibiting interveinal chlorosis and reduced root system development. Received May 9, 1997; accepted August 14, 1997  相似文献   

磁场对大肠杆菌生长影响的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
邵伟  熊泽  黎姝华  周媛   《微生物学通报》2000,27(2):112-114
通过对在外加恒强磁场与正常情况下培养的大肠杆菌的生长曲线的测定及对比分析,发现外加磁场能影响大肠杆菌正常的生长并能使其世代周期延长。  相似文献   

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