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Abstract. The spatial heterogeneity hypothesis predicts a positive relationship between habitat complexity and species diversity: the greater the heterogeneity of a habitat, the greater the number of species in that habitat. On a regional scale, this hypothesis has been proposed to explain the increases in species diversity from the poles to the tropics: the tropics are more diverse because they contain more habitats. On the local scale, the spatial heterogeneity hypothesis suggests that the tropics are more diverse because they contain more microhabitats. The positive relationship between habitat heterogeneity and species diversity, on the local scale, is well documented. In this paper, we test whether habitat heterogeneity on the local scale can explain the latitudinal gradient of species diversity on the regional scale. We determined the latitudinal gradient of species diversity of 305 species of North American grasshoppers using published distribution maps. We compared the slope of this multihabitat (regional-scale) gradient with the slope of a within-habitat (local-scale) gradient in the prairie grasslands. Our results show no significant difference between the slopes at the two scales. We tested the generality of our results by comparing multi- and within-habitat latitudinal gradients of species diversity for ants, scorpions and mammals using data from the literature. These results are in accordance with those from grasshoppers. We can therefore reject the local-scale spatial heterogeneity hypothesis as a mechanism explaining the regional-scale latitudinal gradient of species diversity. We discuss alternative mechanisms that produce this gradient.  相似文献   

Aims (i) To describe at the level of local communities latitudinal gradients in the species richness of different families of New World bats and to explore the generality of such gradients. (ii) To characterize the relative effects of changes in the richness of each family to the richness of entire communities. (iii) To determine differences in the rate and direction of latitudinal gradients in species richness within families. (iv) To evaluate how differences among families regarding latitudinal gradients in species richness influence the latitudinal gradient in species richness of entire communities. Location Continental New World ranging from the northern continental United States (Iowa, 42° N) to eastern Paraguay (Canindeyú, 24° S). Methods Data on the species composition of communities came from 32 intensively sampled sites. Analyses focused on species richness of five of nine New World bat families. Multivariate analysis of variance and discriminant function analysis determined and described differences among temperate, subtropical, and tropical climatic zones regarding the species richness of bat families. Simple linear regression described latitudinal gradients in species richness of families. Path analysis was used to describe: (i) the direct effect of latitude on species richness of communities, (ii) the indirect effects of latitude on the species richness of communities through its effect on the species richness of each family, (iii) the relative effects of latitude on the species richness of bat families, and (iv) the relative contribution of each family to variation in the species richness of communities. Results Highly significant differences among climatic zones existed primarily because of a difference between the temperate zone and the tropical and subtropical zones combined. This difference was associated with the high number of vespertilionids in the temperate zone and the high number of phyllostomids in the tropical and subtropical zones. Latitudinal gradients in species richness were contingent on phylogeny. Although only three of the five families exhibited significant gradients, all families except for the Vespertilionidae exhibited indistinguishable increases in species richness with decreases in latitude. The Emballonuridae, Phyllostomidae and Vespertilionidae exhibited significant latitudinal gradients whereby the former two families exhibited the classical increase in species richness with decreasing latitude and the latter family exhibited the opposite pattern. Variation in species richness of all families contributed significantly to variation in the species richness of entire communities. Nonetheless, the Phyllostomidae made a significantly stronger contribution to changes in species richness of communities than did all other families. Much of the latitudinal gradient in species richness of communities could be accounted for by the effects of latitude on the species richness of constituent families. Main conclusions Ecological and evolutionary differences among higher taxonomic units, particularly those differences involving life‐history traits, predispose taxa to exhibit different patterns of diversity along environmental gradients. This may be particularly true along extensive gradients such as latitude. Nonetheless, species rich taxa, by virtue of their greater absolute rates of change, can dominate and therefore define the pattern of diversity at a higher taxonomic level and eclipse differences among less represented taxa in their response to environmental gradients. This is true not only with respect to how bats drive the latitudinal gradient in species richness for all mammals, but also for how the Phyllostomidae drives the latitudinal gradient for all bats in the New World. Better understanding of the mechanistic basis of latitudinal gradients of diversity may come from comparing and contrasting patterns across lower taxonomic levels of a higher taxon and by identifying key ecological and evolutionary traits that are associated with such differences.  相似文献   

恢复方式和地形对晋西黄土区退耕林分物种多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用样带样方调查法,对比不同恢复方式和地形条件下退耕林分的物种多样性,以期为晋西黄土区植被恢复效果评价和经营管理提供参考.结果表明: 恢复方式对退耕林分物种多样性具有显著影响.自然恢复林物种数为刺槐人工林的 1.6倍,Shannon 指数大于刺槐人工林,Pielou 指数小于刺槐人工林.物种多样性受坡位影响显著,各指数均表现为沟底>沟坡>梁峁坡>梁峁顶;坡向对退耕林分物种多样性影响不显著,各指数均表现为阴坡>阳坡.物种多样性受地形和恢复方式综合作用影响显著,在自然恢复林阴坡沟底处最高,物种均匀度在刺槐人工林阴坡沟底处最高.从提高物种多样性角度,黄土区植被恢复在遵循适地适树原则的同时,应参照自然恢复林分,在不同地形部位采用不同的造林设计.  相似文献   

T. Hiura 《Oecologia》1995,104(3):265-271
To evaluate whether the intermediate-disturbance hypothesis applies on regional scales, the relationship between the species diversity and gap formation regime of beech forests was examined. The mean gap size and the variation of gap sizes showed no correlation with species diversity. The mean windstorm interval varied widely, but geographical trends, such as latitudinal gradient, were not observed. However, locations that sustained an intermediate frequency of disturbance had the highest species diversity. Although a latitudinal gradient of disturbance was not apparent, the intermediate-disturbance hypothesis was partly supported on a geographic scale. The most predictable model for species diversity was a multiple regression model composed of two factors, the windstorm interval and the cumulative temperature of the growing season. The fact that the temperature was of greater importance than the disturbance interval indicates that the most important factor in predicting forest species diversity is the amount of available energy on a geographic scale.  相似文献   

The isolation of DNA from whole blood by a modified rapid method (RM) was tested using various detergents and buffer conditions. Extraction of DNA with either NP-40 or Triton X-100 gave a high yield of undegraded DNA in less than an hour. The concentration of magnesium ion in the buffers was critical to obtaining intact, high molecular weight (HMW) DNA. Greater than 10 mM MgCl2 led to degradation. Addition of EDTA to the buffer inhibits this degradation. Preparation of DNA from blood stored at room temperature or incubated at 37°C for 24 hr resulted in the same amount and quality of DNA as from samples frozen at −70°C. DNA from blood samples that had undergone more than four freeze-thaw cycles was found to be partially degraded. The modified RM can be applied to extract DNA from as little as 10 μl of blood (340 ng of DNA) and from dried blood samples. DNA samples remained intact and undegraded for longer times when DNA was dissolved in higher concentrations of EDTA. This work was supported by grants from the Indiana Department of Mental Health and PHS RO1 AG10297.  相似文献   

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