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绵羊存在影响多胎性状的不同主效基因,选择影响Romney Hanna绵羊和Cambridge绵羊高繁殖力的骨形态发生蛋白15 (bone morphogenetic protein 15, BMP15)为候选基因,采用PCR-SSCP的方法检测BMP15基因外显子Ⅱ第747位点(T747→C)和755位点(T755→C)在蒙古羊、甘肃高山细毛羊、小尾寒羊三种绵羊母羊中的多态性,同时还研究了上述两处突变对三种绵羊产羔数的影响。表明:(1)一共检测到野生纯合型AA、突变杂合型AB (T747→C)、AC (T755→C)三种不同的基因型,AA为优势基因型,A为优势等位基因;(2)三种基因型在甘肃高山细毛羊中均被检测到,而蒙古羊和小尾寒羊中未检测出AB基因型;(3)突变杂合型蒙古羊(AC)比野生纯合型(AA)的平均产羔数多0.27只(p<0.05)。(4)AC的基因型频率,双羔母羊和多羔母羊均高于单羔母羊。根据以上实验推测,BMP15第755位点发生的T→C突变(AC型)对蒙古羊一胎产双羔影响十分显著,甘肃高山细毛羊中AC基因型的绵羊其产羔数有比AA基因型和AB基因型多的趋势,因此该位点可能是一个影响绵羊高繁殖力潜在的DNA标记。  相似文献   

BMP15对卵巢功能的调节及对生殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
综述了BMP15在哺乳动物生殖系统中的表达和生物学作用,提示BMP15在垂体中表达并促进FSH的合成.在卵巢中由卵母细胞特异性分泌,促进颗粒细胞增殖并抑制FSH依赖性细胞分化.在一些物种中BMP15的变异会造成多胎或者不育,显示BMP15是影响哺乳动物生殖的重要因子.建议继续探讨BMP15的作用机理,同时研究其在其他物种中的变异对生殖的影响.  相似文献   

利用PCR、克隆测序、序列拼接获得山羊(Capra hircus)BMP15基因全长。利用F-CSGE技术分析两个外显子,发现山羊BMP15编码序列的第901处发生了A→G单碱基突变,该突变使得第301位氨基酸(成熟蛋白质第32位氨基酸)由丝氨酸变为甘氨酸。利用LDR技术对济宁青山羊、鲁北白山羊和沂蒙黑山羊进行突变检测,并进行其与产羔数的关联分析。结果表明,该突变对济宁青山羊产羔数没有显著影响,但对鲁北白山羊及沂蒙黑山羊产羔数均有显著影响(P0.05)。GG型和AG型的鲁北白山羊产羔数分别比AA型多0.34只(P0.01)和0.31只(P0.01)。AG型沂蒙黑山羊的产羔数比AA型多0.13只(P0.01)。初步表明,BMP15是控制鲁北白山羊和沂蒙黑山羊多胎性状的一个主效基因或是与之存在紧密遗传连锁的分子标记。  相似文献   

BMP15 (Bone morphogenetic protein 15) is an oocyte-secreted growth factor required for ovarian follicle development and ovulation in mammals, but its effects on reproduction in chickens are unclear. In this study, the association between BMP15 polymorphisms and reproduction traits were analyzed, and its expression characteristics in different tissues were explored in LaiWu Black chickens. Three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified in four hundred LaiWu Black chickens. One SNP (NC_006091.3:g.1773T>C) located in exon 2 which was significantly associated with egg weight at first egg (EWFE) (P = 0.0389), was novel. Diplotypes based on the three SNPs were found to be significantly associated with egg weight at age of 43W (EW43) (P = 0.0058). The chickens with H3H3 diplotype had their first egg 0.57 days later than chickens with H5H5 diplotype and 1.21 days-3.96 days earlier than the other five diplotype chickens. The egg production at age of 43W (E43), egg production at age of 46W (E46) and egg production at age of 48W (E48) for chickens with H3H3 diplotype were the highest among all the chickens, and the E48 of chickens with H3H3 diplotype had 11.83 eggs higher than chickens with H1H5 diplotype. RT-qPCR results showed that the expression level of BMP15 gene in ovarian follicle was in the order of 4 mm>6 mm -8 mm> 15 mm -19 mm> 23 mm -29 mm > 33 mm -34 mm in diameter. The mRNA level in follicles of 4 mm and 6–8 mm in diameter were significantly higher than that in the other follicles (P<0.01). In the same week, the highest mRNA level was found in the ovary, and it was significantly different from that found in the liver and oviduct (P<0.01). Our results indicate that BMP15 plays a vital role in the development of ovary and follicles, especially in the development of primary follicles. H3H3 may be an potential advantageous molecular marker for improving reproduction traits in chickens.  相似文献   

根据斑马鱼骨形态发生蛋白15(bone morphogenetic protein,BMP15)基因的保守区序列设计引物,采用RT-PCR法扩增出异育银鲫BMP15基因的部分序列,该片段长811 bp,编码270个氨基酸。经过BLAST比对,该氨基酸序列与斑马鱼、欧洲海鲈及人等动物BMP15基因的同源性分别为80%、38%及29%。本试验结果为进一步研究该基因的结构与功能提供了资料。  相似文献   

Goats form the backbone of rural livelihood and financial security systems in India but their population is showing decreasing trend. Improvement of reproductive traits such as prolificacy offers a solution to stabilize the decreasing goat population and to meet the nutritional needs of growing human population. In the present study, six novel SNPs in three candidate genes for prolificacy (BMPR1B, BMP15, and GDF9) were genotyped in seven breeds of Indian goats to evaluate their association with litter size. Tetra primer ARMS-PCR and PCR-RFLP based protocols were developed for genotyping six novel SNPs, namely, T(-242)C in BMPR1B; G735A and C808G in BMP15; and C818T, A959C, and G1189A in GDF9 gene. The effect of breed was highly significant (p ≤ 0.01) on litter size but the effect of genotype was nonsignificant. The effect of parity on litter size was also significant in the prolific Black Bengal breed. The litter size differences observed between breeds are attributed to breed differences. Novel mutations observed at different loci in GDF9, BMP15, and BMPR1B genes do not contribute to the reproductive capability of the investigated breeds. Further studies with more number of breeds and animals exploring association of these novel SNPs with reproductive traits may be fruitful.  相似文献   

BMPR-IB和BMP15基因作为小尾寒羊多胎性能候选基因的研究   总被引:84,自引:0,他引:84  
以控制BooroolaMerino羊多胎性能的BMPR IB基因 ,以及影响Invedale和Hanna羊排卵数的BMP15基因作为候选基因 ,从分子水平上对小尾寒羊的多胎机制进行研究 ,分析突变位点的特性 ,并通过大规模的群体检测统计推断其遗传效应。实验结果表明 :多胎品种小尾寒羊在BMPR IB基因的相应位置上发生了与BooroolaMerino羊相同的突变 (A74 6G) ,该基因的BB基因型在小尾寒羊群体内为优势基因型 ,且小尾寒羊初产和经产母羊的BB基因型比 ++基因型分别多产 0 97羔 (P <0 0 5 )和 1 5羔 (P <0 0 1) ,推测BMPR IB基因与控制小尾寒羊多胎性能的主效基因存在紧密的遗传连锁。而BMP15基因在小尾寒羊中不存在V31D或Q2 3Ter突变 ,说明小尾寒羊的多胎遗传机制与Romney羊不同 ,因此排除了BMP15突变影响小尾寒羊排卵数的可能性。  相似文献   

雌激素受体基因和长白猪繁殖性能相关研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过检测612头长白母猪共2 239窝ESR基因的PvuⅡ酶切多态性,分析了不同ESR基因型和长白母猪繁殖性状的相关,以确定ESR基因在猪育种应用的可能性.头胎母猪、第2胎母猪和3胎以上母猪的资料分开统计.群体中B等位基因的频率很低,但似然比检验结果显示群体的基因频率处于哈代-温伯格连锁平衡状态.第1胎BB基因型母猪的总产仔数显著高于AA型母猪(12.05±0.82 vs 10.19±0.24)(P<0.05),但BB基因型母猪的初生仔猪重显著低于AA型母猪(1.23±0.07vs 1.42±0.02)(P<0.05).第3胎以上资料合并,BB基因型母猪的总产仔数显著多于AA和AB基因型母猪(11.98±0.63 vs10.90±0.48/10.92±0.51)(P<0.05),产活仔数显著高于AA型母猪(10.31±0.58 vs 9.43±0.45)(P<0.05);AB基因型母猪初生仔猪重显著低于AA型母猪(1.44±0.04 vs 1.48±0.04)(P<0.05).所有资料合并,BB基因型母猪的总产仔数极显著高于AB型母猪(11.63±0.52 VS 10.63±0.42)(P<0.01),显著高于AA型母猪(11.63±0.52 vs 10.70±0.40)(P<0.05);BB基因型母猪的产活仔数显著高于AB和AA基因型母猪(10.15±0.50 vs 9.33±0.39/9.41±0.41)(P<0.05).其余情况下各基因型母猪间繁殖性状间差异不显著(P>0.05).总之,BB基因型母猪的总产仔数和产活仔数优于其他基因型母猪,但仔猪初生重较低.ESR基因可以作为遗传标记,用于本群长白猪产仔数的选择.  相似文献   

Primordial follicles from different mammal species can survive and enter the growth phase in vitro but do not develop beyond the primary stage. The hypothesis was that, in sheep, in vitro follicular growth is arrested because of a lack of secretion of GDF9 and/or BMP15. Cortical slices of 0.3-0.5 mm thickness issued from 5- to 6-month-old lambs were cultured for 15 days. The pieces were fixed on days 0, 2, 4, 7, 10, and 15 of culture. Follicle morphology, RT-PCR exploration of GDF9 and BMP15 mRNA, immunohistochemical location of their proteins and their receptor BMPRIB and BMPRII were assessed at different time of culture. The mean percentage of primordial follicles decreased from 58.6% (day 0) to 13.4% (day 15) (P<0.01), whereas that of primary follicles increased from 3.2% (day 0) to 31.5% on day 4 (P<0.01), then remained stable until day 15 (35.6%). The percentage of atretic follicles increased from 14.7% (day 0) to 27.1% (day 15) (P<0.05). A few secondary follicles were observed on days 4 and 10, representing 1.0%, and 2.1% of the total number of follicles. GDF9 and BMP15 mRNAs were detected from harvesting (day 0) up to day 15 following culture. At the same time, positive immunoreactions for GDF9, BMP15 and for BMPRIB and BMPRII were also found in oocyte cytoplasm. In conclusion, expression of GDF9, BMP15 and their receptors BMPRIB and BMPRII are detected during in vitro culture of ovine cortical slices.  相似文献   

Missense mutations in the BMP15 gene are associated with ovarian failure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Premature ovarian failure (POF) is an unexplained amenorrhoea (>6 months) with raised levels of gonadotropins (FSH>40 U/L) occurring before the age of 40 years. Recent studies have elucidated the role of oocyte derived growth factors (BMP15 and GDF9) in maintenance of folliculogenesis, granulosa cell (GC) proliferation and overall fertility. Our recently published work showed presence of two rare missense variants in the GDF9 gene associated with ovarian failure (Dixit et al. 2005, Menopause 12:749–754). The present case-control study has been structured to establish the role of BMP15 germline status associated with ovarian failure. Sequence analysis of the coding region of the BMP15 gene was carried out in a cohort of women with POF (n=133), primary amenorrhoea (n=60), and secondary amenorrhoea (n=9) compared with control females (n=197). This study revealed a total of 18 germline variants in the coding region of BMP15 gene, including 16 novel variants. These novel variants include one intronic variant, one 3’ flanking variant, one silent variant, and 13 missense variants. Eleven missense variants were present only in cases with complete absence in the control females. The remaining two missense variants viz. c.308A>G (p.Asn103Ser) and c.788_789insTCT (p.Leu263_Arg264insLeu) were present both in the cases and in the controls. The c.788_789insTCT variant was significantly higher in primary amenorrhoea cases than in the controls (Fisher’s exact test, P=0.034). Three frequent variants c.-9C>G, c.308A>G, and c.852C>T were chosen for haplotyping. The haplotype G-G-C was found to be significantly associated with ovarian failure (P=0.0075). In a nutshell, the BMP15 gene is highly associated with etiology of ovarian failure.  相似文献   

小尾寒羊高繁殖力候选基因BMP15和GDF 9的研究   总被引:59,自引:0,他引:59  
以控制Belclare和Cambridge绵羊高繁殖力的骨形态发生蛋白 15 (bonemorphogeneticprotein 15 ,BMP15 )基因和生长分化因子 9(growthdifferentiationfactor 9,GDF9)基因为候选基因 ,采用PCR RFLP技术检测BMP15基因和GDF9基因在高繁殖力绵羊品种 (小尾寒羊、湖羊 )以及低繁殖力绵羊品种 (多赛特羊、特克塞尔羊、德国肉用美利奴羊 )中的单核苷酸多态性 ,同时研究这两个基因对小尾寒羊高繁殖力的影响。结果表明 :在 5个绵羊品种中都没有检测到GDF9基因的G8突变 (C→T) ,也没有检测到BMP15基因的B4突变 (G→T)。高繁殖力的小尾寒羊在BMP15基因编码序列第 718位碱基处发生了与Belclare绵羊和Cambridge绵羊相同的B2突变 (C→T) ,而其余 4个绵羊品种则没有发生这种突变。对于BMP15基因的B2突变 ,在小尾寒羊中检测到AA、AB两种基因型 ,A等位基因频率为 0 734,B等位基因频率为 0 2 6 6。小尾寒羊与其余 4个绵羊品种间B2突变基因型分布差异极显著 (P <0 0 0 1)。突变杂合基因型 (AB)小尾寒羊平均产羔数比野生纯合基因型 (AA)多 0 6 2只 (P <0 0 1)。研究结果表明 ,BMP15B2突变对小尾寒羊高繁殖力影响作用十分明显 ,同时排除了GDF9G8突变和BMP15B4突变影响小尾寒羊高繁殖力的可能性  相似文献   

目的:探讨男性不育症患者Katnal15基因的一个突变位点与男性不育症的关系及意义。方法:运用聚合酶链反应(PCR)结合琼脂糖凝胶电泳和基因序列分析等方法,对77例原发性男性不育患者以及84名已生育的正常男性进行Katnal1基因筛查。结果:与精子形成的关键基因KATNAL1中1个致病突变位点A236G为的男性精子无力症Katnal1基因筛查的主要候选基因。结论:Katnal1基因蛋白质编码序列区A236G可能是特发性少精无精症的诱发因素之一。临床上对原发性不育患者进行A236G基因突变筛查是十分必要的。  相似文献   

To study the potential use of estrogen receptor gene (ESR) as a genetic marker to improve the reproductive traits of pigs, the genotypes of the ESR PCR product digested by Pvu II were determined in 2 239 litters from 612 Landrace sows. The data of the first, second, and later parities were separately evaluated. Although the frequency of the B allele was much lower than that of the A allele, likelihood ratio test showed that the gene frequencies were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The effects of ESR of different parities were not equal. In summary, the sows with the BB genotype showed better performance for total number of piglets born (TNB) and number of piglets born alive (NBA), but had a lower average piglet weight at birth (AWB). It was concluded that ESR could be used as a marker for the selection of litter size in the Landrace population.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins are known to be involved in determining ovulation rate in mammals. The mechanisms through which these proteins determine follicle fate are incompletely understood. In the present study, we used cattle as a model to evaluate the regulation of BMP15 and GDF9 receptors in granulosa cells during dominant follicle (DF) selection. Before follicular deviation (day 2 of the follicular wave), BMPR2 mRNA abundance tended to be higher in the second largest follicles (F2; P < 0.1) compared to the future dominant follicle (F1). At the expected time of follicular deviation (day 3), BMPR2 and BMPR1B mRNA levels were higher in subordinate follicles (SFs; P < 0.05) compared to dominant follicles (DFs). After deviation (on day 4), BMPR1B mRNA and protein were significantly more abundant in atretic SFs (as assessed by cleaved caspase 3) than in DFs. The fact that BMPR1B is more expressed in atretic follicles was further confirmed by using intrafollicular treatment with two agents known to induce atresia, namely an estradiol receptor antagonist (fulvestrant) and FGF10. In conclusion, the fact that BMPR-1B and -2 are more expressed in the second largest follicles before and at the expected time of follicular deviation is indicative of their inhibitory role in follicle differentiation and steroidogenesis. BMPR1B also seems to have a pivotal role during follicle regression since it is upregulated in advanced atretic follicles.  相似文献   

周期蛋白在细胞增殖过程中呈现周期性表达变化,不同的周期蛋白通过结合周期蛋白激酶(cyclin-dependent kinase,CDKs)及靶向特定蛋白质参与细胞有丝分裂和减数分裂过程的精确调控。嗜热四膜虫有性生殖期特异表达的B3型周期蛋白Cyc2(cyclin 2,Cyc2)对减数分裂的启始是必需的,但Cyc2蛋白的分子调控机制并不清楚。本研究通过0.1μg/mL和0.3μg/mL镉离子诱导突变细胞株OE-CYC2-B2086和OE-CYC2-CU428中CYC2基因在金属硫蛋白1基因(metallothionein gene 1,MTT1)启动子调控下上调表达。实时荧光定量PCR检测突变株OE-CYC2-B2086和OE-CYC2-CU428中CYC2的转录水平分别上调7.8倍和9.8倍。细胞有性生殖发育进程的荧光显微观察发现CYC2的表达上调并不影响有性生殖前期减数分裂的启始,但是干扰四膜虫有性生殖后期中新大核和新小核的正确形成。同时突变株OE-CYC2-B2086和OE-CYC2-CU428交配后,在镉离子诱导下不能产生有性生殖后代,但是该突变株分别和两种不同野生型细胞或CYC2敲除的突变细胞株交配能够恢复产生3%,15%或32%的有性生殖后代,有性生殖发育异常程度与CYC2的表达水平成正相关。进一步突变Cyc2第312位磷酸化位点丝氨酸为丙氨酸,获得CYC2单位点突变细胞株CYC2-S312A-B和CYC2-S312A-C。丝氨酸单位点突变阻止了四膜虫有性生殖期小核减数第1次分裂起始。结果表明周期蛋白2的表达水平和磷酸化修饰影响了不同阶段细胞核的功能,周期蛋白2对四膜虫有性生殖发育的正常进行是必需的。  相似文献   

Some sheep breeds are naturally prolific, and they are very informative for the studies of reproductive genetics and physiology. Major genes increasing litter size (LS) and ovulation rate (OR) were suspected in the French Grivette and the Polish Olkuska sheep populations, respectively. To identify genetic variants responsible for the highly prolific phenotype in these two breeds, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) followed by complementary genetic and functional analyses were performed. Highly prolific ewes (cases) and normal prolific ewes (controls) from each breed were genotyped using the Illumina OvineSNP50 Genotyping Beadchip. In both populations, an X chromosome region, close to the BMP15 gene, harbored clusters of markers with suggestive evidence of association at significance levels between 1E−05 and 1E−07. The BMP15 candidate gene was then sequenced, and two novel non-conservative mutations called FecXGr and FecXO were identified in the Grivette and Olkuska breeds, respectively. The two mutations were associated with the highly prolific phenotype (pFecXGr = 5.98E−06 and pFecXO = 2.55E−08). Homozygous ewes for the mutated allele showed a significantly increased prolificacy (FecXGr/FecXGr, LS = 2.50±0.65 versus FecX+/FecXGr, LS = 1.93±0.42, p<1E−03 and FecXO/FecXO, OR = 3.28±0.85 versus FecX+/FecXO, OR = 2.02±0.47, p<1E−03). Both mutations are located in very well conserved motifs of the protein and altered the BMP15 signaling activity in vitro using a BMP-responsive luciferase test in COV434 granulosa cells. Thus, we have identified two novel mutations in the BMP15 gene associated with increased LS and OR. Notably, homozygous FecXGr/FecXGr Grivette and homozygous FecXO/FecXO Olkuska ewes are hyperprolific in striking contrast with the sterility exhibited by all other known homozygous BMP15 mutations. Our results bring new insights into the key role played by the BMP15 protein in ovarian function and could contribute to a better understanding of the pathogenesis of women′s fertility disorders.  相似文献   

脂蛋白脂酶(LPL)是动物脂质沉积和新陈代谢的关键酶,对生长和肉质发挥着重要作用。试验采用PCR-SSCP法和DNA直接测序技术相结合对兴义鸭L PL基因外显子8进行多态性检测,并分析其多态与生长和肉质性状的关联性。结果表明,在兴义鸭L PL基因外显子8首次检测到1个T1251C同义突变,产生三种基因型TT、TC和CC,2个等位基因T和C,基因型TT和等位基因T的频率分别为0.8077和0.8750,多态信息含量为0.1948,表现为低度多态,卡方(字2)检验表明T1251C位点的基因型分布在兴义鸭中未偏离Hardy-Weinberg平衡。最小二乘分析显示,TT基因型个体的宰前体重显著低于CC基因型(p<0.05),胸宽显著低于TC基因型(p<0.05),推测等位基因C可能是兴义鸭生长性状的有利等位基因,可作为生长性状的一个标记性辅助选择位点。  相似文献   

赵春霞  崔英华  朱智慧  汪道文 《遗传》2004,26(5):599-602
受磷蛋白(phospholamban)是心肌收缩的一个重要调节因子,可抑制心肌肌浆网钙ATPase的活性、降低其对钙的亲和力。正常情况下,受磷蛋白可被不同的蛋白激酶磷酸化从而解除其肌浆网钙ATPase的抑制作用。国外两个DCM家系研究发现受磷蛋白基因突变与DCM的发生有关,研究目的旨在探讨中国人群心肌特异性受磷蛋白基因突变与特发性扩张型心肌病发病的关系。收集60例确诊的特发性扩张型心肌病患者临床资料,采集血样本并分离白细胞和提取基因组DNA。应用PCR扩增肌特异性受磷蛋白基因片段,经测序检测基因突变的存在。结果显示60例扩张型心肌病人受磷蛋白基因开放阅读框未发现突变,仅有两例患者出现阅读框3′部分非翻译区分别离终止密码153和173位单个碱基T的缺失。两例患者终止密码后非翻译区单个碱基T的缺失据分析并无实际意义。因此我们认为绝大部分中国人扩张型心肌病的发病可能与受磷蛋白基因突变无关。Abstract: Phospholamban (PLB) is a prominent regulator of myocardial contractility and a reversible inhibitor of the cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase activity. In normal cardiac muscles, phospholamban can be phosphorylated at distinct sites by various protein kinases and release its inhibition to sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase. The studies of pedigrees have shown dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is related with mutation of PLB. The aim of present study is to investigate the relationship between mutation of PLB gene and DCM. Sixty patients with idiotic DCM were enrolled in present study. The clinical data were collected, including clinical symptoms, ECG and echocardiography. Peripheral blood samples of all these subjects were collected to extract genome DNA. The fragments of PLB gene were amplified by PCR and PCR fragment sequencing was performed to study weather mutation of phospholamban gene exists. phospholamban gene did not show any mutation in these patients. Most Chinese DCM patients may not be related with mutation of PLB gene.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) is a member of the transforming growth factor beta superfamily, is specifically expressed in oocytes and is essential for sheep prolificacy. Reported mutations in this gene cause increased ovulation rate and infertility in a dosage-sensitive manner. In this work, a new naturally occurring mutation in the BMP15 gene from the ovine Rasa Aragonesa breed is described. This mutation is a deletion of 17 bp that leads to an altered amino acid sequence and introduces a premature stop codon in the protein. Highly significant associations (P < 0.0001) were found between the estimated breeding value for prolificacy and the genotype of BMP15 in Rasa Aragonesa animals with high and low breeding values for this trait. As for other mutations in BMP15, this new mutation is associated with increased prolificacy and sterility in heterozygous and homozygous ewes respectively.  相似文献   

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