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Morphological adaptations of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) to the mechanically active environment in which they reside, are mediated by direct interactions with the extracellular matrix (ECM) which induces physiological changes at the intracellular level. This study aimed to analyze the effects of the ECM on RhoA-induced mechanical signaling that controls actin organization and focal adhesion formation. VSMC were transfected with RhoA constructs (wild type, dominant negative or constitutively active) and plated on different ECM proteins used as substrate (fibronectin, collagen IV, collagen I, and laminin) or poly-l-lysine as control. Morphological changes of the VSMC were detected by fluorescence confocal microscopy and total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy, and were independently verified using adhesion assays and Western blot analysis. Our results showed that the ECM has an important role in cell spreading, adhesion and morphology with a direct effect on modulating RhoA signaling. RhoA activity significantly affected the stress fibers and focal adhesions reorganization, but in a context imposed by the ECM. Thus, RhoA activity modulation in VSMC induced an increased activation of stress fibers and FA formation at 5 h, while a significant inhibition was recorded at 24 h after plating on the different ECM. Our findings provide biophysical evidence that ECM modulates VSMC response to mechanical stimuli inducing intracellular biochemical signaling involved in cellular adaptation to the local microenvironment.  相似文献   

Summary The present study analyzed effects of dibutyryl cyclic AMP (DB-cAMP) and cytochalasin B (CB) on the morphology of cultured aortic smooth muscle cells (SMC) from rat using phase-contrast microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and fluorescence staining of actin filaments by the NBD-phallacidin method. The exposure of SMC to each of these agents led to rapid, extensive, and reversible (within 1–2 h of drug withdrawal) changes in their morphology including cytoplasmic arborization (stellation). The latter was preceded by (i) marginal membrane ruffles (DBcAMP) and (ii) increased zeiotic activity (CB), which were visible within 20 min of the exposure, followed (30–90 min incubation) by a centripetal retraction of the cytoplasm and progressive development of complete or partial arborization. Further, the effects of substances interfering with the assembly-disassembly of microtubules (colchicine, taxol, lidocaine) on DB-cAMPand CB-induced arborization were studied. None of these agents antagonized CB-induced morphological changes. Colchicine, but not lumicolchicine, taxol, or lidocaine (in a short-term study) prevented DBcAMP-induced arborization. Taxol added to cell cultures for 24 h promoted DB-cAMP-induced arborization. Both DB-cAMP and CB resulted in the disintegration of actin filaments. The present data suggest that the arborization of cultured aortic SMC is a cytoskeleton-based process involving stabilization of microtubules and disintegration of actin filaments. Our study also suggests that the SMC arborization may represent an in vitro case of SMC stellation found in situ.  相似文献   

Summary Rat mesenteric arteries, perfusion fixed in relaxed or contracted conditions, were digested with acid and elastase, bleach (sodium hypochlorite), or alkali to selectively remove collagen, elastin, or cells. Scanning electron microscopy was used to study the three-dimensional organization of the remaining cells or extracellular components. Smooth muscle cells of the tunica media were elongated and circumferentially oriented. Superior mesenteric artery cells had an irregular surface with numerous projections and some ends were forked. Small mesenteric artery cells were spindle shaped with longitudinal surface ridges, and showed extensive corrugations upon contraction. Elastin was present both as laminae and as an interconnected fibrous meshwork. Collagen was arranged in an irregular network of individual fibrils and small bundles of fibrils that formed nests around the cells in both arteries. This irregular arrangement persisted, with no apparent reordering or loss of order, upon contraction. The lack of an ordered arrangement or specialized organization at the cell ends suggests mechanical coupling of the cells to elastin or collagen throughout the length of the cell, allowing for force transmission in a number of directions. The tunica media is thus a composite material consisting of cells, elastin, and collagen. The isotropic network of fibers is well suited for transmitting the shearing forces placed on it by contraction of smooth muscle cells and by pressure-induced loading.  相似文献   

Changes in extracellular matrix composition and/or organisation, and in particular in the ratio of axonal growth-promoting components such as laminin to growth-inhibiting molecules, could contribute to the degenerative changes observed in the innervation of some peripheral tissues in old age. We have investigated this issue by evaluating laminin content or accessibility at various locations on blood vessels where we had previously studied age-related alterations in innervation density. We have employed a morphological approach, measuring laminin immunoreactivity by a densitometric application of confocal microscopy, because more conventional biochemical techniques would have been unable to distinguish specific, localized changes in laminin at sites accessible to nerves from heterogeneous changes in other areas of the vessel wall, such as the endothelial basal lamina. We found that in 24-month-old rats laminin immunoreactivity is decreased by 50% at the medial-adventitial border in association with the outer layer of smooth muscle cells, where a parallel decrease is observed in innervation density. Axonal terminals were shown to have access to laminin in this region of the blood vessel wall by double staining with laminin and a general neuronal marker. Changes in laminin immunore-activity were region-specific on the same blood vessel, thus excluding the possibility of a generalized decrease in immunoreactivity in old age. For example, in the basilar artery intensity of laminin immunoreactivity decreased in old age at the medial-adventitial border, but showed no change in endothelial cell basal lamina and in the adventitia. Moreover, we performed in oculo transplants of blood vessels displaying differences in laminin immunoreactivity and found that the density of innervation correlated with the intensity of laminin staining, thus lending further support to the hypothesis that laminin might play a role in nerve fibre atrophy in old age.  相似文献   

Kanda Y  Watanabe Y 《Life sciences》2007,80(15):1409-1414
Cigarette smoke has been firmly established as an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases. The proliferation and migration of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) induced by growth factors have been proposed to play an important role in the progression of atherosclerosis. In the present study, we investigated the effects of nicotine, which is one of the important constituents of cigarette smoke, on vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) release, in rat VSMC. The stimulation of cells with nicotine resulted in a time- and concentration-dependent release of VEGF. Hexamethonium, an antagonist of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR), inhibited nicotine-induced VEGF release. We next investigated the mechanisms by which nicotine induces VEGF release in the cells. The nicotine-induced VEGF release was inhibited by treatment with U0126, a selective inhibitor of MEK, which attenuated the nicotine-induced ERK phosphorylation. Nicotine induced a transient phosphorylation of ERK. Furthermore, AG1478, a selective inhibitor of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) kinase, inhibited nicotine-induced ERK phosphorylation and VEGF release. These data suggest that nicotine releases VEGF through nAChR in VSMC. Moreover, VEGF release induced by nicotine is mediated by an EGFR-ERK pathway in VSMC. VEGF may contribute to the risk of cardiovascular diseases in cigarette smokers.  相似文献   

This report demonstrates that the commonly used anesthetic agent, pentobarbital sodium, in concentrations of 1 · 10?4 to 2 · 10?3 M inhibits calcium (Ca2+) uptake in both rat aortic and portal venous smooth muscle. The data indicate that total exchangeable Ca2+ in portal vein is reduced by about 15% in 1 · 10?4 M pentobarbital sodium, while the intracellular exchangeable Ca2+ is reduced by 24%. On the other hand, in aortic smooth muscle, while 5–20 · 10?4 M pentobarbital sodium reduces total exchangeable Ca2+ by about 15%, intracellular Ca2+ is reduced by 22% in 5 · 10?4 M pentobarbital sodium and by 38% in 2 · 10?3 M pentobarbital sodium. The present studies thus reveal that concentrations of pentobarbital sodium known to be present during induction of surgical anesthesia can exert significant inhibitory effects on exchangeability and transmembrane movement of Ca2+ in at least two different types of blood vessels.  相似文献   

Summary The histochemical demonstration of alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity and localization of smooth muscle myosin (SMM), F-actin, and desmin were carried out on frozen sections of testes and ovaries from 15-day-old fetal to newborn rats. The presence of immunocytochemically localized SMM and desmin was confirmed by Western blot analysis of proteins from isolated gonads. The development of smooth muscle cells was predominant in the testis. The first SMM-positive cells with an increasing intensity for F-actin and desmin appeared in the testicular tunica albuginea and around the testicular cords by the age of 16 days. A continuous layer of SMM- and F-actin-positive (but not uniformly desmin-positive) myoid cells was detected in the newborn testis. In the early gonads and in the newborn ovary, a majority of the interstitial cells expressed desmin, indicating that, in undifferentiated tissues, non-myogenic cells may also express desmin. During fetal development, male and female gonocytes showed a decrease in F-actin content but retained their high AP activity. In the cortex of the newborn rat ovary, the observed high AP activity and the presence of desmin may be associated with the postnatal histogenesis of the follicles. The presence of SMM-containing cells in the hilus of the ovary may be required for the demarcation of the ovary from the mesonephros by the constriction of the mesovarium. The occurrence of SMM-positive cells predominantly in male fetuses suggests that the development of the contractile cells in the fetal testis may be induced by testicular androgens.  相似文献   

Summary Primary cultures of vascular smooth muscle cells, isolated from rat aorta, were grown under normoxic (20% O2) and mildly hypoxic (5 % O2) conditions. Cells from both conditions were compared for growth characteristics, morphology, protein synthesis, lysosomal enzyme activity, and oxygen consumption. In no case was a consistently significant difference observed. These observations indicate that these cells can adapt or are adapted to mildly hypoxic conditions. Moreover, these results may indicate that the culture of vascular smooth muscle cells in mild hypoxia represents a closer approximation of in vivo growth conditions for these cells.Supported by HL19242  相似文献   

Summary Application of a cationic surfactant, benzalkonium chloride, to the serosa of rat jejunum results in an increase in thickness of both longitudinal and circular smooth muscle layers. The increase in thickness is due primarily to an increase in the number of smooth muscle cells (hyperplasia). Little cellular hypertrophy was observed. The time sequence of surfactant-induced effects on the muscle layers was determined. Within 24 h, total destruction of the longitudinal muscle and partial destruction of the circular muscle was evident. The myenteric plexus was also necrotic; however, the submucosal plexus remained intact. By 48 h after surfactant treatment, the smooth muscle cells remaining in the circular muscle layer had begun to divide, as indicated by the presence of mitotic figures and incorporation of 3H-thymidine. A repopulation of the longitudinal muscle layer began at this time, apparently the result of migration of cells arising in the circular muscle layer. By 5 days post-treatment, both muscle layers had regenerated to their original states. The myenteric plexus was totally absent. The denervated smooth muscle cells proceeded to divide until approximately day 15, resulting in hyperplasia of both muscle layers. Between 15 and 105 days, the number of muscle cells in the circular layer progressively declined, eventually returned to the value seen in control tissue. In contrast, the number of smooth muscle cells in the longitudinal layer remained elevated through the period of study (165 days). We hypothesize that the smooth muscle hyperplasia observed after serosal benzalkonium chloride application results from loss of the myenteric nerves.  相似文献   

Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), used to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, plays an important role in the regulation of cellular proliferation. However, mechanisms responsible for aspirin-induced growth inhibition are not fully understood. Here, we investigated whether aspirin may exert therapeutic effects via AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activation in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) from wistar kyoto rats (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Aspirin increased AMPK and acetyl-CoA carboxylase phosphorylation in a time- and dose-dependent manner in VSMCs from WKY and SHR, but with greater efficacy in SHR. In SHR, a low basal phosphorylation status of AMPK resulted in increased VSMC proliferation and aspirin-induced AMPK phosphorylation inhibited proliferation of VSMCs. Compound C, an AMPK inhibitor, and AMPK siRNA reduced the aspirin-mediated inhibition of VSMC proliferation, this effect was more pronounced in SHR than in WKY. In VSMCs from SHR, aspirin increased p53 and p21 expression and inhibited the expression of cell cycle associated proteins, such as p-Rb, cyclin D, and cyclin E. These results indicate that in SHR VSMCs aspirin exerts anti-proliferative effects through the induction of AMPK phosphorylation.  相似文献   

A new technique for the isolation and purification of basal lamina from insect tissues using cell dissociation at pH 2 is described. Tissue incubation in these solutions results in the spontaneous detachment of cells from the basal lamina which can be collected free of any significant contamination by cellular components. Short lengths of plasma membrane which remain attached to the basal lamina can be removed by subsequent sonication or detergent treatment. Using Malpighian tubules as the primary test tissue, we have found that the procedure only requires a few minutes, works equally well on pooled tissue samples, individual tissue pieces or tissue subregions and involves no loss of basal lamina from the starting material.  相似文献   

Liao XB  Zhou XM  Li JM  Yang JF  Tan ZP  Hu ZW  Liu W  Lu Y  Yuan LQ 《Amino acids》2008,34(4):525-530
Vascular calcification develops within atherosclerotic lesions and results from a process similar to osteogenesis. Taurine is a free β-amino acid and plays an important physiological role in mammals. We have recently demonstrated that vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) express a functional taurine transporter. To evaluate the possible role of taurine in vascular calcification, we assessed its effects on osteoblastic differentiation of VSMCs in vitro. The results showed that taurine inhibited the β-glycerophosphate-induced osteoblastic differentiation of VSMCs as evidenced by both the decreasing alkaline phosphate (ALP) activity and expression of the core binding factor α1 (Cbfα1). Taurine also activated the extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) pathway. Inhibition of ERK pathway reversed the effect of taurine on ALP activity and Cbfα1 expression. These results suggested that taurine inhibited osteoblastic differentiation of vascular cells via the ERK pathway.  相似文献   

Laminins are components of basement membranes that are required for morphogenesis, organizing cell adhesions and cell signaling. Studies have suggested that laminins function as alpha(x) beta(y) gamma(z) heterotrimers in vivo. In C. elegans, there is only one laminin beta gene, suggesting that it is required for all laminin functions. Our analysis is consistent with the role of the laminin beta as a subunit of laminin heterotrimers; the same cells express the laminin alpha, beta, and gamma subunits, the laminin beta subunit localizes to all basement membranes throughout development, and secretion of the beta subunit requires an alpha subunit. RNAi inhibition of the beta subunit gene or of the other subunit genes causes an embryonic lethality phenotype. Furthermore, a distinctive set of phenotypes is caused by both viable laminin alpha and beta partial loss-of-function mutations. These results show developmental roles for the laminin beta subunit, and they provide further genetic evidence for the importance of heterotrimer assembly in vivo.  相似文献   

The present studies were undertaken to confirm the presence and identity of a putative proteoglycan associated with laminin in neurite-promoting factor complexes isolated from rat schwannoma cell conditioned medium. Sucrose density gradient centrifugation of the complex resolved two laminin-associated Na2[35S]O4-labeled peaks which were termed Pools A and B. Both pools had nearly all their [35S] cpms associated with glycosaminoglycan, contained heparan sulfate-proteoglycan core protein antigen and displayed a similarly high neurite promoting potency relative to their laminin contents. However, Pool A contained about twice as many [35S] cpms and twice as much proteoglycan core protein per laminin than Pool B. Seventy percent of Pool A cpms was associated with heparan sulfate and 30% with chondroitin sulfate whereas the inverse was true for Pool B. Treatment with heparitinase and/or chondroitinase ABC caused laminin in either pool to elute at lower salt concentrations from DEAE cellulose. In SDS-PAGE the [35S] cpms of both pools ran with the same mobility as laminin but could be separated from laminin under reducing conditions. The Pool A cpms remained at 900 KD and the Pool B cpms spread over the 200–900 KD range. By rotary shadowing electron microscopy, Pool B fractions contained primarily cross-shaped laminin images, often associated with proteoglycan-like images. Pool A fractions contained i) dense, aggregated images including intact laminin from which emanated proteoglycan-like strands, ii) circular images bearing globular domains and less commonly, iii) distorted cross-shaped laminin-like images. These studies support the existence of at least two forms of laminin-proteoglycan complexes which differ in biochemical, immunochemical and ultrastructural characteristics.Abbreviations HSPG heparan sulfate proteoglycan - ELISA enzyme-linked immunoassay - Pool A Fractions 10–13 in sucrose gradient (Figure 1, lower panel) - Pool B Fractions 14–16 in sucrose gradient (Figure 1, lower panel) - HDPG High density proteoglycan, Fractions 1–3 in cesium chloride gradient, Figure 1, middle panel - CPC cetylpyridinium chloride - GAG glycosaminoglycan Special issue dedicated to Dr. E. M. Shooter and Dr. S. Varon.  相似文献   

Summary Laminin biosynthesis and basement membrane assembly in anterior pituitary glands of gonadectomized rats were studied by immuno-electron microscopy and radioimmunoassay. Three weeks after gonadectomy, rats received intravenous injections of sheep anti-laminin IgG conjugated to horseradish peroxidase, and glands were fixed and processed for microscopy 1 h later. Peroxidase reaction product uniformly labeled all perivascular and glandular epithelial basement membranes. In addition, reaction product was also found in abnormally multi-layered basement membranes seen especially beneath gonadotrophs, and unusual basement membrane-like structures projecting between gonadotrophs were also labeled. Pituitary sections from gonadectomized rats labeled with pre-embedding immunoperoxidase and post-embedding immungold techniques also localized intracellular laminin within biosynthetic organelles and light body vesicles of gonadotrophs. Neither abnormal basement membrane structures nor intracellular laminin were detected in pituitaries of nongonadectomized, control rats. Radioimmunoassays of pituitary homogenates showed nearly twice as much soluble laminin ( 15 ng/gland) in gonadectomized rats than in controls ( 8 ng/gland), which paralleled gland growth, but serum laminin concentrations did not differ ( 10 ng/ml in both groups). When anterior pituitary glands of gonadectomized rats that received injections of anti-laminin IgG-HRP were fixed 5 days after injection, lengths of unlabeled basement membrane were distributed between labeled lengths. This indicated that new basement membrane was spliced into old by a process similar to that seen in normal development. Supplementation of gonadectomized rats with testosterone, however, arrested laminin biosynthesis and basement membrane assembly and reversed glandular hypertrophy. These results indicate that, in an absence of sex hormone feedback, renewed synthesis of basement membrane components occurs in the anterior pituitary and is probably necessary to support the additional growth and differentiation of gonadotrophs and other pituitary cells.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown that both vasoconstrictive peptide endothelin-1 (ET-1) and inflammatory marker C-reactive protein (CRP) are implicated in the inflammatory process of atherosclerosis. The purpose of the present study was to observe effect of ET-1 on CRP production and the molecular mechanisms in rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). The results showed that ET-1 was capable of stimulating VSMCs to produce CRP both in protein and in mRNA levels in vitro and in vivo. ETA receptor antagonist BQ123, but not ETB receptor antagonist BQ788, inhibited CRP production in VSMCs. In addition, ET-1 was able to elicit reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation, and antioxidant pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate and p38MAPK inhibitor SB203580 inhibited ET-1-induced CRP expression. The results demonstrate that ET-1 induces CPR production in VSMCs via ETA receptor followed by ROS and MAPK signal pathway, which may contribute to better understanding of the role of ET-1 in inflammatory activation of the vessel wall during atherogenesis.  相似文献   



The expression of myocardin, a cardiac-restricted gene, increases during environmental stress. How mechanical stretch affects the regulation of myocardin in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) is not fully understood. We identify the mechanisms and pathways through which mechanical stretch induces myocardin expression in VSMCs.


Rat VSMCs grown on a flexible membrane base were stretched to 20% of maximum elongation, at 60 cycles per min. An in vivo model of aorta-caval shunt in adult rats was also used to investigate myocardin expression. Cyclic stretch significantly increased myocardin and angiotensin II (AngII) expression after 18 and 6 h of stretch. Addition of extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK) pathway inhibitor (PD98059), ERK small interfering RNA (siRNA), and AngII receptor blocker (ARB; losartan) before stretch inhibited the expression of myocardin protein. Gel shift assay showed that myocardin-DNA binding activity increased after stretch. PD98059, ERK siRNA and ARB abolished the binding activity induced by stretch. Stretch increased while myocardin-mutant plasmid, PD98059, and ARB abolished the promoter activity. Protein synthesis by measuring [3H]proline incorporation into the cells increased after cyclic stretch, which represented hypertrophic change of VSMCs. An in vivo model of aorta-caval shunt also demonstrated increased myocardin protein expression in the aorta. Confocal microscopy showed increased VSMC size 24 h after cyclic stretch and VSMC hypertrophy after creation of aorta-caval shunt for 3 days.


Cyclic stretch enhanced myocardin expression mediated by AngII through the ERK pathway in cultured rat VSMCs. These findings suggest that myocardin plays a role in stretch-induced VSMC hypertrophy.  相似文献   

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