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A simple, rapid, and sensitive fluorometric assay for measuring the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase is described. The enzyme activity is detected by converting tyrosine to 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (dopa), which is then subjected to conversion to the highly fluorescent product by the trihydroxyindole method. The assay method is very reproducible, more sensitive than a radiochemical method for the determination of tyrosine hydroxylase activity using the isolation of [3H]water commonly used, and linear from 0.2 to 12 nmol of dopa. The method should be applicable for the assay of the enzyme with a wide range of activity.  相似文献   

A nonisotopic assay for tyrosine hydroxylase, with optimized signal-to-noise ratios, enables determination of low levels of enzyme activity in peripheral tissues. DOPA produced by the enzyme is measured using HPLC with electrochemical detection. Increased signal-to-noise ratios are obtained by including in the reaction mixture glycerol for reduction of blank values and dihydropteridine reductase and NADPH for regeneration of the tetrahydropteridine cofactor. With this method, tyrosine hydroxylase activity can be detected in as few as 200 PC12 cells and in peripheral tissues at levels as low as 4.5 fmol/min/mg wet weight. The assay permits activity to be assessed in a variety of peripheral tissues.  相似文献   

A rapid and simplified assay method for tyrosine hydroxylase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tyrosine hydroxylase can be measured by release of tritiated water from labeled tyrosine, and the assay method has now been modified to allow recovery of 3H2O from the reaction mixture in a much more rapid and less tedious manner than previously possible. In the new method, the tyrosine hydroxylase reaction is stopped with sodium carbonate, pH 11.6. At this pH the tritium in 3H2O, but not other 3H species, is extracted into an organic scintillant containing 25% isoamyl alcohol, toluene, 2,5-diphenyloxazole, and p-bis-[2-(5-phenyloxazolyl)]benzene. The selective extraction occurs by means of exchange of tritium in 3H2O with the hydroxyl proton of isoamyl alcohol. It is the [3H]isoamyl alcohol that is then extracted into the scintillant and quantified by liquid scintillation spectrometry. Although the organic extraction method is somewhat less sensitive than the more frequently used ion-exchange method for isolating the 3H2O formed in the tyrosine hydroxylase reaction, it is much more rapid, as well as cost effective, since the enzyme reaction, extraction, and counting are carried out within the same vial.  相似文献   

The native form of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) is a homotetramer which consists of four identical subunits each with an MW of approximately 60 kD. The relationships between the catalytic activity of TH and oligomerization of the enzyme have not yet been characterized. We have investigated, by deletion and/or substitution mutagenesis, the involvement of the leucine zipper (LZ) motifs in the oligomer formation of TH and its relation to catalytic activity. Our results demonstrate that deletion of the carboxyl-terminal LZ (LZ-C) abolishes tetramer formation. Interruption of the other two LZ motifs (LZ-A and LZ-B), located in a central region of the catalytic domain by substitution of Leu to Pro at residues 294 and 301 or 386 and 393 has no effect on the tetramer formation of TH. However, the interruption of LZ-A and LZ-B abolishes TH enzymatic activity. The substitution of Leu residues 188 and 190 with Pro at the regulatory domain of TH reduces enzymatic TH activity without affecting tetramer formation. Thus, LZ-C is required for tetramer formation, while LZ-A and LZ-B seem to be involved in the catalytic activity without affecting the tetramer formation of TH.  相似文献   

酪氨酸羟化酶(tyrosine hydroxylase,TH)是儿茶酚胺(catecholamines,CAs)合成过程中的限速酶,提高或抑制该酶的活性可大幅度影响CAs的合成。近年来对于TH的关注越来越多,大量的研究表明,TH含量及活性的异常改变能通过影响CAs的含量而导致相应生理功能的异常,从而导致疾病。本文将TH的结构功能、分布、表达变化及其与视网膜疾病关系做一综述。  相似文献   

刘政海  万炜 《生物磁学》2011,(11):2168-2171
酪氨酸羟化酶(tyrosine hydroxylase,TH)是儿茶酚胺(catech01amines,CAs)合成过程中的限速酶,提高或抑制该酶的活性可大幅度影响CAs的合成。近年来对于TH的关注越来越多,大量的研究表明,TH含量及活性的异常改变能通过影响CAs的含量而导致相应生理功能的异常,从而导致疾病。本文将TH的结构功能、分布、表达变化及其与视网膜疾病关系做一综述。  相似文献   

A highly sensitive assay for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with amperometric detection was devised based on the rapid isolation of enzymatically formed DOPA by a double-column procedure, the columns fitted together sequentially (the top column of Amberlite CG-50 and the bottom column of aluminium oxide). DOPA was adsorbed on the second aluminium oxide column, then eluted with 0.5 M hydrochloric acid, and assayed by HPLC with amperometric detection. d-Tyrosine was used for the control. α-Methyldopa was added to the incubation mixture as an internal standard after incubation. This assay was more sensitive than radioassays and 5 pmol of DOPA formed enzymatically could be measured in the presence of saturating concentrations of tyrosine and 6-methyltetrahydropterin. The TH activity in 2 mg of human putamen could be easily measured, and this method was found to be particularly suitable for the assay of TH activity in a small number of nuclei from animal and human brain.  相似文献   

Changes in homospecific activity (unit of enzyme activity per unit of enzyme protein; Rush, Kindler and Udenfriend, 1974. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 61, 38) of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in the striatum of the brain were examined in MPTP-treated mice and parkinsonian patients. After a single injection of MPTP to mice, TH activity was acutely inhibited onlyin situ without changes in in vitro TH activity (Vmax) and TH protein; TH homospecific activity (TH Vmax/TH protein) did not change. After repeated injection of MPTP to mice for 8 days, in situ TH activity, in vitro TH Vmax, and TH protein were decreased in parallel, and TH homospecific activity did not change The result indicates that the decreases in in situ TH activity and in TH Vmax are due to the decrease in TH protein by nerve degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in MPTP treated mice. However, when MPP+ was infused in the striatum of rats for 3 hours, in vitro TH activity (Vmax) was decreased without changes in TH protein. Thus, TH homospecific activity was decreased. The results indicate that MPP+ inactivates TH protein in the striatum after continued infusion. In contrast, the homospecific activity of TH in post-mortem parkinsonian striatum was increased 3-fold. The increase in homospecific activity of residual TH in parkinsonian brain suggests such molecular changes in TH molecules as result in a compensatory increase in TH activity.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Sidney Udenfriend.  相似文献   

Short-term regulation of catecholamine biosynthesis involves reversible phosphorylation of several serine residues in the N-terminal regulatory domain of tyrosine hydroxylase. The MAP kinases ERK1/2 have been identified as responsible for phosphorylation of Ser31. As an initial step in elucidating the effects of phosphorylation of Ser31 on the structure and activity of tyrosine hydroxylase, the kinetics of phosphorylation of the rat enzyme by recombinant rat ERK2 have been characterized. Complete phosphorylation results in incorporation of 2mol of phosphate into each subunit of tyrosine hydroxylase. The S8A and S31A enzymes only incorporate a single phosphate, while the S19A and S40A enzymes incorporate two. Phosphorylation of S8A tyrosine hydroxylase is nine times as rapid as phosphorylation of the S31A enzyme, consistent with a ninefold preference of ERK2 for Ser31 over Ser8.  相似文献   

Characterization of tyrosine hydroxylase from Manduca sexta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In insects, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) is required for tanning of newly formed cuticle and the production of melanin during some types of immune responses. DOPA is produced by the hydroxylation of tyrosine, and this reaction can be catalyzed by two types of enzymes: tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and phenoloxidase (PO). TH is required for cuticle tanning in Drosophila melanogaster and for cuticle pigmentation in other insect species, but additional functions of TH have been uncertain. In contrast, an immune function for PO has been well documented. The goal of this study was to characterize TH from Manduca sexta with a focus on its possible contribution to cuticle tanning and immune-associated melanization. We cloned a full-length TH cDNA, purified recombinant TH, and confirmed that MsTH and MsPO have tyrosine hydroxylating activity. To determine possible functions, we analyzed TH expression profiles. TH mRNA and protein were present in eggs at the stage when the pharate larval cuticle begins to tan and also in the integument of molting larvae. The amount of TH in the integument was correlated with the degree of cuticle tanning. Unlike PO, which was found to be constitutively expressed by hemocytes and was present in plasma, TH was upregulated in hemocytes and the fat body in response to an immune challenge and remained intracellular. These data suggest that TH is required for cuticle tanning and immunity in M. sexta. Based on the collective information from many studies, we propose a model in which TH is a major producer of the DOPA required for both cuticle tanning and immune-associated melanization.  相似文献   

Neurocatin, a neuroregulatory factor isolated from mammalian brain, is a powerful affector of dopamine synthesis in striatal rat synaptosomes. Incubation of intact synaptosomes with neurocatin caused an increase in the rate of dopamine synthesis measured by accumulation of DOPA. The increase is rapid (within two minutes) and dependent on the concentration of added neurocatin. The stimulatory effect of neurocatin on dopamine synthesis occurred only in intact synaptosomes and was almost completely abolished by lysis of the synaptosomes with Triton X-100 or sonification prior to neurocatin addition. The kinetic parameters of tyrosine hydroxylase were measured in lysates prepared from synaptosomes preincubated with neurocatin. These showed that with increasing neurocatin concentration there was an increase in Vmax with no significant change in KM for the pteridine cofactor, compared to control. Activation of tyrosine hydroxylase by neurocatin is at least partially caused by a receptor mediated increase in phosphorylation of the enzyme. Protein kinase C and protein kinase II may be involved in this process.  相似文献   

Activity of tyrosine hydroxylase is regulated by feedback inhibition and inactivation by catecholamines, and activation by protein phosphorylation. In this article, reaction mechanisms for the conversion of tyrosine hydroxylase to an inactive/stable form by catecholamines, and activation of tyrosine hydroxylase by phosphorylation at Ser-40 are discussed. Inactivation may be induced by sub-stoichiometric amounts of catecholamines, and activation by phosphorylation of Ser-40 may require phosphorylation of three or all four subunits of a tyrosine hydroxylase molecule. Cooperative phosphorylation at Ser-40 in the subunits is also discussed.  相似文献   

Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) is the rate-limiting enzyme in norepinephrine synthesis, and its expression and activity are regulated by many factors in sympathetic neurons. Cytokines that act through gp130, such as ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) decrease norepinephrine production in sympathetic neurons by suppressing TH mRNA and stimulating degradation of TH protein, leading to the loss of enzyme. Their effect on the activity of TH is unclear, but recent in vivo observations suggest that cytokines may stimulate TH activity. We investigated this issue by quantifying TH protein levels and activity in cultured sympathetic neurons. We also examined the state of TH phosphorylation on serine 31 and 40, sites known to affect TH activity and degradation. We found that CNTF, acting through gp130, stimulated the rate of l-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine production while at the same time decreasing TH enzyme levels, thereby increasing the specific activity of the enzyme. We also found that phosphorylation of TH on Ser31 was increased, and phosphorylation on Ser40 was decreased, after four days of CNTF exposure. Our data are consistent with previous findings that Ser31 phosphorylation stimulates TH activity, whereas Ser40 phosphorylation can target TH for proteasomal degradation.  相似文献   

We have examined the ability of a number of neuropeptides to increase tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity in the superior cervical ganglion in vitro. Secretin and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) both increased TH activity, whereas angiotensin II, bombesin, bradykinin, cholecystokinin octapeptide, insulin, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone, [D-Ala2, Met3]enkephalinamide, motilin, neurotensin, somatostatin, and substance P produced no effects. Secretin and VIP increased TH activity with an EC50 of 5 nM and 0.5 μM, respectively. The effects of these peptides were not altered by prior decentralization of the ganglia, by addition of hexamethonium (3 mM) and atropine (6 μM), or by lowering the concentration of calcium in the medium to 0.1 mM. Addition of carbachol (3 μM) potentiated the effects of both secretin and VIP on TH activity. Several gastrointestinal peptides with structural similarities to secretin and VIP were examined for their ability to increase TH activity. Glucagon, gastric inhibitory peptide and human pancreatic tumor growth hormone-releasing factor produced no effect at a concentration of 10 μM, while PHI increased enzyme activity.  相似文献   

In this study, silkworm (Bombyx mori) tyrosine hydroxylase was expressed in Escherichia coli. The enzymatic characteristics of the recombinant wild silkworm tyrosine hydroxylase were similar to that of native silkworm tyrosine hydroxylase (BmTH). We investigated the role of the amino acid residue Glu434 of BmTH using site-directed mutagenesis. The activity of the E434A mutant was approximately 35.6 percent of that exhibited by BmTH. Furthermore, the mutation dramatically reduced its substrate affinity for tetrahydrobiopterin and decreased its activation by Fe2+. The E434A mutation impaired the conformational structure of BmTH, resulting in a partially unfolded state with more hydrophobic exposure, a tendency to aggregate and structural instability during environmental stresses. This mutation did not significantly affect a three-step transitional folding process involving two intermediate states in GdnHCl. However, it did affect the structural compactness of the folding intermediates. The results suggest that the Glu434 residue is an important determinant of the activity, stability and conformational structure of BmTH.  相似文献   

Sepiapterin reductase (SPR) is an enzyme that acts in the third and final step of tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) biosynthesis. The human Spr gene locates within the region of 2.5 MB mapped to PARK3, an autosomal dominant form of familial Parkinson’s diseases. In order to explore the role of SPR in the metabolism of BH4, we produced and analyzed Spr-deficient mice. Most of Spr-null mice survived beyond two weeks. Whereas the BH4 contents in the homozygous mutant mice were greatly decreased than those in wild-type and heterozygous mice, the substantial amounts of BH4 were remained even 17 days after delivery. Spr-null mice exhibited severe monoamine deficiencies and a tremor-like phenotype after weaning. The amount of TH protein in the brain of Spr-null mice was less than 10% of wild-type, while TH protein in the adrenal, phenylalanine hydroxylase protein in the liver, and nNOS in the brain were not altered. These data suggest an essential role of SPR in the biosynthesis of BH4, and that the SPR gene could be a candidate gene for PARK3.  相似文献   

Tyrosine hydroxylase is phosphorylated at four serine residues in its amino-terminus by multiple kinases. Phosphorylation of serine 40 by cAMP-dependent protein kinase results in alleviation of dopamine inhibition [J. Biol. Chem. 267 (1992) 12639]. The other serines are at positions 8, 19, and 31. The effect of phosphorylation at these serines has been investigated using mutated forms of tyrosine hydroxylase containing glutamates at the positions of the serines. The S8E, S19E, and S31E tyrosine hydroxylase variants have similar steady-state kinetic parameters and similar binding affinity for catecholamines to wild-type enzyme. The S8E, S19E, S31E, and S40E variants differ in stability at elevated temperatures. The S40E variant is the least stable, while the others are all more stable than wild-type enzyme. The increased stability of S8E, S19E, and S31E tyrosine hydroxylases may be one of the physiological effects of phosphorylation. It may also have implications for the interpretation of activities of heterogeneous mixtures of tyrosine hydroxylase which have been phosphorylated.  相似文献   

L T Murthy 《Life sciences》1975,17(12):1777-1783
Inhibitors of phenylalanine hydroxylase and tyrosine hydroxylase were used in the assay of phenylalanine hydroxylase in liver and kidney of rats and mice. Parachlorophenylalanine (PCPA), methyl tyrosine methyl ester and dimethyl tyrosine methyl ester showed 5–15% inhibition while α-methyl tyrosine seemed to inhibit phenylalanine hydroxylase to the extent of 95–98% at concentrations of 5 × 10 −5M –1 × 10 −4M. After a phenylketonuric diet (0.12% PCPA + 3% excess phenylalanine), the liver showed 60% phenylalanine hydroxylase activity and kidney 82% that present in pair-fed normals. Hepatic activity was normal after 8 days refeeding normal diet whereas kidney showed 63% of normal activity. The PCPA-fed animals showed 34% in liver and 38% in kidney as compared to normals; in both cases normal activity was noticed after refeeding. The phenylalanine-fed animals showed activity similar to that seen in phenylketonuric animals. The temporary inducement of phenylketonuria in these animals may be due to a slight change in conformation of the phenylalanine hydroxylase molecule; once the normal diet is resumed, the enzyme reverts back to its active form. This paper also suggests that α-methyl tyrosine when fed in conjunction with the phenylketonuric diet may suppress phenylalanine hydroxylase activity completely in the experimental animals thus yielding normal tyrosine levels as seen in human phenylketonurics.  相似文献   

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