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蛋白质翻译后修饰研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翻译后修饰在蛋白质加工、成熟的过程中发挥着重要的作用,它可以改变蛋白质的物理、化学性质,影响蛋白质的空间构象、立体位阻及其稳定性,进而对蛋白质的生物学活性产生作用,引起蛋白质的功能改变。修饰基团自身的结构特性对蛋白质的性质、功能也会产生深远的影响。在已有的研究基础上,综述蛋白质翻译后修饰的主要类型以及各修饰作用潜在的生物学功能。  相似文献   

炎症相关的信号转导蛋白、转录因子、炎性介质、组蛋白等可在炎症发生发展过程中发生磷酸化、乙酰化、泛素化、苏素化、甲基化等一系列翻译后修饰。这些化学修饰可高效调节相关蛋白质的功能活性及基因表达水平,不同化学修饰之间还可相互作用,共同影响炎症的发生、发展与转归;而异常的翻译后修饰与炎症相关性疾病关系密切。  相似文献   

蛋白质翻译后修饰(Protein post-translational modification,PTMs)是一种重要的细胞调控机制,通过在蛋白质的氨基酸侧链上共价结合一些化学小分子基团来调节蛋白质的活性、结构、定位和蛋白质间的互作关系,从而精细调控蛋白质生物学功能的动态变化。PTMs是植物对环境变化最快、最早的反应之一,是植物蛋白质组多样性的关键机制,在植物生长发育和对环境适应中起重要作用。主要介绍了近年来植物磷酸化、乙酰化、琥珀酰化、糖基化、泛素化、巴豆酰化、S-亚硝基化及2-羟基异丁酰化等PTMs研究进展,旨为认识植物PTMs的关键生物学功能和研究前景提供参考。  相似文献   

细胞自噬是进化上高度保守的细胞分解代谢途径. 在代谢应激下激活,产生双层膜结构的自噬小体,将胞浆内受损细胞器和蛋白质包裹、转运至溶酶体降解,维持细胞内环境平衡,是一种典型的细胞质量控制机制.目前,经典自噬通路中的主要蛋白质已经明确.但代谢应激信号的输入引起这些蛋白质怎样的活性和功能变化,这些变化对自噬产生怎样的影响,却是知之甚少.本文从翻译后修饰角度对代谢应激状态下自噬过程中相关蛋白质的调节进行综述,有助于深入了解自噬过程.  相似文献   

RhoB作为Rho家族的一员,其生物学活性和蛋白质水平的调控与其他成员有着较大的不同,在肿瘤的发生发展中也起着独特的作用。RhoB作为抑癌蛋白在肿瘤的靶向治疗上受到越来越多的关注,然而在有些类型的肿瘤中RhoB却起着促进肿瘤生长的作用,其中的分子机理还不清楚,亟待研究阐明。可逆的翻译后修饰是快速与精细调控RhoB功能的重要分子机制,对于维持正常细胞的生长、抑制细胞的早期癌变及肿瘤的发生发展至关重要。本文就RhoB翻译后修饰的研究,特别是其泛素化和SUMO化修饰之间的转化在肿瘤细胞命运决定中的作用进行综述,以期为探索RhoB的调控与肿瘤发生发展的机制,以及以RhoB为靶点的癌症治疗提供线索和思路。  相似文献   

张静  侯岁稳 《植物学报》1983,54(3):300-315
脱落酸(ABA)是植物生长发育和逆境适应过程中非常关键的植物激素。植物响应ABA信号转导过程由信号识别、转导及响应级联完成, 其中心转导途径由ABA受体RCAR/PYR/PYLs、磷酸酶PP2Cs、激酶SnRK2s、转录因子和离子通道蛋白构成。蛋白磷酸化、泛素化、类泛素化和氧化还原等翻译后修饰在ABA转导途径中起重要作用。该文综述了翻译后修饰在ABA信号转导中的作用。  相似文献   

前言烟曲霉是一种常见的机会性致病真菌,其孢子漂浮在空气中,人体每天吸入上百个孢子,免疫功能正常人群可通过自身免疫清除吸入的孢子,而在免疫抑制患者中常引起曲霉病[1-2],曲霉病分为非侵袭性和侵袭性两大类,其中侵袭性肺曲霉病为严重的感染类型,死亡率可高达50%~100%[3]。唑类药物为侵袭性肺曲霉病的临床一线用药,但近年来全球陆续报道烟曲霉对唑类抗真菌药物的耐药率逐年递增。荷兰一项基于1994—2016年的烟曲霉唑类耐药趋势研究共收集4268株菌株,结果显示唑类耐药率高达4.2%(179/4268),且近5年明显呈递增趋势[4]。  相似文献   

蛋白质翻译后修饰是调节蛋白质生物学功能的关键步骤之一,是蛋白质动态反应和相互作用的一个重要分子基础,同时,它也是细胞信号网络调控的重要靶点.目前,蛋白质翻译后修饰已经成为国际上蛋白质研究的一个极其重要的热点.在原核生物生命活动中,蛋白质的翻译后修饰具有十分重要的作用,如参与细胞信号传导、物质的代谢、蛋白质的降解、致病微生物的致病过程等.综述了经典原核生物蛋白质翻译后修饰的种类、机制和功能,同时介绍了最近发现的原核生物的全局性乙酰化修饰以及结核分枝杆菌中类泛素化修饰.  相似文献   

张静  侯岁稳 《植物学报》2019,54(3):300-315
脱落酸(ABA)是植物生长发育和逆境适应过程中非常关键的植物激素。植物响应ABA信号转导过程由信号识别、转导及响应级联完成, 其中心转导途径由ABA受体RCAR/PYR/PYLs、磷酸酶PP2Cs、激酶SnRK2s、转录因子和离子通道蛋白构成。蛋白磷酸化、泛素化、类泛素化和氧化还原等翻译后修饰在ABA转导途径中起重要作用。该文综述了翻译后修饰在ABA信号转导中的作用。  相似文献   

细胞程序性坏死是一种不依赖于Caspase、可调控的细胞死亡方式,参与多种疾病的病理过程,如病毒或病原菌感染、动脉硬化、心脏缺血再灌注和肿瘤等。受体相互作用蛋白激酶3(receptor-interacting protein kinase 3, RIPK3)是细胞程序性坏死的关键调控分子,可与受体相互作用蛋白激酶1(receptor-interacting protein kinase 1, RIPK1)形成坏死小体,激活混合谱系激酶结构域样蛋白(mixed lineage kinase domain-like pseudokinase, MLKL),导致细胞膜破裂和细胞死亡。近年来,越来越多研究发现RIPK3活性可受多种翻译后修饰如磷酸化、泛素化、糖基化和蛋白水解切割等调控。该文就RIPK3翻译后修饰在调控细胞程序性坏死信号转导中的作用进行综述,期望为靶向RIPK3的药物设计及细胞程序性坏死相关疾病的治疗提供理论依据。  相似文献   

细菌中常见的蛋白翻译后修饰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛋白质的翻译后修饰在生物体生命活动中发挥着重要作用,大部分蛋白质都会经历翻译后修饰。对这些修饰的了解和掌握非常重要,因为这些修饰可能会改变蛋白质的物理及化学性质,如折叠、构象、稳定性及活性,从而改变蛋白的功能。此外,修饰基团本身也可能具有某些功能。因此,分析研究蛋白质翻译后修饰具有重要意义。细菌中常见的翻译后修饰过程有糖基化、磷酸化和乙酰化,我们简要综述了这几种修饰过程。  相似文献   

The Replication Protein A (RPA) complex is an essential regulator of eukaryotic DNA metabolism. RPA avidly binds to single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) through multiple oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding folds and coordinates the recruitment and exchange of genome maintenance factors to regulate DNA replication, recombination and repair. The RPA-ssDNA platform also constitutes a key physiological signal which activates the master ATR kinase to protect and repair stalled or collapsed replication forks during replication stress. In recent years, the RPA complex has emerged as a key target and an important regulator of post-translational modifications in response to DNA damage, which is critical for its genome guardian functions. Phosphorylation and SUMOylation of the RPA complex, and more recently RPA-regulated ubiquitination, have all been shown to control specific aspects of DNA damage signaling and repair by modulating the interactions between RPA and its partners. Here, we review our current understanding of the critical functions of the RPA-ssDNA platform in the maintenance of genome stability and its regulation through an elaborate network of covalent modifications.  相似文献   

The faithful DNA replication is a critical event for cell survival and inheritance. However, exogenous or endogenous sources of damage challenge the accurate synthesis of DNA, which causes DNA lesions. The DNA lesions are obstacles for replication fork progression. However, the prolonged replication fork stalling leads to replication fork collapse, which may cause DNA double-strand breaks (DSB). In order to maintain genomic stability, eukaryotic cells evolve translesion synthesis (TLS) and template switching (TS) to resolve the replication stalling. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) trimer acts as a slide clamp and encircles DNA to orchestrate DNA synthesis and DNA damage tolerance (DDT). The post-translational modifications (PTMs) of PCNA regulate these functions to ensure the appropriate initiation and termination of replication and DDT. The aberrant regulation of PCNA PTMs will result in DSB, which causes mutagenesis and poor response to chemotherapy. Here, we review the roles of the PCNA PTMs in DNA duplication and DDT. We propose that clarifying the regulation of PCNA PTMs may provide insights into understanding the development of cancers.  相似文献   

The outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the causative agent of the coronavirus 2019 disease, has led to an ongoing global pandemic since 2019. Mass spectrometry can be used to understand the molecular mechanisms of viral infection by SARS-CoV-2, for example, by determining virus–host protein–protein interactions through which SARS-CoV-2 hijacks its human hosts during infection, and to study the role of post-translational modifications. We have reanalyzed public affinity purification–mass spectrometry data using open modification searching to investigate the presence of post-translational modifications in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 virus–host protein–protein interaction network. Based on an over twofold increase in identified spectra, our detected protein interactions show a high overlap with independent mass spectrometry-based SARS-CoV-2 studies and virus–host interactions for alternative viruses, as well as previously unknown protein interactions. In addition, we identified several novel modification sites on SARS-CoV-2 proteins that we investigated in relation to their interactions with host proteins. A detailed analysis of relevant modifications, including phosphorylation, ubiquitination, and S-nitrosylation, provides important hypotheses about the functional role of these modifications during viral infection by SARS-CoV-2.  相似文献   

Lysine acetylation and ubiquitination are two primary post-translational modifications (PTMs) in most eukaryotic proteins. Lysine residues are targets for both types of PTMs, resulting in different cellular roles. With the increasing availability of protein sequences and PTM data, it is challenging to distinguish the two types of PTMs on lysine residues. Experimental approaches are often laborious and time consuming. There is an urgent need for computational tools to distinguish between lysine acetylation and ubiquitination. In this study, we developed a novel method, called DAUFSA (distinguish between lysine acetylation and lysine ubiquitination with feature selection and analysis), to discriminate ubiquitinated and acetylated lysine residues. The method incorporated several types of features: PSSM (position-specific scoring matrix) conservation scores, amino acid factors, secondary structures, solvent accessibilities, and disorder scores. By using the mRMR (maximum relevance minimum redundancy) method and the IFS (incremental feature selection) method, an optimal feature set containing 290 features was selected from all incorporated features. A dagging-based classifier constructed by the optimal features achieved a classification accuracy of 69.53%, with an MCC of .3853. An optimal feature set analysis showed that the PSSM conservation score features and the amino acid factor features were the most important attributes, suggesting differences between acetylation and ubiquitination. Our study results also supported previous findings that different motifs were employed by acetylation and ubiquitination. The feature differences between the two modifications revealed in this study are worthy of experimental validation and further investigation.  相似文献   

蛋白酶体结构和活性调节机制的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛋白酶体负责细胞内绝大多数蛋白质的降解,几乎对生物体所有的生命活动都具有调控作用.蛋白酶体功能异常能够导致很多疾病.近期,研究者们在蛋白酶体的结构分析和活性调节机制等方面的研究都获得了重要的突破.本文综述了有关蛋白酶体结构和活性调控机制,包括转录调控、翻译后修饰、组装机制等的研究进展,这些对蛋白酶体新的认识将为蛋白酶体相关疾病的研究及相应药物的开发带来新的思路.对于目前蛋白酶体抑制剂的研发本文也做了简要的介绍.  相似文献   

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