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Habitat selection by juvenile lemon sharks,Negaprion brevirostris   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Synopsis We surgically implanted ultrasonic transmitters in 38 lemon sharks,Negaprion brevirostris, and manually tracked the sharks for 1–153 days. This yielded 2281 positional fixes recorded at 15-min intervals. We used these positional data with availability data of four environmental variables (water depth, temperature, salinity, and bottom type), sampled at 213 stations along 15 transects, to examine usage of habitat. All sharks used contours of water depth, water temperature, and bottom type disproportionately to the availability of these variables in the study site. Specifically, juvenile lemon sharks selected shallower, warmer water with an underlying rocky or sandy substrate, perhaps for predator avoidance. This is the first report on habitat selection by any elasmobranch.  相似文献   

Young lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris , were kept under controlled conditions in an aquarium and fed blue runner, Caranx crysos , at different ration levels. The relationship between feeding rate and growth rate was best described by a von Bertalanffy growth curve, which predicted a maximum growth rate of 140 kJ kg−1 day−1 (0·66% b.w. day−1), a maintenance ration of 199 kJ kg−1 day−1 (1·06% b.w. day−1), and losses due to starvation of -236kJ kg−1 day−1 (1·11% b.w. day−1). The relationship between gross conversion efficiency ( K 1) and feeding rate was also examined. K1 ranged from - 64 to 25% and did not drop at high ration levels. Activity levels of both starved sharks and sharks fed at maintenance were not significantly different (0·2 body lengths s−1). K 1 values generated from both laboratory and field data suggest that young lemon sharks can convert food to new tissue as efficiently as teleosts.  相似文献   

Because sharks possess an unusual suite of reproductive characteristics, including internal fertilization, sperm storage, relatively low fecundity, and reproductive modes that range from oviparity to viviparity, they can provide important insight into the evolution of mating systems and sexual selection. Yet, to date, few studies have characterized behavioral and genetic mating systems in natural populations of sharks or other elasmobranchs. In this study, highly polymorphic microsatellite loci were used to examine breeding biology of a large coastal shark, the lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris, at a tropical lagoon nursery. Over six years, 910 lemon sharks were sampled and genotyped. Young were assigned into sibling groups that were then used to reconstruct genotypes of unsampled adults. We assigned 707 of 735 young sharks to one of 45 female genotypes (96.2%), and 485 (66.0%) were assigned to a male genotype. Adult female sharks consistently returned to Bimini on a biennial cycle to give birth. Over 86% of litters had multiple sires. Such high levels of polyandry raise the possibility that polyandry evolved in viviparous sharks to reduce genetic incompatibilities between mother and embryos. We did not find a relationship between relatedness of mates and the number of offspring produced, indicating that inbreeding avoidance was probably not driving pre- or postcopulatory mate choice. Adult male sharks rarely sired more than one litter at Bimini and may mate over a broader geographic area.  相似文献   

The relatively complex pattern of temperature selection exhibited by juvenile lemon sharks Negaprion brevirostris in the North Sound differed markedly from many previously described responses of fish preferenda. Thermal data demonstrated that juvenile N. brevirostris did not attempt to behaviourally maintain a constant eccritic temperature. Rather, juveniles selected progressively warmer temperatures throughout the day until reaching the highest temperatures available, and then moved to cooler temperatures during late evening and early morning hours. It is possible that by exploiting habitat thermal heterogeneity juvenile N. brevirostris prolong activities such as feeding or digestion well into the cooler parts of the evening. The complex pattern of temperature occupation by juvenile N. brevirostris within the thermally heterogeneous North Sound nursery is probably linked to key daily activities such as prey capture, predator avoidance and digestive efficiency.  相似文献   

Synopsis Fecal production was monitored to observe the effects of meal size on retention time of food in the digestive tracts of lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris. Initial appearance of feces occurred more rapidly when ration level was increased. The onset of fecal production was negatively correlated with rate of intake. Production of feces continued for a longer period of time when meal size was increased. Retention time of food was directly related to feeding rate, suggesting that the rate of digestion was constant. The correlation between retention time and intake on a percentage body weight basis was greater than the correlation between retention time and intake on an energy density basis. The use of agar to bind food may have delayed digestion and prolonged food passage for sharks fed an experimental diet.  相似文献   

The waters around Bimini (25° 43.70′ N, 79° 18.00′ W) provide an ideal nursery location for juvenile lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris, but this habitat is threatened by the development of a large resort. Since 1999 the North Sound (NS) has been subjected to intermittent periods of dredging, the most intensive of which was in March 2001. Possible effects from the development up to June 2006 were investigated by: comparing growth rates of juvenile lemon sharks in the NS, Sharkland (SL) and South Bimini (SB) nurseries between 1995-2005 using before-after, control-impact (BACI) analysis; analyzing survival of juvenile lemon sharks in the NS and SL between 1995–2006; and by comparing habitat structures in the NS and SB nurseries in 2003 and 2005. BACI analysis detected no statistically significant difference between the growth rates of juvenile lemon sharks in the three nurseries before and after the impact date of March 2001. However, a reduction in the survival rate of juvenile lemon sharks in the NS after March 2001 was statistically significant, including a 23.5% decline in first-year survival. Habitat structure of the NS in 2003 and 2005 also varied with the mean percentage cover of the seagrass Thalassia testudinum declining by 17.7% since 2003. Our results indicate a correlation between the development thus far and a decline in the survival rates of juvenile lemon sharks and changes in the habitat structure of the NS. To elucidate further information regarding potential effects of the resort development on juvenile lemon sharks in the NS nursery, we suggest several future research directions.  相似文献   

In Bimini, Bahamas, the consistent employment of longlines, beginning in 1982, provided a rare opportunity to explore population trends for large resident sharks. This study assessed three shallow water longline survey periods at this location; 1982–1989, 1992–2002 and 2003–2014, with the aim of determining trends in annual catch per unit effort (CPUE) for an IUCN listed near‐threatened species, the lemon shark Negaprion brevirostris. A general additive model (GAM) was used to analyse the non‐linear annual CPUE values over the entire 32‐year research period. The GAM displayed high variability of annual CPUE, with a peak value of 0·026 N. brevirostris per hook day (hooks day?1) in 2000. The temporal pattern of CPUE indicated an abundance trend with a complete cycle, from trough to trough, occurring over a period of approximately 18 years. The 1982–1989 survey period saw the highest proportion of mature individuals (19·8%) and the smallest average pre‐caudal length (LPC; 124·8 cm). The 1992–2002 survey period had the highest average annual CPUE (0·018 hooks day?1), while the 2003–2014 research period saw largest average LPC size (134·8 cm) and the lowest average CPUE values (0·009 hooks day?1) of the entire research period. The long‐term trend identified in this study provides a baseline for future assessment.  相似文献   

Bonefish Albula vulpes (n = 7) exercised to exhaustion and air exposed for 1 min as part of a catch‐and‐release angling event were found to excrete both ammonia and urea, but cortisol and lactate were below detectable levels. Urea made up a greater proportion of total nitrogen excretion from these fish at all time points following an angling event. When captive juvenile lemon sharks Negaprion brevirostris (n = 12) were exposed to a 30 s pulse of these chemicals [ammonia (500 mM), cortisol (20 µg l?1), lactate (6 mM) or urea (3 mM)], they showed a significant reduction in the frequency of resting behaviours when exposed to ammonia and urea than when exposed to control water. It appears that products excreted by A. vulpes, particularly ammonia and urea, may provide an olfactory cue for the post‐release predation of A. vulpes by N. brevirostris during catch‐and‐release angling events.  相似文献   

Selection acting on large marine vertebrates may be qualitatively different from that acting on terrestrial or freshwater organisms, but logistical constraints have thus far precluded selection estimates for the former. We overcame these constraints by exhaustively sampling and repeatedly recapturing individuals in six cohorts of juvenile lemon sharks (450 age-0 and 255 age-1 fish) at an enclosed nursery site (Bimini, Bahamas). Data on individual size, condition factor, growth rate and inter-annual survival were used to test the 'bigger is better', 'fatter is better' and 'faster is better' hypotheses of life-history theory. For age-0 sharks, selection on all measured traits was weak, and generally acted against large size and high condition. For age-1 sharks, selection was much stronger, and consistently acted against large size and fast growth. These results suggest that selective pressures at Bimini may be constraining the evolution of large size and fast growth, an observation that fits well with the observed small size and low growth rate of juveniles at this site. Our results support those of some other recent studies in suggesting that bigger/fatter/faster is not always better, and may often be worse.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic variations in shark diet are often qualitatively inferred from dietary analysis and hindered by high levels of unidentified prey or small sample sizes. This study focused on nursery bound lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris, n?=?396), enabling some control over the confounding variables of prey choice associated with ontogeny. Nursery bound lemon sharks exhibited weak ontogenetic variation in dietary composition with high levels of dietary overlap. Variation in prey preference of lemon sharks with ontogeny was complex, but revealed a continuous shift from predominantly opportunistic benthic foraging as neonates to more selective piscivory with increasing shark size while in the nursery. Lemon sharks demonstrated a discrete ontogenetic shift in the number of prey consumed and stomach content weight (Kruskal-Wallis tests p?<?0.01), as well as prey size (ANOVA, p?<?0.001). All sizes of sharks exhibited positive size selection of prey (Mann?CWhitney U tests, p?<?0.01). However, the lack of size preference by all but the largest lemon sharks for their major prey (yellowfin mojarra, Gerres cinereus), suggests neonate sharks, while capable of occasionally foraging on large prey, are relatively inept opportunistic foragers. This was evident in high diet breadth, low diversity of consumed prey and lower trophic level than larger sharks. This study represents the first quantitative analysis of ontogenetic variation in prey preference and size selection in sharks, indicating a flexible foraging tactic in lemon sharks and the importance of hunting ability and predator size in prey choice.  相似文献   

Lemon sharks Negaprion brevirostris were sampled in the Atol das Rocas, a nursery area, on nine occasions from March 1999 to October 2003, during which 157 individuals were tagged and 35 were recaptured. The male : female sex ratio of captured individuals was 1 : 1·12. Mean ±  s . d . growth rates were 24·7 ± 3·4 cm year−1 in total length ( L T), 20·7 ± 3·2 cm year−1 in fork length, and 19·5 ± 2·7 cm year−1 in precaudal length. There was no significant difference in growth rates between males and females. Mean ±  s . d . increase in mass was 2565 ± 762 g year−1. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters estimated by the Fabens method based on L T were: k  = 0·077, L  = 399·9 cm and t 0 = −2·16. Despite the large variation of environmental conditions, particularly of tidal range and currents, and the lack of protective mangrove cover in the nursery area at Atol das Rocas, juvenile lemon sharks grew relatively faster than at other nurseries. Such rapid growth could be a response to abundant food availability or high risk of predation by adults that enter the nursery area.  相似文献   

Prey size spectra and prey availability of larval and small juvenile cod   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The aim of the present study is to describe the prey preference characteristics of cod larvae and assess preference variability in relation to species and size composition of copepod prey. A further aim is to examine the hypothesis that dietary prey size spectra remain the same during the larval stage when viewed on a relative predator/prey size scale. The study is based on stomach analysis of larval/juvenile cod in the size range 10–35 mm from nursery grounds in the North Sea. Stomach contents (species, size) were compared to environmental composition and preference indices were calculated. Prey size spectra had the expected relationship to larval cod size, and preference for given copepod species could be ascribed to their relative size. Additional species-specific preferences were evident, for example the larger Pseudocalanus and the larger Calanus spp. were highly preferred. Available prey biomass was highest in the areas of a hydrographic front, where larvae have been shown to concentrate. Changes in prey availability with larval growth depend strongly on specific prey biomass spectra at a given location. Both increasing and decreasing prey availability at increasing larval size were indicated, dependent on location. The findings illustrate the usefulness of coupling dietary prey size spectra and biomass spectra of available prey sizes during studies of ichthyoplankton feeding ecology.  相似文献   

Both in foraging groups and in a sequential prey encounter context, learning had a visible effect on the pattern of selection for three live prey types ( Ecdyonurus larvae, Hydropsyche larvae, and Gammarus ) by juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar . Compared to wild-caught fish, naive, hatchery-reared fish that had not been exposed to natural prey ate Hydropsyche larvae in a remarkably low proportion, and consumed a higher proportion of Gammarus. Ecdyonurus experienced a high and rather steady predation rate across the experience gradient, but after a short period of experience with live prey the consumption rate for Hydropsyche increased drastically, and that of Gammarus decreased, matching the selection pattern exhibited by wild fish. Individual fish offered prey in a sequential encounter context increased consumption rates of all the prey types as they gained experience, but the improvement was higher for the prey that were less consumed initially. Fish became more selective as they approached satiation, conforming to the prediction of optimal foraging theory that higher predator's energy requirements, as well as low food availability, result in reduced selectivity. The results also suggest that fish from distinct populations can differ in the degree of diet selectivity according to their energetic requirements for growth. The fast learning response of Atlantic salmon parr towards novel prey probably allows fish to maintain a high foraging efficiency when faced with frequent changes in the availability of different prey types.  相似文献   

This study reports the discovery of the exclusive predation of sea turtle hatchlings by several juvenile blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus) in Chagar Hutang bay on Redang Island, Malaysia, in the South China Sea. Three dead specimens of C. melanopterus were retrieved from ghost nets, and the entire digestive tracts of these sharks solely contained the partially digested bodies of sea turtle hatchlings, with no evidence of the remains of any other prey. Thus, juvenile C. melanopterus may opportunistically feed primarily on turtle hatchlings during times when hatchling abundance is high.  相似文献   

Seascapes are complex environments, and populations are often isolated by factors other than distance. Here we investigate the role of coastal habitat preference and philopatry in shaping the distribution and population structure of lemon sharks. The genus Negaprion comprises the amphiatlantic lemon shark (N. brevirostris), with a relict population in the eastern Pacific, and its Indo‐West Pacific sister species, the sicklefin lemon shark (N. acutidens). Analyzing 138 individuals throughout the range of N. brevirostris (N = 80) and N. acutidens (N = 58) at microsatellite loci (nine and six loci, respectively) and the mitochondrial control region, we find evidence of allopatric speciation corresponding to the Tethys Sea closure (10–14 million years ago) and isolation of the eastern Pacific N. brevirostris population via the emergence of the Isthmus of Panama (~3.5 million years ago). There is significant isolation by oceanic distance (R2 = 0.89, P = 0.005), defined as the maximum distance travelled at depths greater than 200 m. We find no evidence for contemporary transatlantic gene flow (m, M = 0.00) across an oceanic distance of ~2400 km. Negaprion acutidens populations in Australia and French Polynesia, separated by oceanic distances of at least 750 km, are moderately differentiated (FST = 0.070–0.087, P≤ 0.001; ΦST = 0.00, P = 0.99), with South Pacific archipelagos probably serving as stepping stones for rare dispersal events. Migration between coastally linked N. brevirostris populations is indicated by nuclear (m = 0.31) but not mitochondrial (m < 0.001) analyses, possibly indicating female natal site fidelity. However, philopatry is equivocal in N. acutidens, which has the lowest control region diversity (h = 0.28) of any shark yet studied. Restricted oceanic dispersal and high coastal connectivity stress the importance of both local and international conservation efforts for these threatened sharks.  相似文献   

Prey selection and growth efficiency of juvenile sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka switched between live prey and pelleted diets were investigated. First feeding sockeye salmon fry were placed into one of three dietary treatments for 7 months prior to assessing potential differences with a growth and a behavioural assay. Dietary treatments were (1) adult Artemia franciscana for 1 month, followed by pelleted feed for an additional 6 months ( Art − BD), (2) pelleted feed from first feeding for 7 months (BD) and (3) adult A. franciscana for 1 month, and a combination of pelleted feed and live adult A. franciscana for 6 months ( Art + BD). Equal numbers from each treatment group were then tagged, pooled into replicate 'common garden' tanks and fed novel live prey items ( Daphnia sp. and mosquito Culex pipiens larvae) for an additional 3 weeks. No significant differences in the growth efficiency of sockeye salmon were found during the 3 week feeding trial on the novel prey items. Additional sockeye salmon from each dietary treatment were used in a behavioural assay to determine if the treatments had an impact on foraging efficiency (prey selection or time to capture prey). No significant differences in prey selection were found among treatment groups in time to capture pellets, A. franciscana or mosquito larvae. Also, no significant differences were found within treatment groups in time to capture different food sources. No substantive benefits in foraging efficiency of sockeye salmon associated with prior exposure to live prey were demonstrated. This suggests that altering existing hatchery practices for juvenile sockeye salmon by offering live food prior to release is unlikely to influence post-hatchery feeding behaviour or increase post-release survival.  相似文献   

The patterns of prey selection of Geocoris punctipes (Say) (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae), reared continously on artificial diet for six years, were almost identical with patterns shown by their field-derived counterparts.In paired choice experiments both the in vitro-reared and the wild G. punctipes showed a significant preference for Lygus hesperus over Aphis nerii, Heliothis zea, H. virescens, and Spodoptera exigua. There were no significant differences in choices made by the in vitro-reared and the wild G. punctipes. These similar feeding patterns suggest that in vitro rearing, even over extended periods, does not cause degradation in the prey selection characteristics of G. punctipes.  相似文献   

We here employ 11 microsatellite markers and recently developed litter reconstruction methods to infer mating system parameters (i.e. polyandry and breeding-site fidelity) at a lemon shark nursery site in Marquesas Key, Florida. Four hundred and eight juvenile or subadult sharks were genotyped over eight complete breeding seasons. Using this information, we were able to infer family structure, as well as fully or partially reconstruct genotypes of 46 mothers and 163 fathers. Multiple litter reconstruction methods were used, and novel simulations helped define apparent bias and precision of at least some mating system parameters. For Marquesas Key, we find that adult female lemon sharks display high levels of polyandry (81% of all litters sampled) and stronger fidelity to the nursery site than do males. Indeed, few male sharks sired offspring from more than one litter during the course of the study. These findings were quite similar to previous results from another lemon shark nursery site (Bimini, Bahamas), suggesting conserved mating system parameters despite significant variation in early life-history traits (i.e. body size and growth) among sites. The finding of at least some site fidelity in females also supports the need for careful conservation of each nursery.  相似文献   

Prey selection by a spider wasp,Batozonellus lacerticida, was investigated at the riverside of the Toyohira River in Misumai, Sapporo, Hokkaido over 7 years from 1981 to 1987. Seventeen species of araneid spiders were found in the study area and six of them were hunted by the wasps. Most (97.3%) of the 223 prey records obtained were of three species,Araneus macacus, A. marmoreus andA. pinguis. Nesting activity of the wasps continued until mid-August in 1981, 1982 and 1986, but stopped in July in 1984, 1985 and 1987. The length of nesting period was related to whether the wasps successfully switched prey species fromA. macacus toA. marmoreus andA. pinguis andA. pinguis or not Switching seemed to occur at the phase when density ofA. macacus remained high, depending on the density of largerA. marmorus andA. pinguis. This switching had large effects on species composition and size distribution of actual prey. Chesson's index α calculated at every 10 day period revealed that the wasps preferredA. macacus to the two other species and large prey to medium and small ones. The effect of prey density on preference depended on whetherA. macacus was present or absent. In the presence of it there were only slight differences in preference among various conditions of prey density. However, whenA. macacus was absent, densities of bothA. marmoreus andA. pinguis had some complementary effects on preference. The importance of prey size selection by pompilid wasps, and implications of density effects on preference are discussed.  相似文献   

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