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A mouse model for poliomyelitis was used to identify genomic sequences that attenuate neurovirulence of poliovirus strain P2/P712. This type 2 strain is avirulent in primates and mice yet grows as well as virulent strains in cell culture. The approach used was to exchange portions of the genome of the mouse-virulent P2/Lansing strain with the corresponding region from P2/P712 to identify sequences that could attenuate Lansing neurovirulence in mice. A full-length infectious cDNA of P2/P712 was assembled and used to construct recombinants between P2/P712 and P2/Lansing. The results of neurovirulence testing of 11 recombinants indicated that strong attenuating determinants are located in the 5' noncoding region of P2/P712 and a region encoding capsid protein VP1 and 2Apro, 2B, and part of 2C. An attenuating determinant was further localized to between nucleotides 456 and 628 of P2/P712. A third sequence from P2/P712, nucleotides 752 to 2268, encoding VP4, VP2, and part of VP3, was weakly attenuating. The sequence from nucleotide 4454, approximately halfway through the 2C-coding region, to the end of the P2/P712 genome did not contain attenuating determinants. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that P2/P712 differs from the type 2 Sabin vaccine strain by only 22 nucleotides. Six differences lead to amino acid changes in the coding region, and four differences are in the 5' noncoding region. These studies show that, like the type 1 and type 3 Sabin vaccine strains, the attenuated type 2 strain P712 contains multiple attenuating sequences, including strongly attenuating sequences in the 5' noncoding region of the genome.  相似文献   

M Kohara  S Abe  T Komatsu  K Tago  M Arita    A Nomoto 《Journal of virology》1988,62(8):2828-2835
Biological tests including the monkey neurovirulence test performed on recombinants between the virulent Mahoney and attenuated Sabin 1 strains of type 1 poliovirus indicated that the genome region encoding mainly the viral capsid proteins had little correlation with the neurovirulence or attenuation phenotype of the virus. The results suggested that new vaccine strains of type 2 and type 3 polioviruses may be constructed in vitro by replacing the sequence encoding the antigenic determinants in viral capsid proteins of the Sabin 1 genome by the corresponding sequences of the type 2 and type 3 genome, respectively. Accordingly, we constructed recombinants between the Sabin 1 and Sabin 3 strains of poliovirus in which genome sequences of the Sabin 1 strain encoding most or all capsid proteins were replaced by the corresponding genome sequences of the Sabin 3 strain. One of the recombinant viruses thus constructed was fully viable and showed antigenicity and immunogenicity identical to those of type 3 poliovirus. The monkey neurovirulence tests and in vitro phenotypic marker tests (temperature sensitivity of growth, sodium bicarbonate concentration dependency of growth under agar overlay, and size of plaque) were performed on the recombinant virus. The stability of the virus in regard to the temperature sensitivity phenotype was also tested. The results suggested that the recombinant virus is a possible candidate for a new type 3 poliovirus vaccine strain.  相似文献   

Little is yet known about the nature, or extent, of the changes involved in attenuation of neurovirulent poliovirus. The tryptic comparison reported here, of coat proteins from the Sabin type 1 polio vaccine and parental Mahoney virus, provides a useful approach and affords some insight into this question. The main obstacle, separation of the labile proteins VP1 and VP2 in an intact state from the vaccine strain, was overcome by incorporating 3.5 M urea into an otherwise standard preparative gel electrophoresis system. Tryptic maps revealed six altered leucine-containing peaks: two in VP1, none in VP2, three in VP3, and one in VP4. It is estimated, after correcting for leucine-free peptides, that the coat protein sequences may have undergone some 10 to 13 amino acid replacements, roughly 1.5% of the total, in the course of attenuation leading to the vaccine strain.  相似文献   

The attenuated phenotype of Sabin 3 poliovirus compared with its neurovirulent progenitor strain has been largely accounted for by mutations in the genome at positions 472 and 2034 (G. D. Westrop, K. A. Wareham, D. M. A. Evans, G. Dunn, P. D. Minor, D. I. Magrath, F. Taffs, S. Marsden, M. A. Skinner, G. C. Schild, and J. W. Almond, J. Virol. 63:1338-1344, 1989). By sequencing vaccine virus RNA, we recently identified another Sabin 3-specific mutation at position 2493 (U----C), which predicts an Ile----Thr change at the sixth residue of VP1 (C. Weeks-Levy, J. M. Tatem, S. J. DiMichele, W. Waterfield, A. F. Georgiu, and S. J. Mento, Virology 185:934-937, 1991). Viruses generated by using cDNAs which represent the vaccine sequence (LED3) and a derivative (VR318) possessing a single base change to the wild-type nucleotide (U) at 2493 were used to determine the impact of the 2493 mutation on virus phenotype. The VP1 proteins of LED3 and VR318 viruses were distinguishable by denaturing electrophoretic analysis. LED3 produced smaller plaques in Vero cells than VR318 virus did. Neurovirulence testing of these cDNA-derived viruses in monkeys demonstrated that the 2493 mutation in LED3 virus is attenuating.  相似文献   

The activity of glutaraldehyde (GTA) against capsid proteins of poliovirus type 1 and echovirus type 25 was studied to understand the mode of action of this reagent against enteroviruses. The viruses were treated with GTA concentrations ranging from 0.005 to 0.10%. In the poliovirus particles, high-molecular-weight products were formed by 0.05% GTA, whereas in the echovirus particles, they were formed at 0.005% GTA. These products consist of complexes composed essentially of VP1 and VP3. There seemed to be differences in the composition of the complexes in the two viruses. Cross-linkings between the two polypeptides of the poliovirus capsid may be due to the accessibility to GTA of lysine residues on the loops of VP1 and VP3, which twist out from the surface of the shell.  相似文献   

The activity of glutaraldehyde (GTA) against capsid proteins of poliovirus type 1 and echovirus type 25 was studied to understand the mode of action of this reagent against enteroviruses. The viruses were treated with GTA concentrations ranging from 0.005 to 0.10%. In the poliovirus particles, high-molecular-weight products were formed by 0.05% GTA, whereas in the echovirus particles, they were formed at 0.005% GTA. These products consist of complexes composed essentially of VP1 and VP3. There seemed to be differences in the composition of the complexes in the two viruses. Cross-linkings between the two polypeptides of the poliovirus capsid may be due to the accessibility to GTA of lysine residues on the loops of VP1 and VP3, which twist out from the surface of the shell.  相似文献   

The poliovirus type 3 Sabin oral poliovirus vaccine strain P3/Leon/12a1b differs in nucleotide sequence from its neurovirulent progenitor P3/Leon/37 by just 10 point mutations. The contribution of each mutation to the attenuation phenotype of the vaccine strain was determined by the construction of a series of recombinant viruses from infectious cDNA clones. The neurovirulence testing of recombinant viruses indicated that the attenuation phenotype is determined by just two point mutations: a C to U in the noncoding region at position 472 and a C to U at nucleotide 2034 which results in a serine-to-phenylalanine amino acid substitution in the structural protein VP3.  相似文献   

A revertant was isolated from a temperature-sensitive poliovirus 2C mutant, 2C-31, which is defective in viral RNA synthesis. This revertant, called 2C-31R1, grew well at 39 degrees C and was not defective in RNA synthesis. However, in contrast to its parental mutant, 2C-31R1 was cold sensitive and could hardly grow at all at 32 degrees C. Analysis of a single-cycle growth revealed that 2C-31R1 was defective in virion uncoating at 32 degrees C, and a substantial amount (more than 30%) of input viruses could be recovered as infectious particles from an infected cell lysate up to 6 h postinfection. The uncoating defect and the inability to grow at cold temperatures could be overcome by a brief incubation at the permissive temperature (39 degrees C) before the infection was continued at 32 degrees C. cDNA cloning and mix-and-match recombination experiments indicated that the defect in uncoating was the result of two secondary point mutations, seven nucleotides apart, in the 2C-coding sequence downstream of the inserted linker which is the original mutation in the parental 2C-31 genome. Another revertant, 2C-31R3, isolated from the same 2C-31 stock, was not defective in uncoating and appeared to be a secondary revertant that contained an intragenic suppressor for the uncoating defect. The uncoating defect of 2C-31R1 could be complemented by type 2 poliovirus. These results suggested that protein 2C, in addition to its role in viral RNA synthesis, has a function in determining virion structure.  相似文献   

Complete nucleotide sequencing of the RNAs of two unrelated neurovirulent isolates of Sabin-related poliovirus type 2 revealed that two nucleotides and one amino acid (amino acid 143 in the major capsid protein VP1) consistently departed from the sequences of the nonneurovirulent poliovirus type 2 712 and Sabin vaccine strains. This pattern of mutation appeared to be a feature common to all neurovirulent variants of poliovirus type 2.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence has been determined of a strain of poliovirus type 3, P3/119, isolated from the central nervous system of a victim of fatal vaccine-associated poliomyelitis. Comparison of this sequence with those obtained previously for the Sabin type 3 vaccine, P3/Leon 12a1b and its neurovirulent progenitor, P3/Leon/37, reveals that these three strains are on a direct geneaological lineage and therefore that P3/119 is a bona fide revertant of the vaccine. P3/119 differs in sequence from its attenuated vaccine parent at just seven positions. Only one of these differences, a mutation from U to C at position 472 in the presumed noncoding region of the genome, is a back mutation to the wild type sequence. Of the six other differences, three give rise to coding changes in virus structural proteins, two are silent changes in the major open reading frame of the genome and one affects the 3'-terminus just prior to the poly A tract. These differences indicate that there are three possible types of molecular change which could, singly or collectively, result in attenuation and reversion to neurovirulence of the Sabin type 3 vaccine.  相似文献   

Mutations critical for the central nervous system (CNS) attenuation of the Sabin vaccine strains of poliovirus (PV) are located within the viral internal ribosome entry site (IRES). We examined the interaction of the IRESs of PV type 3 (PV3) and Sabin type 3 (Sabin3) with polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB) and a neural cell-specific homologue, nPTB. PTB and nPTB were found to bind to a site directly adjacent to the attenuating mutation, and binding at this site was less efficient on the Sabin3 IRES than on the PV3 IRES. Translation mediated by the PV3 and Sabin3 IRESs in neurons of the chicken embryo spinal cord demonstrated a translation deficit for the Sabin3 IRES that could be rescued by increasing PTB expression in the CNS. These data suggest that the low levels of PTB available in the CNS, coupled to a reduced binding of PTB on the Sabin3 IRES, leads to its CNS-specific attenuation. This study also demonstrates the use of the chicken embryo to easily investigate translation of RNA within a neuron in the CNS of an intact living organism.  相似文献   

Attempts were made to analyze the specificity of inhibitory activities of normal bovine and equine sera to the Mahoney strain of type 1 poliovirus. A total of five inhibitory factors were postulated to explain the complicated results. Two of the three bovine inhibitors were identical in specificity to certain equine inhibitors despite differences in their mode of virus inactivation and their molecular size. In addition to this, inhibitors that could inactivate certain resistant mutants, but not the parent virus, were newly detected in a number of normal bovine and equine sera. Antigenic variation of the resistant mutants against equine sera containing an inhibitory factor h-11 was determined by means of the kinetic neutralization test by using both anti-Mahoney and anti-M-H11 sera. These results offer evidence that some inhibitors, at least in part, are indistinguishable from specific antibody.  相似文献   

Infectious cDNAs of the Sabin type 2 poliovirus vaccine virus and a vaccine-derived neurovirulent type 2 strain (P2/117) have been cloned in Escherichia coli. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that P2/117 differs from the vaccine strain by just 23 point mutations. Three occur in the 5' noncoding region. The remainder result in a total of 5 coding changes located in VP1, VP4, 2B, and 3D. The likely role of these mutations in the evolution to neurovirulence is discussed.  相似文献   

The assembly of infectious poliovirus virions requires a proteolytic cleavage between an asparagine-serine amino acid pair (the maturation cleavage site) in VP0 after encapsidation of the genomic RNA. In this study, we have investigated the effects that mutations in the maturation cleavage site have on P1 polyprotein processing, assembly of subviral intermediates, and encapsidation of the viral genomic RNA. We have made mutations in the maturation cleavage site which change the asparagine-serine amino acid pair to either glutamine-glycine or threonine-serine. The mutations were created by site-directed mutagenesis of P1 cDNAs which were recombined into wild-type vaccinia virus to generate recombinant vaccinia viruses. The P1 polyproteins expressed from the recombinant vaccinia viruses were analyzed for proteolytic processing and assembly defects in cells coinfected with a recombinant vaccinia virus (VV-P3) that expresses the poliovirus 3CD protease. A trans complementation system using a defective poliovirus genome was utilized to assess the capacity of the mutant P1 proteins to encapsidate genomic RNA (D. C. Ansardi, D. C. Porter, and C. D. Morrow, J. Virol. 67:3684-3690, 1993). The mutant P1 proteins containing the glutamine-glycine amino acid pair (VP4-QG) and the threonine-serine pair (VP4-TS) were processed by 3CD provided in trans from VV-P3. The processed capsid proteins VP0, VP3, and VP1 derived from the mutant precursor VP4-QG were unstable and failed to assemble into subviral structures in cells coinfected with VV-P3. However, the capsid proteins derived from VP4-QG did assemble into empty-capsid-like structures in the presence of the defective poliovirus genome. In contrast, the capsid proteins derived from processing of the VP4-TS mutant assembled into subviral intermediates both in the presence and in the absence of the defective genome RNA. By a sedimentation analysis, we determined that the capsid proteins derived from the VP4-TS precursor encapsidated the defective genome RNA. However, the cleavage of VP0 to VP4 and VP2 was delayed, resulting in the accumulation of provirions. The maturation cleavage of the VP0 protein containing the VP4-TS mutation was accelerated by incubation of the provirions at 37 degrees C. The results of these studies demonstrate that mutations in the maturation cleavage site have profound effects on the subsequent capability of the capsid proteins to assemble and provide evidence for the existence of the provirion as an assembly intermediate.  相似文献   

Poliovirus type 2 (PV-2) Lansing strain produces a fatal paralytic disease in mice after intracerebral injection, whereas poliovirus type 1 (PV-1) Mahoney strain causes disease only in primates. Atomic models derived from the three-dimensional crystal structure of the PV-1 Mahoney strain have been used to locate three antigenic sites on the surface of the virion. We report here the construction of type 1-type 2 chimaeric polioviruses in which antigenic site 1 from the PV-1 Mahoney strain was substituted by that of the PV-2 Lansing strain by nucleotide cassette exchange in a cloned PV-1 cDNA molecule. These chimaeras proved to have mosaic capsids with composite type 1 and type 2 antigenicity, and induced a neutralizing response against both PV-1 and PV-2 when injected into rabbits. Moreover, a six-amino-acid change in PV-1 antigenic site 1 was shown to be responsible for a remarkable host-range mutation in so far as one of the two type 1-type 2 chimaera was highly neurovirulent for mice.  相似文献   

Initiation of poliovirus (PV) protein synthesis is governed by an internal ribosome entry segment structured into several domains including domain V, which is accepted to be important in PV neurovirulence because it harbors an attenuating mutation in each of the vaccine strains developed by A. Sabin. To better understand how these single point mutations exert their effects, we placed each of them into the same genomic context, that of PV type 1. Only the mutation equivalent to the Sabin type 3 strain mutation resulted in significantly reduced viral growth both in HeLa and neuroblastoma cells. This correlated with poor translation efficiency in vitro and could be explained by a structural perturbation of the domain V of the internal ribosome entry segment, as evidenced by RNA melting experiments. We demonstrated that reduced cell death observed during infection by this mutant is due to the absence of inhibition of host cell translation. We confirmed that this shut-off is correlated principally with cleavage of eIF4GII and not eIF4GI and that this cleavage is significantly impaired in the case of the defective mutant. These data support the previously reported conclusion that the 2A protease has markedly different affinities for the two eIF4G isoforms.  相似文献   

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