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Gene Polymorphism in Natural Populations of DROSOPHILA PERSIMILIS   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Prakash S 《Genetics》1977,85(3):513-520
Genetic variation at 43 loci has been studied in six different populations of Drosophila persimilis by electrophoresis of enzymes and proteins. In D. persimilis the mean proportion of polymorphic loci is 0.362, the mean proportion of heterozygous loci per individual is 0.100 and the average number of alleles per locus is 1.651. In all populations, the loci coding for the hydrolytic and other nonspecific enzymes are much more variable than the loci coding for the enzymes of the glycolytic pathway, Kreb's cycle, other specific enzymes and larval proteins. Most loci have similar allele frequency in all populations except the two loci, Amylase and Pt-12, which show a pattern of associations of different alleles with different third chromosome inversions.  相似文献   

We studied microgeographic and temporal genetic differentiation in natural populations of Drosophila persimilis with respect to chromosome inversion and enzyme polymorphisms. Both inversion frequencies and allozyme frequencies varied significantly over short distances. Neither differed significantly between morning and evening collections. Because several studies of the dispersal behavior of this species have been performed, we attempt to fit the observed data to mathematical models which relate dispersion to random genetic drift and to spatially varying selection coefficients. We conclude that the observations are due at least partly to behavioral differences among genotypes. i.e., habitat preferences. These results have implications for genetic load theory and models of selection in heterogeneous environments.  相似文献   

H. T. Band 《Genetics》1975,80(4):761-771
A survey of biochemical polymorphism among glucose- and non-glucose-metabolizing enzymes was carried out on the June 1973 collection from the South Amherst, Mass. Drosophila melanogaster natural population. Polymorphic levels are among the highest recorded for this species; polymorphism among glucose-metabolizing enzymes did not differ significantly from that among non-glucose-metabolizing enzymes. Two loci, G6Pd on the X and Est-6 on the 3rd chromosome, displayed significant excesses of heterozygotes. Adh on the 2nd and Idh, Odh and Ao on the 3rd chromosome showed significant heterozygote deficiencies. Idh is ten map units to the left of Est-6, Odh twelve map units to the right and Ao is seven units beyond Odh. Temperatures in the two-week June period prior to collection were exceedingly variable. Daily high/low ranged between 76°/40° and 97°/65°F. These results support the findings of Frydenberg and Simonsen (1973) that in some populations glucose-metabolizing enzymes tend to be as polymorphic as non-glucose-metabolizing ones. They also add to the evidence obtained from other plant and animal populations that increased biochemical polymorphism is associated with more variable and/or colder climates. The increase may in part be due to increased polymorphism among glucose-metabolizing enzymes. Comparisons utilizing published data on other D. melanogaster populations and on D. robusta indicate a clinal increase in heterozygosity among glucose-metabolizing enzymes as one moves northward.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in gene arrangement and allozyme frequencies have been investigated in Drosophila subobscura for several years. Some arrangements (Ost and O3+4+7) show seasonal variation, which suggests that chromosomal polymorphism is flexible in this species. Seasonal changes in allozyme frequencies for Lap and Pept-1 loci, both located within the same inversions of chromosome O, are significant only inside the Ost arrangement, but not inside O3+4 arrangement. This arrangement-dependent response of allozyme generates variation in arrangement-allozyme disequilibrium. The historical hypothesis on the maintenance of disequilibria cannot explain these seasonal changes, and some kind of natural selection must be invoked. Association between Lap and Pept-1 is also seasonal inside Ost but not inside O3+4. We propose that Ost probably consists of a finite array of supergenes that are differentially favored in each season by natural selection. The present evidence on this supergene selection and other genetic, biogeographic and phylogenetic data points to O3+4 as the most primitive gene order among the present arrangements.  相似文献   

Tompkins L  Hall JC 《Genetics》1983,103(2):179-195
We have identified cells in the brain of Drosophila melanogaster that are required to be of female genotype for receptivity to copulation with males. To do this, we determined experimental conditions in which female flies virtually always copulate, then measured the minimum amount of male courtship that is required to stimulate females to indicate their receptivity to copulation. We then observed gynandromorphs with female genitalia to determine whether the sex mosaics elicited at least the minimum amount of courtship and, if so, whether they copulated. By analyzing these gynandromorphs, in which the genotype of external and internal tissues could be ascertained, we were able to identify a group of cells in the dorsal anterior brain that, when bilaterally female, is necessary and sufficient for receptivity to copulation. This group of cells is anatomically distinct from those that are required to be of male genotype for the performance of courtship behaviors.  相似文献   

Klaczko LB  Taylor CE  Powell JR 《Genetics》1986,112(2):229-235
Release-recapture experiments using Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. persimilis strains of different karyotypes were performed in a heterogeneous environment. The heterogeneity was due to both spatial variation and the species of yeast used to attract the released flies. No karyotypic-specific habitat preferences were detected. However, in all releases, different strains did behave differently with respect to one or both of the heterogeneous factors. These results indicate there is variation for dispersal behavior in these species that is most likely based on genotype-dependent habitat preferences.  相似文献   

D. Dapkus  D. J. Merrell 《Genetics》1977,87(4):685-697
The genetic basis of DDT-resistance was studied in a population of Drosophila melanogaster. This population was unique in that it had been continually selected for DDT-resistance since 1952 and had achieved a very high level of resistance. The genetic basis of resistance was studied by means of a chromosomal analysis. Fifteen combinations of resistant and control chromosomes were tested using a time-based DDT test. The analysis of the data showed that resistance was multifactorial with each of the three major chromosomes involved. Dominant and recessive second and third chromosome effects were found to be much more important than those of the first chromosome, which had no detectable recessive effects. Second and third chromosome resistance genes showed incomplete dominance. The average dominance of the second chromosome was much less than that of the third chromosome. These large-scale differences between chromosomes' effects and average dominance may indicate that a small number of resistance genes are involved. Two significant interactions between chromosomes were found. Scaling difficulties make the interactions difficult to interpret without further data. It seems possible that positive interactions between resistance have been developed by the long-term directional selection in this population.  相似文献   

J. A. McKenzie 《Genetics》1975,80(2):349-361
A marked genetic differentiation to the presence of alcohol in the environment has been shown to occur between inside cellar and adjacent outside sections of a vineyard population of D. melanogaster ( McKenzie and Parsons 1974). Estimates of migration during the vintage period suggest considerable movement occurs from outside into the cellar and that the most tolerant genotypes are the most successful migrants. A quantitative model of this system suggests that the selection intensity may not be a limiting factor in maintaining the differentiation. It also suggests that gene flow must be restricted between sections of the population at all but vintage periods if this differentiation is to persist.  相似文献   

Descendants of two Colorado, U.S.A., populations of D. pseudoobscura, Boulder and La Foret, were exposed to +2 degrees and -2 degrees . In third instar larvae from Boulder AR and PP third chromosome gene arrangements survived better than TL and others, while the reverse situation occurred for La Foret. Deleterious dominant effects were observed for AR from La Foret. In adults from Boulder there was a trend towards greater survival for AR and PP than for other gene arrangements, while AR from La Foret showed relatively poor cold resistance. Survival of Boulder and La Foret flies, and their interpopulation hybrid, was determined after exposure to -2 degrees at two humidities. Order of survival of developmental stages was: adults > third instar larvae > mixture of first and second instar larvae. Adults survived better at low humidity, while larvae survived better at high humidity. Boulder adults and larvae survived better than those from La Foret. Advantage in survival of hybrids over the midparent ranged from 23% to 138%. Hybrid advantage over the higher parent ranged from 5% to 111%. Order of expression of heterosis was: mixture of first and second instar larvae > third instar larvae > adults. Relation of all results to the chromosomal polymorphisms at Boulder (seasonally constant) and La Foret (seasonally cyclic) is discussed.  相似文献   

Gail M. Simmons 《Genetics》1986,114(3):897-918
Three populations of Drosophila melanogaster from northern California were surveyed for the ability to produce and resist gonadal dysgenesis in the P-M system of hybrid dysgenesis. Males from all three populations produced low to moderate levels of gonadal dysgenesis in crosses to Oregon-R M females. Most females had the P cytotype, but the M cytotype occurred occasionally. The three populations could not be statistically differentiated from one another, but were easily distinguished from populations from Australia and Wisconsin on the basis of gonadal dysgenesis potential. The California populations had higher levels of M cytotype than did the Wisconsin population. Thirteen X chromosomes and 11 pairs of autosomes were extracted from one of the California populations, using a modification of the standard balancer chromosome technique to suppress hybrid dysgenesis during extraction. All lines produced strongly skewed sterility distributions in crosses to M-strain females, and mean levels of sterility were less than 50%. There was evidence of nonadditive interactions between the autosomes. Most extraction lines had the P cytotype, but M and intermediate cytotypes were observed. Some of the intermediate cytotypes were stable over time. Lines were tested at two different times after extraction. Some lines evolved higher sterility potential as they were kept in the laboratory, even in the presence of P cytotype. The results point out a number of deficiencies in current genetic and population genetic models of hybrid dysgenesis and imply that gonadal dysgenesis is unlikely to be an important evolutionary force in this population.  相似文献   

Coyne JA  Felton AA 《Genetics》1977,87(2):285-304
A sequential electrophoretic survey of the second chromosome loci, alcohol dehydrogenase-6 (Adh-6) and octanol dehydrogenase ( Odh), was performed on 147 isochromosomal lines of Drosophila pseudoobscura and 60 lines of its sibling species, D. persimilis. Gels run with a variety of acrylamide concentrations and buffer pH's revealed the presence of 18 alleles of Adh-6 in the two species, where only eight had been previously detected by conventional electrophoretic methods. Only two alleles were added with our techniques to the previous total of nine in both species at the largely monomorphic Odh locus. Both enzymes show a predominance of one allele, with the other variants being fairly rare. There was no evidence of increased genetic divergence between the two species, but we found a striking increase in differentiation of Adh-6 alleles between the main body of D. pseudoobscura populations and the conspecific isolate from Bogotá, Colombia. These results are compared with our previous surveys of xanthine dehydrogenase in these species and discussed in reference to theories of genic polymorphism.  相似文献   

E. Zouros  C. B. Krimbas  S. Tsakas    M. Loukas 《Genetics》1974,78(4):1223-1244
Gametic frequencies in one mainland and one island population of D. subobscura were obtained by means of extracting wild chromosomes and subsequently analyzing them for inversions and allozymes. The high degree of cytological heterogeneity which characterizes these populations is not reflected in the genetic data. Two cases of non-random association were observed among eighteen pair-wise comparisons involving gene alleles and inversions to which the locus is linked. In both cases exchange of alleles at the locus is completely suppressed by the inversions. Four cases of linkage disequilibrium were detected among eighteen pairs of loci; two of them could best be explained as transient associations generated by random drift. The results suggest that disequilibria among enzyme loci are not widespread in natural populations—Populations with a lower degree of chromosomal variation are genetically as variable as populations with a higher degree of chromosomal variation. This observation does not support the hypothesis that selection in marginal homokaryotypic populations is for specialized homozygous genotypes.  相似文献   

Cobbs G  Prakash S 《Genetics》1977,87(4):717-742
The relationship between charge changes and electrophoretic mobility changes is investigated experimentally. The charge of several proteins is altered by reaction with small molecules of known structure and the change in electrophoretic mobility is measured. The method of Ferguson plots is used to separate charge and shape components of mobility differences. The average effect of an amino acid charge change on the mobility of the esterase-5( 1.00) allele of Drosophila pseudoobscura is estimated to be 0.046. This estimate is then used to apply the step model of Ohta and Kimura (1973) to electrophoretic mobility data for the esterase-5 locus of D. pseudoobscura and D. miranda. The variation in electrophoretic mobility at this locus was found to be in agreement with the predictions of the step model.  相似文献   

Efforts were made to discriminate new genetic variants among electrophoretic alleles that are associated with chromosome 3 inversions of Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. persimilis. Apparent genetic similarities for electrophoretic alleles between these two species and among the common inversions they carry were reexamined by altering gel concentration and buffer pH. At the amylase locus, the 1.09 electrophoretic allele could be further separated into two allelic classes that differentiated the WT and KL arrangements. Similarly, the 0.84 electrophoretic allele was divided into two allelic classes, one characteristic of the Santa Cruz phylad arrangements, TL and SC, and the other found in strains of the Standard phylad arrangements and CH. Uncommon amylase alleles proved to be different alleles in the two species. No new allelic variants, however, could be found among strains with the amylase 1.00 allele, the commonest allele in the Standard phylad of both species. No major new allelic variation was detected for acid phosphatase-3 and larval protein-10 that revealed any further differentiation among species or inversions. Variation at all three loci in strains of the Bogota population remained genetically similar to variation in strains of mainland D. pseudoobscura.  相似文献   

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