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We studied the quantitative genetics of sexually selected traits in a captive population of red junglefowl (Gallus gallus L.) using a multi-generational 'animal model' approach. We found significant heritability of mass, tarsus length (both strongly sexually dimorphic), residual mass, and male comb (a fleshy head ornament) length. Residual mass has a genetic correlation between the sexes smaller than unity and so could show partially independent responses to selection in the two sexes. In males, tarsus length and mass were not genetically correlated, and this produced a negative genetic correlation between tarsus length and residual mass. The male red junglefowl's comb, an ornament influencing female choice, is highly condition dependent. We show that expression of this ornament is heritable, however, and shows strong genetic correlation with a condition index, residual mass. Because residual mass is partly influenced by various aspects of condition, it appears that comb size has 'captured' genetic variability in condition.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies test the idea that females increase offspring fitness by biasing fertilization in favour of genetically compatible partners; however, few have investigated or controlled for corresponding preferences in males. Here, we experimentally test whether male red junglefowl, Gallus gallus, prefer genetically compatible females, measured by similarity at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), a key gene complex in vertebrate immune function. Theory predicts that because some degree of MHC heterozygosity favours viability, individuals should prefer partners that carry MHC alleles different from their own. While male fowl showed no preference when simultaneously presented with an MHC-similar and an MHC-dissimilar female, they showed a ‘cryptic’ preference, by allocating more sperm to the most MHC-dissimilar of two sequentially presented females. These results provide the first experimental evidence that males might respond to the MHC similarity of a female through differential ejaculate expenditure. By revealing that cryptic male behaviours may bias fertilization success in favour of genetically compatible partners, this study demonstrates the need to experimentally disentangle male and female effects when studying preferences for genetically compatible partners.  相似文献   

Abstract Females may choose more attractive mates to obtain better viability or attractiveness genes for their offspring. A number of studies have demonstrated a positive relationship between paternal attractiveness and offspring quality. However, this pattern could be due to inheritance of paternal genes and/or it could be due to increased maternal investment in the offspring of more attractive males. To isolate female responses to male appearance from paternal genetic effects, I housed female red junglefowl ( Gallus gallus ) with vasectomized (sterile) males and artificially inseminated them. Male junglefowl with larger combs are more attractive to females. Females laid more eggs when housed with a large-combed, as opposed to a small-combed, vasectomized mate. Neither egg volume nor offspring body condition was associated with comb size of the mother's vasectomized mate. Paternal genetics appeared important. Body condition and comb size were greater for the sons of large-combed sperm donor males. This is consistent with the hypothesis that genetic benefits to offspring maintain female preference for the most ornate males. It is possible that greater body condition and comb size in sons of large-combed sires was not caused by genetic differences, but instead was due to compounds in the ejaculate of large-combed sperm donors inducing greater reproductive investment from females. However, females artificially inseminated by large-combed males did not produce more or larger eggs than females artificially inseminated by small-combed males, and thus there is no other evidence consistent with ejaculate-induced differential investment. Furthermore, only in older chicks was body condition significantly related to sire comb size, suggesting genetic rather than differential investment mechanisms.  相似文献   

中国红原鸡和泰国红原鸡遗传多样性分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用29个微卫星DNA标记对来自中国的红原鸡Gallus gallus spadiceus亚种和来自泰国的红原鸡Gallus gallus gallus亚种进行遗传多样性分析, 评估亚种内的遗传变异和亚种间的遗传分化, 结果表明: 共检测到168个等位基因, 每个位点的等位基因数从2到13不等, 所有位点平均的期望杂合度和PIC值分别为0.5780和0.53。中国和泰国红原鸡29个微卫星位点平均有效等位基因数分别为3.79和4.79, 平均基因杂合度为0.5379和0.6385, 两个红原鸡亚种均表现出较高的群体杂合度和丰富的遗传多样性。群体分化系数为19.4%(P<0.01), 两个红原鸡亚种间的Reynolds’遗传距离和Nm值分别为0.157和1.040。由此可见, Gallus gallus spadiceus亚种和Gallus gallus gallus亚种群体具有不同的群体遗传结构, 群体之间存在明显的遗传分化, 并不能将其认定为是同一亚种, 这也为中国家鸡具有独立的起源提供了一定的佐证。  相似文献   

We report the results of a novel experiment, in which genetically pure male red junglefowl Gallus gallus (Richardson strain) were deliberately crossed with domestic female chickens to create contaminated lines of known purity, reaching as high as 93.75%. Phenotypic characters generally used as indicators of purity (reduced or absent female comb, male eclipse plumage, etc.) all appeared to at least some extent in domestically contaminated progeny and moreso in successively more pure generations of the experiment, suggesting that such phenotypic characters may have little, if any, utility in characterizing red junglefowl stocks as to their genetic purity.  相似文献   

Despite widespread evidence that mating and intrasexual competition are costly, relatively little is known about how these costs dynamically change male and female phenotypes. Here, we test multiple hypotheses addressing this question in replicate flocks of red junglefowl (Gallus gallus). First, we test the interrelationships between social status, comb size (a fleshy ornament) and body mass at the onset of a mating trial. While comb size covaried positively with body mass across individuals of both sexes, comb size was positively related to social status in females but not in males. Second, we test for changes within individuals in body mass and comb size throughout the mating trial. Both body mass and comb size declined at the end of a trial in both sexes, suggesting that mating effort and exposure to the opposite sex are generally costly. Males lost more body mass if they (a) were socially subordinate, (b) were chased by other males or (c) mated frequently, indicating that subordinate status and mating are independently costly. Conversely, females lost more body mass if they were exposed to a higher frequency of coerced matings, suggesting costs associated with male sexual harassment and female resistance, although costs of mating per se could not be completely ruled out. Neither competitive nor mating interactions predicted comb size change in either sex. Collectively, these results support the notion that sex‐specific costs associated with social status and mating effort result in differential, sex‐specific dynamics of phenotypic change.  相似文献   

Kim T  Zuk M 《Animal behaviour》2000,60(2):239-244
Social rank can influence lifetime reproductive success and therefore fitness. We examined the effects of morphology, age, previous social experience and aggressiveness on social rank in all-female flocks of red junglefowl. None of the morphological characters measured (mass, tarsus length, comb height or comb length) appeared to play a role in determining rank. Older females were not more likely to be dominant, while previous social experience and aggression levels were both important in dominance determination. Flock-experienced hens were more likely to be dominant as were more aggressive individuals. Red junglefowl females most likely use a combination of characters to establish social order in a newly formed flock. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Offspring size is often an intimate link between the fitness of parents and offspring. Among mammals, neonate mass is also related to adult levels of dimorphism and intrasexual competitive mating. We describe the sex‐specific genetic architecture of neonate mass in captive squirrel monkeys (Saimiri boliviensis), a small Neotropical primate. Best fitting quantitative genetic models show strong maternal genetic effects with little difference between sexes offering limited opportunity for neonatal dimorphism to respond to observed or hypothetical selection. Heritabilities that are approximately zero also imply it is unlikely that neonatal dimorphism can evolve as a correlated response to selection on adult size. However, male mass is also more dependent on maternal condition (age and parity) making dimorphism plastic. Finally, we hypothesize that large maternal genetic effects reflect income breeding and tightly synchronized seasonal reproduction in squirrel monkeys, both of which require strong maternal control of offspring growth and timing of birth.  相似文献   

The Indian red jungle fowl is a sub-species of the genus Gallus native to South Asia; facing high risk of extinction in its native habitat. During cryopreservation, permeable cryoprotectants like glycerol are usually employed and we previously showed encouraging results with 20% glycerol. Because bird spermatozoa contain very little intracellular water, the possibility of replacing an internal cryoprotectant by an external one is opened. In the present study, we tested the replacement of internal cryoprotectant glycerol by the external cryoprotectant Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). PVP is a non-permeable cryoprotectant and keeps the sperm in glassy state both in cooling and warming stages without making ice crystallization within the sperm cell. We evaluated the effect of various levels of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) on Indian red jungle fowl semen quality and fertility outcomes. The qualifying semen ejaculates collected from eight mature cocks were pooled, divided into five aliquots, diluted (37 °C) with red fowl semen extender having PVP [0% (control) 4% (w/v), 6% (w/v), 8% (w/v) and 10% (w/v)]. Diluted semen was cryopreserved and stored in liquid nitrogen. The whole experiment was repeated/replicated for five times independently. Sperm motility, plasma membrane integrity, viability and acrosome integrity were recorded highest (P < 0.05) with 6% PVP at post-dilution, cooling, equilibration and freeze-thawing. Higher (P < 0.05) no. of fertile eggs, fertility, no. of hatched chicks, percent hatch and hatchability was recorded with 6% PVP compared to control. It is concluded that 6% PVP maintained better post-taw quality and fertility of Indian red jungle fowl spermatozoa than glycerol and can be used in routine practice avoiding the contraceptive effects of glycerol.  相似文献   

We present body mass (N = 419) and crown-rump length (CRL, N = 210) measurements from 38 male and 49 female mandrills born into a semifree-ranging colony in order to describe growth from birth to adulthood, and to investigate maternal influences upon growth. Adult male mandrills are 3.4 times the body mass, and 1.3 times the CRL, of adult females. Body mass dimorphism arises from a combination of sex differences in length of the growth period (females attain adult body mass at 7 years, males at 10 years) and growth rate. Both sexes undergo a subadult growth spurt in body mass, and this is much more dramatic in males (peak velocity 551 g/months +/- 89 SEM at 84-96 months). CRL dimorphism arises from bimaturism (females attain adult CRL at 6 years, males after 10 years), and neither sex shows a particular subadult growth spurt in CRL. Sexual size dimorphism thus represents important time and metabolic costs to males, who mature physically approximately 3-4 years after females. Considerable interindividual variation occurs in the size-for-age of both sexes, which is related to maternal variables. Older mothers have heavier offspring than do younger mothers, and higher-ranking mothers have heavier offspring than do lower ranking mothers. Mass advantages conferred upon offspring during lactation by older and higher-ranking mothers tend to persist postweaning in both sexes. Thus maternal factors affect reproductive success in both sexes, influencing the age at which offspring mature and begin their reproductive career.  相似文献   

The relationship between the growth spurt and the onset of sexual maturity is problematic in nonhuman primates. Growth data on the cranium and postcranium of dentally aged pygmy chimpanzees, common chimpanzees, and gorillas are reported here. In all three species, male means generally exceed female means throughout growth, with the exception that females exhibit a spurt during one dental-age stage when they become generally larger than the males. This female spurt occurs earlier in an absolute and relative sense in the gorillas than the chimpanzees. These growth data support field and laboratory observations suggesting that female gorillas become sexually mature earlier than do female chimpanzees. Gorillas are thus characterized by a greater degree of “sexual bimaturism” than are the chimpanzees. Implications of these differences in terms of size dimorphism, mating systems, and morphology are discussed.  相似文献   

Parameters of the chicken genome (Gallus gallus)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As more information on the chicken genome is gathered, it is becoming increasingly more important to be able to correlate genetic and physical maps. Quantitation of the chicken karyotype is important in establishing parameters which define the genome. Here we report on the physical lengths of the chicken macrochromosomes and establish the DNA content of each, thus identifying implicitly how much of the genome is represented by the microchromosomal component. For the first time, genetic and physical data on the chicken karyotype are presented in relation to one another.  相似文献   

We studied the cranial postnatal ontogeny of Otaria byronia in order to detect sexual dimorphism in allometric terms, analyzing the rate of growth of functional variables linked to specific capacities as bite and head movements. We used 20 linear measurements to estimate allometric growth applying bivariate and multivariate analyses in females and males separately. Males were also analyzed in two partitioned subsets considering non-adult and adult stages, when the dimorphism is accentuated in order to reach optimal performance for intra-sexual competition. In the comparison of the employed techniques, we detected an empirical relationship between our multivariate results and the ordinary least square bivariate analysis. The quantitative analyses revealed different ontogenetic trajectories between non-adult and adult males in most variables, suggesting that the adult skull is not a scaled version of subadult skull. For instance, variables related with longitudinal dimensions decreased their allometric coefficients when the adult stage was reached, whereas those related with breadth or vertical dimensions increased their values. In adult males this could indicate that skull breadth and height are more important than longitudinal growth, relative to overall skull size. Conversely, inter-sexual comparisons showed that females and non-adult males shared similar ontogenetic growth trends, including more allometric trends than did males along their own ontogenetic trajectory. In general, adult males exhibited higher allometric coefficients than non-adult males in variables associated with bite and sexual behavior, whereas in comparison to females the latter showed higher coefficients values in these variables. Such patterns indicate a complex mode of growth in males beyond the growth extension, and are in partial agreement with changes previously reported for this and other species in the family Otariidae.  相似文献   

This study examines the morphology of sporadic congenital microphthalmia in 1-day-old chicks, with particular emphasis on the neural retina. On the basis of the size of the eyeball it is possible to classify microphthalmia into two groups, severe and mild. In severe microphthalmia (less than 5 mm in equatorial diameter), the eyeball is severely malformed, but in most cases it shows evidence of an organized neural retina. Although ganglion cells and an optic nerve head are present in a small proportion of these retinae, we could not trace an optic nerve projection to the brain. These results indicate that some ganglion cells are able to be sustained after the period of naturally occurring cell death, suggesting either that those ganglion cells have established some contact with the central nervous system or that the presence of their axons in a rudimentary optic nerve is adequate for survival. In mild microphthalmia (greater than 5 mm in equatorial diameter), the most consistent abnormality is a defect in the pecten, which together with other abnormalities such as orbital cysts and colobomas indicates that the major abnormality occurs in the region of the choroid fissure. Associated with these defects are abnormalities within the ganglion cell layer. In some cases the number of ganglion cells was reduced, and in others the numbers of both ganglion and displaced amacrine cells were reduced. Unexpectedly, there were localized regions completely devoid of cells in the ganglion cell layer. The timing of the congenital defect may provide some clue as to the presence of a critical period in which displaced amacrine cells are formed or are sensitive to events related to ganglion cell loss.  相似文献   

Chickens are precocial birds, capable of moving independently from within a few hours of hatching, and thus provide a useful model to investigate the development of magnetoreception in young birds. Chicks show some sharply-timed behavioural changes at around 11 days of age that may be indicative of improvements in navigation ability around this age. We trained Young (<10 days, n = 7) and Old (11 days or older, n = 6) chicks to find a hidden imprinting stimulus behind one of four screens in a square arena. Once criterion was reached, the directional choices of chicks were recorded in unrewarded tests in the geomagnetic field and in an experimental field shifted by 90° clockwise. These tests were separated with rewarded training trials to avoid extinction. In the first, and the first 3 tests, no indication was found that chicks chose the correct unimodal magnetic direction. Instead, in all tests, Old chicks preferred the screens in the same magnetic axis as the training direction in tests in the geomagnetic and shifted experimental fields significantly more than Young chicks (P < 0.05). Choices of Young chicks were no different to chance in tests, whereas choices by Old chicks were significantly different from chance (P < 0.05). Our findings support the hypothesis that magnetoreception appears in the second week of life in the chicken. It is, however, unclear when a truly directional magnetic response (i.e. an unimodal, rather than axial, response in our test) develops that could be used by the chicks for accurate navigation.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of Bhutanese chickens needs to be understood in order to develop a suitable conservation strategy for these birds in Bhutan. In this, work, we used microsatellite markers to examine the genetic diversity of Bhutanese chickens. Four Bhutanese chicken varieties (Black plumage, Frizzle, Naked neck and Red Junglefowl-like, corresponding to Yuebjha Narp, Phulom, Khuilay and Seim, respectively), two subspecies of Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus gallus and Gallus gallus spadecieus), two varieties of Thai native chickens (Pradhu Hang Dam and Chee; Gallus gallus domesticus) representing the Southeast Asian domestic chicken, and two commercial lines (Broiler and Single Comb White Leghorn) were genotyped with 18 microsatellites that included 16 loci recommended by the FAO/ISAG for investigations of genetic variability in chickens. All loci were polymorphic, with the number of alleles ranging from six (MCW0111) to 23 (MCW0183). Substantial genetic variation was observed in all populations, with the Bhutanese native chicken Yuebjha Narp (Black plumage chicken) showing the lowest genetic variability. Despite extensive intrapopulation variation, the genetic differentiation among 10 populations was moderate. A neighbor-joining tree revealed the genetic relationships involved while principal component analysis showed that Bhutanese native chickens should be given priority in conservation efforts because of their genetic distinctiveness. Chee chickens are especially valuable as a reservoir of predomestic diversity, as indicated by their greater genetic variation and their position in the phylogenetic tree.  相似文献   

In a variety of circumstances animals can represent numerical values per se, although it is unclear how salient numbers are relative to non-numerical properties. The question is then: are numbers intrinsically distinguished or are they processed as a last resort only when no other properties differentiate stimuli? The last resort hypothesis is supported by findings pertaining to animal studies characterized by extensive training procedures. Animals may, nevertheless, spontaneously and routinely discriminate numerical attributes in their natural habitat, but data available on spontaneous numerical competence usually emerge from studies not disentangling numerical from quantitative cues. In the study being outlined here, we tested animals'' discrimination of a large number of elements utilizing a paradigm that did not require any training procedures. During rearing, newborn chicks were presented with two stimuli, each characterized by a different number of heterogeneous (for colour, size and shape) elements and food was found in proximity of one of the two stimuli. At testing 3 day-old chicks were presented with stimuli depicting novel elements (for colour, size and shape) representing either the numerosity associated or not associated with food. The chicks approached the number associated with food in the 5vs.10 and 10vs.20 comparisons both when quantitative cues were unavailable (stimuli were of random sizes) or being controlled. The findings emerging from the study support the hypothesis that numbers are salient information promptly processed even by very young animals.  相似文献   

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