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The authors constructed a recombinant green fluorescent protein (GFP) (PTS-GFP), which carries peroxisome targeting signal (PTS1 or PTS2) as an additional sequence, by polymerase chain reaction. The gene encoding for the recombinant GFP was constructed into an eukaryotic expression vector, and stable transformant of CHO cell expressing PTS-GFP was isolated, following the transfection of the plasmid encoding for the GFP. Each expressed PTS-GFP appeared to be localized in peroxisomes, because the GFP was observed in cellular structures, as was catalase. The observation proposed a visual screening procedure for isolating peroxisome-defective mutant. Following an enrichment of mutant cells by use of 9-(1′-pyrene)nonanol/ultraviolet irradiation (P9OH/UV) method, five peroxisome-defective mutants were isolated by pursuing the fluorescent signals from GFP. Two mutants (SK24 and SK32) were isolated from CHO cells expressing PTS1-GFP, and three mutants (PT13, PT32, and PT54) were isolated from cells expressing PTS2-GFP. Four mutants, except for PT13, showed cytosolic distributions of both PTS-GFP and catalase. On the other hand, mutant PT13 showed a cytosolic distribution on PTS2-GFP, but a peroxisomal distribution on catalase. Cell fusion analysis between SK24 mutant and other mutants indicated that PT54 mutant is in the same complementation group (CG) as SK24, but that SK32, PT13, and PT32 mutants are in different complementation group(s) from SK24.  相似文献   

The plant pathogen, Xanthomonas campestris NRRL B-1459 was chromosomally tagged with gfp, and the transformant, which was subjected to Southern hybridization showed the presence of gfp in the chromosome. The virulence-related gene of the transformant was not affected by the insertion of gfp. After inoculation into cabbage plants, the infection process was visually studied in planta. Using a fluorescence microscope, the migration and distribution of gfp-labelled bacteria was visualized in real time. As the gfp-labelled cells were easily visualized from the beginning of infection, we observed a time delay of 2 days between distribution of the Xanthomonas cells in cabbage plant and the appearance of visible necrosis.  相似文献   

This is the first report on using green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a pH reporter in plants. Proton fluxes and pH regulation play important roles in plant cellular activity and therefore, it would be extremely helpful to have a plant gene reporter system for rapid, non‐invasive visualization of intracellular pH changes. In order to develop such a system, we constructed three vectors for transient and stable transformation of plant cells with a pH‐sensitive derivative of green fluorescent protein. Using these vectors, transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana and tobacco plants were produced. Here the application of pH‐sensitive GFP technology in plants is described and, for the first time, the visualization of pH gradients between different developmental compartments in intact whole‐root tissues of A. thaliana is reported. The utility of pH‐sensitive GFP in revealing rapid, environmentally induced changes in cytoplasmic pH in roots is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

We investigated the ability of the N-terminal domain of InaK, an ice nucleation protein from Pseudomonas syringae KCTC1832, to act as an anchoring motif for the display of foreign proteins on the Escherichia coli cell surface. Total expression level and surface display efficiency of green fluorescent protein (GFP) was compared following their fusion with either the N-terminal domain of InaK (InaK-N), or with the known truncated InaK containing both N- and C-terminal domains (InaK-NC). We report that the InaK-N/GFP fusion protein showed a similar cell surface display efficiency ( approximately 50%) as InaK-NC/GFP, demonstrating that the InaK N-terminal region alone can direct translocation of foreign proteins to the cell surface and can be employed as a potential cell surface display motif. Moreover, InaK-N/GFP showed the highest levels of total expression and surface display based on unit cell density. InaK-N was also successful in directing cell surface display of organophosphorus hydrolase (OPH), confirming its ability to act as a display motif.  相似文献   

Ethyl 4-(4-hydroxyphenyl) methylidene- 2-methyl-5-oxoimidazolacetate (HBMIA) is a model chromophore of green fluorescent protein. The electronic structure of HBMIA in aqueous solution phase is studied using a hybrid method of quantum chemistry and statistical mechanics, RISM-SCF-SEDD. The solvatochromic shift is correctly reproduced by the present computations.  相似文献   

目的研究外源绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein,简称GFP)基因在BALB/c绿色荧光裸鼠主要器官组织中的表达及其差异。方法小动物成像系统和RT-PCR方法检测GFP的组织分布以及荧光表达水平情况。结果经活体荧光影像系统观察及PCR方法检测发现GFP可以在裸鼠多个器官组织中表达,其中在胰腺、心脏、全脑、皮肤、睾丸中表达量较高。结论外源绿色荧光蛋白可以在模型动物体内成功表达且稳定遗传,其中在胰腺组织中高表达。  相似文献   

To construct a recombinant strain of Listeria monocytogenes for the expression of heterologous genes, homologous recombination was utilized for insertional mutation, targeting its listeriolysin O gene (hly). The gene encoding green fluorescent protein (GFP) was used as the indicator of heterologous gene expression. The gene gfp was inserted into hly downstream from its promoter and signal sequence by an overlapping extension polymerase chain reaction, and was then cloned into the shuttle plasmid pKSV7 for allelic exchange with the L. monocytogenes chromosome. Homologous recombination was achieved by growing the electro-transformed L. monocytogenes cells on chloramphenicol plates at a non-permissive temperature. Sequencing analysis indicated correct insertion of the target gene in-frame with the signal sequence. The recombinant strain expressed GFP constitutively as revealed by fluorescence microscopy. The mutant strain L. monocytogenes hly-gfp lost its hemolytic activity as visualized on the blood agar or when analyzed with the culture supernatant samples. Such insertional mutation resulted in a reduced virulence of about 2 logs less than its parent strain L. monocytogenes 10403s as shown by the 50%-lethal-dose assays in the mouse and embryonated chicken egg models. These results thus demonstrate that mutated L. monocytogeues could be a potential carrier for the expression of heterologous passenger genes or could act as an indicator organism in the food industry.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is useful for studying protein trafficking in plant cells. This utility could potentially be extended to develop an efficient secretory reporter system or to enable on-line monitoring of secretory recombinant protein production in plant cell cultures. Toward this end, the aim of the present study was to: (1) demonstrate and characterize high levels of secretion of fluorescent GFP from transgenic plant cell culture; and (2) examine the utility of GFP fluorescence for monitoring secreted recombinant protein production. In this study we expressed in tobacco cell cultures a secretory GFP construct made by splicing an Arabidopsis basic chitinase signal sequence to GFP. Typical extracellular GFP accumulation was 12 mg/L after 10 to 12 days of culture. The secreted GFP is functional and it accounts for up to 55% of the total GFP expressed. Findings from culture treatments with brefeldin A suggest that GFP is secreted by the cultured tobacco cells via the classical endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi pathway. Over the course of flask cultures, medium fluorescence increased with the secreted GFP concentrations that were determined using either Western blot or enzyme-linked immunoassay. Real-time monitoring of secreted GFP in plant cell cultures by on-line fluorescence detection was verified in bioreactor cultures in which the on-line culture fluorescence signals showed a linear dependency on the secreted GFP concentrations.  相似文献   

To develop an efficient protocol for the transformation of the legume Astragalus sinicus (Chinese milk vetch), cotyledon segments were infected with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA105 harboring the binary vector pBINm-gfp5-ER which carries the gfp5 gene encoding green fluorescent protein and the kanamycin (Km) resistance gene nptII. The infected explants were cultured on shoot regeneration (SR) medium containing 1.0 mg l–1 -naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 1.0 mg l–1 thidiazuron (TDZ). Putative transformed shoots were selected on SR medium containing 75 g ml–1 Km, 200 g ml–1 Timentin, and transformation was monitored by observation of GFP expression under a dissecting fluorescence microscope with appropriate filters. The identification of GFP-expressing shoots or callus in combination with Km selection allowed the visual selection of growing transgenic cells and shoots with no escapes. Plants were regenerated from seven independent transgenic events and five plants have set seed. GFP expression segregated in the T1 seedlings of the two lines tested in a 3 – 1 ratio. In addition to the GFP expression of the transgenic plants, the transgenic nature of individual plants was confirmed by Southern and Western blot analyses.  相似文献   

Many marine organisms are luminescent. The proteins that produce the light include a primary light producer (aequorin or luciferase) and often a secondary photoprotein that red shifts the light for better penetration in the ocean. Green fluorescent protein is one such secondary protein. It is remarkable in that it autocatalyzes the formation of its own fluorophore and thus can be expressed in variety of organisms in its fluorescent form. The recent determination of its 3D structure and other physical characterizations are revealing its molecular mechanism of action  相似文献   

目前主要使用激光共聚焦扫描显微镜观察绿色荧光蛋白的表达,但需要昂贵的仪器并耗费大量时间。本研究开发了一种新型激光诱导的微流芯片检测系统来监测绿色荧光蛋白在枯草芽孢杆菌中的表达。该系统主要由激光装置、光路系统、微流控芯片、光电倍增管和计算机处理系统等5部分组成。对该系统的测试结果显示,随着诱导强度的增强监测信号峰也随之增强,并且与激光共聚焦显微镜观察的结果一致。利用该芯片系统能够快速准确地筛选和鉴定用绿色荧光蛋白作为标记的细胞克隆,可以替代PCR鉴定方法。但该系统仅仅能够监测表达强度,不能够满足蛋白定位等高水平研究,因此,该系统适合应用于环境的微生物监测、药物筛选和其他无需观察蛋白定位等研究。  相似文献   

For screening of a large number of samples for androgenic activity, a robust system with minimal handling is required. The coding sequence for human androgen receptor (AR) was inserted into expression plasmid YEpBUbi-FLAG1, resulting in the plasmid YEpBUbiFLAG-AR, and the estrogen response element (ERE) on the reporter vector YRpE2 was replaced by an androgen response element (ARE), resulting in the plasmid YRpE2-ARE. Thus, a fully functional transactivation assay system with beta-galactosidase as a reporter gene could be created. Furthermore, green fluorescent protein (GFP) was introduced as an alternative reporter gene that resulted in a simplification of the whole assay procedure. For evaluation of both reporter systems, seven steroidal compounds with known AR agonistic properties (5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone, testosterone, androstenedione, 17 alpha-methyltestosterone, progesterone, epitestosterone, and d-norgestrel) were tested, and their potencies obtained in the different assays were compared. Furthermore, potencies from the transactivation assays were compared with IC(50) values obtained in radioligand binding assays. The newly developed androgen receptor transactivation assay is a useful tool for characterizing compounds with androgenic activity.  相似文献   

The bacterial ice nucleation gene inaZ confers production of ice nuclei when transferred into transgenic plants. Conditioning of the transformed plant tissue at temperatures near 0°C greatly increased the ice nucleation activity in plants, and maximum ice nucleation activity was achieved only after low-temperature conditioning for about 48 h. Although the transgenic plants contain similar amounts of inaZ mRNA at both normal and low temperatures, low temperatures are required for accumulation of INAZ protein. We propose that the stability of the INAZ protein and thus ice nucleation activity in the transgenic plants is enhanced by low-temperature conditioning.  相似文献   

The use of Pichia pastoris for protein production was simplified by creation of fusion proteins containing green fluorescent protein (GFP) and the product of interest. Human interleukin-2 (hIL-2) was used as a model product: GFP enabled clear identification of fusion protein expression and, more importantly, the quantification of hIL-2. Although GFP fusions for bioprocess monitoring have been demonstrated in other hosts, this is its first use in P. pastoris.  相似文献   

In contrast to the well-characterized carboxyl domain, the amino terminal half of the mature cellular prion protein has no defined structure. Here, following fusion of mouse prion protein fragments to green fluorescence protein as a reporter of protein stability, we report extreme variability in fluorescence level that is dependent on the prion fragment expressed. In particular, exposure of the extreme amino terminus in the context of a truncated prion protein molecule led to rapid degradation, whereas the loss of only six amino terminal residues rescued high level fluorescence. Study of the precise endpoints and residue identity associated with high fluorescence suggested a domain within the amino terminal half of the molecule defined by a long-range intramolecular interaction between 23KKRPKP28 and 143DWED146 and dependent upon the anti-parallel beta-sheet ending at residue 169 and normally associated with the structurally defined carboxyl terminal domain. This previously unreported interaction may be significant for understanding prion bioactivity and for structural studies aimed at the complete prion structure.  相似文献   

* Green fluorescent protein (GFP) labeling of bacteria has been used to study their infection of and localization in plants, but strong autofluorescence from leaves and the relatively weak green fluorescence of GFP-labeled bacteria restrict its broader application to investigations of plant-bacterial interactions. * A stable and broad-host-range plasmid vector (pDSK-GFPuv) that strongly expresses GFPuv protein was constructed not only for in vivo monitoring of bacterial infection, localization, activity, and movement at the cellular level under fluorescence microscopy, but also for monitoring bacterial disease development at the whole-plant level under long-wavelength ultraviolet (UV) light. * The presence of pDSK-GFPuv did not have significant impact on the in vitro or in planta growth and virulence of phytobacteria. A good correlation between bacterial cell number and fluorescence intensity was observed, which allowed us to rapidly estimate the bacterial population in plant leaf tissue. We demonstrated that GFPuv-expressing bacteria can be used to screen plants that are compromised for nonhost disease resistance and Agrobacterium attachment. * The use of GFPuv-labeled bacteria has a wide range of applications in host-bacterial interaction studies and bacterial ecology-related research.  相似文献   

橙色荧光蛋白——绿色荧光蛋白GFPxm的改造   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
最近报道了从大型多管水母中分离出新的gfp基因。经大肠杆菌表达并纯化出的绿色荧光蛋白 (GFPxm)具有 4 76nm的激发峰和 4 96nm的发射峰 ,但是只能在低温下成熟的缺点限制了它的应用。这里进一步报道GFPxm的 12种突变型。在大肠杆菌中的表达结果表明 ,有 7种突变型在 37℃条件下产生高的荧光强度。在 2 5、32和 37℃条件下表达 6h ,GFPxm16、GFPxm18和GFPxm19的相对荧光强度均高于增强型绿色荧光蛋白 (EGFP) ,而GFPxm16和GFPxm16 3在 4 2℃高温表达时仍能保持高的荧光强度。这 7种突变型中的 4种在哺乳动物细胞中已获得良好表达。此外 ,有 6种突变型的荧光光谱红移 ,目前所达到的最长激发峰为 5 14nm、最长发射峰为 5 2 5nm。另外有 3种突变型具有包括紫外在内的两个激发峰 ,1种突变型只有单一的紫外激发峰。首次报道具有橙色荧光的突变型OFPxm ,它的激发峰为 5 0 9nm、发射峰为 5 2 3nm。 5 2 3nm属于黄绿色 ,但肉眼看到的蛋白为橙色。OFPxm在高温下可得到高水平表达且很好地成熟 ,但是因为低的量子产率而荧光强度相对较低。  相似文献   

The dark side of green fluorescent protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Here, severe interference of chlorophyll with green fluorescent protein (GFP) fluorescence is described for medicago (Medicago truncatula), rice (Oryza sativa) and arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). This interference disrupts the proportional relationship between GFP content and fluorescence that is intrinsic to its use as a quantitative reporter. The involvement of chlorophyll in the loss of GFP fluorescence with leaf age was shown in vivo, by the removal of chlorophyll through etiolation or by ethanol extraction, and in vitro, by titration of a GFP solution with chlorophyll solutions of various concentrations. A substantial decrease in fluorescence in early development of medicago and rice leaves correlated with chlorophyll accumulation. In all three species tested, removal of chlorophyll yielded up to a 10-fold increase in fluorescence. Loss of GFP fluorescence in vitro was 4-fold greater for chlorophyll b than for chlorophyll a. Differences exist between plant species for the discrepancy between apparent GFP fluorescence and its actual level in green tissues. Substantial errors in estimating promoter activity from GFP fluorescence can occur if pigment interference is not considered.  相似文献   

The fungus Clonostachys rosea (syn. Gliocladium roseum) is a potential biocontrol agent. It can suppress the sporulation of the plant pathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea and kill pathogenic nematodes, but the process of nematode pathogenesis is poorly understood. To help understand the underlying mechanism, we constructed recombinant strains containing a plasmid with both the enhanced green fluorescent protein gene egfp and the hygromycin resistance gene hph. Expression of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) was monitored using fluorescence microscopy. Our observations reveal that the pathogenesis started from the adherence of conidia to nematode cuticle for germination, followed by the penetration of germ tubes into the nematode body and subsequent death and degradation of the nematodes. These are the first findings on the infection process of the fungal pathogen marked with GFP, and the developed method can become an important tool for studying the molecular mechanisms of nematode infection by C. rosea. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Lin Zhang and Jinkui Yang contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

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