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Kinectin is a kinesin-binding protein (Toyoshima et al., 1992) that is required for kinesin-based motility (Kumar et al., 1995). A kinectin cDNA clone containing a 4.7-kilobase insert was isolated from an embryonic chick brain cDNA library by immunoscreening with a panel of monoclonal antibodies. The cDNA contained an open reading frame of 1364 amino acids encoding a protein of 156 kDa. A bacterially expressed product of the full length cDNA bound purified kinesin. Transient expression in CV-1 cells gave an endoplasmic reticulum distribution that depended upon the N-terminal domain. Analysis of the predicted amino acid sequence indicated a highly hydrophobic near N-terminal stretch of 28 amino acids and a large portion (326-1248) of predicted alpha helical coiled coils. The 30-kDa fragment containing the N-terminal hydrophobic region was produced by cell-free in vitro translation and found to assemble with canine pancreas rough microsomes. Cleavage of the N terminus was not observed confirming its role as a potential transmembrane domain. Thus, the kinectin cDNA encodes a cytoplasmic-oriented integral membrane protein that binds kinesin and is likely to be a coiled-coil dimer.  相似文献   

The unfolded protein response (UPR) is an adaptive cellular response that aims to relieve endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress via several mechanisms, including inhibition of protein synthesis and enhancement of protein folding and degradation. There is a controversy over the effect of the UPR on ER protein export. While some investigators suggested that ER export is inhibited during ER stress, others suggested the opposite. In this article, their conflicting studies are analyzed and compared in attempt to solve this controversy. The UPR appears indeed to enhance ER export, possibly via multiple mechanisms. However, another factor, which is the integrity of the folding machinery/environment inside ER, determines whether ER export will appear increased or decreased during experimentation. Also, different methods of stress induction appear to have different effects on ER export. Thus, improvement of ER export may represent a new mechanism by which the UPR alleviates ER stress. This may help researchers to understand how the UPR works inside cells and how to manipulate it to alter cell fate during stress, either to promote cell survival or death. This may open up new approaches for the treatment of ER stress-related diseases.  相似文献   

M J Smith  G L Koch 《The EMBO journal》1989,8(12):3581-3586
The complete amino acid sequence of CRP55, the major 55 kd calcium binding protein of the ER lumen, was deduced from the murine cDNA nucleotide sequence. This was completed using a novel application of PCR amplification. The mature 399 residue protein encoded is preceded by a 17 amino acid leader sequence and ends in the ER signal sequence, KDEL. The protein contains no calcium binding motifs of the EF hand type or of the form seen in calelectrin-related proteins. The major region of potential low affinity calcium binding sites is a polyacidic stretch towards the C terminus. The primary structure of the protein is markedly zonal. The N-terminal region, of approximately neutral net charge and hydrophobicity, is followed by a central proline-rich zone with repeat sequences separated from the polyacidic C-terminal stretch by a short hydrophobic sequence. The general shape suggested is a globular domain attached to an extended tail. Immunofluorescence studies show that the protein is present in skeletal muscle and indicate that it is a sarcoplasmic reticulum protein. We propose that the protein be named calreticulin to reflect its calcium binding activity and location in the ER and SR.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) adapts to stress by activating a signalling cascade known as the ER stress response. While ER stress signalling is a central component of the cellular defence against environmental insult, persistent activation is thought to contribute to the progression of various metabolic complications via loss of protein function and cell death. Despite its importance however, whether and how ER stress impacts morbidity and mortality in conditions of hypermetabolism remain unclear. In this study, we discovered that chronic ER stress response plays a role in mediating adverse outcomes that occur after major trauma. Using a murine model of thermal injury, we show that induction of ER stress with Tunicamycin not only increased mortality but also resulted in hepatic damage and hepatic steatosis. Importantly, post‐burn treatment with chaperone ER stress inhibitors attenuated hepatic ER stress and improved organ function following injury. Our study identifies ER stress as a potential hub of the signalling network affecting multiple aspects of metabolism after major trauma and as a novel potential molecular target to improve the clinical outcomes of severely burned patients.  相似文献   

The accumulation of misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) causes ER stress that initiates the unfolded protein response (UPR). UPR activates both adaptive and apoptotic pathways, which contribute differently to disease pathogenesis. To further understand the functional mechanisms of UPR, we identified 12 commonly UPR-upregulated genes by expression microarray analysis. Here, we describe characterization of Armet/MANF, one of the 12 genes whose function was not clear. We demonstrated that the Armet/MANF protein was upregulated by various forms of ER stress in several cell lines as well as by cerebral ischemia of rat. Armet/MANF was localized in the ER and Golgi and was also a secreted protein. Silencing Armet/MANF by siRNA oligos in HeLa cells rendered cells more susceptible to ER stress-induced death, but surprisingly increased cell proliferation and reduced cell size. Overexpression of Armet/MANF inhibited cell proliferation and improved cell viability under glucose-free conditions and tunicamycin treatment. Based on its inhibitory properties for both proliferation and cell death we have demonstrated, Armet is, thus, a novel secreted mediator of the adaptive pathway of UPR.  相似文献   

RhoG is a member of the Rho family of GTPases that activates Rac1 and Cdc42 through a microtubule-dependent pathway. To gain understanding of RhoG downstream signaling, we performed a yeast two-hybrid screen from which we identified kinectin, a 156-kDa protein that binds in vitro to conventional kinesin and enhances microtubule-dependent kinesin ATPase activity. We show that RhoG(GTP) specifically interacts with the central domain of kinectin, which also contains a RhoA binding domain in its C terminus. Interaction was confirmed by coprecipitation of kinectin with active RhoG(G12V) in COS-7 cells. RhoG, kinectin, and kinesin colocalize in REF-52 and COS-7 cells, mainly in the endoplasmic reticulum but also in lysosomes. Kinectin distribution in REF-52 cells is modulated according to endogenous RhoG activity. In addition, by using injection of anti-kinectin antibodies that challenge RhoG-kinectin interaction or by blocking anti-kinesin antibodies, we show that RhoG morphogenic activity relies on kinectin interaction and kinesin activity. Finally, kinectin overexpression elicits Rac1- and Cdc42-dependent cytoskeletal effects and switches cells to a RhoA phenotype when RhoG activity is inhibited or microtubules are disrupted. The functional links among RhoG, kinectin, and kinesin are further supported by time-lapse videomicroscopy of COS-7 cells, which showed that the microtubule-dependent lysosomal transport is facilitated by RhoG activation or kinectin overexpression and is severely stemmed upon RhoG inhibition. These data establish that kinectin is a key mediator of microtubule-dependent RhoG activity and suggest that kinectin also mediates RhoG- and RhoA-dependent antagonistic pathways.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, membrane and soluble proteins of the secretory pathway enter the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) after synthesis in an unfolded state. Directly after entry, most proteins are modified with glycans at suitable glycosylation sites and start to fold. A protein that cannot fold properly will be degraded in a process called ER associated degradation (ERAD). Failures in ERAD, either by loss of function or by premature degradation of proteins, are a cause of severe diseases. Therefore, the search for novel ERAD components to gain better insight in this process is of high importance. Carbohydrate trimming is a relevant process in ER quality control. In this work a novel putative yeast mannosidase encoded by the open reading frame YLR057W was identified and named Mnl2. Deletion of MNL2 diminished the degradation efficiency of misfolded CPY* in the absence of the cognate mannosidase Mnl1, indicating a specific role in ERAD.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of RTP, an ER stress-responsive cytoplasmic protein   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
RTP, also called Drg1/Cap43/rit42/TDD5/Ndr1, was originally identified as a homocysteine-responsive gene product, and is now considered to be involved in stress responses, atherosclerosis, carcinogenesis, differentiation, androgen responses, hypoxia, and N-myc pathways. We raised an antiserum against a recombinant human RTP. Western blot analysis showed that RTP expression was induced in human umbilical vein endothelial cells under conditions causing endoplasmic reticulum stress. RTP was partially phosphorylated at seven or more sites. The phosphorylation was reversible, and was enhanced by an increased level of intracellular cAMP and inhibited by both a protein kinase A inhibitor and a calmodulin kinase inhibitor. Protein kinase A directly phosphorylated recombinant RTP in vitro. The phosphorylated forms were abundant in cells at the early log phase, and then decreased with increasing cell density. These data demonstrated that RTP is a phosphorylated stress-responsive protein, and its phosphorylation may be related to cell growth.  相似文献   

Genome sequence comparisons have highlighted many novel gene families that are conserved across animal phyla but whose biological function is unknown. Here, we functionally characterize a member of one such family, the macoilins. Macoilins are characterized by several highly conserved predicted transmembrane domains towards the N-terminus and by coiled-coil regions C-terminally. They are found throughout Eumetazoa but not in other organisms. Mutants for the single Caenorhabditis elegans macoilin, maco-1, exhibit a constellation of behavioral phenotypes, including defects in aggregation, O2 responses, and swimming. MACO-1 protein is expressed broadly and specifically in the nervous system and localizes to the rough endoplasmic reticulum; it is excluded from dendrites and axons. Apart from subtle synapse defects, nervous system development appears wild-type in maco-1 mutants. However, maco-1 animals are resistant to the cholinesterase inhibitor aldicarb and sensitive to levamisole, suggesting pre-synaptic defects. Using in vivo imaging, we show that macoilin is required to evoke Ca2+ transients, at least in some neurons: in maco-1 mutants the O2-sensing neuron PQR is unable to generate a Ca2+ response to a rise in O2. By genetically disrupting neurotransmission, we show that pre-synaptic input is not necessary for PQR to respond to O2, indicating that the response is mediated by cell-intrinsic sensory transduction and amplification. Disrupting the sodium leak channels NCA-1/NCA-2, or the N-,P/Q,R-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, also fails to disrupt Ca2+ responses in the PQR cell body to O2 stimuli. By contrast, mutations in egl-19, which encodes the only Caenorhabditis elegans L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channel α1 subunit, recapitulate the Ca2+ response defect we see in maco-1 mutants, although we do not see defects in localization of EGL-19. Together, our data suggest that macoilin acts in the ER to regulate assembly or traffic of ion channels or ion channel regulators.  相似文献   

The eosinophil major basic protein (EMBP), a constituent of the eosinophil secondary granule, is implicated in cytotoxicity and mediation of allergic disorders such as asthma. It is a member of the C-type lectin family, but lacks a Ca(2+)- and carbohydrate-binding site as seen in other members of this family. Here, we report the crystal structure of EMBP in complex with a heparin disaccharide and in the absence of Ca(2+), the first such report of any C-lectin with this sugar. We also provide direct evidence of binding of EMBP to heparin and heparin disaccharide by surface plasmon resonance. We propose that the sugars recognized by EMBP are likely to be proteoglycans such as heparin, leading to new interpretations for EMBP function.  相似文献   

A variety of mutant polypeptides that are associated with human disease are targeted for degradation by an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) quality control system. In addition, physiological signals and viral gene products can target the degradation of several ER resident proteins and secreted proteins passing through the ER. Although the mechanism of protein quality control and the site of degradation were obscure, recent data indicate that degradation requires the cytosolic proteasome. Biochemical and genetic analyses have indicated that both lumenal and integral membrane proteins are selected for proteolysis and exported to the cytosol by a process that in several cases requires ER associated molecular chaperones.  相似文献   

SP 28-36, a major protein of pulmonary surfactant, has striking amino acid sequence homology with soluble mannose-binding proteins isolated from rat liver and contains residues common to the carbohydrate-binding domains of other mammalian lectins. We have used carbohydrate-affinity chromatography to investigate carbohydrate-binding properties of SP 28-36 isolated from canine and human (alveolar proteinosis patients) lung lavage. SP 28-36 binds to immobilized D-mannose, L-fucose, D-galactose, and D-glucose. The protein binds only weakly to N-acetyl-D-galactosamine and N acetyl-D-glucosamine. Binding is Ca2+-dependent. The threshold Ca2+ concentration is 0.6 mM and maximal binding occurs with 1 mM Ca2+. Bound protein is quantitatively recovered by elution with 2 mM EDTA. Ba2+, Sr2+, and Mn2+, but not Mg2+, can substitute for Ca2+. Unlike some other mammalian lectins, SP 28-36 binds to carbohydrate at pH 5.0. Recombinant human SP 28-36 isolated from the media of Chinese hamster ovary cells, transfected with a DNA construct encoding SP 28-36, has similar carbohydrate-binding activity to the native proteins. Mannose affinity chromatography of the culture medium of Chinese hamster ovary cells results in an efficient purification of the secreted recombinant human SP 28-36.  相似文献   

Diverse higher plant species synthesize low molecular weight (LMW) heat shock proteins (HSPs) which localize to chloroplasts. These proteins are homologous to LMW HSPs found in the cytoplasm of all eukaryotes, a class of HSPs whose molecular mode of action is not understood. To obtain basic information concerning the role of chloroplast HSPs, we examined the accumulation, stability, tissue specificity, and intra-chloroplast localization of HSP21, the major LMW chloroplast HSP in pea. Intact pea plants were subjected to heat stress conditions which would be encountered in the natural environment and HSP21 mRNA and protein levels were measured in leaves and roots. HSP21 was not detected in leaves or roots before stress, but the mature, 21-kD protein accumulated in direct proportion to temperature and HSP21 mRNA levels in both tissues. All of the HSP21 in leaves was localized to chloroplasts; there was no evidence for its transport into other organelles. In chloroplast fractionation experiments, greater than 80% of HSP21 was recovered in the soluble chloroplast protein fraction. The half-life of HSP21 at control temperatures was 52 +/- 12 h, suggesting the protein's function is critical during recovery as well as during stress. We hypothesize that HSP21 functions in a catalytic fashion in both photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic plastids.  相似文献   

ER signaling in unfolded protein response   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Kaneko M  Nomura Y 《Life sciences》2003,74(2-3):199-205
Abnormally folded proteins are susceptible to aggregation and accumulation in cells, ultimately leading to cell death. To protect cells against such dangers, expression of various genes including molecular chaperones can be induced and ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD) activated in response to the accumulation of unfolded protein in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). This is known as the unfolded protein response (UPR). ERAD requires retrograde transport of unfolded proteins from the ER back to the cytosol via the translocon for degradation by the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Hrd1p is a UPR-induced ER membrane protein that acts as a ubiquitin ligase (E3) in the ERAD system. Hrd3p interacts with and stabilizes Hrd1p. We have isolated and identified human homologs (HRD1 and SEL1/HRD3) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hrd1p and Hrd3p. Human HRD1 and SEL1 were up-regulated in response to ER stress and overexpression of human IRE1 and ATF6, which are ER stress-sensor molecules in the ER. HEK293T cells overexpressing HRD1 showed resistance to ER stress-induced cell death. These results suggest that HRD1 and SEL1 are up-regulated by the UPR and contribute to protection against the ER stress-induced cell death by degrading unfolded proteins accumulated in the ER.  相似文献   

Selenoprotein K (SelK), an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) resident protein, its biological function has been less-well studied. To investigate the role of SelK in the ER stress response, effects of SelK gene silence and ER stress agents on expression of SelK and cell apoptosis in HepG2 cells were studied. The results showed that SelK was regulated by ER stress agents, Tunicamycin (Tm) and β-Mercaptoethanol (β-ME), in HepG2 cells. Moreover, the SelK gene silence by RNA interference could significantly aggravate HepG2 cell death and apoptosis induced by the ER stress agents. These results suggest that SelK is an ER stress-regulated protein and plays an important role in protecting HepG2 cells from ER stress agent-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

NADPH oxidases (Nox) are major enzymatic producer of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In fungi these multi‐enzyme complexes are involved in sexual differentiation and pathogenicity. However, in contrast to mammalian systems, the composition and recruitment of the fungal Nox complexes are unresolved. Here we introduce a new Nox component, the membrane protein NoxD in the grey mold fungus Botrytis cinerea. It has high homology to the ER protein Pro41 from Sordaria macrospora, similar functions to the catalytic Nox subunit BcNoxA in differentiation and pathogenicity, and shows similarities to phagocytic p22phox. BcNoxA and BcNoxD interact with each other. Both proteins are involved in pathogenicity, fusion of conidial anastomosis tubes (CAT) and formation of sclerotia and conidia. These data support our earlier view based on localization studies, for an ER‐related function of the Nox complex. We present the first evidence that some functions of the BcNoxA complex are indeed linked to the ER, while others clearly require export from the ER.  相似文献   

Q Wang  A Chang 《The EMBO journal》1999,18(21):5972-5982
PMA1 is an essential gene encoding the yeast plasma membrane [H(+)]ATPase. A pma1-D378N mutant has a dominant-negative effect on cell growth because both newly synthesized mutant and wild-type Pma1 molecules are retained and degraded in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Like other substrates for ER-associated degradation, Pma1-D378N is stabilized in mutants defective in components of the ubiquitination machinery. A genetic selection was performed for eps (ER-retained pma1 suppressing) mutants in which the growth defect caused by the D378N allele is suppressed. In an eps1 mutant, both mutant and wild-type Pma1 molecules are allowed to travel to the plasma membrane; however, normal retention of resident ER proteins Shr3 and Kar2 is not perturbed. Eps1 is a novel membrane protein belonging to the protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) family, and Eps1 co-localizes with Pma1-D378N in the ER. In the absence of Pma1-D378N, ER export of wild-type Pma1 is not affected by eps1 deletion, but export of the plasma membrane protein Gas1 is delayed. Because Eps1 is required for retention and degradation of Pma1-D378N, we propose a model in which Eps1 acts as a novel membrane-bound chaperone in ER quality control.  相似文献   

VIGG is a putative endoplasmic reticulum (ER) resident protein induced by virus infection and ER stress, and is correlated with fruit quality in grapevine. The present study was undertaken to determine the biological function of VIGG in grapevine. Experiments using fluorescent protein-VIGG fusion protein demonstrated that VIGG is localized in ER and the ER targeting sequence is in the N-terminus. The overexpression of VIGG in Arabidopsis plant led to growth retardation. The rosette leaves of VIGG-overexpressing plants were smaller than those of the control plants and rolled at 42 days after seeding. VIGG-overexpressing plants revealed robustness to ER stress as well as the low expression of ER stress marker proteins, such as the luminal binding proteins. These characteristics of VIGG-overexpressing plants were supported by a microarray experiment that demonstrated the disruption of genes related to ER stress response and flowering, as well as cation mobility, in the plants. Finally, cation homeostasis in the plants was disturbed by the overexpression of VIGG. Taken together, these results suggest that VIGG may disturb cation homeostasis in plant, which is correlated with the robustness to ER stress and growth retardation.  相似文献   

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